What and how many times to feed a dachshund at home

Proper nutrition is the key to good health, well-being and mood of the dog. A balanced diet determines the appearance, excellent physical shape, and longevity of your pet. Every owner wants their four-legged friend to remain his companion for as long as possible. Surely, when you bring home a little child, the question arises, what to feed him?

At the initial stage, when forming a diet, you should clarify what the puppy ate before purchase. It is very important to provide him with the same foods; the transition to others should occur gradually. Otherwise, there is a high chance of allergic reactions and other negative manifestations. And yet, what foods should you choose and what is the frequency of feeding?

Dachshund nutritional features

The dachshund is a hunting breed whose diet relies on meat. Now these are just lap dogs, but they still need a diet in which the proportion of high-quality animal food will be greater than plant food, which the dog’s stomach does not digest well. This is the main condition for proper nutrition of dogs. If this is observed, it is easier to decide whether to feed your dachshund dry or natural. Natural food usually inspires more confidence among owners, but requires counting the amount of nutrients, calories, portion size, and preparation time. The industrial diet is already balanced and easy to use.

Prohibited Products

There is a whole list of prohibited foods that every animal lover who wants to know what is best to feed a dachshund should familiarize themselves with:

  • Chocolate. May cause poisoning to your pet.
  • Tubular bones. They negatively affect the condition of the intestines and stomach, can cause constipation, and also cause toothache. When split, they form sharp corners that damage the walls of the digestive tract.
  • Sausages, sausages and other smoked meats. They have a detrimental effect on the condition of the liver and can provoke the development of cirrhosis. Saltpeter, which is part of their composition, is a slow poison. For a person it is not noticeable, but for a dog it is quite noticeable.
  • Onion garlic. They corrode the walls of the stomach, and there is a high probability of ulcers.
  • Fried or salty foods.
  • Spoiled products.

Feeding dry food

Complete dry food from a proven brand is enough to properly feed your dachshund - with it the dog receives everything it needs for growth and development. Do not add vitamins or minerals to your dog’s prepared diet to avoid causing an overdose.

Single portions of “drying” for a dachshund are usually small: the more digestible the food, the smaller. So, a dachshund needs economy class food ~400 g per day, super premium, holistic food - ~40-180 g (the exact amount depends on weight and activity). In the dog's stomach it increases in volume and swells due to water. Don't worry about your pet going hungry by following the manufacturer's recommendations. Remember, the Dachshund is a dog with a good appetite and will gain excess weight if overfed.

How to choose dry food?

Choose premium food or higher for your dachshund, designed for small breeds. Meat and healthy offal (liver, heart) are first on the list. The protein included in the dry diet of an adult dachshund must be at least 22% (meat 40% and above); the amount of other nutrients depends on this figure. A good “drying” should contain little fat and carbohydrates, which cheap foods cannot “boast” of.

Royal Canin Dachshund for dachshunds over 10 months

Premium food. Takes into account the breed characteristics of adult dachshunds: high need for protein to maintain activity and muscle tone, congenital chondrodystrophy and increased load on the spine, jaw structure and grip method, tendency to obesity.

Profine Adult Small Chicken&Potatoes

Czech super-premium food with chicken (45%), corn, potatoes and seafood. Suitable for regulating dachshund weight, preventing joint diseases. Although it is not holistic, it does contain fruit (dried apple) and herbs (basil, sage, fennel).

Wellness Core Healthy Weight grain-free for small breeds

Low-calorie, vitamin- and protein-enriched holistic food with turkey and chicken. The carbohydrate component is potatoes, the vitamin component is apples, carrots, spinach, broccoli, cranberries, blueberries, tomatoes. Suitable for weight regulation, supporting dog joints.

When should you change food?

Food from different brands, but of the same class, does not differ much. Only the dog’s individual preferences and medical indications matter. If the dachshund refuses the offered food or is allergic to it (“the eyes or ears get wet, the hair falls out not during shedding, the dog scratches the skin”), then replace the food or remove allergenic foods (fish, baked goods, fermented milk, smoked meats).

But only if the reason is this, and not parasites or improper maintenance! Offer your pet a trial amount of a different brand of food. If he eats and everything is fine with health, switch to it within 2-3 weeks. Also gradually change “drying” to natural feeding. Monitor your dog and its health.

Pros and cons of natural food

Feeding natural food has its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. The dog receives fresh vitamins and components;
  2. You know exactly what foods your dachshund eats, and you are also aware of their quality and freshness;
  3. Natural nutrition is closer to “natural”, the way a dog would eat in nature;
  4. This is an excellent replacement for artificial ones if the dog is allergic to it. You can easily replace the allergen;
  5. Natural food, despite all the controversy surrounding it, is more nutritious and healthy, because it uses natural food without fillers, dyes and preservatives.


  1. High price;
  2. It will take a lot of time and effort;
  3. It is necessary to observe a certain norm and ratio of vitamins and elements. Without this, the dog will start to get sick;
  4. You should always remember what foods you should not give.

Natural diet

should contain different foods - sources of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Follow this rule and do not try to greatly diversify your dog’s diet.


  • stringy meat (chicken (if there is no allergy), turkey, lamb without fat, beef - in large pieces);
  • sea ​​fish, boneless, scalded;
  • cereal porridge in water or broth (rice, buckwheat), steamed rolled oats;
  • vegetables and fruits (raw, grated or put through a blender, with the exception of cabbage, stew it);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese; cheese - as a reward);
  • tendon bones (clean teeth, strengthen jaw);
  • eggs (boiled or raw yolk).

Sample menu for the week

Day of the weekMorningEvening
MondayRaw rabbit meat, cereal in milk, grated raw carrots.Raw beef, cereal, grated raw zucchini and vitamins.
TuesdayLean lamb, half a glass of fermented baked milk, grated apple, porridge.Boiled liver, rice porridge, boiled chopped pumpkin, finely chopped greens.
WednesdayBoiled fish (pollock), rice porridge, boiled cauliflower, chicken yolk.Raw or cooked beef, vegetables and porridge.
ThursdayRaw beef tripe, rice porridge, stewed cauliflower, grated pear, organic yogurt.Low-fat cottage cheese with vitamins, grated cucumber and millet crackers.
FridayRaw chicken hearts, semolina porridge, tomato and juice.Raw sprat, buckwheat, stewed zucchini and greens.
SaturdayBeef, boiled pink salmon, oatmeal, grated walnuts, stewed cabbage with tomatoes.Ryazhenka, beef biscuits and beef bone.
SundayRaw chicken breast, porridge, greens and apple.Raw rabbit, porridge, grated pumpkin and greens.

What not to feed

  • pork and other fatty meats (causes vomiting and diarrhea),
  • fatty (butter, margarine, fried),
  • chicken skin (allergenic),
  • pearl barley, semolina, legumes (not digestible), millet (causes diarrhea),
  • bones (the intestines are injured, clogged);
  • potatoes (exclude or give in small quantities: dachshunds hardly digest starch),
  • sweet, salty, hot, spicy, smoked foods (spoils digestion, teeth, detracts from the sense of smell),
  • sweet products.

How to care for a dachshund puppy in a private home?

Proper care for a taxi driver living in a private house must be done in the same way as for an apartment pet. The only thing is that keeping and walking a dachshund in the yard will leave noticeable traces in the form of the ubiquitous excavated holes. And since taxi drivers are natural hunters, they will catch small animals.

What does a dachshund need in the house?

Taxi drivers living in private houses require exactly the same things as those living in apartments:

  1. House.
  2. Tray.
  3. Bowls.
  4. Leash and collar.
  5. Toys.
  6. Dental stick.
  7. Warm clothes.

What to feed a puppy

Find out from the breeder what food your puppy is accustomed to, and feed him the same for a week or two. This will avoid possible digestive disorders and allergies. The frequency of feeding a baby dachshund depends on its age.

Age, monthsFeeding frequency, once a dayWhat to feed
up to 1~10-12 (every 2 hours)mother's milk, sour milk, meat broths at room temperature
1-25-6+ semi-liquid porridge and pureed vegetables
2-34+ cereal soups with vegetables, boiled meat
3-53-4+ little by little raw meat, boiled offal, exclude pure milk
3-83gradual transition to an adult diet
after 82like an adult dog

Dachshund puppies go through periods of increased growth during which they need an “adult” portion of food. This is fine. Focus on the puppy's fatness: he should not have noticeable ribs. Underfeeding babies is more dangerous for their health than overfeeding! Malnutrition will not turn him into a dwarf breed, but will make him sick, with a lack of bone mass. But the height will still be the same as that of his parents.

The dachshund puppy wants to go to the toilet immediately after eating, so you need to walk him after feeding, but do not let him run actively.

Some owners advise small puppies to be given meat food for children. But you can also do it yourself by grinding boiled meat in a blender and adding a little porridge. Be sure to give your puppy milk and dairy products up to 3 months, which will provide calcium to his growing skeleton.

Here's an expert's opinion on proper dog nutrition.

Health problems and nutritional prevention

Dachshunds are famous for their good health, as for decorative dogs, but due to the special structure of the skeleton and increased activity, there are a number of diseases that are inherent in the animal. For prevention and treatment, not only tablets or injections are used, but also specialized nutrition.

For example:

  • to strengthen the spine and treat joints, 1st Choice and Happy Dog nutrition is suitable;
  • There will be no obesity when feeding Hills Metabolic and prop plan.

Dachshunds also suffer from epilepsy, ear disease and eye dystrophy, but these problems are treated with drops, gels and tablets.

How and what to feed an adult dachshund

Feed your Dachshund twice a day, morning and evening. A one-time amount of “natural food” is calculated using the formula 40 g * x kg, where x is the weight of the dog. If your dog’s “hungry” look forced you to give him a daytime snack, give him a smaller portion in the evening. But it’s better not to disrupt the feeding schedule. This is the only way the dachshund will not beg and steal food.

Let adult dogs eat after a walk, so as not to provoke intestinal volvulus. Cook meat, grains and vegetables separately from each other, and mix in a bowl before serving. Don’t forget about clean drinking water: the dog should have plenty of it at any time of the day and year (especially in the summer heat). It is not advisable to combine nutrition systems (ready-made and natural).

Here is a detailed example of feeding from their owner.

Features of keeping a dachshund in an apartment

Caring for your favorite dachshund at home is not as difficult as new owners think. This is a small breed, so it is best suited for living in an apartment.

Keeping a dachshund in a city apartment has its own subtleties:

  • Taxi drivers must not jump from anywhere, even from the sofa, otherwise they will be injured;
  • dogs love to chew on anything that is in a bad position, so you need to remove wires, wobbly objects and anything that can be bitten out of sight;
  • Dachshunds can eat all the plants in the apartment, so it is better to remove poisonous vegetation from the house.

Vitamins for dachshunds

Dachshunds are often deficient in phosphorus and calcium, and their skeletal features require active joint protective supplements (glucosamine). Proven complexes for dachshunds:

8in1 Excel Calcium (Calcidee)

Based on the balance of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D, it combines well with other complexes, in some cases it is recommended to be fed along with dry food. Suitable for puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.

8in1 Pervinal Excel Puppy Multi Vitamin

A complete complex of 12 vitamins and 10 minerals, suitable for rapidly growing dogs.

8in1 Excel Glucosamine

Chondroprotector, contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which protects the cartilage of the intervertebral joints, as well as the joints of the limbs, from destruction.

Nutrition correction, allergies, excess weight and other important points

If your dachshund suddenly develops a food allergy, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, he will be able to correct the pet’s diet. You won't be able to deal with this on your own. Also, if your pet begins to gain weight, then it needs to be put on a diet and only after consulting a doctor.

Obesity can occur in pregnant and postpartum dogs due to hormonal shifts. Therefore, under no circumstances overfeed your pet and pay special attention to its nutrition.

A sudden change of food is also harmful to the dog's health. When using other types of food, you should always provide your pet with plenty of fluids.

To keep your dog healthy, you need to be diligent about what he eats. After all, a pet’s magnificent appearance, activity and good health are the result of a properly selected diet. You can feed your dachshund both natural products and dry food. The most important thing is to monitor the portion size and change it if your pet suddenly begins to lose weight or gain weight.

Feeding pregnant and lactating bitches

Give puppy and lactating bitches more food from about the second half of pregnancy so that they do not have a deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Then increase the frequency of feeding to 4 times a day and maintain the entire period of whelping and feeding the puppies - ~2 months, but no longer. After giving birth, be sure to make sure mommy gets enough minerals, especially calcium, to avoid postpartum eclampsia. After weaning the puppies, the bitch may seem thin - fatten her up a little, but don’t get carried away, and later switch her to super premium and holistic class diet food.

Menu for an adult dog

An adult dog can be fed twice a day.

Breakfast and dinner may consist of:

  • raw meat;
  • grated vegetables, such as carrots;
  • steamed flakes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cottage cheese.

It is these foods, consumed daily, that will provide the optimal balance of nutrients. Sometimes you can pamper your dog with a bone made from compressed veins, cheese or other treats purchased at a pet store.

Dogs are the most loyal creatures on earth and deserve proper care, care, attention and love.

What food to feed a dachshund with health problems

  • Obesity: if it is not diabetes or thyroid disease, put your pet on a low-calorie natural diet (meat, vegetables and dairy) or a ready-made diet for overweight dogs.
  • Allergies: hypoallergenic lines of industrial feed are suitable; or choose those natural products to which your pet will not have a reaction.
  • Gastritis: easily digestible foods (chicken), steamed, slimy soups and porridges or food for dogs with sensitive digestion.

What is strictly contraindicated

Despite the fact that there are prohibited foods, there is also a list of what dachshunds are strictly contraindicated from eating.:

  1. Sausage product. They contain saltpeter, which will cause cancer in your pet.
  2. Chocolate. The dog can be poisoned by it.
  3. Rabbit and chicken bones. They are essentially tubular, which means they can injure a dog’s mouth with a splinter.
  4. Fried and smoked food. Such food can have a negative effect on the human body, let alone dogs.

Bottom line

The dachshund is an inquisitive animal that spends most of its time on the move. Unlike other breeds, dachshunds have a special body structure. The elongated massive body is located on short legs. Therefore, one of the common problems with animals is diseases of the skeletal system. To prevent such processes from occurring, it is necessary to select the right food from the first days of life. The rating of the best food for dachshunds for 2022 allows you to choose the right daily diet, depending on the characteristics of the pet.

What to look for when choosing food for your dachshund

Your pet's daily diet should be varied. Most often, special ready-made mixtures are used as food. When choosing such food, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  • Pet's age. Different foods are used for puppies and adult dogs. Puppies' digestive organs cannot digest adult food. If this criterion is not met, pets will suffer from digestive system disorders.
  • Lifestyle. Dachshunds are active dogs, so the food should be high in calories.
  • Everyday or therapeutic. Medicinal food is provided for those cases when the animal requires special care and cannot digest regular food. Most often, such cases occur after suffering from infectious diseases or food poisoning.
  • Granule size. For dachshunds, it is necessary to use small granules that will not damage the oral cavity and are convenient to use.
  • Having allergies. Animals often develop allergies to feed mixtures. In such cases, it is necessary to purchase products marked anti-allergenic.

It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of animals. In the presence of diseases of the internal organs, light feed mixtures are used, which are quickly absorbed.

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