History of the origin of the breed

Historians are convinced that this cat breed was one of the first to appear. Moreover, there is information that animals were brought to Great Britain by the Romans. In ancient images you can see short-haired cream cats, as well as animals whose fur has other shades.

There is another version, according to which the Sacred Beauties came to England from France. The inhabitants of this country always took cats with them on voyages so that they would not allow rats and mice to eat the supplies. When stopping at British ports, the animals accidentally ended up on land.

Believing or not these theories is up to each person. One thing you can’t argue with is that snow-white fluffies are actually incredibly beautiful and gentle.

Features of the fold-eared white British

The British Fold white cat is an unrecognized breed by the felinological community due to identified health deficiencies. A distinctive feature from the white solid is the peculiar shape of the ears, the tips of which are slightly bent inward, as if hanging down. Otherwise, white fold-eared British cats are similar in body size and head shape to white British cats (long-eared), but are considered to be of different breeds. At birth, fold-eared cats are also susceptible to defects such as deafness and poor vision, like white solid cats. They have a similar eye color, and odd-eyed specimens appear. The fur of snow-white folds is soft and plush to the touch.

Description of a white British man

The cutest cats are white breeds with blue eyes. They are soft and loyal.

Features of white color

White color is something unusual and incredibly beautiful. Getting kittens that are “snowy” is problematic. Sometimes breeders, under the guise of white, give away slightly ashen animals - they also look amazing, but still this is a little different. A white British cat with blue eyes resembles the first fallen snow - pure and untouched. This applies to all wool. There can be no talk of any inclusions. Only the pink legs (tufts) create a slight contrast.

Important! White Britons always take better care of themselves than everyone else. Scientists are convinced that animals subconsciously understand their value, so they try to maintain their snow-whiteness at the proper level.

White British kittens

Newly born babies may have small gray stripes that appear in different parts of the body. Over time, the marks lighten and then disappear completely. This is due to the fact that animals of different shades take part in mating. White British babies cannot be born because there is a high risk of deafness in babies.

By the spots, by the way, you can roughly determine the color of the parents. If the stripes are bluish, then either the tom or she-cat is purple. If the markings are gray, black or some other color, then some individual had that shade.

Who is better to choose

It is difficult to say which breed is better, British or Scottish. The choice of a pet is based on the preferences of the future owner, daily routine and rhythm of life. The British cat quickly becomes attached to the house and considers himself a full member of the family. He likes to be left alone for a long time, but a purebred animal needs proper care and timely education.

The British man’s appearance is brutal, his behavior is very important. It is no coincidence that previously only the rich segments of the population could afford to keep such cats.

The facial expressions of pets are interesting and funny. Up to a year old, babies are playful and active, but closer to the age of two, the cat’s habits change, she becomes calm and sleepy. The baby loves to sleep, lounging on the plush back.

The Scottish cat, as a kitten and as an adult, is playful and noisy. He will run around at night or run around the apartment with a rubber mouse.

The Scottish woman loves children, she likes the attention of the owner and family members. Everything in it is for a large and noisy company:

  1. A funny pose in which your pet often sits: on its tail, with its long legs outstretched.
  2. Or the famous gopher stand, when the baby stretches vertically on its hind legs, tucking its front legs.
  3. Ability to walk on a leash and follow various commands.

This cat combines the qualities of cats and dogs. Caring for a cat is not difficult. The Scottish favorite cannot stand heights: flying from the top shelves is not possible for the animal due to the structure of its limbs.

How to distinguish a British kitten from a Scottish one

The difference between British and Scottish cats is obvious. It makes no sense for nursery owners to deceive those who want to buy babies of a certain breed.

The smaller the kitten, the more difficult it is to distinguish a British cat from a Scottish pet. Characteristic signs appear as the baby grows older. Therefore, it is better to buy a baby at the age of 2-3 months.

By this time, the Scotchfold ears, straight from birth, will acquire the desired fold. The eye color will gradually begin to acquire a constant shade that matches the color of the animal's coat. A mandatory item when choosing a kitten is to check the baby's tail: for a fold-eared baby, it should be long and mobile. The British have a powerful, thick tail, much shorter than that of the Scot.

The main points of difference between kittens of the British and Scottish breeds, which people pay attention to when choosing babies:

British kittensScottish kittens
Heavier paws, clubfoot when walkingLong light limbs
Chubby cheeksCheekbones are not very pronounced
Large babySmall in size
Round headElongated skull shape

Babies do not differ much in their habits: up to a year old, representatives of these breeds are active and respond to play with pleasure. The difference in behavior between the British and Scottish cats will be noticeable in later life.

To the touch, the Scottish have fur that is more fluffy and soft, gliding, while the British have dense and thick fur. An inexperienced buyer will not be able to independently determine what breed the cub belongs to. The difference in behavior between the British and Scottish cats will be noticeable in later life.

Color of adult cats

British white cats are undoubtedly beautiful, but other shades look no less impressive.

Popular colors are:

  • tortoiseshell;
  • silver and golden shaded;
  • patterned;
  • plain and smoky;
  • lilac;
  • black.

These colors of British cats are truly fascinating.

Tortoiseshell tone

In this case, the coat should have an equal number of tones, and there should be spots on the face. Only cats are tortoiseshells. Beauties can boast a combination of shades such as chocolate/black/brown along with cream/red, as well as lilac/blue. Breeders rarely manage to obtain a tortoiseshell shade.

Silver and golden shaded

The main color can be seen on the back, head, tail and ears. As for the chest, belly, paws and collar, light gray predominates on these parts, which is similar to lilac.

Patterned or tabby

British tabbies can have a variety of body patterns such as leopard spots, distinctive stripes and large markings. At the base of the head, the fur may have a completely different shade - this is the norm. Pictured Britons are divided into many subspecies.

Plain and smoky

Monochromatic cats are those whose coat, including the undercoat, has the same tone. If there is at least one small inclusion, then the animal cannot be called monochromatic. Smoky beauties have a slightly lighter undercoat, due to which the color of their coat “plays” in the sun.

Lilac color

The fur of young kittens resembles a pink color, which transforms with age and becomes light purple. Only the undercoat differs in animals, which has a much lighter shade. As for the eyes of such kittens, they are copper or orange. It is very difficult to get a purple coat color - you need real luck.

Black color

Not only the coat and undercoat have a black (charcoal) tint, but also the skin. This color is rare, but only because kittens that are born charcoal may turn brown or chocolate as they age.

There are many rare colors that are rarely seen. So, there are Britons with dark markings, but the main color can be gray or brown. Many people like such “mixes,” but, unfortunately, “ordering” them is problematic.


Standards for a British person's appearance were set in 1982. The model is considered to be a stocky animal with a wide chest, muscular body, strong rounded paws and short, plush-like fur. A feature of the breed is the presence of a rather large skin fold near the head. The nose is small, straight, wide.

Developed chin. The cheeks are plump and massive. The ears are small, neat, the same size in width and height. The medium-sized thick tail is rounded at the tip. The eyes are round, their color depends on the type of color of the breed. The average weight of a cat is from 3 to 5 kg, a cat - from 5 to 7 kg.


The white British cat is a real aristocrat.

The main character traits are:

  • calm;
  • restraint;
  • equilibrium;
  • indifference (sometimes).

Animals do not like excessive attention, they do not like to be loved and cuddled. “Business people's cats” is what they are sometimes called. These four-legged animals cope well with the absence of their owners, but greet them with great joy.

Unobtrusiveness and obedience are the middle names of these animals. Climbing on curtains, scratching their claws on furniture and getting mad - this is not about them. Once you show them a claw clipper and a toy, you can be calm.

The British get along well with children. If a child starts to pester you, the cats simply turn around and leave. Aggression is something that representatives of this breed never show.

Important! The British have a good sense of what mood their hosts are in, so they either appear at the right moment or, on the contrary, disappear.

A little about the breed itself

Cats of this breed are short-haired and have a characteristic face. They are mainly distinguished by their kindness, strength of character and intelligence. At the same time, their body sizes generally correspond to medium or large; the animals are called strong and strong.

They say that the British are direct descendants of the well-known Cheshire cat.

External features of animals

If you take into account the coat color of cats, you will notice that their appearance has certain patterns. These include:

  • Round head and wide cheekbones;
  • Short and rough neck;
  • Short and straight nose,
  • Small and low-set roundish ears;
  • Big eyes;
  • Grounded, massive body;
  • Short but fairly thick paws;
  • Thick, medium-sized tail;
  • Short, soft, but very thick coat.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The main difference between Britons is that they are very independent from their owners. It is convenient to have such animals for businessmen or those who like to travel, because the cat will not be too sad during separation.

They will not cuddle and bask in the arms of their owners. However, this does not mean that the British do not love their partners. The main thing for them is just to be nearby, and they also love to play and “talk.” At the same time, the cat will not escape from the hands, but will calmly withstand all the outbursts of tenderness of the owner. Such a British temperament in an animal.

Positive and negative sides

Like any animal, the British dog also has its pros and cons. The first is that he does not require much attention and can easily be left alone

for long periods of time. However, the negative aspects include the severity of upbringing, since they almost always have their own opinion about everything and their own vision of what they need to do.

British white cat care

White British kittens must be litter trained from childhood. They remember very well that they need to go to their toilet, so they don’t shit in the wrong places. To avoid problems, from a young age you need to examine your cats eyes, ears, teeth, and also brush them regularly. In the morning, the four-legged eyes may turn sour, so you will need to carefully wipe them with a damp cloth.

Sometimes cats tear their fur. This is due to the fact that lumps collect in the stomach. To eliminate the problem, you need to give the animals a special paste or food from time to time.

British white cats can boast of luxurious fur; in order for it to remain that way, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Bath the animal several times a year (maximum 4 times) using special shampoos.
  • After bathing, be sure to dry the coat with a hairdryer, as if styling.
  • Once a week, brush your pet with a soft brush that does not tear the hairs.
  • Coughed clumps should be cut off immediately.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pedigree pure white kittens are bred by an officially recognized breeder, with membership in a cat club. The high price for a purebred kitten is justified by the purebred and exclusivity of the pet. These kittens have the following advantages:

  1. They have a certificate (passport) confirming all information about the breed:
  • name of the breed,
  • date of birth, kitten’s name, gender and color;
  • the breed and nicknames of his parents; and
  • information about the club and breeder.
  • mark about the breeding class of the cat;
  • purchase agreement
  1. Pre-familiar, predictable appearance and character of the animal.
  2. The British are well-bred, accustomed from an early age to the tray and scratching post.
  3. With proper care they are long-lived, up to 20 years
  4. Albinos are distinguished by their noble origin and prestige.
  5. Opportunity to participate in cat shows.

The disadvantages of snow-white British people include:

  1. Quite a price, determined by the breeding condition of the pet:
  • show class for exhibitions;
  • breed class for breeding;
  • pet class for home, limited by the right of reproduction;
  1. Pets are excluded from the breeding class; white cats and female cats cannot be mated with each other.
  2. Snow-white kittens have genetic health problems: partial or complete deafness, decreased vision, loss of smell.
  3. Maintenance, care, food are expensive, especially for show class.
  4. The agreement provides:
  • mandatory participation of a snow-white show-class pet in exhibitions;
  • For the pet class, castration is recommended.

With all the advantages and disadvantages of the snow-white British, the main thing is to buy a healthy, sociable, affectionate pet. Surround your pet with care, attention, provide decent care and nutrition.

Cost of kittens

White British kittens are not common, but they do occur. They sell them at a price of 40,000 rubles. The price varies depending on the level of breeders. If you are buying animals for mating, it is recommended to pay attention to the British breed. Four-legged animals have practically no disadvantages, but at the same time they are not considered elite. Therefore, the cost for them is in the range of 22-27 thousand rubles. There is another type of breed called pet. Kittens of this class are very beautiful, but they do not meet all the requirements and standards, so they are sold for 6-10 thousand rubles.

If pedigree does not matter, you can buy a “furry friend” for just a few thousand rubles.

Colors of British cats

Today, the colors of the British Shorthair are known in more than 200 variations. A small part of them has been known since the appearance of the breed in general, the other is a consequence of the painstaking work of breeders.

The very variety of colors depends on the combination of two components - the color of the animal’s villi and the presence of a pattern on their body.

Melanin is responsible for what kind of pattern will be shown on the British fur coat. At the same time, two different types of substances can give a black or red base, which ultimately acts as a key in the formation of color. The combination of these two types of melanin in different proportions allows you to create very diverse animals in appearance. In addition, it is worth noting that there are solid colors - when the wool is one color, as well as wool with a pattern.

Interesting Facts

White British Shorthair cats are unusual. There are a number of unusual facts that few people know about, but in vain.

Among these:

  1. Short-haired breeds do not have eyelashes on their eyes. In addition, the eyeballs are located disproportionately in relation to the body, but this does not in any way affect the visual perception of the world by animals.
  2. Cats have excellent hearing. This is possible due to the nerve endings located in the eyes, due to which any noise immediately enters the auricle.
  3. The British have an excellent sense of smell, which is fourteen times stronger than that of other felines. This is due to the antennae, which are also responsible for the sense of smell.
  4. Representatives of the breed are real sleepyheads, because they must sleep at least 14-16 hours a day to recuperate. Some animals spend 18-20 hours sleeping.
  5. The British are hardy animals, four-legged excellent hunters and can easily catch a mouse or rat.
  6. Cats rarely meow, which is explained by their reserved and calm nature.

Regardless of what kind of British dog you buy: white, with a silver tint, black, brown or with a different coat color, he will become a true friend and family favorite.

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Who is the white color suitable for?

It’s impossible not to fall in love with these snow-white beauties at first sight. As a rule, they look incomparable, are flexible with a friendly character. The British are loyal, affectionate, and the smartest creatures. Such cats are suitable for organized, wealthy people. Able to pay careful attention to the care of snow-white fur, to possible defects in pets, such as deafness, decreased vision. The owner will benefit from the exceptional features of the British White, such as:

  • have medicinal properties, remove negative energy;
  • are able to brighten up loneliness and become a wonderful friend;
  • will begin to generate pride and general delight;
  • are made mascots at home, especially pets with different eyes, bring happiness and good luck.

Colors with white

A cat can have any of the following colors: black, blue, lilac, chocolate, red, cream, cinnamon and fawn, as well as a combination of these plus white spots. One fourth (no less!) part of the body should be white - this is the chest, front legs, cheeks, and belly. The nose and paw pads should match the base color.

Classic color with white

Strictly speaking, this is a two-colored cat. Elegant white spots (yellowishness is not allowed) and a fur coat of any of the classic colors. The nose and paw pads match the base color.

Smoky color with white

The cat has a symmetrically and harmoniously distributed white color (chest, paws, cheeks) and “smoky” spots of any color.

Color point with white

The elegant coat of such a cat is painted in two colors: white and any of the palettes with point marks. The chest and front legs are white, and there are also white spots on the cheeks. The symmetry of white spots and their harmonious arrangement are appreciated. Markings of black, blue, lilac, chocolate, red, cream, cinnamon and fawn. The nose and paw pads match the base color.

Colors with white tabby

The same patchwork turtles, only some spots may have a tabby pattern. Rarely seen, it is considered a combination of three colors. There may also be spots of the same (any) color, on which a tabby pattern appears (stripes, spots, marble).

Breed education and games of the British

There is no need to train this breed. White British people are smart enough. Even a small kitten understands where to relieve itself and where its bowl of food is. The pet will be grateful if he has his own little world. Most of the time, this animal likes to sleep (however, like cats of other breeds).

After a delicious dinner, the kitten will not play. He needs to find a secluded place where he can rest. This does not mean that the kitten is not active. Until one year of age, the British love to play and have fun. They just need a little time to sleep after eating. After a delicious lunch and a good night's sleep, the kitten is cheerful and playful. He will find any bag or string and immediately start playing with it.

White British adults are calm and level-headed. They prefer sleep or contemplation of the landscapes outside the window to games. All cats of this breed are prone to obesity. Therefore, the owners need to stir them up. Today you can buy a huge number of different devices and toys for cats in pet stores. If he doesn't respond to them, try to play with him.

Popular varieties

Speaking about the diversity of British cats and taking into account the components that were mentioned above, they can all be grouped into certain categories. It is in such groups that we will further consider:

  • blue;
  • monochrome and smoky;
  • Collor Point;
  • silver and gold shaded;
  • tortoiseshell cats;
  • Tabby;
  • Bicolor, Party-colors, Harlequin, Van.

Blue plain

Due to the great similarity of cats of this breed to the Scottish Fold, mainly those who want to have an animal think that the color must necessarily be blue. This color is indeed recognized as a certain standard. Quite often in colloquial speech they are called classic.

The fur of such British cats is mostly monochromatic and does not have any light-colored fibers. The skin of animals is always blue, but it is the light shade of the coat that is much more valuable to specialists

In addition, at the age of the kitten, some kind of pattern may exist, but with age it necessarily disappears.

Color point color

A characteristic feature of this group of colors is a light body color and contrasting dark areas - the muzzle, ears, paws and tail.

Color point colors can be solid, tortoiseshell, smoky, shaded, veiled.

The color with black spots is called seal point (Siamese color) .

British kitten black color point

There are also the following varieties:

  • Red

British red color point cat

  • Blue

Photo of blue british color point

  • Lilac

British lilac color point

  • Chocolate

Photo of a British kitten chocolate color point

  • and Cream Points

The picture shows a British cat cream point

Each name refers to the color of the dark markings.

Colorpoints have blue or light blue eyes.


British cats are famous for their good health and have a good immune system. Unlike many other breeds, this breed does not have any hereditary predispositions to serious diseases. But in any case, regular visits to a qualified specialist will not hurt. Like any other animal, the British dog should be up to date on vaccinations and treated for parasites. In addition, a timely examination by a veterinarian will help identify any disease at an early stage, which will significantly facilitate further treatment.

Kittens up to 5 months old may have tears. The lacrimation goes away on its own, without the intervention of a specialist.

The weak point is the claws. Fungus often appears on them; owners should pay attention to them during a manicure. If you suspect a disease, you should consult a specialist.

Myths and their refutation

Although photos and descriptions of the colors of British cats can be easily found both on the Internet and on the pages of specialized magazines, many people quite often make mistakes in their thoughts. For example, most cat lovers think that a Briton of this category is born with bright orange eyes. But this is not so - British kittens of all colors appear with blue and sometimes gray eyes, the iris of the eye acquires a different color only later. Another mistake cat owners make is that they do not know about the existence of the British Shorthaired Fold.

Silver chinchilla

It is still a rare, difficult to breed, but very beautiful, “royal” variety of the British cat. The color is so named because of its resemblance to the fur of real chinchillas.

The beauty is the owner of a snow-white fur coat with a “spraying” of the main color tone, black or blue. No yellow shades of wool are allowed. The nose and paw pads should match the base color. The eyes are necessarily green, except for the pointed subspecies. The colors differ in the degree of coloring of the hairs.

Silver shaded

Shaded is when only the upper third of the hairs are colored in the main color. In all other respects, the animal looks like it has a solid color, only slightly “dusted.” This effect is achieved due to the fact that each hair has a colored tip. The undercoat is white.

Silver veiled

Veiling is when the top 1/8 of the hairs are colored. In all other respects, the animal looks the same as with a solid color, only in a barely visible transparent “veil”. This effect is achieved due to the fact that each hair has a colored tip. The undercoat is white.

Golden chinchilla

An even rarer, difficult to breed, but very beautiful, “sunny” variety of the British cat. Its color is so named because of its similarity to the fur of real chinchillas.

This cat wears a bright apricot-colored coat with black or blue “spraying.” The brighter the gold, the more valuable it is. Gray shades are not allowed. The nose and paw pads should match the base color. The eyes are necessarily green, except for the pointed subspecies. The colors differ in the degree of coloring of the hairs.

Golden shaded

Shaded is when only the upper third of the hairs are colored in the main color. In all other respects, the animal looks like it has a solid color, only slightly “dusted.” This effect is achieved due to the fact that each hair has a colored tip. The undercoat is peach or apricot.

Golden veiled

Veiling is when the top 1/8 of the hairs are colored. In all other respects, the animal looks the same as with a solid color, only in a barely visible transparent “veil”. This effect is achieved due to the fact that each hair has a colored tip. The undercoat is peach or apricot.

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