Furminator for cats: reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Pets bring a lot of joy to the home. But this is only possible if the pet is well-fed, well-groomed and healthy. A loving owner takes all these points into account, but sometimes it is very difficult to keep the animal’s fur in perfect order. In addition, shedding causes a lot of problems for humans and the pet itself.

People and four-legged creatures are susceptible to allergic reactions. A furminator for cats will help you help your pet, save furniture from scraps of fur and get rid of hairs flying around the house. Reviews show that the invention of specialists in the field of accessories for animals helps to successfully solve the problem.

What it is

Breeders, together with scientists from American laboratories, invented a device that allows you to efficiently comb out excess hair from animals. This product is not just a regular comb, but one equipped with trimmer functions. The Furminator resembles small automatic rakes that work like a hair clipper.

Fine teeth that do not have sharp edges help comb out the fur. This way the device does not scratch the skin. The special dissected shape of the teeth, which are not located very close to each other, also helps to avoid damaging the cat’s delicate integument.

The Furminator for cats, reviews from breeders confirm this, efficiently combs out only the inanimate undercoat, which is lost by the animal under natural circumstances. In this case, the main coat is not affected or damaged, but only the combing process occurs, which stimulates the growth of new hairs.

When creating the device, a special patented technology is used. Therefore, the product is suitable for both short-haired and long-haired cats. At the same time, the breed is also not always important, but there are several types of Furminators on sale.

What breeds of dogs need a Furminator and 4 types of fur that it will harm?

The Furminator is approved for dogs with long, moderate, short hair of medium hardness and thick undercoat:

  • German, Belgian shepherds;
  • labradors;
  • husky;
  • Rottweilers;
  • pugs;
  • dachshunds;
  • likes;
  • Newfoundland;
  • beagles;
  • spaniels;
  • malamute;
  • Spitz;
  • chow-chow;
  • setters;
  • griffins;
  • fox terriers;
  • pinschers;
  • St. Bernards;
  • bobtails;
  • collie;
  • alabayam;
  • English and French bulldogs.

The list goes on. The furminator harms certain types of wool:

  • Long silky without undercoat - Maltese, Yorkshire terriers, Shih Tzu, Papillons, Phalenes, Lhasa Apso.
  • Hard, dense, wavy: Irish and American water spaniel, schnauzers, terriers. The teeth trim the hard guard hair.
  • Soft: Bichon Frize, Poodles, Bedlington Terrier, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. The comb combs out the guard hair that is too thin along with the undercoat.
  • Twisted into dreadlocks: bullets, commander, Spanish water dog, havanese.

A furminator is not required for hairless dogs or dogs with short, fine hair: Peruvian and Mexican Hairless, Chinese Crested, Pharaoh, Italian Greyhounds, and American Hairless Terriers.

Types of devices

Cat scratcher (Furminator), has reviews from ordinary cat lovers and professional breeders. It is the latter who recommend choosing a device depending on the type of animal’s fur. Pet stores can offer two types - classic and deluxe. The quality of both products is excellent, but there are some differences:

  1. Classic example. The fur that remains on the teeth is removed by hand.
  2. Deluxe. It is equipped with more ergonomic handles, and the material of the product itself may be different. But the main advantage is the button that allows you to remove hair automatically.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the width of the cloves and their location to each other:

  • For kittens and small cats, a product with a comb width of 3.2 cm is required.
  • For medium-sized cats whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, a product with a width of 4.5 cm is suitable.
  • The most common and popular furminator is a device whose width is 6.8 cm. It is used not only for combing adult cats, but also for dogs whose weight does not exceed 20 kg.

Popular brands

Professional combs for German Spitz are produced by the following manufacturers:

  • Show technology.
  • Arterus;
  • MaxiPin;
  • Chris Christensen;

The Artero line includes smooth and double-sided combs, smooth combs, and combs of various sizes for long-haired breeds.

Chris Christensen is a luxury line of grooming tools. The handmade Chris Christensen 004 comb is considered one of the best for Spitz. The company's slicker, Mark X-Tiny Slicker Brush, has also proven effective. Ideal for Pomeranian coats.

MaxiPin specializes in massage brushes for dogs. When choosing a brush for orange, it is best to choose the Keller MaxiPin model in size 216 * 33 mm or 185 * 48 mm with 2.7 cm teeth.

Show Tech produces professional and high-quality combs, massage combs and brushes. The range also includes sizes of dog collars.

How the process works

A very useful purchase for caring for long-haired cats is the Furminator. Reviews show that the process does not cause the animal any discomfort, and some pets even really like it.

The process goes like this:

  1. To prevent long hair from getting in the way, you can lift it up using special clips.
  2. The device begins to move from the abdomen, towards the spine.
  3. Move carefully.
  4. After this, the clamps are removed and the back is treated.
  5. Lastly, you can comb the tail. However, not all cats allow him to be touched.

Furminator for cats, reviews note this, it is enough to use once a month. With short-haired creatures there are fewer problems and the process takes less time. The main thing is to follow the hair growth and not press too hard on the skin. Apply up to 7 times a year, as needed.

Functions of massage brushes

The dog can be quickly cleaned using a massage comb. The ideal option for a Pomeranian is a brush with rubber pads and metal teeth 27 mm long. They comb your hair well and give it extra volume.

At home, when drying a pet's fur, a massage brush is often used. When aged, it helps make hair softer and is used at the final stage of combing.


Comb for cats (Furminator), reviews are extremely positive. But, like any device for animals, it has special warnings. Before use, you must read the instructions, which, in particular, say:

  1. Do not use the product if your pet has skin lesions, wounds, ulcers or scratches. To begin with, dermatological problems are solved, and the hair is removed with a regular comb.
  2. If there are tangled hairs or clumps, do not begin combing. It is necessary to use a wide comb, and it is recommended to cut off the lumps.
  3. It is recommended to bathe the animal with a special shampoo that prevents hair from tangling. But the procedure is not mandatory. However, dirt from the fur must be removed.
  4. Even if the cat’s skin is in satisfactory condition, the Furminator cannot be driven with force, much less against the fur. In order not to harm the pet and not cause a lasting aversion to the procedure, it is carried out especially carefully in the area of ​​the tail and abdomen.

A comb for cats (Furminator) has a lot of reviews from ordinary animal lovers. But they all note that before and during the procedure it is important to communicate affectionately with the cat. Calm handling and a treat afterwards will lead to a normal cat’s perception of grooming.

What are combs for?

A comb in the form of a comb is needed to thoroughly comb out the fur coat. The stuffed coat of a Spitz cannot be combed with just a massage brush.

The comb helps capture dead fluff. It allows you to get rid of hairs that the slicker could not capture. This tool combs tangles well. Used as the main tool for everyday grooming.

A comb is also indispensable when grooming a dog - it helps to draw out the hair.

Rationale for use

When a pet sheds, both the person and the animal itself experience many problems. If you use a furminator for cats, reviews confirm this, you can get rid of 90% of the “dead” undercoat. If the animal has long and thick hair, then in the summer you can use the device twice a month.

Breeders note that the advantages of use are immediately noticeable:

  • there is less wool on the carpets;
  • in people and animals, signs of allergies decrease - redness in the eye area, sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • The cat begins to lick itself less and, accordingly, swallows less hair.

Veterinarians note that excess hair in the stomach leads to stomach diseases. In addition, the entire digestive tract suffers. This is why experts advise using a furminator for cats. Reviews show that in this case the problem is not so global, the animal takes on a healthier appearance.

Many breeders notice that the product significantly improves the quality of the animal’s fur itself. It becomes silkier, gains shine and is less susceptible to tangles.


It is necessary to accustom a Spitz to combing its hair from childhood. The first procedure is carried out in 1 month.

Before bathing, the Spitz is combed. This will prevent the undercoat and rugs from becoming felted.

Before combing your Spitz, the coat must be moistened with a conditioning spray. This will avoid damaging your pet's fragile outer coat.

It is recommended to comb your Spitz up to twice a week for 15 minutes. During the period of active molting, the procedure can be carried out daily.

After combing, the fluffy is carefully processed. Encouragement will help your pet tolerate care in the future.


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Important Details

Before using the product for the first time, it is important to keep a few precautions in mind. The principle of operation is described in detail in the instructions, but some details are worth paying attention to:

  1. You cannot use the product if there are tangles on the wool, much less comb them out. Such actions can cause pain to the cat and it will resist the procedure in the future.
  2. The blade should be cleaned every time after use. In the Deluxe modification, this procedure occurs when you press the corresponding button. If you have a classic sample on hand, then cleaning is done manually. It is convenient to use a brush for this.
  3. If you have no experience in use, then it is better to carry out the first procedure with a professional groomer. The specialist will show in detail the principle of operation, talk about the nuances and warn about possible problems.

In case of a detailed consultation, you can see the full picture in action.

In order to purchase the best option, it is worth studying the characteristics of the most popular brands. By comparing the pros and cons, you can choose the best one for each specific cat.


This is a fairly well-known manufacturer. It produces pet care accessories. Among the assortment of brushes, you can choose a product suitable for a short-haired pet and for a cat with fairly thick and long hair. When choosing a comb, you need to take a closer look at the technical part that distinguishes each furminator for cats, and reviews.

Scottish breed or long-haired pet - all this influences the choice of product. The FURminator brand offers a fairly diverse range of models. For each breed you can choose the most suitable one. Of course, the device costs a little more, but the purchase is worth the money spent on it.

How to choose an original device

Due to the fact that the device is not cheap and quite popular, there are unscrupulous companies that produce low-quality fakes. Therefore, when choosing a furminator, you should buy it only in specialized pet stores or websites. At the same time, pay attention to some nuances:

  1. You should not consider devices that initially have a suspiciously low price. Cheap analogues may not differ at all from the original in appearance, but may not perform their functions or cause discomfort to the pet.
  2. A low price may indicate the use of low-quality components and metal components. In this case, the comb turns out to be completely inconvenient and can cause pain to the cat.
  3. It is important to purchase from a large specialized chain of pet stores. In such companies, product quality control is at a very high level. The more unpresentable the store, the greater the chances of purchasing a fake.
  4. When purchasing, you should pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging.

Without fail, all furminators have special markings on the blade, on both sides. The brand and serial number are indicated. The blade must be made of high quality steel, which has a matte shine and is completely free from chips and other damage.


Deshedder effectively removes dead undercoat from animals and prevents the formation of tangles. Furminator. How to use. kot-pes.com The furminator for dogs can have different working surface sizes and tooth lengths. For long-haired dogs (Hovawarts, Groenendaels, Australian and Swiss shepherds, Russian and Afghan greyhounds, Kuvasz and Golden Retrievers) it is better to buy models with a large working surface. For short-haired dogs (rabbit and miniature dachshunds, German boxer, Tosa Inu, Amstaff, smooth fox terrier, Kangal, Russian and Estonian hounds) - with smaller teeth. Thanks to the long teeth, the undercoat is carefully removed. In addition, for short-haired dogs, it is better to choose a short version that has dense teeth. kot-pes.com

Communication with cats brings their owners a lot of joy. But sometimes, especially during the molting season, the presence of an animal in the house can be complicated by the fact that its fur remains everywhere: on upholstered furniture, on carpets, on clothes, on soft toys - in a word, wherever hairs can get caught. And neither regular combing with a regular comb, nor more frequent cleaning of the room can often completely solve this problem. The Furminator is an incredibly useful device, thanks to which it reduces shedding time and the amount of cat hair in the house. Currently, many models have been developed that differ in the design of the nozzles, as well as in their size. Using this device is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly. And then the combing procedure will be pleasant for both the owner and the cat itself. A furminator, a special device designed for combing out dead fluff from cats, can easily cope with the task of removing lost hair. The Furminator not only gives cats a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, but also relieves them of such unpleasant consequences of shedding as swallowing fur while licking, which helps to avoid many diseases, such as gastritis.

The content of the article:

Description of the furminator Choosing the right furminator Using the furminator Feedback from cat owners

Description of the Furminator
The Furminator is a hand-held tool for caring for pet hair, with which you can easily and painlessly rid your pet of dead fluff that has not yet begun to fall out and, thereby, significantly reduce the amount of hair in the house.
Types of furminators
Outwardly, this device, which makes life easier for owners of cats, dogs and other animals, resembles a small rake mounted on a rather thick handle, often equipped with spikes. Some come with interchangeable attachments to suit cats with different coat types, making them especially convenient for owners of multiple pets. The Furminator is truly capable of reducing the molting period of an animal by almost half, and its effectiveness is due to the fact that the working surface of the tool has a special sharpening, and the distance between its teeth is calculated with incredible accuracy. The teeth themselves also have an original shape: they are designed in such a way that they do not catch or pull the guard fur, but at the same time do an excellent job of combing out fluff. Moreover, the furminator also distributes the fatty lubricant that accumulates at the bottom of the hair along the entire length of the hair, due to which the animal’s coat becomes smooth, shiny, silky and looks well-groomed. Currently, many furminator models have been developed, designed for animals of different ages, sizes and with different types of hair. They all differ from each other in the design of the working surface, while the handle they all have is almost the same in the type of its device. Basically, these differences relate to the width of the nozzle, the distance between its teeth and the length of the teeth itself. All furminator models can be divided into two types: deluxe and classic. Their main difference is the material the handle is made of and how ergonomic the device is when using it. In classic-type devices, the wool is removed manually after combing. And deluxe furminators are equipped with a special button, when pressed, the tool is cleared of combed wool.

If you compare the Furminator with a regular cat comb, the comparison will clearly be in its favor and here’s why:

Using this device, you can remove up to 90% of hairs, including those that have already died, but have not yet completely separated from the animal’s skin. Thanks to the special design of the furminator teeth, the guard coat does not get touched or injured during combing. Even in animals with thin and long hair, after treating them with this device, tangles do not form. During the procedure, the cat’s skin is enriched with oxygen, which helps improve the condition of the epidermis. The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and more productively. The Furminator helps to distribute the fat layer more evenly throughout the coat, which improves its condition and gives the pet a well-groomed appearance. In addition, it helps protect the cat's fur from negative external influences. Using this tool does not cause pain or discomfort to the animal; on the contrary, many cats like this procedure much more than brushing with a comb.

The Furminator not only gives cats a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, but also relieves them of such unpleasant consequences of shedding as swallowing fur while licking, which helps to avoid many diseases, such as gastritis.
Despite the fact that the Furminator is very convenient and many of its models have been developed, seemingly suitable for any domestic cat, there are breeds for which this tool is not suitable for one reason or another. These include: All varieties of sphinxes, as well as their mestizos, which by nature do not have hair.

Devon Rex LaPerm Burmese Singaporean Oriental Turkish Angora

The main criterion when determining whether a furminator is needed to care for a cat's fur is the presence of undercoat.
If it is absent or almost undeveloped, this device turns out to be completely useless. Therefore, animals of these and some other breeds, which are characterized by the absence of undercoat, should be combed with a regular cat comb. The use of a furminator is strictly prohibited if the cat has skin lesions or diseases. Often, difficulties when choosing a tool arise due to the fact that the owner is lost in the variety of models and does not know which one to buy for his pet. Some even take it based only on appearance and price, when in fact, the Furminator model should match the cat’s coat type, breed, size and even age. For long-haired breeds

The two main problems that owners of long-haired cats face during the shedding of their pets are shreds of soft and very light fluff flying around the room and the fact that the animal’s fur, due to the dead undercoat remaining in it, sometimes mats almost to the state of felt. Mats in long-haired cat breeds are quite common, and in order to rid your pet of them, you have to spend a lot of effort and time. Furminators, designed specifically for such animals, help to successfully solve both of these problems: they will not only remove fluff, which, if not completely combed out, can become tangled, but will also save owners from “pleasant” surprises, such as those stuck to clothes or even bits of fluff that got on the food. But to do this, you need to choose a tool so that it copes with this as best as possible. Which furminator should the owner of a long-haired cat choose? It is best to focus on the following criteria when choosing:

The Furminator for long-haired breeds has longer teeth than those in models designed for short-haired cats. Such teeth easily sink into the pet’s fur, but do not damage it. The distance between the teeth of such tools is greater: this is also necessary so that the spine, which is softer and not as resistant to external influences as that of short-haired cats, is not damaged when combing. When choosing a Furminator for long-haired cats, you should take into account, in addition to the length of the coat, the age and size of the animal. So, the same device is not suitable for an adult Persian cat as for a small kitten of the same breed.

Most manufacturers indicate in the technical specifications for such furminators what breeds they are intended for: large long-haired or small long-haired. For short-haired breeds
Short hairs are much less likely to fly around the room in the form of clumps of fluff. But they have another “pleasant” property: they tend to dig into the fabric, so that it can be difficult to get them out of furniture upholstery or, for example, clothing. Short hairs are much less likely to fly around the room in the form of clumps of fluff. To avoid this problem, experts also advise using a furminator, but this time designed for short hair. This device has a number of features:

Its teeth are shortened, and their length can be different in different models. This is due to the fact that there are many breeds of short-haired cats and the Furminator, which is suitable for animals with regular hair, may not be suitable for a pet with “plush” hair, such as the British breed. The teeth in such furminators are more frequent. This is necessary in order to more successfully remove short fluff. Depending on the size of the animal, it has different nozzle lengths.

When choosing any furminator, you need to decide on such characteristics of the tool as: manufacturer, material from which the device is made, price.
At the same time, it is better to give preference to trusted companies than dubious fakes, which may well turn out to be of poor quality and cause harm to the pet, for example, by scratching them with overly sharpened sharp teeth. If used correctly, this tool will bring nothing but benefit. But at the same time it is necessary to follow the simple operating rules prescribed in the instructions. General rules and principles

You can treat your cat with a furminator at any time as a preventive measure. But it is most effective during the animal’s molt, when the amount of hair falling out is especially large. It is best to use it twice a week: this frequency allows you to rid your pet of 90% of dead undercoat. When there is no shedding, the tool can be used once a month.

The tool must be suitable for the cat and match its hair type and length, as well as the size and age of the animal. Many experienced owners advise that long-haired cats also purchase a device designed for combing short-haired breeds: this will help more successfully deal with combing the undercoat on the head and other areas of the body with shorter hair. There should be no chips or cracks on the instrument itself, as this can lead to injury. When starting to treat a cat with a furminator for the first time, it is very important not to scare the animal or instill in it hatred for the device. The procedure should not be carried out if the animal is unhealthy or under stress: this will only worsen its condition and complicate the combing process, if not making it impossible. It is necessary to ensure that the Furminator does not come into contact with children or pets. It is best to clean it after completing the procedure and put it away in a place inaccessible to both, for example, in a desk drawer that can be locked with a key. Do not allow sharp jerks or tangling of the tool in the animal’s fur during combing, as this can lead to mechanical damage to the furminator teeth. It is recommended to use this device only in strict accordance with the instructions.

Before you start using the furminator, you must read the instructions. This will help avoid mistakes and make the combing procedure more enjoyable for both the cat and its owner. Before you start using the furminator, you must read the instructions. But before you start, you need to do a little preparation, which consists of the following: [quote] First of all, you need to examine the pet’s skin and only make sure that there are no wounds, abrasions, bruises, or any other damage or rashes, you can start using the furminator. It is imperative to remove all large debris stuck in it from your pet’s fur, if any. Tangles are also removed before the procedure. You can comb or trim them yourself, or seek help from a veterinarian. Before combing, it is recommended to bathe the cat, dry the fur thoroughly, and then comb it properly using a regular comb. All these manipulations should be done calmly, without irritating the cat and, of course, without causing her any unpleasant sensations. Otherwise, even before the combing begins, the animal will begin to react irritably to the slightest attempt by the owner to touch it and may even run away and hide. Combing process

It is most convenient to comb a cat when it is lying on a flat surface. You can also place the animal on your lap, although short-haired pets can be brushed while standing or sitting. The main thing that needs to be remembered is that the cat should not experience either psychological or, especially, physical discomfort during treatment with the Furminator. If the animal behaves nervously, you need to distract it with talking and stroking. You can even have assistants entertain your pet during the procedure and, if necessary, hold it in place. It is best to lay a long-haired cat on its side and not on its knees, but on a flat and fairly hard surface, and remove the upper layers of its fur under hairdresser's clips, which should be prepared in advance before starting the procedure. You should always start combing a cat with long hair from the lower layers of fur, gradually releasing the upper ones and combing them just as thoroughly. The wool is processed in layers, starting from the belly to the spine. You need to comb each strand, moving from the base of the coat downwards. Then the limbs and tail are processed in the same way. After one side of the body is completely combed, the cat is turned over to the other side and the remaining uncombed fur is processed in the same order. A short-haired pet can be combed, starting treatment from any part of its body, but it is important to ensure that the movements of the furminator are in the direction of hair growth. Do not put pressure on the tool or press it very hard against the animal’s body. Also, you should not rush: with too impetuous and fast movements, the teeth of the furminator can catch on a knot in the fur that was missed during the examination, and thereby cause pain to the cat. But you don’t need to move the furminator too slowly through the fur: this will only prolong the procedure time, but will not improve the quality of combing it at all. After treatment, it is advisable to reward your pet for patience and endurance with some treat or a new toy. Then the next time the cat will react more favorably to combing, and the very sight of the furminator will not cause her to panic and want to run away and hide. There is no need to move the furminator too slowly through the fur.

Almost all owners who use a furminator note that after purchasing this useful invention from the pet industry, the house became much cleaner, since the amount of hair that fell out was reduced many times. It has also been noted that the use of this device has a positive effect on the pet’s health and appearance. Not only did the quality of the cat’s fur noticeably improve, but she also stopped swallowing large amounts of hair while licking, which helped to avoid digestive problems in the animal. Some owners, however, note that their pets are not too willing to agree to the combing procedure, but they themselves admit that, most likely, this is because many of these cats, whose fur has not been cared for before, are simply frightened by the sight of the Furminator and the procedure itself. Most owners who encountered a similar difficulty managed to solve this problem by gradually starting to accustom their pet to this manipulation. In general, owners note that when cats are already familiar with a comb and if they have been combed regularly before, they are quite favorable towards the Furminator and the hair treatment procedure itself. Even if at first the animal shows wariness, then at the next combing it already reacts to what is happening calmly. And many cats really like it when they are brushed with a furminator, and not with a regular comb or slicker brush. Almost all cat owners admit that this device is incredibly useful, as it allows them to solve many problems associated with shedding in their pets. And many of them no longer even imagine how they could manage without a furminator before. simple-fauna.ru

Series of messages “Grooming”:
Part 1 - Features of keeping a dog of the small German Spitz breed (Kleinspitz) Part 2 - How to teach a Spitz to comb its hair calmly... Part 9 - Who is PYRZIK? In the role of a spitz, the German Spitz Maeby Fay Philip Ross Part 10 - WHY YOU CAN ' T CUT A SPIM Part 11 - Deshedder and Furminator - a special device designed for combing out dead fluff from cats and dogs Part 12 - Tools for combing dogs and a dog toilet Part 13 - How wash the puppy... Part 32 - This is what a shedding Spitz looks like when the undercoat is not combed out Part 33 - Bathing day for a Spitz Part 34 - Complex supplement for dogs

Experts' opinion

To deal with a cat's thick undercoat, a regular comb is not enough. Especially if the pet has a luxurious and shiny coat, it needs to be taken care of so that it always has an attractive appearance. In addition, hair that is everywhere: on furniture, clothes and on the floor is annoying. It is the furminator that can solve the problem and remove shedding hair.

The product is easy to use. It does not harm the cat. On the contrary, regular brushing of dead hair makes the coat healthier, improves skin condition and relieves problems with the gastrointestinal tract. After all, only a professional furminator can help with excess hair. Reviews from veterinarians clearly show that the device is useful and effective.

However, it should be borne in mind that some cat breeds that have a weak undercoat, or no undercoat at all, do not require such drastic combing:

  • sphinx;
  • laperm;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Burmese;
  • Devon Rex;
  • oriental.

Furminator is completely contraindicated for cats like the Sphynx. In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Advantages of a furminator for combing cats

Undoubtedly, the Furminator for British breed cats has many advantages.

Among these:

  • There is no discomfort during the procedure, and as a result, pets do not have any fear of the manipulation.
  • While licking, cats do not swallow large amounts of hair; all excess hair is easily removed.
  • With the help of the device, not only combing is carried out, but also massage, which the animals especially like.
  • Thanks to the device, you can painlessly remove dead hair located in the “pants” area, under the tail or on the stomach.
  • A reliable device will last for more than a year.
  • Using a furminator eliminates the need for people to constantly clean their apartment due to the large amount of wool on sofas, beds and even furniture.
  • The device is easy to use.
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