New rules for 2022 on the transportation of dogs on Russian Railways trains within and outside Russia

General principles for all directions and animals

A passenger has the right to take any pet with him on the train, be it a cat or a puppy. The main thing is that the pet is not dangerous to other people.

According to Russian Railways rules, animals are divided into small and large. The first group includes small animals that fit in a carrier up to 180 cm in size. The second group includes large dogs (Caucasian Shepherd, Newfoundland, Mastiff). You can carry a large dog, but he must be muzzled and sit near the owner’s feet while following.

Traveling with an animal on the train

As for wild animals and insects, they are allowed to be transported only in the luggage compartment. For guide dogs, unlike other animals, there is no charge per person. You can take them with you and sit with them in carriages of any class and service.

Where and how to buy a ticket

If previously travel documents for four-legged and winged passengers were sold only at ticket offices, today they can be purchased directly through the Russian Railways website or intermediary services. The new service applies to pets included in the “Small” category. These include the so-called companion animals: rodents, fish, reptiles, birds, cats and lap dogs.

A travel document – ​​an electronic baggage receipt, is issued through your personal account or in the “Additional services for tickets” section. You can do this immediately, when booking “person” seats or at another time, but no later than 1 hour before the train departs. A control coupon is issued for the animal, which must be printed and presented upon boarding. In this case, you won’t be able to get by with a scan on a mobile device. The fare depends on the flight distance, carrier company and class of service. Current tariffs are presented on the Russian Railways website. A baggage receipt can only be returned before the train departs.

In the super-fast Sapsan there are special seats, the price of which already includes the carriage of four-legged passengers. They are provided in economy class and compartment-meeting room. There is no need to buy a separate train ticket with an animal. In business class, you will have to book a separate seat in another carriage, and there are strict restrictions on dimensions, weight and the amount of “living baggage”. You can find out more about the conditions of transportation of the Sapsan and other similar electric trains - Lastochka and Strizha - on the official website of Russian Railways.

The carriage matters

You only need to book places where pets are allowed. They are indicated when choosing a car type with a special icon (for example, a foot) or an information message. Currently, passengers with “smaller brothers” are allowed not only in the compartment, but also in the reserved seat or in seats of a certain class of service. Provided that their four-legged companions are the same size as standard carry-on luggage.

Today it is fashionable to have all sorts of exotics, such as ferrets, raccoons or lower primates, instead of the usual dogs and cats. The owners consider their pets to be quite tame and try to transport them in a passenger carriage. However, as a rule, we are talking about wild predators that pose a potential threat to others. And the conductor will insist on transporting them in the luggage compartment, according to Russian Railways rules.

Recently, the carrier has somewhat softened the requirements regarding “savages”, leaving the final decision to the train crew. It is the staff who answers the question “to be or not to be” in passenger cars with exotic animals, based on the specific situation. But it’s better not to take risks and immediately register a non-standard “companion” in the baggage car. Or buy the entire compartment to avoid problems with other passengers.

Passengers who plan to travel with animals can find complete and up-to-date information on all types of carriages and different classes of service on the Russian Railways website. Section: “On the rules of passenger transportation in domestic traffic”, item on the relevant topic. Guide dogs are allowed on all carriages except SV and Lux ​​and travel free of charge. They must be at the owner's feet, on a leash and muzzle.

Required documents

On long-distance trains, a fee is charged for transporting animals. This rule does not apply to guide dogs. Before boarding the carriage, the owner must issue a baggage receipt for the pet.

How to transport a cat on a train: Russian Railways rules

You can arrange it in 3 ways:

  • when purchasing a ticket at the station;
  • in the process of purchasing an electronic ticket;
  • in your personal account on the Russian Railways website if the ticket has already been purchased.

When boarding, you must show the conductor your passport, ticket and baggage coupon.

Note! From 2022, new rules are in force according to which certificates from a veterinarian will not be required if a person travels with a small pet in Russia. However, those who are bringing a large animal for sale or exhibition must have a veterinary passport with stamps on vaccinations.

Sample veterinary passport

Does a pet need a ticket?

Rules for transporting dogs on Russian Railways trains 2022

If the pet belongs to the category of small animals, then it is not prohibited to take it with you on any type of carriage. The price of a ticket for a dog depends on the specific type of carriage. The final cost is affected by the distance - from 250 to 3000 rubles. One boarding ticket provides space for one large or two small animals.

Passengers of Sapsan pay a fixed price for one pet - 400 rubles, and in Lastochka - 150 rubles.*

As for large dogs, traveling with them in a reserved seat is prohibited. If a person wants to transport a pet in a compartment carriage, then the passenger will in any case have to buy all the seats.

Questions and answers

How comfortable and safe is it to take a dog on a train?

For the dog itself, such an event is stressful, and for you too. To avoid causing more problems for your pet, follow the tips above. Chat with her, pet her, offer water. But without fanaticism, because if the animal feels bad, your importunity will only do harm.

It is advisable to protect her from communication with her fellow passengers. This way you will avoid problematic situations: she won’t bark at anyone, won’t scare anyone, etc.

In general, if all precautions are followed, traveling by train does not cause any particular problems.

In what type of carriage is it better to transport an animal?

The most reasonable option is to take the dog in the compartment. Whether to buy neighboring places or not depends on the size of the pet and your desire. But even without buying seats, this method will cause her less stress: a limited number of people, her own place, the ability to close the doors.

Carrying requirements

How to properly transport a dog on the subway

Small cats and dogs must be transported in carriers that do not exceed 180 cm in size when adding length, width and height. For example, a suitable bag size would be 60x60x60 or 45x45x90.

The basket with the animal is placed in the carry-on baggage area. The conductor has the right not to allow the pet on the trip. To prevent this from happening, dogs should be wearing muzzles and cats should be wearing harnesses. To avoid misunderstandings, you should put an absorbent diaper on the bottom of the carrier.

If possible, you should go outside during stops with your pet to relieve yourself.

What a carrier for a small animal should look like

How to bring a companion animal

If a four-legged or winged companion is placed in a container whose total dimensions do not exceed 180 cm, it is a companion animal. The list of Russian Railways indicates all possible candidates for such a title and is constantly expanding. A companion can be carried in a passenger carriage by issuing a baggage check. During the entire trip, it must be kept in a special carrier in the hand luggage area. At the same time, the rest of the baggage accompanying the passenger is considered without taking into account its “living component”.

One carrying container can accommodate up to two small animals. It is important that they are comfortable in such close quarters and do not scream or fight, hurting themselves and disturbing others. One container with “living luggage” corresponds to one passenger seat.

Carrying requirements

The container, cage or basket must be tightly closed, preventing the animals from getting out on their own. It is desirable that the tray can be pulled out without opening the door so that it can be easily cleaned. The bottom is covered with disposable diapers, which are changed as needed. The owner must also observe other hygiene rules. He feeds and takes care of his pet.

It is unacceptable to carry the baby too closely, where it is impossible to stand up to full height, stretch, move a little, or lie in a natural position. You need to take care of a convenient bowl and drinking bowl that will not tip over when the train rocks. You can add your pet's favorite toy to this set to distract him during the trip.

Convenience of others

If companion animals are transported in a compartment or reserved seat where there are strangers, it is important not to cause inconvenience to the neighbors. This is not only basic politeness, but also the requirements of Russian Railways. Small rodents rarely react to what happens outside their cage and travel quite peacefully. But before you buy a ticket for a dog or cat, you need to “calculate” the pet’s behavior in an unusual environment. If he can hardly endure a two-hour trip to the dacha in the family car, breaks up, “screams”, shows panic and aggression, it is hardly worth arranging torture with staying in the car for more than a day.

Even cats and indoor dogs who are phlegmatic by nature are recommended to be given a special sedative, since any journey is a great stress for them. Carriers advise stocking up on antihistamines and earplugs. They can be offered to others if they suffer from allergies or have difficulty withstanding noise. It is better to wear diapers on animals, as many of them experience stomach upset due to nervousness.

In what type and class of carriages can animals be transported?

Carriage of animals on Russian Railways trains is allowed, but not in all carriages. It all depends on what kind of living creatures the person is carrying.

Transporting small pets and birds is permitted in all types of carriages, from luxury class to seated. As for large dogs, there are some restrictions for their transportation.

A large breed dog must not pose a danger to other passengers. According to Russian Railways rules, it is prohibited to transport large animals:

  • in a luxury compartment;
  • in a reserved seat;
  • in a seated carriage.

Important! Pets always travel next to the owner, wild ones - in the luggage compartment. To make the trip comfortable, it is advisable to purchase tickets on the lower shelf.

Where to relax with your dog

When choosing a place to rest, be guided not only by your preferences, but also by the comfort of the animal. If you are going on vacation, you can rent a separate apartment in advance - this will allow you to be sure that the presence of a pet will not disturb anyone. In addition, with a competent search, this option often turns out to be the most budget-friendly.

There are also hotels that welcome guests with pets. On some booking sites, such as, there is an option to select hotels that allow pets. And if you like active recreation and you have a dog, then the ideal option is a campsite or a country house.

The urban environment can also offer wonderful opportunities for shared leisure time - pet-friendly restaurants, public spaces and even museums where your pet will be happily welcomed. When you arrive, ask locals about such places, or search for them using mobile applications such as Petinary, DogPeople and others.

Rules for transporting dogs on long-distance trains

According to the rules for transporting dogs on long-distance trains, large animals should not interact with other people. This means that the owner will have to exclude physical contact of the animal with other passengers. To do this, he will need to buy the entire coupe. The amount of tickets turns out to be impressive, so many people negotiate with other “dog walkers” and travel together in the same compartment.

As for small dogs, they are allowed to travel with them in any type of carriage. The most important thing is to transport the animal in a carrier.

Large dogs must be muzzled

Rules for carriage on high-speed trains

The rules for transporting dogs on high-speed trains differ significantly from the usual regulations.


Allegro trains have special seats for passengers with pets. The ticket price has been increased by 20 euros. There is no need to purchase an additional ticket for your pet.

The basic rules of transportation include:

  • The passenger has the right to transport no more than 2 dogs in a cage or on a leash. The size of the cage should correspond to the average dimensions of 60x45x40. It is allowed to put 2 small animals in one cage.
  • A 1st class carriage is not intended for transporting livestock.
  • You should not install a cage or place an animal in the vestibule or aisles. This may prevent other passengers from moving freely on the train.
  • Accompanying a disabled person with a dog is not paid for, but the passenger also travels in a 2nd class carriage.

Important! The owner takes full responsibility for the behavior of the animal and is responsible for the damage caused by it.


How to transport a dog on the Sapsan train? According to the rules, it is forbidden to travel with large dogs in Sapsan. Passengers may only take small dogs in carriers with them.

If the owner travels in an economy carriage, then the basket with the pet must be of standard sizes and placed in the carry-on baggage area. Those who have purchased a first or business class ticket will have to purchase a carrier with a size of no more than 120 cm in the sum of the sides. There can be no more than 2 animals in the carriage.

Those who wish to travel in a compartment will have to purchase it in full. However, there is no need to pay a fee for the dog.


Only small dogs are allowed on Lastochka trains. They must be in standard size carriers. A fixed fee is charged for transportation.

On Lastochka-Premium trains traveling from St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk, it is prohibited to transport pets in a 1st class carriage.


Large dogs are not allowed on Strizh trains. Transportation of small dogs in class 1E and 1E carriages is free. To travel in a 2B class carriage you will not have to buy additional seats, but you will still have to pay for your pet.

Transporting animals as hand luggage

According to the current Rules, the pet owner has the right to travel in a compartment with a small breed dog placed in a bag with protection against spontaneous opening and having acceptable dimensions.

Transportation of an animal is subject to payment: a travel document is purchased at the rate of one ticket per free seat. Moreover, two pets are allowed to occupy one place, if the size of the container used for transportation allows it.

If the owner checks for the carriage of a dog as hand luggage, then the animal is not taken into account in the hand luggage allowance.

If technically possible, the carrier will allocate wagons with a special mark indicating the possibility of traveling with small animals. When purchasing travel documents, the passenger issues a ticket for himself, and a baggage check is issued for a small breed pet.

These conditions do not apply to all carriages - there are requirements for purchasing tickets for all seats in the compartment and for traveling with a small dog. To plan a trip on conditions that are as close as possible to the passenger’s requirements, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the description of the cars on the website of the company providing rail transportation.

If the route involves the use of commuter electric trains, then the owner can transport a small breed dog for an additional fee without a special box (bag), but on a leash and with a muzzle on.

Along the way, responsibility for the cleanliness of the compartment and the safety of all its components lies entirely with the dog’s owner.

Carrying a dog on the train

Many people, when planning a trip, wonder whether it is possible to travel with a dog on the train? You are allowed to carry your pet on trains without a carrier. The owner can hold a small cat or dog in his hands.

Large dogs are allowed in the vestibule under the watchful supervision of the owner. Do I need to pay for a dog on the train? Yes, travel is paid according to the tariff.

Important! Two or more dogs are prohibited from being in the same vestibule.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards while traveling

Responsibility for observing sanitary and hygienic standards on the train while transporting a dog lies with its owner. What you need to keep an eye on:

  • The container must be locked so that the pet cannot get out of it on its own.
  • The bottom of the shipping container should be covered with an absorbent diaper or filled with filler (but it should not spill out when moving).

    The container for the dog must be equipped with a drinking bowl and feeder, and its bottom is covered (or covered) with absorbent material

  • It is prohibited to let your pet roam around the carriage. It must be in a container, and only when cleaning the container is it permissible to hold the dog in your arms (or should it sit at the owner’s feet).
  • The container must be well ventilated. It must be cleaned in a timely manner so that the unpleasant odor does not spread throughout the car.

Features of transporting dogs in other countries

The rules for transporting animals in different countries are very similar. For example, in Ukraine, the handler has the right to ask the dog owner for a veterinary passport. It is also prohibited to travel with a large dog in a reserved seat or in a SV category carriage.

In Belarus, pets are allowed to be transported in a plastic container for free. To go to England, a person will have to prepare not only a veterinary passport, but also microchip the animal and give it all vaccinations. At the same time, the owner is prohibited from traveling with a pet less than 4 months old.

Rules for transporting animals differ in different countries

In Kazakhstan, to take an animal out of the country, you will need a passport and a veterinary certificate valid for only 3 days. If you plan to visit Germany during your trip, a certificate for the EU will be added to the list of documents.

Important! Before planning a trip by rail, the passenger should find out in advance what documents are needed for the pet.

Tips for transporting dogs on trains

Perhaps the journey will be stressful for your pet, so it is worth preparing for the trip in advance. To do this, you should teach the dog to drink water and eat food from a travel bowl.

A large breed dog is unlikely to be happy when a muzzle is put on him. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom him to this accessory in advance. Sedatives or special collars can reduce your pet’s anxiety. After consulting with your veterinarian a few days before departure, you can start sedating your dog.

List of items that may be useful for a pet on the train:

  • Leash. A classic leash will be needed to tie up the dog when the owner falls asleep or goes to the toilet.
  • Towel. They take it on the train to spread it on the bed. The pet will lie on it all the way next to the owner.
  • Wet wipes. While walking outside, your dog's paws and tail may get dirty. If there is no water on the train, you can always wipe your paws with wet wipes.
  • First aid kit. During the trip, the animal may get sick. To help him, you should take a small first aid kit with you.

To prevent your pet from getting bored, you should take his favorite toy with you. With an interesting play item, it will be easier for the dog to endure the road.

To prevent your dog from getting bored, you should take him a toy.

Knowing the rules for transporting animals on the train, the owner will be able to calmly plan a trip with their pet on vacation. Now you don't have to leave your pet alone at home. The main thing is to properly prepare him for the trip and take all the necessary things with him.

*Amounts are current as of December 2022.

On the road without a master

Since 2022, the service of transporting animals without an owner has been operating in many directions of JSC FPC. A special luggage compartment is allocated for this purpose. The list of “travelers” is quite wide and includes not only pets, but also exotic raccoons, ferrets, minks, lemurs, iguanas, non-venomous spiders, and so on. The main thing is that the “live cargo” does not cause damage to the health of service personnel and passengers.

A ticket for an animal to travel independently on the train can be purchased at the baggage counter. A special application form is also filled out there, indicating the details of the sender and recipient. The cost of the service starts from 730 rubles. depending on the distance of the trip. During the journey, the animals are cared for by the train crew.

For their convenience and safety, the carrier requires that the waterer and feeder be attached to the cage door, and the tray extends independently. It is allowed to transport up to 3 containers, each of which can contain 2 animals. The dimensions of the carrier should not exceed 180 cm, and its weight should not exceed 75 kg. Each place is paid separately. Together with your pet, you can send factory-made food in branded packaging, bottled water and accompanying documents. The service is free.

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