Laika crossed with a wolf: does such a breed exist as a separate breed?

Laikas are considered one of the best hunting dogs, and they are almost universal. Their prey can be a large predator such as a bear, a duck, an elk, or any fur-bearing animal. But some hunters think that the breed lacks the instincts and agility of a wild animal.

Experiments on crossing huskies and wolves are carried out quite often by professional dog handlers and amateurs. But are such offspring really superior to their parents in characteristics and abilities?

Where does the wolfdog live?

Photo: Wolfdog

If we talk about a crossbreed between a dog and a wolf born in the wild, then most likely its habitat will be a forest belt located not far from the city limits. Or some other smaller settlement. The reason for this is trivial - in a deep forest there is no place for a pack of stray dogs to come from, and if any hunting dog gets lost, it is unlikely that he will be ready to mate with a wolf. Domestic dogs simply cannot survive in such conditions, not to mention the possibility of producing viable offspring from an animal belonging to a different species.

The domestic wolf-dog prefers to live on the property, run around the perimeter and scare away uninvited guests with its howl (unlike wolves, wolf-dogs bark beautifully, but a drawn-out wolf howl has a much more frightening effect, you must agree). A wolf dog can also live in an enclosure - but only at night it must be released into freedom (for a walk around the area).

F2 hybrids can also get along in a city apartment - only the neighbors and their dogs will be put into a stupor by the sight of such a beast. Even if he does not show any aggression towards them, dogs intuitively sense wolf blood, and on a subconscious level they are afraid of wolf-dogs.

But a wolfdog cannot make a chain dog under any circumstances - he is too freedom-loving. The animal will not accept such an attitude towards itself. This is not the right breed. The opposite principle is also fair - when going for a walk with a wolfdog, you must always keep it on a leash (even if the animal follows all your commands exactly). Why is that? The problem is that an animal, having felt the charm of wild nature, can run away and return only after it has had its fill.

The history of the appearance of the wolfdog breed

The first mention of the crossing of dogs and wolves dates back to the middle of the 18th century. However, the deliberate practice of breeding wolfdogs began on Colorado farms in the 1950s. Then a group of enthusiasts, concerned about the decline in the wild wolf population, began crossing them with domestic dogs in order to somehow stop this process. Breeders crossed gray, red and Ethiopian wolves with large dogs: German shepherd, Siberian husky, Alaskan malamute.

Modern hybrids are not the first offspring of a wild wolf and a domestic dog. This is the result of crossing several generations of hybrid breeds with each other. Most purebred wolfdogs can trace their history back to those Colorado dog farms of the 1950s.

Origin of the species and description

Initially, wolf-dogs were bred by employees of one of the military institutes by crossing gray wolves and German shepherds (the first litter was the result of crossing the tamed she-wolf Naida with a “titled German” named Schnapps).

Before this, experiments on breeding these animals were repeatedly carried out, but the experience of Perm scientists is considered the most successful. Cynologists unanimously confirmed the fact that the so-called “Perm” wolf-dogs had much more advanced sense of smell, intelligence and endurance than all other wolf-dogs (not to mention wolves or dogs).

Video: Wolfdog


Moreover, this conclusion has been repeatedly confirmed in practice - in order to find a person in an unlit enclosed space, the Perm wolfdog needed 20 seconds. For comparison, the previous record was set by a German shepherd, and it took her 4 minutes to solve a similar problem.

In the late 2000s, the border troops of the Russian Federation made attempts to gain practical benefits from breeding wolf-dogs - a new type of animal was proposed to be used to protect the Russian border with Mongolia and China. The project was of great importance because the FSB border department was responsible for its implementation. But after 6 years the project was closed (the reasons for its failure are classified).

In 2022, the Finns attempted to implement a private project to breed wolf-dogs, using the work of Perm dog handlers. However, the Finnish government categorically opposed this, passing a law prohibiting the import, breeding and sale of wolf dogs. The Minister of Agriculture motivated this decision by the struggle to preserve the gray wolf population, but no one knows what the reasons for this decision actually were (perhaps, with the exception of a very narrow circle of people).

But in Russia, breeding of wolf-dogs was stopped only at the state level - private nurseries began to actively practice mating dogs with domesticated wolves. Moreover, not only German shepherds, but also other dog breeds were used for this purpose. Moreover, not 50% of hybrids with wolf blood, but even lower, began to be considered wolf-dogs. That is, a mixed breed born as a result of mating a dog with a wolf-dog also began to be considered a wolf-dog (with the mention of the prefix F3).

Buying a wolf-dog in the Russian Federation is not a problem, because officially these animals are not considered particularly dangerous, requiring any specific conditions of detention. Formally, you can purchase such an animal (without breaking the law) even while living in an apartment. And it will cost very little - a cute F2 puppy will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, and for a more serious wolf-dog (F1) you will need to pay the breeder 17-18 thousand rubles.

Gray wolf and its varieties

The seventeen subspecies of the gray wolf is a relative number. Scientists are arguing about the separation of this or that population from others. Let's get acquainted with the subspecies that have clearly “defended” their right to a separate place in the classification. Six of them are found in Russia:

Russian wolf

It lives in the north of the country, weighs from 30 to 80 kilograms. Females are approximately 20% smaller than males. One day, hunters shot an 85-kilogram predator. Otherwise, the Russian wolf is called an ordinary wolf and does not need any introduction to its appearance. As for the temperament, domestic grays are more aggressive than similar animals from America. Some individuals of the common wolf are black in color.

Siberian wolf

Typical not only of Siberia, but also of the Far East. There are not only gray, but also ocher individuals. Their fur is thick, but it cannot be called long. The size of the Siberian is not inferior to the ordinary one. Only the sexual dimorphism between males and females of the subspecies is less pronounced.

Caucasian wolf

Among Russian wolves, its fur is the shortest, coarse and sparse. The animal itself is small, rarely weighing more than 45 kilograms. The color of the Caucasian predator is gray-ochre. The tone is dark. Siberian and common wolves are light gray, and thujas are almost black.

Central Russian wolf

This gray wolf looks menacing. Representatives of the subspecies are larger than tundra wolves. The body length of the Central Russian gray reaches 160 centimeters. The height of the animal is 100-120 centimeters. The Central Russian wolf gains weight of 45 kilograms.

The subspecies is typical for the central regions of Russia, occasionally entering Western Siberia. Preference is given to forests. Therefore, there is an alternative name for the subspecies - timber wolf.

Mongolian wolf

Among those found in Russia, it is the smallest. The predator lives in the forest-tundra of Kamchatka and Western Siberia. Externally, the Mongolian wolf differs not only in size, but also in the off-white tone of its coat. It is hard and rough to the touch. The name of the species is associated with its homeland. This is Mongolia. It was from there that wolves of the subspecies moved to Russian territories.


It has a rusty-gray color, tending towards brown. It is darker on the back, and lighter on the sides and belly of the animal. The predator's fur is short, sparse and coarse. The steppe subspecies of the gray wolf is typical of southern Russia, living in the Caspian lands, steppes in front of the Caucasus Mountains and the Lower Volga region.

It becomes clear why Russians call wolves gray. On the territory of the Federation, a gray tone is present in the color of all predators living here. However, in principle, wolves are both red and black. However, no matter what the color of the animal, the main thing in the social hierarchy is size. The largest individuals become the leaders of wolf packs. Usually these are males.

Advantages of a crossbreed

If you are engaged in tourism and hunting, then the husky will be irreplaceable, but such a dog will not get along in a city apartment, since it needs to constantly move and do a certain job that it loves. Therefore, a cross between a shepherd and a husky will be the best option for city life.

The husky breed has an individual and secretive nature, so it may not adapt to life in a metropolis. But the shepherd dog unquestioningly obeys its owner and the usual fuss is acceptable to it. Therefore, the mestizo will be able to better adapt to such conditions.

Also, the crossbreed will feel most comfortable in a small area. After all, a shepherd dog only needs a few meters for its usual living, but a husky constantly needs a large space of several hundred meters.

If you buy a puppy that is the result of crossing a husky and a shepherd dog, you will be making a friend for life. After all, everyone knows the devotion of a shepherd dog, which can protect its territory and owner in any situation. And if you add to this the friendliness, calmness and playfulness of the husky, you will get a very good dog.

In any case, if you decide to get a mixed breed of these breeds, then you need to contact specialists who breed such dogs. After all, they can more accurately tell you and tell you what to expect from a given individual. You will also be able to see examples of such experiments, since in such nurseries there are already adult dogs. Therefore, you should not buy a mixed breed from friends or on the market, since the pedigree of their parents will not give you a complete picture of the dog, and you will just get a pig in a poke.

Training and education

Considering the character traits of the Siberian Laika listed above, it is better not to delay training. The ideal solution would be to start it from the very first day the puppy arrived in the house. The animal's stubbornness is overcome gradually, during the first six months of life. This is how the owner’s authority and future affection are formed forever. For example, when feeding a puppy, you need to call him with the command “Come to me!” This command will become the main one and will be absorbed into the very being of the dog from childhood.

Also, nothing helps to feel a partner for a future hunt like joint training. After all, each dog has its own, albeit small, characteristics, each is individual, and this has its own charm. From three months old, the puppy should gradually learn what a collar and leash are. At first he will strongly resist walking on a leash, and you should not immediately try to “break” him in your own way. Wait, watch, let him get used to it. Then try to persuade with words. From the age of three months, they play with the puppy, gradually accustoming him to serving commands, consolidating the result with a treat (for example, a small piece of cheese).

When the puppy has already reached six months of age and has more or less learned to obey its owner, it is already involved in hunting training. The period of training the beast begins. Classes are held at a special site. Siberian husky puppies learn very well from the example of authorities, imitating these dogs in everything. In nurseries, an experienced adult also participates in this process, passing on her knowledge to the young. The nuances and subtleties of raising Siberian husky puppies can be gleaned from specialized literature. It describes in detail not only methods of education, but also ways to deal with the difficult character of an animal if it suddenly manifests itself.

Results of artificial selection

The wolfdog, a hybrid of a wolf and a dog, could have been formed in two ways: by accidental crossing of animals in the wild or as a result of the systematic actions of researchers. At the same time, it is difficult to talk about the breed; it is precisely a hybrid in which parental qualities and characteristics could manifest themselves in a completely unexpected way.

Here are the main milestones for breeding a hybrid in an artificial environment:

  1. 1766 - experiment in Great Britain. Crossing a wild predator with a dog made it possible to obtain puppies that resemble shepherds in appearance. They quickly dispersed to the homes of the nobility. Information about whether they gave birth to offspring has not reached our days.
  2. Activities of Lander Sarlos. He managed to cross a wolf and a shepherd. For almost 20 years, hybrids were considered as a separate breed, but then they were considered aggressive and banned.
  3. Artwork by Karel Hartl. He managed to achieve official recognition of wolf-dogs in dog handlers associations.

The main task of crossing is to create a hybrid, the external features of which will evoke the appearance of a wolf. And he should be similar in character to a dog: distinguished by devotion, good nature, and readiness to obey.

A hybrid of a wolf and a dog looks like a wild animal, but is more adapted to life among people

The Perm University of Internal Troops played a significant role in the emergence of the hybrid. The wolfdog created by his employees successfully performs border service due to its increased endurance, intelligence and super-smell (this sense was improved during breeding work).

Dogs that look like wolves

Tamaskan dog

The Tamaskan dog, like other wolf-dogs, is very similar to a wolf. But, like the northern Inuit dog, it does not have “wolf blood” in its breed. The experiment was carried out in Finland with the goal of creating a family-friendly, friendly dog ​​that looks like a wolf.

As a result of numerous crossings of various types of wolf-dogs, including the Northern Inuit, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, the attempt was crowned with success. The result was a wonderful pet with good working qualities.

The breed is not recognized by the FCI.

The Tamaskan dog is large, male height up to 71 cm, weight up to 45 kg.

  • Representatives of the breed are patient, good-natured, and do not show aggression.
  • They are very sociable and ready to cooperate, easy to learn.
  • They get along well with children and other animals.
  • Not recommended for keeping in an apartment.
  • Also, residents of southern cities with mild climates should not get this dog.
  • The pet will feel best when it has the opportunity to “work” in a harness in an open space.
  • The ideal option is to keep two or more Tamaskan dogs in a large yard and free-range.
  • Animals prefer to be in a pack.

The price of a baby Tamaskan dog in European kennels starts from 1200 US dollars.


An experiment similar to the Finnish one is being conducted in the United Kingdom. In the vastness of this country, cynologists crossbreed individuals of the Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and German Shepherd. Selection work continues at the present time, but the main task was completed at the end of the 20th century.

The experiment was considered successful, since as a result, a surprisingly friendly animal was born, outwardly similar to a wolf, but with thicker, fluffy fur. And in 1996, a significant event occurred - a club of passionate lovers of this breed was established in England. Since then, animals have become widespread in the UK, Scotland, and later in Canada and the USA.

Utonagan is a tall and large dog, height reaches 73 cm, weight 50 kg. Males are traditionally larger than females.

  • Pets have a calm, balanced character and are considered an ideal family companion.
  • Utonagans are friendly, affectionate dogs that strive to communicate.
  • They perfectly sense the mood of the owner and surprisingly easily adapt to his character and lifestyle.
  • They are ideal for active people, as they are energetic, active, and love to have fun and play.

There are no nurseries in Russia, so you will have to go to the UK to get a puppy, where the cost starts from 800 US dollars.

Northern Inuit

The Northern Inuit is a dog resulting from crossing an Alaskan Malamute, a Siberian Husky and a German Shepherd. In other words, the northern Inuit dog does not have the genes of a pure wolf; mestizos of the named breeds were used to create it.

Initially, breeding work was carried out in Canada in the mid-80s, and the northern Inuit entered the territory of the Kingdom of England later. The purpose of the experiment was to instill “wild, wolf” qualities in a domestic animal.

The breed is not recognized by the FCI.

The size of the animal is impressive - males are found up to 81 cm in height and weighing up to 50 kg.

Dogs are balanced and calm. They have a soft, obedient character.

It is very difficult to find Northern Inuit puppies in Russia; the price of a baby, including transportation from Europe or Canada, can reach 6,500 US dollars.

Mixed with wolf

Those who like to hunt assume that a cross between a wolf and a husky has sharper vision, sense of smell and hearing.

Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Let's look at the features of husky and wolf crossbreeds, depending on generations:

  • The first generation wolf-husky hybrid is not much different in behavior and appearance from a real wolf.

    Such individuals are fearful, are awake mainly at night, sleep more during the day, practically cannot bark and do not adapt well to life near humans.

    We can confidently say that a mixture of husky and wolf is practically unsuitable for hunting.

    However, if you teach a wolf-husky to hunt from early childhood and constantly go into the forest (practically live there), then the mestizo shows excellent performance.

  • Second generation wolf-husky hybrid – they are distinguished by great diversity in external characteristics. Although wolfish habits predominate in behavior.

    Among such mestizos there are some individuals who perform satisfactorily during hunting.

  • Third generation wolf-husky hybrid - similar in appearance and behavior to ordinary huskies.

    The character of individuals largely depends on their upbringing, training and place of residence. The half-breed Laika is a third-generation wolf that is more manageable and trainable.

    In terms of the development of the husky, the wolf is slightly behind ordinary huskies, but is superior to its counterparts from the first and second generations.

  • The wolf-husky hybrid of the fourth and fifth generation is distinguished by a good sense of smell, acute hearing and vision.

    Such dogs can be called huskies with an infusion of wolf blood. With proper training, the fourth generation wolf-husky mix has a good tendency to hunt large wild animals, squirrels and martens.

VOLAND - a new breed group of hunting huskies

WHERE IT ALL STARTED And it all began with a departmental kennel of hunting dogs that belonged to VNIIOZ. In 1974, an experimental mating of a she-wolf and a ZSL male was made for the first time. S.D. Voilochnikova wrote this article about the results of this experiment.

Some hunters, especially those who love to hunt large animals, try to get hybrids from a wolf and a husky. At the same time, they believe that such hybrids will not only be strong and hardy, but should also have a better sense of smell, hearing and vision than huskies. The possibility of obtaining hybrids from a wolf and a dog was known and used in the distant past. The Roman historian Pliny the Elder reported that the Gauls tied their female dogs in the forests so that they would mate with wolves. According to Prof. S.A. Gruner (1929), the peoples of northeastern Siberia and Kamchatka deliberately infused the blood of a wolf into a sled husky and the resulting hybrids were valued for their agility, endurance, ability to endure hunger for a long time and run long distances. The wolf as an improver appears to have been most frequently used in sled dog breeding. Improvement in the working qualities of hunting dogs through hybridization with the wolf also took place, although to a lesser extent. Radde (1862) wrote that hunting dogs very similar to wolves are not uncommon among hunters in East Asia, who assume that these dogs have an admixture of wolf blood and value them highly. About the possibilities of improving working huskies by hybridization with a wolf, N.A. Baikov (1927) wrote the following: “direct admixture of wolf blood, although it gives the offspring growth, strength, endurance and viciousness, but deprives it of those precious qualities that are so valued in a real husky: obedience , affection for a person and a clear voice. Therefore, all local industrialists prefer to cross their dogs not with wolves, but with distant descendants in the fourth and fifth generations.” Summarizing the available data on wolf-dog hybrids, we can assume that the first generation hybrids are not suitable for use in any work (service, hunting), since they are timid, willful, unbalanced and cannot be trained. Second generation hybrids are also not suitable, although among them there are some relatively docile and manageable individuals that can be used in further breeding work. In this regard, the question involuntarily arises: does it make sense to hybridize huskies with wolves when there are a number of clearly formed factory breeds in which there are many well-working dogs? And second, if hybridization of huskies with a wolf is desirable, then what exactly needs to be improved in huskies by infusing wolf blood? According to many observers, wild canids, including the wolf, have a more acute sense of smell, hearing and vision than domestic dogs. V. Guerre (1972) writes: “...although among dogs there are such narrow specialists as bloodhounds, even their heightened sense of smell cannot be compared with the multifaceted sense of smell of wolves...” The more acute sense of smell, hearing and vision of a wolf, obviously due to the better development of those parts of the brain where the corresponding centers of these sense organs are located. The relative weight of the brain in wolves is 30% greater than in dogs, and in wolves those parts of the brain that receive information from the senses are most developed. And the sense organs themselves - eyes, ears, nose - are better developed in wolves than in dogs (Gerre, Ziemen, 1972). We believed that in addition to a more acute sense of smell, vision, and hearing, it would be nice to convey to the huskies some other properties of the wolf, such as caution and distrust of strangers. Most huskies are known to be friendly towards people. This behavioral trait brings a lot of anxiety to owners and is one of the reasons for the loss of dogs. Thus, by infusing wolf blood into huskies, we had the opportunity to obtain lines of huskies with valuable properties. However, without carefully conducted experiments it was premature to say anything definite in this regard. Experiments on wolf-husky hybridization and observations of them were started at the VNIIOZ nursery by scientific director A.T. Voilochnikov. In the spring of 1974, four hybrid puppies were born from the tamed she-wolf Naida, taken as a puppy from the den and raised by a hunter: three males and a female. Their father was a 13-year-old West Siberian male Rex 1349/ls, rejected from the VNIIOZ kennel, who had an excellent exterior, gray “wolf” color and a height at the withers of about 60 cm. In terms of hunting properties, Rex was a typical animal husky. While baiting a decoy bear, he boldly worked on the animal. Many of his children also worked well on large animals. The hybrid female Ulka, taken from the she-wolf Naida at the age of 68 days, was purchased by the VNIIOZ nursery and raised there. Ulka looked like a wolf, both in color and shape, and often held her tail in a ring. Despite all our efforts, we could not achieve any noticeable domestication of Ulka. She remained timid, distrustful not only of strangers, but also of the huntsman who constantly dealt with her. She was never released freely into the forest, so it is impossible to say anything about the behavior of this hybrid in relative freedom. Sometimes at night she howled like a wolf, and one winter, wolves approaching the nursery responded to her howl. Ulka didn’t know how to bark; you could occasionally hear her “chuckling.” Of Ulka's brothers, we only knew about one. Raised in the countryside, he walked freely around the village and came to the call of his owner. At the age of two he killed 37 sheep. The owner, attached to the hybrid, having paid for the sheep, continued to keep it. But later it still had to be destroyed, since it continued to crush domestic animals. Ulka's first heat began in January 1976, at the age of 1 year 8 months. Ulka was covered by a West Siberian male Samur, light red color, large in stature, with an excellent exterior. After 64 days of pregnancy, she gave birth to a litter of two males and a female. While nursing the puppies, she repeatedly regurgitated the food they had eaten. It should be noted that Ulka had a strong attachment to Samur, the puppies’ father, who was kept in another enclosure. At every opportunity, she found Samura’s enclosure, came close to the net, rubbed against it and assumed poses of submission and “ingratiation.” This behavior was observed not only during the period of feeding the puppies, but also a year after their appearance. From Ulka's litter, a female named Buba was left in the nursery. The males were handed over to hunters. Buba was raised and kept in a city apartment from the age of 3 weeks. For the first weeks, she was almost inaudible during the day; she was either sleeping or lying quietly in a secluded place. At night she showed significant activity; during the first time she was in the apartment, she sometimes emitted a typical wolf howl. Until the age of 7 months, she met little with strangers, perhaps this was the reason that in the future she was afraid of strangers and, when they appeared, she hid under the desk and lay there, not moving, until the strangers left. Outwardly, Buba looked like a West Siberian husky, straw-red in color, she usually held her tail in a ring, but in front of strangers she lowered it like a log. Her head looked like the head of a pedigree West Siberian husky. Compared to huskies, she had better angulations of the hind limbs, elongated paws, and with such a build she had a typical wolf “springy” trot. Buba’s eyes, like the wolf’s, were yellow, only near the pupil there was a narrow ring of brown iris. She was very attached to the members of the family in which she grew up and loved my husband very much; when he left, she was bored and reluctant to go for walks. She lived in our family for 18 years. Buba was stubborn, self-willed and in most cases was uncontrollable. Everything unfamiliar caused her increased alertness, and in some cases, panic. She was especially afraid of rags fluttering in the wind. During the game, she exhibited movements and postures not observed in huskies. In the forest, Buba wandered quite far from her owners, but never lost them. She had a very good sense of smell, excellent hearing and vision. She was accustomed to shooting and would approach the barking of dogs she knew. In her presence, huskies repeatedly found and barked at squirrels, and she did not show any interest, but if she managed to grab a shot squirrel, she would eat the animal. No prohibiting commands stopped her.. In February 1979, from mating with the best sire of the kennel Serko 2822/ls, Buba gave birth to puppies; there were four females and a male in the litter. Three puppies were light gray and two were light red (all had small white markings on the ends of their legs and muzzle). During the period of feeding the puppies, as soon as any stranger appeared in the apartment, Buba immediately left her children and hid under the table, which was never noticed among huskies. The hybrids developed more slowly than the husky puppies, which appeared almost simultaneously with Buba’s puppies in the same apartment. Until 2 weeks of age, they were silent; they were most active at night. During the day, in most cases, they lay quietly, without leaving their place. Only at the age of 3 weeks did the hybrids begin to leave their corner and wander around the room. At the age of one month, their tails were curled into a tight ring, but their ears stood up much later. At the age of 1-1.5 months, Buba's puppies were handed over to fanciers. Their owners regularly reported to us about the growth and development of these hybrids, noting the puppies' calm nature, keen sense of smell, good hearing and vision. By the age of 6-7 months, many puppies had firmly grasped and carried out a number of commands well, good obedience was noted, the hunting instinct characteristic of huskies was manifested, they barked at wood grouse, squirrels, and looked for muskrats. Azoth, one of Buba's brothers, was raised in a small regional town and kept in a closed yard. His color was red with blackish-gray tones on his head and back. In general build he resembled a wolf. Azoth was very attached to his owners. He was regularly taken out into the forest and quickly came when called. According to the owner, Azot was distinguished by his intelligence, but at the same time he was wary, distrustful of strangers and was timid. This hybrid did not show any hunting properties. Gray, Buba’s second brother, did not differ in appearance from West Siberian huskies in either color or build. He was tall, 61 cm high at the withers, and had a red color with gray tones. His chest, neck, belly and legs were white. He was raised in the countryside and ran freely until he was 9 months old; only after he began to crush chickens, cats and attempted to crush goats, he was kept in an enclosure. Gray was very understanding and attached to his master, but he treated strangers with distrust and did not approach them, although he did not show any fear. At the age of about a year, Gray, together with a West Siberian husky, barked at a moose for the first time. After the elk left and the West Siberian husky began to silently pursue him, he remained in place and did not go after the elk. Subsequently, he repeatedly barked at the moose, sometimes chased them, but usually returned soon. At the age of two he was tested on a decoy bear. Gray was careful, but did not show cowardice and, persistently barking at the beast, attacked from behind and grabbed the gachas. In the spring of 1979, he was again tested by a decoy bear and again showed himself to be brave. In March 1978, from Gray and the purebred West Siberian husky Rumka, belonging to the VNIIOZ nursery, a litter of third generation hybrids was obtained, which included three males and a female. The male and female were left in the nursery, and two males were given to hunters for raising. All of Gray's descendants were raised and looked no different from purebred huskies, only some had light eyes (one hybrid from this litter had brown eyes). The hybrids raised in the nursery turned out to be more timid than those raised by hunters. Both recognized only people they knew well - the rangers and owners. They were wary of unfamiliar faces and did not approach them. The hybrids kept by the hunters were attached to their owners, knew a number of commands and carried them out well. From the age of 8-9 months they were taken hunting with huskies, and already at this age the hybrids showed good hunting properties. Thus, the hybrid Gosha (owner A.R. Sanovich, Kirov) at 10 months of age with a husky “put” an elk, which was killed. The hybrid Karat (owner V.V. Kayukov, Vyatskie Polyany) scared out game when hunting black grouse, quickly found escaped wounded animals, crushed them, but did not tear them. He actively searched for muskrats and minks, found and barked at martens. Gosha and Karat, according to the owners, had a much better developed sense of smell, hearing and vision than the huskies they owned. These hybrids were very energetic, bold in the forest and at the same time manageable. Having obtained hybrids of three generations, we could draw preliminary conclusions. The main one was that the wolf could be used as an improver of some properties of huskies. Hybrids had better sense of smell, hearing and vision than huskies, were attached to their owners, and were distrustful and wary of unfamiliar faces. Hybrids of wolves with West Siberian huskies of the first generation were essentially no different from wolves in terms of phenotype and behavioral properties. They are not suitable for hunting. The second generation hybrids were distinguished by great diversity in appearance. They were dominated by wolf behavioral properties. Among the second generation hybrids, individuals could appear that were quite manageable and limitedly suitable for hunting. The hybrids of the third generation were practically no different in appearance from the West Siberian huskies. Their behavior was largely formed under the influence of the environment in which they were raised and trained. If they were systematically dealt with, they became manageable, and a number of these hybrids showed hunting qualities characteristic of likes. Owners who had fourth generation hybrids noted their good sense of smell. hearing and vision, indicative reaction, not malice towards people and not cowardice. Our observations allow us to further call hybrids of the fourth and subsequent generations West Siberian huskies with an influx of wolf blood. These huskies have a four-generation pedigree certificate of origin. Outwardly, they do not differ from the Western Siberian huskies. In the conformation rings of regional and All-Russian exhibitions, they receive marks for conformation of “excellent” or “very good”, and if they have been trained from an early age, they show good hunting qualities, most of them have a tendency to work on large animals, some work well on boar game, squirrel, marten. In the process of many years of work, a breeding line was created, the ancestor of which was Gray (2nd generation), Gosha (3rd generation), Ayan (4th generation), part Gray 7287/lss (5th generation), Saigach 1982 /98 (6th generation) Tungus 5707/05 (7th generation). These sires had the highest marks for exterior, did excellent work on elk, wild boar, and bear, and staunchly passed on these qualities to inheritance. Among the descendants of Buba, the most outstanding are: champion of Bulgaria Samur (owner N. Radev), champion Barguzin 0925/95 (owner Marchuk A.G. Kirovo-Chepetsk), champion Bagira 5980/lzs (owner of the VNIIOZ nursery), champion Geida 0831/ 94 (owner V.A. Toropov, Orlov), etc. Thus, our materials allow us to assert that using absorption crossbreeding methods, the wolf can be used as an improver of some properties of huskies. But breeding hybrids is a complex, labor-intensive task that requires appropriate conditions and a long time.”

S.D. Voylochnikova

In general, it all started in 1998. I bought it through S.D. Voylochnikova. male Lobo, who was a 7th generation hybrid from those hybrids that were bred at the VNIIOZ kennel. In Lobo's pedigree you can find Champion Gray 7287 Toropov V.A. - multiple Winner of Field competitions in boar and bear (he comes from the ancestors of the 4th generation Ayan 3826/ls Stepanova G.A.) and Zaira Voilochnikova S.D. (from Bagira No. 5980/ls and Vogul 3553/ls of the VNIIOZ nursery). I would like to dwell on this dog in more detail. Gray VPKOS No. 7287 was an outstanding working dog who perfectly passed on his working qualities to his children and grandchildren (Lobo). Gray worked well and had field diplomas not only in decoy species of animals, but also in free animals. Its owner, working as a game warden in one of the districts of the Kirov region, obtained from under it more than a dozen wild boars and bears, arranging commercial hunts for foreign tourists. All his dogs are descendants of Gray, i.e. hybrids of wolf and WSL of different generations. As the owner of these hybrids himself said: “Gray is a thinking dog. He does not grab the animal thoughtlessly, but when he needs to stop it, but in such a way that he himself does not get hit again.” Although, of course, he came under attack and was stitched up more than once. Gray passed on his unique working qualities, inherited from his ancestors, well to his descendants, and in particular to his son, the great-grandfather of the current generation of hybrids - Saiga 1982/ls Toropova V.A. Saiga has several diplomas for the animal, including a 2nd degree diploma for free elk, and a diploma for free wild boar. 2nd degree. As Toropov says, Saigach began working early, was repeatedly cut by wild boars and was stitched up. At wild boar competitions, he repeatedly inflicted wounds on baited pigs that were incompatible with life, and after such “work” of his, they died. A distinctive feature of Gray, Saigach and other Toropov hybrids in working with wild boar is their strong grip on the animal’s groin area, so strong and so precise that they often tear out the genitals of their victim. When I heard this from Toropov, it wasn’t that I didn’t believe it, but let’s say, I treated his words with distrust, until suddenly, unexpectedly, after a while I saw the same manner of work in my dog ​​(Saiga’s son, Lobo). Obviously, this manner of work is a distinctive feature of the work, inherited from the wolf, which kills its prey in exactly this way: a wolf pack surrounds the animal (elk, wild boar); some distract from the front, trying to grab the muzzle, others grab exactly these places, because there are vital arteries and large nodes of nerve endings. This leads the animal to first go into painful shock, and then it dies, slowly bleeding out. The traditional work of huskies is such that grips are usually made on the “gacha” and soft places, but not with the aim of causing injury, but with the aim of causing pain and thereby stopping the animal before the owner arrives, i.e. the hunter who “makes the end” with a shot. In simple terms, the husky works “for the owner.” The wolf does not expect help from humans - it tries to kill its prey itself. This is where the whole difference lies. The same working qualities that Gray and Saigach had were also evident in Lobo, the grandfather of the 2nd generation hybrids. I would like to note Lobo’s fighting qualities, since he is the “cornerstone”, let’s say, dog from which the second round of hybridization began, a new “wolf line” began in modern domestic hunting dog breeding. This is a strong male above average height, almost white, light fawn color, with a well-stretched body (104) and beautiful hind legs, (unlike most of the square, straight-backed dogs that now flood the West Siberian Laika population), full-toothed, again in contrast from the majority of “oligodonts” available both in the Samara region and throughout Russia (incompletely toothed dogs that lack P1, P2, and some even P3(!), which even have Champion titles!!! But let the dishonesty of experts remain their conscience). Moreover, what is extremely important, he perfectly passes on his “full teeth” by inheritance, and even when mated with “incompletely toothed” bitches, the puppies are born with a full set of teeth and without defects or flaws, speaking in canine language, Lobo is a prepotent male that improves many shortcomings and the vices of their bitches. However, he would be worthless if he were not an excellent working dog. He was brought to the baiting station for the first time when he was barely 1 year old. Lobo proved himself well in the first wild boar hunt, working viciously and assertively, with strong painful grips. He managed to anger the decoy cleaver (a well-known half-breed cleaver at the station, who had crippled and mutilated more than one good dog) and he, having driven him into a bush, dealt strong chopping blows with his fangs to the ribs under the shoulder blade, after which the dog had to be stitched up in a veterinary clinic and then for a long time, more than a month, to nurse, because the seam came apart and the wound festered. The dog almost died. However, all this happened later, but that day, even with such severe bleeding wounds, almost immediately after baiting the wild boar, he managed to do an excellent job on the badger for a 1st degree diploma. Seeing this animal for the first time, he immediately took it in its place (by the neck) and almost strangled it, so much so that the huntsmen and the owner had to forcibly snatch the badger from him, unclenching his teeth with a stick like a pit bull terrier. No one expected such brilliant work from a one-year-old dog who had just been wounded by a cleaver. Lobo has a 1st degree diploma in marten and works well on squirrels, although the owner does not welcome this, focusing on working on large animals. One night I worked on a marten for two hours while I went to get a gun and approached it in deep snow. The funniest thing was when I was stuck waist-deep in snow in a ravine, and he barked, barked, called me, called me, then came up to me and looked... He didn’t say anything... He left... And then I heard: he’s chasing her towards me! This was the most interesting trick on his part! And I took it off without getting up. It still remains a mystery to me: how did he manage to drive her to me, or drive her towards me? This is simply amazing and inexplicable to me to this day. After all, he came up and looked at me, saw that I was stuck and tired, somehow digested it all in my head and made the only right decision: if the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then he needs to drive “This mountain”! Maybe all this is just a coincidence, but the fact is a fact: the marten came running on horseback right to me. Lobo works well in ducks from the age of 6 months, and he passes this quality on well to all his descendants. I won’t list everything, I’ll just say that I have repeatedly observed how strikingly different the work of hybrids is from purebred huskies. When working on a badger, our hybrids try to catch the badger from below by the throat, because if you take a badger from above by the neck, then it easily turns out on the “fat” and skin and bites and tears the dog from below with its claws. Anyone who has hunted a badger knows what a strong and tenacious animal it is, and that sometimes even three huskies cannot cope with it. The structure of a wolf's teeth is different from that of a dog. If you look at a wolf's fangs in cross-section, you will notice that they have two cutting edges (outer and inner), like a knife, while a dog has only one - the inner one. Therefore, wolf bites cause lacerations, similar to wounds from a knife. This fact is reflected in people's sayings, which is why they say that the wolf slaughtered the sheep, and did not kill it. And, of course, flair: no husky can compare with the flair of a hybrid, even the 8th or 10th generation. But this instinct often plays a cruel joke with the owner of the hybrid, because the love for carrion and shit, and also the desire to wallow in all this is so great that even if you hit your hand on a stubborn dog’s head, even if you break a stick on a stinking dog’s back - nothing will help, anyway, the next day he will find it somewhere again and again lie down and come back with a satisfied face, saying, “Smell it, enjoy it.” But there are also pleasant, albeit unexpected, surprises. So, for example, this happened once in the Volgograd region, when Lobo and I were on a walk outside the village. He suddenly lowered his head sharply and followed some kind of trail, and walked for about 2 kilometers, then he jumped into a ravine and stands happy, waving his tail and not barking, but as if saying: “WOW-WOW.” I'm approaching. I see a large bloody cellophane spread out, a bloody braid and 5 bloody tied bags. I really think, "Wow"! Can you imagine my bewilderment... Well, I think some village maniac has been at work... I untie one of the bags... And what do you think is there? A domestic one-year-old pig, cut into pieces along the backbone and bones... Village thieves stole a pig from someone at night and hid it. But to their misfortune, Lobo and I went for a walk in nature, and Lobo, like a real police bloodhound, found someone missing. And it turned out to be a good pig! My four-legged friend Lobo and I ate it for a whole month.” Now I will say a few words about the “new round of hybridization.” At the time of mating, the she-wolf Shelma from the zoo was 6 years old. This is the mating of Lobo and the she-wolf Shelma at the Samara Zoo

Nutrition for mixed pets

Mixed-breed dogs require a rational, balanced diet, taking into account the nutritional value and calorie content of foods

It is especially important to feed puppies adequately, since the correct development of the skeletal and nervous systems is laid down in childhood. Lack of essential microelements can lead to rickets in your pet.

Note! The daily nutritional intake, taking into account the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, is difficult for a non-professional to calculate. The veterinarian will help you create a complete menu for your pet.

The diet of mixed breeds is compiled taking into account the dog’s weight, its metabolism and the characteristics of the parent breeds. The husky-shepherd mix has a fast metabolism, moves a lot and has a good appetite. She is fed natural food, which contains:

  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • meat by-products;
  • vitamin supplements and minerals.

A puppy needs dairy products for normal development.

It is also possible to include high-quality dry food in the diet, which contains a balanced daily intake of nutrients. Mixed-breed puppies are fed three to four times a day; an adult animal needs two meals a day.

Population and species status

Photo: Wolfdog in winter

It is possible to talk about a bred dog breed only if it is possible to obtain the birth of individuals of the same type with an identical percentage of wolf blood in them. It is logical that doing this using wolves and wolf-dogs for mating in different generations is a priori impossible. To develop a breed, you will need very serious selection, which may take several years (it is not surprising that the implementation of the largest project on wolf-dogs was entrusted to Perm scientists, and not to enthusiastic breeders).

Individuals used for planned matings must be selected based on their appearance, mental characteristics, health and ability to learn. Until now, entrepreneurial breeders have not given up their attempts to develop a breed that has the character of a dog and the appearance of a wolf - the commercial success of such an animal would be simply colossal, because photos with wolves displayed publicly on social networks are considered a prestigious matter. Unfortunately, this task is practically impossible - if it is not difficult to achieve external resemblance to a wolf (the same Malamutes resemble wolves), then wolf habits will not go away.

Contrary to the belief of many breeders, it is fundamentally wrong to consider that the wolf dog is a separate breed of dog, because this animal is a separate species (a hybrid of a dog and a wolf, and in different generations). At least from a biological point of view, a dog and a wolf belong to different biological species, so their descendants a priori cannot belong to any specific species.


  • Wolves
  • Deuterostomes
  • Bilaterally symmetrical
  • Wild animals of Russia
  • Animals of Eurasia
  • Animals of China
  • Animals of the forest
  • Animals are cute
  • Animals of Mongolia
  • Animals of Russia
  • Animals of the Subantarctic belt
  • Animals of the Subtropical Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subtropical Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subequatorial Belt of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Subequatorial Belt of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Temperate Zone of the Northern Hemisphere
  • Animals of the Temperate Zone of the Southern Hemisphere
  • Animals of Finland
  • Animals
  • Interesting animals
  • Laurasiotherium
  • Cute animals
  • Monogamous animals
  • Unusual animals
  • Dangerous animals
  • Placental
  • Vertebrates
  • Canids
  • Rare animals
  • The most beautiful animals
  • The most unusual animals in the world
  • The most amazing animals
  • Animal Crossed
  • Dogs
  • Caniformes
  • Predatory
  • Chordates
  • Ghostostomes
  • Quadrupeds
  • Eukaryotes
  • Eumetazoans

Advantages and disadvantages

To make it easier for you to form your attitude towards this hybrid of a wild predatory animal and a domestic dog, we have summarized all the information and highlighted the main pros and cons of the hybrid breed of dog and wolf.


  • high intelligence;
  • strong attachment to the owner;
  • endurance;
  • high performance characteristics;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • excellent health;
  • unpretentiousness to conditions of detention.


  • a pronounced desire for dominance;
  • cause fear in other people;
  • do not strive to please the owner;
  • require large space for maintenance;
  • require long hours of physical activity;
  • they like to dig, they can spoil plantings and destroy flower beds;
  • constantly mark the territory with their feces;
  • hunt livestock and other pets;
  • suffer from anthropophobia;
  • behavior is inconsistent and difficult to predict;
  • extremely curious, can damage things, furniture, communications.

Caring for husky and shepherd crossbreeds

Mixed dogs need daily grooming, especially during the shedding period. Breeders comb it out with a special metal brush to prevent tangles from appearing and getting into the pet’s stomach.

Dogs' ears and eyes are cleaned as needed. Once every three to six months, the condition of the teeth is checked by a veterinarian. Care is necessary for both the puppy and the adult.

The result of mixing the genes of a husky and a German shepherd is a hardy, cheerful dog with good health and good appearance. It advantageously combines the sledding and hunting qualities of a husky, and the devotion and dedication of a shepherd dog. This pet is an excellent companion for children and adults.



Now that we understand that we are really talking about different species, we can imagine how the crossing experiment will end. Let's start with the fact that there is no officially registered breed in the creation of which our heroes participated.

But this state of affairs is undoubtedly temporary, since if the dog handler works correctly, the result is truly remarkable

It is important not to stumble upon scammers and not to buy an ordinary mongrel. You really need to understand this issue; if you yourself are considered an inexperienced breeder, then contact professionals for help in completing the transaction

Their appearance is more like a husky. At least more puppies are born with blue eyes than with shades of other colors. But there may be different colors. With special diligence, you can get a dog with blue eyes and black coat color. Just imagine how impressive the rich blue iris will look against the background of a bright red color.

Such offspring can be good news for people who love Siberian dogs, but cannot afford them because they live in an apartment.

More docile and accustomed to humans, mestizos will be able to become companions and get used to living within four walls. You must understand that not every puppy has all of the listed advantages. Experimental results may also be unpredictable. Before making a deal, you should observe the baby’s behavior and only then make a final decision.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metis are amazing animals, unlike purebred dogs, their exterior is always individual, and the nobility of their ancestors is discernible in each one. The advantages of these animals include the following:

  • good immunity, absence of hereditary diseases;
  • they do not have mental disorders;
  • Mestizos are most often friendly, flexible and sociable;
  • their maternal instinct is more developed than in some breeding breeds; they care for and feed their puppies responsibly;
  • hybrids do not require special care and nutrition;
  • adapt well to new conditions;
  • their cost (if they are not designer breeds) is low.

Mestizos also have disadvantages such as:

  • the result of mixing is always unpredictable, it is difficult to know in advance the size and temperament of the pet;
  • a mestizo who bears a strong resemblance to one of his parents may be passed off as a purebred puppy;
  • hybrids do not have a pedigree or documents;
  • they do not participate in exhibitions.

Main breeds that visually resemble wolves

Besides wolf-dogs, there are some breeds that do not have wolf ancestors. However, the features of external similarity are obvious.

Alaskan Malamute

This is an aboriginal dog, whose homeland is indicated in the name. Used as a sled. Brief description of Malamute:

  • height – 58-64 cm;
  • weight – 34-39 kg;
  • thick dense fur of a characteristic “wolf” color;
  • a large head with triangle ears, a black nose and expressive eyes.

Important! It is impossible to keep such dogs in an apartment; they need free space and active long walks.

Siberian Husky

This is one of the oldest breeds, bred by the Chukchi as a sled dog and later improved by breeders. The most memorable feature in the description of huskies is their amazing blue eyes.

The breed was recognized in 1966 and is distinguished by its good nature, good health, and stubbornness. This is a born leader and must be kept behind a fence and under supervision, otherwise there is a high risk of escape.

A charming creature with blue eyes, Siberian Huskies, captivate at first sight

Wolfdog of Saarloos

This is a little-known animal in Russia, a direct descendant of the wolf and the German shepherd. It is similar to its predatory ancestor in its saber tail, elongated muzzle and characteristic color of coarse guard hair. Not the easiest pet to keep, so for a long time it was on the verge of extinction. However, in 1962 it received official recognition.

Northern Inuit

This is an artificially bred breed, a mixture of aboriginal breeds, including the Inuit Laika. In appearance it resembles a wolf, in character it is more like a wolfhound

This animal is not prone to caution; it is ready to challenge even an opponent that is superior in strength.

Important! The brutal wolf appearance of these dogs is surprisingly combined with the behavior of a true intellectual

Kunming wolf dog

Also called Kunming dog, literally translated - Kunming wolf. The homeland is China. Refers to factory breeds of mixed origin. In temperament and behavior they are more reminiscent of German shepherds than wolves. They are quite obedient and will not enter a room without obtaining permission from the owner. Often used as guards and watchdogs.

Italian lupo

This is the pride of Italy, a dog obtained by crossing a shepherd and a wolf. At home, the breeding of these animals is under strict government control. This is a large, but not fat dog with a massive build. Very strong, resilient and unpretentious.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

This is a descendant of a predatory animal and a German shepherd, in which a wild, menacing appearance is intertwined with the devotion and intelligence of a “German”. Unlike some other varieties, it does not differ in large size. Weight – about 25 kg.

At first glance, it is very difficult to distinguish this dog from a real wolf

Husky mix

This is a very unpredictable dog with a difficult temperament, since its ancestors - a stubborn husky and a predatory wolf - endowed the animal with difficult genetics. The pet is very distrustful, wary of strangers, but captivates its owners with stunning blue eyes.

Greenland dog

The oldest sled dog, a representative of the Spitz. It is distinguished by its bright, recognizable appearance and independence. They are capable of making decisions, but cannot unquestioningly obey the will of the owner.


This is a cross between a German Shepherd, a Malamute and a Husky. The fact that one of the ancestors of this artificially created breed is the Indian wolf is nothing more than a myth.

Charming wolf-like hybrid has nothing to do with the gray predator

Despite the absence of the blood of a wild ancestor, the utonagan acquired a characteristic appearance. At the same time, the animal’s character is positive; it is a very sociable and good-natured dog.

These are wolf dogs - amazing animals, each of which has a unique character, unusual appearance and its own manner of behavior. Keeping a semi-predator is not easy, so only experienced dog breeders choose wolf-dog pets.


Breed standard West Siberian Laika

The West Siberian Laika is a dog of a strong, albeit somewhat dry build, hardy and incredibly fast when it comes to chasing prey. By the way, this is one of those breeds whose representatives are affected by sexual dimorphism, so ZSL males are much larger than females. You can distinguish a purebred West Siberian Laika from a pack of mestizos by body proportions. In particular, the length of the body of purebred individuals significantly exceeds their height at the withers. In proportional terms, it looks like 103-107/100 in males and 104-108/100 in females. If you compare the height of the animal’s withers and rump, then the first will be a centimeter or two larger (in female dogs the discrepancy is smaller or absent altogether). Special requirements are also imposed on the front legs of the husky: their length must be equal to ½ the height of the pet at the withers.

Although the West Siberian Laika has been a factory breed for almost 80 years, puppies periodically appear in its litters, reminiscent in appearance of their Vogul-Ostyak ancestors. In this regard, cynologists distinguish two main intrabreed types of ZSL - Khanty and Mansi. Representatives of the first variety are distinguished by their comparative squatness, have a wide head in the shape of an equilateral triangle and a rich dog’s body, giving the dog’s silhouette additional volume. Mansi Laikas are usually taller and poorer dressed, their skulls are narrower, and their eyes are more round and expressive.


The head of the West Siberian Laika is dry, elongated, triangular in shape. The skull is narrow (a feature most pronounced in females), with a flat or slightly rounded forehead. In general, the profile of the animal is not particularly prominent: the eyebrows of the ZSL are not too prominent, the line of the stop is smoothed. The dog's muzzle is wedge-shaped, equal in length to the skull.

Jaws and teeth

The purebred West Siberian Laika has a full set (42) of strong teeth and powerful jaws with a scissor bite.


The earlobe is of normal size, painted black. At the same time, for individuals with white fur, a lighter, brownish shade of the lobe is typical.


The dog's oblong, dark brown eyes are slightly slanted. Another distinctive feature is that the eyeballs of the ZSL are set deeper than, for example, those of other varieties of huskies.


The animal's sculpted withers smoothly transition into a straight, wide back, ending in a massive and somewhat inclined croup. The chest of the ZSL is deep and of good width. The abdomen is moderately tucked.


The front legs of the West Siberian husky are even, spaced at a fairly distant distance from each other (wide set). The shoulder blades are long, strongly laid back, the elbows are pressed to the body, with developed joints that “look” back. The dog's hind legs are muscular, with long, strong thighs, strong knees and almost vertical metatarsals. The paws are oval in shape, with the hind legs being smaller in size than the front ones. The fingers of the ZSL are arched and collected, but the middle finger stands out somewhat from the general row due to its greater length.


Rolled into a “steering wheel” and thrown on its side or in the lumbar region. When unrolled, the tail hangs down to the hocks.


The coat of the West Siberian Laika is formed by moderately hard outer hair and a voluminous, insulating layer of undercoat. In the shoulder area the dog's fur grows thicker, resulting in a rich collar framing the dog's neck. The fur on the front of all four legs is relatively short, with soft “pants” on the hips. Small tufts of bristly hair also grow between the husky's toes, performing a protective function.


The animal's fur is most often colored in red, piebald, gray, red-brown and white tones. The following combinations are also acceptable: white with brown, gray, red, fawn spots, zone-piebald, zone-red.

Disqualifying defects of the breed

  • Congenital malocclusions.
  • Aggression or excessive indecisiveness.
  • Jaw distortion.
  • Behavioral and physical deviations that are too obvious.
  • Absence of four or more teeth/presence of additional incisors.
  • Drop or semi-erect ears.
  • A cataract (clouding of the cornea), as well as the color of the iris interspersed with a shade that is unacceptable by the standard.
  • The tail is too short or has an atypical shape (saber-shaped, straight, etc.).
  • Short/not long enough coat.
  • Albinism. Non-standard coat colors: blue, brindle, chocolate.

Natural enemies of the wolfdog

Photo: What a wolfdog looks like

Wolf dogs raised in captivity show strong aggression towards almost everyone - they cannot tolerate wolves, dogs, or people. Wolf-dogs gathered in a pack are especially dangerous. Packs of these animals can easily attack even a group of armed people, showing rare ferocity and detached courage. They are not afraid of gunshots, screams, flames or smoke.

Therefore, the wolf-dogs themselves, living in the wild, can safely be called enemies of all living things - packs of mestizos attack even such large animals as elk, wild boar or bear. They are also dangerous because they retain amazing sensitivity to various kinds of poisons - the wolf dog will not even sniff the bait that an ordinary dog ​​would swallow without a second thought.

A properly raised and trained domestic wolf dog will become “another member of the family” - like huskies and malamutes, these animals get along well in the family. But at the same time, the wolf-dog will always remain an unsurpassed guard (note that most often these animals keep watch in pairs). And if an uninvited guest, if discovered by a dog, first hears a loud bark and roar, then the wolfdog in this case will not make a sound, attacking from behind.

Wolf dogs are pack animals, so they easily get along with other dogs in the same territory. In order to eliminate any possibility of misunderstandings between your pets, it makes sense to buy and raise them together. Then they will get used to each other and begin to consider themselves members of one pack, the undisputed leader of which can only be the owner. Otherwise, it will be an uncontrollable pack, the presence of which will become dangerous for people.

Why are biologists against breeding the wolf dog breed?

Biological scientists are sounding the alarm and believe that the interbreeding of wolves and dogs in the natural habitat of predators can lead to the displacement of wolf populations from their habitats. More frequent mating events may have a negative impact on the destruction of the genetic identity of the gray predator.

Breeding such species for commercial purposes is also criticized by scientists. They claim that most of the offspring from such breeding die a year after birth. And hybrids that have reached puberty are threatened with death at the hands of humans because at this age wolf traits are clearly manifested in animals. At the age of 3-4 years, these half-breeds feel like either dogs or wolves. They cannot decide on their nature.

Common myths about the half-wolf

The unusual exterior and temperament characteristics of the wolf-dog, combined with the ignorance of ordinary people, led to the emergence of myths. What is true and what is false, we will try to figure it out together with you.

Myth 1

Huskies are half-wolves. This is not true. To the question: is a husky a wolf hybrid? There is a clear answer. No, it doesn't apply. The Siberian Husky is a breed of dog. There is no wolf blood in the veins of a husky.

Myth 2

A mixture of a wolf and a dog is an ideal guard breed. It's a delusion! Wolves are more shy, and their aggression is uncontrollable, so mestizos are not suitable as watchmen.

Myth 3

Mixed wolves live longer than dogs. Another erroneous statement. In captivity, wolves live 12-14 years. This is comparable to the average lifespan of any large dog.

If our article has not dissuaded you, you still want to get yourself an exotic, spectacular pet, think about other breeds. There are many domestic dogs in the world that look like a wolf, but have a calm disposition and are human-oriented.

Yuki - America's most famous wolfdog


The second most popular dogs in the world are Labrador Retrievers. This type was specially selected as assistants; they are also called gunmen. Television shows more than once how Labradors take part in rescue operations to find people after avalanches, after earthquakes and after other natural disasters. The Labrador also does an excellent job as a guide dog for people with disabilities.

Labski is a mix of Husky and Labrador

Like half-breed huskies, labskies, they look like a wolf, their temperament is very aggressive, complex and independent

Given these character traits, you should pay attention to training your pet from infancy. As in a pack of wolves, a person must show that he is the master, he must prove his primacy: always go out the door for a walk first, Husky should eat only after the person himself has eaten

Why the breed is not recommended as a pet

Although there are examples in the world of successfully keeping pets that are a cross between a wolf and a dog, they are rare. Much more common are stories of keeping half-breeds that ended in tears. Therefore, all over the world, biologists and dog handlers are against the thoughtless and irresponsible ownership of such animals.

When a pet is kept in conditions inappropriate for its mental and physical development, there is always a risk to human safety. It is unacceptable to put a wolf-dog on a chain or lock it in a cramped cage - all this embitters the pet and makes it aggressive and dangerous to others. Every year thousands of half-blooded wolves die, whose owners were not ready to create the necessary conditions for their maintenance and care.

Owners ask veterinarians to euthanize their pets when they grow up and show a “wolfish disposition.” At best, animals can be saved if there is a shelter willing to take them in. Re-adopting such a pet into a family is very problematic. Compounding this problem is the fact that no rabies vaccine has been developed for the hybrid species. The usual vaccination against this deadly disease does not work on a cross between wolves and dogs.

Russian Wolfhund - black wolfdog, the largest of their hybrids

Mix of wolf and husky

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Wolfdog breed

Breeders involved in breeding wolf-dogs convince their clients that a hybrid of a dog and a wolf is a real person, and not just a pet! This animal is many times smarter and more sensitive than all existing dog breeds. Wolfdog is a real telepath, he perfectly senses any person even at a distance, and knows the owner’s character (in the literal sense of the word) by heart. A properly raised wolf dog shows sincere affection towards its owners.

The beast is very affectionate, peaceful and patient - unquestioning submission to the leader (in the case of a person, this role can only be assigned to the owner, no equality), his deep respect and veneration is transferred to the beast from the wolves. But it’s difficult to say anything specifically about strangers and dogs. Everything is determined by the degree of perception - some people treat everyone normally, while others make contact only with the owner and are wary of strangers.

A timid wolf-dog, having found itself in an unfamiliar place, begins to be afraid of everything, does not listen and does not follow the commands given to it. But even such an animal can be taught the simplest commands and rules of life in the house. You just need to earn his trust and under no circumstances show weakness. For these animals there is no concept of “equality”. They perceive only the rigid “superior-subordinate” system, and nothing else.

Moreover, the slightest manifestation of fear will be immediately recognized by the wolf-dog - even if the owner does not show himself in any way. They feel people's emotions and understand everything perfectly without words, intonation or gestures. Although during training you cannot do without it. You need to teach your wolf-dog the simplest commands starting from 1.5-2 months. To consolidate the results, it is recommended to periodically repeat and “polish” the developed skills.

Pet cost

It is worth purchasing wolfdogs from trusted breeders, in well-known nurseries that have been dealing with this breed for more than one year. The pre-pup is picked up at 4 weeks of age to begin training him when he is able to accept you as the leader. The price for a pet starts from $250 and goes up to fabulous sums, depending on the reputation of the breeder.

In today's article we told you about the unique quintessence of a dog and a wolf. These stunningly beautiful and powerful animals have won the hearts of many people, but only experienced owners can control them. Keep this in mind if you want to get yourself such a pet.

Mestizos Laikas

Breeding half-breed dogs is not always beneficial; some breeders can be 100% sure that they have acquired a purebred puppy, but in the end, after the first litter, it turns out that this is not at all the case. Leading breeders and dog handlers have repeatedly spoken out against unauthorized and unqualified crossing of different species.

Photo of Laika and Husky

An overly active character and selfishness, as a rule, are extinguished by the devotion and calmness of the husky. A cross between a husky and a husky would be an ideal option for a family with small children. The hunting instinct is perfectly extinguished by responsiveness and kindness thanks to a cross between several breeds. You should also remember that this species is more prone to low temperatures, and if you are going to get yourself a husky, you will have to provide suitable conditions for keeping it. An excellent option in a private home would be to have a canopy or net that will create shade and the pet will be able to hide from the heat. His bowl should always contain clean and cool water - especially in the summer.

Mixed Husky

Photo gallery

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that when deciding whether to get a hybrid Laika, you need to weigh the pros and cons, taking into account all their positive and negative differences from their purebred counterparts.

Selection with Pomeranian Spitz

The half-breeds of these species are called Pomskies. The breed itself is considered very young, because it was bred relatively recently and is not recognized as a separate breed at the official level; there is also no sufficient description about the health and possible problems with this species. The Husky-Spitz cross is considered the most popular type of designer dog.

Pomeranian and Husky mix

Pomskies have already gained popularity abroad, but in the CIS countries they are just beginning to appear. Due to the fact that Pomskies are bred only in a few kennels and the queue for obtaining the desired puppy is always growing, it is very difficult to become the owner of a Pomeranian Husky; also, the price for a Pomskie starts from $2,500. If we talk about other half-breeds, then husky crosses with other breeds are more accessible and widespread. One of the biggest misconceptions people have about the Pomeranian Husky is that it is a purebred dog; most people think that it is actually a separate species.

We discussed earlier that it is difficult to determine the exact personality trait of these hybrid puppies, and that it mostly depends on each puppy's background. However, there are several very different personality traits of the Pomeranian Husky. It's safe to say that most of these puppies are very playful and friendly, in addition, they get along very well with people, including children

This breed loves attention, games and walks.

Pomsky puppy

The main feature of Pomskies is that they have medium size and Husky eye color. The character of these dogs is cheerful and very friendly; they treat strangers with curiosity. They are also not particularly concerned about being around other types of animals, the only exception being rodents

As for children, Pomskies are the best nannies who will not cause harm even through negligence. Unlike other half-breeds, a cross between a husky and a spitz is not particularly picky about the conditions of detention.

They feel great both in an apartment and in a private house, with the exception of keeping them on the street - this is unacceptable. Pomskies tolerate loneliness well and do not require constant attention; the amount of affection you can give them is enough for them. The Pomsky's attachment to its owner is much greater than that of other breeds, and they inherited their independence at the genetic level from the Pomeranian Spitz.

In the end, we can sum it up and say with confidence that the Husky-Husky mix will be an excellent watchdog for the family and home; the Labsky is best used for official purposes. Shepski also displays service dog skills. If you need a dog not to guard your home, but simply for the soul and tenderness, then the best option would be miniature, handsome Pomskys.

Buy | sell

looking for a missing person Uryupinsk January 30, 2021

I ask for help in finding a West Siberian husky (female) of zone-red color, which disappeared on December 28, 2022 in the area of ​​the Karaichevsky farm, Nekhaevsky district, ...

buyMoscowSeptember 7, 2020

Domestic mixed-breed puppies, 2 months old, g/w, different colors, will grow to be of medium size, very affectionate, cheerful and sociable, waiting for a reliable…

I'll give it to good hands Moscow August 25, 2020

Beautiful mixed-breed husky puppies, 2 months old, very smart, domestic, different colors: gray, black, black and white. Very good dogs for a family with…

10 Belgorod8 February 2019

West Siberian Laika puppies, born 12/21/19, two boys and two girls

5000 NovosibirskOctober 11, 2018

Selling West Siberian Laechkas. Purebred. Parents are workers. D. r. 09/04/2022.

5000 Krasnodar25 April 2018

Laika puppies, born on March 13th. 1 boy left -5000?, and 3 girls -3000? . Parents with a passport. Mom is pure white. I'll give in!!!

40000 January 17, 2018

I am selling a male West Siberian Laika, date of birth November 17, 2016, origin (Zyar VPKOS No. 1987/11 - Umka St No. 391-1631/LZS) Male with character, ...

I'll give it to good handsMoscowDecember 10, 2017

Our dear Linda looks a little like a cute fox with a neat face and house-like ears. Linda is a West Siberian Laika mix. Very devoted...

I'll give it to good hands Moscow November 25, 2017

We present to your attention a West Siberian husky mixed breed named Chuk. Our Chuk looks like both his mother Laika and a real gray wolf. Special charm...

12000 September 18, 2017

West Siberian Laika puppies with pedigree for sale. There are 4 males and 1 female in the litter. Parents at field tests have diplomas in bear, badger, ...

Norilsk27 August 2017

Husky puppies for sale. The West Siberian Laika is a Russian breed of universal hunting dog. A dog of average and above average height, strong, dry...

13000 May 20, 2017

West Siberian Laika puppies for sale from working studs with a pedigree. Born on April 18, 2022. There are 3 males in the litter. and 3 females. Father is a worker...

I'll give 100 to good handsMoscowApril 5, 2017

I will give into caring and loving hands a very active, intelligent, kind and affectionate girl, a West Siberian husky mix. Age 5 months. Bonya has been processed...

20000 Murmansk February 27, 2017

I will sell puppies with a pedigree (stamp and metric of the puppy). Born January 13, 2022. Working parents (confirmed by diplomas). Call for details.

12000 Krasnoyarsk February 6, 2017

West Siberian Laika puppies for sale. The parents are of high breed, have EXCELLENT exterior grades, diplomas in bear, boar, badger, and squirrel. ...

15000 ShaturaDecember 20, 2016

1. Breed: ZSL 2. Number of puppies (males/females): 2/2 3. Date of birth of puppies: October 23, 2016 4. Color: male No. 1: gray-red with white male No. 2:…

1000 mating Podolsk November 8, 2016

Male ZSL for mating in Podolsk, Moscow region. From working parents. Works properly on squirrels. We can take two or three puppies.

matingBryanskOctober 24, 2016

Male Trans-Siberian Laika, with pedigree, age 2 years.

12000 October 13, 2016

Laika puppies for sale. Breed: West Siberian Laika Number of puppies in the litter (males/females): 3/3 Date of birth of puppies: September 6, 2016 Color:…

10000 September 12, 2016

I will sell West Siberian Laika puppies from working parents. Date of birth 08/22/2016 Parents are commercial hunting dogs, they work in the taiga fur...

Istra12 July 2016

wonderful puppies with excellent pedigree from real hunters. boys and girls. Inexpensive. Born May 30, 2016

5000 Novomoskovsk16 May 2016

Zapodnosiberian Laika puppies mom and dad with documents

10000 KrasnoyarskMay 2, 2016

I will sell LZS puppies from working fur dogs. The puppies were born on March 25th. There are 2 males and 2 females in the litter.

I'll give it to good hands Kazan April 19, 2016

We will give a West Siberian husky puppy to our home. she is 1.5 months old, very cute. . . . . it's hard for her in the apartment

10000 Krasnoyarsk April 7, 2016

I will sell Laika puppies from working, purebred Laikas. Puppies were born on February 20, 2016. Parents in the taiga work on sable, elk, badger and wood grouse. For sale…

4500 Ryazan April 3, 2016

Selling puppies from working parents. bargaining is appropriate

20000 Lyubertsy2 March 2016

5 puppies for sale, gray red color. Distribution of puppies, February 19. Father of the puppies Grip line p.p.p.p. Zuban Vronsky A.Yu. bitch then male p.p. Vagaya…

matingKirovFebruary 25, 2016

We offer West Siberian Laika, male, 3 years old. Thoroughbred, with documents.

1000 February 10, 2016

I sell West Siberian Laika puppies, born November 10, 2015. Parents are workers (ungulates, fur). Two bitches left. 8 (960) 545-98-11(Margarita)

matingSochiJanuary 27, 2016

German Shepherd

Everyone is well aware of the unsurpassed qualities of the German Shepherd; they have rightfully earned primacy among service breeds. Easy learning and unsurpassed intelligence make it possible to use them in a wide variety of areas of human life. In addition, shepherd dogs also get along well as companion dogs; they are not aggressive and get along well with children. Purebred German Shepherds win many medals at international dog shows.

Shepsky is a cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky.

The shepherd-husky mix gives rise to a new species called the Shepsky. These half-breeds will be excellent guards for your home. But everywhere has its downsides, and it is a sense of proportion regarding their property that can reveal the most negative character traits. A German Shepherd and a Husky provide you with a reliable and loyal guard, but you shouldn't leave a Shepsky, for example, alone with newly arrived guests or with a loud crowd of children. Having accepted any actions in their direction as a threat, the Shepski will not hesitate and will immediately attack the stranger. During meals, these half-breeds are also very irritable. Half-breeds from a shepherd are best used for official purposes.

Husky mix

Hybrids of Malamutes and Laikas, bred to improve the running speed of dogs, are distinguished by lighter bones and a friendly, calm disposition. Interbreeding with huskies was also carried out so that the hybrids, distinguished by their robust build and endurance, could become reliable hunting assistants.

Outwardly, they look somewhat larger and more massive than huskies, in addition, their fur is usually medium in length. Their facial expression is not so phlegmatic and good-natured: the look of the Malamute-Laika mix expresses attentiveness and interest, while that of the Malamute is calm and at the same time friendly.

NOTE! The coat color of a mestizo can be any color, including those that are unacceptable for a standard purebred Malamute, for example, piebald.

By nature, mixed breeds with huskies are usually quite friendly towards people, and they have a well-developed hunting instinct, thanks to which their dogs can also be used for hunting.

A little history

The natural ability of a wolf and a dog to interbreed and produce strong hybrid offspring was known at the dawn of human civilization, and our distant ancestors, choosing assistants for hunting mammoths, preferred the wolf dog. These hybrid individuals were almost no different from the wolf in their color, they were just as strong and hardy, but at the same time they trusted humans. Probably, images of a wolf dog can be found in some rock paintings made by ancient people.

In recent history, many have tried to purposefully cross a wolf with a dog. For example, the British bred the so-called Pomeranian dog back in the middle of the 18th century, but it did not find much use. Hybrid puppies were most often bought by the English nobility for risky fun or for reasons of prestige, since outlandish animals were quite expensive.

Similar experiments were carried out in other countries, but their results did not always live up to expectations. Dogs with wolf blood behaved either too aggressively, or, on the contrary, were abnormally cowardly, or were even born with physical deformities. For example, attempts to cross a wolf with a poodle, which was undertaken by German breeders, ended in nothing.

Ideally, a wolf dog, or wolfdog, should have no more than 15 to 20 percent wolf blood. As experience shows, this is enough for the hybrid to transfer the physical strength and keen sense of smell of a wild animal and at the same time be amenable to education and training.

But it is important to remember that hybrid individuals are not always suitable for the role of pets; they should be raised by specialists who can force a dog-wolf to obey

Who are they, Russian wolf-dogs?

By the way, the term “wolf dog” appeared relatively recently and specifically in Russia - after the first successful experience of obtaining viable offspring from a female wolf and a male German shepherd.

This in itself is a very touching story.

In one of the villages of the Perm Territory, a local hunter lived for several years with a she-wolf, which he picked up in the forest when he was still young. The she-wolf had a dog nickname Naida, because, living next to a person, she became almost tame, although no one was particularly involved in her upbringing. But one day, Naida, who was friendly towards people, almost became an easy prey for poachers. After this incident, the owner decided to give the she-wolf to the military, especially since they had been asking him about this for a long time.

That’s how Naida ended up in the nursery of the Perm Military Institute, and the professor of this institute, Vyacheslav Kasimov, initiated a project called “Perm Wolfdogs”. The goal of the project was to obtain puppies with a certain set of qualities that neither dogs nor wolves have in full. What are these qualities?

  • Strength and endurance.
  • A keen sense of smell and fearlessness.
  • Large sizes.
  • Lack of innate aggression.
  • Learning ability.
  • Trust in a person.
  • Pronounced security qualities.

Finding a worthy “life partner” for the she-wolf turned out to be difficult, but in the end it was a male named Baron, a purebred German shepherd. In the first litter, five puppies were born, they had the same character as their father, and the same color as Naida. When the puppies grew up, the experiment was considered a success.

The Perm Wolf Dogs project lasted 16 years, and a total of 46 puppies were born, who grew into smart, strong and beautiful animals. Most of them, having undergone training in the Perm nursery, serve in the border troops. The average lifespan of wolfdogs is 25–30 years.

Wolfdog Character Traits

A wolf dog is not the easiest pet to keep. Metis has not been fully studied, so any communication with him is allowed only to experienced dog handlers who have practice in training and socializing “complex” breeds. But you shouldn’t think that this dog consists only of shortcomings.

Character strengths include:

  • Amazing mental abilities and ingenuity.
  • Obedience. But this parameter is relative - half dog, half wolf will obey only those whom it considers higher than itself in the hierarchy. If the owner for some reason has lost authority, the wolfdog will stop following his commands.
  • Courage. Ready to rush into battle even with an opponent who surpasses him in height and strength.

However, there are also character flaws in a dog crossed with a wolf. There are more of them if wolf material predominates in the genetics of the animal. A wild predator is distrustful, therefore aggressive and may turn out to be uncontrollable.

Important! The wolfdog is very wary, even aggressive towards strangers, so the animal must be introduced to family friends and close relatives at an early age. The hybrid of a wolf and a dog does not feel any special affection for a person, rather, something reminiscent of submission in a pack

The owner’s children will inevitably be perceived by him as “lower echelon”, so having a dangerous mixed breed as a family dog ​​is unacceptable

The hybrid of a wolf and a dog does not feel any special affection for a person, rather, something reminiscent of subordination in the pack. The owner’s children will inevitably be perceived by him as “lower echelon”, so adopting a dangerous mixed breed as a family dog ​​is unacceptable.

Wolfdog remains a predator, despite the admixture of dog blood

How to properly deal with half-wolves

To keep an exotic half-breed pet, you will need to create special conditions and learn how to handle them. Without certain knowledge of the physiology and psychology of mixed breeds, this venture may turn out to be a failure at best. And at worst, lead to serious irreparable consequences for both the pet and its owner.

These types are not suitable for home apartment maintenance. Throw away the idea of ​​getting a wolf hybrid if you only have a city apartment to spare.

For content you will need:

  1. Lots of space away from other people and noisy highways. A farm somewhere in the forest is an ideal place to keep this breed. The following habits were passed on to the hybrids from wolves: howling loudly and constantly wandering. They need the presence of wildlife to explore. There they will not disturb their neighbors with their howling, and the noise from cars will not frighten the pets.
  2. The space in which wolves are kept must be at least 0.2 hectares per individual. This should be a securely fenced area with a high fence (2.5 meters) so that the animal cannot jump over it. And a deep concrete foundation so that the pet cannot dig under it.
  3. It is best to enclose the space for keeping hybrids with a double fence with teeth curved inward.
  4. It is necessary to ensure good soil drainage in the area so that animals can find dry areas in rainy weather.
  5. The booth is not suitable for keeping wolfdogs. It is necessary to build a spacious house with a high shelf so that the pet can occupy a position on a hill.
  6. Low-growing shrubs and trees should be planted on the site so that the animal finds shelter in the heat. It is unacceptable to plant tall trees near a fence - the pet may run away!
  7. The gates are installed high - 1.8-2 meters. Gate latches must be reliable.

Important: immediately evaluate your ability to create the right space for keeping wolf hybrids. If you are not ready to provide your pet with such conditions, give up the idea of ​​getting a wolf-dog.

Are wolf-dog hybrids trainable?

Mixed breeds of wolves and dogs are naturally intelligent and quick-witted. But they are also stubborn, self-willed and very energetic. To keep your pet in good shape, you need 1 to 3 hours of physical activity per day. You need to walk them a lot and actively.

Let's look at the educational and training features of wolf-dog hybrid dog breeds.

  1. The offspring of wolves and dogs are more difficult to train. These puppies have stronger instincts and are ready to follow them.
  2. The person must immediately indicate to the pet that he is in the role of the alpha male. Weak owners will not be able to constantly maintain this position. The pet will always try to take a dominant position, expressing this through disobedience to the person, refusal to follow commands and demands.
  3. Half-breeds have a strong fear of new situations and people - this makes training difficult.
  4. Toilet training on the street causes certain difficulties. Wolves are accustomed to marking their territory with feces. When they defecate at home, it is a territorial instinct, not a protest.
  5. Wolf instincts and aggression can trigger at any moment. A pet can attack a child, another pet, livestock or bird.

Husky Wolf Mix – a hybrid of a Siberian husky and a wolf

How to feed breeds that are wolf-dog hybrids

Conventional dog food is not suitable for feeding hybrid breeds. The diet of such a dog should consist of fresh meat. The best options are wild game, elk, bison, beef, lamb, rabbit, chicken and turkey. Pork causes digestive problems and should be avoided.

The meat is given raw along with the bones. Bones are not a problem for wolf descendants. They do a great job with them. The descendants of wolves do not need cereals. Pets are given fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs as sources of vitamins and fiber. The area where the pet is kept must have grassy soil so that the animals can eat grass.

To compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, you need to give fortified supplements as prescribed by your veterinarian. Particular attention should be paid to access to fresh fresh water. It is best to organize a drinking trough on the site, similar to the kind they make for keeping livestock. During the hot season, it would be a good idea to place a children’s pool on the property so that your pet can drink and swim in it.

Health of wolf-dog hybrids

Crossbreeding species with different genetics has a positive effect on the health of the offspring. Puppies that result from mating between wolves and dogs are much stronger and healthier. They do not exhibit those breed genetic pathologies that are inherent in purebred dogs. This proven fact was the main reason why people wanted to crossbreed dogs with wild carnivores. But such crossing has its pros and cons.

Description of the breed

To understand how different the animals are before us, let’s list all the differences that exist between them.

  • Laikas have a much wider range of colors. They can be pure black or red, and have a color similar to a husky.
  • The most important difference is the purpose. While some are born sled dogs, others are talented hunters.
  • Another very important detail that catches your eye is the size of the llamas. In huskies they are wide and large, while in huskies they are more refined and narrow.
  • Such bright and beautiful shades of blue can only be found in the iris of a husky. Only they have a rich blue eye color.
  • The wool of Siberian cab drivers has truly invaluable quality; it is hypoallergenic. If you are prone to allergic reactions, then the choice of a four-legged friend for yourself is obvious.
  • For the same reason, they are odorless, which means there will be no unpleasant dog “aroma” in your house or apartment.
  • But huskies are more prone to training and learning. It is for this reason that their group were chosen to fly on the spaceship.
  • The husky's tail is often called a fox tail. It is very fluffy and droops down, while in a husky it is curled up into a ball on its back.
  • If you put them side by side, it will become obvious that the sled dogs are larger and more powerful, while the hunting dogs are slender and thin.
  • The descendants of wolves can howl at the moon, but they will not bark day and night. But huskies can burst into loud barks.
  • Laikas are more suitable for protecting homes and people, and huskies are more suitable as a family dog ​​and children's favorite.

Varieties of color

The following colors are allowed by the standard:

  • zonal gray;
  • zone-red;
  • grey;
  • ginger;
  • fawn and reddish-brown of all shades;
  • pure white or two-color (piebald), that is, white with spots of any color listed above and similar to the main color.

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