How and what to feed a husky puppy correctly: choosing food for pets and where to start the first feeding

Huskies were bred in northeastern Siberia and lived in harsh climates for a long time.

Despite the fact that representatives of this breed have not been used as working and sled dogs for a long time, they have retained their distinctive characteristics, including hyperactivity, the ability to withstand frost and a high degree of endurance.

All this necessitates a responsible attitude towards their diet - any mistakes in feeding huskies can cause the development of serious health problems and even a reduction in life expectancy.

Natural food or artificial food? What's better?

When purchasing a puppy, no matter what breed it is, the owner decides on the type of food he or she will eat, choosing between industrial food, natural products or a mixed diet..

In the case of husky puppies, combined feeding is strictly prohibited - the body of these animals produces different enzymes for processing feed and “natural food”, so mixing them can lead to gastrointestinal diseases and, in general, have a negative impact on the development of the pet.

The remaining feeding options have their own advantages and disadvantages and it is impossible to clearly judge which one is better.

Thus, high-quality industrial food is already enriched with all the necessary micro- and macroelements, which makes it possible not to give the puppy additional vitamins and minerals.

The advantage of natural nutrition at home is that it does not contain chemical additives, all nutrients are of natural origin.

It is better not to change the chosen type of nutrition, and if necessary, do it gradually.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Throughout their lives, Huskies need high-quality nutrition that satisfies their body’s need for vitamins and minerals and can replenish energy costs. But you should approach the issue of feeding puppies as responsibly as possible, since any mistakes made in feeding them can cause abnormal development and serious pathologies. Natural nutrition has a lot of advantages, but it is impossible to correctly create a diet without having certain knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine and dietetics. Therefore, it is better to opt for high-quality industrial food, choosing a diet in accordance with the age of the puppy.

Vitamins and supplements in the diet of Khasenyshes

During the period of active growth of animals and the replacement of their teeth with permanent ones, the animal’s body needs vitamins and mineral supplements. A veterinarian can recommend ready-made complexes that can be purchased at a pharmacy, and he will also prescribe the required dose and procedure for taking the medications.

The lack of vitamins can be compensated with the help of feed additives:

  1. Tricalcium phosphate – eliminates the imbalance of calcium and phosphorus.
  2. Omega-3 and omega-6 – for the production of vitamins A and D.
  3. Brewer's yeast – enhances the body's protective functions.
  4. Bran is a source of fiber.

Natural nutrition

Many, especially beginner dog breeders, believe that feeding a dog with natural products is a priori better for its development and health, but this is not entirely true..

This type of nutrition has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this type of feeding are::

  • the absence of chemical additives, flavors and taste enhancers that can negatively affect the health of the pet;
  • content of the required amount of fiber and proteins;
  • the ability to control the quality of food consumed by the dog;
  • variety of diet, eliminating the possibility that the animal will get bored with food;
  • lower cost compared to industrial feed.

In addition, if a husky becomes allergic to one of the products, it can be replaced with an analogue.

Disadvantages of natural nutrition:

  • it takes a lot of time to prepare fresh food for the dog every day;
  • if there is a need to switch your pet to industrial food, it will be quite difficult to do this;
  • food cannot be prepared for future use;
  • Natural nutrition is not possible until the puppy is 1 month old.

It should also be remembered that it is quite difficult to independently create a balanced diet that takes into account the puppy’s needs not only for carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber, but also for amino acids, micro- and macroelements and vitamins, and improper nutrition can lead to vitamin deficiency or a lack of minerals.

Authorized Products

In the husky menu with a natural type of food, you must include:

  • lean meat (beef, chicken, venison, turkey) is the main source of proteins necessary for the animal, it should make up at least 70% of the daily amount of food;
  • offal (heart, tripe, spleen, lungs, trachea, liver) - they are rich in microelements and vitamins;
  • bones – large, “sugar” bones help clean teeth and strengthen jaw muscles;
  • cartilage is a source of collagen, microelements, vitamins necessary for the proper formation of the dog’s body;
  • sea ​​fish - it is rich in iodine, fluorine, amino acids, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, D;
  • cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) – help normalize intestinal function;
  • low-fat fermented milk products - contain calcium necessary for the musculoskeletal system;
  • eggs – maximum 2 times a week and only the yolk;
  • vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, beans and pumpkin, cabbage) - rich in minerals and vitamins, stabilize digestion.

As a treat, you can give your puppy bananas, honey or dried apricots from time to time.

An additional intake of a vitamin-mineral complex is necessary, but before purchasing you should consult a veterinarian.

Absolutely forbidden

Not all foods can be consumed by husky puppies.

On the prohibited list are:

  • fatty meats, chicken, veal;
  • milk (puppies over 2 months old);
  • tubular bones;
  • chicken protein;
  • sweets, baked goods, chocolate, sugar substitute;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • legumes;
  • nutmeg;
  • potato;
  • smoked meats, pickles, marinades, sausages;
  • fried, spicy foods.

You should not give your husky mince.

These dogs do not have chewing teeth, and the digestive system is capable of digesting only fairly large pieces of meat, so feeding your pet minced meat can cause indigestion.

Prohibited foods in the diet

Owners of northern dogs should know what foods they should absolutely not feed:

  1. Chocolate contributes to the development of diabetes and problems with the cardiovascular system. Consumption in excess amounts is fatal.
  2. Boiled tubular bones have no nutritional value, but can form sharp fragments that can cause injury to internal organs.
  3. Sugar contributes to obesity, damages tooth enamel, and worsens skin condition.
  4. Candied fruits, grapes, citrus fruits - cause flatulence and colic.
  5. Smoked, pickled, salted foods cause damage to the liver and kidneys.
  6. Pork and lamb are harmful to the pancreas.
  7. Seasonings and spices - destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  8. Whole milk - after six months, dogs do not produce enzymes to digest it, consumption causes indigestion and allergies.

Industrial feed

This type of dog nutrition is popular among many breeders . But, before choosing it for your pet, you need to study its pros and cons and understand how to choose the right food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like natural nutrition, a diet based on industrial feed has a number of advantages, but is not without its disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • balanced composition, enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • the ability to buy food for future use;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • the presence on the packaging of information about the daily consumption rate;
  • saving time and effort on cooking and planning a diet;
  • an assortment that allows you to choose food taking into account the age of the puppy.

In addition, the special composition with which the dry food granules are coated helps clean the husky’s teeth.

Disadvantages of industrial feeds:

  • lack of liquid in food, unless we are talking about wet food;
  • the possibility of using low-quality meat and meat waste to make feed;
  • the likelihood of containing chemical flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers, soy and other harmful components;
  • high cost for quality products.

If your puppy develops an allergy to one of the components of the food, the entire diet will have to be changed..

Dry or wet

Wet food contains up to 80% liquid, so it is healthier for your pet's stomach, but less nutritious.


Such products cannot be stored for a long time - the shelf life of opened pates and canned food is no more than 2 days.

The best option for using wet food is mixing it with dry food . It is important that they be of the same brand and belong to the same class of feed.

Choosing a place and dishes for feeding a husky puppy

Husky puppies eat a lot, often and not very carefully. Representatives of the breed are very active in childhood.

When hunger becomes unbearable, the puppy drops everything and rushes to the bowl, not paying attention to obstacles. For this reason, many dogs are injured, suffer dislocations and even fractures of their front legs.

To keep your puppy safe while eating, you need to make the best choice of place and utensils.

  • The eating area must be covered with a non-slip mat, preferably rubber.
  • A husky puppy should be taught to eat from a stand from an early age. It is better to purchase a stand whose height can be adjusted as your pet grows.

Note! Your puppy may hiccup after eating if he swallows food too quickly. To teach your pet to eat correctly and leisurely, you can use special bowls with a structured bottom.

Feed rating

Food for a puppy of this breed should be at least premium class.

When choosing a suitable diet, you must carefully study its composition.:

  • the first place in the list of ingredients should be meat (food based on beef, chicken, lamb is suitable for puppies) or fish, indicating their type;
  • Vitamin E should be used as a preservative;
  • The composition must be free of flavors, dyes and preservatives and contain proteins.

The most suitable food for husky puppies:

  • Acana Puppy and Junior - made from fresh meat and fish, contains cereals, vegetables, fruits, oats with a low glycemic index and additives that promote the proper formation of bone tissue;
  • Orijen Puppy – contains no grains, but contains more than 75% meat components, a small amount of carbohydrates, vegetables, beans, berries, fruits and special minerals and vitamins;
  • Almo Nature Medium Puppy - 53% consists of meat ingredients, contains cereals and plant components, and rosemary extract is a natural antioxidant;
  • Nutra Gold - contains meat or fish fillet, grains, legumes, vegetables, algae, vitamins, minerals, microelements; there are no flavor enhancers, flavors or other artificial additives;
  • Royal Canin (Medium Puppy) – contains at least 30% meat; for puppies of this breed, you should choose holistic food with hypoallergenic ingredients;
  • Advance - food consists of more than 22 products and contains at least 15% meat, enriched with essential microelements;
  • Purina Pro Plan – containing at least 20% meat and offal, the Medium Puppy Sensitive line is suitable for medium breed puppies prone to allergies;
  • Happy Dog (Medium Baby) – contains about 25% meat, plant extracts, fermented cereals, flax seed, fatty acids, micro- and macroelements, no dyes, preservatives, soy.

Also suitable for feeding puppies of this breed are 1st Choise (Puppy series), Now Fresh (Puppy Chiot) and Josera Puppy..

Huskies should not be fed low-quality economy class products.

What to feed an adult husky

An older pet should be gradually transferred to age-appropriate feeding. As already mentioned, you can continue to prepare your dog’s food yourself, or you can simplify your task and switch to ready-made balanced types of food. An adult husky needs premium food. They can be bought in specialized stores. If an individual is predisposed to allergies, then the hypoallergenic option Sensible Nutrition is suitable.

For lovers of natural nutrition, the ready-made Happy Dog product is suitable. It should be mixed with boiled vegetables or meat puree. Representatives of the breed prone to problems in the digestive system are recommended to eat adapted Happy Dog Concept food. This line has a complex of different foods.

Where do you start with the first complementary feeding?

You need to start feeding puppies 3-4 weeks after their birth. At this age, babies need additional sources of energy, vitamins and minerals, which is due to active growth and formation of the body.


Milk porridge, calcined cottage cheese, meat broths, and grated boiled carrots are used as complementary foods.

All food should be liquid or mushy and at room temperature or slightly warmer. If the puppy reacts negatively to some complementary foods, they should be eliminated and the portion reduced.

If for some reason the bitch cannot feed the puppies or her milk is not enough, the babies need to be fed earlier, using bitch milk substitutes.

How to cook food for Khasenysh?

To feed your pets correctly, you need to know how to prepare food. Several recommendations should be followed:

  1. The meat is thawed for 72 hours, then cut into small pieces and fed to the dogs.
  2. Seafood is boiled.
  3. The cereals are poured with hot water and left for 30 minutes.
  4. Add a little oil to the porridge and add a little salt.
  5. Eggs are boiled and given without protein.
  6. Vegetables are steamed.
  7. Cucumbers and tomatoes are fed raw.
  8. The offal is washed several times and then boiled for 2 hours.


AgeApproximate dietNumber of feedings per day
Up to 1 monthAt this age, the puppies' diet consists only of mother's milk (if this is not possible, then from special substitutes, and closer to 4 weeks - from infant formula without sugar and additives), from which they receive the substances and vitamins necessary for growth and development. Complementary foods in the form of milk porridges, calcined cottage cheese, whole milk, meat broths and boiled grated carrots should be introduced at 3-4 weeks Every 2-3 hours, including at night
1 monthPuppies are becoming more and more interested in adult food. They can be given age-appropriate wet or pre-soaked dry industrial food. If we are talking about natural products, then whole milk, infant formula without additives, calcined cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, boiled yolk, minced beef, low-fat broth are allowed Depends on build and individual characteristics, on average – 4-6
2 monthsPuppies already have all their milk teeth, so you can add pre-frozen shredded raw meat, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk to the diet, and when feeding finished products - semi-moist food5-4
3 monthsWith a natural diet, the puppy can eat all permitted foods; when choosing industrial products, food appropriate for age4-3
4-6 monthsAt this age, the change of teeth begins, the diet should be enriched with microelements and vitamins - their lack can delay the change of baby teeth, and a lack of calcium leads to falling ears. At six months you need to start accustoming your pet to porridges consisting of 50-75% meat and offal (beef liver, lung, udder, heart, peeled tripe) 4-3
6 months-1 yearThis is the time when the husky’s diet can be expanded as much as possible by including vegetables, fruits, herbs, offal and increasing the amount of grains.3-2

The daily amount of food depends on the individual characteristics of the animal.

Menu for a puppy for a week

Huskies need to be fed high-calorie foods. Only in this case will the dog grow up strong and healthy.

A sample weekly menu looks like this:

  • chicken meat – 500 g;
  • boiled vegetables – 160 g;
  • oatmeal – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 teaspoon.
  • offal (heart, kidneys) – 500 g;
  • cabbage – 140 g;
  • kefir – 250 g.
  • boiled sea fish – 550 g;
  • buckwheat porridge – 160 g;
  • yogurt without sweetener – 250 g.
  • beef or rabbit meat – 500 g;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots) – 160 g;
  • chicken egg (raw) – 1 piece;
  • kefir – 250 g.
  • offal – 500 g;
  • kefir – 250 g;
  • rice porridge – 150 g;
  • vegetable oil – 1 teaspoon.
  • lamb or veal – 500 g;
  • chicken egg (raw) – 1 piece;
  • boiled pumpkin – 170 g;
  • bio-yogurt – 250 g.
  • chicken – 500 g;
  • apple - one medium;
  • cottage cheese – 200 g.


It is recommended to feed Husky puppies the following foods:

  1. Porridge with meat. For two servings you need to take 600 g of beef, a third of a glass of cereal (rice or buckwheat). Fill with water and place on the stove. Carrots, cabbage, zucchini and a pinch of salt are added to the boiling porridge. It is prohibited to use seasonings to feed your husky.
  2. Chicken porridge. For 4 servings you need a kilogram of legs. They are filled with water and cooked until half cooked. Add finely chopped carrots, half a glass of rice, and onions.
  3. Oatmeal. Pour in hot broth and leave for 30 minutes. Season with butter or sunflower oil.
  4. Curd with calcium. Add three tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride to a liter of milk. After boiling, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Cottage cheese is given to a husky puppy warm.
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