What does a black toy terrier look like: distinctive features and rules for keeping a pet

The Russian Toy Terrier is a miniature, sweet dog.

The popularity of the pet is growing every year.

Due to its small size, it can be kept in a small room.

At home he feels quite comfortable.

Russian toy terriers with unusual colors are becoming increasingly common.

Is the dog's black color a defect or a breed?

Colors of the Russian Toy (Toy Terrier)

On the page below we will help you understand the main colors of Russian Toys (Toy Terriers) using the example of PHOTOS of puppies of different colors.

Absolutely all standard Toychik colors can be found in both smooth-haired and long-haired varieties. However, there are colors that are rarer or, conversely, more common.

3 classic colors of the Russian Toy - Red-brown, Black-and-tan and Brown-tan

A short introduction: Once upon a time, just starting to get acquainted with our beautiful breed, I also paid great attention to the color of the “skin”. I liked the noble gray shade of lilac and tan toys, which were still very rare back then. I liked the “chocolates” (brown and tan toys). But in addition to color, I also looked at the exterior and character - the latter ultimately outweighed. And it was a very right choice, I tell you!

Now, years later, I sincerely advise all newcomers to the breed and not only those who seek help in choosing a puppy or for advice, never to put “skin color” as a priority in choosing a living creature, companion, friend, or even sire!

So, the colors of Russian toys (toy terriers):

Black and tan, brown and tan, blue and tan, lilac and tan, red and black, red and blue, red, fawn, red and brown, red and lilac, cream. Nose to match color

And now in more detail and with illustrations (photos)

*The photo shows purebred Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppies from the Blueberry Knights kennel and friends of the kennel

1.Tan colors

The first group includes all variations with the prefix “tan”, that is, the main color with red markings on the face, paws, chest and under the tail.

Long-haired black and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Long-haired black and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

PUPPY FOR SALE Long-haired black and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Long-haired black and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired black and tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired black and tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired brown and tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired brown and tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired brown and tan

PUPPY FOR SALE Long-haired black and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Long-haired brown and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired blue and tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired blue and tan

Long-haired blue and tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired lilac-tan

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired lilac-tan

Long-haired lilac-tan Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

The lilac and tan and blue and tan color variations are “attenuated” color variations, that is, a special gene makes black dogs blue and brown dogs lilac. These colors have their own specifics, and those wishing to purchase such a puppy should weigh the pros and cons.

Color comparison: from left to right brown and tan, blue and tan and lilac and tan puppy

2. Solid colors

The second group of “solid” colors includes essentially all possible variations of RED. A red dog can be very light, the color of baked milk - this shade is called cream (with a brown nose) or fawn (with a black nose), or it can be bright red, or red with a touch of brown or black.

Red-brown Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Red-brown Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, smooth-haired red-brown

Red-brown Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Red-brown Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy Go to the Puppies page

Red-brown Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppies

Long-haired Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy, red and brown

Red-brown long-haired Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) puppy

Red and black Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Pure Red Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) long-haired puppy

Puppy for Sale Red and black Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) long-haired puppy

Red and black Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) long-haired puppy

Red and black Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Fawn Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Fawn Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Cream Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Cream Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Red-blue Russian Toy (Toy Terrier) smooth-haired puppy

Numerous variations of red colors, from red with black to cream, actually differ from each other only in the names in the pedigree, the brightness and color of the nose.

3. What color do toys NOT come in?

Having examined the standard colors, I would like to pay special attention to the colors OUTSIDE THE STANDARD.

Some of them are sometimes born from two parents with pedigrees and breeding scores of quite standard colors. Such puppies are sold exclusively as pets, but they, if the puppy's metrics are present, are without a doubt Russian Toys. These colors outside the breed standard include:

Other colors can NEVER be obtained from two purebred dogs, with pedigrees and breeding scores. They can ONLY be obtained through crossbreeding , that is, mating purebred dogs with dogs of other breeds, or dogs without documents at all.

These colors include MERLE (marble) and BRIDGE.

Don't be fooled! Purebred Russian Toys of such colors cannot exist genetically!

These colors are quite popular in other breeds and unscrupulous breeders, in the wake of popularity, create such an “exclusive” and sell mestizos under the guise of purebred puppies. Some of them talk about alternative clubs and are even ready to show some pedigrees. But you need to understand that the Russian Toy breed was created and recognized in the RKF-FCI system. And there is only one recognized breed standard (LINK=>) . Merle and brindle colors did not exist in the breed from its creation until final recognition in 2022, and they do not exist today.

You must understand that when purchasing a mestizo, you cannot guarantee to receive any breed characteristics of the Russian Toy.

But it is not only the way the color appears in the breed that makes the merle not very desirable for most breeders. Improper breeding of this color leads to the appearance of extremely sick and non-viable dogs!

For those wishing to purchase these “exclusive” colors, I would like to recommend considering other breeds.

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Price range

The price range is quite wide - from 25 to 85 thousand rubles.

Price depends on:

  • prices for puppy parents;
  • cost of maintaining parents;
  • veterinary services, quality vaccines;
  • payment for mating;
  • cost of parent exhibitions;
  • efforts spent on raising a puppy;
  • correctly executed documents.

Toy terrier dog. Description, features, price, care and maintenance of the toy terrier

The Toy Terrier is not only a wonderful companion, but also a talented rat hunter. The dog is considered easy to care for, loyal, but unique. She has whippet and some terrier genes.

The history of the breed's spread is very interesting. In England (19th century), the streets were dirty. The problems with sewage systems at that time caused a large amount of sewage to appear on the roads. The situation provoked the emergence of such a problem as the rapid reproduction of rodents, especially rats. It was urgently necessary to solve it, since domestic cats could not cope with catching these parasites.

The toy terrier dog became a real treasure for the British. She easily coped with the task of catching rodent pests, the streets were cleared. Gradually, the need for a breed intended for hunting rats disappeared, however, because of this, people did not stop loving and respecting it.

The Toy Terrier began to be used as a miniature companion. Ladies easily carried it with them to social events, and men took it with them to the forest for hunting.

In the Russian Empire, this breed was also highly valued. There were no problems with sewage such as in England, but rats were also a huge problem. It was solved here using two methods: adding poison and using a toy terrier.

But when Vladimir Lenin came to power, the idea that everything aristocratic was evil became widespread among the masses, therefore, the noble dog began to be crossed with mongrels in order to avoid demonstrating “prestige.”

However, the breed was preserved thanks to breeders who managed to escape from revolutionary Russia. The breeding of this type of dog continued abroad. The complete restoration of the Toy Terrier breed in our area occurred only in the second half of the 20th century.

Interesting facts from the life of dogs

Animals have existed alongside people for more than 30 thousand years. During all this time, a special relationship has formed between humans and pets. But how much do we know about them?

Interesting facts that not everyone knows:

  1. Scientists have proven that the intelligence level of our pets corresponds to a two-year-old child.
  2. Dogs can discern human emotions better than other animals. A quick glance is enough for them to understand joy, sadness or anger. They can empathize and experience the same emotions as the owner.
  3. The breed's hearing is 10 times better than that of humans, and its sense of smell is 10 thousand.

Everyone has a choice about who to keep as a pet. Some people need exotic animals, ornamental pigs, snakes and other animals. But the dog still remains the leader in this place. A loyal, loving, protective four-legged friend will always be appreciated.

Read also: 10 dogs that are not suitable for children

Description and features

This is a small dog with a playful character and a friendly attitude towards people. It is not only trouble-free in terms of maintenance, but also very useful for home use, as it can hunt rats.

The peculiarity of the breed is its expressive eyes. The toy terrier in the photo looks presentable and elegant. Despite his miniature size, he gives the impression of a majestic and proud man. But this is not true at all. The dog's appearance makes the beholder think that it is too self-confident and prone to dominance, however, a more good-natured creature can hardly be met.

Like all hunting dogs, the toy terrier boasts slender, long legs. Its hind limbs are not only wider than its forelimbs, but also slightly longer. This helps the animal quickly increase speed while running.

When the dog walks, its chest moves forward slightly. This allows the toy terrier to look confident. We can say that the dog is built perfectly. However, not everyone will like a small rat-catcher animal.

Breed standard

The Toy Terrier is considered one of the smallest representatives of the terrier species. Its height does not exceed 27 cm, and its weight is 2.5 kg. However, some owners, trying to surround the dog with care, overfeed it, which is why it quickly becomes fat and can weigh about 3.5-4 kg.

Such terriers are significantly inferior in hunting potential to their “classic” counterparts. The dog is perfectly built, it has no underbelly.

The dog's color can be black, white, brown or sand (the latter shade of coat is found in a separate type of breed, the Russian Toy Terrier). The animal has an oval chest shape, a small head with a rounded skull, sunken cheeks, symmetrically protruding ears, slightly pointed towards the tip, and a small, dark-colored nose. It holds its tail straight and tucks it in when running.


Toy terriers are distinguished by the following features:

  • their height is twenty-five to thirty centimeters, as a rule, females are smaller than males,
  • weight ranges from one to three kilograms. Adult animals of greater or lesser weight are considered rejects. Some sellers offer dwarf toys, but most often these are sick and underfed dogs,
  • the neck is long, the head is wedge-shaped, the skull is round, and the forehead is wide. The nose can be black or brown,
  • scissor bite. The ears are set high, triangular,
  • eyes dark, round,
  • The life expectancy of these pets is twelve to fifteen years, it depends on the care, genetics and health of the dog,
  • the coat can be smooth or long, in the first case the hair is more frequent and dense, in the second the fur can be wavy or straight, the ears are beautifully drooping.

The movements of such animals are impetuous, vigorous, they are full of energy and sometimes somewhat clumsy, but mostly very dexterous and fast. They love to wag their tail, bark loudly and jump.


Cowardice, self-doubt, weakness, detachment are qualities that are completely unusual for this dog. The character of the toy terrier is flexible and balanced. He is playful, moderately curious and not at all aggressive.

However, the dog is quite temperamental. Like all four-legged hunters, he has well-developed qualities such as sense of smell and observation. Even if you don’t take your dog out hunting, it will examine its home every day for suspicious odors. If a toy terrier feels that its owner smells like another dog, it will be very upset. Representatives of this breed are jealous.

They also have another feature - a welcoming attitude towards dogs, which is unusual for terriers, in principle. For example, it is difficult for a Stafford to make friends with another dog; he will be intolerant towards a stranger, but the Toy Terrier is the opposite. The animal is almost never in a bad mood.

Love and devotion are one of his main qualities. The toy terrier quickly becomes attached to its owner. He expresses his love specifically - he prefers to always stay close, in the literal sense. Wherever the owner goes, the dog accompanies him. He also shows love to other people living with him.

The toy terrier loves children, and not only the owner’s. When a child comes to his house, the dog cordially invites him to play. He will bring the ball and other toys, begging to be thrown. When this happens, the dog will quickly rush after the object and bring it to the person.

If an animal sees that someone in its house is sad, it will do everything to create a cheerful atmosphere. He will start jumping, running, perhaps making sounds, inviting people to spend time together. This is good news.

In the house where the toy terrier lives, joy reigns and laughter is heard. Such character traits made this miniature dog an excellent companion. For the owner, he is a talented rat hunter, and for children, he is a loyal and devoted friend.

If you want to go on a family hike, for example, to the mountains or to a pond, then a toy terrier will be very happy to accompany you. He loves to take long walks, especially if there is an owner nearby who shows care. You can put a leash on it, take your things with you and hit the road. Believe me, this animal will not make you regret taking it with you. Inexhaustible energy is a quality inherent in him.

The dog will have a great time with your family, no matter where you go. But she can’t stand loneliness. If you are away from home for a long time and you plan to leave the animal alone for more than 2-3 hours every day, it is better not to buy it. A long separation from the owner will make the toy terrier unhappy.

This breed is also very useful in identifying threats. Its representatives have very good hearing, allowing them to detect rustling even at a distance of 50 meters. Therefore, in uncertain conditions, the toy terrier will clearly warn you of the presence of danger.

Some dogs from this segment, in addition to hunting talents, have excellent guard potential. However, their miniature size does not allow them to be a full-fledged watchdog, like, for example, a German Shepherd. The animal will let its owner know about the stranger by loudly barking, but it will not attack a possible intruder.

Initially, the bred English Pied Piper was called the "Manchester Terrier". He was quite large and weighed from 7 to 9 kg. A little later, when the need to catch rodents disappeared, breeders bred a separate species - the toy terrier. He was smaller and weighed up to 3 kg.

But experiments to breed certain types of four-legged hunters from this segment have not stopped. Not long ago, the world saw a dog of the Russian Toy Terrier breed. Thus, 2 separate types were distinguished:

It is interesting that in a Russian litter there may be puppies with white fur or with light markings on the body. They are considered a genetic marriage. Such a dog cannot take part in competitions and exhibitions. The Russian Toy is very similar to the Pomeranian, but its coat is much shorter. It has a rich shade (sand, brown, blue, etc.).

According to the type of coat, the toy terrier is divided into short-haired and long-haired.

Varieties of colors

Representatives of the Russian terrier breed can come in all sorts of colors. The variety of shades is due to the intricate genetics of the breed. To determine what color the offspring will have, you need to follow the history of the origin of the toy.

Standard Toy Terrier colors with tan:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • lilac;
  • blue;

The same colors listed above and two more tones can alternate with red, such as:

  • pale yellow;
  • cream.

Saturated shades are considered more preferable, as in the photo. Non-standard toy terrier colors include marbled, spotted, gray, and white.

But owners often care about the character of the pet, not its color.

Care and maintenance

The advantage of the dog is that it can be kept in an apartment. It is small and very neat. But if you settle it while living in a private house, that’s even better. Toy terriers are very active; they love to walk, run, jump and perform various motor maneuvers. Playfulness is their basic character trait.

Regardless of which variety of this breed you purchased, short-haired or long-haired, it will require appropriate care. To reduce the hassle of cleaning your pet, you will have to wipe it daily with a damp cloth. It is recommended to use special moisturizers for animal hair; they are sold in pet stores and veterinary clinics.

You cannot keep a toy terrier in the house all the time. He only gives the impression of a pocket dog. The animal is very active, it loves to walk, so no matter where you live, make sure that your pet spends as much time as possible in the fresh air. This will improve his health.

Your dog's ears also need care. They will need to be cleaned periodically. You can use a standard cotton swab for this. If wax is present over the entire surface of the dog’s ear, it will have to be removed using a napkin or cotton pad.

There is no need to take any specific measures to care for the toy terrier, because he is, by nature, very clean. But when combing his fur, especially if it is long, be careful. Representatives of the breed have very delicate skin, which is easily damaged when combing. By the way, terriers love this procedure.

If you hear a grinding sound while your dog is walking on the floor, this indicates that his claws have grown strongly. Some dogs are lazy and don't wear them down themselves. In this case, they will need help. The Toy Terrier is a miniature dog, so you can file off its claws yourself. However, if you have concerns, it is better to trust a professional.

The animal loves massage. This doesn't mean you need to take it to the manual, just massage it throughout the day. Such procedures will bring pleasure to your pet. Firstly, he will experience the joy of spending time with you, and, secondly, he will enjoy the massage.

There is no need to bathe the animal frequently. If it gets very dirty, remove the dirt with a damp cloth. By the way, a toy terrier, like any other domestic dog, should have its own towel.


The dog loves to eat. In this matter, she is practically unpretentious. However, you can’t feed it whatever is given, because a dog’s nutrition is a key factor that determines its health.

Important! Products consumed by the toy terrier must be natural. It is advisable that they do not contain dyes, food additives and flavors.

The puppy needs to be given:

When he turns 1 year old, dry food can be gradually introduced into his diet. Stores and supermarkets have separate food products for toy terriers. You shouldn't skimp on it. An adult dog needs to be fed 2 times a day, not more often.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no food from the table in her bowl, as some household members try to feed the dogs by giving them their own food. This cannot be done. An indicator that food is not digested by the toy terrier's stomach is vomiting.

If you think that your dog does not receive the required amount of vitamins and minerals from dry food, then you can simultaneously give him dairy products and cereals, for example, rice. But you cannot feed him sausage, raw pork, canned food and semi-finished products.


The weakest points of toys are bones, teeth, digestive tract and eyes. Often they have to pull out baby teeth when the molars are already growing. These dogs also suffer from tartar, which causes tooth loss.

Small dogs often experience digestive disorders. These include diarrhea, the cause of which can be anything: allergies, poisoning, helminthiasis or infection. If diarrhea appears, the dog should not be fed all day; it only needs to be given water frequently. The next day you can feed with dietary products: boiled chicken, oatmeal. If your pet has bloody diarrhea or lethargy, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Health problems in toy dogs are often genetically determined. These include conjunctivitis. Your pet's eyes become watery and pus accumulates in them. The disease occurs against a background of weak immunity. Over time, small dogs develop vision problems. They may develop cataracts or retinal atrophy.

Toy terriers suffer from allergies. Dogs are allergic to certain foods, dander from other animals, dog cosmetics, or insect bites. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • the dog begins to carefully lick itself or rub against pieces of furniture, trying to relieve the itching;
  • the skin peels off and dermatitis appears.

Allergies can be treated with antihistamines, but it is better to start treatment after consulting a doctor.

Toy owners note that toys often tremble all over their bodies. This is a physiological feature of the breed – an easily excitable nervous system. Dogs tremble when scared, when they want to go to the toilet, when they are lacking attention, or when they are cold. However, shaking can be a symptom of a serious illness, so you should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause of the fever. Over time, the dog owner can learn to determine why the pet is trembling.

If the dog was not purchased for breeding, it can be neutered. Castration will help avoid many problems:

  • character becomes calmer;
  • there will be no unpleasant smell from dog marks in the apartment;
  • life expectancy increases;
  • the risk of hormonal diseases is reduced.

If you provide dogs with good care, timely examinations and vaccinations, toy terriers live more than 20 years.

Reproduction and lifespan

If you feed your toy terrier properly, walk him often and take care of him regularly, he will live at least 14-15 years. The following factors worsen the quality of life of dogs:

If you want to breed your pet with another representative of his breed, then you should know that you can breed them after their weight exceeds 1500 grams. A one-year-old puppy, with proper feeding, will not yet have time to gain this weight.

Before breeding a Toy Terrier, make sure it is mature, both physically and mentally. The dog should not become overly excited at the sight of toys or people. If she is calm, confident and balanced, and has no physical defects, she can be bred for breeding. When purchasing a puppy, you need to make sure that its parents were absolutely healthy.

buy toy terrier puppies at a nursery or from a breeder. We recommend the first option. Why? Any dog ​​kennel values ​​its reputation; if there is a precedent, it will be damaged. Trying to avoid this, any dog ​​breeding organization will take all measures aimed at maintaining the health of man's four-legged friends.

In such institutions, they practically do not get sick. And if this happens, then the help of a veterinarian will not take long to arrive. By purchasing a dog from a kennel, you automatically receive a guarantee of his health and balance. If you decide to use the services of a private breeder, then he will obviously not provide you with such guarantees, but he will take less money for the dog. It's up to you to decide.

So, the price of a toy terrier in a kennel ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles, and from breeders - from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles. Following the second purchasing method, we do not recommend paying more than 5-6 thousand for a dog, as this is an obvious deception. Be sure to inspect the animal before purchasing it. It should not look painful or flaccid.

Undesirable colors

A dog with shaggy ears, named after the French style, will become a truly desirable acquisition for many if it has a non-standard coat color - blue, lilac or isabella. Buy a Lilac Royal Toy Terrier puppy and your pet will attract the attention of passers-by everywhere. However, be careful: some experts believe that if a toy has a very rare hair color, the animal may not live long.

There are often cases when the life expectancy of dogs was no more than 5 years. The white or beige toy is not recognized by breeders. This pet will not be able to participate in exhibitions. However, a dog with this color will appeal to you.


As you know, almost all terriers are very stubborn. This does not mean that they are difficult to raise, just that the process of training them should be approached more easily. Remember, training your toy terrier will bear fruit if you don't show him any slack.

When communicating with a dog, you need to demonstrate your authority to him, but in no case with physical force. Some dogs of this breed refuse to follow even simple commands due to stubbornness.

In this case, you need to attract their attention with something interesting. The classic way is to demonstrate the presence of a treat that the dog will receive after successfully completing all tasks.

But this method has a negative side. Your dog may refuse to obey in the future if you don't want to give him a treat. It is important to be patient here, then a positive result will certainly come. There are situations in which a toy terrier will never follow commands. Let's list them:

Each of these situations will greatly affect your Toy Terrier's mood. When he is in a sad state, forcing him to do anything is an ineffective task. But, despite these problems, representatives of this breed are smart and savvy. They are easy to learn, especially traditional dog commands such as “down.” Step-by-step instructions for teaching a toy terrier commands:

This manipulation should be carried out several times a day for a week. Perhaps by day 4-5, the toy terrier will independently carry out the command, without your prompts. The dog should also be taught to go to the bed.

For this, the “place” command will be useful. Every dog ​​living with its owner in the house should know it. Important! Never use physical force when training your Toy Terrier.

How to choose a puppy

  • Find a nursery with a good reputation.
  • View the puppy's parents.
  • At least 2.5 months of age is desirable.
  • 2 vaccinations must be given (with a note in the veterinary passport).
  • Bald areas of fur are not allowed.
  • The baby should not be aggressive or lethargic.
  • There should be no discharge from the nose or eyes (indicative of poor care).
  • You need to make sure you have a pedigree.

The charm of the lilac toy, enhanced by the originality of its color, will evoke admiring glances from others and make its owner the center of attention of any society..

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