What is the difference between a husky and an Akita Inu: choosing a puppy, photo of mixed breeds

Akita is a large and powerful dog

Its distinctive features are a long-haired dog, with a wide triangular head, small eyes, erect ears and a fluffy curled tail.

The Akita dog is a treasure of Japanese culture, along with haiku poetry, rock gardens, tea ceremonies, city and temple gardens, and the art of ikebana.

The Japanese husky will become very loyal and devoted to its owner. And he will treat all family members with great tenderness.

You are unlikely to find a more reliable guard and loving friend among other breeds.

Perhaps only a husky or a shepherd can compare with her. After all, the dog of this breed named Hachiko is considered the most loyal.


Japanese huskies have a calm temperament and easy-going disposition. They are smart and quick-witted, obedient, fairly easy to train, but at the same time willful and able to act independently.

The most difficult thing when training a dog is to fix its attention on the subject of study. Sometimes it seems that they are too slow and sluggish, but this shortcoming is fully compensated by their boundless devotion to their owner.

These are very brave creatures who even had to take part in battles and hostilities. Our heroes are very friendly and do not like to create problems for anyone. They are able to get along with any other animal living in your home, and will even be indifferent to a cat. They get along with children, take care of them and keep them company during games.

They cannot stand loneliness, isolation and confinement. If you leave your pet alone at home or in an apartment for a long time, he will try to run away. There were cases when a dog dug under a fence or opened a door that was locked with a latch. They will not be as comfortable in an apartment as in the spacious courtyard of a private house.

Since Akitas are able to tolerate low temperatures without experiencing any discomfort, enclosures are often made for them. It is important to understand how to properly build it yourself or what characteristics of the breed should be taken into account when ordering such a house for your beloved pet.

Appearance and varieties

Here is a standard description of an Akita dog:

Weight : ranges from 32 to 45 kg;

Height (at the withers) : the Japanese Akita reaches a height of 58 to 70 cm;

Varieties of colors : there are a huge variety of colors. Akita Inos come in grey, brindle colours, and often have pure white fur. Clearly visible spots are possible.

Ino coat structure : double with undercoat. The Akito breed is a long-haired dog with thick, soft hair.

How long do foreigners live on average : from 10 to 12 years.

In the mid-19th century, German Shepherd and Akita began to crossbreed.

The result was several types of Akita breed:

  • shepherd;
  • hunting;
  • fighting.

After some time, dog handlers began working to return the dog to its original appearance.

These days, the Akita Inu breed varies depending on the color of its coat.:

  • Akita Ina brindle color (white, red and black are available);
  • red color (white and red fur);
  • white color.

The first two types of Ina dogs are very rare. They are bred only in a few places in Japan. The third type - white itu - implies the pure color of the entire coat.

Breed Features

Akita Inu is one of the oldest dog breeds. The results of archaeological excavations prove that this breed existed four thousand years ago, and this is also confirmed by the drawings of ancient peoples. As the name of the breed suggests, Japanese Huskies originated in Japan. She received the name Akita Inu thanks to the Akita province on the island of Honshu. The modern appearance of the husky was formed in the 17th century and has not changed since then. If the first ancestors of modern Akita Inu were pets of peasants, then their descendants became truly imperial animals and were kept exclusively in aristocratic houses.

Japanese Husky is an unofficial name for Akita Inu.

Another unique feature of the breed is their purebred; the origin of the Akita Inu occurred without crossing with any other dog breeds. Such animals were used for hunting large wild animals; Akitas, which were crossed with Mastfs to increase their size, were used in dog fighting.

Despite the antiquity of the breed, the Akita Inu received official international recognition only in 1964. The breed standard includes the following parameters:

  • country of origin – Japan;
  • the average height of a male is 67 cm, that of a female is 61 cm;
  • weight – from 40 to 50 kg;
  • the coat is hard and straight with a soft undercoat;
  • acceptable colors are white, red and white, brindle and white;
  • the tail is fluffy, long, curled into a ring;
  • eyes of any brown shade, medium size;
  • the torso and back are strong, powerful, muscular;
  • wide and developed chest;
  • average life expectancy is 10-14 years.

Description of temperament

The outwardly balanced Akita Inu dog is endowed with a samurai-like hot character. With age, she becomes more and more intelligent and reasonable.

Anu will never show causeless aggression, but she is always ready to stand up for her owner.

Itu spends quite a long time in adolescence - until approximately the age of 2 years, she is considered a puppy, unlike other dogs, for example shepherds.

At this time, the ina is characterized by extraordinary playfulness and playfulness.

Ino is very curious - she will certainly explore every corner of the room, examine all sources of noise, and try to find out what her owners are doing.

Over the years, the Ina dog gains wisdom and excessive curiosity disappears.

Ina is independent and balanced - beneath the external calm lies a kind and sensitive character. If you treat your dog with respect, it will certainly reward you with reciprocal attention and love.


Let's go a little deeper into ancient times. Historically, the functions of Huskies and Japanese dogs were very different. If the former were used by the Chukchi as sled dogs, the latter were hunters, capable of also protecting the owner and his property from attacks. This is important for us even now, even if we don’t go hunting, because the dog’s hereditary “profession” leaves an imprint on its relationship with the outside world.

Both Akita Inu and Husky dogs, when raised strictly and attentively, grow up to be affectionate and friendly. Neither one nor the other is recommended for beginners due to their freedom-loving nature. But if you are confident in your abilities, have free time for training and are ready to seek help from a dog handler, then character will not be a problem - the standard of both breeds assumes balance.

The basic principles of training are also similar: they require early education and socialization, play training in puppyhood, and a full course in adulthood. “Working” dogs (huskies, huskies, malamutes, Akitas and many others) love sports (for example, agility) and show excellent results in them. Huskies, whose ancestors until recently drove sleds (and in some places still do to this day), especially need regular intense exercise. For them there is a whole range of sledding sports - both summer and winter:

  • skijoring;
  • pulka;
  • canicross;
  • bikejoring;
  • kart racing.

Please note: if the choice falls on a husky, it is very advisable to engage in active sports with him. As a rule, there are no contraindications to covering distances in healthy dogs, and participation in races brings them great pleasure.

Interesting fact

The Akita breed was made famous throughout the world by a Japanese dog named Hachiko.

The Ina dog, which meets and sees off its owner every day on the way to work through a railway crossing, could not believe his death.

For nine years in a row, every day Hachiko ran to the train station, hoping to meet his faithful friend.

Hachiko translated into Russian means eight, since this was already the eighth pet. At the time his owner died of a heart attack, the dog was only 18 months old.

Numerous attempts by friends and acquaintances of the deceased professor to take Hachiko in were unsuccessful.

The dog persistently returned to the former owner's house and slept on the steps.

Hachiko became famous throughout the world in 1932 after the publication of the next issue of the largest Japanese newspaper with an article about a dog awaiting the return of its deceased owner 7 years after the tragic event.

Devotee Hachiko died of terminal cancer and heart filariasis. He was found on one of the Japanese streets near the station. After his death, an official day of mourning was declared in the country.

During Hachiko's lifetime, the local authorities erected a statue, which was later restored after the 2nd World War (it was used for military purposes).

Nowadays, the Hachiko monument is a symbol of love and fidelity . Millions of young men and women make appointments around him, for which it is not customary to be late.

A stuffed figure of Hachiko stands in a Japanese museum. The dog's remains are partially buried in a Tokyo cemetery.


Japanese Huskies have strong immunity and good health, so there are not many diseases inherent in this breed. They are prone to joint diseases, which can be hereditary or acquired.

At the age of 1.5-2 months, a puppy may experience inversion of the eyelids, which affects the baby’s vision. This problem can be eliminated through surgery.

Sometimes, due to a genetic malfunction, deaf puppies are born, and with improper nutrition, the animal can develop thyroid diseases.

Overall, the Japanese Husky is a fairly healthy dog.

All of these diseases are very rare, but owners should not forget about regular preventive visits to the veterinarian and the necessary vaccinations, which are mandatory in the first year of life and once a year thereafter.

Siberian Husky

This is a sled dog breed, bred specifically for the northern peoples. Husky, like the Ina, is a cultural heritage of the peoples of the north.

More recently, the Siberian breed was on the verge of extinction, but this unique species was preserved.

Now the Husky is a very popular dog, but it is brought into the home not for the purpose of sledding, but in order to acquire a loyal friend who is ready to help in difficult life situations.

With these qualities, the dogs Husky and Akita Ina are completely different in appearance - they are similar to each other.

By nature, Huskies are very gentle and loyal dogs. And, like ina, they become attached to only one person from the whole family.

Huskies communicate well with children, are very hardy, and with proper care can live in an apartment. They become attached with all their souls to their owners.

Huskies, like Inas, may not get along well in the same area with other animals (mainly dogs).

Husky dogs have a highly developed instinct to chase. So a cat, peacefully neighboring him in the same house, quickly running into the garden, can be caught as a completely unfamiliar animal. Therefore, always keep an eye on your pets.


Despite the above advantages of the Akita Inu, their character is also distinguished by such features as some independence and independence. Therefore, having decided to start training a pet, the owner will have to be patient and persistent. Huskies, due to their natural mobility and activity, can find it difficult to concentrate on the owner’s commands; the animal will constantly be distracted by something. Therefore, the use of harsh training methods will not bring any results other than a damaged relationship with your pet.

Only perseverance and perseverance will bear fruit.

But you need to start basic education of a puppy at the age of two months, so that in the future the owner will not have problems with the pet’s disobedience.

Nurseries and clubs

The unique Akito dog breed is considered a cultural treasure of Japan. Its distribution, sale and breeding are strictly regulated by authorities around the world.

Even when an Ino dog is exported to another country, its further fate and exhibition career is monitored by the Japanese National Club.

Only an experienced breeder who has proven himself well over 10 years of activity can buy ita through this club.

The Akita Inu kennel located in Moscow specializes in breeding the American variety of the breed. This species is very popular in Russia.

The first temple garden was founded by Buddhist monks . This was the beginning of the diverse system of garden art in Japan.

In the first created gardens, holidays, games and major events were held. Currently, these places are decorative objects of national culture.

The garden is filled with numerous flowering trees such as cherry, azalea, and plum.

It was in such a fabulous environment that these beautiful and unique Akita Inu dogs grew up.


Some breeds are bred by fixing the desired qualities for which recessive genes are responsible. If a puppy with curly hair is accidentally born in a litter, it is bred with other carriers of the curly gene (possibly relatives), and this leads to a stable appearance of curly-haired dogs in the family.

There are breeds that appeared due to interbreeding. But most often, hybridization does not go beyond the first generation and does not set itself the goal of developing a new breed, but simply “adds blood” to an already recognized and stable one in order to supplement it with the necessary qualities.

Since such incest is not registered or controlled by anyone, people have room for imagination. Probably, many owners who allow their pets to be mated with other breeds do it for the sake of laughter - because it is really difficult to look at a cross between a husky and a chow-chow or a corgi without laughing. However, such mestizos take the best qualities from their parents - they are smart, affectionate, active and delight their owners, despite the lack of pedigree.

Husky and Akita Inu mixed breeds are not an independent breed and are formally outbred, but they have their fans, and in their circles they even acquired their own name - “Haskita”. If you evaluate such a dog externally, it is clear that Japanese blood predominates in it. It is difficult to say something about the character of an unrecognized crossbreed, for which there are no statistical data, but the Husky-Akita crossbreed is smart and willful - the owners confirm this.

And he is also a big fan of running.

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Photo gallery

Take a look at the photos of this kind and playful dog. In difficult times, he will be able to protect you, and in sad moments, with his kind and playful character, he will drive away sadness and lift your spirits.

Where to buy a puppy

You should never buy a purebred puppy from random sellers and dubious breeders. You should not be tempted by the low price they ask for their goods. Otherwise, you risk getting a non-pedigree, and in the worst case, a sick animal. Give preference to pedigree nurseries and reliable breeders. A good breeder will never leave the “parents” of their babies without help. You can always contact the owner of the nursery to get advice on feeding and raising your pet.

Aquarius - Jack Russell Terrier

If a Jack Russell catches you red-handed (you are reading the newspaper here when the dog has not been playing for five minutes!), you will not be able to get away. You'll have to throw the ball again - and throw the ball again. Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball. There is, of course, another option - you can abandon the Jack Russell, in the sense of being left to the mercy of fate: let him entertain himself, since he is such a funny fellow! But it should be remembered that the Jack Russell Terrier is not just a merry fellow, but a hunting dog, ready to dive into a hole with anyone and take a fight there. So if your Jack Russell begins to entertain itself, there is a chance that you will not be very happy with the result. I mean, you'll be tortured to hide the corpses. So you better throw him the ball. And go to the skating rink with Aquarius. Otherwise it will be worse.


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Despite the fact that there are many distinctive features, they still have many more similar features. Each dog breed has a certain value.

So, both breeds are intended for transporting people in cold conditions. Their fur is quite thick, thanks to which they can easily withstand severe frosts. Their coloring is almost identical. In addition, their height is almost the same, Malamutes are only a few centimeters taller.

If you compare Huskies with Mini Klee Kais, they are too similar in appearance, with only a slight difference in height. In addition, the character of small pets is more friendly and domesticated. They can even guard the house. Huskies are only capable of playing with people, and are completely unsuitable for protecting private property.

Why do people choose mixed breeds as pets?

There are several main reasons why dog ​​lovers buy mixed-bred huskies:

  1. Breed mixes are cheaper. This is where a person’s inherent desire to save money on buying a puppy comes into play.
  2. It is a misconception that half-breeds are easier to care for, while purebred dogs are difficult to maintain.
  3. The belief that the husky mix is ​​more fully consistent with the tasks assigned to a pet (protection, assistance in hunting).
  4. The desire to have an exotic (not like everyone else) pet. As a result of mixed crossings, puppies with an original exterior are obtained.
  5. Mixed-breed puppies are less sensitive to genetic pathologies that are inherent in their purebred parents. Mixed offspring are considered healthier.

Important: if you purchase a husky mix, remember that such a pet will not be allowed to participate in exhibitions. But he can become a wonderful companion and family friend.

Origin story

Husky is a collective name for a group of northern sledding breeds. Their purpose is to pull a team and transport small loads. These breeds are distinguished by their strength, endurance and ability to run fast.

The Chukchi are considered the “parents” of the husky. They crossed native species with wolves. The result was excellent working dogs capable of pulling sleds over vast distances. This made it possible to hunt large animals and expand the boundaries of their possessions. It was the Chukchi huskies that became the ancestors of the Siberian ones.

The Eskimos also appreciated wolf-like dogs and began to breed their own varieties. The name Husky comes from the abbreviation Eski: this is what Canadians called Eskimos. Northerners valued the breed not only for its fantastic endurance, but also for its unpretentiousness in food: they could be fed dry fish.

Sled dogs played an important role in the lives of their owners. They were full members of the tribe and were highly respected. According to some customs, huskies were invited into the house after the birth of a child and the dogs were allowed to warm the baby.

The Husky group includes:

  • Siberian;
  • Alaskan;
  • Sakhalin;
  • Japanese;
  • Klee Kai (mini husky).

They have comparable performance data, but differ in appearance, character and habitat.


If you don't have much time, a Husky puppy will bring a lot of problems. He needs to be dealt with almost constantly, because if left alone, he will begin to gnaw, dig and destroy everything around him. You need to remember about upbringing from day one. A husky can have only one owner, to whom he will obey. The dog will love and recognize all other family members, but there can only be one leader. This is a very active and mobile dog, so before starting any activity, you need to give your pet plenty of time to run around for at least an hour, or even better, come up with a game together.

Under no circumstances should you abuse the good nature of this dog. You can’t shout at her, much less hit her, otherwise, instead of a royal wolf, you will grow up a hunched creature with a sad look. For the training process to go well, you first need to choose a name for the puppy. Nicknames for the Husky dog ​​breed should match it, beautiful and bright. For a male dog, the nicknames Cupid, Buran, Silver, Thor are good. For a female dog, you can choose a more gentle and beautiful name: Runa, Aurora, Laska, Tessa.

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