What does a cross between a husky and a German shepherd look like: a description of the character and features of keeping a pet

Recently, so-called “designer” breeds have become very popular in the world.

They are, in fact, mestizos.

Most of these dogs become sofa toys or companions if we are talking about large breeds.

A cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky is also one of them.

What is unique about these mestizos?

Why have they become quite popular lately?

Description of the breed

German Shepherd and Husky mixes do not have official recognition in the FCI and RKF, but they are registered in the American Hybrid Dog Cube.

Moreover, they have several names there at once.:

  • German Husky
  • Siberian Shepherd
  • Shepherd Husky
  • Gerberian Shepski

In Russia, such dogs are called Gerber Shepski or simply Shepski.

They were not bred out of whim, but in order to make German shepherds more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the northern states of the United States; it was also planned that such dogs would participate in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.

The fact is that, although shepherd dogs have long been used in America for herding reindeer and for search and rescue work, they could not successfully cope with their duties in severe snowstorms and blizzards, which are frequent in those places.

To increase the frost resistance of the German Shepherd, the blood of a husky was infused into it, which is distinguished by its ability to work in the conditions of the Far North.

As a result, the breeders received a large dog with an interesting appearance, which inherited the features of both of its parents.

But the Shepski, as it turned out later, lost many of the best qualities of the original breeds and did not acquire the endurance for long-term work in the conditions of the North.

The interesting appearance of these dogs could not help but interest the first breeders, who, abandoning official use, began to breed them as companion dogs..

Shepski can only be called a mixed breed obtained from a male German Shepherd and a female Husky. Dogs born in the second generation after hybridization cannot be classified as such. In the same way, puppies whose father is a husky and whose mother is a shepherd cannot be considered Shepski.

When breeding these dogs, one more feature was revealed that made breeding the Shepsky as a separate breed impossible: mixed breeds of German shepherds and huskies turned out to be incapable of passing on the best exterior and working qualities to their descendants.

Such dogs are currently bred directly from shepherds and huskies . They are used either as companion dogs or for canis therapy.

Their service use is extremely difficult due to the fact that the Shepsky is not characterized by aggression and unquestioning obedience, which is necessary for service dogs.

Why do you need a crossbreed dog?

Today, dogs are probably the most diverse species of living beings living on our planet . Over thousands of years of selective breeding, breeds have emerged with a wide range of distinctive characteristics, including color, coat type and size. As a result of some crossbreeding work, awkward pets were obtained with a disproportionate body or unattractive exterior. But some types of crosses or hybrids deserve the attention of specialists and dog breeders.

This is interesting! Research has proven that some mixed breed dogs have significant advantages in terms of appearance and health.

Of course, mixed breeds are more genetically diverse, which is easily explained by the disordered nature of the crossing of parental pairs. In the offspring of such matings, as a rule, some genetic disorders are not too clearly manifested.

This feature is due to the low probability of parents having equally harmful recessive alleles. Nevertheless, there is a risk of progression of certain abnormalities and even severe hereditary diseases in the resulting offspring. If hybrids are crossed with each other over a long period of time, and their breeding is documented, then such dogs may eventually be considered by specialists of the main kennel clubs as new registered breeds.

For example, the well-known American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC), one of the leading registries of designer dog breeds, recognizes all hybrids that are derived from purebred ancestors. In this case, preference is always given only to hybrids that are registered by a recognized registration service.

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What did the mixture take from the German Shepherd?

Outwardly, the Shepsky resembles a German shepherd: it is distinguished by the same large size, and their physique is similar.

Some of these mestizos even have the sloping back and croup characteristic of the “Germans,” although it is much less pronounced.

Their colors are also mostly typical for shepherd dogs.

The mestizo mainly inherited external characteristics from shepherd dogs, but the unconditional loyalty and desire to please the owner, so characteristic of the “Germans”, were lost as a result of selection.

Hybridization results

“What happens if you cross a Husky and a German Shepherd?” - thought the newly minted US breeders and mixed the two breeds into a single hybrid.

The resulting mestizo pleased with his appearance, beauty and stature, lively mind and ability to sleep for a short time in the snow in a blizzard.

It turned out that in an attempt to improve, many of the working qualities of two separately superior breeds were lost - the German Shepherd and the Siberian Husky.

The resulting mixed “breed” did not acquire the endurance over long runs typical of sled dogs – once again.

The unconditional obedience and desire to please the owner, developed in the German Shepherd through long decades of selective selection, was lost - two.

The cute bastard (two+ blood - “double blood” in English) disappointed the creators with instability of behavior and inability to pass on the best external and working qualities to his descendants - three.

A cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky, it turned out to be good only as a large decorative dog, which became popular in Canada and the States.

Smart, agile, affectionate, mischievous and devoid of any manifestations of aggression (maximum - hoarse, angry barking with an imitation of an attack), the Gerberian Shepski was recommended as a “therapeutic” dog in canistherapy and for keeping a pet at home.

What traits did you pick up from your husky?

From the Husky, the crossbreed inherited thick and dense fur, as well as lighter bones.

Shepsky also got one of the main external differences of the husky: blue eyes, which look very unusual in combination with the almost shepherd muzzle of the mestizo.

The coat color of some Shepskis is similar to that of a husky, and many of these dogs have white markings and light masks on their faces.

The main thing that the Shepsky inherited from the Husky is the most striking character traits and the almost complete absence of aggression towards people, as well as their hunting abilities.

The essence of designer selection

By breeding dogs of various breeds, livestock specialists create mestizos, unique animals that combine the qualities and talents of their parents. They are also called crosses of purebred opposites (if “high” blood is involved in the process) or half-breeds (if the other half is mongrel).

The ideology of modern canine design is to obtain a new canine variety, maximally “stuffed” with consumer and exterior talents.

It should be clearly understood: mixed breeds, “designer dogs,” are not mongrels, but the result of laborious and lengthy work of highly qualified scientific breeders. The most powerful and famous “dog production” kennels are concentrated overseas: the American Canine Association is quite loyal to “modern made” dogs, and the market demand for new products and wonders is stable. This is truly an assembly line production: American animal geneticists have created entire original breed groups, the puppies of which cost original dog breeders huge sums of money.

Pet character

Shepskis are not characterized by aggression towards people, but due to their developed territorial instinct, they can be used as guard dogs. True, all these dogs can do is angrily bark at strangers who have invaded their territory.

You should not count on being able to train such dogs for protective guard service or turn them into bodyguard dogs..

At the same time, mestizos can be aggressive towards other animals, in particular towards cats and poultry, in which they see prey.

Due to the food aggression present in the Shepski and a highly developed sense of ownership, it is necessary from the first day the dog appears in the house to explain to everyone in the family and, first of all, to the children that it is impossible to disturb the dog when it eats or take away its toy.

With proper upbringing , shepherd-husky crosses make good companions . These dogs are smart, energetic and moderately affectionate. They love their owners in their own way, although their devotion cannot be compared with the selfless devotion of the German Shepherd.

What if you want to have an adequate dog that looks like a wolf?

A solution was found when UK breeders began cross breeding in 2 stages:

  1. received F1 50% malamute-mother + 50% husky-father;
  2. this hybrid was crossed 50% Malamute-Husky-Mom + 50% German Shepherd-Dad.

The dog obtained in this way, obedient, human-oriented, and very beautiful in appearance, received the name Utonagan , which translated from the language of the Chinook Indians means “Wolf Spirit” or “Wolf Dog.”

This breed group is not yet recognized by the FCI, but judging by how consistently and clearly the characteristic breed characteristics of exterior and behavior are transmitted in this large group, taking into account the purebred nature of their common ancestors and the “production of offspring similar to the parent stock,” the Utonagans are recognized as a separate breed not far away!


Photo of what it looks like

The dog is above average height, from 60 to 65 cm at the withers. The weight of the Shepsky is 40-50 cm for males and 30-35 kg for females.

The body format is close to square or slightly stretched.

The muscles are well developed, but the dog looks lighter in build than a shepherd dog:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, wider between the ears, but tapering towards the tip of the nose. The ears are erect, medium in size, and may have feathering at the edges. The eyes are round, with black edging. Eye color can be blue or cyan; heterochromia, in which one eye is brown and the other is blue, is also acceptable.
  • The neck is strong, muscular, slightly arched. The withers are quite well defined, the back is strong and level, the croup is slightly sloping.
  • The tail is not too long, slightly curved. A tail curled into a ring, but not lying on the back, is also considered acceptable.
  • The forelimbs are straight, level and parallel. The hindquarters are muscular and strong.
  • The coat consists of a thick and dense straight hair and a soft, dense and fluffy undercoat.
  • Any of the following colors are acceptable: white, black, blackish-brown, fawn, zone, pepper and salt, smoky, murugi. White markings or a white mask may be present.

Read the description and characteristics of the German Shepherd here.

The merle and speckled colors of the Shepsky are plembrac..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Unlike most mestizos, which were born by accident, the Shepski was bred purposefully. Unfortunately, this breed did not live up to the expectations of its creators, since in the end, instead of a universal service dog resistant to extreme cold, the result was a rather sweet and intelligent crossbreed, but completely unsuitable for serious work. Shepskis can only be used as companion dogs, although they can also guard the house if there is no need to use aggression. These mestizos are in good health and are easy to keep in the house.”

Who are mestizos

From a scientific point of view, a mestizo is any dog ​​of a mixed breed. Such four-legged pets have genes from two or even more breeds, due to which they differ in many positive characteristics. Some breeders and owners of purebred dogs often unjustly underestimate or despise such half-breeds, but it is the mestizos that, as a rule, inherit the best qualities of health and temperament from their eminent and purebred ancestors.

This is interesting! Designer breeds, or mestizos, with striking characteristics and unusual appearance, have today gained incredible popularity among ordinary dog ​​breeders and some celebrities who seek to demonstrate their extravagance.

Mixed-breed puppies are most often sold at a more affordable price compared to purebred relatives . Such four-legged pets are able to quickly and easily adapt to almost any conditions of care and maintenance, and are distinguished by a strong nervous system and well-developed intelligence. Among other things, according to experts, mestizos have stronger immunity, and severe diseases characteristic of some breeds cannot be transmitted to such animals from their ancestors.

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Advantages and disadvantages


  • They are distinguished by their beautiful and original appearance.
  • Friendly.
  • Sociable.
  • Devoted.
  • Smart and quick-witted.
  • They tolerate cold weather better than shepherds.
  • Loyal to children.
  • They do not require complex care.
  • They are unpretentious and easily adapt to a wide variety of conditions.


  • Not suitable for serious work.
  • They are not suitable for the role of bodyguard dogs.
  • They lack aggression towards people, which is why they can only bark at a possible robber.
  • Very territorial.
  • They may exhibit food aggression.
  • Consider other animals, especially small ones, as potential prey.
  • Stubborn.
  • Cunning and headstrong.
  • They shed heavily.


When keeping a Shepsky in the house, you should not allow the pet to beg for food, and on the street you need to make sure that it does not look for “food” among food waste.

Owner reviews

The main difficulties of keeping Utonagans and Shepskys are noted by cynologists and owners of such mestizos as long-term and fairly heavy molting, as well as a very low level of controllability, a tendency to escape and steal.

This is interesting! Such four-legged pets need competent and timely, professional socialization, which should begin from a very early age of the dog.

According to experts, both breeds have their own characteristics and quite striking advantages, but strong friendship most often arises between the owner and such a dog only if they have complete mutual understanding, and also somewhat resemble each other in temperament.

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Life expectancy and health

Shepski may have a predisposition inherited from his ancestors to diseases such as :

  • Dysplasia.
  • Hind leg failure.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Allergy.
  • Otitis.
  • Skin diseases, mainly dermatitis.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Cataract.

Shepskis live, on average, 12-15 years, however, the life expectancy of dogs depends on the conditions of detention, the physical activity of the dog and on its heredity .


The cost of such mestizos can be very different; in private advertisements you can find representatives for a thousand rubles, but it is better to beware of too low prices. Most likely, there is something wrong with the puppy; he may be sick or weak. On average, the amount can range from five to twenty thousand rubles, and it is better to make purchases only in trusted places - from breeders with a good reputation, for example.

By purchasing such a pet, you will never regret your decision. It will delight you for many years, and perhaps even save your life in an emergency. When choosing a little kitten, take it with full responsibility - you should like it not only externally, but also evoke spiritual affection and positive emotions. If, taking him in your arms, you feel that this is the one you were looking for - feel free to take him to your home! He will become a true friend.

To read: The main signs of the onset of heat in a Toy Terrier: how long does it last and what to do?

Features of maintenance and care

The Shepsky's coat, due to the presence of a soft undercoat, is prone to matting, so the dog must be regularly brushed with a hard brush, carrying out this procedure at least every other day.

During the molting period, you will have to comb your pet 2 times a day, while experts recommend, in addition to a regular brush, using a special mitten to remove dead hair.


You can bathe your Shepherd-Husky mix once or twice a year, as frequent washing is not good for these dogs.

The claws are trimmed as needed or ground down themselves . Eyes and ears should be examined every day, but cleaned only when dirt appears.

To keep your pet's teeth in order, you can give him soft, raw cartilage or buy special toys at a pet store.

In order for the Shepsky to find an outlet for his energy, he needs to be walked for a long time, and walks on a leash are not enough for these dogs: they need to run out properly.

A little history

A cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd appeared in the mid-20th century. The breed is considered young and still little known throughout the world. Germany became her homeland. A group of Germans set out to get new dogs with a stable psyche and balanced character.

Particular attention was paid to the level of health

The best representatives of the breeds were selected for the work. The first mixed breeds of Rottweilers and German Shepherds definitely pleased the breeders. Hybrids were distinguished by high trainability, obedience, and good health.

Further crossing allowed only the best qualities to be consolidated in the new breed. Therefore, the breeders decided to present the Rottweiler-Shepherd mix to the professional canine society.

Rottweiler and Shepherd

However, experts refused to recognize the new breed. In their opinion, mestizos do not have a stable set of characteristics, and the results of selection are not yet permanent. At this stage, the targeted work on breeding a new breed ended.

Interesting! Some dog breeders make their own hybrids and sell puppies.

The Rottweiler-Shepherd mix is ​​considered to be versatile and has excellent working qualities. This breed is popularly called Malkhover, and it is popular among connoisseurs of unusual dogs.

Feeding and diet

The German Shepherd-Husky mix can eat both ready-made food for active adult dogs and homemade natural food. In the second case, the pet’s diet should be varied and complete.

It can be based on protein products of animal origin, for example, lean meat or offal, with the exception of lungs, liver and udder.

Lungs are of little use, excess liver in the diet is harmful, and udders are too fatty for dogs - therefore, these foods are best given in small quantities.

The meat should be supplemented with buckwheat or rice porridge, as well as fermented milk products such as kefir, low-fat natural yogurt and, of course, cottage cheese. It is useful to add fresh and boiled vegetables, as well as fruits and herbs.


In order to provide the Shepsky with all the necessary nutrients, it is recommended to periodically give the pet vitamin and mineral supplements.

Today is the day for Gerber Shepsi

Today, the husky-shepherd mix is ​​being actively promoted as a new breed by unscrupulous breeders, who are commonly called “breeders” or “breeders.” The blue eyed puppies they offer may not even be Gerberian Shepskys!

Shepsky can only be called a cross between a German Shepherd and a Husky in the first generation - an F1 hybrid - 50% of the blood of a purebred Husky mother and 50% of the blood of a purebred German Shepherd father. And never vice versa!

Hybrids of the second, third and subsequent generations as Gerberian Shepski are not even considered.

Crosses obtained by crossing an East European Shepherd and a Husky are also not considered, although in appearance they are very reminiscent of a large Siberian Shepherd.

External data

Crossbreds of Husky and German, large dogs with striking features from two breed representatives. Unfortunately, unexpected violations of structure and color often occur; in the case of accidental matings, the result cannot be predicted.

  • Husky Shepherd has almond-shaped or round eyes and is of medium size. There is an extension and a painted “arrow” on the outer corner. The eyes can be blue, light blue, or perhaps more colorful. Brown shades - from light sand to dark walnut.
  • The muzzle is slightly elongated, the nose is straight, tapering towards the tip. The forehead is wide, the transition from the forehead is not bright. The jaw is strong, the teeth are completely closed, the lips fit tightly, the color should be dark. Scissor bite, white, large fangs. No sagging.
  • Body and body: large bones, well-defined muscles throughout the body, tucked belly, skin folds are not allowed. The skin is elastic. The chest is of medium width, voluminous. The back is slightly sloping. The limbs are long and straight, parallel and strong. The thigh is wide with pronounced muscles. Neck – wide, medium long, strong. The shoulder is straight, not short. The loin is medium, wide and strongly muscled.
  • Tail: medium long to the hock, low set, heavily covered with hair. It can rise above the level of the back or be thrown over the back in the form of a loose ring. Saber-shaped, thick at the base, tapering to the tip.

Descendants of huskies crossed with medium-sized dogs (beagle, chow chow, etc.)

A mix of Siberian Huskies and medium sized dogs is also a common hybrid. Breeders managed to obtain half-breeds from representatives of the following breeds:

Beagle and Husky mix

  • Beagle. A mixed breed of husky and this dog is called Beaski. The main difference between a hybrid is its high life expectancy. As you can see in the photo, his exterior is a mixture of both breeds without a visible predominance of any one of them. By nature he is kind and loyal.
  • Chow-chow. The descendants of huskies and representatives of the Chinese breed are rare. In terms of its appearance, the dog is very close to the Chow Chow; only its blue eyes give it away as a half-breed. He inherited his character from brave, independent sled dogs.

Pit bull and husky mix

  • Pitbull. As a result of crossing, cute puppies were obtained with the appearance of the first parent and the color of the second. The descendants of the pit bull have a stocky build.
  • Samoyed. Huskies crossed with this breed are rare. Puppies are born with beautiful fluffy fur and are also often similar in color to Samoyeds. This hybrid has excellent hunting skills and is an excellent hound dog.

Akita Inu and Husky mix

  • Akita Inu. This Japanese breed is similar to a husky, so a cross with it turns out to be harmonious. The Huskita, a hybrid of two breeds, has a cheerful disposition and love for children.
  • Collie and Siberian sled dog. The result of this mixture is a hybrid, the appearance of which makes it difficult to determine whose genes are stronger. The character of a half-breed is impossible to predict.
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