Brit Care dog food

Brit food line

The company's specialists from the Czech Republic tried to take into account the needs of all dogs when producing their food, creating products for the smallest pets, young and old, dividing the food by size and breed. A separate line has been created designed for dogs prone to allergic reactions and having pathologies.

For puppies

Brit Care "Mini Grain Free Puppy"

The grain-free diet from Brit is intended for mini breed babies aged 2 to 10 months and lactating bitches. Miniature breeds are more susceptible than others to the negative influence of the external environment. The food includes:

For adult and senior dogs

All Brit products for adult animals are divided depending on the weight of the animal and are divided into 4 categories. The menu for older dogs is separated into a separate category; the manufacturer recommends transferring animals over 7 years of age to this category.

Brit Premium by Nature Adult S (adult dogs of small breeds)

The updated, more natural composition of Brit Premium includes: 50% meat, natural chondroitins - to protect joints, collagen for tendons and ligaments, blueberries, a natural preservative.

Brit Care “Sensitive” (with venison and potatoes)

The Brit Kea diet is designed for adult dogs of all sizes. Suitable for older animals that need nutritional adjustments due to gastrointestinal problems. The main component of animal origin is venison, and the vegetable component is potatoes. Suitable for animals with allergies to grains and animal proteins.

Feed overview

It is impossible to talk about all Brit brand products within the framework of this article, so we will concentrate on Brit Care brand products.

Types and types of feed

You can purchase food for the following ages of dogs:

  • puppies;
  • teenagers;
  • adults;
  • elderly.

Recipes for feed mixtures have been developed for animals of the following sizes:

  • small;
  • average;
  • large;
  • gigantic.

They produce granules for energetic animals and pets living in high-rise apartments. The Brit Care line of food is in demand among Russian dog breeders; in English it sounds like “Brit Care”. You can purchase food in the following flavors:

  1. Young lamb with rice.
  2. Salmon with potatoes.
  3. Rabbit with rice for dogs prone to obesity.
  4. Duck with rice - for energetic pets.
  5. Salmon with herring to improve appearance and receive awards at expert exhibitions.
  6. Venison with potatoes is intended for pets with sensitive digestion.

The following types of food for healthy dogs are in demand on the Russian market:

  • Puppy - for babies of all breeds;
  • Adult - for adults;
  • Endurance - for energetic dogs;
  • Senior - elderly;
  • Junior large breed - for puppies and teenagers of large breeds;
  • Adult large breed - for giants.

The veterinary line is represented by the following foods:

  1. Sensitive - for pets with sensitive digestion.
  2. Janite is a hypoallergenic food for giants.
  3. Weight loss for weight loss.
  4. Joint & Mobility - musculoskeletal pathologies.
  5. For dogs suffering from chronic diseases - gastrointestinal, hepatic, diabetes, renal, struvite.

Feed composition

Analysis using Brit Care Sensitive as an example.

The cost of packaging 3 kg is 1390 rubles.


The main goal of manufacturers is to make the food hypoallergenic and digestible. Therefore, we developed a monoprotein feed mixture in which the only source of animal protein is venison. The meat is considered hypoallergenic because no growth stimulants or protein additives that increase weight gain were used in the deer’s diet.

Second place goes to potatoes, which contain slow starch that does not cause fermentation in the intestines. There is little protein in the root vegetable, but its amino acid composition is optimal. High Quality. The food does not contain cereal grains, and therefore gluten, to which hypersensitive animals develop allergies.

Dried apple contains pectins, the so-called soluble fiber or dietary fiber. They cleanse the intestines of toxic deposits and remove them from the body. The combined use of chicken and fish oil creates an optimal ratio of important biologically active components - Omega 3;6 fatty acids.

Brewer's yeast is rich in B vitamins; its walls contain polysaccharides that are accessible only to the enzymes of lactic acid bacteria of the large intestine. Such properties are called prebiotic. The feed mixture included mannan-oligosaccharides, inulin, and fructo-oligosaccharides. They nourish beneficial microflora, which covers the intestinal mucosa with a multi-level layer and does not allow putrefactive bacteria to attach.

The feed mixture contains flavorings, which ones are not reported. Perhaps we are talking about rosemary, cloves, and citrus, which also have antioxidant properties. Phytocomponents sanitize the mouth and prevent the formation of urinary stones. Crustacean shells and cartilage extract are chondroprotectors. They help restore the cartilaginous surfaces of articular joints and prevent the development of arthritis in large or elderly dogs.

Yucca Schidigera is a deodorant that converts foul-smelling ammonia compounds into non-odorous compounds. The smell of your pet's feces is greatly reduced. Milk thistle or milk thistle is a powerful hepatoprotector that helps remove toxic metabolites from the liver.

The feed mixture included a complex of microelements and vitamins - metabolic catalysts. The food mixture contains a moderate amount of proteins, fats and calories, therefore, it is intended for pets leading a calm, measured life. The relatively high fiber content stimulates intestinal motility and keeps your dog feeling full.

In terms of the composition of components and concentration of nutrients, Brit Care Sensitive food corresponds to the class of holistic food.

The comparative nutritional characteristics of individual Brit care products are shown in the table:

Indicators, %Stern
PuppyAdult Large BreedWeight lossEnduranceSensitive
Animal feedLamb meat – 45Salmon – 44Rabbit - 36Duck - 46Venison - 36
Plant foodRice – 30Potatoes – 34Rice – 35Rice – 30Potatoes – 35
Energy nutritional value, Mcal in kg3,893,703,204,203,60

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities of Brit Care feed:

  1. No protein supplements of plant origin - only animal ingredients.
  2. The line is dominated by grain-free and low-grain foods with a low glycemic coefficient, which has a positive effect on digestion.
  3. A wide range, there is food for puppies, adults, the elderly, as well as veterinary food. You can choose not only dry granules, but also wet canned food.
  4. Moderate price - 1390 rub./3 kg. Farmina food of similar quality costs 2,220 rubles, Eukanuba and Monge, at the same price, are inferior in quality; they use cereal grains, as well as vegetable protein supplements.
  5. Availability - food is widely available and is supplied to pet stores without interruption.

Picky dog ​​breeders complain about the opacity of the composition. The manufacturer does not provide as much detail as we would like about the quality of the meat products from which the food is made. I don't like the fishy smell from the pellets. Feces smell unpleasant.

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Daily norm

The packaging provides information about the approximate daily feed requirement. The table shows the average data for Brit care Sensitive granulated food, which can be adjusted under different conditions of detention, individual and breed characteristics of the animal.

Live weight, kgDaily serving size, g
5 — 1080+10 g per kg
10 — 15130+9 g per kg
15 — 20175+9 g per kg
20 — 30220+8 g per kg
30 — 50300+7 g per kg
50 — 70440+6g per kg
>70560+5g per kg

In cold weather, increase the portion for dogs living outside, and reduce it in hot weather. Soaking the granules is allowed, however, if the dog has not finished the food, throw it away.

Reviews from veterinarians

I recommend Brit Premium food to my patients. The entire line contains a high content of animal protein, much more than premium analogues, which meets the carnivorous needs of dogs. The composition is not very diverse, but the product line is wide - you can choose it for an animal with almost any problem and age. Added prebiotics and fiber, chondroitin and glucosamine.

What really captivates me about Brit products is the absence of soy, artificial colors and flavors. In the premium category I use this line. If the owners of my furry patients cannot afford more expensive feeding options.

What is confusing is the presence of meat production waste and cheap carbohydrates, to which allergies often occur. But you can’t immediately switch your dog to hypoallergenic food, so he starts choosing a diet from Kea or premium.

Bottom line: excellent combination of price and quality for an average income.

Price and where to buy

This food can be purchased at the following pet stores:

  • “Old Farm” (reference): Dry food Brit Premium 8 kg - from 1344 rubles;
  • Dry food Brit Premium 15 kg - from 2105 rubles;
  • Canned food Brit Premium 0.85 kg x 12 pcs. — from 1186 rub.
  • "Le'Murrr" (help):
      Packaging 1 kg - from 245 rubles;
  • Packaging 3 kg - from 705 rubles;
  • Canned food 850 g - from 110 rub.
  • "ZooPassage" (help)
  • The indicated prices are current at the end of November 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the information above.

    Composition analysis

    Let's look at the composition using Adult M as an example (food for medium-sized adult dogs). It contains:

    Chicken comes first; it is a dietary and very healthy product. The ingredient is rich in proteins, but the problem is that the manufacturer does not indicate what part of the chicken is used for production, and this makes you wary. Corn and wheat also occupy high positions in the composition, which means there are quite a lot of them in the feed.

    Chicken fat and salmon oil are sources of fatty acids that are beneficial for the coat. Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins, and apples are a source of fiber. It is not clear what is meant by “herbal and fruit extracts”, as not all herbs/fruits are beneficial for dogs. Yucca extract is a good addition and helps reduce the harshness of fecal odor.

    Composition of Brit Care food

    Let's look at the composition of Brit Care food using the example of a daily diet for medium-sized dogs, Adult Medium Breed Lamb & Rice. Key Features:

    • The diet is adapted to the needs of dogs with a normal activity level and weighing 10–25 kg.
    • The food is hypoallergenic.
    • Types of packaging: 1 kg; 3 kg; 12 kg.


    • Lamb meat meal (38%) is the main source of animal protein. In a global sense, an excellent ingredient, but the inaccuracy of the formulation is confusing. It is unclear from the composition whether the flour contains by-products, bones, or cartilage.
    • Rice (37%) is the main source of carbohydrates. Rice is the only grain that contains a nominal amount of gluten. Simply put, there is gluten, there is so little of it that it does not affect anything.
    • Chicken fat (canned with tocopherols) is a source of animal fats, essential amino acids and fatty acids. Tocopherol is a natural preservative (vitamin E), which allows food to be stored for a long time and does not have a detrimental effect on the dog’s health.
    • Dried apples are the main source of coarse fiber and vitamins.
    • Salmon oil (2%) is a source of animal fats, microelements, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.
    • Natural flavors are an imprecise formulation. Typically, natural flavors refer to the broth that is added to the food during cooking.
    • Brewer's yeast is a rich source of vitamins B and D. In small quantities, yeast has a positive effect on intestinal function.
    • Hydrolyzed crustacean shells (source of glucosamine - 260 mg/kg) - has a positive effect on the condition of the bones and joints. Glucosamine is directly involved in the production of natural fluids to lubricate joints and renew cartilage tissue.

    • Cartilage extract (source of chondroitin – 160 mg/kg) – similar to glucosamine, is important for the timely renewal of cartilage tissue. The peculiarity is that glucosamine and chondroitin are better absorbed if taken in combination.
    • Mannanoligosaccharides (150 mg/kg) are prebiotics, bacteria that live in the healthy intestinal microflora of mammals.
    • Herbs and fruits (cloves, citrus fruits, turmeric, rosemary - 150 mg/kg) are a source of vitamins and tonics. They have a complex, positive effect on immunity, metabolism and digestion.
    • Fructooligosaccharides (100 mg/kg) are probiotics, bacteria that live in the healthy intestinal microflora of mammals. Unlike prebiotics, they are of plant origin.
    • Yucca schidigera (100 mg/kg) is a plant that is included in food to reduce the intensity of natural odors. Simply put, the ingredient partially eliminates the odor of urine and feces.
    • Inulin (90 mg/kg) is a natural polysaccharide of plant origin and a prebiotic. It is important to understand that a healthy dog's body should produce enough insulin, but adding it to the food is wise because it lowers blood sugar levels.
    • Milk thistle (75 mg/kg) is a plant that has a significant, positive effect on liver function. The hepaprotective effect is substantiated and scientifically proven.

    Vitamins, minerals, supplements:

    • A – 20,000 IU.
    • D3 1500 IU.
    • E (tocopherol) – 500 mg.
    • C – 200 mg.
    • Choline chloride – 600 mg.
    • Biotin – 0.6 mg.
    • B1 – 1 mg.
    • B2 – 4 mg.
    • Niacinamide – 12 mg.
    • Calcium pantothenate – 10 mg.
    • Vitamin B6 – 1 mg.
    • folic acid – 0.5 mg.
    • B12 – 0.04 mg.
    • Zinc – 80 mg.
    • Iron – 70 mg.
    • Manganese – 35 mg.
    • Iodine – 0.65 mg.
    • Copper – 15 mg.
    • Selenium – 0.25 mg.
    • Calcium – 1.6%
    • Phosphorus – 1.3%.
    • Omega-3 – 0.32%.
    • Omega-6 – 1.90%.

    As a basis for analyzing guaranteed indicators, we will take generally accepted standards for super-premium class feed:

    • Protein 26% – slightly below the norm of 28%.
    • Fats 16% – above the norm of 13%.
    • Fiber (fiber) 2.5% – below the norm of 3.5%.
    • Moisture up to 10% is normal.
    • Calorie content 382 kcal per 100 g. - the norm.

    Note! The calorie content of Adult Medium Breed Lamb & Rice food is high due to its fat content. This fact does not have a significant effect on healthy, active dogs. However, if your pet is prone to excess weight, it is better to choose a diet from a specialized line.


    Brit wet and dry dog ​​food is available for sale. Owners are encouraged to select food based on the age and size of their pet. Brit Premium products for puppies and dogs can be divided into four lines.


    The only universal line of food, it is suitable for all breeds of dogs aged from 4 to 16 weeks.

    The product is recommended for pregnant females. The composition contains protein, vitamins and healthy acids. The diet is rich in proteins and fiber.

    Puppy contains manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus. All these useful components help babies grow and develop quickly, and also strengthen the immune system. A balanced diet is well digestible and does not cause allergies.


    There are three varieties of Junior food. The first – S – for small breeds, the second – M – for medium dogs, the third – L – for large and giant breeds.

    The main ingredient is chicken meat (45%), in addition the diet includes: oats, chicken fat, wheat, fish oil, brewer's yeast, dried apples. The product is rich in nutrients: ash (7.2%), calcium (1.5%), fatty acids (1.8%), phosphorus (1.1%). Energy value – 385 kcal per 100 grams of product.


    This is a line for adult active dogs. There are variations for small, medium and large breeds (S,M,L).

    The basis, as in other feeds from this manufacturer, is chicken. This is dietary meat, so if the dosage is observed, dogs will not be able to gain excess weight.

    In addition to chicken, the composition contains shellfish, blueberries, herbs, and dried apples. Among the useful additives: biotin, iodine, Omega 3, vitamins.


    The Senior line is designed for older dogs (from 7-9 years old). There are three types of product on sale: S, M, L (for different sizes of dogs). The base is chicken flour.

    It contains only easily digestible ingredients that do not cause allergies. Senior contains monosaccharides that take care of the gastrointestinal tract, which is extremely important in the mature age of the animal.

    The product is produced in two packages - 3 and 15 kilograms. Energy value – 412 kcal per 100 grams.

    Advantages and disadvantages of food

    Having analyzed the composition of the daily diet, we can identify the main advantages and disadvantages of Brit Care food.

    Let's start with the advantages:

    • A wide range of.
    • Competitive price.
    • The food is based on proteins of animal origin.
    • The composition contains the percentage of the main components of the feed.
    • Natural preservatives.
    • Balanced composition.
    • A complete mineral and vitamin supplement.


    • There are unclear wording in the composition.
    • Slightly reduced vitamin D content.

    Obviously, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages of the food. Another advantage is positive reviews from dog owners.

    Power plans

    Before switching to Brit Premium, you need to calculate the daily dose of food for your pet.

    Standards for adult animals:

    Pet weight (kg)Daily dose of dry food (g)
    Inactive lifestyleActive lifestyle

    Daily dose for puppies:

    Puppy age (months)Animal weight and dosage (kilograms, grams)

    You should not exceed the dose, as this can lead to obesity and related diseases.

    How to transition a dog to a new food

    The transition to Brit Premium dog and puppy food should be gradual.

    To prevent a new product from causing negative consequences, start the transition with a small portion, 5-10 granules are enough.

    Take a break (1-2 days), if negative consequences appear (dry skin, decreased activity, problems with stool), then the food is not suitable, look for another food.

    If the first acquaintance with food went well, then you can continue the transition. Subtract 10% from your pet’s daily food intake; the resulting number is the amount of new food for the first day; it should be given separately from the main one. Increase the amount of new food by 8-10% every day.

    Carefully read the instructions and composition of the product. If your dog has health problems (gastrointestinal diseases, previous castration, hypersensitivity of the stomach, excess weight), then consult a veterinarian before switching to Brit food.


    Lisa, Kazan

    “I am the owner of a large one-year-old Shar Pei. I was attracted to Brit by the price, so I decided to try it and bought the Junior series food with chicken meat. After carefully studying the composition, I realized that I was mistaken. The contents of the product do not correspond to the declared class: there are few useful additives, what part of the meat is used is not indicated, etc. I will not buy it again.”

    Sofia, Omsk

    “I used to buy Royal Canin with turkey and rice, I thought it was the best diet for animals. 7 years passed, the Yorkie began to age, and the Royal Canin series for older dogs caused problems with stool. While looking for a replacement, I came across Brit Premium, bought it, and gave it to Kerry to try. He didn't show interest right away, but then he started eating with pleasure. The product worked and did not cause any side effects. I was pleased with the packaging. I will continue to buy Brit.”

    Oleg, Krasnodar

    “Brit has a small selection of products, I would like more variety. But the price and composition are pleasing: a lot of meat, no harmful additives. I have a Labrador who suffers from food allergies. Finding a quality product for an allergy sufferer among super premium foods is easy, but with premium food it is more difficult. But two months ago, on the advice of a friend, I bought hypoallergenic Brit. Jack eats with gusto and often asks for more. There are no problems with stool, allergies do not bother me. I recommend!"


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