Chihuahua - history of the breed, description, temperament, attitude towards people and animals, care + 92 photos

Pros and cons

A long-lived dog: life up to twenty years is the result of proper treatment by the owners.

Fear, cold or excitement causes the dog to tremble. In view of this, keep warm clothes for the cold season. During the winter months, walk briskly, avoiding snowdrifts.

If they are not accustomed (not socialized) from childhood, they show hostility towards strangers.

Walk only on a leash. The hunting instinct will allow the dog to bark at others, but its size will not allow it to fully defend itself.

It is better not to bring such a dog into a house with children under eight years of age.

Follow the specially developed rules and remain the master of the house, not allowing domestic Chihuahuas to take your place.

Buy puppies only from a trusted nursery to avoid “fake” in a person with disabilities. Pricing policy varies from thirty-five to fifty thousand rubles.

Prohibited color

Despite the variety of shades of wool, there is a color that falls under categorical rejection. This color is merle, also known as merle.

Animals with this color palette of coats have coats that are unevenly colored gray or beige, which is why the marbled effect occurs, which is why the gray Chihuahua is a prohibited species. The eye color of these dogs is dull blue.

Important! For the first time, a dog of this color appeared in the 90s in a US kennel. The gene showed itself to be dominant. It is believed that the Chihuahua acquired it from another breed as a result of accidental mating, and not an error during breeding.

Merle coat color for Chihuahuas is a sign of marriage

History of the breed

The birthplace of the appearance is considered to be Mexico, the state of Chihuahua, the time is the beginning of the sixteenth century (landmark - 1519).

The Chihuahua breed owes its tiny dimensions to dogs brought by the inhabitants of Spain from Europe.

They became beloved because of their peaceful nature. “Pocket” dogs got their nickname because famous celebrities carry them everywhere.

Because they rank number one in desirability, commercial breeding has become widely popular.

Distinctive features

Chihuahuas have very loose standards. This applies to both body size and shape. They can be smooth-haired or long-haired. It is believed that the former were crossed with Pinschers, and the latter with Spitz. A litter can have completely different puppies in color, size, and coat length.

At exhibitions, judges practically do not find fault with external data. Particular attention is paid only to size and weight. 15-23 cm at the withers and 1.5-2 kg of weight are considered ideal. Dogs with a mass of 0.5 kg and 3 kg are also allowed; less or more is considered a defect.

There is a separate type that is not considered standard. This is Tikap Chihuahua - a dog that fits in a cup. Their weight is less than 500 grams, and the cost is several times higher than for an ordinary dog. Such pets are considered the most glamorous pocket dogs, but most often they are very weak due to prematurity and are susceptible to many diseases.

In general, the dogs are well built and muscular, despite their size . The body format is elongated, the limbs and head are proportional to the size of the body.

  • Apple-shaped head Let's say a fontanel. The stop is well marked.
  • The muzzle is shortened, straight, wide, narrowed towards the nose. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite (the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth). The lips are thin and fit tightly. Cheeks are dry.
  • The nose is upturned, short, of any color;
  • The eyes are large, round, not protruding. A light iris is acceptable; dark brown is preferred.
  • The ears are large, thin, rounded, but narrowed towards the end (not sharp); placed on the sides of the head. Puppies have drooping ears, later rising to erect ears. The angle between the ears at rest is 45°.
  • The body is small, strong, elongated. The topline is straight with a wide back and a flat croup. The chest is wide, but not barrel-shaped. The neck is short and curved.
  • The tail is set high, straight, the ideal shape is crescent-shaped, slightly curved towards the back.
  • Limbs are parallel, strong, of medium length. A straight and moderately wide stance is considered correct. The paws are small and oval. The movements are sweeping and springy.
  • The coat can be long or short. Smooth-haired Chikhovs are characterized by short, close-lying hair. For long-haired dogs – soft, wavy or straight, silky. The undercoat should not be too thick or long.
  • Colors: Any colors and combinations are acceptable.


The breed standard states a mass of up to 3 kilograms, beyond which the breed reaches fifteen to twenty-three centimeters, although there are even thirty-eight centimeters.

Chihuahuas are not athletic, but small and gentle. The tail is medium-long, not docked.

The ideal (see photo of a Chihuahua dog) is an individual with an apple-shaped head, a short muzzle with a sharp transition from the head to the muzzle (“stop”). They have “pleading” eyes, but not protruding.

The ears are of a funny size (length and width), slightly reminiscent of the ears of bats. There are all kinds of colors: from white, blue – to red and black.

Popular and recognized colors

Among the variety of colors, there are those that are in great demand, namely:

  • white;
  • sable;
  • chocolate;
  • black;
  • gray-blue;
  • wolfish;
  • brindle;
  • ginger;
  • cream.

Important! In animals of cream or fawn color, darkening on the face, which is called a mask, is acceptable. Its size ranges from a slight blackening at the nose to a mask that can reach the level of the forehead.

Splotches on a Chihuahua's coat are not a sign of a defect.


Although this is a decorative breed, it is still an accessory. Few dogs are so attached to their owners.

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The nature of the reaction to a stranger depends entirely on the temperament of the particular dog; the majority, of course, will greet him with noisy barking.


Representatives of this breed are ideal for people with any temperament and hobbies. And following the basic rules will help to achieve the desired coat color and will protect against the occurrence of puppies with the M gene in the family.

When planning to have an offspring, you need to first think about the baby’s health. If the four-legged parents did not have pathologies, then there is every chance of counting on a strong dog. The Chihuahua will become a devoted companion, a reliable nanny, and a full-fledged member of the family.

The Chihuahua knows how to adapt to the owner’s character and senses his mood.

Keeping a miniature friend is easy. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the diet, which should be balanced, and monitor the dog’s hygiene.

Short-haired pets cause less worries. They do not require regular brushing.


The majority perceive familiar dogs normally, but are hostile towards strangers.

They bite extremely rarely, but bark often, which will provoke a response reflex in the animals. And this is already dangerous for the bullies themselves. Without any problems, you can keep more than one dog at home, preferably the same breed.

Coat and color

Depending on the length of their fur, all Chihuahuas are divided into two groups. The first category includes animals with short, tight hair that has a soft structure. The second group includes dogs with long, thin, silky hair, forming fringes in the neck, ears, front and rear limbs.

As for the color, it can be anything except merle. Full brindle, chocolate, blue, white and black Chihuahuas are extremely rare. Therefore, the price for them is much higher than for animals whose bodies have marks or tan marks. More common colors include yellow, cream, sable and lilac.


The temperament (which runs the gamut of breeds) of a particular dog influences its propensity to be trained. But the general verdict is this: it will not be difficult to train a puppy to the main command base.

But this breed is not intended for the level of a border collie. The difficulty for the breed comes from learning manners. In any case, owners need to be patient.

There are three reasons why training difficulties arise:

  • due to a small bladder;
  • Due to its small size, the dog can mischief anywhere without being noticed. Subsequently, the uncorrected habit remains;
  • they have primitive behavior as a consequence of their character.

Pros and cons of custom dogs

The advantages of non-standard pets are:

  • Elegant appearance.
  • Loyalty and devotion.
  • There is no need to provide a large area for living.
  • Relieve natural needs in a tray or diaper if walking is not possible.
  • Devotion to the owner.
  • High ability to train.
  • Long lifespan, with proper care Chihuahuas can live up to 18 years.
  • Predisposition to be a companion when attending social events.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • They prefer to choose only one owner.
  • They get along poorly in families where there are children under 11-12 years old, because they are jealous of their owner and are not ready to share his attention with anyone.
  • Requires careful handling due to small dimensions.
  • They have a cocky disposition, so it is important for the owner to stop the dog’s bad behavior from puppyhood.

Important! Representatives of this breed need proper training, otherwise they can grow aggressive and even biting. If the owner cannot raise the dog on his own, it is best to seek the services of a specialist.

Chihuahua needs proper training

Physical exercise

Low physical activity and size are the most important reasons to buy this breed. Your dog will need daily walks and that’s it, but it’s absolutely impossible without exercise.

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If you do not want to help the animal satisfy its natural needs, be prepared for the aggressive behavior of your pet (barking, gnawed furniture).

How to choose a puppy

The breed is considered exclusive, expensive and glamorous. To get a truly high-quality purebred puppy, you need to contact a nursery. A good breeder will definitely present all the necessary documents and tell the potential owner about the breed line, parents, and possible diseases. He will help you decide on a puppy.

First of all, you need to decide on the gender, age and class of the future pet. The character of the dog depends on the gender, and the cost depends on the age and class. You can pick up a puppy from its mother at 2-3 months ; small puppies are easier to raise, but they require more attention. At 5-6 months, pets acquire the appearance of an adult dog, but they are more expensive and more difficult to train.

The class is awarded to puppies that have already grown up, but breeders make a prediction.

  1. Pet class - pets for home keeping, which may have deviations from the standards.
  2. Breeding class – dogs with ideal conformation, suitable for breeding.
  3. Show class – exhibition animals with high-quality pedigree.

The puppies are very small and cute, but quite fragile. It is difficult to judge a dog's future appearance by its exterior. But they should not have obvious pathologies and deviations. The average cost is 10-60 thousand rubles .

Bad behavior

Do not allow the emergence of the small dog syndrome, which arises from the incorrect behavior of the owner, who forgives her “weaknesses” (and incorrect behavior) and this perpetuates such actions.

Such dogs allow themselves to dominate, behave aggressively and are completely uncontrollable.

Most dogs are afraid of guys, but love girls. Note! Your pet, like any dog, feels your attitude.

An experienced dog handler will make a Chihuahua dog bark less, but it will not be possible to reduce the fact.

Character traits

Despite their miniature size, these animals are distinguished by their stable psyche and high intelligence. They are not characterized by such traits as hysteria or cowardice. They are very proud, curious and arrogant.

Among other things, black and tan Chihuahuas, like other representatives of this breed, are very touchy. They cannot stand it when people communicate with them in a raised voice. Nevertheless, they will always meet the owner halfway to resolve a conflict situation.

These are very active temperamental creatures who are not shy about expressing their emotions. They are very loyal to their owners and do not tolerate stress very well. Due to their sociability, Chihuahuas get along well with children. But playing with them is fraught with injury for a small dog. Therefore, representatives of this breed need to avoid communicating with children.

Long-haired Chihuahua. Care

They need more care than smooth-haired dogs, but less than other breeds. Constant brushing using a soft brush. Qualified grooming is not required.

Bathe with care so that liquid does not get into your ears. Dogs are not hypoallergenic and do shed.

A haircut

Shaggy representatives of this breed do not require mandatory grooming. But some owners regularly cut their pets' hair for hygienic reasons. In this case, the dog groomer simply shortens the hair on the dog’s belly, sides and back a little, without touching the hair growing in the tail, paws, ears and neck. A hygienic haircut involves complete removal of hair in hard-to-reach places such as the groin and armpits. This procedure makes it easier for the animal to tolerate the heat. It is carried out at least once a month.

Long-haired black Chihuahuas that take part in exhibitions undergo a model haircut shortly before entering the ring. As a rule, the groomer independently selects a hairstyle that will visually emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the dog’s appearance.

Chihuahuas are smooth-haired. Care

It’s completely simple and doesn’t involve huge expenditures of time and effort. Constant brushing of the coat with a short-toothed brush is required. The tips for washing are the same. And after bathing, quickly dry the dog.

The shedding process is present - it is more pronounced than in long-haired counterparts, but less than in other dog breeds.

How to get the desired color when crossing

The heredity of animals cannot be predicted 100%, but knowing the basics of genetics, you can determine the future color of an unborn puppy.

When planning offspring, it is necessary to take into account the main 3 pigments: red, black, brown. However, a pair of coal dogs can produce puppies of different colors.

Melanin is responsible for a dog's brightness. He is capable of being primary and secondary. In the first case, the pigment creates a chocolate or black tone. In the second - red, brindle, yellow, red coat color.

If subordinate genes are present in black adults, the result will be unpredictable. Puppies can be of any color.

Tar, chocolate, brindle, blue pets will never appear in the offspring of red individuals with coal noses.

Features of the formation of the main colors of Chihuahuas:

Parents' coat colorOffspring
ChocolateBlack, red. There are no gray puppies in a litter
BrownIt will not be possible to achieve offspring with a charcoal tint. The offspring will be brown
GingerOrange pets will be born, since the mother and father have a dominant pigment
SableBabies with the same color will be born
Lilac and chocolateOwners don't have to wait for grey, black Chihuahuas. There is no genetic code in the father's or mother's fur
CreamSimilar light offspring
BluePuppies will imitate their parents or acquire a lilac tone
YellowDogs will become copies of mom and dad
Grey, lilacYellow offspring

A detailed study of the pet's pedigree will increase the chances of obtaining a litter of the required color.

  • find out which pigment was dominant in the father, mother, pet;
  • analyze the hair of a quadruped;
  • be picky about choosing a couple;
  • Seek recommendations from an experienced breeder.


Bad weather affects your health. They freeze immediately and need clothing to protect them from the frost.

In our country there is generally no rush to walk during the winter months, but this will have a bad effect on the dog, which will be bored. To warm up, the dog looks for a person’s lap, a radiator, another dog, and so on.

Chihuahua puppies are born with an underdeveloped skull (the presence of a fontanel that will heal in six months). This is a condition for the formation of an apple-shaped head.

There are dogs whose spring remains unovergrown, so you need to take this into account. It happens that veterinarians, uninitiated in this feature, consider the fontanel to be dropsy of the brain.

Does color change with age?

Most often, black Chihuahuas do not fade and retain their coat color. The exception is those cases when a black Chihuahua puppy was born, but later its coat became sable in color. This tendency can be determined before purchase, since such puppies are not born with a black color, but rather a brownish one.

Important! You can determine the color of a dog by its nose - if it is brown, then the dog is chocolate. True black dogs have a nose that is always black, which eliminates mistakes when choosing.

A pet can live for many years with proper care and good attitude.

What to feed a chihuahua

To avoid low blood sugar levels, you need to feed your dogs regularly. It is quite enough for owners to have sugar or honey for their dog.

If necessary, rub them on the palate and gums for faster absorption. Symptoms: drowsiness, uncoordinated movements, distracted gaze, neck twitching.


Some inexperienced owners mistakenly believe that sneezes do not need to be taken outside. In fact, despite their smaller size, these active dogs need regular walks. This will give them the opportunity for full emotional and physical development.

White, chocolate, blue and black and tan Chihuahuas can walk at air temperatures not lower than -10 and not higher than +30 degrees. Otherwise, the animal is at risk of frostbite or heatstroke. You need to gradually accustom your animal to the street. For your first walks, it is recommended to choose quiet places away from cars and large crowds of people. It is important that your pet is not afraid of anything. After all, a feeling of fear can create serious problems and prevent further acquaintance with the outside world.

Over the course of several weeks, the duration of walks should not exceed twenty minutes. During a walk, it is important to prevent your pet from getting wet or freezing. He also needs to be protected from communication with larger relatives, who could inadvertently injure the tiny dog. In public places it is better to keep your pet on a leash. Because passers-by may simply not notice it and accidentally crush it. If you encounter obstacles on your way, such as deep puddles, steep climbs or steps, you need to pick up the sneeze in your arms and move it from place to place.

Chihuahua photo

History of the origin of the black chihuahua

The first black Chihuahuas (Techichis) were found in the 15th century in Mexico. They looked different from modern representatives of the breed - they had a stocky build and short legs. The dogs couldn't bark. As a result of crossing Techichi with wild dogs, the first Chihuahuas appeared. The original species of animals attracted the attention of cynologists, and at the end of the 19th century they were brought to Europe, where they began to seriously engage in breeding work. We managed to get elegant, aristocratic-looking dogs with a variety of colors. Pure black sneezes look spectacular, but are rarely born. More often, the charcoal color is combined with white, red markings, or on the coat of a black and tan dog there is a third shade - milky.

A little bit about everything

Basically, when you buy a Chihuahua, they won't cause you any particular trouble in the future. These energetic spinners tend to get tired quickly and then become quiet and calm. At such moments, like happy cats after lively active games, they hide under some kind of blanket and fall asleep, showering you with cute snoring.

The culprit for such immodest breathing in a dream is the unusual structure of the skull. It has a sharp transition from the muzzle to the forehead.

Unpretentious and neat dogs are perfect for small apartments. They eat quite little - on average 50-80 grams of food per kilogram of the animal’s total weight per day.

They prefer shorter walks over longer ones, and they can go to the toilet in a regular cat litter box at home, if trained, of course.

Their fur does not have a strong specific odor. Overall, an excellent pet for people who prefer a moderate lifestyle.


Lovers of miniature indoor dogs can purchase them in almost any modern city. There are prestigious nurseries in capitals, including Moscow, Kyiv and Minsk. It is recommended to buy the animal there. The reason is the opportunity to make money from it in the future.

Dogs that fully comply with the breed standard are allowed to participate in all kinds of show exhibitions and competitions. If they take prizes, then the owner has the right to significantly increase the price of their offspring.

The average price of a Chihuahua in 2022 in the Russian Federation is 20 thousand rubles. Puppies born from titled parents in prestigious nurseries are sold for 30 thousand rubles. Private traders who do not provide guarantees that an animal meets the standard of its breed cannot inflate the price for it. They offer to purchase Chihuahua babies for 5-15 thousand rubles.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

The eyes are the most vulnerable place on a Chihuahua's body. It is prone to souring and tearing. If you do not wash them regularly, an infection may appear that settles on the mucous membrane. The result is eye pathologies, such as cataracts. In this case, drops can help. Only a veterinarian can prescribe them.

Also, a representative of the breed may have digestive problems, especially if he has eaten something missing or of poor quality. In this case, he will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and weakness. Sorbent medications will help him. They will absorb toxins that enter his body with food and introduce them naturally. Alternatively, you can give your dog Atoxil. The dosage will be calculated by a specialist.

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