A dog with blue eyes with white or black coloring

The rare and mysterious look of a dog with blue eyes amazes every person. However, not many breeds have this unique trait. The reasons for such eyes are related to their genes, some inherit them as a recessive trait, others as a mutation. Below is a quick overview of dog breeds that can have blue eyes.

Why do some dogs have blue pigment in their eyes?

At birth, all puppies have pale blue eyes, and the breed of the dog does not play any role in this. Then, at 2 or 3 months of age, the pigments present in the eye are activated and darken the iris to give it its final color.

In some slow-growing breeds, such as the Dogue de Bordeaux, the color may take up to two years to stabilize. However, in some dogs the eye pigments are absent or never activated, causing the eye to ultimately retain its blue tint. The reasons for the lack of color change are mainly genetic. Thus, we can distinguish 4 reasons for blue eyes in dogs.

Merle gene

Responsible for specific coat colors (dark areas on a light background) or harlequin and affects the color scheme of the eyes (blue), nose, lips and skin (usually their color is pink).

The real blue eye gene

Different dog breeds, such as huskies, are predisposed to the gene. It prevents pigment changes in adulthood, but does not affect the skin or coat, unlike other breeds. In other words, these dogs don't necessarily have to have a pink nose or a certain coat.


A very rare genetic disorder that causes severe melanin deficiency. The latter results in pink skin, white or very light hair and blue eyes. This basically means that albino dogs have very fragile health and are prone to various skin problems.

Failure in genes

It sometimes happens that certain fur cells are accidentally found in the eyes, devoid of color pigment and therefore giving the coat a white color. Because the cells cannot produce pigment, the eyes cannot change color and remain blue into adulthood. This extremely rare migration of defective cells occurs during the puppy's perinatal development.

Shih Tzu

Another cute breed of dogs of the decorative group. Its main advantage is its long, straight and silky coat, growing on all parts of the body. The Shih Tzu grows up to 28 cm, gaining weight up to 6-7 kg.

This dog has a balanced, calm character. She is quite stingy with emotions, preferring to remain aloof, even with her family. But such external coldness of an animal does not mean that he does not love his family members.

It is extremely difficult to anger or drive such a dog out of his temper. He always remains calm and confident. Not prone to violent manifestations of feelings. In a moment of intense joy, it can, perhaps, wag its tail.

As a watchman, he is ineffective. The Shih Tzu is indifferent to strangers, so it is unlikely to scare away those who try to enter its territory. And this pretty dog ​​probably won’t be able to protect his owner.

The main advantage of a representative of the breed is a chic “fur coat”. It can be cut, straightened with an iron, sprayed with sprays, pins attached to it, sprinkled with glitter, etc. The Shih Tzu enjoys it when people take care of it. At this moment he feels gratitude and pleasure.

The Shih Tzu is one of the most ancient dog breeds with a cute face and flowing fur.

Siberian Husky

Due to a rather difficult past, the Siberian Husky is an affectionate dog that does not show the slightest trace of aggression towards humans. And when it comes to his owner, he will be extremely kind and gentle, despite maintaining a certain form of independence within him.

The unusual eye color is typical of this breed, which originates from northern Siberia and is a real rarity in the canine world. To finally reveal the secret of the sled dog's blue eyes, scientists studied the genome of more than 6,000 dogs with different eye colors.

The assessment showed: in blue-eyed huskies, the gene segment on chromosome 18 noticeably doubles frequently; this feature is rarely found in Australian Shepherds with blue eyes. The 98.6-kilobase region is located next to the so-called ALX4 gene, a DNA sequence that plays an important role in eye development in many mammals.

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For this, it is important to train the dog from an early age to avoid possible escape due to his hunting and hyperactive side, as he is always looking for adventure. Moreover, this breed, which is closest to the wolf, is far from their characteristics.

The husky first appeared around 2000 BC, in northern Siberia during the Eskimo period. The dog was primarily used as a sled dog and was one of the first breeds to live in the same house as its owner.

Huskies need several outings a day, based on long walks, jogging and various activities, which allows the dog to spend all its energy on its paws.

Breeding of feathered slate breeds

Beautiful poultry It
has already been indicated in the description above that the turkey of this breed is rarely used for breeding, despite its attractive appearance. But there are some farmers who breed birds of this breed. If you wish, you can take a small chicken and raise it into a full-fledged turkey. To get a full egg you need to have eight females and one male. Only in this case will the female be able to lay a fertilized egg.

If the turkey itself laid eggs and decided to hatch them, then this process will last about a month. It is advisable that this period falls in the spring. There must be at least 17 eggs under one bird. If a female is hatching turkey chicks for the first time, then you should not lay a large number of eggs under her. The expectant mother should be placed separately from the other birds and should be kept until the chicks grow up a little.

The blue female is the best mother among birds. She is responsible not only for hatching offspring, but also for raising them. But there are also situations when a turkey does not want to hatch eggs. In such cases, farmers use incubators.

In order to obtain offspring without the help of a bird, the eggs must be placed in an incubator. They should be placed with the sharp end down. A farmer can receive turkey poults in 28 days. For the first twenty days, eggs must be constantly turned over and the temperature regime must be maintained. The number of revolutions should be 12 times a day.

Border Collie

This breed once served as herding dogs in the British Isles. Over time, their breeding has made them some of the smartest dogs in the world. They need a lot of physical and mental stimulation to feel healthy and happy. The dog needs to live outdoors and exercise daily with its owner. He is very smart, attentive and easy to train, so he requires intellectual stimulation.

Having boundless energy and great intelligence, these dogs always need constant exercise. They perform well during agility competitions due to their hard work. The height of the withers reaches 55 cm, and the weight is up to 35 kg.

Golden retriever

One of the best companion dogs. Gets along well with animals and children. Loves games, very active. The height at the withers of a golden retriever is 50-60 cm, weight is 23-32 kg. Males are larger than females. The dog stands out from others with its kind eyes and luxurious golden fur.

It is perfect for a large family with different pets, from cats to frogs. Completely non-confrontational. The character of the breed is friendly and open. By nature, he is gentle and friendly. He wants to accompany his owner everywhere and becomes very attached to him.

This beautiful breed of dog in the photo looks cute and smart at the same time. She arouses people's interest and sympathy

The dog never behaves intrusively; it patiently waits for its owners to pay attention to it. Very smart and smart

Retrievers have a friendly and gentle nature.

Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is often found in the black merle color, which obviously makes a lasting impression with its piercing blue eyes.

They are great comrades. Behind their small size hides a dog brimming with energy and inexhaustible affection.

Eyes: They are brown, blue, amber or a combination or variation of these colors, also mottled or marbled.”

The Australian Shepherd has a playful temperament and should get daily exercise from its owner. This dog breed grows up to 58 cm in height and weighs 29 kg.

According to science...

Despite the fact that the Chow Chow breed has been known for so long, scientists cannot explain why the tongue of these dogs is purple. Of course, there are certain versions and legends. For example, some are sure that the distant relatives of the chow chow were rare polar wolves, which became extinct several thousand years ago, and these dogs owe the color of their tongue precisely to these distant ancestors. The Chow Chow breed is often credited with being related to bears: the appearance of the dogs is to blame for this, they very much resemble small fluffy bear cubs. Many dog ​​experts think that the Chow is a cross between Samoyeds and bears or Elkhounds, Keyhounds or even Pomeranians. In the Chinese province of Canton, the Chow Chow is simply called “black tongue”, wolf dog or bear dog.

In addition, in China there are two varieties of Chow Chow: purebred and “bastard” Chow, which is a meat type of dog. “Bastards” are distinguished by a more pointed head shape, and their tongues are spotted - in purebreds this is a serious defect of the breed.

It is also possible that the homeland of the Chow Chow is not China at all: some are sure that the dogs got there on trade caravans from Mongolia. Chows, in turn, came to Mongolia from Siberia, and even before that they lived in the Arctic. This version seems quite plausible: animals living in harsh climates with low oxygen levels can adapt to their environment. In modern times, blue tongues indicate an acute lack of oxygen, and therefore this phenomenon can be explained by mutational features.


World famous thanks to the Disney film, Dalmatians usually have brown eyes, but some may have one or both blue eyes due to the presence of a recessive gene. However, from a medical point of view, blue-eyed Dalmatians are not born favorably, as they are predisposed to several disabling diseases.

The Blue-Eyed Dalmatian deserves its place on the list of breeds with blue eyes due to its unique appearance. Unfortunately, there is a big “BUT” in relation to blue eyes; this may be a sign of deafness. Some dogs often experience hearing loss in one or both ears. This appears to be related to a gene that affects eye coloration. Although they are adorable dogs, this is an important factor to consider.

The Dalmatian seduces with its independent and sensitive temperament. Possessing a strong character, he can sometimes be very stubborn, without a hint of aggression.

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Possible diseases

There are breeds that are predisposed to various heart defects, which cause blue tongue and other dangerous symptoms:

  1. severe shortness of breath;
  2. cardiac cough;
  3. breathing with wheezing, gurgling and whistling;
  4. greedy swallowing of air even after minimal physical exertion;
  5. neck stretching;
  6. restless behavior.

All this can be an alarm bell for the development of ventricular septal defects or tetralogy of Fallot.


These pathologies are diagnosed in most cases in puppies in the first six months of life. English bulldogs, Shih Tzu boxers, etc. have a predisposition to them.

Unfortunately, there are no effective treatments for heart defects. You can only choose the right supportive therapy to support the heart and eliminate the possibility of fluid getting into the lungs. Pneumothorax is considered no less dangerous for dogs, which can be caused by the following reasons:

  • chest wound;
  • broken ribs;
  • cuts in the abdomen;
  • teeth marks from bites from other animals.

With pneumothorax, the pet becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, and shortness of breath and coughing are heard at the slightest exertion. When examining the oral cavity, you can see bluish gums and tongue.

Since there is a high risk of suffocation, you should not delay a visit to the veterinarian for even a minute. An X-ray and ultrasound of the chest may be needed to understand the cause of pneumothorax. Next, air is pumped out of the lungs using drains in the pleural cavity and oxygen support is provided. In cases of serious injury or injury, sedatives or anti-shock therapy may be prescribed.

Many dog ​​owners are terrified by the diagnosis of heart failure in their pet. It most often develops with age, but many congenital cases are known in brachycephalic breeds. Heart failure can be diagnosed based on the following signs:

  1. sudden cough;
  2. lethargy;
  3. refusal to eat;
  4. shortness of breath at rest;
  5. blue color of the tongue, palate and gums.

Adult dogs are also susceptible to pulmonary edema, which can be caused by chronic bronchitis or heart problems. It develops rapidly, making the animal restless. There is a gurgling cough, grunting and severe shortness of breath. In severe cases, the tongue and the inside of the cheeks turn blue. In this case, it is better not to hesitate, as there is a risk of losing the dog. The solution to the problem is to find and exclude the causes that led to pulmonary edema and take diuretics.


Acute forms may be accompanied by fainting and foaming at the mouth.

More rarely, the tongue may turn blue due to collapse of the trachea, to which breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier and Shih Tzu are predisposed. It can be congenital (inherited) or acquired (as a complication after suffering respiratory pathologies). At the initial stage, you may notice that the pet clears its throat after palpating the trachea area or slightly pulling the collar. Subsequently, shortness of breath and blue tongue appear. For diagnosis, endoscopy can be performed, thanks to which it will be possible to see the trachea from the inside. Treatment is medicinal and surgical, depending on the age of the animal and the severity of symptoms.


A very famous breed, this is a magnificent dog that has always served the royal family to hunt wild boar, deer and even bear! It is also called the "grey ghost". This breed has both gray and golden coat colors. Most Weimaraners are born with blue eyes. As they age, their production of melanin increases, which gives their eyes even more color.

Regardless of what their eyes look like, there is no doubt that this is a very intelligent and underrated dog breed that deserves more attention. The Weimaraner, a dog of German origin, is a large breed with gray fur. His eyes are blue at birth, but in some cases they may turn amber after 6 months. A very dynamic, slender dog, it needs constant play connection, it can hardly tolerate loneliness. The height of the dog's withers reaches 65 cm, and its weight ranges from 30 to 40 kg.

Prerequisites for the appearance

A dog's purple tongue should alert its owner. This can become a prerequisite for several diseases at once, including those directly related to the life of the pet. The normal color of the mucous membranes of a dog's mouth, its lips, gums, tongue, and the inner surface of the mouth is pink.

Important! The mucous membranes acquire a lilac hue when there is a lack of oxygen in the blood. If a dog's tongue turns black, this is a sign of poisoning

It happens:

If a dog's tongue turns black, this is a sign of poisoning. It happens:

  • food, when an animal eats toxic products or poisonous substances mixed into food;
  • respiratory, when toxins of toxic substances enter the body through the respiratory system;
  • contact, absorption of poisons into the blood through the skin.

In case of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea are observed, the dog loses its appetite, the muscles stop obeying, and convulsions appear.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Looking at him, you get the impression that you are seeing a short-legged Welsh Corgi with short legs and an elongated body. However, the dog has a sporty and intelligent character. The Cardigan Welsh Corgi completes its unique look with turquoise eyes. They have always been herding dogs. Corgis are an internet favorite.

How to choose an Aussie puppy

When choosing an Aussie, you should pay attention not only to its beauty, but also to its health. After choosing a breeder, the future owner needs to look at the puppies that he can offer for sale. It is necessary to inquire from the breeder what examinations were carried out on the male and female

If possible, it is also advisable to review images for elbow and hip dysplasia, as well as a report from a veterinary ophthalmologist. After resolving all issues with the breeder, you can proceed to choosing a puppy.

When choosing, you should consider some recommendations:

A healthy puppy is curious, active and does not show aggression when meeting people. Attention must also be paid to the coat. It should be clean, free of bald spots, greasy, dandruff and lumps.

This will indicate that the breeder provides the dog with proper care. On the abdomen, the skin should be clean, soft, elastic, without rashes and without signs of a hernia. The state of health can be assessed by the nose; it should be moist, cool and breathe freely. It must be remembered that it can only be dry and warm after waking up; in other cases, this will indicate the presence of a disease. The puppy should not have club feet, even with imperfect and still very uncertain movements.

The Australian Shepherd is a loyal and reliable friend who always stands guard over its territory. You just have to treat this four-legged pet with love, and he will reciprocate.

German Shepherd

It is rare to see a German Shepherd with blue eyes, as the vast majority have brown eyes. The German Shepherd with blue eyes comes from a dominant blue gene, which is rare.

This blue color combined with the dog's dominant features creates an impressive combination. Oddly enough, many professional breeders see this as a disadvantage, as they prefer more “standard” colors and coats.

But this does not prevent future owners from having a blue-eyed German Shepherd, due to its uniqueness. When it comes to owning a dog, it is more a matter of personal taste for the owner than a matter of standards.

History of the origin of blue French bulldogs

The ancestors of bulldogs are fighting dogs from England that took part in ancient gladiator fights. After such massacres were banned, the ancestors of French bulldogs began to be trained to participate in dog fights. Fortunately, dog fighting was also banned in England. This led to the spread of the breed across different countries: after the ban, dog fighting fans began to leave the country.

Some owners of French bulldogs settled in France. The French fell in love with the breed so much that they began to actively breed it. The bulldogs we are used to seeing today were bred in France. And in 1885, the French developed and adopted an official standard for this pretty breed.

French bulldogs were originally used as rat catchers in Europe. But very quickly Frenchies became exclusive pets, the price of which was equal to the price of a car.

American Pit Bull Terrier

Some types of pit bulls are known for their beautiful blue eyes. Blue-eyed pit bulls, although not very common, are very popular throughout the world. The colors include mixtures of brown, yellow and even green eye colors. There are even pit bulls with two different colored eyes. Unfortunately, blue eyes are considered a flaw in the standards. As a result, any blue eyed pit bull is disqualified from showing.

What color irises are there?

What different colored eyes do huskies even have? As already mentioned, the brown-blue option is the most common. However, in nature there are other combinations, which are often only shades of the options already presented.

Cats with different eyes - examples of what breeds are called

Regardless of external features, different shades of eyes or fur do not in any way affect the character of the animal. This breed, which looks like a wolf and seems stern or even angry, is actually playful and very sociable.

For your information! An animal belonging to the husky breed or even a crossbreed, with proper upbringing, becomes an excellent friend and will never offend its owner or members of his family.

Mosaic pattern

Blue and brown

In huskies, this color is most often found in combination with a gray-black skin or the so-called wolf color. Less often, nature gives brown-blue irises to dogs with light or snow-white fur.

Gray and blue

Such combinations are extremely rare. Such shades can bring a number of inconveniences to your pet, primarily because it is more difficult for the eye to adapt to light changes.

Of course, the so-called gray has a real color - blue. It has already been said that a husky cannot have silver eyes. All these are just shades of blue.

Note! Dogs with similar shades do not tolerate bright sunlight well. The owner may notice that the animal often squints or gets tired faster on walks

This is especially true in clear weather in winter, when light is reflected from the snow.

Green and brown

Another normal shade that is quite rare. The last reason can lead to the fact that puppies with brown-green irises can cost significantly more than their blue-eyed counterparts.

The brown shade can be quite dark, almost black.

Amber and brown

Such shades are the rarest and most unique. According to experts, dogs with this eye color are the most resilient and resistant to both physical stress and temperature changes.

For your information! A significant advantage is that dark irises react least to bright sunlight, so it will be much easier for the dog during a walk.

Alaskan Malamute

Most Alaskan Malamutes have brown eyes. However, like their husky relatives, some may have blue eyes. Additionally, although it is rarely seen, some have one blue eye and one brown eye.

Some people believe that blue-eyed Alaskan Malamutes are not purebreds. They most likely came from a cross between a Malamute and a Husky. Since the Malamute Husky mix is ​​so popular, it is very likely that blue-eyed Malamutes inherited it from the Husky somewhere in their pedigree.

Features of care

Nail cutter - the best tool for trimming nails

The Blue Shar Pei care process consists of the following procedures:

  • Combing. The coat of adult dogs and puppies is not very long. Therefore, you need to comb it 2-3 times a week. It is better to do this with a special brush for short hair.
  • Bathing. Shar Peis do not need to be bathed very often. This must be done carefully so that no liquid remains in the folds.
  • Cleaning ears and eyes. It is necessary to examine your eyes and ears at least once a week.
  • Trimming claws. Representatives of this breed's claws do not grow very quickly. Therefore, they should be trimmed rarely, 2-3 times a month.
  • Diet. The dog's daily diet should consist of meat, vegetables, dairy products and fruits. The pet should be fed 2-3 times a day. After every meal he needs to be given a drink.

The blue-haired Shar Pei is an unusual and original dog that is popular among dog breeders. Before getting such a dog, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and care recommendations.


Originally used to hunt foxes and badgers, the dachshund can also have very pale blue eyes, especially if it has a harlequin-colored coat (which is one of the consequences of the merle gene). Although the Two Blue Eyes Dachshund is recognized by Fédération Cynologique Internationale affiliates as well as the Canadian Kennel Club, it cannot qualify as "Excellent" during the confirmatory exam because multiple health issues are considered.

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The Bolognese is a curly little dog with round dark eyes that is endearing with a sweet expression and loves to have fun. This is a curious, funny, intelligent and loyal animal. He doesn't need long walks every day, but will do it if necessary. If you are the kind of person who can't say no to an adorable, small, white and fluffy dog, you will have problems with an adult Bolognese as he needs proper training from an early age. The curly coat of these small dogs requires daily brushing and sometimes professional grooming.

The Bolognese is one of several white dog breeds that have been known in the Mediterranean for at least 2,000 years. The breed was popular at the ducal courts in Italy, particularly in Bologna, where it got its name.

German dog

This royal breed combines large size and power with elegance. They have square, well-balanced proportions. The gait is strong and powerful, with long, easy steps. The coat is short, thick, shiny. The Great Dane is particularly notable for its majestic posture and blue-eyed appearance, and is also called the "Apollo of the Dog." This is a German breed, and in 1876 the breed was declared the national dog of Germany.

The Great Dane is energetic, courageous, friendly and reliable. He is generally good with children (although his friendly overtures may overwhelm a small child) and is generally friendly towards other family dogs and animals, but like all large dogs, requires supervision. After completing the training, he will become a pleasant and well-mannered companion in the family.


Among lap dogs, this variety stands out for its long, snow-white coat; the dogs have a cute face with beady eyes. Maltese puppies are adorable and resemble a soft toy, but what should future owners know when purchasing such a cutie?

The long hair of dogs is purely a decorative element; it does not protect the pet from the cold. In addition, it is not recommended to bring a dog of this breed into a family with small children, since a miniature pet is not suitable for active games with screaming and possible physical impacts.

Lapses understand commands very well, but they are not particularly eager to carry them out, being stubborn. For fruitful work they need a certain attitude. To change this behavior, the owner will need to be closely involved in raising the dog, showing who is boss in the house.

The Maltese gets along well with other pets, including cats. However, the dog may strive for dominance and show jealousy. She will choose one owner for herself and will be immensely devoted to him, but she will also be attached to the members of the household. This baby doesn't like to be left alone, she gets bored and upset.

The purebred Maltese can be considered a long-liver; representatives of the breed quite often live to the ripe old age of 18. This is exactly how long this small, furry four-legged friend can be around, naturally, with appropriate care

But owners should not forget that, in addition to basic procedures, their silky, luxurious coat deserves special attention. It should be combed regularly, and the pet itself should be constantly bathed and dried.

Statistics show that there are over 400,000 breeds, and although some of them are inevitably becoming extinct, their total number is still increasing. People do not stop breeding, obtaining dogs that meet modern requirements.

Is it possible to identify the 10, 20, 30 or even 100 most beautiful among them? After all, each animal has special qualities, charm and appearance. And the owners of one of the representatives of the breed believe that their dog is more beautiful, smarter and more charming than the rest, at first glance, of the same dogs.




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