"Very close!" What dog shows will be held in Russia in 2022?

Today I want to show you some recipes for dogs. In general, cooking for a dog is not at all difficult. You just need to know which foods your dog can eat and which are strictly prohibited. Please read about how to feed your dog properly.

It is recommended not to create a too varied diet for your dog and not to pamper it with new dishes every day. You just have to decide on the basic recipe for your pet, with which you will prepare the main daily dish.

For daily feeding, it is best to use ingredients such as: meat, vegetables, cereals, oils and herbs. Well, you will be able to feed your dog fish, cottage cheese and other healthy and necessary (but not for daily feeding) products at your own discretion.

Recipes for dogs can be quite varied. I would like to share some of them. Ingredients may vary depending on the time of year. Sometimes I add bell pepper, replace zucchini with pumpkin, and replace rice with buckwheat, and so on.

If you read this material to the end, then at the end of the article you will find a very interesting and informative video in which I tell in detail and show how and what I feed my Jackusik!

Porridge for Dzhekushka (option 1)

Let's decide on the products, and then move on to the actual preparation.

Ingredients (for about 3 liter saucepan)

Let's take:

  • Beef or veal heart: 1-1.5 kg. (The heart can be replaced with any beef (trimmings, cheeks, kaltyk), lamb or turkey).
  • 70-100 gr. rice
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1/2 zucchini.
  • Some fresh pumpkin.
  • Greens (dill, parsley).
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


1. Cook the beef heart in a saucepan for about 20 minutes.

2. While the broth is cooking, cut the herbs and vegetables into small cubes (approximately 0.7 x 0.7 mm). Many recipes for dogs call for chopping vegetables on a coarse grater, but I would advise cutting them into cubes - this is useful for cleaning plaque.

3. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the pan and place it on a separate plate. Usually, I pour 2/3 of the broth into a separate container, and leave 1/3 in the pan, then add water there and cook the rice in the diluted broth. You can, of course, not drain it, but pour the rice directly into the cooked broth and cook it in it. But many dogs do not digest meat broth well and can cause allergic reactions. That's why I do it this way.

4. So, add the rice to the broth diluted with water and cook until done. 5. While the rice is cooking, so as not to waste time, cut the boiled beef into cubes (about the same as vegetables - 0.7x0.7 mm). If you make the meat cubes larger, then during feeding the dog will simply pick them out of the porridge and leave the vegetables (they are such tricky ones). 6. Well, the rice is cooked. Place the chopped heart in the pan and mix well. I usually let this mixture cool slightly to room temperature before adding vegetables and herbs. I do this so that the vegetables do not cook and lose their beneficial properties.

7. Well, in conclusion, I put vegetables and herbs in the pan, add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and mix well.

Well, the porridge for Dzhekushka is ready. Bon appetit my furry!

How to choose a dog show

Usually, the breeder himself plans and decides in which category it would be best to present the dog (at single-breed shows or international ones). If you have never participated in exhibitions before, you can start with regional ones, especially for people living in other cities of Russia. At all-Russian events, the best of the best are already selected and there you need to have fun with a dog prepared for the competition. But if you live in Moscow, then why not start your pet’s “star journey” right away with large exhibitions.

A list of all exhibitions that are held on the territory of the Russian Federation can be viewed on the official website of the Russian Canine Federation.



Porridge for Dzhekushka (option 2)

You can prepare porridge by mixing all the ingredients at once. But lately I prefer not to mix cooked foods, but cook as follows.


We must have:

  • Beef trimmings (approximately 1 – 1.3 kg).
  • Half a glass of rice.
  • Carrot.
  • Zucchini.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Fresh cucumber.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, lettuce).
  • Vegetable or flaxseed oil, fish oil.


1. I take beef trimmings (lamb, turkey, beef offal).

2. Pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil. To preserve as many vitamins as possible in the meat, I put it in boiling water. After the meat boils, boil it for 20 minutes.

3. While the meat is cooking, I also boil the rice in a separate saucepan.

4. When the meat is cooked, I put it in a separate container. I also pour the broth into my own jar. I store all this in the refrigerator.

5. Immediately before feeding Jackusik, I take everything out of the refrigerator. I cut the meat into Jack's bowl, add a tablespoon of boiled cereal, fresh vegetables and herbs.

Do not forget that meat should be approximately 50-60% of the serving, 10-15% cereal, and the rest vegetables.

I do everything roughly, “by eye.”

6. To prevent the porridge from turning out dry, add a couple of tablespoons of broth.

7. Mix everything well and warm it to room temperature (even a little warmer).

8. Immediately before giving Jackusik the porridge, I add a few drops of fish oil or any other natural supplement to it.

You can watch the video of how I prepare this dish for Jack!

Lately, this is exactly how I cook porridge. Yes, it seems to me even better!

With a natural diet, the daily amount of food consumed by the dog should be approximately 5-8% of the dog's weight. For adult pets and dogs leading a passive lifestyle, 5% is enough. But growing puppies and hyperactive dogs will need about 8%. For example, if your pet weighs 7 kilograms, then the daily amount of food consumed will be approximately 350-560 grams of food per day.

That is, if you feed your pet twice a day, then the amount of a single serving will be about 180-270 grams.

You must determine the serving quantity yourself, based on your age and level of physical activity. Appetite can be influenced by many factors. For example, in the summer, when it’s hot, dogs eat much less than in the cold season.

If you feed your pet thermally processed foods (that is, boil meat), then we offer you even more recipes. You can find them in the article: Natural food for dogs/20 recipes for every day.

Your little one will definitely be satisfied.

How are the exhibitions held? Dog show groups, classes, examination procedures.

So, we have come close to the exhibitions themselves and participation in them! How does this happen in general terms! What a beginner should know about exhibitions.

Exhibitions take place as follows:


First you need to select the desired rank of the exhibition held within the FCI (RKF) and enroll in a class that matches your age.


After that, come to the exhibition, go through registration, veterinary control and enter the ring of your breed to compare with all participants in your age class.


After examining each participant, the judge selects the best male and best female from this class.


Then they are compared with each other and the best representative of this class is selected. But both winners do not leave after this, but remain to wait for comparison with the best males and best females from all other classes, as a result of which the Best Bitch and Best Male of the Breed are selected.


Then they are compared by an expert with each other, and finally the best representative of the breed in the show is selected!


But that's not all! Best Junior, Best Veteran and Best Representative of Breed remain waiting for the BEST of their group! (there are 10 groups in total). And only the winners of the BESTs of their groups have the right to compete for the title of Best Dog in Show in the general BEST, which takes place at the very end of the exhibition.

And of course, participation in it itself is very prestigious. Well, the winner receives the most expensive and prestigious prize, unless of course the organizers were stingy!

But this victory is already a maximum task and mainly brings image and prestige to the dog, its owner and handler. As a rule, BEST winners are either already experienced champions with the best handlers, or dogs that have truly conquered the expert.

The minimum task at the exhibition is to win a certificate corresponding to the rank of the exhibition, which in a certain quantity brings their owner one or another prestigious title, which is subsequently included in the pedigree of the manufacturer. As a rule, the holders of such certificates are the Best Male and the Best Bitch of the Breed. At some shows, appropriate certificates are awarded to the Best Male and Best Bitch in each class.

But we’ll talk more about this and other nuances below!

  1. 5.1.

    Exhibition groups.

    You can find it here

  2. 5.2.

    Exhibition classes.

    At all shows, dogs are initially judged and compared within their age group.

    BabyBaby3-6 months
    PuppiesPuppy6-9 months
    JuniorsJunior9-18 months
    IntermediateIntermediate15-24 months
    OpenOpenfrom 15 months
    WorkerWorkingfrom 15 monthsFor dogs with working diplomas in a specialized type of test (when registering for CACIB rank shows, only international certificates are taken into account)
    ChampionsChampionfrom 15 monthsFor dogs with: - National National Champion title (any) - FCI International Beauty Champion (CIB) or FCI International Show Champion (CIE)
    WinnersWinnerfrom 15 monthsOnly at specialized single-breed shows, with CAC, CCC, PC certificates, no class available from January 1, 2022
    National Club ChampionsChampion Clubfrom 15 monthsOnly at specialized special breed exhibitions, with the CH Club title (NCP Champion)
    VeteransVeteranfrom 8 years old

    Winners are often awarded a rosette or trophy.

    The date for determining the dog's age is the day of the exhibition. If the dog's birthday coincides with the date of the exhibition, then the owner has the right to independently decide in which class to register the dog.

Delicious fish

Fish is one of the best sources of protein. Compared to meat, it contains less fat and is lower in calories. In addition, fish oil is an essential source of healthy fatty acids that promote normal brain and cardiovascular function. Once a week you should definitely give your pet such a healthy product.

So, how to cook fish.


We will need:

  • 2-3 fresh sea fish. It could be pollock or cod.
  • Fresh vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cucumber) and herbs.


Here's how I do it:

  1. Boil the fish.
  2. When the fish has cooled, carefully separate the meat from the bones. This is necessary so that the bone does not get stuck in the dog’s throat.
  3. Chop the fish into small pieces and put it in the dog’s bowl.
  4. Cut vegetables and herbs into cubes. You don't need much. 1-2 slices of different vegetables are enough. In a bowl we should have 2/3 fish and 1/3 vegetables.
  5. Mix everything well and, in order to “soften” the food a little, add 1-2 tablespoons of the broth in which the fish was cooked to the portion.


This is the largest exhibition taking place in Russia. It is one of the very serious events. “Eurasia” has additional shows. It is at this exhibition that dogs can demonstrate their dancing talent and get different places for it.

Of course, the most titled breeds take part in such an exhibition. Mixed races (mestizo) only bloodlines cannot take part there. Some dogs even first take part in regional exhibitions, so that later they are registered as participants in “Eurasia”.

The exhibition runs through May 22, 2022. The venue will take place at the Patriot exhibition center.

Favorite cottage cheese

Every dog’s diet should contain fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt (without additives or dyes). Such products are an excellent natural source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and joints.

It is also necessary to include eggs in your dog's diet. Eggs can be boiled chicken or raw quail. One or two eggs per week.

Or you can combine everything together and make something like this.

We will need

Not so much:

  • 1/3 pack of cottage cheese up to 5% fat.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • A little apple, banana or pumpkin.
  • 1 boiled chicken or 2 raw quail eggs.


Let's do the following:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Mix them with cottage cheese and put them in a bowl.
  3. Add sour cream to the same bowl (usually I don’t mix cottage cheese and sour cream, but if you want, you can mix everything).
  4. I break an egg into the fermented milk yummy.
  5. That's all! Your favorite cottage cheese can be served to your favorite little dog at the royal table.

Rostov regional exhibition OS

Applications are accepted until September 28, 2022. And the time of the event is October 2, 2022, the venue is Rostov-on-Don, st. Kashirskaya 8.

To participate in the competition you must provide:

  • application through the ZOO PORTAL;
  • a copy of the metric;
  • copies of championship certificates (if any);
  • receipt of payment of the participation fee.

There is no need to include any additional information on the filling sheet.

Porridge “Tasty Mix”

Ingredients (for about 3 liter saucepan)

Let's take these products:

  • Beef meat on the bone (approximately 300 g).
  • Beef lung or beef heart (approximately 200-300 g). The lung boils very well, but the heart, on the contrary, boils down. Therefore, if you take the lung, then you need a little less of it, and a larger heart.
  • 1/2 cup rice.
  • 1/2 cup buckwheat.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1/2 zucchini.
  • 1/2 eggplant (can be replaced with pumpkin).
  • 1/2 bell pepper.
  • 1 small tomato.
  • Greens (dill, parsley), or dried seaweed.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.
  • You can add a clove of garlic.


Let's perform the following manipulations:

  1. Boil the beef on the bone for about 20 minutes. When the broth is cooked, you need to remove the meat from the bone and throw away the bone itself (boiled bones are harmful to dogs). Be sure to strain the broth through a sieve so that there are no bone fragments left that could cut your dog's internal organs.
  2. While the meat broth is cooking, peel the vegetables.
  3. Take a lung or a heart.
  4. We cut the vegetables into small cubes (approximately 0.7x0.7 mm), or grate them.
  5. Cut the lung or heart into small cubes.
  6. We take rice and buckwheat.
  7. Cut the boiled meat, removed from the bone, and put it, along with the lungs and cereals, into a boiling broth, then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Many people add chopped vegetables and meat right away. But, as in the first recipe, I am of the opinion that it is better to add vegetables to the porridge when it is already ready, so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.
  8. When the porridge is ready, add chopped greens or seaweed. If you take seaweed, then before adding it to the porridge, pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes, since the cabbage increases in volume very much.
  9. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and mix well. The porridge is ready.

Dog show from A to Z. Instructions for beginners

A dog has appeared in your life. Fearing unforeseen problems with shelter animals, you opted for a purebred pet. After the first period of euphoria, tenderness and tenderness, you are visited by a completely natural thought about joint development and entertainment. You have decided that both you and your handsome man (or beauty) are not bad at all and are fully worthy of demonstrating to the world your extraordinary charm. Simply put, you wanted to take part in a dog show.

What do aspiring ring stars need to know?

In fact, everything is very simple: your dog just needs to be very beautiful and be able to present this beauty. That's all, actually. But there is so much work behind this apparent simplicity! So, you are “on fire”, full of enthusiasm, the desire to move mountains and prove to everyone... There is no need to “fade out”. All this energy will be useful to you, because participation in a dog show is a rather difficult event, costly in terms of strength, money, and nerves. Be aware that a dog show is serious and an appropriate attitude towards preparation is necessary.

Is it worth starting?

Visit a couple of exhibitions as a guest, observe what happens and how it happens. And, after waiting for a pause in the work of one of the judges for your breed, show the dog. Ask an expert for their opinion. Let a specialist confirm or refute your belief that the animal’s breed characteristics are ideal.

Be realistic. Your pet is your favorite creature of unearthly beauty. But is he really that good? Look at other dogs of this breed. In life. In the Internet. Consider fashion trends in the appearance of the breed. Be objective and answer yourself frankly: can your treasure compete with the regulars of these parties?

Judging criteria for a dog show

Evaluation of a dog at an exhibition consists of two parts:

  1. Compliance with the breed, the so-called pedigree
  2. Beauty, presentability and “charisma” of a dog

The first is regulated by the description of the dog and is assessed on a scale from “excellent” to disqualification. The second is subjective and consists of the first part and the personal impressions of a particular judge. Your dog, as a representative of the breed, may have excellent scores, but not win any titles.

Preparing for a dog show

If the desire to win titles and cups still hasn’t left you, it’s time to start preparing.

Documents for the exhibition

A dog show is an official event. Conducted by various organizations. Requirements for the composition of documents often differ among different organizers. The main list includes:

  • pedigree (and/or copy);
  • veterinary passport and F1 certificate (if you are coming from another city or region;
  • payment receipt (and/or copy);
  • application form (fill out and sign).

You might find our article about the list of documents for a dog useful.

You will need to find out in your club (if you are not a member yet, join) or on the Internet:

  • where and when the upcoming exhibitions will be held;
  • what documents the organizer requires;
  • what class does your dog belong to;
  • where and how to register and pay for participation.

Remember, registration for exhibitions is always made in advance, sometimes more than a month in advance. And know that the earlier you register for the exhibition, the cheaper the cost of participation will be.

What to take with you to the exhibition

The minimum list of what you must have with you:

  • documents (veterinary passport, copy of pedigree and exhibition application confirmed by the organizer);
  • water for you and the dog;
  • ringovka (a special type of leash with a collar for demonstrating the dog in the ring);
  • good mood.

An important addition to the minimum list will be:

  • a pin to secure the participant’s number (or something more civilized);
  • a cage, or carrier, or bedding for a dog;
  • a cage, or carrier, or bedding for a dog;
  • a small folding chair for the owner;
  • a snack for the owner (also for the dog, but you can give it only after (!) the show);
  • brushes, combs, etc.;
  • bags, napkins in case of an incident...

We will not describe the maximum list of what you can bring with you. Surely, you yourself have seen entire camps at exhibitions with professional grooming tables, playpens, tents, tons of cosmetics...

Behavior at the exhibition

A dog show is a show. A holiday for owners, guests and dogs. The behavior of a show dog at an exhibition must be impeccable. She should not bark, show aggression or fear, howl, whine, pester others with offers of “friendship,” etc. And God forbid you snap at an expert who will look at a dog’s teeth, and at the same time look at a dog’s “inheritance”, because this threatens with disqualification! Raising a show dog is entirely up to you. And work on behavior, as well as preparing a dog for an exhibition, must begin in advance, long before direct participation. The same applies to the next point.

Work in the ring

In the ring, the dog must be able to:

  • stand in an exhibition stand (this is not as easy as it seems);
  • remain calm when examined on the table: do not tremble, do not snap;
  • show your teeth to the expert: a judge without fingers will not be able to fill out your participant card;
  • show the ideal gait moving to your left in a circle, back and forth, in a triangle and in comparison with other representatives of the breed, if asked.

All these skills are achieved by the old proven method: training, which is why they begin to prepare a show puppy for his first exhibition in early childhood.

The most important thing that you and your dog must be able to do is charm the judges. When examining, demonstrate Buddhist calm and angelic charm. And in movement - courage and excitement, energy and fun, happiness from the fact that you have the opportunity to run here. A vigorous trot and a proud carriage of the head will be very helpful. It’s good if a dog “eats” its owner with loving eyes. Your appearance is also important: you need to look decent. Dress comfortably but nicely. And smile! Remember that this is a holiday!

Handler as a salvation for fearful owners

You can easily put the entire list of concerns on the shoulders of a professional. A good handler will do most of the work for you. And he will prepare the dog for the exhibition and help with the documents. In general, he will do everything except what only you can do. But the specialist will need to pay, not only for the performance, but also for the preparation. In this situation, you will only be an actively sick spectator. And the impressions of the event will be somewhat different. It's not bad at all! So, firstly, it is much easier, and secondly, a professional usually knows his business better than even the most passionate amateur.

Regardless of whether you are a handler or a spectator, a winner or an outsider - smile! Even if this time you left without certificates or awards, the main prize is still your personal experience of participation. You interacted with people and other dogs, you learned a lot of new and useful things, you had fun, you showed yourself, looked at others... And what about the titles? – You’ll win next time!

Good luck and health to you and your ponytails!

Meat mix (from boiled offal)

Your dog will love this recipe. The dish prepared using it is very healthy, our pets simply adore it.

Ingredients (beef by-products)

We will need: heart, lung, liver, scar, trachea, and so on (but under no circumstances give kidneys).


Do this:

  1. Take different types of meat.
  2. Cut it into small pieces, add water and put on fire. Cook for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. The dish is ready.

Chicken hearts with baked apples

Here's another great recipe for dogs.


We will need:

  • Chicken hearts.
  • Apples, carrots.


What need to do:

  1. Boil chicken hearts in a small amount of water.
  2. Grate the apple and carrots, then bake them in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes.
  3. We take the hearts out of the broth, the apples from the oven and mix everything well. Om-Nom-nom.

The following dog foods are treats (but are also very healthy).

Beef trachea


You will need beef trachea. Trachea can be given to your dog very often. It is useful for strengthening your dog's teeth and gums. Requires virtually no processing other than 3-day freezing in the freezer.


You do this:

  1. Take the trachea out of the freezer.
  2. Thaw, scald and give to the dog.
  3. The trachea can be cut into pieces (so that the dog does not drag it around the apartment).

We usually give Jack a whole trachea, since he knows that he can't carry it around the apartment. Jack immediately goes to his place with the trachea in his teeth and deals with it there. But these recipes for dogs are recommended for both adult dogs and puppies.

Exhibition “Russia”

“Russia” is one of the largest-scale events for dogs in the entire Russian Federation. It always takes place in the fall, and its organizers are the Russian Cynological Federation.

About 8,000 participants (dogs) and more than 250 breeds take part here.

Also, “Russia” holds 2 rounds. One of them is dedicated to the World Exhibition of Russian Breeds, and the other is dedicated to the Shaggy Talent Championship.

A “Dog at Work” stand will be installed at the venue. It will tell about those dog participants whose talents are on par with human ones.

The exhibition will take place from October 30 to 31. It will take place at the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center.

Chicken with rice

Please read about how to feed your dog chicken!

Ingredients (we use the quantity of products by eye, depending on the size of the dog)


  • Chicken meat.
  • Rice.
  • Carrot.


Here's what to do:

  1. Cut the chicken, add water and cook until done.
  2. At the same time, in a separate container, boil rice or buckwheat (also until tender).
  3. When the chicken is cooked, take it out of the broth and cut it into small pieces or grind it into minced meat.
  4. Three carrots on a coarse grater.
  5. Mix everything and add a spoonful of oil.

Vegetable stew with goat milk

Ingredients (for a 1.5 liter pan)


  • 1/2 eggplant.
  • 1 zucchini.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 bell pepper.
  • 1 tomato.
  • 1/2 apple.
  • A little cauliflower.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 2 cups goat milk.


Everything is very simple:

  1. Finely chop the vegetables.
  2. Pour milk and simmer for 40-50 minutes over low heat.
  3. The dish is ready.

Liver biscuits for dogs

Let's make cookies.


We will need:

  • 500-600 grams of beef liver.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 egg.
  • Flour.


Let's start, perhaps:

  1. Grind the liver in a blender, then the apple.
  2. Three carrots on a fine grater.
  3. Mix everything, add an egg and a little flour (you can use bone flour).
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the dough onto it in an even layer.
  5. Place in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Remove from the oven, cool and turn the resulting liver pancake onto a cutting board.
  7. Cut into pieces.
  8. The cookies are ready!

Apple dog treat

And now for an apple!


Take this:

  • One big apple.
  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • One glass of oatmeal.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.


Let's do that:

  1. Finely grate the apple, add water, honey and oatmeal.
  2. Mix thoroughly and add flour.
  3. Roll out the dough into a flat cake, place it on greased parchment and cut into pieces of the desired size.
  4. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes at medium temperature, do not overdry.

Remember (!) Baking time depends on the thickness of the dough. Bon appetit to your pets.

You can see even more recipes for treats for your pet here – treats and treats for dogs.

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