Squirrel at home: how to keep, care for, feed

Today, a lot of people get exotic animals: foxes, raccoons, various birds, and in some countries you can find crocodiles and even big wild cats in country houses. But some hobbyists keep squirrels at home. However, is it worth starting one? After all, a squirrel is a wild animal. And how to maintain it? This article will answer these questions.



The squirrel is the cutest furry rodent. It has a small but rather long body, the dimensions of which reach up to 31 cm. However, there are individuals whose body length is approximately 50 cm. At the same time, the Degu squirrel has a body length of up to 22 cm. Therefore, this Chilean rodent is one of the smallest representatives of its families.

These animals have a very fluffy tail, about 2/3 of the length of the entire body. He plays the role of a rudder. With its help, the squirrel balances, jumping from branch to branch.

The squirrel's head is rounded. On the top of the head there are large elongated ears. Some representatives have thick tassels on them. The eyes are round and quite large.

The rodent's paws are strong. Each of them has strong and very sharp claws that help them climb trees.

The squirrel sciurus (the Latin name for the rodent) sheds twice a year, and, accordingly, the coat also changes twice. Typically, in summer these rodents are red in color, and in winter it turns bluish-gray. And the cover itself in cold times is thicker and fluffier than in hot weather.

Squirrels have the most varied colors. They can be fiery red, gray, dark brown and even black.


The squirrel is a very active animal. It is active about 80% of the day. Rodents spend most of their lives in trees. Often in cities they choose parks to live. In winter, animals leave their dens only to find food.

These rodents do not have phenomenal memory. They can hide the seeds well, but then the rodent may forget where the treasure is and find it only by smell.

But, despite their charming appearance and love of games, they can be very aggressive and suspicious. You can’t just pick them up and “squeeze” them. And to make it easier for the squirrel to get used to its new home, it is better to take it at a very young age.


When choosing such an exotic animal, people ask themselves: how long do squirrels live at home?

In their natural habitat, these rodents live on average up to 4 years. At home, where they are not threatened by predators and frost, where the animal is always provided with food and water, they can live up to 13 years and sometimes longer.

Flying squirrel

Australian flying squirrels, which are also called sugar gliders for their excessive passion for sweets, are most suitable for keeping at home.

The flying squirrel can rightfully be classified as a “pocket” animal, not only because of its small size, but also because of its strong attachment to its owner. This species has fluffy membranes between its legs that connect the front and hind legs, which makes the cute animal look funny. The large and moist eyes of the flying squirrel resemble agate in color. Due to their large size, the animal can freely navigate in space at any time of the day.

The main color, which is quite common among Australian flying squirrels, is blue with a silver tint. Sometimes you can find a brown or yellow individual, and only occasionally are there albinos among them. There are dark stripes on the back and on the muzzle, which is slightly extended downwards, the eyes are bordered by black rims extending to the ears. The flying squirrel's ears are large and its hearing is excellent: during any noise or from a simple sound, the ears turn in the appropriate direction.

The flying squirrel's diet consists mainly of sweet fruits, with only a small portion of its diet coming from protein foods.

The length of the flying squirrel reaches 250-400 mm, and its weight varies between 80-200 g.

In the wild, the animal flies from one tree to another precisely thanks to its membranes and can hang in the air for some time. Its steering wheel is a long and fluffy tail, and the animal, if necessary, uses it to change the direction and trajectory of its flight.

It is worth noting the fact that the flying squirrel is nocturnal, so it is awake when people are sleeping.

Pros and cons of home keeping

They are of great importance for those who decide to get themselves a fluffy and playful pet.

Pros of content:

  • purchasing a rodent is not that expensive: only 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • This animal is very interesting to watch: it is active, playful and merrily runs around the entire cage;
  • representatives of this species are very clean and carefully look after their fur;
  • they are clean and almost odorless.

There are many more disadvantages to keeping a baby squirrel.


  • very high costs of providing a rodent with everything necessary at home;
  • it is very difficult to find a qualified veterinarian who can cure a pet;
  • very often baby squirrels grow up wild, that is, they do not allow themselves to be picked up;
  • not all squirrels relieve their needs in a specially designated place;
  • the pet needs to be let out for a walk in the apartment, which leads to food and things scattered throughout the apartment, chewed wires, scratched wallpaper and curtains.


The degu squirrel as a pet has become popular relatively recently. A characteristic feature of the animal is a flattened nose on a small round head and a hunched back. The head is supported on a short and thick neck. The hind legs are longer than the front ones. Coarse wool can have a yellowish, grayish or brownish tint.

In nature, a degu lives no more than 4 years, but at home, with proper care, the animal’s lifespan doubles. In its natural environment, the squirrel feeds on dry grass, but in captivity you need to buy special food for your pet. You can add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet, but do not overuse seeds and nuts.


In order for your future pet to live a long, happy and cheerful life, it is necessary to prepare properly.

First of all, you need to purchase a cage and all its components (feeder, drinkers, houses, etc.). And it is better to install it in a place where there are no drafts.

It is necessary to hide wires and important items in the house as best as possible. Otherwise, your pet will chew and scratch them when he is released from the cage.

Families with children should not have a squirrel. They will certainly want to cuddle the animal that loves it most.

Cage requirements

The squirrel is an active animal, and therefore the cage should be quite spacious. For one individual, the minimum housing size is 60-70 cm, and the height is 1.5 m. It is advisable that the cage bars be galvanized and powder coated. And the gap between them should be no more than 2 cm.

Necessary equipment

Squirrels usually build nests. Therefore, it is necessary to put houses in the enclosure. Usually there are 2 houses for one pet. It is better to place small twigs, pieces of fabric or cotton wool on the floor of the cage. They will help the animal arrange its home. It is also worth noting that the house should have a hinged lid for easy access for the owner.

Be sure to install a feeder and drinking bowl in the enclosure. And it is advisable to put some kind of mineral stone nearby.

It is also necessary to add branches and shelves on which the animal can jump. You can also install a wheel, ladders, hammocks and other details so that your pet doesn’t get bored.

Chilean squirrel

The Chilean squirrel belongs to the category of bush rats. Its size does not exceed 23 cm in length, and it can weigh no more than 300 g. The rodent is distinguished by its cheerful disposition and sociability. In nature, these animals live in flocks of several dozen individuals each, so in a domestic environment, the Chilean squirrel definitely needs a relative.

The animal feeds on plant foods - fruits, vegetables, fresh grass, hay. The pet needs to be fed food that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Maintenance and care

Caring for a squirrel is not entirely difficult. They are very clean. Therefore, the cage must be cleaned 1-3 times a week or every other day. However, you should not clean the houses themselves. Otherwise, the smell will disappear and the rodent will behave restlessly. But the feeder and drinker need to be washed once a day.

Squirrels molt 2 times a year: in winter and summer. This process does not bring owners much trouble because it proceeds gradually. In females and males, molting occurs at different times. For the first, after estrus, before the time of birth of the offspring. For the latter, molting begins earlier and continues until July. It will be difficult for your pet to tolerate. During molting, he becomes passive and drowsy.

What does a squirrel eat in nature and at home?

  • in winter
  • In summer

Since these animals do not hibernate, winter is the most difficult time for them. Usually during the fall they collect cones, nuts, bark and store food in a special cache.

Summer is a more favorable time for nutrition. During this period of time, squirrels can afford to expand their diet. It moves away from cones or nuts, paying attention to fruits, vegetables, and plants. Closer to autumn, the animals switch to mushrooms.


In order for your pet to feel good and live a long and happy life, one well-equipped enclosure is not enough. It is also necessary to feed the animal properly.

Allowed foods and dietary features

Since we are talking about an animal that is initially wild, the preparation of the diet should be approached with special attention.

The diet must include:

  • mushrooms (fresh and dried);
  • pine, hazelnuts and groundnuts;
  • hazelnut;
  • insects;
  • cones with seeds (pine and spruce);
  • catkins of aspen or willow;
  • birch leaves.

To maintain the level of minerals in the body, the animal must be given chalk, coarse table salt and eggshells.

Many people often wonder whether squirrels eat acorns. And the answer is a resounding yes. Rodents really love them.

In addition to nuts, squirrels eat sunflower and pumpkin seeds, vegetables and fruits.

The squirrel also eats small birds, lizards, sometimes small mice and eggs. The latter can be given raw.

You cannot overfeed your pet. This can cause obesity. The thing is that in the wild, squirrels spend most of the day searching for food. This takes a lot of calories. In an apartment there is no such possibility, and little energy is spent.

In winter, the squirrel should be fed food rich in minerals and vitamins. It is even advisable to give vitamin supplements to better support your pet’s immunity.

Daily diet

Adult rodents of the squirrel family are fed 2 times a day.

Prohibited Products

It is very important to pay attention to foods that should never be given to your pet.

The protein diet should not include:

  • roast;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • smoked;
  • almond;
  • fruit seeds;
  • apricot;
  • leaves and branches of lilac, elderberry, buckthorn and yew.

Feeding the baby squirrel

Small squirrels need to be fed every 2 hours with goat's milk or special milk for kittens (you can buy it at a pet store). Cow's milk in its pure form cannot be given to them. You can dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is better to give food from a pipette. This way the baby will get used to the owner's hands.

Older rodents can be fed white bread soaked in goat cheese. And as you get older, gradually switch to more solid foods.

Diet of domestic squirrels

You should not rack your brains about what to feed your domestic squirrel - practically the same plant food that is fed to the squirrels in the park. The diet should contain: pine and spruce seeds, it is permissible to give fruits and berries. Dried or fresh mushrooms will be a real treat for the domestic squirrel. However, sometimes they do not refuse insects. You can sometimes treat a squirrel to a hard-boiled egg to avoid poisoning or infection with a chicken egg. Homemade squirrels love cheese and cottage cheese, but you shouldn’t feed them candy and other sweets. In addition, you can only give the squirrel raw pumpkin, sunflower, oat, hemp and flax seeds.

Before feeding fruits and vegetables to the squirrel, they should be washed well. In winter, instead of fresh fruits, you can offer dried fruits to rodents. Along with nuts, it is useful to include crackers or white bread in the squirrel diet. To prevent vitamin deficiency, vitamins D, E and A (in oil) and a little honey should be added to the food once a week. In addition to water, you can even drink homemade proteins like tea and milk, but only without sugar and cold.

Every day, a domestic squirrel should receive about 50 g of food. It is better to feed her in the morning and evening. Here is an approximate daily diet for a squirrel:

  • nuts – 15 g;
  • crackers or white bread – 10 g;
  • fruits and vegetables – 20-25 g.

It is important that squirrel food be varied. Therefore, young leaves, buds, cones, berries and mushrooms should be added to the diet. Squirrels are unlikely to refuse fruits: apples, pears, fresh or dried bananas. To replenish calcium reserves, you can offer the squirrel beef bones or crushed egg shells. When caring about nutrition, we must not forget that a bowl of drinking water should always be present in the cage.

As for grains, the most suitable grain food for domestic squirrels is oats. You can also diversify its menu with boiled peas - this delicacy is especially useful for the growth and strengthening of the muscles of young squirrels.

It is useful to add crushed fish or beef bones to the protein diet, as well as mealworms, which are especially enriched sources of calcium and phosphorus.
In addition to fresh water, which should not be left in the cage, it is useful to offer the animal milk. While maintaining a two-meal regimen, you should not overfeed the squirrel, as this can negatively affect its health and appearance. Vegetables and fruits should be fed to squirrels in small pieces in 4-5 meals a day. Among the vegetables, there must be green, leafy ones, since they contain the highest content of vitamins C and A. Here are the vegetables you can offer your squirrel:

  • green or red salad;
  • spinach (but not much due to the presence of nitrates);
  • endive salad;
  • cabbage or broccoli, the latter is more valuable than cauliflower in nutritional terms;
  • green turnips;
  • zucchini, crushed to a pulp;
  • peeled cucumbers;
  • leaves and half a stalk of celery;
  • sweet peas;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • green beans;
  • corn in small portions.

All fruits, except those that are initially modest in size, should be offered to the squirrel in small pieces, the size of which is no more than two centimeters, so that the animal can easily handle them. Here are the fruits and berries that the squirrel will like:

  • a quarter of a garden strawberry fruit;
  • 3-4 blueberries;
  • 1 blackberry;
  • 1 raisin;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • plums;
  • watermelon (mainly as a source of water).

Since grains do not occupy a prominent place in the natural squirrel diet, they should not be abused in the case of pets. You should not give squirrels grains from a pet store, since they contain honey and food additives that are harmful to the squirrel’s body.

Like people, squirrels can have individual tastes, so you need to observe what the squirrel eats with pleasure and what it doesn’t pay attention to. This should serve as a basis for adjusting your diet.

What should you not feed your pet squirrel?

It is also important to know what you should not feed a squirrel, for example, almonds, because the hydrocyanic acid compounds they contain can easily kill the animal.

Salty, sweet, smoked and fried foods, which are unusual for their nature, are also extremely harmful to the rodent.

Feeding the baby squirrel

Having figured out what to feed the squirrel, you should pay attention to the special case if someone finds a baby squirrel. In one litter, a squirrel can give birth to up to a dozen naked baby squirrels, which are covered with a fur coat only by the end of the second week, and their eyes open only by the end of the month. And at one and a half months they already turn into agile animals, capable of independently obtaining food.

Very small baby squirrels can only be fed with milk, which also needs to be diluted. Milk can be replaced with a dry formula, which is sold in pet stores and is intended for feeding kittens.

For milk feeding it is easier to use a syringe, and when the baby squirrel grows up, replace the syringe with a nipple. You need to be careful while feeding so that the baby does not choke, since they eat greedily and quickly.

  1. So, while the eyes of a completely naked baby squirrel are not open, he should be fed 2 ml of milk every couple of hours.
  2. When it grows fur, the portion should be doubled, but given after three hours.
  3. After he opens his eyes and acquires lower incisors, the dose can be increased to 6 ml, giving it every 5 hours.
  4. When fluffy fur appears on the tail, and tassels on the animal’s ears, then maintaining the same interval of 5 hours, you can refuse night feedings.
  5. If you feed such an animal from the first weeks, it will definitely become attached to its owner and become a little friend who won’t let you get bored.

Would you like to have a pet squirrel or does it already live in your house? What do you feed her? Tell us about it in the comments.

How to extend the life of a squirrel

To prolong the life of your furry pet, you need to give it vitamin supplements for rodents.

For example:

  1. Beaphar Lebensvitamine. This is a supplement for rodents containing vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B3, B6, B12, B7. It should be added to water ten drops every day for a month.
  2. Chelavit S is a mineral supplement containing microelements iron, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium and iodine. Give 2 drops once a day after meals for a month.
  3. Excel Calcium (8 in 1) – calcium supplement containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, 1/10 tablet once a day for a month. Give only to adult pets.

What not to give

Squirrel nutrition should also be treated with care and respect. Some foods can cause gas, intestinal and health problems in general. It is important not to overfeed the animals - this can affect the squirrel’s well-being. It is prohibited to give:

  • Bread products;
  • Dairy products;
  • Peanut;
  • Candies and other sweets;
  • Smoked products;
  • Chips;
  • Fried food.

Also forget about dry food, ordinary human food, potatoes.


Squirrels are not the friendliest pets. They do not like to be held and are very suspicious of any stranger, and of their owners too. Therefore, they must be tamed immediately after the rodent has adapted to its new home. It is better to hand feed the baby all the time so that he remembers the smell of the owner.

It was mentioned above that squirrels have terrible memory. If you don’t pay attention to them, they can easily go wild and not even come up for food.

With proper upbringing, the animal will be very affectionate.

What to feed: favorite treats

Squirrels also love various goodies, which they will never refuse. Squirrels can definitely feed on conifer cones and pine nuts if we are talking about winter. In the summer, they will be happy to try: nuts, berries, mushrooms, tree bark. We will discuss the main treats for squirrels in the following sections.

  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Seeds, sunflowers
  • Dried fruits
  • Mushrooms
  • Young plants

Berries are offered to squirrels in batches of 5, sometimes fewer. The quantity depends on the size of the berry. Animals eat them in any format: dried, fresh or frozen. The following berries are allowed:

  • Strawberry;
  • Raspberries;
  • Blackberry;
  • Rowan;
  • Grape.

They prefer hazelnuts and pine nuts, which are the basis of the diet of these animals. Before feeding squirrels, check the recommended dosages. Typically, one squirrel can eat up to 4 hazelnuts and 12 pine nuts.

They love apples, pears, quinces, peaches, and apricots. You can give a small piece of banana. The main condition is not to give fruits with various additives.

You can feed the squirrels vegetables, either fresh or dried. Frozen too. Pumpkin, zucchini, carrots are a real treat for animals. At the same time, lettuce leaves and Chinese cabbage are considered real delicacies for squirrels.

Seeds, sunflowers. Be sure to give it raw. According to expert recommendations, one adult squirrel is allowed to consume no more than 10 sunflower seeds.

You can offer the animal dried fruits. Mostly they only give cranberries; squirrels love them the most. By the way, remember that you cannot offer dried apricots, figs, prunes and raisins to squirrels.

Dried or dried mushrooms. But not all mushrooms are suitable for squirrels. They can be given:

  • White;
  • Butter;
  • Honey mushrooms;
  • Chanterelles;
  • Saffron milk caps.

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If you think that classic champignons or oyster mushrooms are also suitable, you are mistaken, definitely give them up!

Squirrels love young plants and berries:

  • strawberries,
  • strawberries,
  • blueberries


If the owner wants to breed squirrels as a professional breeder, he will have a lot of work to do.

First you need to install a very large enclosure. After all, now the owner will have many times more pets. It is necessary to create something like a forest in the enclosure: install artificial trees or logs, scatter a lot of branches and put up at least 4 houses. After everything is ready, release two individuals of different sexes into the new home.

The enclosure should be in a warm place and without drafts so that the babies do not get sick.

When choosing baby squirrels for breeding, you need to pay attention to some factors.


  • rodents must be active;
  • The baby squirrels must not be too fat, otherwise the offspring will be too weak or even dead;
  • It is impossible for babies to be too thin, this factor can also lead to weak and underdeveloped offspring;
  • the fur should be shiny;
  • The mother of the baby squirrels must be prolific and have a lot of milk. This can ensure that babies are well developed.

Squirrels are territorial animals. Therefore, it is better that both pets are the same age and grow up together. Otherwise, they simply will not become friends with each other.

Reproduction can begin when the rodents are one year old. Before pregnancy, it is better to purchase an additional cage for the male.

The gestation period lasts about 35 days. At this time, you need to be very careful about the nutrition of the expectant mother. Her diet should contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and salts. She should also be fed meat and bone meal and cottage cheese.

A few days before the birth of the offspring, the female becomes aggressive towards anyone who is close to the house. Therefore, it is better to transplant the male into a separate cage. And when birth is very close, the animal becomes sensitive to blinking lights and loud sounds.

After giving birth, the female feeds the offspring with milk. But sometimes it’s not enough. And then the owner will have to feed the young animals with formula or milk. It is desirable that it be goat. However, if necessary, diluted cow's milk will also work.

Keeping a squirrel at home is very interesting and unusual. However, this will take a lot of money and effort. After all, the animal is very active and tastes everything that it gets into its paws. But if you are full of patience and strength, then such a rodent will bring you a lot of joy.

Do they hand feed?

You've probably often seen how squirrels living in the park willingly approach people and eat treats from their hands. Therefore, of course, it is possible to feed them in this way, but crossing the boundaries, that is, stroking or grabbing them, is not recommended. The animal may scratch or bite you. Place a treat on your palm and hand it to the squirrel - she will gladly accept your gifts.

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