Rules for keeping dogs in an apartment building or private building: norms and law

Rules for keeping dogs in an apartment building or private building: norms and law

If you are bothered by dog ​​barking, then first of all you should talk to the owner, because he may not be at home at such moments, and therefore simply not in the know.
If peaceful negotiations do not bring results, then you should contact the local police officer, who will conduct an explanatory conversation and may also issue a fine after several complaints. There are also higher authorities that are obliged to influence unscrupulous owners - Rospotrebnadzor and the regional administrative court. By law, you can keep a dog on your personal property, allowing the animal to move freely around this area, but on the condition that the dog will not have the opportunity to go outside and its behavior will not cause trouble to others. By the way, in this case, at the entrance to the site it is necessary to hang a sign indicating the presence of a dog inside.

A pet is allowed to be kept in a dormitory or communal apartment if the neighbors are not allergic to its fur. The owner is obliged to follow the rules of sanitation and hygiene for caring for the pet, treat it well and not throw it out into the street. Such an attitude may be regarded as malicious hooliganism and be criminally punishable.

Keeping dogs in the company is permitted by law. The dog must be registered with a local veterinarian and have rabies vaccinations. The enterprise must prescribe food for the pet and care for it, assigning a watchman or other employee.

What breeds of dogs can be walked without a muzzle?

These include the Akbash, American Bandog, Ambuldog, Brazilian Bulldog, Bully Cutta, purebred Alapaha Bulldog (Otto), Bandog, wolf-dog hybrids, wolf dog (wolf hybrid), Gul Dog, pit bull mastiff, North Caucasian dog


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Is it prohibited to walk dogs in the local area? Are there any penalties for breaking the law?

The adjacent territory belongs equally to all apartment owners, and they are also responsible for the costs of maintaining it in proper condition. Knowing the rules for using the common area will help organize a civilized dog walk.

Sometimes a conversation between the district police officer and the animal owner is enough. When contacting him, a statement is written, which similarly sets out the circumstances of what is happening. The application is written in any form. You can also submit a collective complaint to the district police officer.

Is it possible to force your neighbors, whose dog alternately barks and howls, interfering with a normal life, to protect you from the discomfort that this animal causes? In our country there is a law on keeping dogs in a private house or apartment. Not everyone knows about this. But even fewer people are willing to resort to it to solve the problems caused by their neighbor’s restless dog.

Many people prefer to put up with the current situation and put up with someone’s dog constantly barking or causing other troubles. In the meantime, you can try to do something about it. This will allow you not only to provide yourself with the peace you desire, but will also clearly demonstrate to them that they are obliged to respect the rules of good neighborly relations, the freedom and rights of others.

The best dog breeds for farms - shepherd dogs

Farmers need service dogs that can work on their farmland just like them. Dogs living on country farms must protect the land, animals and people. For owners of livestock farms, herding breed dogs are best suited.

Anatolian Shepherd

Smart and loyal animals have been used since ancient times as shepherd's assistants and protectors from predators. They are highly territorial and make independent decisions. The breed requires professional training.

Bernese Mountain Dog

An unpretentious livestock guardian, he is distinguished by his endurance and incredible performance. In his free time from herding work, the dog will be happy to keep you company, ride your children in a sled, and swim with you in the pond.

Welsh Corgi

This little short-legged dog is an incredibly energetic and determined shepherd. He deftly manages a flock of sheep or a herd of cows. Corgis are excellent companions, positive and affectionate pets.


These large shepherd dogs have a unique appearance that allows them to stand out in a flock of sheep. Brave and determined dogs fearlessly protect their animals and fiercely rush at predators. Their unusual coat with dreadlocked braids saves shepherd dogs from animal bites, heat and cold.

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

Maremma is a shepherd dog from Italy. While protecting his herd, he can engage in mortal combat with wolves. It is an ideal guardian for animals and people living on the farm.


Another lover of the dreadlocks hairstyle. Small shepherd dogs resemble the Komondor breed in appearance. The nimble dogs deftly handle sheep, jumping from the back of one sheep to another.

If your neighbor's dog barks: what to do?

The best way to start solving the problem caused by your neighbor's restless dog is to try to calm it down on your own. If you succeed, you will avoid conflicts and unfriendly attitudes from your neighbors. Otherwise, you will have irrefutable confidence that you have done everything in your power. And it is impossible to do without complaints about neighbors who have an aggressive or excessively noisy dog, and then contacting the appropriate authorities.

If you are the owner of a private house, and the problem is an animal’s aggressive reaction to your presence: the dog barks, rushes at the fence between plots, etc. on your own territory, then it’s worth considering an opaque fence from neighbors on your side along the border of the plot. This simple physical method will deprive the animal of the source of irritation. Although it will force you to work hard and spend some money.

Try to make friends with your neighbors' pet, if the dog is not a fighting breed. Suggest this idea to them. The animal barks because it sees you as a danger to itself or its owner. And if you remove this message and make the dog get used to your sight, smell, voice, then the dog will stop worrying. Moreover, experienced trainers insist that this should be done not on your neighbors’ property, but on your own. It is necessary for the dog to become familiar with it and cease to perceive not only you, but also your territory as hostile.

If your dog often barks in your neighbors’ apartment, you can try to solve the problem by purchasing a special whistle. Although information about its effectiveness varies, most agree that this remedy works. It works simply. You make a whistle when the barking starts - the animal reacts. A pet that hears a whistle in response almost every time it starts to bark gradually develops a conditioned reflex. The dog becomes silent because the sound of the whistle causes him significant discomfort. People can’t hear it, so you definitely won’t disturb your neighbors and family.

How to raise a guard dog

If you decide to get a dog instead of an alarm system, you must learn how to raise it correctly. Without proper upbringing and training, a puppy will not turn out to be a reliable guard at home.

Parenting Tips:

  1. Watchmen are trained from a very early age. First of all, the dog is taught respect for each member of the family. She must learn to distinguish her own from strangers.
  2. Secondly, they teach the puppy to take food only from the owner’s hands. One person must feed! If you strictly adhere to this rule, no one else will be able to feed the watchman.
  3. Guests of the house are prohibited from petting the dog and attempts to give treats are stopped. Thus, her social circle is strictly limited. The watchman must understand that his main task is to protect his people and home.
  4. A mandatory requirement is early socialization. To do this, it is imperative to walk the animal outside the yard.
  5. There is no need to try to dominate your pets 100%. A watchdog must learn to quickly react to unusual and dangerous situations without a command.

Which guard dog to choose to guard a private home, choosing from these or other breeds, you decide for yourself. Next, let's talk about which dogs best serve as a personal bodyguard.

Conducting peace negotiations with neighbors

If you don't want or can't do anything personally to stop your neighbor's restless dog from bothering you, you'll have to talk to its owners. Often this turns out to be an effective measure that allows you to solve the problem without involving third parties and competent authorities. But it is important that the conversation be peaceful, constructive and without getting personal.

Under no circumstances start with complaints. Don’t say that you are tired of the dog, that you can sue or write a complaint to the police. Forget about threats towards your pet. Be extremely respectful and friendly, but at the same time firm in your desire to bring the conversation to a conclusion. Neighbors need to hear that their dog is a serious problem for you when it barks loudly, but understand that you are inclined to resolve it amicably to your mutual satisfaction.

Try to arrange the conversation at a time so that it takes place face to face. Without witnesses and in the presence of strangers, people behave differently. In the first case, the person may not want to discuss this issue with you at all, but in the second, he will at least listen. By doing this, you will save yourself and the dog’s owner from an awkward situation and from gossip.

Identify the main aspects of the situation. Explain why the dog is causing you so much trouble: it interferes with your work, barks at night, preventing you from opening the window, etc. An adequate person will try to compromise with you. You can agree that your pet will be walked at a time that suits you. Or you will be promised that the animal will be transferred overnight to a room with windows facing the other side.

If it is impossible to reach an agreement for objective reasons, you should invite your neighbors to hire a trainer. Promise that you will try to find a good professional for your part. And make it clear that you understand your neighbors, that a dog as a pet gives you quite positive emotions, and you are ready to do something to resolve the problem.


A dog living on the street in a private house requires a more careful diet than pets living in apartments. You need to take two things for granted:

  1. A guard dog will need to eat a lot and eat well, and the basis of its diet should be meat . Keeping a guard hungry “to make him angrier” is inhumane to the dog and simply dangerous: at some point the aggression will be directed at the owner.
  2. In winter, a dog will eat much more food than in the warm season. This is explained by the fact that the animal’s body will compensate for the energy spent on warming itself. 20% more energy is required - rations will also increase.

If you plan to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose those that have the additives “Performance”, “Active”, “Energy” or “Sport” in their names. They contain substances that provide energy and the ability to quickly restore strength.

It is much more difficult to prepare regular nutritious food for a guard dog. The opinion that such feeding will cost less than dry food is wrong. The diet should contain complete pieces of meat (beef), porridge in broth, bones, animal fat, vegetables, vitamin-mineral complexes for dogs, high-energy feed additives, etc.

So there will be no savings. Therefore, when getting a guard, you need to carefully calculate whether it is possible to feed him. Well, remember that a well-fed animal will respond to you with love, affection and will not let strangers get within range of a cannon shot.

Many people, thinking which breed is the best for protecting property, family and children, choose the most evil and aggressive ones. No, this is the wrong approach.

Which dog is ideal for guarding a private home:

  • courageous, without hesitation to come to the defense;
  • large or medium-large size;
  • well trained;
  • faithful;
  • with thick, warm wool, allowing you to winter outside;
  • distrustful of strangers;
  • unpretentious in maintenance, hardy;
  • indifferent to other animals.

To understand which breed to choose, you need to consider that all family members will need to interact with it. So it is worth maintaining a balance between the protective qualities and skills of the dog, and the safety of the family. Let's consider which breeds can be taken into a private home with children.

Problems with keeping pets in an apartment building

The city presupposes the ability of a significant number of people to coexist in close contact from day to day and without harm to each other. Most of us live in apartment buildings, which imposes certain rules of behavior and lifestyle. A dog in one of the apartments is one of the most problematic aspects for the neighbors surrounding this apartment. In most cases they are as follows:

  • the walls and other structures of the average apartment building do not provide adequate sound insulation. And this often leads to the fact that even a not very active or loudly barking dog causes a lot of disturbance to the neighbors;
  • It is difficult to maintain the required sanitary level in the apartment. The owner of the animal does not always have the opportunity to organize timely walking and other living conditions that the dog should have;
  • If in a private house the pet has an enclosure, then in an apartment the dog may experience anxiety due to the fact that it cannot fulfill the natural need to waste energy. As a result, the animal barks for no reason all day, scratches the walls, etc.

Any person has the right to keep an animal within an apartment in an apartment building - be it a dog or another pet. There are no restrictions on their types. But there are rules that the owner of the home must comply with if they keep a dog or other pet. They are associated with the need to maintain normal relationships with others and not interfere with their private lives. And failure to comply with some of them may result in penalties or even the risk of eviction from the apartment. And therefore, before you bring an animal home, you need to think carefully about the inconvenience for yourself and your household, about the problems for your neighbors and about how comfortable the dog itself will feel in it.

Features of the arrangement of the enclosure

After choosing a location, you need to calculate the area for the enclosure, especially if the animal will be there almost constantly. It is determined by the height of the dog.

Height at withers, cm Area, not less, m²
Less than 50 6
50–65 8
More than 65 10

The length of the enclosure on one side must be at least 2 m. If you plan to keep two dogs or a female with puppies, then the area is doubled.


The enclosure has three blank walls - a long one and two short ones. They must be strong enough to protect the animal from drafts. Constructions made of slate and metal profiles are allowed, but the wooden version is more favorable for the pet. The boards must be smooth, treated with an antiseptic composition.

The front part is made in the form of a welded frame made of pipes (galvanized ones are not used - they are harmful to health). After welding, the frame needs to be painted.

Do not replace pipes with mesh, as the dog may get its paw stuck in it or chew through it. Metal cells will harm your teeth, and the wicker or plastic version will be chewed at one point.


make asphalt or concrete. In the second case, it is necessary to lay a wooden bed of at least 2 x 2 m, since concrete hardens strongly in winter and can cause rheumatism of the paws. When pouring, a slight slope is made towards the facade to prevent the appearance of puddles and facilitate cleaning.


Installed without nails from soft material, such as bitumen shingles. It prevents your pet's discomfort by reducing noise levels during rain or hail.


made in a lattice wall. Important: it must open into the enclosure, have external and internal locks and eyes so that a padlock can be used if necessary.

The dog's main home is the kennel. It is located inside the enclosure or in the yard.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

If attempts to reach an agreement have led nowhere, and the neighbors’ dog continues to constantly bark or cause other troubles, you will have to file a complaint. You can submit it

  • to the district police officer;
  • to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the administrative court at the place of registration.

When you submit your first complaint to the local police officer, you can count on an explanatory conversation with the animal’s owner. This conversation involves not only explanations about what to do and what rules need to be followed if a dog lives in an apartment building. The district police officer is obliged to warn the owner of the animal about the liability for violating its maintenance.

If nothing has changed after visiting their neighbors, and you still continue to listen to their dog barking every day, it’s worth filing a complaint again. Several of your statements will become the basis for a fine, which the police officer has the right to issue. You should retain copies of the complaints you submit, as well as the official responses to them indicating the actions taken.

If a local police officer refuses to accept a complaint against neighbors, you must request a written refusal from him. Based on this paper, you can make a request to Rospotrebadzor. Upon receiving an application, its employees must carry out a check at the address where the dog is located and issue an expert report based on the results of a home inspection and noise measurements.

Traditionally, such a check is carried out on a weekend, since only then is it possible to find all the citizens involved in the problem at their place of residence. The act must be preserved, because such a document is strong evidence in your favor in the event of further litigation with the animal’s owners.

The last “step” on the path to pacifying neighbors who do not want to take into account the fact that their dog barks and causes you great concern is an appeal to the administrative court. There are few cases when it comes to this. But the practice of litigation due to problems with keeping animals still exists.

The statement of claim must be supported by good evidence. This is precisely why it is advisable to save all material evidence that the dog is causing you great concern - every complaint you made to the local police officer, an act received from Rospotrebnadzor, as well as all copies of appeals to other authorities.

It is also recommended to make audio and video recordings of negotiations with the animal’s owners. You can obtain written evidence from other neighbors that the dog barks loudly and frequently. When drawing up a claim, certain rules must be observed, the content of which can be discussed with experienced people or a lawyer.

Where to complain if your neighbors dog is constantly barking?

When keeping a dog in an apartment that causes inconvenience to neighbors, you should first make a request to the owner of the animal. If peace negotiations did not bring the expected result and the owner ignored the request, then the neighbor has the right to file a complaint.

But in order for the claim to be accepted and considered, evidence must be presented. A dog's loud barking can be detected using a noise meter. If a dog pollutes the environment, the entrance or rushes at people, it is necessary to take photos or videos of it, as well as attract witnesses and file a statement with the police. If a dog attacks a person, you must go to the clinic and obtain a certificate indicating the injuries caused. .

The complaint is sent to the police, after receiving which the police officers are required to conduct an explanatory conversation with the owner of the animal. If the conversation is ignored, and any requests are ignored and repeated complaints are received, the police officer has the right to impose a fine on the violator.

If the police officer refuses to accept the statement, neighbors can directly contact the prosecutor's office or the court.

Responsibility for breaking silence

Liability for violations committed by a pet owner depends on their number and extent. There are various penalties - from administrative to criminal. Specific measures possible for the dog owner may be as follows:

  • warning if the first violation of the content rules is recorded;
  • a fine if the dog systematically causes significant disturbance to a person or group of people;
  • criminal liability that occurs as a result of causing physical harm.

An administrative fine is the most common measure, since in most cases it does not lead to real physical harm. The “fork” of a fine implies a collection of 500 rubles. up to several thousand (maximum 5,000 rubles) depending on the severity of the violation and the frequency of its commission. Criminal liability means compulsory labor, and in especially severe cases, imprisonment for the dog owner. When filing a claim in court, victims can demand compensation for moral damages, and not just material compensation for losses received.

The extent of liability may differ in different regions of the Russian Federation. City officials also have the authority to develop additional rules for keeping pets. Thus, in some localities a restriction has been introduced on the number of animals in the apartments of an apartment building, and one address can keep 1 dog or 2, but no more.

The majority of citizens of the Russian Federation believe that issues regarding the residence of animals and their proper maintenance are not sufficiently regulated in Russian legislation. Each locality has regional municipal rules that regulate the keeping of dogs and other pets in an apartment.

General regulations are:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2006 No. 25 “On approval of the Principles for the use of residential premises”;
  • Federal bill No. 52 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of society” dated March 30, 1999;
  • Law “On Veterinary Medicine” No. 4979-1;
  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation, articles 229, 230, 231, 232;
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, article 245.
  • Draft Federal Law “On Keeping Dogs in the Russian Federation”.

How to bring a negligent dog owner to justice?

The law provides penalties for an owner who fails to take care of a pet or deliberately fails to fulfill his or her duties. How to get compensation for damage to health or property caused by a dog, and in what case will the victim receive nothing?

A person must be responsible for his property and maintain it so that no harm is caused to others. Otherwise, he will have to pay damages. The same applies to animals (Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If a dog causes harm, its owner will be held liable (Articles 15, 137, 209, 210, 393, 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

However, this rule does not always work. Thus, the Arkhangelsk Regional Court indicated in November last year that, even if a dog has bitten a person, its owner is not obliged to compensate for the damage if the totality of the following facts is established 1:

  • the plaintiff, i.e. the one who went to court, does not live in the premises where he was bitten by the dog;
  • he cannot visit this premises without the permission of the dog owner, since it does not belong to the plaintiff by right of ownership or other legal right (for example, it was not received under a social tenancy agreement);
  • the plaintiff knew that there was a dog in the premises, nevertheless he entered there without warning, thereby provoking its attack; however, he did not prove that he was bitten elsewhere;
  • The owner of the dog claimed that it was tied, and the plaintiff did not deny this fact or prove that the animal was improperly kept.

It turns out that the issue of the relationship between the rights and responsibilities of dog owners is debatable.

What law regulates the keeping of dogs in an apartment?

One of the main documents is the Draft Federal Law “On Keeping Dogs in the Russian Federation”. This regulatory legal act regulates legal relations in the field of keeping pets on Russian territory in order to ensure public order, as well as ensuring the safety of people from the adverse physical, sanitary, hygienic, psychological and other effects of dogs.

This bill on keeping dogs consists of 5 chapters and 33 articles:

  • Chapter 1 (Articles 1-4). Basic provisions of the law. Defines the scope of this law, its basic concepts, rules for keeping an animal in an apartment, as well as the rights and responsibilities of national government and regional government services;
  • Chapter 2 (vv. 5-13). State supervision. The relevant section establishes: the basic conditions for the acquisition of animals;
  • features of purchasing dogs of potentially aggressive breeds;
  • registration rules;
  • features of registration of dogs of potentially aggressive and dangerous breeds;
  • license for the purchase and sale, keeping and breeding of pets;
  • termination of license;
  • state fee for registering a pet and benefits for its payment;
  • funds that the owner receives from paying state duty;
  • payment collection procedure.
  • Chapter 3 (vv. 14-25). Basic powers and responsibilities of dog owners regarding their maintenance. In accordance with this chapter, the rights and obligations of pet owners, rules for keeping animals, mandatory vaccinations, and conditions for keeping animals in public places are determined. It also regulates issues related to ensuring hygienic safety, transportation of dogs in public transport, cruelty to animals and their burial, liability for non-compliance with the actual bill;
  • Chapter 4 (vv. 26-30). Catching stray dogs. The conditions for catching, agreements on catching, the procedure for carrying out this procedure and the norms for placing animals in special nurseries are regulated;
  • Chapter 5 (Articles 31-33). Final and transitional provisions of this Federal Law, as well as entry into force.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the paragraph on the rules for keeping pets in an apartment or in a private house.

    Rules for keeping dogs in a private home

    The rules and requirements for keeping dogs in a private or apartment building differ from each other. The main difference is that pet owners living in an apartment must follow the rules established in this Federal Law, otherwise they will incur administrative penalties. There is no separate legislative act on the rules for keeping animals in a private home in the Russian Federation. Therefore, the rights of dog owners who keep them in country houses are not so limited.

    Basic principles on how to legally keep dogs in an apartment:

    • the four-legged friend must live strictly on the territory of the apartment; using common areas (entrance, corridor, landing) for these purposes is strictly prohibited;
    • the owner must ensure that his pet does not pollute common areas, including nearby courtyards;
    • Noisy behavior of a pet is not allowed from 21:00-06:00;
    • The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits walking animals in crowded places;
    • You can walk pets only on a leash, wearing a muzzle and with a tag on which information about its owner is indicated;
    • Children under 14 years of age do not have the right to walk a pet unaccompanied by an adult.

    When living in an apartment with a dog, you must be extremely attentive to the requests and claims of your neighbors, even if at first glance they seem unreasonable to you. Often, conflicts with neighbors over keeping dogs in an apartment lead to litigation.

    A private house and the surrounding area are the private property of the owner, so in this case, when dogs live in country houses, the opinion of the neighbors is not so important. The only generally accepted rule is that the dog should not roam freely throughout the entire area, as in this case, he may find a way to go beyond the fence.

    What breeds should not be kept in an apartment?

    The law on keeping dogs does not establish a clear list of breeds that are prohibited from being kept in an apartment building. However, the document provides a list of breeds that are potentially dangerous and aggressive. This may be due to their hunting instincts, as any situation can provoke an animal that can harm people.

    Breeds of aggressive and dangerous dogs are divided into the following types:

    • fighting dogs, these include: pit bull terrier; Staffordshire Teller; mastif; alabai; bulldog; Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. These breeds are born to be fighters, even if the owner devotes a lot of time to training and raising them, there is no guarantee that they will never attack people;
    • hunting, these include: huskies, griffins, retrievers, Azawakhs and Blandhounds. The corresponding breeds were bred specifically for hunting, which is responsible for their specific behavior and special content. They need maximum physical activity, which can become a problem when keeping them in an apartment;
    • watchdogs, these include: Rottweilers; Dobermans; German Shepherds; Asian Shepherds; Bullmastiffs. The main purpose of breeding this type of dog is to perform service. Their animal instincts are heightened; in an apartment, such a dog may react inadequately to the behavior of family members, so keeping them in an apartment building is not recommended;
    • shepherds, these include: collies, Central Asian and Australian shepherds, bobtails, boxers and mountain dogs. These breeds require long walking, regular training, as well as proper and plentiful nutrition. This category can react aggressively towards neighbors, family members and guests.

    Important! The Russian Federation has not yet developed a separate regulatory act prohibiting the keeping of dogs of certain breeds. However, in order to avoid conflict situations, it is recommended to approach the choice of a pet extremely rationally and responsibly.

    Keeping a German puppy

    Good afternoon We take a German shepherd to guard the cottage. The enclosure with a good booth is ready. They give the puppy away at the age of 1 month, they won’t keep it longer and will resell it. Tell me, please, is it permissible to keep it in an enclosure right away? It's already warm outside. And due to the fact that everyone is at work on weekdays, feeding according to a schedule, unfortunately, will not work. How bad is this for the puppy? I read on the Internet - everything is written differently. Thank you.

    Answer 3

    If a German Shepherd is purchased to guard the territory, it is necessary to keep the pet in the yard or enclosure to get used to the place. A puppy that will live on the street must live in an enclosure from birth. The baby develops a thick undercoat, which makes it possible not to have the animal at home. In severe frosts, you should not leave your puppy outside.

    One-month-old dogs can survive without mother's milk. The puppy gets used to its owner quickly, which makes it possible to raise an obedient and devoted guard. The benefits of prolonged breastfeeding include the pet’s strong immunity and physical health. Early vaccination is required to exclude infectious diseases.

    The areas where the shepherd is kept (kennel, enclosure) are regularly cleaned and disinfected from fleas. Wool (during the molting season) and waste products are removed daily. Prolonged keeping in an enclosure is not recommended for dogs of any age. The animal requires active walks outside the site.

    It is worth paying attention to the dog’s limbs - there is a high risk of injury when placed in an enclosure. A shedding animal is brushed daily, otherwise once a week. You can bathe your puppy once a month to avoid damaging its natural protection or in case of severe contamination. Monthly ear cleaning and regular examination are required to detect ingrown hair in the auricle and inflammatory manifestations - unpleasant odor, redness, weeping discharge. Claws that have not had time to sharpen are trimmed with tweezers.


    Up to two months the pet is fed five times a day, by ten months they switch to two meals a day. The diet may include specialized baby foods or natural products. Before adopting a puppy, it is worth consulting with the breeder about the choice of food. To establish a balanced menu, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

    • During the first week, the pet continues to receive the feeding that was provided by the former owner. Afterwards, you can transfer it to the chosen diet by the new owner.
    • The menu is selected according to the age of the animal and it is recommended to include supplements of vitamins and minerals.
    • Avoid overeating, food should be warm, feeding at a specific time.
    • The dog eats forty minutes after the walk (failure to follow the rule leads to intestinal volvulus).
    • Constant access to fresh water.
    • Purchasing a bowl rack. The shepherd should not bend over when feeding. This negatively affects the animal's spine.

    It takes time for a puppy to get used to a new place. It is advisable to take days off or leave from work. During the first weeks of adaptation and residence, educational work is required. In the absence of a person nearby, the animal experiences stress, which negatively affects its health. The baby's stomach is small, so frequent feeding is required.

    It is allowed to seek help from neighbors, relatives, and friends in feeding the shepherd dog. But you should not often feed the puppy to strangers; the dog should have only one owner. Another option is to use an automatic feeder. The pet needs to get used to finding the feeder. The owner should make sure that the puppy remembers the feeding location before leaving the baby alone. There is a risk of leaving you hungry.

    Nutrition is considered the main point for the growth of a healthy, strong animal. It is permissible to feed freshly prepared food, do not leave leftover food in the bowl, and do not feed a one-month-old puppy dry food.

    Law on keeping dogs

    Finally, certain issues of the presence of animals in apartments are regulated by articles of the Civil, Housing, and Administrative Code. Punishment for cruelty to animals is established by Article 245 of the Criminal Code. For example, if an owner abuses a pet, deprives it of food, or otherwise causes suffering, neighbors can always contact the authorities. back to contents In the near future, the initiative of deputies deserves special mention, according to which a bill establishing the procedure for microchipping animals will be adopted as early as 2022. According to the plans, every dog, cat, guinea pig and even parrot will receive an identification code consisting of 15 digits. Complete information about the animal, its owners, diseases, ancestors and descendants will be linked to it in a special platform.

    The federal bill “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation,” which was adopted by deputies of the State Duma in the second reading, introduced stricter rules for pet owners. Dog owners will have to think carefully about their maintenance, because the provisions of the law have already come into force. Content

    • 1 General care requirements
    • 2 Land owners
    • 3 Residents of apartment buildings
    • 4 About potentially dangerous breeds
    • 5 Penalties

    General care requirements The owner's responsibilities are specified in Chapter. 3 tbsp. 9 hours 1 and 2.

    Yards for country housing

    Which dogs should you choose to guard your country house? These dogs are ideal for living in a yard, so it is best to keep them outside. But here are street guard dogs with photos that will do an excellent job of protecting the owner’s house and property, but will require careful training and limiting their communication with other family members and suburban street keeping:

    Moscow watchdog

    It was very popular in Soviet times, but even now it is excellent for a large country house. With proper upbringing, she is so kind and affectionate that even a child can cope with her, calm and balanced.

    The pride of Russia: Moscow guard dog with photos, detailed characteristics and description of the breed


    Strong, powerful, highly trainable dog. This is a reliable bodyguard for the whole family, moderately calm, of solid size and distrustful of strangers. It is possible to raise a Rottweiler near children, but you will need to control the situation: do not allow the child to torment the animal, and do not allow the puppy to show aggression.

    Under no circumstances should you scold a child in front of a dog : this will lower his status in the eyes of the animal. The advantage of the breed is its endurance and devotion. If you once explain to an animal who is included in the “friend” category, he will tirelessly defend them.

    Outdoor keeping in the yard of a private house is an ideal option for a dog of this breed. The main thing is that the enclosure is built according to the rules , the fence is high, and the gate is tightly closed.

    You cannot keep a Rottweiler on a chain, this will have a bad effect on its development and psyche!

    Caucasian Shepherd Dog

    This breed is one of the first that comes to mind when thinking about who to get to protect the home. And this is the right choice. The breed was bred for herding sheep and protecting private territory, and has still retained all its qualities. Decisive and respectable in size, Caucasians will scare away from your home not only people with bad intentions, but also just passers-by.

    Therefore, when getting such an animal, you need to be sure that you will be able to dominate it . If you manage to build a relationship in which the owner will be the main one, then the best and most devoted defender

    Rules for keeping animals on private property

    A public place is considered to be a thoroughfare, curb, square, or area near a house.

    Walking without a leash can be done at least thirty meters from the house, but for fighting dogs, again, only with a muzzle.

    A puppy under three months old does not need to wear a muzzle, as do decorative breeds that are less than 25 centimeters tall at the withers. When crossing the road and moving along the sidewalk, the dog must be kept on a short leash. You cannot bathe your pet on beaches near rivers, lakes and seas, as this violates the regulation on harming natural objects. If a dog pollutes public areas, the owner is obliged to immediately clean up after the pet. Walking is prohibited on the territory of clinics, clinics and hospitals, playgrounds and cultural and developmental institutions. However, the territories of cultural institutions do not include city parks, forests and public gardens.

    Dogs are usually walked early in the morning, at six or seven o'clock.

    It should be remembered that the law prohibits a pet from barking and whining on the street or in an apartment from 22:00 to 8 in the morning.

    Again, neighbors can complain to the local police officer about a violation of law and order.

    Walking rules To regulate the rules of walking, the federal law of the Russian Federation sets aside an entire article, the provisions of which can be used by both dog owners to prove their case, and by residents of an apartment building if they have complaints. You can walk your dog wearing a muzzle and with or without a leash, depending on the breed and height.

    But if you are keeping a dog of a fighting breed, you must walk it using safety measures, regardless of where the walking takes place.

    In public places, you can only walk an animal with a leash, and for fighting breeds, with a muzzle.

    Hunting dogs for a country house

    For those who plan to take dogs into the forest, hunt and go mushroom picking and fishing with them, hunting dog varieties are suitable.

    1. Greyhounds (Greyhound, Azawakh, Irish Wolfhound, Afghan Hound).
    2. Hounds (Bloodhound, French Tricolor Hound, Grand Vendean Griffon).
    3. Laika (West Siberian Laika, Finnish Laika).
    4. Pointers (Weimaraner, English Setter, German Drahthaar, English Pointer, Irish Red Setter).
    5. Terriers (Airedale Terrier, Brazilian Terrier, Fox Terrier, Welsh Terrier).
    6. Dachshunds.

    The only warning for the owners of these pets is not to create beds or flower beds on the property. They will be dug up and trampled by your pets, who are chasing birds, moles and mice around the area. And do not let them out of the area, so as not to quarrel with the neighbors from whom your dog stole a chicken or a rabbit.

    Topic: keeping dogs in a private home

    The keeping of animals is regulated by several articles of federal and regional legislation. They spell out sanitary standards, rules for walking and staying, as well as relationships with neighbors. In general, the rules are rather vague, creating scope for interpretation and a judicial decision in favor of one of the parties. Before getting a pet, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping pets in apartment buildings.

    Thank you for choosing our site. In person and by phone, consultations are only for a fee. Before you do anything, consult a lawyer.

    This will save you from many problems in the future. Personal consultation I shake your hand, thank you!

    • reviews: 1,980 Hello! No one can stop a dog from barking.
      There is no violation as such. Talk to your neighbor. It won’t help with the local police officer.

      Best regards, Alexander Postanogov. Preparation of documents and consultation.

      WhatsApp, Viber, phone: +7 988 5321071, e-mail: Personal consultation Thank you for your competent advice!

    • reviews: 3,048 According to the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of December 2, 2004 N 800-KZ Quote: 2.

    For example, the law directly states the impossibility of placing a nursery in a home, but at the same time the number is not limited by any legal act.

    Hence the common situations when there are 10-15 cats or dogs in rooms, which become a headache for all residents of the house. In case of violation of noise indicators, unsanitary conditions and danger to others, the responsible authorities (precinct, housing inspection, SES) require the owner to eliminate the violations.

    He will also be subject to an administrative fine, and in case of intentional harm to another person, criminal prosecution.

    Responsibility for violations The degree of responsibility is determined by the degree of the offense, the identity of the owner (repeated involvement increases the guilt), and the specific situation.

    The most common punishments used are:

    1. Warning.

    >Rules for keeping dogs in a private house in Russia according to the law Mikhail Obukhov | Labor Law | 03/06/2018 01:56 0 Comments

    The federal bill “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” was developed by deputies of the State Duma back in 2010. This regulation established more specific and strict rules for pet owners.

    Despite the fact that the bill was never adopted in final reading, dog owners are still advised to take note of its provisions. Compliance with the requirements for keeping and handling animals will allow a person to avoid unpleasant situations and possible liability in the future.

    The best breeds of bodyguards for protecting a private home

    Bodyguard dogs must be able to do two things. The first is to understand when a person is in danger and truly needs protection. The second is to be able to stop in time.

    These breeds of dogs are not taken to guard the house, but to protect the owner’s children and other family members:

    1. American Staffordshire Terrier . The short-haired dog with a squat body resembles in appearance another breed - the American Pit Bull Terrier. This similarity is terrifying. Dogs intuitively sense dangerous encounters and are ready to fiercely and unsparingly defend a person.
    2. Boxer. A self-confident dog does not trust strangers; all strangers are under suspicion. Infinitely devoted to his owners, he shows miracles of fearlessness in dangerous situations.
    3. Dutch Shepherd. An animal with highly developed territorial instincts copes well with the role of a guard.
    4. Giant Schnauzer. A fairly large, menacing-looking dog is considered an ideal bodyguard. In dangerous situations, dogs act without unnecessary hesitation and quickly neutralize intruders even in a crowd of people.
    5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. These are real bodyguards who are ready to resolutely protect their owner from any danger.

    General care requirements

    The owner's responsibilities are specified in Sec. 3 tbsp. 9 parts 1 and 2. It says here that a person is obliged:

    • comply with established zootechnical, zoohygienic, veterinary-sanitary and sanitary-epidemiological norms and rules (specified further);
    • provide conditions necessary from the point of view of biological and individual characteristics;
    • register the pet and, if necessary, provide professional veterinary care;
    • exclude the possibility of the birth of unwanted offspring;
    • at the request of government officials involved in the field of animal protection, bring your ward for regular examinations, diagnostic tests, vaccinations and other preventive measures;
    • dispose of the body of a deceased dog.

    According to the document, a dog can only live in a place where:

    • she does not pose a threat to surrounding citizens;
    • there is enough free space, light, air;
    • the temperature and humidity conditions are normal;
    • there is a possibility of contact with other animals;
    • there are conditions that do not allow the animal to freely leave the boundaries of the holding area and at the same time protect it from negative external influences.

    Important! Giving up rights to a pet if it is impossible to provide competent care does not relieve a person of responsibility for its fate until it is placed with a new owner or transferred to a shelter.

    For home and children protection: with photographs, names and descriptions

    When choosing guard dogs for a country house with children, proceed from the main thing: which breed will be better for the child.

    Here are the top 6 best security guards for a private or country house:

    Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)

    A large short-haired dog, originally bred in Italy as a guard dog. In Europe today this breed is used to guard jewelry stores and luxury boutiques, and it also serves as an indicator of prestige.

    The main character trait of the Cane Corso is a clear division of those around them into “us” and “strangers” . At the same time, the animal is balanced, it will not just attack or bite, but, sensing an invasion of its borders, it attacks without hesitation. Selflessly devoted to the owner and his family, they are especially kind to children.

    It’s hard to imagine that this baby will grow into a stately defender!

    In our opinion, the best guard breed for a home where a family with children lives and guards ! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, even though the cane is big, but unlike many other large breeds, it is well aware of its strength, so kids can be allowed to play with them. The animal will not knock the child down or scare him. For a Cane Corso, the worst punishment is the crying of a baby under his protection . It is not very demanding in maintenance, but in winter this breed will require a warm booth.

    Giant Schnauzer

    The largest variety of schnauzers, another excellent guard for a private country house. This dog, without hesitation, will rush to protect its owner. He loves to play, including with children, and usually becomes a good companion for them.

    It is well suited both for a child, replacing his nanny, and for a teenager, becoming a friend . Easy to train, the level of intelligence is almost equal to a German shepherd. Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Giant Schnauzer is the need to regularly comb it and generally care for its coat.


    Hungarian Kuvasz

    The breed is not very well known, yet it is an ideal protector. Outwardly, kuvasz looks like a huge, fluffy white cloud, but those who want to profit from your goods will not find this cloud affectionate! This is an excellent companion dog that will not show unnecessary seriousness, but will give a serious fight when necessary.

    The breed is easy to train, intelligent, but requires strength of character: if you do not get obedience from the puppy, the Kuvasz will sit on your head. This animal gets along well with children and is unlikely to play, but whoever decides to offend your baby will 100% be in trouble . There is a significant “but” - this animal will quickly get bored on a chain.

    German Shepherd

    A universal breed that will suit even the most demanding dog breeder. Playful, active, smart and large enough to become an excellent defender.

    It’s better not to look into the yard of these beauties without asking!

    The “German” is quite affectionate with children, remembers commands well and enjoys playing with his owner. The dog will require a lot of activity, care and attention. She will behave very aggressively towards intruders, but for the family she will become a reliable friend.

    Dogue de Bordeaux

    The main difference is its strong grip, which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features are a large skull, a round muzzle, and limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight is 40-50 kg. The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant.

    However, he loves children very much, considers them his peers, and obeys his owner and his family . Loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions occurs easily and quickly.

    Newfoundland or St. Bernard

    Despite their popularity as guard dogs, we will immediately warn you: these breeds are not considered guard dogs. They were bred as rescue dogs, so they are not capable of harming people. But not everyone knows about this, and the impressive appearance of such a “bear” wandering around the site will scare away ill-wishers.


    Just toys

    But this breed will definitely not try to dominate the owner and will treat all family members equally affectionately . However, if there is a child in the house, it is worth explaining to him how not to play with a large dog.

    Saint Bernards

    Business pies

    Another advantage: both breeds are very attentive, alert and intelligent. If someone else approaches the house, they will immediately warn you about it. In addition, their maintenance is possible only in a private or better country house


    The rights of officials authorized to exercise state supervision in the field of treatment of animals are enshrined in Chapter. 5 tbsp. 23 parts 1 and 2. If the bill gains the force of a full-fledged law, representatives of the executive branch will be able to:

    1. Send written requests for documents necessary to carry out the inspection.
    2. Freely inspect private territories, buildings, structures, premises and other places where animals are kept, upon presentation of an employee's ID and a copy of the order (instruction) of the head or his deputy.
    3. Issue orders to individuals and legal entities obliging them to eliminate violations in the field of treatment of pets and monitor the timely execution of orders.
    4. In case of refusal of assistance, transfer the case to the internal affairs bodies.
    5. Seize animals.
    6. File a claim for compensation for damage caused due to failure to comply with mandatory requirements in the field of handling pets.

    Careless owners who do not take care of their dogs will fall into the risk category. For violations, they will be subject to disciplinary, administrative, civil and criminal penalties.

    Dog breeds that can live outside in winter

    The best guard dog for a private home is a dog that lives on the street. Domestic dogs will not be able to maintain year-round round-the-clock duty, guarding the territory of the yard and household.

    When answering the question: “which dog is better to have in the yard of a private house,” one must take into account the breed’s ability to withstand adverse weather conditions (frost, snow, wind).

    Dogs that can live outside in winter - dog breeds:

    1. Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog).
    2. Alaskan Malamute.
    3. Belgian Shepherd - all varieties.
    4. Bernese Mountain Dog.
    5. East Siberian Laika.
    6. West Siberian Laika.
    7. German Shepherd.
    8. Samoyed.
    9. Saint Bernard
    10. Siberian Husky.
    11. Swiss Shepherd.

    Important: the main condition for outdoor keeping is the presence of a covered enclosure and an insulated booth.

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