Kennels for Tibetan Spaniel dogs in Moscow

Decorative dogs are popular due to their attractiveness, miniature size, and ease of care. The Tibetan Spaniel is one such pet. The breed has an interesting history of origin and is considered a temple and noble breed. The funny appearance touches many lovers of four-legged animals. If properly raised, the Tibetan Spaniel will become an obedient, loyal friend.

Origin story

Initially, Tibetan spaniels or tibbies lived with monks in the highlands of Tibet. They were placed at churches for a reason; they performed a security function. It was impossible to have huge watchdogs, because they would scare away all the parishioners, so small, lively dogs were required. The Tibbis sat on high points overlooking the temple grounds. Loud barking warned the monks about uninvited guests. Tibetan monks are so accustomed to such protection that the four-legged inhabitants of the temple have become part of their family. They warmed the bed of their owners and often stayed overnight with them. Some religious rituals required the use of canine skills, and tibbies were also used for this.

Tibetan monks believed that the soul is reborn into a dog, so all dogs were treated with respect.

Dog handlers still can’t figure out who exactly was the Tibby’s ancestor. Most experts are inclined to believe that they were Pekingese Shih Tzu. Some believe that pugs were used to develop the breed. Since 1934, Tibetan spaniels have been an officially recognized breed. By that time, Tibby puppies were loved by residents of many countries, and they were no longer considered temple dogs.

Dog kennel SADKO GEMS. Tibetan Spaniel

Description:Our dogs are Champions of Russia, Romania, Belarus, winner of the “Russia” exhibition, International champion of beauty. We pay great attention to the health of our dogs, we conduct international testing for hereditary diseases so that our puppies delight their owners. Our dogs are Champions of Russia, Romania and Belarus, winner of “Russia” dog show, international beauty champion. We pay careful attention to our dog's health and make international tests for possible genetic diseases. We want our puppies to bring only joy and happiness to their owners!

Description of the breed

Many will agree that one adjective is suitable to describe a pet - cute. The appearance of the dogs is attractive due to the small size of the body parts, the expression of the muzzle, and fluffy fur. The Tibby description has the following standards that breeders try to adhere to:

  • height at withers 24-26 cm;
  • weight 4-6 kg;
  • elongated body, proportionally correct parts of the body;
  • small head with a slightly convex skull;
  • the muzzle is slightly flattened;
  • oval narrow eyes of medium size, usually dark in color;
  • high set ears;
  • short hare-shaped legs;
  • tail set high, curled;
  • soft, silky wool.

Many people like the wool of the Tibetan spaniel, which is soft and pleasant to the touch. A thick collar around the neck looks especially noble.


A special feature of the Tibetan spaniel is its rich variety of colors. Usually, when a breed is officially registered, all its external data is recorded, which breeders subsequently strive to observe. There is no Tibby color specification; absolutely any color is allowed. The most popular wool shades are:

  • black;
  • golden;
  • all shades of brown;
  • ginger.

There are practically no monochromatic tibbies; there are often three or more colors. Puppies with a white spot on their chest are especially valuable. Tibetan monks considered a white spot on a dog to be a sign of Buddha's favor. Today they are perceived as a symbol of a pure heart.


The purpose of the dog has changed dramatically since ancient times, when they served at the temple. Today, these four-legged animals are pets used to create coziness in the home. Experts say that the character of the Tibetan spaniel has also changed. Today he is more of a companion than a watchdog. However, the protective inclinations are still preserved, so on a subconscious level, every Tibby feels responsible to the owner and his family. Lack of training is dangerous for dog owners. If the puppy’s developed intelligence is not used for its intended purpose, it is difficult to retrain an adult pet.

A distinctive feature of the Tibi character is distrust of strangers. The pet clearly knows its owner, gets along well with all family members, but even treats guests with suspicion. This is how the dog’s protective inclinations manifest themselves.

The intelligence of the representatives of the breed is so developed that they will never start barking without a reason; it is for this property that they were chosen to serve in temples. Therefore, they can be wary of a stranger in the house for a long time, watching him, doing it in silence.


The Tibetan Spaniel is included in the list of dogs with average learning ability . This means that to master a command, the owner must repeat it 25-40 times. Fulfills the requirements of the Tibby person every other time. The ICF standard does not provide for passing standards to identify working qualities.

This breed is characterized by stubbornness and willfulness . In addition, these are thinking dogs with high intelligence. They tend to make decisions on their own, and carry out commands to satisfy the person and receive praise for obedience.

Training appears early in a Tibby's life. The owner will have to make efforts to make the pet obedient. Self-training from an inexperienced owner may be ineffective.

Care and maintenance

The Tibetan Spaniel is easy to keep and not picky. The dog's unpretentiousness allows it to quickly adapt to any conditions; it easily gets along in the courtyard of a private house or apartment. If a pet has to be taken into the house in winter and “evicted” into the yard in summer, this does not become stressful for him.

The coat of the Tibetan spaniel requires special attention. It must be combed daily, spending at least 5-7 minutes on this task. You need to carefully comb the collar, which stands out due to its thickness against the background of the rest of the coat. Haircut is not necessary and can be done at the owner's request. Another important condition for keeping a tibbie comfortable is regular walks in the fresh air. Even if a pet lives in the courtyard of a private house, it needs walking outside its territory. Some owners notice that if they skip regular walks, the pet becomes less cheerful and active.


The best way to choose the best nutrition option is to consult with the breeders on how to feed the puppy. We need to find out how he was fed before. The condition of the coat, claws, teeth, and general well-being depends on a properly selected diet, so you need to approach the issue responsibly. 2/3 of the daily diet should be lean meat. It is also important to feed the Tibby with low-fat cottage cheese several times a week; you can dilute it with kefir and yogurt. Especially harmful are foods with a high percentage of salt, starch, flour products, especially pasta.

If the owner is not confident that he will be able to devote time to preparing food for the pet, it is better to immediately accustom him to food. You need to choose premium food.

Diseases and life expectancy

The average life expectancy of a Tibetan spaniel is 16-18 years. This high rate is achieved due to a good level of general health. Tibbies rarely get sick, especially if the owners adhere to the rules of keeping them. The most common possible diseases are:

  • ear diseases;
  • conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma;
  • problems with the spine;
  • allergic reactions.

It is recommended to have a preventative examination with a veterinarian annually to avoid possible diseases.

How much does it cost and where to buy

Popularity has bypassed Tibetan spaniels. Back in 2011, there were several nurseries in Russia, and only a few specimens were present at exhibitions. Today the number of tibbies has increased. Russian breeders offer to purchase a Tibby puppy with RKF documents for an average of 40,000 rubles .

The price is higher abroad. In Finland and Estonia, the Tibetan Spaniel breed is most widespread. It’s easier to choose and buy a puppy there. In Finland, a database of breeds has been created and regularly updated, where information about the dates of life, relatives and diseases of each dog is entered.

How to choose a puppy

It is recommended to choose a puppy that is 8-12 weeks old. By this time, the breeder must complete all necessary vaccinations and complete paperwork. It is easy to identify a healthy Tibby puppy - he is cheerful, playful, perky, and active. A sluggish state should alert you. The easiest way to check compliance with accepted standards is through documents. Parent certificates are a guarantee of the purity of the breed. You should also pay attention to external signs: a flattened muzzle, but no folds, high-set hanging ears, oval, wide-set eyes, etc.

From the first days of getting used to your pet, it is important to give it a name. Popular nicknames for boys are Marcel, Oman, Voltaire, names for girls are Britta, Barbie, Jessa, Frida.

Pros and cons of the breed

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the Tibetan spaniel:

DevotionExcessive activity at times
Highly developed intelligenceStrict need for proper nutrition
Courage, instinctive protective functionsRare in Russia (hard to find)
Good healthRequires long, long walks
High life expectancy

Where to buy and price

The average price of a puppy is 40,000 rubles. The Tibetan spaniel is more common abroad, but its cost there is much higher. However, finding a nursery offering puppies in Russia is not easy. One of the most popular is the Legend of Tibet kennel, specializing in breeding Tibby puppies and other breeds originating from Tibet. Some people line up in advance and find out when the next mating is expected in order to acquire the desired four-legged friend.

The history of the Tibetan spaniel is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who the ancestors of the temple dogs are. Today, attractive appearance and developed intelligence have made puppies in demand in different countries of the world. Tibbies are not picky about their care, are easy to train, and become devoted friends to their owner and his family.

Behavior and temperament

Tibbies are intelligent and reserved in their emotions towards other dogs. They are sanguine by temperament, and have a strong nervous system.

Positive traits:

  • Devotion,
  • Developed intelligence,
  • Activity,
  • Courage.

Disadvantages include:

  • Excessive self-confidence
  • Excess energy
  • Need for increased attention (games, activities),
  • Stubbornness.

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