Carefully! Small and kind and a dog! Pop 10 Smallest Dog Breeds

Soon, soon New Year! Thanks to the Chinese, we know that it will take place under the auspices of a dog. We all wish that the symbol of the year would be filled with friendliness and possess the best traits of the dog tribe: loyalty, nobility, and an unlimited supply of love.

Dog breeds. Photo - Lori's photo bank

Today the focus is on a provocative topic. After all, it also happens that “man’s first friend” turns out to be not a friend, but a source of all sorts of problems and troubles. Of course, in 100 percent of cases, it is not the dog that is to blame, but its owner. However, it is unlikely that any of the experienced “dog lovers” will argue that there are breeds that are easier to approach, and there are those that you cannot cope with without special training - you will only exhaust yourself and ruin the dog.

After talking with owners, studying dog forums, and based on our own experience interacting with dogs, we have identified 13 breeds, close acquaintance with which can darken your life. But, as they say, for every Marya there is an Ivan - and all breeds find their lovers. We are sure that the owners will come to the defense of any breed “offended” by us, who will prove that their pet is the best dog in the world. And yet, some “hardwired” problems that regularly arise with different dogs allow us to make some generalizations and highlight problematic breeds and problems of individual breeds.

We invited animal psychologist Natalia Dmitrievna Krivolapchuk , teacher at the St. Petersburg State Veterinary Academy, author of the textbook “Applied Dog Psychology” to comment on our breed anti-rating.


Don't be charmed by those blue eyes! A husky's place is not in an apartment, but in a harness with its relatives. Husky cannot stand loneliness, and in your absence will mercilessly destroy the apartment. You will have to walk your husky strictly on a leash because of its vile manner of throwing at all the cats it meets and bullying other dogs, as well as its special love for garbage dumps.

Natalia Krivolapchuk:

“Husky and Samoyed are not dogs for the metropolis. Their psyche does not tolerate urban stress very well. In addition, riding huskies do not work in close contact with a person; the driver only touches them indirectly. So they need very serious human help in developing intelligence at an early age - from one and a half months. If the husky gets to the owner later, then you will have to spend tens of times more effort to turn this dog into a friendly family member with conforming behavior. As for apartment destruction, many dogs don’t do well staying locked within four walls—huskies are not unique in this sense. This is not a property of the breed, this is a disease - a neurosis of loneliness. Dogs try to escape from a place where they feel bad.”


The Pekingese is a small, but proudly dignified companion dog. She was respected at the Chinese imperial court. The Pekingese will always make it clear that he is the most important member of the family. This breed has expressive brown eyes and a long, straight coat with a lion's mane, an easy rolling gait and a short muzzle. Confident and charming, Pekingese maintain a very close bond with their beloved owner, and they are also excellent guard dogs!

Jack Russell Terrier

If you have a large apartment and like to change the interior every two years, then perhaps Milo’s relative from the movie “The Mask” is your option. The Jack Russell Terrier has an “Italian” temperament, never gets tired and does not become calm with age. It is possible to train a Jack Russell Terrier to be obedient, but if you are a balanced person and dream of orderly walks, forget about this breed.


“For 20 years I kept fox terriers, which are not much different from Russells, there were no problems - very obedient dogs. All terriers have one thing in common - they are ready to accept all the demands and style of treatment that the owner offers, as long as they are stable and consistent. The dachshund is even more difficult in this sense - it will more often insist on its own. I would not classify the dog’s energy as a disadvantage. Energy should not accumulate, and if it has accumulated, it needs to splash out somewhere. I won’t say that it’s easy and simple, but all the troubles can be avoided if you know how to raise a dog in the first year of life.”

Breeds similar to Petit Brabançon

Belgian and Brussels Griffon

Close relatives of Petit Brabançon. They differ from it in color and long hair. The dogs are small, about 30 cm high. The coat is medium length, hard. The face has a characteristic beard and mustache. The dogs have the same appearance, but different colors.

The coat of the Brussels Griffon is red in different tones, sometimes with a hint of rust.

The color of the Belgian Griffon is black, black and red, black and tan. Black dogs turn gray with age.

Dogs live 10-14 years. They are distinguished by their easy-going nature, cheerful character, sociable, and intelligent.

German Affenpinscher

The breed that is considered the progenitor of the Griffon. The German Pinscher is no different in size from the Petit Brabançon. However, appearance and character can be called diametrically opposed.

The common color is black. Black with gray, brown, tan and gray are allowed. The coat is medium length, hard, bristling. The dogs have a warlike, disheveled appearance. His temperament is also not smooth. The Affenpinscher is an independent breed whose psychotype retains courage and hunting habits.

Owners of Petit Brabançons believe that there is no smarter, more affectionate and more loyal dog. If you need a faithful friend who will amuse you in moments of leisure and sympathize with you during illness, then feel free to choose a little griffon. But remember that he will need constant communication. This is a dog for homebodies or those who work remotely.

Chow chow

The Chow Chow has an impressive lion-like appearance, with a distinctive blue tongue. According to Chinese legend, the gods first created the earth and animals and only then began to create the heavens. And one very curious dog licked the freshly made palate, and its tongue immediately turned blue. In its homeland in China, the breed has been known for more than 2000 years. Chow chows were bred for various purposes, mainly for meat and fluffy fur. If you are hoping to find a true friend in the Chow Chow, then the reality can be cruel. Dogs are very capricious and know better than you what they need.


“In the history of the breed and its genetics, there is no experience of close interaction with humans - this is a thing in itself. The Chow Chow is difficult to understand by its movements, postures and facial expressions: the legs are straight, the body is covered in fur, the tail is stuck to the back, the ears are always erect. The same shepherd dog shows everything that is on her mind and heart. And when it’s difficult to understand a dog, it’s already difficult. She is not one of those who will try to follow the owner, strive to communicate with him. Chow chows play very little. And if the owner insists that the dog run after the ball, then this is contrary to the psyche of this breed and negatively affects the nervous system. Knowing the characteristics of the breed, you can raise an excellent dog, but you need to prepare for a cool relationship. You shouldn’t expect a chow-chow to be your dear friend.”

Character of Petit Brabançon

The breed is characterized by a playful disposition combined with aristocratic restraint. Griffons consider it beneath their dignity to disturb their neighbors with barking for no reason.

  • They are friendly . The Petit Brabançon's character lacks the desire to dominate. Dogs are friendly with other animals living in the same territory. Petit Brabançons get along equally well with cats, rabbits, and large guard dogs. They can find the right approach to anyone who lives in the same house with them.
  • Devoted . Petit Brabançons are distrustful of strangers. A loyal pet bravely rushes to the defense of its owner if it suspects a threat.
  • Observant . Brabant Griffons are highly observant. They subtly sense the mood of the owner. They quickly adapt to his lifestyle. The expression “a dog is like its owner” fully applies to Brabançons. An energetic extrovert will develop into a tireless energizer. A phlegmatic introvert will receive a calm aristocrat who will think carefully about whether it is worth running headlong.
  • They have a sense of self-esteem . Petit Brabançons need constant communication, but they will not impose themselves. It is enough for the dog to be “within walking distance” from the owner and catch his approving glances. They understand human speech well, subtly capturing intonations. They do not tolerate rude behavior and are offended by neglect.
  • They are active and require education. They prefer to play with children, but rarely obey them. Puppies can bite, fray, treating the child as if they were their toy.
  • They know how to insist on their own . The innate cunning inherent in Petit Brabançons, with a gentle owner, turns the dogs into excellent manipulators. With their unhappy appearance, they are able to beg for any tidbit, portraying an immensely starving dog.

The main feature of the breed is its attachment to one owner. It is extremely difficult to accustom an adult dog to life in a new family.

Petit Brabançons can get along with anyone. They will devotedly love their owner if he does not leave them alone for a long time. A puppy of this breed can be recommended to the most inexperienced owner - they will definitely learn to interact with each other.

Bull Terrier

Bull terriers are no longer those indomitable killers - winners in dog rings. As a result of selection, they have become quite sociable and sweet, getting along well with their owners and children. But those around you don’t know about it. Moreover, cases of attacks by dogs of this breed on people, unfortunately, are not fiction. Moreover, it is incredibly difficult to pull an enraged bull away from the victim - the dog is insensitive to pain and has a death grip.


“They are primarily a terrier, so it is not surprising that boules adapt well to being a family dog. As for the reaction of others, you must initially raise the dog so that it does not pay attention to other people - this needs to be taken care of in a special way and not to miss the age of 3-4 months and closer to a year. The Bull Terrier should receive reasonable and consistent training; the result will be a gentle, devoted and perfectly controlled dog. One of the big mistakes in relation to this breed is to try to educate using grandfather Durov’s methods and at the same time forget that, with all the gentle approach, grandfather Durov always achieved his goal, and this is often forgotten. And if the owner begins to follow the lead of the bull terrier, various misfortunes occur. As for fighting qualities, I once encountered a bull terrier in which they were very pronounced, and the dog showed aggression not towards its fellow dogs, but towards humans. It turned out that this American heredity came to us through Czechoslovakia. We managed it and extinguished it.”

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Alabais are very large dogs, but their mobility does not suffer from their massiveness. They come in different colors and their tail and ears are docked at birth. Central Asian Shepherds have a balanced character, although they are distrustful of strangers. If aggression was not intentionally brought up in the dog, then its manifestations will be very moderate.

The instinct of protection among Alabais is very developed. They will be able to take care of the living space entrusted to them, livestock, and things. Moreover, this breed does not require special care. Since ancient times, shepherd dogs left with flocks of sheep for several days, and during this time no one watched them, they got their own food. However, it is important to remember that Alabai are sociable and need the care of their owner.


If you are a light sleeper, don't get a pug. He snores like a big guy. In addition, they are prone to allergies and obesity, they need to stick to a diet. And pugs love to eat. You will feel like a scoundrel every time you eat, and they look at you with silent reproach and pleading. And don't be fooled by the small size of the dog. They have a very active disposition and a bad manner of doing dirty tricks on the sly, and if they are not brought up correctly, they are absolutely uncontrollable.


“Allergies in dogs are a psychogenic thing, like nervous eczema. They do not have increased sensitivity to foreign proteins; this is excluded by selection. What is called “allergy” is a violation of skin trophism due to the state of the nervous system. There is one form of this allergy - bloody blisters between the fingers, which can only be eliminated by working with the psyche. So pugs do not suffer from food, but from the nervous tension they experience. Likewise, gluttony is not without reason. Very often associated with anxiety and peculiarities of understanding what is happening.”

Dwarf breeds

Photo: Anna Kovalenko, 66.RU

All kinds of Chihuahuas and toy terriers are the favorite dogs of Paris Hilton and young mothers who, due to their inexperience, believe that a “pocket” dog can easily make friends with a small child. Not really. Moreover, such dogs should not be taken into families with small children. Any careless movement - for example, a child losing his footing and plopping down on a dog - can lead to permanent injury or death of the animal.

Problems: Due to their skeletal features, dwarf dogs can easily break their paws when jumping unsuccessfully from a height of 15–20 cm. Neurological disorders, luxating kneecaps, and allergies are common in such breeds. In addition, eye injuries and ear problems are possible.

What to do? Closely monitor the condition of your eyes and ears. Do not put your dog in a situation where you need to jump from a height, and prohibit such jumps. Do not feed sausage, cookies, chocolate and do not encourage strangers who want to do this.

Yorkshire Terrier

When a breed becomes popular, it is spoiled by the efforts of unscrupulous breeders. Initially, Yorkies were considered excellent rat catchers - now they themselves are sometimes the size of a fat rat. The breed standard for a male Yorkshire Terrier is 3.5 kilograms, which is heavier than the average cat. But some people want a very small dog. “Minipuskas” do not live long and suffer from a whole bunch of diseases - from heart disease to epilepsy. Are you ready to shell out tidy sums to veterinarians and bury your pet in 3-5 years?


“Unlike most terriers, Yorkies have a very labile nervous system. They are very susceptible to overload and stress. So you have to make a choice - either carry the dog under your arm all the time, then she feels protected, she doesn’t have to do anything herself. Another option is to carefully and consistently train not a pocket toy, but a dog - starting from the age of two months. In particular, not to accustom him to a diaper, but to take his Yorkie for walks.”


Charlize Theron family

Charlize Theron was born on August 7, 1975, in South Africa. Her mother, Gerda Jacoba Maritz, is of German descent, and her father, Charles Jacobus Theron, is of French descent.

Charlize Theron in her youth

Her early years are spent in South Africa. While studying at school, she begins to get involved in ballet. Later, childhood attraction turns into serious ambitions. She ended up dancing in such popular productions as Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. After some time, young Charlize leaves Africa in order to promote her dancing career. She visited Europe and the USA. When she was in New York, she combined ballet with filming commercials.

Subsequently, the future actress was forced to abandon her career in ballet, as during another training she was injured. After some thought, she decides to become a film actress and moves to Los Angeles. Finding herself in a new place, at the age of eighteen, she found an agent in about two weeks and began her career as an actress.

Charlize Theron in movies

In 1996, Charlize Theron makes her film debut in the film “Two Days in the Valley” (1996). Her performance in this film immediately attracted both viewers and film critics. This was followed by two supporting roles in the films “That Thing You Do” (1996) and “Trial and Error” (1997). However, after an excellently performed role in the famous film “The Devil's Advocate” (1997) with Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves, her popularity increases significantly. Then in 1998, with her participation, two more films were released, “Celebrity” (1998) and “Mighty Joe Young” (1998). And in 1999, the actress very competently plays the role in the film “The Cider House Rules” (1999) with Tobey Maguire. About a year later, the film “Military Diver” (2000) was released, which was a good success. Further, for her role in the film “Sweet November” (2001), she was almost awarded an anti-prize - “Golden Raspberry”. However, the actress very quickly recovered after her role in the film “Monster” (2003), where she showed her true talent.

As a result, for this role, the actress won an Oscar and a Golden Globe.

Then her career slows down somewhat. For several years, Charlize Theron has starred in many films, among which we can only mention a film called “North Country” (2006), for the role in which the actress was nominated for an Oscar.

In 2008, Theron again made her presence known in the high-profile action-drama Hancock (2008), which also starred Will Smith. Her next good work can be considered the film Poor Rich Girl (2011), where the actress plays the main role.

Films with Charlize Theron are quite spectacular. It is known that in the future Charlize Theron has already been announced in several good film projects.

English bulldog

A striking example of breed degradation. English Bulldogs were once strong and athletic dogs. Now these are thoroughly sick ruins, all suffering from limb dysplasia, eye problems, cystitis, heart and respiratory diseases. Because of their huge heads, females are often unable to give birth to puppies themselves, so they have to have a caesarean section.


“The English Bulldog does not forgive mistakes in understanding and education. This dog is not very friendly with humans. As for the degradation of the breed, it depends on the nursery and the direction of breeding. But the English Bulldog is a cattle breed, and its muzzle easily and naturally withstands the blow of a bull's hoof. The owner is tempted to punish such a strong, strong and potentially dangerous dog, but this will not impress him. You can only achieve conflict and a permanent showdown. My English bulldog was vomiting, and this was the only time in my 67 years that an ambulance was called for me. It is clear that this was the mistake of the owner, who, without meaning to, set the dog on me. I wouldn’t get myself an English bulldog - I’m bored with this dog.”


Overall a strong and healthy breed, which, however, has its “weak areas”.

Problems: Fold poodles suffer from otitis media, due to improper feeding, tartar appears, and fangs may fall out. In addition, poodles may have entropion of the eyelids, double eyelashes, retinal atrophy, and cataracts. Dogs also suffer from cardiovascular diseases and sometimes diabetes.

What to do? Visit your veterinarian and dentist regularly for teeth cleanings. Do not feed sweets or sausage. Monitor the dog's behavior - if the poodle is often thirsty or staggers from weakness, this may be caused by diabetes. Severe stress or serious physical activity provokes heart problems.

Afghan Hound

An elegant Afghan with the look of an oriental beauty - it’s impossible not to fall in love! Succumb to the charms and take a puppy - you will serve him for the rest of his life. Firstly, a dog that is capable of driving a gazelle while hunting needs a long and active walk. Secondly, to keep her soft, silky coat looking its best, be prepared to spend hours at the groomer.


“They are not flexible, they have few behavioral options, a person who relies on his own intelligence and the dog’s ingenuity will be very dissatisfied with his pet. Afghans give the impression of being stubborn and stupid, in fact, you can work with them, adjust the dog to the owner, but it is highly advisable to do this during the first year. There is one more feature that few people know about. One of the historical specializations of Afghans is that they stole meat from markets. Because they cut off a human thief’s hand, but what can you take from a dog? She is already a despicable creature in Islam. It is difficult to catch up with him - he grabbed a piece and took it to the owner. For us, it follows that they tend to steal food that is poorly stored, and rummage through the bushes more than others and, accordingly, are susceptible to poisoning. All this is extinguished in games with a puppy at the age of 2-3 months.”

Character and habits

It is impossible to paint Dobermans with one brush, because there are as many characters as there are dogs.

Let us highlight the main features characteristic of the breed:

  • people-oriented;
  • curiosity;
  • ease of climbing;
  • excellent learning ability;
  • cunning;
  • mobility.

This dog, with the right approach to training, can become an excellent companion. Due to its high focus on the owner, if the owner is focused on the dog, the tandem can work wonders.

Akita Inu

Hunters took the Japanese husky with them to bear hunts. So this is definitely not a sofa cushion that will stand where it was placed - this is the impression you might get after watching the movie “Hachiko”. Akita Inus do not have outstanding loyalty; the story told in the film could have happened to a dog of any breed, even a mongrel one. In addition, there is an opinion that Hachiko went to the same place for years for the only reason - he liked it.


“Hunters are generally unique, they have a special job and therefore have special genetic inclinations. It is very important that the breed is small in number, which means it has a very small gene pool. And it’s easy to stumble upon any hereditary troubles. Practicing closely related matings risk perpetuating the worst in the offspring. Moreover, this is typical for Akita Inu; they consistently pass on their not the best qualities to their offspring. I had a dog at work - a quarter Akita Inu, but this quarter was in full bloom, so I had to work very hard with him. Another difficulty is that little is known about the breed. If you choose, say, a Doberman, then you understand what to look for so as not to take a defective puppy. In the case of an Akita Inu, you cannot assess whether he is as he should be or not. Next is the same thing that applies to all likes: consistent, but not harsh education and consistent accustoming to the urban environment and the human family.”


Elizabeth II's favorite dogs cost from 60 thousand rubles per puppy. To get such a pet, some people save money for several months, read about the breed and meticulously choose a nursery. And the spontaneous purchase of a purebred dog without compromising the family budget sometimes turns into trouble - the new owners are not prepared for possible problems and take extreme measures. According to the head of the “Welsh Corgi Chelyabinsk” community, Ekaterina Shklovskaya, young healthy corgis are more often thrown out or sent for euthanasia in Moscow and other regions with high salaries.

Problems: Owners should be prepared for the fact that without training, male dogs show aggression: they can attack a small child or adult owners or other animals. Puppies without a verified pedigree suffer from dysplasia and may have mental problems. Some representatives love sheep excrement.

In addition, due to the structure of the dog, the dog needs long, active daily walks. The breed belongs to the group of shepherd dogs, which means it cannot lead a “sofa” lifestyle.

What to do? It is imperative to complete a general dog training course before your corgi is even one year old. If after the course the dog sometimes behaves aggressively, classes should be resumed. Be prepared for the fact that one lesson in Yekaterinburg costs 1000 rubles, and the course consists of 12-16 lessons. Long active walks with the dog should also be included in your schedule. And the list of expenses includes trips to the veterinarians, consumables and special food.

Russian greyhound

A hundred thousand “no” if you are not a hunter or don’t like to run ten kilometers in the morning. It is impossible to achieve perfect obedience from greyhounds - the dog will always think whether it needs it or not, because the breed was originally bred for independent hunting of large and small game. At the sight of an animal, greyhounds instinctively become excited, so get ready to mourn the strangled barn cats and pay the owners for the mauled Yorkies and toy terriers.


“The breed doesn’t live very well in the city; it’s hard for them. Twenty years ago in the country there was only one pack of greyhounds that took on a wolf - it was they who starred in “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”. Now it is almost completely a decorative dog, but the makings remain, and according to its characteristics, a greyhound is not a companion at all. This is a serious dog that does not forgive any liberties. And she lived not in a house, but in a kennel - that is, this dog is not human-oriented. However, there are positive examples of how a greyhound accepts the accepted rules of the family - this happened, for example, in one family I know, where a German shepherd and a greyhound lived together. And the greyhound learned from the shepherd how to behave in the yard, they even walked together in the center of St. Petersburg without leashes, but the shepherd helped the dog adapt to the city.

Dog breeds by country

Dog breeds are also classified by country of origin. The country of origin is indicated in the breed standard, but sometimes incidents occur. For example, the country of origin of the Siberian Husky in the breed standard is the USA, although the word “Siberia” in the name makes it clear that the homeland of the Husky is Russia.

The greatest contribution was made by English, German and French breeders, since more than 50% of purebred dogs come from England, Germany and France.





Basset Hound

Breed lovers will call basset hounds characterful, haters will call them stupid. In any case, this is not a footrest, but a hunting dog with excellent senses, locked into a somewhat ridiculous body. If you failed to explain the rules of the hostel to the puppy, then a lot of negative emotions await you, which will also be complemented by a strong dog smell, slobbery clothes, a belly that is always dirty after a walk, and the need to clean the kitchen after every meal.


“To begin with, the basset is a mutant of the bloodhound. Bloodhounds were born with short legs from time to time, and they began to be selected and bred as a separate breed. That is, this is the same “Bloodhound of St. Hubert”, with the same fast nervous processes - but without the ability to implement them due to physical limitations. The result of this conflict between what is wanted and what is “possible” is, for example, provocative behavior - because they are poorly understood. I have repeatedly encountered, for example, how such a little body will lie on the threshold of the kitchen - and what will you do? From the dog’s point of view, it’s right to drive away, but people step over. The Basset, having failed to achieve logical behavior from a person, is convinced over and over again that he is not understood. To put it simply, the dog’s logic is something like this: if you allow me everything, then you won’t care when I die. Therefore, the dog itself can ensure that the person tells it that it is wrong. People cannot understand this. And with very fast and subtle nervous processes, this results in hysterics, stress, nervous breakdowns and other troubles.”


This breed was bred to chase otters and rats. The dogs coped with their task independently, without human intervention. This formed their independent character.

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Airedale Terriers love to play with themselves. To do this, they do not require the company of a person or their own kind. You need to start training your pet as early as possible, as this is a rather lazy breed.

American Bulldog

Any owner of an ambul, even if he adores his friend, probably has something to tell about the various troubles that he had to endure because of this strong, but rather difficult to raise beast. It is noteworthy that bulldogs attack without warning; even a healthy man will not be able to hold him in a jerk; even a strict collar is a weak helper if the ambulant has targeted the victim. In addition, despite their strong appearance, most dogs of this breed are not in good health and die relatively early. In general, it's probably good that American Bulldogs are out of fashion.


“The entire psyche and behavior of a dog is determined by what this breed was bred for. And the American Bulldog is a breed without a functional purpose. He really wants to prove himself in something, but doesn’t know what. In the most detailed materials on this breed they write “gladiator”. And how should we understand this? And the strength is excellent, there is more than enough energy, in total the dog easily crosses the acceptable line. The first months of development are critical for this dog; they have difficulty mastering the external environment. Only with an American bulldog can such situations arise - yesterday we walked through this yard, but we saw this children's slide on the left side, and now it is on the right - and the dog gets scared again, shys away, barks, and rushes at everyone. With them you have to master the street environment literally 50 meters a day. But people don’t know this, they just went for a walk in the forest park. As a result, the dog received mental stress in transport, then in an unfamiliar place. And all this puts pressure on the dog with such force that a nervous breakdown is possible at any moment.”


The Papillon, which means "butterfly" in French, is a beautiful, athletic and friendly pet, with wonderful butterfly-shaped ears and a long, silky coat. In the past, elegant Papillons were the companions of many kings and queens. They are much tougher than they look - they handle training well and can learn funny tricks. A warmer climate will suit him.


The best way to deal with guests in the house is the Doberman. The dog is serious, an excellent guard. But he himself decides when you are in danger - and he can easily sense a threat in a person who simply bent down to pick up a fallen fork. And you certainly shouldn’t have a Doberman in a family where a new addition is planned: Dobermans generally get along well with children, although they are not allowed any special liberties. But if a baby appears in the house, it is impossible to predict the Doberman’s reaction.


“Dobermans are guys with a very rich psyche, which combines very different inclinations. No one really knows what kind of mongrels this same Ludwig Doberman used - after all, he was the owner of the shelter in Apolda. He wanted to breed a “dog for a traveling salesman” that would combine many contradictory abilities. However, this potential wealth of the psyche becomes a source of problems. The more sophisticated and accurate the device, the more important it is to install and configure it correctly. It’s the same with the Doberman: at the slightest mistakes in upbringing and relationships, the dog becomes extremely nervous and is subject to a lot of pronounced stress with hysterics and neuroses. It is no coincidence that the colors “blue” and “Isabella” are prohibited for breeding among Dobermans. If in breeds with a more stable psyche these nasty genes do not have a critical effect, then with the general internal inconsistency of Dobermans, the gene for weakening color leads to a lot of trouble. However, if I were offered to raise a healing dog, I would first of all think about a Doberman Pinscher.”


This German breed is full of energy and as vindictive as it is small. Translated from German, "Affenpinscher" means "monkey dog" and, believe me, the name is very suitable for these playful little dogs. The breed is descended from a variety of small terriers that were used throughout Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries to catch rats and mice in shops and stables. Affenpinschers are loyal and funny little companions.

How can you choose a dog and not make a mistake?

There are breed selection tests. And based on the personality characteristics, financial capabilities, amount of free time and aesthetic preferences of the owners, you can quite accurately determine what breed of dog he should get. It is difficult for an ignorant person to distinguish which behavioral features are determined by genetics and which are formed during life. But even if you adopted a dog, and then came across something that doesn’t suit you very much about it, or you fell in love with some breed in absentia, but don’t really understand how to live with it, all problems can be solved within the first of the year. Correct shortcomings in upbringing, expand breed restrictions, or, on the contrary, prevent something from developing. Dogs are not very different from people in this sense. A one-year-old dog is a sixteen-year-old teenager, and it is very important to have time to put into his personality everything that we hope to see in him.

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskans used this breed to transport sleighs in harsh northern conditions. Independence was a necessary trait of the Malamute, which made the driver's job easier.

These dogs are unlikely to cuddle with their owner. The owner of a Malamute should strive for mutual respect with the pet. The Malamute needs its own space. Independence of character can create problems in parenting. Therefore, you need to start training your puppy as early as possible.

The kindest dog in the world

One of the first places in the ranking of kind dogs has been occupied by the Labrador Retriever for many years. They combine many positive qualities, as well as the ability to train and educate. That is why they are kept as a pet, trained to work as a guide and accompany people with depression. Many large breeds often have friendly and kind dispositions. If you have enough space in the apartment, you should pay attention to the Newfoundland, Irish Wolfhound, St. Bernard and Great Dane.

I want to get a dog

To begin with, it is worth highlighting three main parameters by which you can choose a good family dog:

1. Temperament

– this is the character of the dog. Look for a dog with a friendly temperament. It is worth noting that a calmer dog can create a strong bond with its owner and become an excellent friend for children.

size 2

– When choosing the size of a dog, it is worth considering both the temperament and energy of the dog. Some large dogs tend to be passive, while small ones can be quite excitable.

3. Energy

– everyone chooses how energetic a dog they want. Realistically evaluate your lifestyle to give your dog the exercise he needs. If the dog is energetic, then it needs to spend more time on walks, otherwise the dog may develop behavior problems.

Actors of the Russian series

The Russian lyrical comedy has a wonderful cast. A. Tsekalo, the film’s producer, wrote about this in his interview. The pretty Marina Konyashkina perfectly portrayed the role of the deceived Victoria, who by the end of the film won the hearts of two men at once. One of these lovers will be her husband. The role of banker Chernov was assigned to Dmitry Shevchenko. He is familiar to both Ukrainian and Russian publics. His last projects were “Major” and “Battalion”.

Who else became a bright character in the series “As Good As It Gets”? The content of the film is dictated by the presence of a nanny in it. This is one of the most striking characters in the comedy. When watching, it even seems that Irina Pegova, with her courage, overshadows the dramatic role of Konyashkina. By the way, Irina came up with the image of her heroine herself.

The son of the Chernov family was played by young Ilya Matyushin. “It was very easy to work with him,” admitted Marina Konyashkina.

A separate role for Peter

A special “main character” in Russian lyrical comedy is St. Petersburg. Many people know that the city is characterized by gray colors, which are not able to emphasize the humorous mood inherent in the film. However, filming took place in the summer, and St. Petersburg appeared before the viewer with bright streets, the reflecting sky of the Neva and the sunny walls of the Peter and Paul Fortress. The creative team visited many iconic places: Palace Square, Nevsky Prospekt, English Embankment. Separate shifts were assigned to the cameraman for filming cityscapes of St. Petersburg.

Thanks to good weather and the professionalism of the team, this city became the center of the picture and another main character. A. Tsekalo said that Peter appeared before the viewer as bright, light and interesting as the story of the series itself.

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