Show ring for dogs: what is it and what is it for?

Modern pet stores are literally inundated with accessories for pets. To put it bluntly, some of the products are useless and impractical, and some are very useful, but the owners do not know how to use them correctly. Show rings for dogs are usually considered as a specific accessory intended for four-legged blue bloods; in fact, this “lace” is also useful in everyday life.

What is a dog show ring?

This is the name given to special equipment that combines a leash and at the same time a collar. Outwardly, it resembles a cord and can be long or short. One of the ends of the leash is wrapped around the pet's neck and secured, thereby creating something like a collar.

The show ring makes it easier to control the dog and makes it more obedient.

The device got its name due to the fact that its use is widespread in the ring. Such a sling is mandatory for any owner who plans to show their pet at exhibitions.

Note! The special features of the equipment allow it to be used during training, which increases the effectiveness of training. Handlerspb.rf

A show leash is a special show leash, a special “driver” for dogs, which is used to show the dog in the ring. According to the Regulations of the RKF, it is forbidden to bring dogs into the ring wearing a strict collar and harness, and it is also not customary to show a show dog on a tape measure or leash and in a regular collar.

In other words, a ringovka is a single version of a collar and leash. They are made from different materials - leather, metal, nylon, silk or cotton coated with wax. The designs of ringovoks are different. Usually the type, design, color and material of the ring is dictated by fashion, and its choice depends on the breed of the dog and the taste of the owner.

Nowadays, show rings are far from uncommon - they can be purchased at almost any exhibition. Naturally, at exhibitions of a higher rank, the choice of products will be more diverse. In pet stores you can also pick up a ring, but mainly for small breed dogs.

The choice is very diverse - you can easily find a ring for any breed: wide and narrow, short and long, of various colors and shades, with or without limiters. Each breed has its own ring. For example, a ring for a Labrador is not suitable for an Italian greyhound. Also, many craftsmen create such exclusive rings that they can be called real works of art! They are made of genuine leather, decorated with rhinestones, stones and natural fur, sometimes even with gold inserts.

Basic rules for selecting ringovki:

1. The show ring must be selected adequately to the size of the dog. For a large, strong dog, a nylon glued “thread” is not suitable, and for small decorations, a powerful thick leather ring is not at all necessary.

2. The ring should be narrow so as not to visually shorten the neck.

3. An ideal ring should be invisible on the dog, i.e. it should not distract the expert's attention.

4. The show ring is chosen to match the color of the dog (especially recommended), or contrasting (applicable to Yorkshire terriers). Also consider its “compatibility” with the handler’s clothing.

5. It is not recommended to choose rings of bright colors, as such a ring will visually “shorten” the neck and divide it into two parts, which will violate the integrity of the silhouette, which may have an unfavorable effect on the assessment of your pet.

6. One of the important features of a good ringovka is its strength. It should be strong and reliable enough to withstand your dog's strength, but at the same time, the ring should look graceful and not look too heavy.

7. It is not recommended to purchase cheap nylon ring shoes that are held on with glue - they often tear, fray and unravel, which can become a failure in the ring at the most inopportune moment. By the way, it would be a good idea for every handler or owner of a show dog to have a couple of spare rings with him, “just in case.”

8. The show ring should not emphasize the dog’s shortcomings.

9. The length of the ring is important. For example, a short show ring is not very convenient for showing small dogs. Large dogs also don’t need a very long ring. The ring chain should not hang too low on the animal’s neck. The ideal ring length is the one with which you can control the dog.

10. When choosing a ring, you need to consider its convenience not only for the dog, but also for yourself. The ring should not “slide”, otherwise it may fall out of your hands in the ring.

11. For small and medium breeds of dogs, a soft, moderately wide ring is ideal.

12. Large dogs require a durable leather ring with a fastener.

13. A choke collar with a chain is suitable for hairless dog breeds, Basenjis, spaniels, and small greyhounds.

14. Rings with neck extensions are very comfortable for dogs with sensitive skin or for puppies. Suitable for Italian greyhounds, hairless breeds, toy terriers, chihuahuas.

15. Ideally, it is better to get recommendations on choosing a ring dog from your breeder or handler.

And remember that a well-chosen show ring is an important component of your pet’s success at the show!

It is also very important to put the ring on the dog correctly. There are several options:

1. The chain-collar is placed high on the neck, right under the ears, and slightly stretched (so as not to fall down due to its own gravity). The free end is pulled along the dog's cheek. This position of the chain and leash does not prevent the dog from holding its head naturally, does not obscure the animal’s face from the expert, and allows the dog to be easily manipulated. This is the best option.

2. The free end of the chain is located directly above the dog’s head, between the ears, at the back of the head. For experienced dogs, this method is quite acceptable; it is especially effective if there is a desire to emphasize the length and curve of the neck. This option is not recommended for inexperienced handlers, because... dogs that are unsure of themselves begin to tighten their grip, taking a pose of submission. The leash must be directed strictly perpendicular to the ground.

3. More experienced handlers often omit the chain altogether and put the dog in the so-called. “free stance”, without adjustment with a leash. This is a very beautiful display option, but it is only suitable for trained dogs.

4. Showing the dog in a free stance in the ring with a sliding loop, the ring, spread wide, is placed on the back, through the shoulder blades onto the chest. This option is also suitable for trained dogs.

5. It is not recommended to completely let go of the leash, thus showing your skill and training of the dog. It's better to stick to the standard display style.

So, what types of ringovki are there?

Ringovka with a loop with a copper fastener . This is a soft and lightweight cotton ring coated with wax. Features an instantly adjustable loop with a convenient brass clasp. Doesn't slip in your hands. Very strong, comfortable and durable. Wide and soft, does not cut the dog's neck. Suitable for small and medium breed dogs, ideal for terriers.

Ring chain . Ideal for German Shepherds. Supplied complete with leash.

Choke collar . Choke collar with chain. It is not a wide collar made of nylon, cotton or leather, fastened not with a buckle, but with a chain. Supplied complete with leash. Very durable. Suitable for hairless breeds, Basenjis, small greyhounds, beagles, spaniels.

Show ring with a sliding loop . The best option for retrievers.

Show ring with limiter

Nylon ringovka (loop) is the cheapest of all types of ringovka. Not strong, not durable. Cuts the handler's hands and the dog's neck. Huge selection of colors and thicknesses. Lightweight, suitable for the smallest dogs. Not noticeable on the dog.

Show rings with extension under the neck . Made from silk, nylon, cotton with inserts of velvet, leather, silk. Very comfortable for dogs with sensitive skin or for puppies. Suitable for Italian greyhounds, hairless breeds, toy terriers, chihuahuas.

Thick ringovka made of leather or substitute with a tightening fastener . Very durable, but rough ringovka. Not flexible, heavy, but nevertheless, one of the most popular types of ringovka. Suitable for large strong dogs.

Cobra jerk chain.

Hexagonal chain in the form of a noose. Very elegant and comfortable, most often used by handlers. The chrome-plated metal glides perfectly over the wool without pinching it. Does not tangle or damage wool. Used in conjunction with a “driver” - a short leash with a handle and a carabiner. Very durable. Suitable for woolly dogs (huskies, setters) and smooth-haired dogs (ca de beau, dobermans). Available in various lengths and thicknesses.

Cobra chain paired with a handle without a carabiner.

A lead leash with a carabiner is an ideal option for a cobra chain.

Ring for display in the competition for couples.

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What is special about this leash?

Halter for dogs: what is it and what is it for?

The device is unique in that it is a combination of a leash and a collar. In its functions it resembles a noose. The end of the sling goes around the dog's neck and is secured with a special ring or loop so that it can be easily adjusted. When the pet tries to pull the leash and resists the command, the collar tightens, thereby causing discomfort and forcing the dog to comply with the owner’s demands.

An additional advantage of ammunition is that it does not attract attention. This is convenient when viewing a dog and showing it in the ring. Thus, the expert is able to assess the animal’s abilities without being distracted by the collar and leash.

What the rules say

According to the rules of the FCI and the Russian Cynological Federation, it is prohibited to bring a dog into the ring wearing a muzzle, a barbed collar with spikes (parthos), a classic collar, an electric collar, a halter, a loose leash and a roulette leash. They are not used because they worsen the appearance of the animal and, accordingly, reduce the ratings. This is why ring training has become so firmly established in the lives of dog breeders, and especially owners of purebred dogs.

The ringovka itself is a thin cord with a metal ring and a loop for the hand. It has a special stopper to prevent the animal from suffocating. Usually an inconspicuous ring is chosen, the color matching the animal’s fur. But if the scale of the exhibition is huge and has its own requirements, then the simple ring is replaced with a colorful, richly decorated one.

Types of show rings

This device comes in various shapes and options, so it is suitable for dogs of all breeds. To make it comfortable for the pet and its owner to use a leash, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the possible nuances of choosing equipment, learn in advance about the features of a dog ring and what it is.

Clicker for dogs: what is it and what is it for?

Leashes vary in material:

  • leather;
  • fabric (cotton, nylon);
  • metal.

The device may also differ in the shape of the collar:

  • with neck extender;
  • with a sliding loop;
  • noose with chain.

The choice depends on the characteristics of the dog and the preferences of the owner.

Note! This type of ammunition is used by owners of show pets. Therefore, it is important that the device is not only convenient for controlling the animal, but also attractive in appearance.

If the owner plans to take the dog to shows, then he should get a ring ring in the form of a chain. It can be thin or more massive, such as “cobra”. Also used for the ring are specimens with a loop or ring, or special nooses.

Chains are suitable for all dog breeds, especially large ones

Equipment with a neck extension is suitable for decorative and small breeds, since it does not choke or injure them. Often the devices are additionally decorated with beads, velvet, and silk.

The following types of training are used for training:

  • with lock;
  • nooses;
  • from fabric;
  • "cobra".

Basic rules for working with ringovka

Choosing the right hinge model is half the battle. The next stage is to learn how to put the ring on the dog and keep it moving. The rules for wearing an accessory in the ring do not depend on the model, size of the dog or other circumstances. The algorithm is as follows:

  • We sit the dog near the left leg (command “Near”).
  • We form a loop for the neck, place it over the dog’s head and raise the cord to the level of the throat.
  • We tighten the ring so that the loop passes along the base of the neck and closes immediately under the occipital protuberance. In this position, the dog breathes freely, can turn its head, but is completely under control. Monitor the tension of the noose as the strangled pet loses its walking rhythm, begins to rise on its hind legs, or crouches to the ground.
  • The driver is pulled into the ring and rises vertically above your head. The cord forms a perpendicular to the back of the dog's head, strictly between the ears. The handler extends his arm and keeps the ring taut, but not tense.

Advice: accustom your dog to a vertically stretched ring. Unconfident dogs may not understand the intentions and fall to the floor, showing their submission. Such a pun will immediately show the unpreparedness of the quadruped and the handler.

An experienced handler and trained dog can demonstrate free movement and stance. In this case, the loop is not tightened behind the ears, but is held loosely. During movement, the handler maintains the leash in a raised position, in a stance, the cord is placed between the shoulder blades and on the back.

Advice: even if your pet is perfectly mannered and obedient, you should not let go of the leash. This is not about aesthetics, but rather about violating the ritual of the show. The point of the exhibition is to evaluate dogs shown in the same conditions. Letting go of the leash will be perceived as “bragging” or a low level of training of the handler.

Criterias of choice

Furminator for dogs: what is it and what is it for?

To select good ammunition, you need to take into account various factors, primarily the physiological characteristics of the dog. It is logical that the leash for a German Shepherd will be significantly different from the leash for a Yorkshire Terrier, both in shape and material. A properly selected sling will make it easier to control the dog and make wearing the collar more comfortable.

Configuration options

The following types of ammunition are distinguished by form:

  • chain;
  • fabric leash with choke collar;
  • sling with neck extender.

Massive chain-shaped show rings, especially those with large links, are great for showing and training large dogs, such as shepherds. Medium breeds are usually given choke restraints, which make it easier to control their behavior. Decorative, small animals and puppies have a fragile physique, so specimens with an expander are chosen for them.

Suitable material

The most popular are nylon leashes. This is an inexpensive and affordable option for most owners and is well suited for medium and small breeds. If handled with care, this leash will last a long time. The disadvantage may be discomfort for the person, since the sling often digs painfully into the skin.

Sliding loop ammunition is valued by retriever owners for its durability and convenience for the animal. Choke collars made of fabric or leather are almost universal. A thin metal leash will be a suitable tool for small and medium-sized dogs, while more massive chains will help control a large breed pet.

The price of the ring depends on the material used. The cheapest and most fragile ones will cost 300 rubles; for high-quality gold and silver products you will have to pay at least 1,500 rubles.

Color spectrum

The equipment is usually selected to match the dog’s fur so that it does not stand out too much against its background.

Classic black ring top matches the handler's clothing

The following colors are common:

  • black;
  • beige;
  • white;
  • light yellow.

For exhibitions, you can purchase a device whose shade matches the color of the owner’s clothing. This allows you to create a harmonious image and give your pet individuality.

General recommendations

The regulations of modern exhibitions prohibit the display of dogs without a special noose. Any harnesses, muzzles, strict or casual collars are unacceptable. The further assessment of the pet and its victory in the ring depends on the correct choice of the ring. However, simply buying an accessory is not enough. The handler needs to know how to use it.

Currently, the list of exhibition rings is very extensive. On sale you can find products from the most manufacturers with different appearance and equipment.

  • As already mentioned, ideally the noose should remain almost invisible and blend in with the color of the dog’s hair. In addition, the thinner the ring, the better it will be to control the pet. If you are the owner of a young and inexperienced dog, especially one of small breeds, it is better to start accustoming it to soft, wide rings with a flat or round cross-section.
  • You can use a thin ring in cases where the dog will behave intelligently with different accessories.
  • Give preference to those nooses whose color perfectly “disguises” the dog, complementing it, rather than indicating defects. Contrasting models divide the neck, violating the impression of integrity, so it is better to avoid them.
  • In turn, black models are especially effective when displaying dark, gray or blue pets, and white models are especially effective when displaying light-colored and spotted dogs.

There are no special rules for choosing a ring shoe, but in order to avoid possible troubles, it is advisable to follow at least the basic recommendations. In this case, both your pet and you will be happy with the purchase.

Ring size and type

The choice of length depends on the purpose of the leash and the characteristics of the animal. For exhibitions, a medium-length sling of 1–1.5 meters is often sufficient.

Note! During the training process, leashes of different lengths may be useful, it depends on the command being practiced.

Small and medium breeds receive thin, narrow rings that will not harm them. Material: fabric or leather. Collars with neck extensions are suitable for decorative dogs and puppies. You can also use nooses and light chains.

Large animals are more difficult to control, so it is better to purchase a short leash. The ammunition must be durable, suitable materials - fabric, leather, metal. On shepherds, Rottweilers and other large breeds, massive chains look good, which also facilitate training and control of the pet.

Which material is better?

For the manufacture of special exhibition rings, the following materials are used:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • nylon;
  • nylon;
  • metal.

For exhibitions, rings made of genuine leather are used.

His choice is based on the physical capabilities of the animal. For small breeds there is no need to put on a metal chain, and for a large, strong dog there is no need to put on a fabric thread. After all, even experienced trained dogs can get scared and make a jerk. The material of the leash must withstand its force and not allow the animal to escape in the event of an unforeseen situation, which often arises at such events. After all, when there are a large number of dogs in one closed space, it often ends in fights.

Such a leash should be comfortable for both the animal and the person. If you choose a large chain with a large gap between the links, you risk tearing out shreds of hair with it. The ring should fit comfortably in your hand. The material should not slip, stretch, or cut into the skin. If the leash stretches, the process of working with the dog will become more complicated, because he will not understand your commands.

Choosing the size and type of ringovka

The width of the leash should be as small as possible. After all, wide harnesses will visually distort the silhouette of the dog.

When choosing the length of the leash, you need to take into account the method of display, breed and size. The smaller the animal, the longer the leash you choose. A short leash is suitable for a large breed. It sags a little with free racks, but with manual racks, when the head and neck are fixed, a ring of minimum length is selected, it is easy to pick up.

The length of the ring depends on the breed of the dog.

Please note that thin long leashes easily get tangled into knots when you need to collect them. And the diameter of the neck sang must fully correspond to the size of the pet.

How to make a dog ring with your own hands

Handicraft masters suggest making a leash yourself. Anyone, even the most inexperienced owner, can handle this, and the price of such a device will be significantly lower. It is only important to strictly follow the instructions and take into account the pet’s parameters:

  1. It is necessary to select the material. A strong cord with a non-slip braid is ideal, which can be purchased in stores specializing in tourism and skiing. The thickness depends on the size of the dog.
  2. You need to measure your pet's neck. The noose should fit snugly to the body, but not pinch or dangle. The cord must be cut to the required length and the ends burned.
  3. Next is preparing the rings. These should be metal products 15–40 mm in diameter. You need to attach them to the ring, and sew the cord itself. The compilers of the master class recommend using synthetic fabrics. The edges must be cauterized and connected to the entire leash to create a solid structure.
  4. For the dog's comfort, it is necessary to cover the areas that touch the animal's skin with fabric.
  5. You can make a tightening from ordinary fasteners, which are used for laces in outerwear, for example, a jacket.

Making such a device with your own hands will take a few minutes and will help save the family budget.

Skilled craftsmen often decorate their products with decorative elements, such as beads

Show ring classics

For large dog shows, the metal Cobra ring is most often used. And every year it is gaining more and more popularity and becoming even more relevant. The main advantage of this type of ring is that it is ideal for different types of coats. This is a universal accessory for all breeds that will never tear or break your pet's fur. It is made using the cobra weaving method. It is very easy to make this kind of weaving of rings with your own hands, the diagrams of which can be found on the Internet.

Metal ringovka.


Of course, it is not at all necessary to do the ringing yourself. Today it can be purchased at any pet store, even those made by hand by craftsmen. Handmade show rings will last a long time, and most importantly, they will give your pet originality. Exclusive ringovka is made using a wide variety of materials:

  • genuine leather;
  • fur;
  • braided cords.

They are decorated with rhinestones, stones and various inserts even made of precious metals. Such a ring can be decorated with various beads, with which your dog will become even more beautiful and elegant.

How to prepare a dog for a show

Much of the success depends on proper socialization of the pet. To prevent your dog from being afraid of people and the world around him, you need to start introducing him to them as early as possible. The owner must accustom the animal to walks in various places, and also teach how to behave with other dogs, cats and just passers-by.

The following skills are required for the exhibition:

  • correct gait and movements;
  • performing a stance, the ability to place paws;
  • the ability to calmly endure unpleasant cosmetic procedures and examinations;
  • no negative reaction to the leash and collar.

A ring is a tool that helps control a dog and teach it correct behavior. This unique device combines a collar and a leash and is used for showing pets in the ring and in training.

Tips for using and storing rings

First and most importantly, stock up on training and exhibition accessories. The ring in which the dog is shown should not be used in training and vice versa. Firstly, the leashes wear out, and secondly, the four-legged dog must understand that if a certain ring is worn, there is a way out and work ahead. By the same logic, you should not use the ring for walking. Teach your ward to a certain algorithm, and to do this, remove the ceremonial leash as soon as you leave the ring. Even if you need to walk 20–30 meters, change the ring harness to a leash.

Tip: Considering the cost of really good accessories, we recommend purchasing a special storage case. By folding the cord, tying it into loops or other “patterns,” you provoke wear and tear, which means damage to the appearance of the ring.

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