Shih Tzu - description and breed standards, characteristics and history, keeping at home

Color is a canine term that refers to the color of a dog's coat. It is one of the most important traits when breeding dogs. The standard of any breed establishes acceptable and unacceptable colors. Dogs can surprise you with their colors. Each breed of dog has its own color and pattern, therefore, trying to find a puppy with an uncharacteristic color for a given breed is a pointless exercise.

The name “Shih Tzu” means little lion, but there is nothing ferocious about this dog breed. The breed was bred solely to be companions. Shih Tzus are affectionate, sociable family dogs that love nothing more than to follow their owners from room to room. Since ancient times, they have made themselves comfortable on the laps of all walks of life, even emperors! They make excellent pets that get along well with other animals and children.

  1. Country of Origin : China
  2. Height at withers : male: 20 – 28 cm, female: 20 – 28 cm
  3. Weight : female: 4 – 7.2 kg, male: 4 – 7.2 kg
  4. Lifespan : 10-16 years
  5. Use : companion dog

Shih Tzu - Buddha's favorite dog

In the early 20th century, the imperial families of China competed to breed these dogs, which is why many different colors of Shih Tzus can be seen today. It is believed that this breed was the favorite of the Buddha. According to one legend, she accompanied the founder of Buddhism on his travels to all parts of the world. A miniature dog could, if necessary, turn into a huge lion, on which Buddha rode.

History of origin

Lion dogs have been around for thousands of years. Mention of the breed is contained in Tibetan manuscripts, where it is described as a small domestic dog with a lush, long coat. Despite its miniature size, the pet has the heart of a lion. Having sensitive, subtle hearing, the Shih Tzu was the first to sense danger and warn the large guard dogs about it. The first owners of the pet were emperors, who kept a decorative dog in their palaces. For many centuries, ordinary people were prohibited from owning a Shih Tzu.

The care and breeding of the animal was carried out by eunuchs in closed rooms of Chinese palaces. The selection of the best individuals at that time was carried out according to the drawings that the ruler liked more than others. Golden-colored dogs were valued more than others, since this is the color of Chinese emperors. In addition, animals with a white spot on the upper part of the muzzle (it was believed that this was the sign of Buddha) and a light tip of the tail were valued.

Since the breed was an integral part of the imperial palace, it was carefully protected, which is why the Buddha dog was imported to Europe only in the 20s of the last century. Among the first Western breeders was Mr. Coffman, a high-ranking Norwegian official. He was able to purchase a puppy after arriving in China for his intended purpose. The breed was registered in Europe only a few years later, when it was called “apso”. In the 30s, dogs that were very different in appearance were registered under this name, so it became necessary to name the breed differently.

The first official Shih Tzu club was founded in England in 1935, and the standard was developed in 1948. The breed gained maximum popularity in England and the Scandinavian countries, and Princess Margaret and the Duchess of Yorkshire were among the ardent admirers of miniature dogs with luxurious fur. Today the population of Buddha's dog is very large: in Australia, America, Japan, and England its number reaches tens of thousands.

A little about the history of the breed

The Shih Tzu dog breed has an interesting history, which is still completely unknown. Scientists and historians have put forward a hypothesis that the Shih Tzu breed originates in Tibet. Manuscripts and engravings from the 15th and 16th centuries depict small dogs that look very similar to her. A wonderful legend told by Buddhists says that Buddha was accompanied on all his travels by a small creature - a dog, which, in case of danger, turned into a lion and protected the traveler.

Buddhists believed that that dog was of the Shih Tzu breed, for this reason it was given all kinds of honors. There is also another unconfirmed hypothesis about the European origin of this breed, which states that it came to Tibet from Byzantium. Modern breeders testify that it appeared as a result of crossing other breeds, for example, the Pekingese with the Tibetan Mountain Dog. It is difficult to judge how reliable this statement is, especially if you take into account that the DNA of this animal differs quite a bit from the DNA of a wild wolf. This means that there was no trace of any selection.

The most reliable facts about the existence of the Shih Tzu breed appeared in the mid-17th century. It was during that period that the Tibetan Dalai Lama gave the Chinese emperor several dogs of this breed. The Chinese ruler loved them so much that they began to be considered a symbol of power. They were given great honors; each dog had its own servants. Exporting this animal outside of China was strictly punishable.

In the first half of the 20th century, these small creatures appeared in Europe. There are several opinions on how exactly they got there. Some say that the Shih Tzu dog was given as a gift to the Norwegian ambassador, while others claim that this breed was simply brought by ship to the UK in order to make money.

Breed characteristics

Any description of a Chinese decorative dog includes qualities such as cleanliness and a sharp mind. Shih Tzus have gained popularity not only due to their beautiful appearance, but also because of their compact size: these creatures can even fit in a handbag. The chrysanthemum dog gets along well with all family members, including children. It is ideal for keeping in an apartment; the dog does not need serious physical activity, and the Shih Tzu can relieve itself in the tray if necessary.

However, you cannot completely deprive your dog of walks in the fresh air: to maintain a good mood, the animal needs to be taken outside 1-2 times a week, where outdoor games can be played with it. Pets are not at all noisy, unlike other small breeds, and they bark only in puppyhood. Adult dogs are silent, playful and very devoted to their owners. Shih Tzus are easy to train, have a calm disposition and are excellent home guardians.

Left without an owner for a long time, the chrysanthemum dog becomes very bored because it suffers loneliness. At home, the pet follows its owner everywhere, without boring him with his presence. Representatives of this breed are hardy, reliable companions. Buddha's dogs get along well in families, because they are loving and know how to share their affection with all the inhabitants of the home, without choosing one owner. Such gullibility, sociability and kindness do not allow the Shih Tzu to play the role of a guard.

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Exterior of a lap dog

According to modern standards, the height of the breed at the withers should be no more than 27 cm, and the weight of an adult varies between 4.5 and 8.1 kg (on average up to 7.5 kg). The animal's fur is dense, straight and long, similar in structure to human hair. The undercoat of the Chinese dog is not fluffy, and the main coat does not restrict movement. An important parameter of the breed is the length of the body, which exceeds the height of the animal at the withers.

Breed standard

This is an energetic, lively little dog with a beautiful, elegant appearance. The Shih Tzu has a short muzzle and straight, long, thick hair. The breed is compared to a chrysanthemum flower due to the hair growing upward and to the sides on the bridge of the nose. The Buddha dog standard includes the following parameters:

  1. Head. Relatively large, voluminous, but not heavy. In females and males, the coarseness and volume of the head are somewhat different. The line of the animal's forehead is not very wide, the head is rounded, and has smoothed edges. The chewing muscles and cheekbones are well developed, but do not stand out on the face. The transition between the forehead and muzzle is sharply defined, while the bangs pinned at the top should emphasize it without exacerbating it. When viewed from above, the nose is in line with the lower eyelids.
  2. Teeth. The bite is straight, the teeth are set evenly and tightly to each other.
  3. Nose. It has a proportional size and wide nostrils. The back of the olfactory organ is free from folds. The pet's breathing is even, deep, and without snoring. In dogs that are pure brown or interspersed with patches of color, the nose has a liver color. In dogs of blue or gray color, the lobe may be richly gray, but this type of pigmentation is not welcome.
  4. Eyes. Not convex, have an expressive rounded shape. The color of the irises is dark brown, but lighter pigmentation may occur in gray, brown and blue dogs. The eyelids fit tightly to the eyes and are colored to match the nose.
  5. Ears. Set above the eyes, but below the crown, large and decorated with thick long hair.
  6. Body. The withers are moderately pronounced, the back is straight, the chest line is slightly lowered in comparison with the elbows, the neck is of medium length with an expressive bend.
  7. Limbs. Round, strong, relatively wide. The dog's shoulders are inclined towards the body, the forearms are as vertical as possible. The hind legs have balanced angulations and the thighs are muscular. The hands are well chosen, the fingers are compressed, the claws are arched, the pads are strong and convex.
  8. Tail. Due to the set and long, abundant hair, the tip of the tail is level with the top of the head, giving the dog a proportional appearance. The tail is carried over the back.

Coat type and color

The Shih Tzu breed has thick, long, coarse hair that falls over the face, as a result of which the animal develops a mustache and beard. The beautiful silky flowing wool is similar to human hair. It grows very quickly, so the pet needs regular haircuts. In everyday life, bangs are pinned up, and beautiful hairstyles are formed from them for exhibitions. To prevent the animal from getting disturbed by its fur and not getting tangled in its own bangs, it needs systematic care, including weekly combing. Shih Tzus have the following colors:

  • cream;
  • golden;
  • ginger;
  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • light (pure white color is rare).


Dark masks on the faces of lightly colored dogs are a real decoration of the breed. The gene that provokes the appearance of the mask is dominant and exists in all generic branches of the breed. Even where exclusively light yellow or white-red individuals are bred.

More often it happens like this: genetically the dog should have a mask, but this does not appear visually. There is only a stylish dark edging of the muzzle. This is the “remnant” of the mask in gold .

The dog of Chinese emperors - character and temperament

Descriptions of the breed's character necessarily contain information about the mannerisms and majestic features of the dogs. Shih Tzus are distrustful of strangers, expressing some arrogance and pride towards them. However, the first impression when meeting a chrysanthemum dog is deceiving. The pet can hardly tolerate being ignored, but will not impose its presence on the owner, understanding that he is busy and cannot spare time at the moment.

If you can draw conclusions about the noble origin of a dog by looking at it, then the high intelligence of the pet is revealed during its maintenance. Representatives of the breed have a very docile character, so their upbringing and training is very easy. Many people are interested in the answer to the question “how long do Shih Tzus live?” This breed of dog is one of the long-livers, whose life expectancy, with proper care, reaches 19 years or more.

The chrysanthemum dog gets along well with all family members, without choosing one owner. However, such naivety in the dog’s character does not allow him to become a security guard or protector of the home. Another disadvantage of the breed is the difficulty in communicating with small children: the imperial dog will not tolerate childish teasing or neglect for long. For children of conscious age, the Shih Tzu will become a faithful and devoted friend, a cheerful companion in games.

Training and education

A dog with an “imperial pedigree” needs competent education and training. If the learning process is taught as a game, the lessons will be learned easily and quickly.

If your pet is not properly cared for, it will grow up wayward and uncontrollable. Manifestations of bad manners include loud and irrepressible barking, grabbing the legs of household members with your teeth, growling and howling when no one is home.

The training techniques are based on the recognition that the Shih Tzu is not a guard dog, but a companion that helps a person.

The owner needs to prove his leadership from the very first days, without raising his voice, not getting irritated, and being fair. It is necessary not to break the puppy’s psyche, but to use its best qualities. A proud dog will do everything in its power to justify the trust placed in it. There is no need to humiliate her by shouting.

Mandatory training goals:

  • instill the concept of your place;
  • teach understanding of the commands “Come to me”, “Sit”, “No”, “Place”, “Near”, “Lie down”;
  • accustom him to walking on a leash (and without it) on the street.

Shih Tzus are very sensitive to the intonation of a person's voice. They have excellent memory. The main educational technique is encouragement combined with calm severity and self-confidence.

Care and maintenance

The pet cannot be called too demanding to care for. Despite the fact that the chrysanthemum dog is active and mobile, it does not need frequent long walks: indoor games are enough for it. However, the Shih Tzu needs to be bathed and brushed regularly, otherwise the coat will lose its silkiness and beauty. If the owner’s plans do not include participation in exhibitions, the dog can be cut, then care will be even simpler. A Chinese dog definitely needs to have its ears and eyes cleaned and its claws trimmed, and procedures should begin from puppyhood so that the pet gets used to them.

How to care for eye folds

Owners of this breed should examine their pet's eyes daily. This procedure does not take much time, but will protect the animal from many problems associated with eye diseases. Any change associated with the organ of vision should be noticed as early as possible in order to take prompt measures to eliminate the problem. You should definitely contact a veterinarian if you notice increased lacrimation, scratches on the cornea, purulent discharge, etc. Once a week, experts advise putting special drops in your dog’s eyes.

Caring for your pet's ears and teeth

At least once every 2 weeks, your pet’s ears should be treated with a solution of boric acid. Before this, long hairs are removed from the ear canal using tweezers. You can also wipe your ears with hydrogen peroxide (10%), moistening a cotton pad with it. After the procedure, the ear should be stretched from the base so that excess liquid flows out more easily. In addition, you can clean the hearing organ with a special gel or chlorhexidine.

Shih Tzus often develop tartar, which causes bad breath. To prevent the problem, you should regularly give the animal solid food - crackers, apples. Some breeders advise offering your pet tomatoes or tomato juice 1-2 times a week (the products contain acid, which prevents stone formation). In addition, it is important to brush your teeth weekly with a special toothpaste. The animal is also periodically taken to a doctor, who removes the stone with a scaler.

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Grooming and trimming

Luxurious long fur is the pride of the Shih Tzu. Dogs that take part in competitions and exhibitions are not cut, but only have their overgrown fur trimmed slightly. If your dog does not compete for prizes and loves active games, it is better to think about a stylish haircut. Common options are:

  1. "Like a puppy." This option greatly simplifies daily care: there is no need to carefully comb the dog and deal with tangles. The fur is shortened throughout the body to 2.5-5 cm using scissors or a special machine. The ears and muzzle are cut short. With this hairstyle, Shih Tzus can withstand hot summer weather much more comfortably.
  2. "Teddy bear". This haircut makes the dog very cute, while the hair is left a little longer than in the previous version. On the face and ears, the fur coat is only slightly shortened, and then the pet is decorated with elastic bands. The tail is shaped as desired.
  3. Exhibition standard. The fur is trimmed a little, leaving luxurious long hair on the animal’s body. On the pet's head, the hair is collected in a pigtail or ponytail.

Grooming includes cutting hair, eye care, brushing teeth, shortening nails and keeping the animal clean. This is important not only for the aesthetically attractive appearance of the pet, but also for the physical and psycho-emotional health of Shih Tzu, which by nature are clean people and have an extremely negative reaction to the accumulation of dirt on the body. The pet happily agrees to all grooming procedures if you accustom him to them not as an adult, but as a puppy.

Bathing and grooming

For Shih Tzu with long hair, frequent brushing is necessary, ideally once every 2-3 days. When your pet sheds, you will have to brush it daily, since at this time the fur becomes tangled and tangled especially quickly. This breed requires special combs - a massage brush and a metal comb with long teeth. They begin to comb the dog from the hind legs, separating one strand at a time. They move first from bottom to top, and then in the opposite direction. It will be more convenient if the pet lies on its side.

The tangles must be untangled by hand, then run through the wool with a comb. In the same way as the hind legs, comb the belly and forelimbs, paying special attention to the axillary area. After this, the dog is placed on its feet, the fur on the back is divided into two parts using a straight parting and combed from top to bottom. It is important to comb the fur behind the ears well, as tangles often occur in this area. At the same time, hair that is located above the cavity on the nose should be combed upward, and hair that is lower should be combed downward.

Bath the dog as it gets dirty, but at least once every 2 months. A dirty fur coat not only spoils the appearance of your pet, but also complicates his life. Be sure to comb your dog before washing. It is better to carry out bathing procedures in a bathtub, covering the bottom with a special mat so that the dog’s paws do not move apart. A water temperature of 39 degrees will be comfortable for your pet. The shampoo should not overdry the fur coat, so it is better to choose moisturizers. It is very important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining cosmetics: clean wool should squeak in your hands.

For an uncut Shih Tzu, you need a conditioner, which will make the combing process much easier. It is better if the cosmetic product contains coconut oil or mink oil. It is important to distribute it throughout the pet’s body, and not just on the top. After bathing, the dog is not dried, but blotted with a towel, lightly squeezing the fur. Afterwards, wrap the dog in a dry towel for a few minutes and start drying the coat with a hairdryer while brushing it.

How to choose a puppy

The Shih Tzu has become such a popular breed that literally every second owner of these dogs decides to get puppies. Because of this, a lot of inexpensive dogs appeared, but did not meet the standard.

If you want to buy a healthy and purebred baby, then you need to do this from experienced and well-known breeders with a good reputation. They will help you choose a puppy, advise you on nutrition, training, maintenance and care. You should be able to choose your own puppy from the litter. Look for a cheerful and curious baby who shows no signs of fear.

Be sure to check the puppy's age. A pet-class baby can be taken from the breeder two and a half months after birth. If you buy a show-class dog, then this should be done only after six months. It is by this age that the dog will show possible breed defects, if any.

Proper nutrition for your Shih Tzu

Until the age of three months, the pet is fed milk porridge (oatmeal or buckwheat), passing raw cereals through a coffee grinder. You can feed the puppy with homemade cottage cheese (add 1 tablespoon of calcium chloride to half a liter of boiled milk). Older dogs are given natural foods, including:

  • boiled meat, sea fish fillet;
  • raw or boiled vegetables, fruits;
  • grated carrots;
  • natural juices;
  • broth with chopped lean meat;
  • porridge steamed with boiling water (you can add a little butter);
  • cottage cheese, cheese, a little sour cream;
  • boiled egg (up to 3 times a week);
  • offal;
  • dairy products (kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk).

Shih Tzu puppies under six months of age should not eat too hard food, as their bite may be affected. At one year, the pet is transferred to an adult diet and a larger amount of food, while the animal is fed twice a day (morning and evening). The diet should contain foods both prepared and raw. According to the standard scheme, an adult dog should eat a dish consisting of equal parts of cereals, vegetables and meat/offal.

Ready-made foods are also allowed for Buddha dogs, but it is better to choose them after consulting with a veterinarian. Not recommended and prohibited food for the breed is the following:

  • any fruit that is too juicy (can stimulate diarrhea);
  • spices;
  • raw pork;
  • river, trash fish, shellfish;
  • potatoes (a little at a time and only raw);
  • flour products (with the exception of a small amount of rye crackers);
  • smoked meats;
  • sugar;
  • garlic, onion;
  • legumes;
  • soy;
  • pearl barley, corn, barley, wheat cereals;
  • grapes, citrus fruits, raisins;
  • pasta.

Ideal diet

Any dog, even one of such small stature and weight, is a carnivorous creature. Therefore, the basis of his diet should be meat, but it must be supplemented with fiber, cereals, vitamins and minerals.

If your dog eats natural products, then he must be given:

  1. Meat – lean, scalded or lightly fried. For a puppy, the daily requirement is calculated based on the norm: 50 grams of meat per 1 kg of puppy weight. Adult dogs are given 200-250 grams per day. By-products are very useful for this mini dog, but offer them to your pet only well-cooked. It is prohibited to give bones to this breed.
  2. Dairy products – it’s good to add cottage cheese to your diet as a source of calcium. Milk can give an adult dog an upset stomach, but fermented milk products are ideal for the diet.
  3. Eggs are very useful during the period of weight gain; they are well absorbed only when boiled, but when raw they are practically useless.
  4. Cereals – raw Hercules, soaked, for example, in kefir or broth, is suitable for the diet. It is good to cook porridge from rice or millet. Give buckwheat with caution, as it can cause allergies.
  5. Vegetables – suitable in raw, grated form, as an excellent vitamin supplement.
  6. Fruits, dried fruits and cheese are the best treats when training and raising a puppy.

If you don’t want to cook for your dog yourself, then you can go the simpler route and feed it special dry food. This food already includes all the useful additives, and the portion can be calculated based on the recommendations on the package regarding the dog’s weight. The product, developed specifically for this mini dog breed, includes components that make the animal's coat shiny, thick and neat in appearance.

Health and hereditary diseases

Veterinarians doubt the breed's tendency to allergies: different sources provide conflicting information. However, it is best not to provoke allergic reactions in your pet. The most common hereditary diseases in the breed are:

  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • cataract;
  • urolithiasis water (the dog should be given exclusively clean water);
  • kidney pathologies;
  • intervertebral disc diseases;
  • tracheal collapse;
  • growth of additional eyelashes;
  • chronic heart defects.

The most common diseases

It happens that dogs have congenital or acquired diseases. You need to know how they can manifest themselves, when and what to do with them. Talk about it further:

  1. One of the main problems of small dogs, and Shih Tzus in particular, is lacrimation (when the eyes run heavily). You can fight this disease only by wiping your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in either a chamomile solution or boiled water.
  2. Keep an eye on your pet's teeth. Very often periodontitis can develop. To avoid this disease, you need to teach your dog to brush its teeth from puppyhood.
  3. Keep an eye on your ears as well. It is necessary to examine the ears, as well as perform filtering. Raise and lower your ears.
  4. Eye loss. A very dangerous disease that, if complicated, can lead to complete blindness of the puppy. It occurs in the event of a strong blow or after birth, the puppy’s eye orbits are underdeveloped.

Attention! Eye loss can develop in the breed in the following cases:

  • Dust exposure.
  • If your pet arrives for a long time in the heat (under the scorching sun).
  • The eye may swell and this problem may develop if the body has recently experienced an allergy to something.

You will immediately recognize the signs of this disease. The eye begins to pop out of its socket. The white of the eye turns red. You may notice that your pet is constantly bothered by itching. What to do if you realize that your eye is falling out? There is only one answer: go to the vet immediately. At the time of preparation, wet the bandage, but only a sterile one, and place it over the eye. But we don’t press.

Where to buy a Shih Tzu in Moscow

Today, there are more and more breeders offering dwarf Shih Tzus, but this is a marketing ploy that is designed for the ignorance of the buyer. Miniature animals are the result of a genetic malfunction and have a short lifespan. To choose a healthy puppy, visit a Shih Tzu kennel and meet the dog's parents to understand what to expect from their offspring. More than 80 nurseries across the country in different cities are engaged in breeding the breed. You can find the breed in the capital by visiting such of them as:

  • "Happy Gremlin";
  • "Mary Shad";
  • "Only Mi's"
  • "Ailei"

How much do puppies cost?

You can buy a pet secondhand by paying 8-10 thousand rubles. Such a baby is unlikely to please with good breed characteristics, but the dog will suit people who are not interested in show competitions. You can buy a Shih Tzu puppy from a kennel for 15 thousand rubles, where you will be given the appropriate documents, but such a dog will not meet the requirements of exhibitions. Competition specimens with a pure pedigree are valued much more: prices range from $450 to $2,000.

Pros and cons of the breed

The pros and cons of the Shih Tzu dog are obvious. Among the advantages are high intelligence, as well as learning ability and undemandingness in special physical activity. This dog is very clean, so you won’t have any problems keeping it in an apartment. The pet's character is flexible and good-natured. These dogs do not grow very actively, so you can buy clothes for him or sew them by hand (you will use them for quite a long time).

As for the shortcomings of the breed, these include the dog’s inability to protect home and family. You will also spend a lot of effort monitoring the health of your four-legged friend. We should not forget that loneliness is a real tragedy for such mini-dogs, unlike other decorative breeds. Otherwise, there are no shortcomings: such a pet, when it grows up, will only decorate your life.

Owner reviews


Our Martin came to us at the age of almost 4 months, he adopted it spontaneously, the previous dog was big, he died for a year, he survived for a year, then he adopted Shit Tsu, he is very cheerful, active, and pretty, I have been cutting my hair lately myself, since it is expensive, but I have another problem, this is the toilet, he is now 1 year and 4 years old and started walking him from the age of 7 months he wore a diaper at home with varying degrees of success and still makes puddles in the apartment when walking 3 times a day and for the most part too, but the worst thing is that he pees on the bed, now our beds are covered with film, but this does not stop him from continuing to do this. I don’t know how to cope with this and I was busy and bought all kinds of sprinklers for a day or two and again it’s all over again, well, what should I do? I’m in despair, some kind of defective or something, and we love him and caress him and play, and there are such troubles, but I took him on emotions because his name is like the previous favorite and my birthday is so sad... Now ask me, I won’t recommend this breed.


Our Justin unconditionally obeys only me. For him, his husband is a good friend with whom he can comfortably lie on the couch. As soon as he picks up the leash while walking, Justin will magically have bananas appear in his ears, despite the fact that I am walking next to him. This impudent person simply demonstratively stops hearing any commands. When I need to leave, he lies down by the door, feigning hopeless melancholy, and no amount of persuasion and commands from my husband will make him budge.

Contrary to popular belief that Shih Tzus do not shed, I have to disappoint everyone who is planning to get this dog: they also shed! Our Justin, if he is not brushed daily, is capable of cleaning all the furniture and floors. Only a slicker can save you.

If a Shih Tzu participates in exhibitions, caring for a long coat is quite troublesome. You need to buy a lot of all kinds of dog cosmetics for grooming, tie a ponytail on your head - a topknot, curl curlers. We don't go to exhibitions, so we keep Justin's hair short. Sometimes in extreme heat we may shave our heads. But the hair on the face still gets dirty when eating. Therefore, after each feeding we wash our handsome little one.

Shih Tzu ears are something... When our dog was still a puppy, we forgot that we needed to pluck the hair out of them, and gave the poor thing otitis media. His ears turned red inside, and he constantly shook his head. Now we are carefully monitoring the condition of our ears so that this does not happen again.


My children gave me my dog ​​Lyalya for my birthday. A very calm and affectionate girl. I can no longer imagine how I lived without her. There is only one habit I can’t wean her from: sleeping on my bed. She knows that she can’t go there, but she waits for me to fall asleep at night and will definitely lie down next to me. It gets crowded, and sometimes I wake up. But this is not such a drawback that cannot be accepted.

I brush my pet every day. Two or three times a year we go to the groomer and get a haircut. When walking in wet weather, we wear overalls so that the wool doesn’t get so dirty. Of course, when she sheds, you need to brush longer and preferably more often. I bathe her every two weeks and there is no smell.


This is truly a true friend for our entire family. When we decided to get a Shih Tzu, I was very worried whether we could handle it. We've never had a dog before, plus a small child. It turned out that all my fears were in vain. Bonya is tactful and understanding, she doesn’t bark in vain, and she behaves very carefully with the child. Constantly stays next to him. It feels like I now have two children. Because you have to take care of her no less than you have to take care of your son.

In general, I cut Bonya's hair. In my opinion, she feels quite comfortable with this. And there is no dog smell from the Shih Tzu, even if they get wet in the rain. I have been convinced of this more than once.

You have to take very careful care of your eyes. This is a feature of the breed. Our friend's dog, also a Shih Tzu, has eyes that fall out when he is very frightened. Bonnie has never had anything like this. I don't know what I would do in this case. But we take care of the eyes: we wash them, clean the corners, and trim around them.


My wife has long dreamed of having a small dog. But we didn’t dare because she is allergic. And suddenly we read that Shih Tzu fur does not cause allergies. After much doubt, we finally decided, and I gave her Maksik and now I don’t regret it one bit. He greets me very happily in the evening from work, as if we haven’t seen each other for a year. But allergies don't really show up. Max has been living with us for a year and a half.

Our robber loves to play pranks and frolic. Here he and his son are partners. Otherwise, he is a very devoted dog to the whole family. Even if he seems to be fast asleep, as soon as the owner takes a couple of steps around the room, he immediately jumps up and runs after him. Knows basic commands and obeys them obediently. We are involved in education from a very early age.

I would like to warn everyone who has decided to get a Shih Tzu: combing, cutting, and knitting ponytails will take a lot of time. But for those who love their dog, it will be a pleasure. How nice it is to then walk around the city with a well-groomed pet that everyone pays attention to!


Our 13-year-old daughter always dreamed of a dog. But a pet needs to be walked and looked after, so we couldn’t afford to have a pet. One day, a friend advised me to buy a lap dog of the Shih Tzu breed, which could stay at home all day and at the same time be very smart and calm. We barely bought a puppy of this breed in our small town. And in fact it turned out that he is very unpretentious. I got used to my place and toilet very quickly.

The pet is active, but at the same time does not require constant walks, it has good health and non-allergenic coat. That is, our daughter practically does not let the dog out of her hands, but she does not have any allergic reactions, although our child is allergic. The only disadvantage of the breed is the special care for the coat, which needs to be carefully combed constantly.


For my birthday, my friends gave me a cute Shih Tzu dog. She turned out to be cheerful, kind and very affectionate. The big plus was that the breeder had already toilet trained the dog, and all I had to do was buy diapers. Thanks to his lively and cheerful character, all my relatives love the pet. He willingly plays tag with the kids, or throws a ball. But you must take your dog outside only on a leash or in a harness. She is so loving that she can easily go off with a stranger. If you have a small apartment, don’t hesitate to choose a Shih Tzu pet.


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