Reviews from owners about the husky: the pet's character traits and whether it is suitable for keeping in an apartment

Huskies are one of those dogs whose appearance cannot go unnoticed.

It is thanks to its beautiful exterior that many people want to get such a pet, but there is no need to rush.

Representatives of this breed have a rather complex character, so before buying a puppy you should read the description of the breed and reviews of the owners in order to have an idea of ​​the breed as a whole and evaluate your strengths.

Description of the breed

The Husky has a harmoniously built muscular body, straight limbs, well-muscled hips and oval, compact paw pads.

To meet the breed standard, dogs must have:

  • head proportional to the body of medium size;
  • slightly rounded skull, tapering towards the eyes;
  • a clearly defined transition from the forehead to the not very long muzzle;
  • slanted almond-shaped eyes, which can be blue, blue, gray or brown, are often found in individuals with heterochromia;
  • medium-sized V-shaped ears with slightly rounded tips;
  • black, brown or gray, depending on coat color, nose;
  • scissor bite;
  • deep and wide chest;
  • straight back.

Adult males grow to 53.5-60 cm at the withers with a weight of 20.5-28 kg, the height of females is 50.5-56 cm, and body weight is 15.5-23 kg.

Character traits

Huskies can be described as affectionate, good-natured dogs and not prone to aggression. They are very sociable, friendly and need constant attention.

Representatives of this breed are people-oriented and become attached to their owner . At the same time, they will not remain faithful to one person if that person does not constantly prove to them his leadership and shows disrespect for the pet.

These dogs are accustomed to existing with people on an equal footing, being their partners and companions, and will not tolerate disdainful treatment.

Huskies have a complex and obstinate character, which not everyone can cope with . They are characterized by stubbornness, willfulness, independence and the desire to dominate.

Many husky character traits are inherited.

Learning ability

The initial training of a husky consists of the puppy learning its name and approaching the owner's call. Once your pet has mastered the exercises, introduce more challenging elements.

Huskies are stubborn and difficult to train.

The nuances of properly raising a dog at home on the site:

  • In the house, define areas where the puppy is allowed to be and fence them off with drywall.
  • Teach your puppy to use a diaper or litter box. After feeding, take him to a place to relieve himself and hold him there for a couple of minutes. If the puppy goes to the toilet, praise it.
  • Be consistent in training - having given a command, force the dog to carry it out with the help of treats or mechanical influence.
  • Do not punish your child for wrong actions - instead, develop him and methodically practice commands.

Don't allow yourself to shout at your dog - loud noises will make him go into a stupor.

Siberian Husky: photo, description of the breed, character, reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of huskies that the owners of these dogs, especially those who have small children, talk about are their friendly disposition, lack of aggression and the ability to get along with kids..

In addition, representatives of this breed have an attractive appearance, good health and a high degree of endurance.

Also husky:

  • know how to find a common language with other pets;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor;
  • sociable;
  • independent;
  • clean;
  • smart and quick-witted;
  • adapt well to new conditions.

Speaking about the disadvantages of the breed, it should be noted that these dogs:

  • stubborn and willful;
  • prone to dominance;
  • shed heavily;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • prone to prolonged howling, digging holes and escapes;
  • do not tolerate heat well;
  • need constant communication.

Huskies do not have guarding or guarding instincts, so they should not be bred to guard the house.

How to care for a husky

Brushing the coat of dogs of this breed is enough once a week, so caring for the Siberian Husky is not particularly difficult. During molting periods, which usually occur in spring and autumn, it is advisable to carry out this procedure daily. Huskies do not have the characteristic “dog” smell.

Photo: Westsib/Depositphotos

These animals do not need frequent bathing. It is enough to give them a bath day several times a year. The exception is pets that participate in exhibitions. Also, an unscheduled bath may be necessary if the husky is very dirty and there is simply no other way to clean his fur. In this case, you need to use only special products that are sold in pet stores.

Special attention is required to the length of the dog's claws. They are trimmed as they grow, and this can be done either independently or by specialists.


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