Husky: history of the breed, description with photos, breeding methods and care

In conditions of endless cold, snow, blizzards and low temperatures, a person needed a type of dog that could become an indispensable and hardy assistant. Few people know, but people tamed the ancestors of modern huskies (as well as malamutes and Samoyeds) - ancient northern dogs - even earlier than deer!

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. For males, normal height will be 53.5-60 cm with a weight of 20.5-28 kg, for females - 50.5-60 cm with a weight of 15.5-23 kg

Beautiful masks on the face and variations in coat shades are one of the recognizable distinctive features of the appearance of these Siberian dogs. But the husky's calling card is, of course, its intelligent, frozen ice-colored eyes.

Among dogs, few breeds can be distinguished by “blue eyes” (for example, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi)…

Despite the fact that males are naturally larger than females, even they are not characterized by coarse body shapes. Huskies are always graceful, both due to their medium size and color, as well as their fox tail.

History of the breed

The history of the husky cannot be told in a nutshell - this breed is ancient, its origins and development are shrouded in many myths, legends, stories, and assumptions. It is still impossible to say definitively how and when huskies appeared, but there is a mention that the northern peoples lived with them 4000 years ago!

It is officially believed that the breed was developed by the Chukchi living in North-Eastern Siberia. The people were conventionally divided into two types: those who live in the interior of the continent, breed deer, keep dogs, and those who live on the Arctic coast. After the Russian wars for the Bering Strait, the living conditions of the latter deteriorated significantly, and they had to travel quite a long time to hunt to the ocean. Thus, the need arose for strong and hardy dogs that can live in the Arctic cold.

It is known that the Chukchi have always been an autonomous people; more than once they tried to annex their territories to Russia, but to no avail, and only in 1837 did they receive peace and independence; their faithful assistants, the huskies, helped them wait and achieve this. The Chukchi way of life, closed from the outside world, made it possible to preserve the purity of the breed; today this practically does not occur. The Chukchi (unlike other northern peoples and their dogs) allowed huskies into houses so that they would warm children with their warmth, so dogs feel equally good both outdoors and indoors.

Option No. 2

Siberian Huskies come from the vast expanses of Siberia, so people were forced to domesticate dogs that would not only be friends, but also helpers. In conditions of terrible cold and poor cross-country ability, the Eskimos needed hardy dogs to transport cargo and move in sleighs.

These beautiful and friendly animals, beloved by many, are descended from wild wolves. This is why huskies are so skittish! The Chukchi had to make a lot of efforts to tame them.

Incredibly, this breed has survived to this day only because of the interest of Americans who needed additional labor. Dogs became especially popular in the 1930s, during the Gold Rush. The name “husky” itself comes from a corruption of the American “eski”, which means “Eskimos”. Unfortunately, after the 1917 revolution, these dogs were considered useless and were almost completely removed from Kamchatka.

Today there are many varieties of these beautiful dogs:

Mini Husky or Klee Klay. This dog is suitable for families who love this breed, but with limited space in the apartment.

The Alaskan Husky is a fast and resilient athletic dog. It is considered the most expensive mestizo (crossbreed) in the world.

The Sakhalin Husky is a rare breed of sled dog. Japanese breeders carefully try to preserve the purity of the blood of these dogs.

Siberian Husky. This variety is more suitable for exhibitions or sports competitions, but not for the harsh conditions of the north.

Japanese Husky or Akita Inu. This is a specially bred breed designed to protect the house and its owner. This dog is unlikely to be able to run in a harness. Japanese representatives of huskies became famous thanks to the film “Hachiko” about man’s faithful friend.

Huskies are medium-sized dogs. They have a very prominent head and powerful, muscular legs. The eyes are most often brown or blue, but sometimes there are dogs with different iris colors. The tails are slightly reminiscent of foxes. It can be said about this breed that its representatives are built very harmoniously and proportionally. Their coat is usually a combination of black, gray and white wool. You can often see white spots on a husky's face that look like a mask. Sometimes there are dogs of brown color or just black, less often - pure white. But not all snow-white huskies are albinos. If the eyes are blue, then this is considered normal, but if they are red, then an albino.

With proper care, huskies can faithfully serve their owner and please him for 11 to 16 years. To do this, you need to provide your pet with proper nutrition and high physical activity.


Many people consider these dogs not smart enough due to the fact that they are difficult to train. But in fact, you need to find the right approach to the dog - not just train and learn commands, but interest the husky and become an authority for the animal.


Although dogs of this breed are friendly, they are very capricious and stubborn. To become a real owner for a husky, a person must have a strong character and willpower, because he will have to fight for the rights of a leader. Wolf blood makes itself felt.

One can say about the activity of huskies that their energy is inexhaustible. In order to make a dog more docile, you need to tire him out quite a lot. In winter, you can harness your pet to a sled or sled, and in summer, ride bicycles together. You can also take long walks and even jogs in the fresh air. If you don't exercise the dog, the husky will be too playful.

The attitude of these dogs towards children was established by the Eskimos. In the north, the birth of a child was a great difficulty due to the cold, so when this miracle happened, a pack of dogs was launched from the street into the home so that they would warm the child with their warm fur. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that the dog will harm the child. But before leaving a child alone with a dog, it is worth observing its behavior. If there is also a cat living in the house, then the husky may well get along with it, especially if they appeared in the house at about the same time.

Interesting facts about huskies

The history of sled dog racing began in 1907 in Nome. The first dog breeders club was founded there, which later grew into sled racing across Alaska. For several years in a row, Leonard Seppala won; he competed on a sled with huskies, which were then called Siberian mice due to their small stature. The Norwegian Seppala initially came to the north to pan for gold and became famous not only for his victories in races. His masterly teamwork and talent as a musher once saved Nome from a diphtheria epidemic: thanks to him, a vaccine was delivered from Nenana in the shortest possible time, in conditions of severe bad weather. In total, the dogs walked 550 km on ice, in a blizzard and blizzard. The sculpture of a sled dog in New York's Central Park reminds us of this heroic event. For a long time, the leader of the sled was the handsome Togo, but after covering an incredibly long and difficult distance and delivering Seppala to the next sled with new dogs, his paws were lost, and young Balto brought the vaccine to the city. The sculpture is dedicated specifically to Balto, although many believe that Togo’s name should be signed under it.

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Huskies are kind, but capricious, they need a firm hand, a leader, a leader, whose word will be law for them. Husky puppies test the patience of their owners and test their strength. It is important from the very beginning not to allow anyone to overstep the bounds of what is permitted.

The activity of a dog of this breed is simply off the charts; it is very difficult to tire him physically, but it is necessary. Otherwise, you will have to deal with the result of her pranks and intolerable character from boredom. A husky is ready to jump, run, play, stand on its ears all day long - it’s like a small but incredibly resilient child. By the way, they have excellent contact with children, the dogs love and protect them.

Huskies are smart and intelligent, but this is precisely what prevents quality training. You need to start practicing as early as possible.

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Huskies are sled dogs. The blood of northern dogs and wolves flows in them. It first appeared among the Chukchi, about 4000 years ago. She was a hunting assistant. Initially it had the name “exy”. Translated from English, “husky” means “husky”; this dog cannot bark, but only growl and howl. The Eskimo Husky or Canadian Husky is its direct relative; they are very similar in appearance, which is why they gave it the name Siberian Husky. The Russians brought this breed to Alaska in 1907. The dogs had racing qualities, so they began to gain huge demand, they were harnessed to sleds and participated in competitions. Then they became less popular, as they were replaced by motor sleds and air transport. In 1934 in the USA, the breed was given a standard.

Huskies are stocky and short-legged, fast and resilient. The legs are powerful and muscular. The head has a clear contour, wide at the top and narrowing in the eye area. The tail is lowered like a fox's and fluffy. Her coat is unique, very thick, not long, with a soft undercoat, thanks to its structure the dog can withstand 60 degrees below zero. Their color is mainly black - white, gray - white, you can rarely find white, brown, white - brown. Eyes are blue or brown, sometimes the eyes are different. They are surrounded by a white or black mask. There are two stripes along the nose. The ears are pointed and triangular in shape.

  • Cable parameters:
  • Weight: 21-28 kilograms;
  • Height at withers: 54 – 60 cm.
  • Females:
  • Weight: 16 – 23 kilograms;
  • Height at withers: 50 – 56 cm;

Huskies have a unique code that has evolved over many centuries. In a team of 8 dogs, they reach speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour. They are very resilient and can work well in a team. Thanks to metabolism, they recover very quickly after racing. They overcome distances of up to 250 kilometers. To prevent dogs from tearing their paws on snow and ice, they wear special shoes.

The character of these breeds is very capricious; they need an owner with a strong temperament. They are stubborn and amenable to training, if only they are interested. The dogs are smart and love children very much and are completely non-aggressive. They live up to 12, 15 years.

If you decide to get a husky, then be prepared for the fact that they are very playful. They have a lot of energy, so that they do not misbehave and are obedient, they need to be worn out. You need to walk them a lot and let them run and jump. This is an amazing breed of dog.


Huskies are recommended for those who need a companion or a show-class dog. Otherwise, this breed did not succeed due to its good-natured disposition. It will not work to use a husky as a service, guard, fighting, or hunting dog; an attempt to develop aggression can result in mental disorders. It is believed that a husky will never bite a person under any circumstances, but keep in mind that there may be characteristics of a particular individual, growing conditions and maintenance.


Huskies are distinguished by good health. But there are diseases to which they are most susceptible.

Types of pathologies:

  1. Hip dysplasia. The disease negatively affects the dog’s entire musculoskeletal system, which prevents him from moving normally. To eliminate the pathology, medication and physical therapy are prescribed.
  2. Juvenile cataract. Consolidation of the pupil, which reduces visual acuity. Develops before the age of two years. It can only be eliminated surgically.
  3. Retinal atrophy. Dystrophic changes in the retina, which lead to complete blindness. It often affects both eyes at the same time.

Description and breed standard

Huskies have medium height and harmonious body proportions. Their head is wide at the top, narrows in the eye area, and has a clear outline. The eyes are almond-shaped, can be brown (yellow-orange) or blue, the ears are triangular, pointed, the tail is fluffy, high, and curled. The legs are powerful and muscular.

The weight of a male is in the range of 21-28 kg, of a female - 16-23 kg. The height at the withers of a male should be 54-60 cm, of a female - 50-56 cm. The typical color is black and white or dark gray with white, sometimes brown, brown with white, pure white or black. There is a mask on the forehead, black or white. The Husky's coat is very thick, of medium length, with a soft undercoat.

Slide captions:

HUSKIES It is generally accepted that Siberian huskies were bred by the Chukchi living in Siberia. These are dogs with thick hair, a sharp muzzle with erect ears and a curved tail. Siberian or Arctic Huskies are the fastest and most resilient sled dogs in Alaska. The most interesting fact about the Husky is an incident that occurred in 1925. Then the dog sled saved an entire city from death by bringing diphtheria vaccine hundreds of miles away! A bronze statue of team leader Balto stands at the entrance to New York's Central Park. Huskies cannot be a guard dog, again due to their curious and friendly nature. When trying to develop watchdog or fighting qualities, the husky experiences a mental breakdown. A husky will never bite a person. Huskies practically do not smell like “dog”. The husky's tail is not curled like a donut like a husky's. It is with these dogs that polar bears are often hunted.

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What could be better than a four-legged friend? A dog that greets you every day and waits at the door for its owner to arrive. How she happily licks and wags her tail when she's having fun. There are different breeds of dogs, but there is also one breed that is extremely beautiful and amazing - the Siberian Husky.

The Siberian Husky was bred by the Chukchi people of northeastern Siberia to move easily and quickly through snow.

This breed of dog has very powerful paws and extraordinary endurance. The paw pads protect them from damage and calluses. Also, under a certain load, the husky develops a ribcage and a pulling reflex so that it can even pull cars! There are various dog weights or harnesses for this purpose. The breed also has fairly strong and sharp claws, since in addition to everything, the husky is a good digger. Since the places where the Siberian Husky was bred had a high thickness of snow, it needs to be cleared away in order to get food or get something.

Most often, huskies are black and gray in color, but they also come in amazing red colors. The eyes of four-legged friends come in a variety of shades of blue and dark blue: milky blue, blue, brown and mixed (one eye is brown, the other is blue). The husky's coat is located in such a way that there is a hard, dense undercoat underneath it. Moreover, it is so dense and long that it is almost impossible to wet it. Even if you let a husky swim, he may well come out wet at first glance, then he will chicken out of the water that was on his coat and remain completely dry. The fluffy tail, like that of any other animal, serves as a kind of rudder when turning or stopping and braking at high speed.

The husky's jaw is typical of dogs. The front teeth and fangs are designed for biting and tearing, and the back ones for thoroughly chewing food.

The peculiarity of this breed lies not only in its extraordinary beauty, but also in their ability, so to speak, to sing. Huskies can howl for hours if they like it.

This breed does not have any aggressive gene. A very friendly and cheerful dog, patient with children and very playful.

Rules of care

According to the history of the breed, huskies are not demanding in terms of living conditions. Caring for them comes down to following standard rules:

  1. Feeding. Despite their natural endurance, huskies suffer from a weak stomach, so their diet should be enriched with protein and fatty foods. When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to premium products, since cheap food does not contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for a dog’s health. When feeding natural products, the husky's diet should include beef, veal, poultry, sea fish, offal, vegetables, and fruits. You also need porridges that can be steeped in boiling water without further preparation.
  2. Grooming. The coat should be brushed once a week. But during the molting period, which occurs twice a year, this procedure should be carried out regularly once a day. You should wash your pet no more than once a month.
  3. Eye cleaning. This procedure is carried out as needed when dust, debris, or discharge collects in the dog’s eye. You should rinse your eyes from the outer corner to the bridge of your nose with boiled water.
  4. Teeth cleaning. The procedure should be done when plaque or tartar appears. In the first case, you can use a special brush and paste, which are sold in a pet store. In the second case, the cleaning is carried out by a veterinarian.
  5. Ear care. You should wash your ears as they become dirty no more than once every 2 weeks. To do this, it is recommended to soak a cotton pad in boiled water, squeeze out excess liquid and gently wipe the ears.
  6. Walks. Huskies are not meant to live in an apartment; they need a house with a yard where they can feel at ease. In addition, the dog needs to be walked twice a day, for at least 20-30 minutes. In this case, the walk should be active with increased physical activity.

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Essay My favorite animal Dog

During my short life I have had many pets: cats, dogs, chinchillas, hamsters, fish, birds. Most of all I love dogs. I had 5 of them in total: the German shepherd Dezzy, the American cocker spaniel Dina, the outbred Gina, the Russian terrier Chara and the American Staffordshire terrier Dolly. They all came to our family in different ways: some were picked up, some were hit by a car, some were given away due to allergies - each dog had its own, not always happy, life story.

Why is a dog so interesting? For me, the answer is obvious: dogs are loyal, you can walk and play with them, etc. In addition, a dog will never betray its owner - the one who feeds it, who cares for it. In my distant childhood, I heard a phrase that clearly shows the attitude of two different types of animals towards humans: “A dog thinks: “The owner feeds me, gives me water, walks me. So he is a god." The cat thinks: “The owner feeds me, waters me, cleans the litter box, takes care of me. So, I am God." This is why I love dogs more than other animals.

My favorite dog was Dina. Other owners gave her to us because their children developed allergies. Dinka quickly settled in with us; she was a very friendly and affectionate dog. When we came home, she immediately brought us slippers, and sometimes she even climbed onto a stool and looked out the window (then we lived on the first floor), waiting for us. Dina loved to play with me on the playground, carrying sticks and balls. She got along well with our cat Busya and our cat Tikhon.

As she got older, our pet began to see very poorly, and she no longer ran as quickly as in her youth. She was very worried when she couldn’t smell us by smell: once my mother and I were walking with Dina on the playground, and she lost us, but we were nearby. The dog didn’t see it and lost track of the scent. She rushed around the site, whining, and when we approached her, blood was dripping from her nose - she was so upset. Dina died calmly and peacefully at home, having lived with us for about 10 years. We will never forget our spaniel.


In addition to the advantages, there are also certain disadvantages, which is due to the history of the Husky breed:

  1. They prefer to pull on a leash when walking, as they are sled dogs.
  2. Instead of loud barking, huskies prefer to howl, which indicates their origin.
  3. They are stubborn and willful, which makes parenting difficult.
  4. Not suitable as guards.
  5. Need increased physical activity.
  6. Not suitable for keeping in a booth or small apartment.
  7. They need special training.

Having studied the history of the Husky breed, you can understand that this type of dog has irrepressible energy, the ability to survive in harsh conditions and perseverance in achieving goals. Therefore, in order to curb such a pet, you need to have enough strength and perseverance, otherwise this northern pet will establish its own rules in the house.

My dog

I have always dreamed of having a dog. Mom was against it, saying that she would chew everything on us. When I go to school, she gives me a sausage sandwich for breakfast. But I feed it to stray dogs. One small dog is always waiting for me in front of the school. At school at lunch, if they give me a cutlet, I don’t eat it, I take it with me. I stop and give the cutlet to the dog.

She is red-haired with a pointy muzzle, similar to a fox. I call her Zlata and she already responds to her name. She has no home and no owner. She lives on the street. I feel very sorry for her. How will she live when winter comes? It will freeze. Need to do something. Talk to your mom, maybe she’ll allow Zlata to at least live in the barn?

But life itself decided the dog’s fate. As usual, I went to school in the morning, and some older boys met me. They began to pester me and demanded that I give up my cell phone. I didn't want to give it away. After all, mom will swear. But they were stronger than me. They tore the briefcase out of my hands and shook out all its contents onto the ground.

I started crying and calling for help. But there was no one nearby. Suddenly Zlata came running to my cry. She began barking loudly at the boys. They laughed at her and pointed fingers. Then the dog seemed to go wild. She grabbed one by the sleeve of his jacket and began to torment him. In surprise, he dropped the phone.

I ran and picked him up. The boys began to throw stones and sticks at the dog, but it did not leave. She wouldn’t let them near me and barked loudly. A young guy walked by. He stood up for me and Zlata. And he drove the boys away. At parting, they promised that we would meet again.

It was impossible to go to school like this. The briefcase is torn, the notebooks are wrinkled. Zlata also suffered. We both needed help. I cried and began to collect scattered things into my briefcase. The dog licked the tears from my cheeks.

There was nothing to do, so we went home. I took Zlata with me and brought her to the apartment. Mom was at work. I washed my face and changed my clothes. I bandaged the dog's paw and smeared it with iodine. Then I fed her.

We fell asleep from the events we had experienced. I'm on the sofa, Zlata is next to me on the carpet. When my mother came in the evening, she was unhappy that I had brought the dog into the house. But I told her about the morning incident, showed her the torn briefcase and books. And she said that Zlata saved me from hooligans.

Mom looked carefully at the little red fox dog. Zlata wagged her tail, crawled up and put her face on her mother’s slippers. At the same time, she looked into her eyes so devotedly and carefully licked her hand.

And my mother gave in, but on the condition that I would take care of, feed, and walk the dog myself. Then all three of us went into the bath to wash Zlata and me. I had to buy a new briefcase. Now Zlata accompanies me to school every day.

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