Black Russian Pearl – Black Russian Terrier

Chris at one of the exhibitions.
In 1981, the breed standard was approved , and in 1985, the breed was officially recognized in the USSR. At the international level, this happened a year earlier.

In 1992-1993, changes were made to the standard: the breed officially became known as the “Russian Black Terrier”, and the maximum height limit increased.


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There is still no single appearance of Russian black terriers: this is due to the youth of the breed and the large number of mestizos used to breed it. Dogs vary in size and coat type, which is consistent with the standard. And individuals with colors other than black or black with gray hair are rejected, but are in demand among exotic connoisseurs all over the world.

Black Russian Terriers are not only excellent guards, but also owners of artistic talent, soldiers, assistants to rescuers and doctors.

The National Black Russian Terrier Breed Club (NKB) is officially registered in Russia. The organization promotes the popularization of the breed, organizes exhibitions, and maintains contacts with foreign kennel clubs.

Description of the Black Russian Terrier breed

Popularity 115th place among 263 dog breeds


10-13 years


males: 66-72 cm, females: 64-70 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

15-20 thousand rubles


males: 50-60 kg, females: 45-50 kg
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The eyes are small, oval-shaped, straight and wide-set, dark. The eyelids are dry, tight-fitting, black.

The eyes should be dark, medium-sized, and oval in shape. Large eyes are always round in shape, often somewhat convex. There are damp eyelids and eyes, different in the color saturation of the iris. Therefore, when assessing the exterior of the Black Terrier breed, it is necessary to look at both eyes of the dog, removing the bangs. Divergence of eyes is a disqualifying defect. Occasionally, the Black Terrier dog breed has an overdeveloped third eyelid, giving the eyes an unhealthy expression. This can contribute to poor vision and various diseases, and is therefore a serious drawback.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • devotion to the owner;
  • good immunity, lack of predisposition to genetic diseases;
  • the wool does not fall out and does not have a specific odor;
  • excellent guard qualities;
  • gets along well with children and other pets.
  • Minuses:
  • dogs suffer from joint and eye diseases;
  • cannot be alone for a long time;
  • require daily grooming;
  • strive to dominate;
  • need professional training and training.

Key points in training

Training is an integral part of any dog's life. The Black Russian Terrier has very good discipline, this is its meaning in life. This means that he is highly trainable and will follow his owner’s commands. In order to achieve results in training, constant repetition of what has been learned is necessary, so the dog will learn the information better.

An important fact is that this breed needs a lot of mental stimulation and consistency. This is important to prevent the development of unwanted behavior. Before you start teaching your dog special skills, you need to teach him basic commands, which include:

  • To me;
  • Place;
  • Sit;
  • Lie;
  • Stop;
  • Ugh.

Basic commands will help to avoid further problems during training, which will make it more productive.

Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Key facts

The Black Russian Terrier (“chernysh”) is a self-confident, calm and balanced dog that is distinguished by its loyalty to its owner. She is easy to educate, but this does not mean that you can do without it.

The working breed is suitable for a single person, an active family with children and people who love to travel - the dog quickly and easily adapts to new living conditions, be it a small city apartment or a large country cottage.

To raise a strong and obedient dog, you will need firmness and rigor in training. An energetic, active, somewhat aggressive animal, according to the idea of ​​USSR breeders, was supposed to guard camps, prisons and military facilities. Without proper training, it can become uncontrollable, cruel and dangerous to others.

Time has put everything in its place, and today the Black Russian Terrier is used as a reliable friend and protector of the family. Only an untrained animal is dangerous.

Blackies look menacing, but will never approach a stranger without permission. Dogs require respect and should not be treated with familiarity.

Description of the Black Russian Terrier breed combines:

  • aristocratic appearance;
  • energy and cheerfulness;
  • strength, agility and low fatigue;
  • good reaction;
  • excellent obedience.

Terriers sense the mood of the owner and only occasionally require increased attention, but in general the animals are not capricious and not annoying.

The characteristics of the Black Russian Terrier breed say that the dog has protective qualities, the animal has great willpower, good reaction and courage, and never shows excessive aggression. The owner must dominate him, otherwise the relationship will not work out.

With proper nutrition and maintenance, the life expectancy of a Black Russian Terrier is 10-13 years. Daily care consists of mandatory, but not complicated procedures that need to be taught from childhood.

The dog does not like to swim: he usually behaves nervously and only over time gets used to water procedures. The little blackie tolerates frost well, but does not feel well in hot weather - it becomes lethargic and refuses to go for walks. Excessive heat provokes the development of kidney failure.

RCT. HEAD, muzzle

Proportional to the general build, large, massive, long (at least 40% relative to the height at the withers), moderately wide in the skull, with rounded, but not sharply defined, dry cheekbones. The forehead is flat, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is noticeable, but not sharp, the lines of the forehead and the back of the nose are parallel. The brow ridges and the occipital protuberance are moderately pronounced. The nose is large and black. The muzzle is massive, voluminous, wide at the base, slightly tapering towards the nose, slightly shorter than the skull. “Mustache” and “beard” emphasize the volume of the muzzle and give it a rectangular, blunt shape. The lips are thick, fleshy, well pigmented, tightly fitting. The gums have dark pigmentation.

Rice. 2. Head - side view, AB - head length equal to CD - neck length

The head is large and massive. The proportions of its length to height at the withers (40%). The figure shows that the length of the skull is slightly longer than the length of the muzzle, and the total length of the head - AB (from the nose to the occipital protuberance) is approximately equal to the length of the neck - CD (from the occipital protuberance to the withers) (Fig. 2). The skull is massive, deep and should be in accordance with the powerful nape and voluminous large body. The head should not be high cheekbones, with a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle, like a Rottweiler, nor should it be flat and narrow with a smooth transition from the forehead to the muzzle, like a terrier. The forehead from the occipital protuberance to the brow ridges is flat. The massive head is visually enlarged even more due to the decorating hair. When cutting the scruff, this artificial massiveness should be taken into account so as not to disturb the overall harmony. The bangs continue from the forehead to the nose, the mustache and beard are trimmed so that the head takes a rectangular shape from above, and triangular when viewed from the side. Some groomers shave the bridge of the nose, believing that this will give the dog a better view. This opinion is erroneous - the view will not increase, but the outline of the head will be disrupted (the straight line from the forehead to the nose will not be disrupted only in those dogs in which the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smoothed). The “head-neck” outline is also important. The position of the upper plane of the head to the plane of the nape at an angle of 90° is considered preferable.

A large nose and a wide line of dental arcades also indicate the size and power of the dog. A black terrier, having a small nose and a narrow head, cannot have strong bones. According to E. L. Yerusalimsky, “control over head size makes it possible to draw the line of sexual dimorphism; loss of control is dangerous by erasing this line, since the manifestation of small-headedness serves as a signal of feminization.” It is also necessary to pay attention to the pigmentation of the lips, gums and eyelids. The intensity of color pigment is a genetic indicator of the state of basic vital processes. As Yerusalimsky E.L. writes, “it is known that at a certain stage of embryogenesis, pigment and nerve cells are formed from the same germ layers.”

History of the origin of the Black Russian Terrier

"Stalin's Dog", that is, the Black Russian Terrier, was bred in a Soviet kennel near Moscow for military purposes. In the 50s, the army needed smart and vicious shepherd dogs capable of serving in regions of the country with extreme climate conditions.

The main requirement that the Soviet rulers set before the specialists of the Krasnaya Zvezda nursery was to breed a brave, hardy, obedient animal with high intelligence, capable of withstanding the cold.

At the initial stage, 16 breeds of service and guard dogs participated in the breeding, serving in forced labor camps and military units and on the border of Siberia. The result of long and fruitful work was the “blackie” - a reliable guard and defender of large size, weighing up to 68 kilograms. After the Khrushchev Thaw, camps and prisons began to be closed, and dogs were sold to civilians.

In this regard, some adjustments were made to the guard breed - the animals were crossed with the Newfoundland, woven from calmness, kindness and patience, and they got an ideal dog for living in a family. Consequently, modern animals cannot be considered full-fledged guard terriers. The world saw the new breed at an exhibition in England in 1984, and its official registration took place there.


The breed's coat is usually described as tousled, but can also appear wiry or curly. To keep it in good condition, you should brush your pet daily.

Basic brushing is not that easy on this dog due to its enormous size and hair length of 5 to 12 cm. According to owners, brushing a Black Russian can take at least half an hour a day, even an hour depending on what your dog has been doing.

In addition, the breed needs to be trimmed to keep the length of its coat under control. Typically this should be done approximately every 6-8 weeks. Grooming such a large dog can be expensive, so you may want to learn how to properly care for his coat at home.

Appearance of the Black Russian Terrier

General impression

As you can see in the photo, the Black Russian Terrier has a large, muscular, harmoniously built body and a noble, aristocratic appearance. The breed, bred in the Soviet Union, has gained worldwide recognition due to its high intelligence, excellent working qualities and ideal adaptability to extreme environmental conditions.


The head is round and compact; on the muzzle, thick hair forms a mustache, beard, and eyebrows. The head size of the Black Russian Terrier is slightly more than 40% of the height of the withers.

The lips are closed tightly, the nose is round, large, and black. The ears are set high, adjacent to the cheekbones, without creases or folds.

The dark eyes are medium in size, oval in shape, set wide apart. The jaws are strong, the bite is scissor-shaped, the teeth are strong and fit tightly to one another.


Strong, medium, muscular. The transition line to the body is smooth, at an angle of 45°.


Slightly elongated, the chest is oval, strong and wide, the stomach is tucked. The flat back does not have a bend in the middle. The short loin is convex.

Front and hind limbs

The front legs are medium and strong, located parallel to each other. The forearms are set vertically, the elbows are directed back. The hock joints are well defined.

Long shins, femurs are located at an angle, phalanges of the fingers are collected compactly.


Saber-shaped, thickened at the base. In the Russian Federation it is usually stopped. But natural length is not a disadvantage of the breed.


A sweeping, energetic trot with a wide stride of the front legs is possible after a strong push from the hind legs. The strength of the push is determined by the strength of the muscles, the strength of the ligaments and the correct structure of the body as a whole. Thus, a black cat with a square-shaped body is able to move in a balanced manner, but with a small step amplitude.


A purebred dog's body is covered with thick hair of 2 layers: dense short undercoat and coarse guard hair 6-14 cm long with a break. The head and paws are necessarily decorated with pile in the form of “whiskers”, “eyebrows”, “pants”.

The breed standard allows for small curls on the chest, side, and back. Hair at a young age is more dense, soft and shiny, but over time it turns pale, breaks, and becomes tougher.

Black Russian Terrier colors

Acceptable color is completely black and with slight graying (the light percentage of hair makes up no more than a third of the surface of the body).


Males in adulthood reach up to 75 cm at the withers, females - up to 73 cm. A deviation of 3 centimeters is considered normal in the growth of the Black Russian Terrier. Sometimes it can be large, but provided that the dog has ideally preserved body proportions.

The weight of the Black Russian Terrier reaches 72 kg, females weigh a little less - up to 52 kilograms.


The height at the withers in males is 72-76 cm, in females 68-72 cm. The length of the body does not exceed the height at the withers in males by more than 6%, and in females by more than 8%. The depth of the chest is at least 50% of the height of the dog at the withers. The length of the head is at least 40% of the height at the withers. The muzzle is somewhat shorter than the skull.

All proportions are based (as in many other breeds) on the height of the dog at the withers. The height of the black terrier at the withers in this standard, compared to earlier editions, is increased, but the difference between its minimum and maximum values ​​is reduced (up to 4 cm). This should contribute to greater stabilization of the growth of dogs in the breed. Height is a polygenically inherited trait. Moreover, in the second generation the variability of this trait is much greater than in the first, parental one. In the last decade, at single-breed shows, in some years there were more large females than large males, and after 2-3 years the situation leveled off. It is well known that good large stud dogs can only be obtained from large females. The remaining parameters of the black terrier - body length, chest depth, head length - are indicated in the standard by clear ratios relative to the height at the withers. A slight increase in the depth of the chest makes the powerful black terrier more harmonious and durable. This is also because the increase in mass specified in this standard requires a deeper chest for balance in movement.

Personality of the Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is a responsible, fearless, angry watchman and bodyguard and a devoted friend with a strict character at the same time. Animals easily and quickly get used to the role of pets and get along well with other animals and small children.

Service dogs exhibit a fair amount of distrust and suspicion of strangers, but they are in no hurry to start a dog, preferring to once again make sure that there is a real threat.

Blackies attack when they feel that someone is encroaching on the safety of their owner. At the same time, they will never tear the clothes, arms and legs of the aggressor. The animals’ task is to scare the potential “offender” and force him to retreat.

The Black Russian Terrier greets random guests with a loud bark, nothing more. But he definitely won’t jump and caress happily either. The supply of tenderness and dog love is limited, and the dog will give it not to casual acquaintances, but to family members.

You can completely entrust the animal with the protection of private property, a house and an entire estate. The dog carefully examines every corner and will not allow a single living soul into the entrusted territory. Many breeders of the breed note that the blackie has a vindictive disposition.

Indeed, animals have excellent memory, but this does not mean that only evil is remembered - the dog also remembers pleasant moments all his life. Despite their peaceful and kind nature, dogs are very proud: they sincerely love and respect their owner, but will not allow themselves to be made into a “circus performer” bringing slippers and newspapers.

In general, the character of the Black Russian Terrier is reserved and docile; the dogs will happily play with small children and will take responsibility for protecting their owner’s property. By nature they have a perceptive mind; by their facial expressions and intonation in their voices, blacks are able to understand the mood of people. And if it is bad, then the dog will never impose itself, but will go about its business.

Russian terriers also get along with other pets, but only when they do not see them as rivals. It is better if the second pet in the house is a small decorative dog that does not pose a threat to the blackie’s pride.

Character and temperament

The Black Terrier is a loyal dog, friendly towards family members . Mistrust and justified aggression towards strangers are traits inherent in all representatives of this breed.

  • Like all terriers, the blackie loves to play with objects (ball, stick), preferring to communicate with the owner.
  • He is aggressive towards other dogs.
  • While running, it develops high speed.
  • I am ready to walk at any time, for a long time, without getting tired.
  • Appetite is excellent, unpretentious in food.

Education and training

Large guard dogs are a big responsibility for the breeder, since others perceive the animals as potential “killers” and treat them with great caution. For this reason, raising a dog needs to be taken seriously, and it is better to entrust this to a professional dog handler. Remember, you can raise an obedient and calm dog and a vigilant watchman from a baby - it all depends on the training method.

Don’t forget about the leadership traits of the black cat: dogs certainly cannot be properly raised by elderly and inactive people, whom they see as a “lower caste.” The Terrier needs a fair and strict teacher who will treat the animal with respect and constantly demonstrate “who’s boss.”

Taking into account the peculiarities of psychology and temperament, it is possible to make a diligent student out of a dog. Thus, in the training of a guard breed, repeated repetition of the same command is not acceptable. The dog will fulfill the requirements several times, after which it will begin to ignore the teacher. And it's not a matter of stubbornness, but self-esteem.

You should not shout or scold your dog if, before executing a command, it thinks for a long time - “Measure 7 times, cut 1” - this is about the Russian Terrier. Be patient and attentive.

You can train little ones even in adulthood, but be prepared for the fact that the learning process will be much more difficult, and it will not be possible to correct the mistakes made. It is better to do this from an early age, and in their free time, playful and restless puppies need to be constantly occupied with something. Let them be rubber squeakers, bones and other safe toys - so the shoes and the interior of the house will not be damaged.

When raising and training a Black Russian Terrier, you should not:

  1. Using “No!” commands too often and “Ugh!”, making life as a pet a total no-no.
  2. Encourage your baby to engage in active games and provoke him to bite his arms and legs.
  3. Tug on a rag or toy with a teenager and a puppy whose bite has not formed.
  4. It is rude to punish a dog for misbehavior by taking away food and favorite items.

Every correct action should be rewarded with praise and petting. You can buy treats at a pet store or prepare them yourself.

Mischievous actions must be stopped immediately, but it is important to do this correctly. You cannot hit a dog with your hand - the Black Russian Terrier should not associate the owner's hand with a threat. It is better to lightly hit a guilty pet on the back with a newspaper or rolled up towel.

It's even better to use punishments that the puppy understands genetically. So, you can press the baby to the floor for a few seconds, lift it by the withers and lightly shake or squeeze your fingers, demonstrating a “bite”. This is how a mother dog raises babies.

To judge an adult black dog, it is enough to raise your voice or change your intonation - dogs perfectly sense a person’s change in mood and understand that they have done something wrong.

At the age of 1.5 years, it is recommended to take a general course of training with a teenager on the playground to reinforce correct behavior. To do this, it is better to use the help of an experienced specialist, since mistakes made in education will be very difficult to correct. Blackies have a phenomenal memory, remember lessons for the rest of their lives and cannot be relearned.

After OKD, you can start ZKS - of course, if you want to raise a watchman. Otherwise, the general course will be more than enough.


Usually dogs of the same class are taken for mating. The show class is never bred with standard dogs. For a female that has a pedigree that has won several titles at exhibitions, a corresponding male is selected. To do this, the nursery takes special permits and evidence of belonging to this class.

Along with this, pairs are selected taking into account their type, character, and the male should also be larger than the female in size.

The age for mating varies: for females it is 2.5 years (usual after 3-4 heats), and for males it is 1.5 years. It is advisable to introduce the dogs before mating, but this is not a prerequisite. Mating is carried out on neutral territory to avoid conflict.

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Health and diseases of the Black Russian Terrier

By crossing different breeds of hunting and service dogs, breeders managed to obtain a hardy, intelligent, strong individual with a strong immune system. Blackies have practically no genetic diseases, but, like other pets, they have some health problems.

Possible diseases

Rare hereditary disorders in Black Russian Terriers include:

  • abnormal development of the elbow or hip joint;
  • formation of stones, accumulation of urea in the kidneys;
  • laryngeal paraplegia;
  • damage to peripheral nerve fibers.

Important! Veterinarians subject animals involved in breeding to tests for susceptibility to the above diseases. Cynologists advise that when buying a black puppy, ask the breeder for the results of such tests.

The specific structure of the muzzle and the dense structure of the coat contribute to the development of diseases not caused by heredity in the Russian Terrier. Among them:

  • the formation of fungus on the “beard”;
  • conjunctivitis, retinal detachment;
  • inflammation of the ear, or otitis media.

The above problems usually develop due to improper daily care. Vaccination protects dogs from infectious diseases.

Modern medications are quite effective; they provide the dog with stable immunity from infectious diseases for a period of one year. Prevention of worms, fleas and ticks is recommended; it should be carried out once every 3 months.

Reproductive health

The first estrus in a female is observed at the age of 9-13 months, it is repeated several times a year with an interval of 7-8 months. It is better to start mating at 2.5 years of age (after 3 heats); a male dog can be allowed near a bitch at one and a half years old, not earlier. By this age, the reproductive system of animals is fully formed. It is not worth breeding a bitch after 1 heat, as she will not be able to bear offspring.

Pairs are selected in a kennel or kennel club. Usually they mate dogs of the same type, selecting a spectacular mate, which improves the breed.

It is better to breed animals in the dog's territory. If the bitch, after getting to know each other, lifts her tail and presses her ears back, then she is ready for mating. When she shows aggression and bites her partner, it is better to postpone the date to another day.

Pregnancy lasts 55-73 days - the period depends on the number of puppies, as well as the age of the female. At a young age, the dog gives birth to up to 5 puppies, the litter increases at 4-5 years.

If you do not plan to breed Russian Terriers, females need to have their ovaries and uterus removed (sterilization), and males need to have their testes removed (castration). The operation is performed under anesthesia by a veterinarian, the bandage and stitches are removed on the 8-10th day, after which the dog becomes much calmer and friendlier, and the sexual desire subsides.

How to choose a puppy

Choosing a puppy is very important because it cannot be changed or given away. When purchasing a dog, you need to understand that this is a family friend who will live with it not for a year or two, but for 10 or even 14 years. If you raise a puppy correctly, he will grow up to be a good guard dog and a faithful companion.

When buying a puppy, there are many aspects to consider in order to avoid problems in the future. These tips will help you choose a Black Russian Terrier puppy:

  1. Beware of scams . It happens that many advertisements offer beautiful puppies at low prices. However, sellers in this case ask for part of the money as an advance payment. Therefore, you should not buy a puppy over the Internet; it is best to come to the nursery and look at it.
  2. Mixed puppy . Quite often, nurseries began to cross various breeds with the Russian Terrier. As a result, a large number of non-purebred dogs appeared. While they are small, it is quite difficult to notice the difference, however, when the dog grows up, the features of a different breed will be clearly visible. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to request information from breeders about the parents of the puppies; it is desirable that this be documented information that indicates the breed and marks.
  3. Small puppy size . If the puppy is smaller in size than the others, then you should not assume that it will grow up healthy. Most often, these dogs are susceptible to diseases. You should select a puppy strictly according to proportions.
  4. When purchasing, you must make sure that the puppy’s parents have been vaccinated and have no hereditary diseases.
  5. Behavior . When choosing, you need to sit down and see how the puppy reacts; if he jumps away from fear towards the wall, this means that he is timid and will not be a good watchdog.

A good breeder will always answer all questions about the pedigree and parents of the puppy.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Black Russian Terrier is an excellent companion and a good watchdog and hunting dog. He has excellent qualities and discipline for this. This dog is easy to care for, has a long lifespan and is easy to train. These important characteristics make it possible to make it not just a guard dog, but also a beloved family member. Black Russian Terriers are well suited for experienced and active people who love and carefully raise dogs.

Features of feeding and diet

The blackie is recommended to eat natural food or balanced dry food. The natural menu should contain lean meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities. The amount of food should be normalized, which will prevent the animal from becoming overweight.

When feeding your Black Russian Terrier dry food, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • you should choose food according to the weight and age of the dog;
  • It is better to feed one type of food and not mix different types;
  • Do not mix soft food and dry food;
  • The animal must have clean and fresh water in the required quantity.

It is forbidden to give the dog chocolate, sweets, fatty meat, smoked, salty and spicy foods, river fish, and long tubular bones. Such products can disrupt digestion and cause an allergic reaction.

Diet: what to feed

The choice is small: dry food or natural food. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Dry food

Balance, presence of necessary vitamins and minerals.

Ease of use. The owner just has to measure out the required dosage and pour it into a bowl.

Many high-quality feeds produce a small amount of waste.

Duration of storage.

Convenient when traveling with a dog.

Convenient when traveling with a dog.


Cheap dry food is the same as instant noodles for humans. No benefit, just flavorings and chemicals.

There is not enough moisture in any feed. The dog drinks more due to their consumption.

It is easy to overfeed with “drying” if you do not follow the recommendations for the daily intake. This is why many pets quickly gain weight when eating dry food.

Most of the good foreign feed will leave the Russian market. And the owner has little choice: either feed him cheap and of lower quality, or order on official websites for crazy money.

Natural nutrition

The ability to independently choose food for the animal. In other words, the owner sees what he feeds his pet.

Cheapness. Feeding meat, buying it from suppliers, is much cheaper than holistic-level dry food.

The animal's diet contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber.

Balancing your diet on your own is very difficult.

With a natural diet, the dog will need an additional vitamin and mineral complex.

It takes quite a long time to cook.

Difficulty in traveling, especially in the warm season.

Now about the advantages and disadvantages of natural nutrition. The advantages include:

  • The ability to independently choose food for the animal. In other words, the owner sees what he feeds his pet.
  • Cheapness. Feeding meat, buying it from suppliers, is much cheaper than holistic-level dry food.
  • The animal's diet contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • Balancing your diet on your own is very difficult.
  • With a natural diet, the dog will need an additional vitamin and mineral complex.
  • It takes quite a long time to cook.
  • Difficulty in traveling, especially in the warm season.

The owner decides what to feed the pet. The only condition is not to mix dry food with natural food. Enzymes in a dog's stomach allow it to digest one thing.

Care and maintenance

The Black Russian Terrier is a strong-willed, hardy, energetic animal that is best kept in an enclosure or an outbuilding of a private house, where the dog can roam freely. If this is a city apartment, be prepared for the fact that the dog will have to be taken outside up to 3 times a day for 1-1.5 hours. Puppies need to be walked up to 4-6 times a day.

Keeping and caring for the Black Russian Terrier is not particularly difficult. The animal has a strong immune system and is not susceptible to colds. The main requirement is to constantly monitor the coat. It is long and thick and requires frequent brushing. Mandatory procedures are washing and cutting the coat; it is better to accustom the dog to these procedures from an early age.

The mustache and long beard need careful care. After each meal they get dirty, so the hair on the face needs to be wiped with a damp towel and combed regularly. Particular attention should be paid to the dog's ears: thick, falling hair prevents air from entering the shell, which can lead to inflammation. Excess hair should be cut off, and the ears should be cleaned of wax and dirt with a cotton pad.

The dog usually grinds its claws down on the asphalt when walking. Otherwise, they grow long and interfere with movement. They are cut with special pliers.

Teeth do not need to be brushed, as they clean themselves during the process of chewing solid food. If the dog eats soft food, you need to buy special bones and additives in the water - they will prevent the formation of tartar.


  • RCTs are born for service and they need a job, without it they are unhappy. If this is not a service dog, but a companion, then you can load it with training and sports disciplines such as agility.
  • The minimum load is 30 minutes a day. They do best in a fenced yard, but with sufficient exercise, Russian Terriers can live in an apartment.
  • They bark and shed a little, but they are dogs and cannot do without fur and noise.
  • They love family, being around people and communication. This is not a dog that needs to be kept on a chain.
  • A little stubborn, but smart and they need a firm owner who does not allow them to break the rules.
  • By nature they are distrustful of strangers; during socialization they will be patient, but not hospitable. They will protect their own until their last breath.
  • They love children and forgive them even rude behavior. But you still shouldn’t leave a large dog alone with a child.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Having decided to acquire a guard breed, it is important to understand why the dog is needed. If the blackie must protect the house and the surrounding area, it is worth focusing on its “working” qualities. A friendly and loyal dog is suitable for a home companion.

The following test will help determine the baby's character: place the puppy on its side, lightly hold it with your hand, lift it by the tummy and observe the reaction. A calm dog will react peacefully to such actions, but the future leader will immediately show aggression, begin to bite hands and break free. It will be more difficult to raise such a dog, but he makes an excellent protector.

No less importance should be given to:

  1. Limbs - they should be strong and straight. Black cats usually have five toes on their front paws and four on their hind paws. But some breeders surgically cut off the 5th toes; this is not considered a defect in the breed.
  2. Nose, eyes - there should be no specific discharge.
  3. On the teeth – the bite should be scissor-shaped.
  4. Ears - cannot be dirty and coated.
  5. The tummy should be soft, without an umbilical hernia. Too swollen indicates the presence of worms or disruption of the digestive system.
  6. The anus should be clean, without dried feces.
  7. Wool - according to the standard, it should be completely black, but the presence of light hairs is not a cause for concern. Foreign inclusions usually disappear as the puppy grows up, and the thickness of the coat also changes.

It is better to pick up a Black Russian Terrier puppy from its mother at the age of 4 months, when the bitch has been taught the basic rules of behavior. The baby should be moderately well-fed, cheerful and active, respond to the human voice, and not whine. By 43 days of life, the puppy should weigh about 5 kg, the breeder issues the following documents:

  • veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations;
  • a puppy card that changes to a pedigree;
  • certificate of identification (if there is a microchip).

It is better to buy a blackie in a professional nursery, where you can evaluate the conditions of detention and observe how the baby communicates with his sisters and brothers. Even an inexperienced glance will be enough to see the instability of the animal’s psyche, health problems, and more.


Fulfilling the state order to create the Black Russian Terrier breed, dog breeders had to get a dog that was not predisposed to most diseases. The task was completed, RCT very rarely gets sick, easily tolerates significant temperature changes, and is not susceptible to diseases. He is not afraid of colds and various types of viruses.

Stalin's dog is in good health and has a strong immune defense. Representatives of the breed live on average up to 10-15 years.

A common problem for all terriers is a fungus that affects the mustache and beard. In addition, it is worth noting several other health problems that are sometimes observed in RCT:

  • Joint dysplasia – the dog feels severe pain, cannot move freely, and limps. With severe neglect of the disease, complete immobility is possible.
  • Juvenile laryngeal paralysis is caused by a mutation inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.
  • Hyperuricosuria is the accumulation of uric acid salts and the formation of stones.
  • Otitis - can affect one or both ears at once; inflammation causes purulent discharge, redness and an unpleasant odor from the ears.
  • Entropion, ectropion cannot be treated; surgery is required to eliminate it.

How much does a Black Russian Terrier cost?

A rare elite breed cannot be cheap! In general, the price of a Black Russian Terrier is determined by the class of the dog:

  1. "Pet"

    – for 15-20 thousand rubles you will be able to acquire a devoted and friendly companion. Despite deviations from the standard, pets have all the necessary documents, but are not allowed to crossbreed. Professional breeders offer such dogs already sterilized or with the condition that the operation must be performed in adulthood.

  2. "Brid"

    – cost about 30 thousand rubles and can participate in exhibitions and breeding.

  3. "Show"

    – the cost of males and females starts from 40 thousand rubles, their parents are champion title holders. The offspring are purebred and take prizes.

On the Internet you can see many private advertisements where they offer to buy a blackling for 7-10 thousand rubles. You should not respond to such offers, since as a result you will receive a defective or sick dog that poses a threat to the owner and others.

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How much does it cost and where to buy

Black Terrier kennels are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar. The breed is popular in Germany and Slovakia - today representatives of Russian terriers of foreign origin are brought to Russia. The exterior and performance qualities of foreigners are no better than those of domestic blackies, although the cost is higher.

Average price of a puppy: 70 thousand rubles

Pedigree is the main factor in determining cost, although it often happens that puppies from elite parents do not have such outstanding qualities. Before you buy a puppy, find out how seriously the work in the nursery is carried out, which representatives of the breed are allowed to crossbreed, how many exhibitions they attend and what places the dogs occupy.

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