A dog with long legs and a spotted, gray or other color

Some dog breeders mistakenly believe that large dogs with long legs are aggressive and uncontrollable animals. In fact, large pets are gentle and friendly. They cope well with the role of nannies and reliably protect the owner’s home from strangers. In addition, large dogs have high intellectual abilities and do not require long-term training.


There is no official division of dogs by height and weight. However, experts distinguish large, medium and small breeds. The International Canine Organization recognizes more than 300 animals with long legs, which are classified according to type and character into 10 groups. If the dog’s height at the withers is more than 60 cm, and the weight (in adulthood) is 40 kg, then the pets are considered large.

The tallest dogs in the world have long limbs with wide paws. Animals can be graceful or, conversely, have a massive body with thick hair. They are characterized by endurance, and many breeds have good health.

Greyhound dog health

Diseases to which the breed is prone can be divided into several types:

  • Ophthalmological problems - cataracts, vitreous degeneration, retinal atrophy;
  • Diseases of bones and teeth - hip dysplasia, knee dislocation, age-related arthritis, tartar, early tooth loss;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Allergies;
  • Cryptorchidism.

Separately, it is worth considering the increased sensitivity of the greyhound to anesthesia.

Greyhounds can have a hard time withstanding anesthesia - they take a long time to recover from it, and in some cases they have congenital contraindications. Because of these features, anesthesia must be selected for animals individually, after additional examinations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Naturally, like other breeds, tall dogs have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • friendly character;
  • attachment to household members;
  • courage and strength;
  • easy learning.

Pets with long legs do not require a lot of exercise from the owner.

They behave independently during walks and become wonderful friends to lonely people.

However, animals have a number of “disadvantages”. For example, a pet weighing 60-80 kg requires a lot of food. The diet should be varied and balanced. Otherwise, the tall dog will suffer from a constant feeling of hunger and lose activity.

Also, large breeds do not have longevity, unlike their small relatives . With proper care and proper nutrition, long-legged dogs live 6-12 years.

Despite the disadvantages, many dog ​​lovers prefer large breeds. They are loyal friends and brave defenders. Having a large dog in a private yard guarantees peace and protection. However, when getting a large pet, the owner must be aware of the considerable financial costs of maintaining the animal. Also, residents of city apartments should not get a tall dog - without adequate space, the animal will get sick and die.


A group of hunting dogs used in bird hunting with a gun. When prey is detected, dogs can freeze in a stance until the owner fires a shot.

English Setter

The second name of the breed is Laverack. It was bred in England. The weight of the animal does not exceed 30 kg. It is distinguished by a beautiful slender body, long hair and a fluffy tail. The English Setter is a typical European hunter, easily tracking down game on any terrain.

He is very active and needs regular walks. If you don't spend a lot of time with your dog, he will become withdrawn and distant. To maintain the good-natured disposition of the animal, it is recommended to play tag with it, throw a stick or ball to it, and also swim in a pond. The English Setter enjoys all these activities.

Laverack is not only a hunting dog, but also a companion dog. She is attached not only to her owner, but also to other people living with him. The animal adores children, even babies. You can leave your baby alone with him without fear that he will be harmed.

Irish Setter

The dog is medium in size, proportionally built. The setter has a strongly pronounced occipital protuberance. Color from mahogany to cherry. The dog is independent and active, requiring regular walks at least twice a day.

Hunts field game - partridge, snipe. The owner of the Irish Setter must be athletic and have a desire to exercise the dog.


Short-haired pointing dog bred in Germany. The shorthaired pointer is one of the most dexterous and fastest hunters among all dogs. The dog does not need to be taught this difficult craft, because everything that is required for catching ducks, fish and small animals is given to him by nature.

The animal is incredibly fast and strong. It deftly grabs game with its tenacious teeth, but at the same time does not cause physical damage to it. The dog sets itself the task of catching prey, and its owner kills it.

This breed has a very slender build. Shorthaired Pointers are born with a long tail, but it can become a hindrance during hunting, so it must be docked. He also has long, wide ears that hang symmetrically from his head. The Shorthaired Pointer is a spotted animal; plain brown individuals are less common.

As for the character of the animal, he is very good-natured. Among all hunting dog breeds , the shorthaired pointer is the most obedient. He is smart, balanced and very trusting. The dog dotes on his owner, loves to play with his children and welcomes guests with great pleasure. Aggression is unknown to him. As a watchman, the shorthaired pointer is ineffective.


One of the most beautiful dogs. The dog looks majestic and confident. She has short, monochromatic fur, long, like a shorthaired pointer, ears and slender paws. The Weimaraner has a pronounced social need, so it really needs to spend time with its owner. The animal reacts painfully to any criticism, since, by nature, it is very sensitive. Therefore, when scolding him, you need to be tactful.

However, no one usually has any difficulties raising Weimaraners. They are very smart, good-natured and loyal. But the main specificity of the breed is its excellent hunting skills. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell, and their strong body allows them to quickly chase prey. By the way, they grab birds almost on the fly.

Loneliness spoils the breed. When the Weimaraner is not given proper attention, it becomes disobedient and overly active. For example, if you leave him alone in the house for the whole day, when you arrive, you risk finding bitten sofas, damaged wallpaper and shoes.


One of the best German hunting dogs. The animal is distinguished by its endurance, good protective qualities and quick attachment to its owners. It is very similar in color to the Shorthaired Pointer, but the shade of its short coat is slightly darker.

The drathaar has a very pronounced social need. He does not like to be left without the attention of his owner. The animal loves to play with him, especially fetch the ball. But his favorite pastime is hunting. In this matter he has practically no equal. With the help of an excellent sense of smell, the dog tracks down birds and animals, after which it attracts the attention of the owner, who must fire a shot.

The dog of this breed is very hardy, but in order to maintain its good physical shape, it is necessary to often make forays into nature, preferably to bodies of water. Drathaar is an excellent swimmer.

Another advantage of him is his sharp mind. To teach a dog commands, it is enough to demonstrate to him their execution a couple of times. 3, maximum 4 times, he will repeat them himself. During training, we recommend encouraging the drathaar by treating it with treats.

Hungarian Vizsla

Smooth-haired medium-sized dogs. Vizslas are excellent hunters with a faithful, very distant sense. Affectionate, obedient, easy to train. Vizsla is recommended to all hunters who love to work on birds.


The breed was bred in Great Britain for hunting big game. Characterized by mobility, curiosity and energy. The Pointer's excellent endurance allows it to run tens of kilometers in 1 day without fatigue.

This animal has very thin and smooth fur. It is one of the largest representatives of the fauna. His hunter's instinct is well developed. There is no need to teach a dog of this breed to track or chase game; it will cope with these tasks perfectly on its own.

The Pointer loves spending time with his family in nature, but his favorite pastime is running with his owner. Therefore, if you love outdoor cross-country racing, we advise you to opt for the Pointer.

Spinone Italiano (Italian Griffon)

They say that Spinone is a dog with a human face. The breed is very ancient, not aggressive towards people and is the first to never get into a fight. It is used as a bird hunter, but is very attached to its owner, so when hunting it will not run far so as not to lose it from sight. As a working dog, they are suitable only for experienced hunters, but as a companion they are suitable for absolutely everyone.

Griffon Bule

The breed is small in number and little known, has excellent sense of smell and is well oriented in any terrain. Bule Griffons are often used for hunting in wooded and swampy areas.

The dog's color allows it to easily blend into its surroundings. The Bule is a cheerful, gentle and active dog. which can become a wonderful pet.

Burgos Pointer (Spanish Pointer)

Previously, the Burgos Pointer was used exclusively for hunting deer, however, now you can hunt with it almost any game. The dog is strong and capable of working in any conditions in any climate. Has excellent instincts and endurance.

Setter Gordon

The breed was bred in a Scottish castle by the Duke of Gordon, which is how it got its name. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, holds the scent tightly and searches persistently. He has high intelligence and is easy to train.

As a companion, it is suitable for people with an active lifestyle; the dog can be taken for walks in the forest, fishing, it will run after a bicycle and can even pull skis.

Top tall breeds

As mentioned earlier, cynologists distinguish 10 groups of large breeds. Among them there are graceful, thin “handsome men” and strong guards with a chic “fur coat”. The top tallest breeds are as follows.

Neapolitan Mastiff (65 cm, 80 kg)

Stately dogs, whose body is covered with folds, were bred in Ancient Rome. Strong animals with an “iron” grip took part in battles with wild animals. The pet is quite demanding in care and requires high-quality nutrition. “Neapolitans” are suitable for “street” life and perfectly protect the territory.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog (70 cm, 50 kg)

One of the largest breeds in the world. "Caucasians" have thick fur and strong, wide paws. Animals are smart and hardy. Most often they are started by dog ​​breeders living in the private sector. Caucasian Shepherds are patient with children and instantly remember various commands.

Russian Terrier (78 cm, 60 kg)

A tall, shaggy dog ​​with an athletic build and easy to train. Russian terriers of standard color successfully take part in exhibitions and competitions among large breeds. Curly long hair adorns the entire body of the pet, so funny tails on the head are relevant for them.

Hungarian Kuvasz (80 cm, 60 kg)

The oldest breed of tall dogs with long legs. Large dogs were bred in Hungary to guard livestock. Animals are distinguished by fearlessness and unpretentiousness. Kuvasz is an independent and brave pet that is able to protect its owner’s home from uninvited guests.

English Mastiff (80 cm, 75 kg)

Another giant of the mastiff family. In ancient times, this breed was used for military service and hunting large wild animals. Despite their intimidating appearance, English Mastiffs are friendly and non-aggressive pets. “Giants” live 6-10 years.

Leonberger (80 cm, 60 kg)

Fluffy, tall dogs were bred in Germany. Large dogs are still used as guards and protectors. Elegant appearance and long, shiny coat are the main “trump cards” of the Leonberger. Animals get along well with children and can play with their favorite toy for hours.

Russian Greyhound (85 cm, 48 kg)

Graceful, graceful dogs were extremely popular among representatives of the Russian secular elite. Most often they acted as hunting assistants. Thin dogs with long, strong limbs have excellent vision and are able to instantly develop high speed. Russian greyhounds are quite capricious and do not tolerate competition.

Serbernar (87 cm, 100 kg)

A big “good-natured dog” with smart eyes and thick hair will not leave even picky dog ​​breeders indifferent. The breed was brought to Russia from the Alps and northern Italy. The tall, fluffy pet has a calm and patient character. It is highly trainable and prefers to rest imposingly near its owner most of the time.

Serbernars do not like cats and dogs of decorative breeds. They are also capable of showing aggression towards strangers. Such a meeting could end badly. The average lifespan of these large dogs is 6-8 years.

Irish Wolfhound (88 cm, 60 kg)

The graceful, long-legged dog is distinguished by its developed intelligence and titanic patience. Gets along well with small households. Despite the formidable name, dogs are not suitable for guard duty. Representatives of this breed are very friendly and peaceful .

The Irish Wolfhound's coat is thick and dense, so it requires careful grooming.

Great Dane (90 cm, 80 kg)

The thin, proud dog is the largest in the world. The breed was bred by German breeders and officially registered in 1890. Dog experts have come to the conclusion that Great Danes have ideal proportions. A muscular body, long slender legs and a beautiful head shape are the main advantages of high mastiffs.

The tough, stately dog ​​is the official state symbol of Pennsylvania.

Tall dogs are bought to protect the home and have fun.

Despite their size, large dogs love outdoor games and do not show aggression towards children . Experienced dog breeders call the graceful dog a “gentle giant.”

Dogs with long ears

Basset Hound

This is a popular hunting dog with long ears that easily finds prey by following a bloody trail. He is distinguished by a wayward, phlegmatic character and a penchant for independence. It has a specific appearance: a rectangular body, long, thick ears hanging down to the floor, a large head, short legs.

Why is the Basset Hound considered an excellent hunter? First of all, thanks to his excellent sense of smell. Since childhood, he has been trained to hunt specific game, which he skillfully finds along a bloody trail. “Works” well when paired with an armed hunter.

The Basset Hound is ideal for an owner who enjoys a relaxing holiday. An active life will definitely not suit him. The dog hates long walks, he likes to lie down and relax in silence. He is loyal to other dogs and does not conflict with them. He treats children without warmth, but tolerantly. The noise coming from babies irritates this dog.

The Basset Hound cannot be called a simple pet. He is prone to independence, disobedience, and stubbornness. He has one unusual habit - the desire to run away. However, this is an intelligent dog who becomes sincerely attached to his household.


Another dog breed with long ears . Belongs to the hunting group. In Germany, where it was bred, it is also called the “German shorthaired pointer.” This is a versatile dog with many purposes. He is an excellent companion, athlete, friend and hunter. But, it cannot perform guard functions due to a natural lack of suspicion and anger.

A dog requires a huge amount of physical activity. Can't live without hunting. Perfect for catching turtles, rodents, deer, hares, and hedgehogs. The shorthaired pointer is better suited than other dogs for pair hunting. He waits for the owner with a gun to be nearby, then he runs out of his hiding place, chasing a flock of birds towards him, and waits for him to fire a shot. He picks up all the killed birds on the ground and brings them to the hunter. Never seeks to hurt the victim. Not bloodthirsty at all. A wonderful performer.

The shorthaired pointer's character is wonderful. He is very kind, gentle, playful. He sincerely loves people, not only “his own”, but also “strangers”. He is interested in each of them. The dog gets along well with animals and children in the house. Prefers to be friends with each of them. Not at all prone to conflicts. Well trained.


Popular domestic dog of the hunting group. It stands out for its bright tricolor fur. It's short and tough. The dog's body is painted in the following colors: black, red and white. What makes a Beagle a great pet? Several factors.

Firstly, he is not evil at all, on the contrary, he is kind and gentle. Secondly, this is a very loyal dog who has unlimited trust only in his household. Thirdly, he is energetic, loves to play and entertain the public.

Any person will like this animal, because he is charming and friendly. It's hard not to admire him. However, do not forget that the beagle is a representative of the hound breed, so it is important for him to hunt periodically.

This dog has a well-developed sense of smell, so tracking down prey in the forest is not a problem for him. Beagles can also often be seen at the airport. Customs officers use it to identify prohibited substances in passengers' luggage.

Cocker Spaniel

A charming and beautiful breed of dog, the hallmark of which is the hanging long ears covered with wavy hair. Cocker spaniels are good hunters. They are specific in that they prefer to keep trophies for themselves. For example, they can tear out a clump of hair from prey and chew it. This dog has aristocratic manners.

She is graceful and elegant. He definitely knows his worth. Active, cheerful, loves games, but will not join them if she is offended by something. By nature - emotive, easily offended if the owner shouts or scolds. The Cocker Spaniel is a sensitive and caring friend. Very gentle and loving. Never growls or bites. Has a gentle disposition.

German dog

A huge good-natured dog. Famous for its friendly character and huge dimensions. Tall, short-haired with long ears. The Great Dane is a very kind, affectionate and social pet. He gets along well with any creatures, be it people or pet turtles.

However, it can conflict with its own kind. The dog shows aggression only if one of the household members is in serious danger. Then he can attack the intruder, but will not injure him, rather he will scare him away by barking.

Most people are afraid of this large dog, but in vain, because anger is completely alien to it. She does not perform security functions. Therefore, you should get such a pet solely for companionship.


The second name of the breed is the porcelain hound. A very rare dog. She is beautiful and graceful, characterized by large sizes. Has huge floppy ears. Porcelain has a calm disposition. The dog is distinguished by its balance and measured behavior. But, once in a forest area, it may begin to fuss. Differs in bloodthirstiness.

She is vicious towards her prey. He never spares her. Having found a rabbit on the trail, it can tear it to pieces. This dog loves people. Trusts every member of the household without exception. He will become a loyal friend and comrade. Suitable for active people who like hunting.

Dogs are record holders

The tallest dog listed in the Guinness Book of Records was a Great Dane named Giant George. The pet lived in an American family (Arizona). The animal's height was 110 cm and its weight was more than 100 kg. He lived for 8 years and died of natural causes.

Dane with the beautiful name Zeus was recognized as the tallest dog in the world The powerful handsome man had impressive dimensions (height 111 cm and weight 80 kg). The record holder lived in Michigan (USA). The giant ate more than 10 bowls of dry food and 2 containers of wet food every day. The dog led an active lifestyle and was a local celebrity. The giant lived for 5 years.

An overview of several of the largest breeds in the world can be seen below.

Long dogs. For a long time, a dog has been a faithful companion in the lives of many people. Year after year, new breeds appear, adapted to specific tasks. For example, back in the 19th century, long dogs were mentioned, which were reputed to be excellent hunters and bloodhounds. Much time has passed since then and the variety of breeds amazes the imagination, even of experienced dog breeders. What breeds of dogs can be called long?

There are many of them, the most popular are: Welsh Corgi, English Bulldog, Dachshund, Basset Hound, Swedish Vallhund, Volpino Italiano, Portuguese Hound and others. Let's look at some of them in detail.

History of the Greyhound dog breed

The Greyhound breed was developed in the 5th century AD. On vases, bowls, frescoes and other ancient decorations you can find images of this animal. The dog especially took root in ancient Egypt. Previously, it was mistakenly believed that Egypt was the birthplace of this hunting breed.

However, it is now known that the breed first appeared in the Middle East. The supposed ancestors of this animal are the Saluki or Slugi breeds.

The origin of the name of the breed is unknown. There are several assumptions. According to one version, the name stands for “gray dog.” Another option is “large dog”. The third is “cricket dog”. The same breed is commonly called the gray greyhound.

In medieval England, both aristocrats and ordinary people loved the animal. However, in 1014, commoners were prohibited from hunting in forests and keeping dogs intended for hunting.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi

This is one of the cutest dog breeds. Pembroke Welsh Corgis do not leave even ordinary passers-by indifferent. Initially, the breed was bred as a guard dog, the main tasks of pasture and herding of herds. Today, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi has become a family dog ​​that gets along well with children, even very young ones. They are good-natured, gentle, very playful and energetic. They can show pride if they are offended by something. It is worth noting that dogs of this breed are very attached to their owner and are not ready to share him with someone.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is practically the most beautiful long dog with short legs of all. Their only drawback is their very high cost; prices for this breed range around $1,000. They are distinguished by straight short legs, surprisingly thick fur and a funny gait. The color is red and white, somewhat reminiscent of a fox. According to standards, the front of the dog should be snow-white.



The Short-legged Hound of Swedish origin, also called the Swedish Dachshund Bracket, was developed in the early 19th century when hunting with regular, long-legged hounds was prohibited.

With its elongated body and short limbs, the drever resembles a dachshund, but it is more massive and muscular. Its height is from 30 to 36 cm. The head is somewhat large compared to the body. The ears are hanging, not too large, low set. The tail is quite thick at the base, never rising above the line of the back.

The coat is short, close-lying, harsh and straight. Any colors are allowed except pure white and liver, but the tree must have white markings that are clearly visible when viewed from any side.


A brave and tireless hound, at home she is affectionate and cheerful. The tree can make a very good companion.


Drevers are used to hunt foxes, hares, and sometimes larger game. At the same time, dogs of this breed can work both alone and in a pack.

Nowadays, drevers are increasingly becoming just pets.


Dachshunds are the most popular dog breed in the world. It differs from other long dogs in the special structure of its elongated body; some owners jokingly call dachshunds “sausages.” This breed was bred to hunt in burrows. Dachshunds have an excellent sense of smell, hunting skills and the ability to quickly increase speed. The breed was bred in Germany and was initially used to kill rats.

The main advantages of this breed are: cheerful and energetic character, devotion to the owner, excellent adaptability, ease of maintenance and care.

At first glance, it seems that dachshunds are perfect for large families with children, but they get along easily with adult children, but relationships with kids do not always work out. Dachshunds are also characterized by their waywardness and stubbornness; they are very fussy and noisy. If you decide to get a dachshund, be prepared to closely monitor its health, in particular its back and its tendency to become overweight.

English Springer Spaniel

  • Height: from 46 to 56 cm
  • Weight: from 18 to 25 kg
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years
  • Temperament: cheerful, affectionate, attentive, intelligent, alert, active

The English Springer Spaniel, English Cocker Spaniel and Field Spaniel were not originally three different breeds, they often appeared in the same litters. The larger English Springer Spaniel was only recognized as a separate breed in 1902.

Muscular, energetic and very hardy, English Springer Spaniels are created for an active lifestyle , they are absolutely unsuitable for couch potatoes. Don't believe us? Well, here's an undeniable fact: English Springer Spaniels are often chosen to work in the police and military. Their sensitive noses, easy trainability and endurance made them the best detectors of bombs and drugs.

However, English Springer Spaniels also have a loving, affectionate and sociable side. Springers love (and need) company and get along well with both children and other animals. Their energetic nature makes them excellent running companions.

IMPORTANT! English Springer Spaniels are a healthy breed; however, they are susceptible to elbow and hip dysplasia, and their eyes also need to be monitored. To avoid infection, you should check your springer's long ears regularly.

Glen of Imaal Terrier

This is an Irish Small Long Dog. The main purpose is hunting small game and baiting bulls. To hunt larger animals, about 4-5 such dogs were needed. Glen of Imaal Terriers are very loyal and affectionate dogs that have a noisy and mischievous temperament.

These dogs love to exercise and learn new things. Glen of Imaal Terriers are very friendly, sociable and affectionate dogs. Some use it for watchdog purposes, as they are very vocal. The terrier's playful nature allows him to easily get along with children of different ages. However, this dog breed is very jealous of other pets and has difficulty getting along with them. Most often, small domestic animals (birds, rodents and cats) are mistaken for prey and can be injured.



The Beagle is a short dog with a compact, moderately muscular build.
Its head and muzzle have a characteristic shape for hounds. The size of a beagle does not exceed 40 cm. The ears are quite large, but shorter than those of a basset hound. The beagle's legs are usually long, and the tail, as a rule, is raised high, but not curled into a ring.

The coat is short, dense and waterproof. Of the colors, the most typical is tricolor (black, red and white), but any colors typical of hounds are acceptable, with the exception of liver.


Beagles are not known to be aggressive towards people or other animals. With proper upbringing and socialization, problems with their behavior, as a rule, do not arise.

These dogs, who treat all their owners equally well and simply adore children, make wonderful pets and companions. But, at the same time, it is also a magnificent, albeit small, hunting dog, which is used to drive a wide variety of game.


A highly developed hunting instinct can force even a well-trained beagle to go investigate some trail that interests him. That is why they need to be kept either indoors or in a well-fenced area.


When walking, beagles should not be let off leash in open spaces.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

This is another variety of corgi, also long, with short legs and a rectangular body. Will be a great dog for rural areas. Their purpose is to herd sheep, chickens, and geese.

This variety of corgi is very compact in size and can be carried in your arms, although only for a short time, because they are very active and energetic. This loving and gentle dog is very attached to the family and will always demand the attention of the household. If you decide to get a Cardigan Welsh Corgi, get ready for long walks and active outdoor games. It is important to note that it is necessary to develop not only physical, but also other skills in dogs, since they are distinguished by an inquisitive mind and logic.

Choosing a Greyhound Puppy

When choosing a pet, it is important to contact officially registered nurseries. This way you can protect yourself from buying an animal with hereditary diseases.

It is worth paying attention to the greyhound's pedigree, vaccinations and general health.

A Greyhound puppy should be active, have a good appetite and stand confidently on its paws.

Sealyham Terrier

English terrier breed with an elongated body. It took quite a long time to breed them, but the breeders succeeded. The key difference from all other terriers is their snow-white coat. These are dogs for the soul; they have a lively and balanced temperament. They adore children and become wonderful companions for their owners. These beauties will charm you not only with their easy-going character, but also with their appearance. White wavy coat, shaggy muzzle and interesting haircut make these dogs a favorite of passers-by. They are physically strong and can be good guards and defenders, but not attackers.


The Azawakh is a breed of tall and very thin dog. The hair on their body is very short. Their character is reserved and devoted. This is a breed of hunters: such dogs have long been bred to hunt wild boars and antelopes. Azawakhs come from the valley of the same name, located between Mali and Niger. These dogs are accustomed to leading a nomadic lifestyle, so they need to exercise a lot to stay healthy. They are loyal to their owners, but do not immediately find a common language with strangers.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The longest dog among its terrier relatives. They are distinguished by an excellent sense of smell, compactness, lightning-fast reaction, excellent attention, which are excellent qualities for a hunting breed. Today they are preferred mainly for their attractive appearance and calm nature.

One of the dog breeds that can easily spend a long time in a carrier, most importantly next to the owner. This dog has no significant shortcomings, the only thing is that it treats strangers with slight mistrust.


Boerboels are massive dogs that grow up to 70 cm at the withers. They have a rather intimidating appearance, but a big and kind heart. These are affectionate animals that were bred in South Africa in the 17th century. Then the Dutch colonialists crossed African dogs with mastiffs. The result is Boerboels - affectionate and incredibly calm pets that serve as protectors of the families in which they live.

Who should I choose?

Several breeds of long dogs are listed here and the question naturally arises: “Who should I choose?” There is no definite answer to this, since the choice of a dog depends not only on the dog’s long body, large ears or short legs. The choice of a pet depends primarily on the goals of the breeder, the characteristics of his life, the composition of the family and the temperament of the owner. Each dog is good in its own way and will love you endlessly, but the responsibility for its psychological and physical development will rest on your shoulders.

The choice of a four-legged friend must be taken seriously, especially if this is your first experience. Buying a dog is an important and responsible decision. The appearance of a pet in your home will require patience, free time and additional financial expenses. The chosen breed of dog determines its character, ability to train, and susceptibility to diseases.

Defining goals

Before purchasing a pet, decide for what purpose you are buying it. Are you choosing a pet, a watchdog or a companion? Answer yourself a number of questions that will help you choose the breed of your four-legged pet:

  • Are you getting a dog for the first time? If yes, then you need to be more careful in choosing a breed, pay attention to loyal, balanced, and easy-to-care pets: Boston Terrier, Golden Retriever, Pug, Schipperk, Tibetan Spaniel;
  • Do you have other pets in your home? If you have fish, a parrot and a cat in your apartment, then friendly, sociable and calm dog breeds are for you: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Clumber Spaniel, Coton de Tuleare, Italian Spinone;
  • Are you or someone in your family allergic to animal dander? It will be an extremely unpleasant situation if, after purchasing a four-legged friend, it turns out that you are allergic to dog hair. Therefore, you need to think about this in advance and choose a pet from hypoallergenic breeds: Chinese Crested Dog, Curly-Coated Retriever, Labrapoodle, Portuguese Water Dog;
  • Do you have children? What age? If you have a small child, you need to take the choice of a pet very seriously, because some dog breeds do not get along well with children. Therefore, your choice should be limited to friendly and sociable breeds: beagle, bearded collie, English toy spaniel, miniature schnauzer. It is worth considering whether it is good to give a dog as a gift.

Choosing the gender of the dog

When purchasing a pet, keep in mind an important nuance: males and females need different care. Female dogs are more loyal than the opposite sex. They are easier to train and more flexible. However, bitches cause a lot of trouble to their owners with regular estrus, unplanned or false pregnancies. Therefore, if your plans do not include breeding puppies, consider having your dog spayed.

Males are emotionally more persistent, strive to take a dominant position, and therefore require more strict education. Dogs show an active interest in females all year round.

Pet age

There are pros and cons to purchasing a puppy or an adult dog. The baby needs to be educated, accustom him to hygiene procedures and the toilet. But, your pet will quickly get used to you, the new environment and the behavioral norms you have instilled.

A well-mannered, mature dog will not allow himself to make a puddle in the middle of the room or chew your shoes. But getting used to the new owners and home can be long and painful. The dog may yearn for its previous owners, refuse to eat and show disobedience.

However, your patience and love for your new pet, regardless of its age, will bring you the expected result.

Dogs are guards

Do you want to buy a pet to protect your home? Not all dog breeds are suitable for this role. Thus, hunting dogs are completely unadapted to this, and fighting dogs, bred specifically for fights, have warm feelings for all people without exception, which is unacceptable for a watchdog.

The following are great for protecting a private home:

  • German Shepherds;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dogs;
  • Moscow watchmen;
  • alabai.

Dogs with long hair

West Highland White Terrier

This long white dog was bred in Scotland. Despite its beautiful appearance, it is designed for catching small game. Thanks to its small size and long narrow body, the West Highland White Terrier can easily crawl behind its prey into its deep hiding place.

A representative of this beautiful breed is not only charming, but also talented. He has a lot of advantages: fearlessness, ease of care, gentle and kind character, responsibility, good trainability.

The dog has excellent sports skills, which is why he often engages in agility. The West Highland White requires a lot of attention, he is gentle and loving. Always relies on the owner, trusts him.

Golden retriever

An excellent family dog ​​breed with long hair . The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, loyal, intelligent and easy to care for pet. That's why many consider it ideal. This dog has a wonderful character. She is friendly, prone to obedience, and does not strive to prevail over her owner.

It's a pleasure to spend time with her, especially for young children. A representative of this breed is a good nanny. Due to the natural absence of anger and suspicion, he can lie for hours next to a child or several kids, allowing them to play any pranks with him.

If they hurt the dog, he will not snap back, but will whine and carefully move away from the child. Not at all prone to conflict behavior. Balanced and reliable. A great friend and companion. Loves to communicate. Sad if left alone.

As a guard, the Golden Retriever is ineffective. He is too kind and friendly, so he will not fight back against anyone. He takes all people without exception as his potential friends.


Excellent rescue dog. Its long dark fur does not become heavy in the water because it does not get wet. Thanks to this, the animal maneuvers well in water, is able to dive deeply and swim quickly. It also has duck-like membranes between its toes.

The Newfoundland loves people, so he cares about their safety. Never loses vigilance. Ready to come to the aid of every drowning person. The dog has a “lively” disposition. He is not aggressive, so he gets along well with children and the owner's pets. It is extremely difficult to tolerate separation from family members.

Loves ponds! Owning a Newfoundland is recommended for people who are willing to spend a lot of time organizing their leisure time. This is an active animal that enjoys walks in the fresh air, regular outings and, of course, swimming in the sea or river.

Tibetan mastiff

Beautiful guard dog. Included in the list of the most expensive breeds. Has well-developed security abilities. The most important task for the Tibetan Mastiff is to ensure the safety of its family. He is a neat but very reliable bodyguard and watchman. Well adapted to outdoor life in the cold, as it is insulated with lush long fur.

Living with such a pet in an apartment is extremely difficult. He will bark loudly and run to the front door at any noise. This will create inconvenience for the whole family. You need to walk your Tibetan Mastiff for a long time and regularly.

Afghan Hound

In terms of functionality, this dog is universal. Its basic purpose is hunting, however, it can perform a number of other tasks: herding livestock, looking after domestic animals, guarding the area, etc.

The Afghan Hound is a beautiful dog. Her body is covered with slightly curly, silky fur. She has a graceful body constitution. Moves smoothly and elegantly. Builds up speed very quickly. Physically, she is strong.

A novice dog breeder may have difficulty training such a pet, as it has a difficult character. The dog is stubborn and a little wayward, so it is difficult for him to learn to trust his owner and obey him.


An excellent family dog ​​breed that gained immense popularity thanks to the movie Lassie. The main role in it was played by a collie, or Scottish Shepherd. This film fully conveyed the character of the representative of the breed.

Collies are kind and friendly dogs, for whom it is extremely important to feel like the favorites of the whole family. They are sincerely attached to their family members and love them endlessly.

The breed was bred for herding service. Its representatives have an innate instinct to herd the herd together. Even domesticated and pampered collies are guided by it. Therefore, finding themselves alone with small dogs, cats or other animals, they, guided by this instinct, will push them towards each other, forming a group.

Russian greyhound

Russian Greyhound
The Russian Greyhound is an exemplary hunting dog. It was bred specifically for baiting wolves; high speed is an important aspect for such a breed. And greyhounds fully justify themselves in this regard, reaching speeds of up to 58 km per hour . This indicator is enough to chase the same wolf, especially since greyhounds are distinguished by their endurance and can maintain high speed for a long time.

They are also distinguished by their beautiful wavy hair, which is called dog hair - it is because of this that the breed received the name canine. Coat color can vary, and dogs vary in color. In terms of physique, they resemble most other “fast” breeds - greyhounds, for example. Thin and tall, they can reach 80 cm or more in height, with a weight of 25-45 kg.


Saluki (Persian greyhound)
Saluki is one of the galaxy of canine record holders for speed. A close relative of the Afghan hound, this dog breed can accelerate to 68 km per hour and is also distinguished by amazing endurance. A number of dog handlers point out that Salukis are more resilient than even the fastest-winning Greyhounds, being able to maintain high speeds much longer than they can.

Saluki is an ancient breed; dogs very similar in morphology are found in images in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs - and the paintings in the tombs are more than 4 thousand years old! Salukis are a universal hunter; they were used to chase foxes, hares, and gazelles. The dog's height reaches 70 cm, and its normal weight is no more than 27 kg. Color can vary from pure white to jet black, and dogs can have spotted coats. These dogs have drooping ears, a long muzzle, a thin body, and hair that can be short or long.

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