Doberman mini (miniature pinscher): what is unique about the dog, and how to raise a brave watchman

Mini Dobermann, also known as miniature pinscher, is a breed of small dogs with a difficult temperament, bred in Germany in the 19th century. Despite their small stature of 25-30 cm, the original function of pinschers was to catch rats and guard stagecoaches. Over time, the brave watchman became a pet who has not lost his service qualities and is always ready to help a member of his “human pack.”

Brief history of origin

The first mention of the small miniature pinscher dates back to the 15th century. However, there is no reliable evidence of the existence of these particular dogs in ancient times. The first little Doberman was born in Württemberg, Germany. Its functions were versatile: the dog was an excellent rat catcher, a stagecoach guard who could keep up with the pace of the horses.

The second half of the 19th century was marked by the fact that German breeders began to purposefully improve small pinschers. The Mini Doberman dog breed standard was officially approved in 1880. And the first exhibition was held in Stuttgart, 10 years later, in 1900.

Interesting Facts

The little Doberman has earned popularity thanks to his extraordinary abilities and appearance. Some fun facts:

  1. The animal has an unusual gait that resembles a trotter. Because of her, the small miniature pinscher received the name “poor man’s riding pony.”
  2. Representatives of the breed have very sensitive hearing, picking up the quietest sounds and allowing them to determine from a great distance that the owner is approaching the house.
  3. The Mini Doberman is often called the “king of small dogs” among dog breeders.
  4. Despite its resemblance to the Doberman Pinscher, the Little Pinscher is not a variety of the first breed. She was bred by a dog handler who was inspired by the miniature and agile dog. The name of the breeder F.L. Doberman gave rise to a similar name for the breed.

Breed description, standards and appearance

The small representative of the breed copes with various tasks. Despite its miniature size, it is classified as a service dog. He is energetic and tireless. The body is muscular and graceful. The shiny coat makes the dog the center of attention at shows where different dog breeds are present.

The current breed standard, which all dogs applying for admission to exhibitions and breeding must meet, was adopted in 207. According to the document, the Doberman mini belongs to group 2 “Pinscher, Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle Dogs”, and the description of the breed is as follows:

  1. The head is oblong in shape with straight lines.
  2. The neck is graceful, of medium length, without sagging skin folds.
  3. Nose - the lobe is well developed, colored black.
  4. The bite is scissor-type, the jaws are strong.
  5. The eyes are expressive, oval-shaped, mostly dark.
  6. Ears are set high and cropped.
  7. The body is notable for its strong back and chest.
  8. Limbs – straight, strong. Movements are confident and smooth.
  9. The tail is saber-shaped or sickle-shaped of medium length.
  10. Height at the withers is within 25-30 cm (lower values ​​apply to females).
  11. Weight – 4-6 kg.

Mini Dobermans are companion dogs for active people. They have high intelligence, excellent memory, and love to learn throughout their lives. With proper care and feeding, its duration can be increased by 5 years, with an average of 13-15.

Color and coat type

The breed standard for dogs is two colors: black and tan and red. Not so long ago, a brown and tan color, the so-called “fox,” was allowed. Now only in the USA there are specimens with this color left for breeding. The coat is short, close-lying, hard and smooth in structure. With proper diet and care, it shines, giving the mini Doberman a special charm.


The pinscher is not very tall - only 27-30 cm at the withers. An adult dog weighs no more than 6 kg. The following description of the breed somewhat corresponds to the characteristics of the standard Doberman type:

  1. The Mini Doberman has a well-built body with strong bones. Proportional view. The muscles throughout the body are developed.
  2. There is a small head on a long graceful neck. The skull is oblong and not wide.
  3. There is a transition between the high forehead and the elongated muzzle. The nose is fleshy and black.
  4. The pinscher's limbs are straight and powerful. The front legs are located perpendicular to the body. Rear - laid back at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
  5. The eyes are located on the same line. The color of the iris is black. The eyes are slightly convex, vaguely reminiscent of small beads.
  6. The dog's ears are set high. They have a triangular shape. They stand straight upright and do not dock.
  7. The high-set tail is trimmed to approximately 2 cm. However, recently there has been more and more opposition to docking, so some representatives of the breed can be found with a long tail.
  8. The Dwarf Doberman has a smooth, coarse and glossy coat. The hairs fit tightly to the body. Throughout the body, the length of the coat is approximately the same - short.

The coat color of miniature pinschers can be:

  • two-color - black and tan or brown and tan;
  • plain - red.

If the dog is of two-color color, then the tan marks are located: on the chest, paws, belly, cheekbones. The dog's eyebrows also stand out and have a sharp contrast with the main color.

The main feature of the miniature pinscher is its gait. When moving, he lifts his front paws quite high. The gait of a mini Doberman resembles that of a riding horse.

Price and where to buy

The price for miniature pinscher puppies is in the range of 20,000-30,000 rubles. Purebred puppies with good pedigree are valued higher than crossbreds. Also, the final cost depends on the reputation and location of the nursery (Zhanetline, Valtera`s, FROM THE HOUSE OF CUPID, Del Island).

Character and behavior

The progenitor of the Mini Doberman is the German Pinscher. This left an imprint on the dog's character. She has a very difficult temperament - the owner must show attention, sensitivity and at the same time moderate severity towards the small pet. And although the miniature size sometimes gives rise to the idea of ​​​​using force on the wayward Mani Doberman, this should not be done.

The hierarchical ladder in relations with a small four-legged family member must be built gradually, with patience.

Mini Dobermans are very inquisitive and playful, active and good-natured. Although the latter quality is not shown to everyone, but only to the family. They love to take part in children's active activities. However, they must respect the independence of the small representatives of the service breed and not try to offend in any way. Dogs are also capable of becoming a companion to an adult if the owner is not a homebody.

Characteristics of the mini Doberman:

  • intolerance of competition from other pets;
  • love of digging;
  • development of the protective instinct.

Description of the Miniature Pinscher breed

The characteristics of the Miniature Pinscher breed are based on standards. Over time, standards have changed. The changes made, however, did not greatly affect the appearance of the dog.

Not so long ago it was necessary to crop the ears and tails of miniature pinschers. Following the passage of legislation in many countries prohibiting such actions, the FCI standard was revised. Currently, docking is not a mandatory requirement and is performed at will.

Size and appearance

According to the standard, the description of the miniature pinscher breed is as follows:

  • The height of an adult pet should be from 25 to 30 at the withers;
  • Weight is 4 – 6 kg.

All deviations are unacceptable and may result in disqualification from the show.

In appearance, he is almost a copy of the Doberman. The little Doberman Pinscher, like its big twin, has two coat colors. Color varieties: red in all shades of brown and black and tan with a highlighted area near the eyes, the inside of the paws and the chest.

The body is muscular, dry, strong. Correct physique. The paws are placed at a distance. The eyes are dark and normally set. The eyelids are also dark. The teeth are strong and white. Scissor bite. The neck is moderately long and strong. The skin is dense and fits without any folds. Smooth-haired, has no undercoat. The tail is docked or saber-shaped.


With proper care for your pet, the life expectancy of a mini Doberman reaches 15 years. Such a long period of life of the miniature pinscher is due to the general strength of the body. But this requires proper nutrition and care for the miniature pinscher from puppyhood.


The character of the miniature pinscher is ambiguous. These dogs are very cheerful and active. They will always find something to do and amuse their owners. But these are very proud animals, with a certain amount of aristocracy. She will not tolerate boorish attitude even from her beloved owner. At the same time, they are very loyal creatures. For the sake of the owner, German miniature pinschers are ready to rush at an opponent much larger than themselves. They may be somewhat intolerant of guests and other pets. Smart and balanced, he will not make noise over trifles. It is also a friendly and resourceful pet, it will always be able to adapt to any circumstances.


Miniature Pinscher dogs are very smart. They will not rush head-on at an obviously stronger enemy, but they will not yield to him either. Ingenuity will help dogs of this breed find a way out. They will also easily find something to play with even when alone. For this reason, it is worth removing items that can be chewed higher. Their intelligence and ability to think are at a very high level, so they will always find a way out of the current situation. High intelligence makes it easy to learn skills for which the breed was not originally adapted.

Attitude towards others

The Miniature Pinscher's friendliness makes him a very sociable animal. Completely devoted to their owners, they can be jealous of other pets or guests. But they love to play and interact with both people and other animals.

Thanks to these qualities, they will become best friends. Just don’t forget to wear a leash while walking – the little protector can rush at anyone, even a very large enemy.

Attitude towards children

For children, a miniature pinscher - a miniature pinscher - will be the best friend. He loves to play thanks to his irrepressible energy. For this reason, they get along great and can become best friends. However, you should not leave them alone with children. A baby can unknowingly cause pain to a pinscher. In this case, the dog will defend itself. If you have a child under one year old, you should wait to choose this dog. Loud barking can frighten or wake up your baby.

Training and education

It is important to remember about training your miniature pinscher. It should be started no later than 3-4 months. The nervous system of a puppy at this age is already fully formed, he is ready to recognize and fulfill the requirements. Like any other breed, Pinschers vary in personality. You need to train based on the individual inclinations of each dog. It is recommended to consult a dog trainer. It is necessary to train these active animals in the form of a game, but ensuring that the command is carried out completely. You need to start with simple commands, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

You shouldn’t be touched by your pet’s pranks, letting go of trifles. He will instantly understand the situation and in the future may begin to manipulate the owner. From the first days you need to let your pet feel who is boss in the house. However, you shouldn’t push it and be too harsh. The miniature pinscher does not tolerate this kind of attitude.

How to choose the right puppy?

A small purebred pet, which in the future will be able to compete for participation in exhibitions, should be chosen accompanied by a specialist. Because at an early age, the signs of the Doberman mini breed are not so obvious, especially for an inexperienced dog breeder. The purchase is made in nurseries, where you can meet the parents of the future member of the human family and observe the behavior of the baby.

Important points when choosing a future small pet:

  1. Place of purchase - it is better if it is a nursery; you can also contact trusted breeders.
  2. The behavior of a mini Doberman puppy is that it should be active and well socialized.
  3. Availability of documents. – for future participation in exhibitions, the baby must have a meter. In addition, the purebred puppy has a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations according to age.
  4. Getting to know the baby's parents, their pedigrees - by the behavior of the older generation, you can preliminarily judge the character that the Mini Doberman will develop in the future.

How to choose a miniature pinscher puppy

Before you go get your miniature pinscher puppy, make sure everything is ready for your pet's arrival. It is necessary to remove higher objects that can be chewed - wires, small objects, shoes, etc. Give him a place where the dog can be alone and relax. It is worth laying a soft, warm bedding there. The place should be warm, without drafts and not near heating radiators. A tray and bowls for food and water should be available to the puppy at all times. It is worth making sure that you can easily clean it up after feeding. You need toys that the miniature pinscher can chew. At the same time, you should not give your old slipper to be torn to pieces - the puppy will get used to the toy and begin to chew all the shoes. Take care of a leash, harness, and warm overalls for walking in advance.

After this, you can go to the breeder. Sit down and call all the puppies at once. Healthy puppies are always active and curious; they will be the first to run up to a stranger. Watch them eat. A healthy pinscher eats everything and very quickly. There's no need to rush. We need to let them get comfortable and start playing. At this time, you can easily notice distinctive character traits. Some will be calmer, others will be active, and others may be aggressive.

You also need to evaluate the appearance. The coat should be smooth, without bald spots, but scratches that puppies can get while playing are allowed. Eyes and ears are clean. There should be no unpleasant odors from the mouth and ears.

Last but not least, you need to pay attention to your mother. Only a healthy dog ​​can produce and produce healthy offspring. The dog must be strong, not thin, with external signs of health and a good appetite.

Once the dog is selected, you need to bring it home and let it sniff quietly. Let him see where everything is and get used to the new smells. After this, you need to show him the place and a bowl of water. Tray training should occur gradually.

The price of a puppy with a pedigree varies from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Puppies with good pedigree are more expensive than puppies that are not suitable for showing. If you plan to take a dog not for a show, but for the soul, you can take it for a lower price from your own hands. Although we cannot talk about pedigree in this case, attention must be paid to the health of the dog. For exhibitions, it is better to buy from breeders with a good reputation and a large number of positive reviews.

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In order for the Mini Doberman to grow up healthy and smart, you need to take care of its maintenance, training and diet from an early age. After purchasing from a nursery, as a rule, dog handlers give detailed instructions on how to behave with a mini Doberman puppy and what to do. The diet of a small four-legged family member should be rich in vitamins and minerals for the proper formation of the skeleton (calcium is especially important).

The breeder will tell you about the menu that was available. It should be left for another week after the baby moves to a new home in order to alleviate stress in the dog.

The frequency of feedings will depend on the age of the little pinscher:

  • up to six months – 4 times;
  • up to 9 months – three times a day;
  • older - an adult ration twice a day.

Before exceeding the age limit of 4 months, if the owner decides to feed the puppy dry food, it should be soaked in a small amount of liquid. Place a container of clean drinking water nearby and change it daily.

Care and maintenance

Health and longevity depend not only on the emotional balance of the dog. It is necessary to provide comfortable living conditions for the mini Doberman, monitor its physical fitness, feed it properly and regularly care for its coat, ears, eyes, and take it to a veterinary clinic.

The right diet

It is better to feed a small representative of this breed natural food. In order for the diet to be balanced, it is necessary to introduce the following products:

  • beef;
  • vegetable mixture of zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, pumpkin and carrots);
  • dairy products;
  • articular parts of bones, fresh;
  • various cereals;
  • lean fish without bones.

If you can’t cook on your own, buy only premium dry food for your Doberman mini. A small pet should not be allowed to overeat, since in general representatives of the breed love to eat. Given their tendency to obesity, fatty ingredients are completely excluded from the diet.

Walking and physical activity

The Mini Doberman dog breed has significant strength. Short walks are not enough for her. However, the loads should be moderate: do not overwork the Mini Doberman. Walk the little pinscher on a leash, letting him off in a quiet, safe place where he can frolic. If the weather is rainy, it is better to shorten the duration of the walk.

Because a dog can get sick from being wet in the wind. In winter, the Mani Doberman should be in constant motion and should not lie in the snow for more than 2 minutes. For this time of year, your dog needs clothing.

Training and education

The Dwarf Doberman, despite its small size, has a strong character. To prevent the pet from turning into a little tyrant, they begin to raise it immediately after arriving in a new home, demonstrating who is the head of the “human pack.” From an early age, the little pinscher is socialized, accustomed to the street. A representative of the breed should not chase cats or show aggression towards passers-by. For misdeeds, the mini Doberman should be reprimanded, but not beaten.

Mini Dobermans begin training at 4 months of age. In order for it to quickly bring results, they use rewards in the form of treats for correctly executed commands. The Mini Doberman must not only respond to its name, but also know the following:

  • own place;
  • prohibition on picking up food from the floor;
  • leash;
  • command "come to me".

Since a dog of this Doberman mini breed loves to chew on absolutely everything, she must understand well that for damaging property she will be punished, but not physically (force cannot be used in the training process).

Care and hygiene

Mini Dobermans are given a separate place in the house. It must be protected from drafts. Be sure to place a bowl of clean water nearby and place toys that will protect interior items from the teeth of a representative of the breed. If you don’t attract the little Doberman’s attention to the balls and rubber bones, he can cause real mayhem in the room.

Dwarf Dobermans have short hair. Caring for it is simple. She is not prone to shedding - no brushing is required. After a walk, just dry your dog with a towel. They bathe a small Doberman pet at least once a year, not more often. This minimizes the risk of colds and flaking of the skin. Due to the small weight, the dog’s claws do not wear down; they are trimmed once a month.

Check your pet's eyes and ears regularly. If necessary, wipe with cotton pads (tampons) soaked in a special solution.


The dog is distinguished by its mobility and energy. This type of dog has very developed intelligence. The miniature pinscher is considered an intelligent and quick-witted animal that is easy to train. True, he has a rather proud, capricious and stubborn character. The dog absolutely does not tolerate careless attitude towards his own person. Therefore, it is recommended for adults, and possibly retirees, to have a pet of this breed.

You can't pamper your Pinscher all the time. Without proper upbringing, he can very quickly get used to his master's kindness and become spoiled and uncontrollable. The dog needs an experienced breeder with a strong spirit and strong character who can keep the pet on a “short leash.” You need to practice quite a lot with a pet. If another animal grows in the same house with the pinscher, then its friendship with its neighbor will be strong. Growing up, mini Dobermans do not forget their brothers. But if you get another pet in the territory already mastered by the pinscher, a war will begin between the animals. He perceives new neighbors very aggressively, so in order to avoid eternal enmity, it is better not to take risks.

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

The first vaccination is carried out at 2 months. The manipulation is carried out by an experienced veterinarian who will monitor the body’s reaction to the administration of the drug. Information about vaccinations is included in the veterinary passport. When the teeth are replaced, the next vaccination is carried out. Before the procedure, 2-3 days, the animal is given an antihelmetic. All other vaccines are administered after the little Doberman turns one year old.

If all conditions of keeping and feeding are observed, pinschers are noted to be in good health. However, there are a number of problems that owners of a small dog may encounter:

  • high susceptibility to frostbite and overheating;
  • tendency to diabetes;
  • possible pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • development of cataracts and glaucoma;
  • presence of deafness and epilepsy;
  • likelihood of joint dislocation.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Dwarf Doberman is a smart dog that retains a lively disposition until old age. However, representatives of the miniature pinscher breed have both advantages and disadvantages.

Strong physiqueNeed for strict training
Easy care for short hairThe need for regular physical activity
Energetic dispositionA bad companion for passive people
High intelligence
Easy to maintain in an apartment due to its small size

The Dwarf Doberman is a miniature dog with an unusual gait that makes it unique. With simple care, an energetic animal will give its owners only joy and its boundless love.

History of the breed

The history of the mini Doberman goes back about 6 centuries. In the 15th century, in the German district of Württemberg, breeders developed breeds for the purpose of hunting small wild animals and rodents. It is not known for certain who exactly bred this type of dog. The miniature Doberman has always kept hunters company. Despite its small size, the dog coped well with the assigned tasks. A little later, he began to be involved as an escort for carriages. A small dog ran next to the cart and barked loudly, scaring away wild animals and other ill-wishers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, breeders paid attention to the unique breed. Dogs gained great popularity among residents of Europe and America after 1954, when they were demonstrated at one of the many English exhibitions. Small, beautiful and stately dogs are increasingly being kept in apartments. In Russia, the dwarf Doberman breed became widespread after the war.

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