Cat food Brit Care Cat Missy Sterilized Chicken & Rice

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Main characteristics
Feed class:Super premium
  • Dry food Brit Kare 1 kg - from 360 rubles;
  • Dry food Brit Care 3 kg - from 1000 rubles;
  • Dry food Brit Care 10 kg - from 3700 rub.


Cat food (Brit Kea) is represented by the following lines:


Crazy. This dry food for babies contains a high percentage of chicken meat - 38% (both fresh and dried); salmon oil (source of omega-3 and omega-6), prebiotics. Excellent composition for a growing body!

Lucky. Food for adult cats, capable of providing a living creature with the necessary minimum of nutrients. The list of ingredients is quite interesting, but if you look at it, some of the components have an imaginary advantage. For example, taurine and arginine - amino acids - are already found in meat. And psyllium, as a source of fiber, stimulates the movement of feces, not allowing them to linger in the intestines, but even without it, fiber is present in the food.

Tobby. Quite a high-calorie (390 kcal per 100 g) and fatty (17%) food for adult cats. The grains in it are replaced with yellow peas and potatoes (they do not provide any particular benefit and are added for volume, but this kind of food can be eaten by allergy sufferers). Chondroprotectors - chondroitin and glucosamine - protect cat joints from damage. This food is recommended for active cats that move around a lot, as Tobby can cause significant weight gain.

Angel. This type of food is designed for cats over 7 years old. The lumps are porous and are easy for older animals to chew, and the load on the teeth is minimal. The percentage of fat in the feed is low - only 12%, which means that the load on the gastrointestinal tract is low and the risk of disease is low. The percentage of minerals is also small (due to which the risk of developing urolithiasis is reduced). There is a lot of fiber: with increased sensitivity of the intestines, a cat may develop mucus and even blood in the stool.

Cocco. For a picky animal with a delicate stomach, Cocco food, prepared according to a special, grain-free recipe, is suitable. The main emphasis is on protein - duck and salmon meat. They are easily digestible and help provide your pet with all the essential amino acids. The pleasant aroma of fish increases the cat's appetite, and potatoes add nutritional value to the food. But if your cat is allergic to bird protein, you will have to choose something else.

Monty. This food is ideal for cats with long hair and heavy shedding. The sources of plant fiber contained in the composition break up hairballs and remove it from the stomach. The calorie content is low - 380 kcal per 100 grams - which means that your cat is not in danger of becoming obese.

Cheeky. Judging by reviews, this food is best suited for cats that spend a lot of time outside. Firstly, the food contains chondroprotectors, and secondly, sodium hexametaphosphate cleanses teeth of tartar and relieves inflammation in the dental cavity. But it is extremely high in calories: 100 g of pads contain as much as 420 kcal! Plus there is a lot of fat, so it is better not to feed lazy and inactive animals with this food.

Lilly. It was developed for animals with particularly sensitive digestion. It is not hypoallergenic (although the manufacturer claims the opposite), but it is valuable in composition: it contains lamb, salmon and chicken protein, as well as milk thistle. It helps the liver cope with stress.

Sunny. The manufacturer assures that this food improves the condition of the animal’s skin and coat. But, if you look in more detail, such a statement is doubtful. The main ingredient is salmon meal, and fish is indeed a source of acids and tocopherols, but the food does not contain fish fillet, but fish meal. What is hidden under this - whether it is only meat, or scales, bones, and other useless waste - we do not know.

Daisy. Distinctive feature: minimum fat (10%) and large amount of protein (40%). Thanks to this composition, the cat will not store fat, but will build muscle.

Missy. Veterinarians recommend this food for sterilized cats: it is not fatty (only 12%), it contains additional fiber (psyllium). From the “pros”: the food prevents the formation of kidney stones, from the “cons” - there is so little phosphorus and calcium that this threatens a deficiency of both. If your cat eats this food, get the appropriate tests every 3-4 months.


Brit Care Cat Kitten. Half of this food is meat, the rest is rice, cheese, water and others.

Brit Care Cat. This line includes both wet canned food and so-called pouches (food in small bags, which costs more than both dry and wet food in cans).

The composition is the same as the food described above, but there is modified starch. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of this: this is not GMO and not a dangerous additive, but just an additive for thickness.

Brit care brand food is well digestible, hypoallergenic and brings a lot of benefits to the animal: strengthens the immune system, makes teeth stronger and the coat thicker, and prevents the development of certain diseases. But there are no dyes, flavors or synthetic preservatives in the food!

Manufacturer information

The company that produces Brit dog food is called VAFO PRAHA sro, registered in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1994 and currently employs more than 350 employees. Today, exports are carried out to more than seven dozen countries, the list includes countries of different continents, including North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia, and the islands of Oceania.

The price of Brit dog food reflects the philosophy of VAFO PRAHA sro: it strives to create economical products that will meet all ISO 9001 and HACCP standards. The manufacturer respects the well-being of four-legged friends, so the food is not tested on laboratory animals even at the development stage. When making food for dogs, the Czech company uses exclusively natural ingredients (but, as analysis of the composition shows, they cannot always be called high-quality), avoids GMOs and the use of soy.


The food contains:

  • dehydrated turkey and chicken meat;
  • rice bran;
  • rice;
  • chicken fat;
  • dried apples;
  • beet pulp;
  • plantain;
  • sea ​​buckthorn pear-shaped;
  • salmon oil;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • prebiotics.

Most of the feed is protein, i.e. meat - 55%. There are 2 types of fat: salmon oil and chicken fat. They are indispensable for the cat’s body, as they saturate the body with important acids. At the same time, they are quickly absorbed. The source of carbohydrates is not grain crops, but potatoes. This is a “plus” of the food, since potatoes have a low glycemic index, and they cleanse the intestines well (due to starch).

The subtle aroma of mint stimulates the cat's appetite, sodium phosphate prevents tartar from sticking to the teeth, sea buckthorn is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent.

To prevent overeating, be sure to read the instructions on the package. An animal weighing no more than 5 kg and not sterilized should receive approximately 200 g of feed per day. If the animal is castrated, the portion can be increased to 250 g. A special calculation of the portion is also required if the cat is pregnant, or weakened, or old.

Recommendations for feeding your pet

To maintain the well-being and physical health of your four-legged friend, you need to know how to feed him and what is the dosage of food. That is why Brit has a special feeding table (it is on the food package), which takes into account the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. This approach to nutrition allows you to maintain the dog’s immunity and stabilize the activity of its metabolic system.

For puppies and teenage dogs up to one year old, the daily food intake of Puppy and Junior types is 50-336 grams. The requirements for how much food to give to adult dogs are not much different. 13-110 grams are for small breed dogs, 110-350 grams for medium-sized dogs, the feeding rate for large breeds is 223-358 grams, and 335-607 grams for giant breeds. Sick animals or dogs that are underweight can be given a little more food.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • It contains natural ingredients, beneficial vitamins, minerals, and natural preservatives.
  • If you compare Brit Care food with other foods of the same class, you will notice a significant difference in price: Brit Care is much more affordable and is sold in almost all pet stores.
  • The assortment is large: there is food for both adults (healthy, weakened, with health problems) and for kittens, both dry food and wet pates.
  • The composition is balanced, thanks to which the animals become stronger and look more attractive.
  • Some types contain corn flour, and this is a rather difficult product for cat digestion, often causing allergies.
  • The brewer's yeast contained in the composition makes cats' fur strong and shiny, but can also cause allergies.
  • The phrase “dehydrated chicken” can include not only chicken meat, but also offal.
  • The food granules are quite large, and not every cat will have “teeth.”

You can buy Brit care food both in a pet store and online. Food for sterilized cats is slightly cheaper than for regular cats: approximately 260 rubles per 400 grams.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: American Shorthair, Siberian, LaPerm.

Brit Care Cat Missy: Supplements for Neutered Cats

We also found L-carnitine in Brit Kea for neutered cats - it is believed to enhance metabolism and promote slimness. Since cats often gain weight after castration and sterilization, the presence of this ingredient here can rather be considered a plus.

Also, if you look at the analysis of the diet, you can see that the share of total fat here is relatively low and amounts to only 12% - this is also a positive factor for cats after surgery.

The presence of another additive in the food - sea buckthorn extract - the manufacturer explains by its ability to support the health of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole. Of course, this is a useful ingredient, but we doubt that such a small amount of the plant in dry food will be enough for these purposes.

The label details all the vitamins and mineral compounds that balance the food, so it’s quite easy to get an idea of ​​this diet. Despite the presence of a fairly large volume of animal protein, individual amino acids are added to the feed - taurine, DL-methionine, arginine.

Types of wet food

This kind of food is most often produced in special packaging called pouches (from the English pouch - bag). You can also purchase wet food in portioned cans. All of them are divided into different categories based on quality. Based on this feature, cat food comes in the following varieties (classes):

  • economy - the most common and affordable food, which, however, experts do not recommend using for feeding a pet, since they are cheap, and, therefore, low-quality raw materials are used in their production (at the same time, huge amounts of money are spent on advertising);
  • premium - food, in the production of which more natural raw materials are used; the developers make the composition quite balanced (however, the information on the packaging is not always clear and correct);
  • super premium - high quality, natural raw materials are used in production, the necessary vitamins and minerals are added, the content of BJU is well balanced (manufacturers often produce various lines intended, for example, for sterilized cats and neutered cats, especially for long-haired animals, and there are also medicinal foods );
  • holistic - food of the highest quality, which, as a rule, has an ideally balanced and high-quality composition, and often has medicinal lines.

It is worth noting that price is not always an indicator of quality. A very expensive package of food may not contain even a third of the nutrients a cat needs. Division into categories implies the quality of a product produced using a certain technology using a certain quality of raw materials.

According to their intended purpose, wet food is divided into products intended for constant nutrition (containing all the necessary substances and useful additives), and treats (insufficiently balanced nutrition, which, however, is made as attractive as possible for cats). The latter can be used to pamper your pet, help him survive stress, and persuade him to take medicine. It is not worth feeding your cat this type of food all the time.

In addition, medicinal feeds that are used in nutrition during certain periods (during illness, after surgical interventions) can be divided into a separate category.

In addition, wet foods have different consistencies. It can be a stew, pate, pieces in sauce and other forms.

How to choose food

Natural food is considered the best food for a pet, but it is not always possible to match the percentage balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to the natural needs of the cat’s body. In such a situation, the animal should be fed with industrial feed with a dietary composition as close as possible to natural food.

Currently, there is a wide variety of diets on the market, both domestic and imported, and for a beginner it will be a problem to choose quality food for your pet.

To choose the right food, it is important to navigate your pet’s taste preferences, the presence of allergic reactions or diseases, and physiological needs. You must first obtain advice from a veterinarian in selecting food for your pet.

Which cat food to choose?

When switching from eating natural products to industrial food, remember that the cat must consume a lot of clean water. Also, the transition should be carried out smoothly; gradual introduction of small portions of dry food will not lead to digestive tract upset. To begin with, you can use soft food in pouches or canned food. The ideal combination is dry and wet, feeding recommended by most experts.

When choosing food, pay attention to the composition and the place that meat occupies - it should come first

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