Beagle or Corgi: description, care, feeding, training of a mixed breed

Mestizos are crosses of different dog breeds. Currently, half-breeds are at the peak of popularity. They are distinguished by their original appearance, good health and the best character qualities that they inherit from noble ancestors. Particularly valuable are the so-called designer groups, which include a cross between a beagle and a corgi.

What does a Jack Russell Terrier mix look like: popular types and descriptions of similar breeds

The ancestors of the Jack Russell Terrier appeared in Great Britain in the 6th century, and for a long time were actively used for hunting foxes, badgers and rats.
In the mid-19th century, the English priest John (Jack) Russell appreciated the intelligence and courage of these dogs, first describing the standard of the new breed. Over time, the craze for hunting became a thing of the past, but the Jack Russell, thanks to its lively character and compact size, has by no means lost its former popularity. This breed appeared in Russia only in the late 90s, so its representatives are still quite rare and are highly expensive.

Another important aspect is that Jack Russells need a patient and energetic owner who can appreciate the activity of this cheerful dog.

History of the origin of the puggle breed

For the first time, the American breeder Walls Havens tried to officially consolidate the result of the mating of these two purebred dogs. The first litter of puppies with an unusual exterior was obtained in the state of Wisconsin (USA) in 1990. He also came up with a name for the result of this unusual mating - puggle. In the Russian interpretation there are different translations of this name: puggl, mogl, puggl, pigl.

The breeding work carried out in the Havens nurseries did not bring the desired result. The new hybrid was not recognized by the American Kennel Club, and breeding work was suspended in 2000. Moreover, the Wisconsin State Ethics Committee prohibited the breeder from continuing to crossbreed the two breeds following a 2008 kennel inspection. Today in the United States there are states in which the ban on interbreed mating of puggles continues to apply.

Popular types of Jack Russell mixes

Today there are many Jack Russell mixes, and each of them has interesting features and a unique appearance.

The most popular of them are shown in the photo below.:

  • Jackshund – a cross between a Jack Russell terrier and a dachshund;
  • Yorkie Russell – a cross between a Jack Russell and a Yorkshire terrier;
  • Jackabee - a cross between a Jack Russell and a Beagle;
  • Jack Chi - a cross between a Jack Russell Terrier and a Chihuahua;
  • Cojack – a cross between Corgi and Jack Russell;
  • Jackpoo is a cross between a poodle and a Jack Russell.

Dachshund and Jack Russell mix

Jackshund fully displays all the characteristic features of his parents. This is a small dog with excellent hunting qualities and inexhaustible energy.

Dog weight: 7-13 kg; height: 20-33 cm . The average life expectancy is from 12 to 16 years.

The Jackshund gets along well with other animals if socialized properly.

This is a very sociable creature that does not tolerate loneliness and prolonged absence of the owner..

However, Jackshunds know how to be unobtrusive, understand when the owner should not be disturbed, and even show some independence. It must be remembered that these qualities cannot be abused, so as not to spoil the character and nervous system of the pet.

Other common diseases are: hip dysplasia, eye and skin diseases, and a predisposition to all kinds of allergic reactions.

Also, the future owner must be prepared for the active shedding of his pet, which can become a big problem, despite his short fur..

Another important aspect is the destructive energy of the Jackshund, which can only be curbed by long and active walks.

This dog is not easy to train, although it has a lively mind and intelligence.

Dog handlers recommend reducing training time, but increasing their number.

This allows you to better hold your pet's attention.

Jack Russell and Yorkie mix

The Yorkie Russell is a charming small dog (up to 30 cm at the withers), covered with long, soft hair of various colors (from brown-black to black-white-brown).

She has a friendly and fearless character and easily gets along with people and animals.

The Yorkie Russell is excellent for keeping in a city apartment, but does not tolerate cold climates very well..

Also, the future owner should be prepared for the fact that this dog requires increased attention. If she lacks communication with her owner, she will immediately report this with a loud howl and the most destructive behavior.

Leaving her alone for a long time is out of the question.

Yorkies, like all Jack Russell mixes, need regular exercise.

You will have to devote a lot of effort to caring for your pet’s fur, as it often gets tangled and very dirty during walks.

In addition to possible genetic diseases, Yorkies often suffer from dental diseases.

Regular teeth cleaning is recommended (2-3 times a week).

With proper care and comfortable living conditions, the life expectancy of a Yorkie can reach 12-16 years..

Physical activity and training

Pets are easy to train. They are smart, distinguished by good intelligence, pliability, and endurance. But if problems arise during self-education, it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.

Physical activity is necessary. A passive lifestyle can lead to obesity.

Beagle and Jack Russell mix

Jackaby is a small but very powerful dog. It usually resembles the body structure of its terrier parent, but its muzzle is similar to a beagle.

To understand better. what traits this crossbreed might inherit, read about beagle and jack russell here.

Jackabies have large and flexible ears, and the color is most often creamy with brown and black spots.

Average dog weight: 6-16 kg; height – up to 33 cm at the withers . Life expectancy is from 13 to 16 years.

Jackaby has a friendly and loyal character, ideal for families with children. Gets along easily with any animals.

But he often experiences anxiety and shyness when meeting strangers. When very frightened, he may become aggressive.

To stay calm and comfortable, this dog needs active and long walks . In addition, Jackaby enthusiastically takes on any mental challenge in training.

This breed is prone to allergic reactions (itchy skin, red, watery eyes, nasal allergies).

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog . At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems . However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from the owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games..


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Jackpoo is easy to care for and quite easy to train..

This is an affectionate and very curious dog that needs exciting walks and a variety of games. Feels great in a large active family with children and pets.

Often such mestizos have serious health problems (epilepsy, hypothyroidism, joint dysplasia) . Therefore, you need to take your choice of breeder seriously. In general, the Jackpu has good health and can live remarkably well up to 13-15 years.

Characteristics and appearance

The peculiarity of half-breeds is that their colors cannot be predicted in advance. The puppy may inherit the color of one of the parents or a mixture of both.

Appearance of mestizos:

  • elongated body;
  • large, high-set, erect ears;
  • elongated muzzle;
  • shortened paws;
  • small almond-shaped eyes;
  • curled tail;
  • color red-white, sometimes with black spots;
  • height up to 25 cm;
  • weight about 10 kg.

Mixed breeds are quite cute, their size is smaller than that of dogs of the original breeds.

What dog breeds are similar?

Parson Russell Terrier

Until 2001, the Parson Russell Terrier had the same standard as the Jack Russell. These dogs have the same origin, which explains their similarity to each other.

However, now these are completely different breeds with different standards.

The Parson Terrier is higher at the withers and has a more square body outline; Parson's legs are more elongated .

This dog has excellent hunting qualities, but has a more conflicting nature.

Parsons often show aggression towards other animals and strangers.

They adapt to urban living conditions somewhat more difficult than Jack Russells..

Smooth Fox Terrier

A small but very powerful dog (height - up to 39 cm at the withers, weight - up to 8 kg).

It has a muscular but compact build and a dense, straight coat with brown and black spots.

The Fox Terrier is an active, friendly and sociable pet, sometimes quite stubborn . Needs constant attention, new experiences and frequent walks.

Tireless hunter of foxes and rodents, originally from Scotland. It is distinguished by its compact size (up to 30 cm at the withers) and dense thick hair.

This is a very smart animal, persistent and energetic . Kerns are born watchmen and protectors. They are easy to train and feel the owner very well.

In return, such a dog will require increased attention and active walks together.

West Highland White

Companion dogs, once bred as rodent hunters.

Having small dimensions (up to 28 cm at the withers), they feel good in a city apartment, but need frequent walks.

They have an excellent character, which allows them to get along with any company. However, the owner must pay enough attention to raising this dog from the very beginning.

Otherwise, the pet will grow up too stubborn and self-willed.

Pros and cons of a hybrid breed

To decide which camp (supporters or opponents of the breed) is closer to you, consider the positive and negative features of this breed “mix”.

Advantages of mestizos:

  1. Sociability and friendliness towards people.
  2. Cheerful character and playful disposition.
  3. General health.
  4. High level of intellectual abilities.
  5. Attachment to people.
  6. Loyalty to the owners.
  7. Lack of aggression.
  8. Ability to get along with other pets.
  9. Hypoallergenic.
  10. Activity and endurance.
  11. Unpretentiousness.

Cons of mestizos:

  1. Stubborn character.
  2. Hyperactivity.
  3. Excessive gaming.
  4. Tendency to destructive behavior when alone (they can howl, constantly bark, chew things).
  5. The presence of genetic diseases of both breeds (problems with vision and breathing, joint dysplasia).
  6. They require constant attention from the human owner.
  7. They can be touchy.
  8. They can be lazy.

Comparison of Beagles with similar dogs and crossbreeds

What questions does a person who wants to get a dog ask? Most likely, the first thing that comes to his mind are questions about hygiene, health, care, nutrition: which comb is better to buy, which collar to choose.

And also what you should feed your dog and what you shouldn’t. In general, there are an unlimited number of questions. But in this article we will shed light on another interesting and no less important issue, which also relates directly to dogs: we will talk about the beagle and other breeds similar to it.

Where to buy a puppy

Despite the fact that international clubs and the RKF do not recognize such dogs, there are those who want to get such an unusual puppy. The cost of such pets starts from $500, but in Russia today there are no professional breeders of these hybrids.

In America, “first generation” offspring from mating pugs and beagles are offered for sale. Crossing puggles with each other is not recommended by the world canine community, so it is important to check the pedigree of the parents when purchasing mixed breeds.

Those who decide to get themselves an unusual puppy with an original exterior take on enormous responsibility for the future of the breed mix. It is recommended not to allow individuals of the same species to be mated. The best solution in this case is to sterilize the pet.

Important: Puppies of the second and subsequent generations are sold only by unscrupulous breeders.


Beagle plus pug

The cross between the pug and the beagle resulted in a separate breed called the puggle. He is very reminiscent of a large, short-legged, athletically built pug, with an elongated, wrinkled muzzle and drooping ears. The crossbreed is interesting because it is difficult to predict what the puppies will look like. She contains the best characteristics of both parents.

This is an active dog that is friendly to people and children. Very playful and curious.

The puggle inherited hyperactivity from the beagle, so physical activity is required in the form of walks, but not too long.

Jack Russell mix

The Jack Russell Terrier was crossed with the Beagle to create the Jack Bee (Jack Bee). The breed is more popular abroad, so you don’t see it often here. This is a small, brave, assertive dog. It is most often used for hunting, as it has all the necessary qualities: agility and high running speed.

Despite its miniature dimensions, it can become a good watchman .

Basset hound and beagle mix

The Beagle Basset Hound will charm you when you meet him and become a very good friend for life. The dog has a well-developed sense of smell, which it constantly uses, exploring everything. A noisy and playful individual is not suitable for living in a city apartment; it will be completely uncomfortable and cramped there.

Since the breed is a hound, the Basset Hound and Beagle mix is ​​an excellent hunter. The dog is mischievous and loves to run, splashing out the accumulated energy during the night, and you need to take a lot of long walks with it. It will be a great friend for a child, playing and entertaining him non-stop.

The mixed breed needs control; the Beagle Basset Hound is a hunter by origin, and therefore he will not miss a single opportunity to hunt squirrels and other small game. Also, your pet will have no problem making friends with other pets in the house.

With a spaniel

An active dog that will be a good helper for those who love to hunt. Restless, friendly, non-aggressive. Perfect for families with children. It is believed that nothing can lure a beagle into the water, but a spaniel loves to swim - so the mixed breed will turn out to be a good swimmer . The main difference between the breeds is that the spaniel is easier to control.

Dachshund and Beagle mix

The unpredictable, stubborn nature that both breeds possess will also manifest itself in the mixed breed. In appearance, the dog will look organic, since it will be taller than the dachshund, slightly less elongated. This pet will not participate in exhibitions, but it will be ideal as an apartment dog.

Dad is a beagle, mom is a husky

In this combination, the puppies will have beagle-like muzzles, triangular hanging ears will be husky-like, and the coat will be thick and slightly longer than that of beagles. This pet will need long walks and a lot of attention. Keeping such a mestizo in an urban environment is not the best option. They live better in their own home, but only when they have freedom of action and participate in the hobbies of their owners (hunting, fishing).

Is it possible to breed an Estonian hound with a beagle?

It is difficult to understand whether the beagle in front of you is a purebred or a mixture with an Estonian hound if the puppy is less than 3 months old. Participation in exhibitions of a cross between these breeds is impossible, therefore, if you want a purebred puppy, ask the breeders for documents and photographs of the parents, find out the pedigree.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all the dog breeds listed above have their pros and cons . Everyone decides for himself whether this or that habit is a minus or a plus.


Hybrid health

The breed is very young; crossbreeds of pugs and beagles have not yet passed the test of time. Their genetic code is unstable. Dogs can be completely healthy or have hereditary problems inherited from two species.

Main types of diseases:

  • Obesity.
  • Articular dysplasia.
  • Food allergies.
  • Cardiac pathologies of various origins.
  • Eye problems: cataracts, glaucoma, third eyelid adenoma.
  • Nostril stenosis.
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