York chocolate cat: description and photo of an animal of unusual color

Each furry pet, be it a purebred representative of a rare breed, a hybrid or a “yard” inhabitant, is unique. But from the motley cat brotherhood, the chocolate Yorkie cat . The cat with delicate brown fur and flexible character is rapidly gaining fans around the world. Despite the lack of recognition by most international organizations and the rich history of breeding the breed, the handsome Yorkie easily wins over cat lovers thanks to his attractive exterior with hints of exoticism combined with a friendly disposition.

Maintenance, care, health

Despite its hybrid origins and mutations, caring for a Highlander is not much different from caring for other cats. Since this breed has short hair, it does not need to be brushed too often. Once a week will be enough. The same applies to water procedures. If the cat lives in an apartment, you need to bathe it as needed.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by a dominant mutation, so you should be extremely careful when crossing. Against the background of this same factor, there may be health problems.

It is extremely difficult to judge their life expectancy, since the breed existed for only 10 years. But breeders claim that the age limits of this breed will not differ from others.

There are no special tricks in keeping Highlanders. Caring for them is not difficult, but some nuances must be taken into account.


Caring for purebred cats is very easy. Despite the long hair, animal fur almost never forms tangles, which often appear, for example, in Persian cats. To keep the coat in perfect condition, it is enough to brush your cat regularly. During the molting period, it is advisable to do this procedure daily. Rubber brushes and special mittens are suitable for this purpose.

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British Longhair kittens should not be fed potatoes or legumes. Fatty meats, fish bones, salted and smoked foods are prohibited for growing and adult pets. A good solution is high-quality premium food designed for breeds with long hair.

British diseases

Highlanders achieve this impressive age for a cat thanks to their good health. They have not been identified with any genetic defects that complicate the animal’s existence. However, throughout life, diseases of the urinary system can make themselves felt.

The second possible problem is obesity. Cats are prone to overeating, so from a very early age you need to monitor your pet’s diet. The weight situation often gets worse after castration. To prevent obesity, veterinarians recommend provoking the animal to be active.

Conclusions about the breed

Extraordinarily attractive and cute representatives of the British Longhair breed are gaining more and more attention from specialists and simply cat lovers every year. A huge number of coat colors allows you to choose a pet to suit your taste. The value of beautiful cats increases due to their peaceful nature and good disposition. A significant advantage is the ease of care, as well as the absence of serious health problems throughout the cat’s life.

Caring for Britannicas is not difficult, but must be done regularly. It is necessary to comb the hair of British longhair cats 2-3 times a week, and every day during periods of seasonal shedding. This is necessary to avoid the formation of tangles; tangled hairs can still be combed at the initial stages, but will have to be cut later.

If a kitten is taught hygiene procedures from an early age, then by the age of 6 months, he will have nothing against hairdressing services and will even begin to enjoy them. There is no need to bathe British cats often, usually only before a show and during periods of heavy shedding. During water procedures, special shampoos and conditioners must be used. You can also use dry products that do not require rinsing.

The claws of the British cat grow quickly and break off, so you need to keep an eye on them and trim them on time. Eyes and ears are cleaned as necessary, and special means are regularly given to remove hair from the stomach.

In general, British Longhairs are a healthy and hardy breed, but are not without a predisposition to certain diseases. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be inherited (diagnosed based on ultrasound of the heart). Like other short-faced breeds, they are prone to tartar formation, so it is necessary to regularly inspect the pink cavity and keep the teeth clean.

Most representatives of the British Longhair breed have a solid coat color.

Bicolor, tabby and color point are also allowed.


Let's look at the general principles of feeding elves.

  1. The frequency of feeding for kittens should be up to 5 times a day. Adult animals eat no more than 2-3 times a day.
  2. Portions should be small. Elves have a habit of greedily devouring food, neglecting to chew it, which later leads to digestive problems. Owners should remember that a cat of this breed begs for more, even if it is full.
  3. The standard serving size per day when feeding natural food is 250 ml. You can also calculate based on the weight of the animal - 40 g of food per 1 kg of body weight.
  4. When introducing new foods into your diet, do not rush.

Ready-made feed

The simplest solution for providing elf cats with a complete diet is to switch to dry ready-made food, pates and jellies in pouches. Among the options suitable for hairless animals are:

  • Purina Pro Plan Delicate - super premium diet based on turkey meat, rice, corn, natural oils;
  • ACANA Grasslands for Cats – holistic food based on duck meat, lamb liver, lamb, lentils;
  • Royal Canin Sphynx Adult - takes into account the needs of hairless cat breeds, but may cause allergies.

Natural feeding

When creating a natural diet for an elf cat, you should focus on your pet’s own preferences and the recommendations of veterinarians. The feed must contain at least 60% protein components of animal origin. This includes lean meat - chicken, turkey, veal and beef, cottage cheese and low-fat kefir. About 10% of the diet consists of fats and 30% of carbohydrates.

Vegetables in the diet should include zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, and be sure to add grains - from lentils to rice and oatmeal. A special pot of cat grass will also help replenish your fiber supply. With its help, your pet will receive fresh vitamins.

All smoked, pickled, sweet and fatty foods should be excluded from the diet of an elf cat. It is not recommended to feed pork meat or legumes.

By choosing a balanced diet for elves, you can provide them with a full supply of energy and prevent the development of obesity, which is dangerous for animals.

Maintenance and care

Despite the fact that the Yorkie cat breed remains one of the rarest and most expensive, keeping these animals will not take up a lot of your time and money. They are extremely unpretentious and undemanding, and even a child will be able to care for the “chocolate”.


Yorkie cats are amazingly clean cats. From a young age, a mother cat teaches her children self-hygiene and cleanliness. These animals spend a lot of time licking their elegant fur coats, from which, however, it does not at all follow that the owner should not take care of the hygiene of his pet. Even a very young kitten should be gradually accustomed to regular brushing. This simple procedure needs to be done at least twice a week, and during molting periods - daily; then the famous Yorkie coat will be bright, shiny and beautiful.

Shiny, well-groomed fur indicates good health of the cat.

It is necessary to bathe chocolate cats using special shampoos and conditioners for long hair. Human cosmetics are absolutely not suitable for them. Representatives of the breed treat washing and all other hygiene procedures with patience and understanding; bathe them as they become dirty, but not more than twice a month.

The Yorkie Chocolate cat is calm and patient, she tolerates all hygiene procedures with understanding.


This breed is very unpretentious in nutrition. Feeding Yorkie cats can be either natural or based on high-quality ready-made food. Of course, in the first case, you need to have some experience in order to organize a balanced, tasty and certainly healthy diet for your pet. In this case, you should seek recommendations from the breeder or veterinarian.

From the lines of ready-made food, you need to choose the highest quality and not too high in calories

An incorrect or too high-calorie diet can lead to digestive problems, which are typical for this breed. This must be taken into account when choosing ready-made food or creating a natural diet. If the animal does not receive increased physical activity, then the calorie content of the feed should not be high. When feeding natural food, you should exclude the following foods:

  • fatty, fried and smoked foods;
  • salt, sugar and any spices;
  • fresh river fish;
  • fresh baked goods and confectionery;
  • citrus fruits and grapes;
  • legumes and cabbage in any form.

The natural menu should be dosed and fractional - it is better to divide the daily norm into four to five feedings. If possible, try to give the animal only one product at one feeding. The following ingredients are very useful for Yorkie cats:

  • low-fat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products;
  • lean poultry or rabbit meat - preferably boiled;
  • sea ​​fish stewed in a small amount of water;
  • vegetables and root vegetables poached until soft, except cabbage and potatoes;
  • quail eggs - no more than three per week;
  • well-cooked rice or buckwheat - two to three feedings per week.


Smart and clean Yorkie cats usually have no problems using the toilet - even small kittens of this breed already know how to use the litter box for its intended purpose.

However, when moving to a new place, the animal may experience stress and not immediately understand such a delicate issue. The owner’s task is to create the most comfortable and familiar conditions for his pet, so that the process of adaptation to unusual territory occurs as quickly as possible.

Ask the breeder in advance what kind of tray and what type of litter the cat is used to using, and offer her the same things in the new place. Show the animal immediately after feeding where the toilet is - and then the cat will most likely find its way on its own.

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History of the origin of the Chocolate Yorkie breed

Unlike many of its purebred counterparts, the Yorkie cat cannot boast of a branchy family tree with strong roots. The discovery of the Yorkie breed occurred spontaneously, in the early 80s of the last century. The founder of the York Chocolate was not some famous breeder and not a scientist at all. The Yorkie breed owes its appearance to the American Janet Chifari.

As often happens, Janet’s family had a cute long-haired cat. In one of the pet's litters, the owner saw a kitten with rich brown fur. The mother cat did not have outstanding external characteristics, so the mystery of inheriting the unusual appearance of her furry daughter remained unsolved. When the Yorkie chocolate cat grew up, she also gave birth to a Yorkie kitten with a similar color.

Janet Chifari liked the pets with the unusual “fur coat” so much that she decided to breed the Yorkie breed. She had no special skills or experience. However, after a series of trials and errors, the gene responsible for chocolate fur became stable.

Care and maintenance

Before you bring a kitten or cat home, you need to prepare and purchase everything you need:

  • two bowls (for water and food);
  • bed;
  • scratching post;
  • safe toys;
  • feed;
  • necessary care products;
  • tray with filler.


The Yorkie cat's diet should be as balanced as possible and contain enough protein. These cats are prone to obesity, so the percentage of fat in the food should be no more than 15–20%. Also, the food must be at least premium, high quality and rich in all the substances a cat needs.

What food is suitable for a Yorkie cat:

  • Bosch Sanabelle Light (super premium);
  • Origen Fit&Trim (holistic);
  • Canidae Pure Sea (super premium);
  • Hill's Science Plan Feline Adult Light (super premium);
  • Royal Canin Longhair Indoor (premium);
  • Carnilove Duck&Pheasant canned (holistic).

Natural nutrition should also be balanced and varied. It must be supplemented with vitamin supplements, which are individually selected by your veterinarian for your cat.

What foods should you give your Yorkie cat:

  • lean meat (beef, poultry, rabbit, lean lamb) - 60% of the diet; it must be welded to avoid helminthic infestation;
  • porridge (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal) - 15% of the diet;
  • vegetables and herbs, except onions, potatoes and herbs - 15% of the diet;
  • cottage cheese and fermented milk products - 5% of the diet;
  • meat by-products - 5% of the diet;
  • cat grass or sprouted oats are always available.

The main feeding is a mixture of porridge, vegetable puree and finely chopped meat. The daily feeding rate is 35 g per 1 kg of cat weight. In the morning 2/3 of the norm is given, in the evening - 1/3. Also during the day, the cat is given 20–40 g of cottage cheese or offal (alternate every day).

Cat care

Combing is done once every 2-3 days, during shedding - daily. For complete care you will need:

  • antistatic spray;
  • combined comb;
  • rubber comb;
  • iron brush;
  • bristle brush;
  • furminator for long-haired breeds;
  • restorative spray for wool.


  1. First, spray the fur with an antistatic agent so that it does not become electrified and cause discomfort to the cat.
  2. Smooth out the fur with a combination comb and carefully untangle any tangles.
  3. Comb the fur with a furminator. It should not be used more than once a week, so as not to remove too much healthy hair along with the lost hair.
  4. Brush the fur with a wire brush.
  5. Use a rubber comb. She will remove any remaining loose hairs and give your cat a pleasant massage.
  6. Comb the fur with a bristle brush. It will increase blood flow to the hair follicles, so the hairs will receive more nutrients and the fur will become healthier.
  7. Spray the fur with a restorative spray. Every long-haired cat needs it, as it envelops the hair with a protective film. This makes the wool less dirty, becomes even softer and silkier, shines brighter and does not tangle.
  8. The last stage is combing with a comb.

It is enough to wash your Yorkie cat 5-6 times a year (every 2.5 months). If the fur gets dirty quickly, you can clean it with dry shampoo or a no-rinse shampoo (for example, Trixie Trocken Shampoo, Pet's Lab, Jerob Waterless Shampoo or Perfect Coat Waterless Shampoo).

Dry shampoo can help clean your cat's fur without bathing.

Regular shampoos that are suitable for Yorkie cats:

  • Jerob Herbal Shampoo;
  • Miss Kiss “Luxurious Lioness”;
  • Iv San Bernard Banana;
  • BioGroom Protein-Lanolin;
  • Tropiclean Papaya&Coconut.

Other care includes:

  • cleaning the eyes is a daily procedure: you will need a caring lotion for cat eyes and a piece of natural fabric;
  • wipe the eyes carefully in the direction from the inner corner to the outer;
  • teeth cleaning - the procedure is performed every 3 days, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of tartar and gum inflammation:
      The procedure requires a special cat toothpaste and a special toothbrush;
  • brush their teeth without using force, but thoroughly;
  • Ear cleaning is a weekly procedure:
      you will need drops and lotion for cleaning cat ears, cotton swabs;
  • first, 3–5 drops are placed in the ear and its base is massaged;
  • then a swab soaked in lotion is placed in the ear, and it is massaged again for a minute;
  • the auricle is wiped with another swab dipped in lotion;
  • trimming claws - as they grow, always with a nail clipper:
      it is necessary to trim while maintaining the natural shape of the claw and without touching its pink, opaque part (to do this, you need to step 2-3 mm away from it);
  • if the claw is injured, the wound should be treated with peroxide and iodine.
  • Your cat will be happy and healthy if you groom it regularly.

    Keeping a pet

    For your pet to be healthy, mobile and active, it needs proper care and proper nutrition.


    When you bring a small kitten home, questions about feeding and care immediately arise. The breeder of the sold kitten should tell you all the details, and at the same time give you some food for the first time. A small child eats 4–5 times a day. It is advisable that there is always food and clean fresh water in the cup, possibly from a filter, but not boiled. Food: dry food, preferably premium. You can add a little cottage cheese, fermented baked milk or kefir.

    What to feed an adult cat is up to you. There are two options - continue to feed the animal with dry food from good quality producers or switch it to natural food. An adult cat needs to be fed 2-3 times a day in small portions, clean water is always required.

    If you decide to switch your pet to natural food, then you cannot give any food from your table. Only vegetables, eggs, boiled fish, meat, cereals, and low-fat dairy products are suitable.

    If you want to treat your animal with cheese, sausage or other tasty treats, then they can be given as a treat or reward for something, but not very often. If the food is natural, then you should not forget about vitamin complexes for cats; they will contain all the substances that are useful and necessary for the cat, which may be lacking in natural food.

    With a natural diet, it is necessary to give cats vitamins

    Cat care

    Since the Yorkie cat has long hair, it requires constant care. You need to bathe your cat as soon as it gets dirty, preferably once a month. You need to wash the animal with shampoo, after bathing, thoroughly dry the coat with a hairdryer and comb it.

    The luxurious fur of Yorkie chocolate cats requires constant care.

    You need to comb the fur with a special comb 2-3 times a week so that it does not mat and does not have to be cut later. I had a Persian cat that I didn’t have time to care for. The wool became felted like felt boots and had to be shaved off. Then the cat walked like a lion - bald, but with a mane on his head.

    In addition to the coat, you need to take care of the ears, teeth, claws and eyes. Nails should sometimes be trimmed with special scissors. The ears are cleaned 1-2 times a month with a cotton swab and special drops; they can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. If your cat's eyes are running and watery, you can use eye drops. Your cat's teeth should be brushed with a special brush and toothpaste.

    Your cat's ears need to be cleaned a couple of times a month.

    Do not forget about treating the animal against various fleas, ticks, worms and other parasites. Treatment for worms is carried out once a quarter with special preparations (for example, Drontal, Stronghold, Prazicide, Polyvercan). A variety of drops, tablets and collars are sold against fleas and ticks. You can choose the option that is convenient for you and your animal.

    Every cat needs a toilet. Any cat litter box is perfect for this. To avoid odor, you can purchase cat litter. It can be very different - wood, silicate, cellulose, clay. Each filler has its own advantages: one eliminates odor, the other is easy to remove.

    In my opinion, the best filler is wood. I have two cats and I only put this in their trays. The filler has a fairly low cost and good quality. Immediately absorbs all the liquid, locks out unpleasant odors and is very easy to replace with a fresh one.

    Since the breed is very active, you can walk it. If you have a private house, then everything is very simple - at any time you can open the door and let the cat out for a walk in the yard, catch birds or play with other animals. You will have to go for a walk from the apartment with your pet so that it does not run away. You can use a special cat harness for walking; it does not restrict the animal’s movement.

    Yorkie Chocolates are very active and will happily go for walks.

    Description of the Korats

    Korat owners describe their pets as silver cats that bring good luck. The Thais think the same. Korats symbolize wealth (coins are silver in color) and bring their owner a good harvest, since the color of the cat is similar to rain, and the eyes are like young plants. Many believe that the heart-shaped face of a cat brings happiness and many years of friendly life to newlyweds.

    Korats have a beautiful silver coat color and eyes the color of young green

    Appearance of the Korat

    Korats do not grow very large, with adults usually not exceeding 5 kg. They are compact and strong, they have a muscular body and a wide chest with a large distance between the forelimbs. However, silver cats have a rather long tail (its length is equal to the length of the body). The forelimbs of the Korat are shorter than the hind limbs, but both are proportional to the body. The paws are oval and also powerful. These cats look squat and stocky.

    The Korat's calling card is silver fur and green eyes.

    Korats are sometimes born with barely visible stripes, but as they mature, the color evens out to a silver-blue color. This shade occurs due to special ticking. The hair fibers of a blue cat have a light base, a dark middle and always a light tip. The shine effect is especially noticeable in those places where the coat is shorter.

    Character of a silver cat

    Korats are smart, kind and affectionate cats. They must feel the reciprocity of their beloved owner. Such a pet prefers to dominate other animals in the house and sometimes even dogs. It is believed that the need for human love and respect is inherent in them at the genetic level. However, this does not mean at all that the cat will be naughty and make its own rules. His intelligence will allow him to quickly understand and remember the rules of the house

    It is important to teach your pet everything as a child

    The Korat will adore its owner, but will also demand the same treatment in return.

    The blue cat understands who is its owner and who is the owner's cub. The Korats find a common language with children right away. This does not mean, of course, that the animal will allow itself to be tortured, but playing for an hour with a child is always a “please”. However, in the presence of a smart pet, it is better not to turn on the TV too loudly, and it is also not recommended to have pillow fights. Korath does not like disgrace, chaos and noise.

    The Korat is known for its soft and gentle nature. He is flexible and loyal, has subtle intuition and always feels the mood of the owner. If he is sad, then the pet will caress his person, if he is bored, he is ready to play with him. And if the owner is in pain or is simply tired, then the animal “purrs” stress, pain, and fatigue. It is recommended to have sensitive Korats for calm people who lack attention and communication; a silver cat can provide all this.

    Korat is an excellent companion and devoted friend

    Features of the breed

    The Chocolate Yorkie is a long-haired cat, so when purchasing such a kitten, you need to understand that you will regularly find its fur on the sofas. In general, this breed is completely unpretentious in care. Due to the fact that long hair will gather in clumps, it needs to be brushed regularly. If a lump has already formed, only scissors will help you. Don’t be afraid that an unsightly bald spot will remain; the hair grows back to the desired length quite quickly. To avoid this situation, brush your cat's fur every evening. Using a soft brush, you will quickly and happily tidy up your cat’s fur while watching TV.

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    Chocolate Yorkies are not picky when it comes to food, so it is very important for the owner to provide their pet with the right diet. Dry food should be at least super premium, and at the same time you can buy minerals and vitamins in veterinary pharmacies

    Here you need to take into account that supplements must meet the needs of the cat, based on age. Babies are fed 4 times a day.

    Milk is a very important food for growing Yorkies. From 5-6 months, kittens can be switched to 3 meals a day. At 9 months, the cat is considered an adult and is fed 2 times.

    The cat should always have access to fresh water and it should be changed at least once a day. When feeding natural foods, the majority of the diet should be raw meat. Some resources also recommend boiled, but in fact it is useless for a predator, since it does not have the necessary elements and vitamins. It is also necessary to include vegetables and offal without skins in the menu. Cereals are strictly forbidden for cats, because the cat’s stomach is not able to digest them, and the cereals will simply rot in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Necessary care

    Chocolate Yorkies do not require special care; it is enough to bathe them from time to time and sometimes wipe their eyes with a cotton pad moistened with water and clean their ears.

    A cat can clean itself up, but such attention from the owner will have a positive impact on its psycho-emotional state. Love is the main thing for this breed, this is exactly what these cats need to be happy

    Diseases of Yorkie Chocolate Cats

    There is no evidence of genetic diseases that are inherent in this breed. If you take proper care of your Yorkies, there will be no health problems. Stomach problems in these cats are more common than others, but this is mostly not a matter of breed data, but of improper feeding. The average lifespan of Chocolate Yorkies is 14 years.

    Description of breed standards

    Representatives of the York Chocolate cat breed must have the following external characteristics:

    1. Torso.
      Elongated, with well-developed muscles. Sizes slightly larger than average. The bones are light.
    2. Tail.
      With a wide base. Average, or longer than average. With a round tip.
    3. Neck.
      Should be long and thin.
    4. Paws.
      Differing in length and slenderness. The hind ones are longer than the front ones. The tips of the paws are oval in shape. Characteristically there are tufts of hair between the toes.
    5. Head.
      It has a round shape. The average size. The muzzle is wedge-shaped.
    6. Eyes.
      Oval shape. Medium size. Harmoniously combined with the shape of the head.
    7. Ears.
      Large and rounded at the tips. There are tufts of wool on the inside.
    8. Wool.
      Yorkie cats have a very soft and silky coat. It is quite long, yet thin with a slight glossy sheen. Characterized by the presence of thick undercoat. In the shoulder area the hair is shorter and towards the tail it gradually becomes longer. Some individuals have a characteristic “collar” in the neck area.
    9. Colors.
      Chocolate, lilac, combination of chocolate and white, combination of lilac and white. Kittens up to one and a half years old can have tabby or tipping colors.

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    Attention! One white spot, provided the color is uniform, is a fault. As an adult, the Yorkie cat should be the correct shades of chocolate or lilac. The presence of stripes or impurities of foreign colors should not be present at maturity

    The presence of stripes or impurities of foreign colors should not be present at maturity

    As an adult, the Yorkie cat should be the correct shades of chocolate or lilac. The presence of stripes or impurities of foreign colors should not be present at sexual maturity.

    Adult cats of this breed weigh up to 8 kilograms. The elongated and muscular body allows these animals to have a soft and graceful gait. Yorkie cats have stunning external characteristics, a cheerful and sociable disposition, are very active, and are easy to train.

    They love their owners and younger family members. That is why representatives of this breed are in demand as pets for large families with children. They are kind and curious, but cannot be called intrusive.

    Breed characteristics

    York cats are very popular not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Russia. These are large animals with well-developed muscles. Males can reach a weight of seven kilograms, females - five.

    The cat's head is medium, wedge-shaped. The ears are wide and pointed. The eyes are medium-sized golden or green. The nose is straight and long, with a small depression at eye level.

    The long, silky coat and distinctive “collar” make the cat very unique. The coat itself is usually fine, soft and shiny, flowing along the body. In a purebred cat, it should be of uniform color, without spots.

    There are four main colors: chocolate solid (chocolate brown), lilac solid (light and dark lavender), chocolate bicolor + white, lilac bicolor + white.

    MisterCat recommends: Character traits

    Surprisingly, these animals did not acquire a single negative trait neither from the Persian nor from the Siamese, having absorbed all the good things. Their character amazes and amazes owners with their openness and friendliness.

    There is a saying among them - “if you have York, you will never be alone again.” But York cats themselves do not like loneliness. If the owners are away from home for a long time, these pets become very sad. A friendly dog ​​or other domestic animal can save the situation, although it can also stand up for itself. However, you should not have a hamster or parrot in the house - the hunting instinct of these cats is well developed, they will never get along with these animals.

    Despite his friendship with other pets, Yorkie will wait impatiently for a human at the door. It becomes attached to the owner tightly and forever, easily adapting to his habits and routine. He will be happy to walk on a harness, sleep next to him and get up with the owner.

    Newcomers in the house are treated with caution at first, but after studying and accepting them, they will take care of and protect them. Moderately playful, loves and never offends children. This angel, reminiscent of chocolate, is a real family cat that will decorate any home with its extraordinary appearance and chic behavior.

    This angel, reminiscent of chocolate, is a real family cat that will decorate any home with its extraordinary appearance and chic behavior.

    Moderately playful, loves and never offends children. This angel, reminiscent of chocolate, is a real family cat who will decorate any home with her extraordinary appearance and chic behavior.

    Character and behavior

    The York cat breed quickly becomes attached to its owner and easily adapts to a new place of residence. They are supporters of moderate but sincere friendship with other animals in the house, with the exception of small rodents, birds, and fish. When communicating with small children, they show noticeable interest; cats behave in an extremely well-mannered and maternal manner.

    The Yorkie cat breed easily adapts to the rhythm of life of its owner

    A general description may include:

    • Flexibility of character. The York Chocolate has no problem adapting to the temperament and rhythm of life of its owners - be it an elderly couple, a young family with a child, or an eternally absent careerist. Cats of this breed are tactful and easy to train.
    • Lack of aggression. When a new pet or guest appears in the house, the cat behaves with restraint and politeness. Having made sure that he does not pose a danger, the cat willingly goes to get acquainted with the new one.
    • Affectionate without being intrusive. Pets of this breed enjoy attention: games, stroking, scratching. But he will not impose himself if he notices that the owner is at work or needs rest. Reviews from owners of the breed say that he will silently follow his owner until he finds a moment for attention.

    Yorkie cats love their owner's tactile attention.

    Pet character

    One of the priorities of felinologists when working on the breed is to strengthen the friendly and balanced character of Yorkies. This is a calm cat that feels great both in the company of its owner and alone.
    Yorkies take part in games with pleasure, they especially like to chase rustling candy wrappers. The cat can sit in the owner's arms and purr a little. But, after a while, she needs solitude and peace.

    The cat is wary of strangers. She is unlikely to fawn over a person whom she sees for the first time in her life. She needs time to get to know each other closely.

    Yorkies get along well with other animals: cats and dogs, but proximity to domestic rodents is not desirable for them, since a cat is an excellent mousetrap. If you live in a private house, rest assured that mice will no longer bother you.

    The cat adapts well to any living conditions and feels comfortable both in the city and in the countryside. Easily adapts to a new place and does not suffer from moving.

    Subtleties of care

    You need to care for a cat with a chocolate color in the same way as for its relative of any other color. In this situation, more attention should be paid to the breed of the cat, but not to the color.

    Persian cats must be cared for in the manner required by the breed - combing them thoroughly and often, keeping their faces, teeth and ears clean. Persians need a slicker brush as they are a very fluffy breed.

    If a cat likes to walk, she needs to at least wash her paws after walks, and if her hair is long, then she needs to bathe her. Therefore, it is the owner’s job to ensure that the pet gets accustomed to water and is not afraid of it.

    A representative of any breed must be taken to a veterinarian for a preventive examination every 6 months. Of course, vaccinations and anti-parasitic measures must be carried out according to schedule.

    If your pet is inactive, take care of proper, balanced nutrition. The same applies to castrated males - to avoid obesity, the cat must be fed properly. In general, feeding should be done in strict accordance with the recommendations for the breed.

    There are few cats that like to be left alone for long periods of time. Most of them need company or at least the presence of their owner. Leaving them alone for a long time, the owner risks, at a minimum, returning to chaos, and at maximum, the cat will “punish” him, causing a real commotion upon his return. After all, we should not forget that most cats are very capricious, even obstinate, and know how to take offense and take revenge. You should not offend your pet once you have one.

    You can take a closer look at the chocolate fold kittens in the next video.

    Castration and sterilization

    If you do not plan to carry out breeding work with the animal, then it is better to castrate or sterilize it.

    At what age should surgery be performed?

    The optimal age for surgery for a cat is considered to be from 8 to 12 months. It is advisable to do this before the first heat. It is also possible later, but it is better not to delay and do it before two years.

    The procedure is performed on cats from 10 months to 1.5–2 years. Surgical intervention should be carried out in a timely manner, while the animal’s behavioral habits have not yet fully formed. The younger the operation is performed, the easier the animal will tolerate it.

    Caring for your pet after surgery

    After surgery, the pet’s condition must be carefully monitored to avoid complications and negative consequences. Proper postoperative care is as follows:

    • the pet must be provided with peace and quiet;
    • To prevent the animal from licking the stitches, it is necessary to put on a special post-operative blanket and an “Elizabethan” collar;
    • after surgery, do not give food for 10–12 hours;
    • Once a day, carefully inspect and treat the seams with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, etc.;
    • do not allow the cat to remove disturbing objects and do not allow him to move too actively;
    • It is allowed to give your pet painkillers (Pervicox, Ketofen, etc.), but you must first contact your veterinarian for advice and dosage recommendations.

    Chocolate Yorkie cat health

    There is no information about any health problems with York cats. These are very calm and not sick pets. To monitor your animal’s health in a timely manner, you must:

    • deworm the cat regularly - at least once every 3 months;
    • treat against external parasites, especially cats walking on the street;
    • Vaccinate annually against rabies and all known feline infections.

    The average age of Yorkie cats is 10-12 years, although among them there are many individuals who have crossed the 14-year threshold.

    Breeding and choosing a kitten

    Yorkie cats are quite rare, but their breeding is not prohibited for novice breeders. However, before opening a cattery and starting breeding cats, it is necessary to take felinological courses and cat genetics courses. You will have to buy a couple of cats in America or Canada - now there are nurseries only in these countries. For breeding, a show class cat or a breed and a show class cat is suitable. Also, animals must be absolutely healthy and compatible by blood group (A and B):

    • cat A - cat A and B;
    • cat B - cat B;
    • cat A - cat A;
    • cat B - cat A and B.

    It is necessary that the cat and the cat match in color

    Remember that each kitten must have a confirmed pedigree without being marked “pet” or “without the right to breed.” If you decide to purchase adult cats (it is easier for a novice breeder to choose good cats of an already established type), then they may also have breeding grades and titles. In chocolate Yorkies, the color is finally formed by the age of 2, so it is difficult to say until this age what the cat will be like.

    The Yorkie matures at about 6–7 months, but this is too early an age for pregnancy, so cats need to be bred at 1.5–2 years.

    Before mating, both cats must receive breeding grades at the exhibition (the male is not lower than “excellent”, the female is not lower than “very good”), which are valid for 2 matings. If a cat completes a title within several shows and receives a title certificate, it is valid for life. Another procedure before mating is to obtain permission for mating from the organization or club in which your nursery is registered.

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    Before mating, a Yorkie cat must receive a breeding assessment.

    Mating takes place in a safe and quiet place, preferably in a separate room. Usually lasts 2–3 days. It is necessary to bring cats together on the 2nd–3rd day of the cat's heat.

    Pregnancy lasts about 60–65 days. It can be determined by a change in the cat's behavior and an enlargement of the abdomen. By the 3rd week, the cat's nipples will swell and turn pink, as well as an increase in appetite and food preferences may change. A litter usually contains 2 to 6 kittens. The litter must be registered with the club within 8 weeks of birth.

    Choosing a kitten

    How to choose a Yorkie chocolate cat kitten:

    • kittens do not yet have such an intense color as adults - they are lighter, but the color is also homogeneous and uniform;
    • eye color corresponds to the standard;
    • The kittens' fur is quite thick, very soft and silky, with a thick undercoat;
    • the ears are set wide apart, the distance between them is no less than the length of one ear;
    • the distance between the eyes is not less than the length of one eye;
    • the muzzle is slightly elongated, wedge-shaped, the ears continue the lines of the wedge;
    • The body is quite long, as are the legs.

    The price of kittens varies from $400 to $1000.

    Yorkie cats are a fairly small breed.

    History of the breed

    The York Chocolate cat, unlike most breeds, was not bred by breeders.
    She was born in the early 80s into an ordinary American family. A long-haired cat gave birth to kittens from an unknown father, one of them was a rich chocolate color. The owner decided to start breeding this unusual species and, as a result of several closely related crosses, she succeeded. The first representatives of the variety were the cat Ted and the brown cat Coconut, and the breed received its York name in honor of the city of New York, which was located near these events. Domestic Yorkie Chocolate Cat

    Initially, the breed was not recognized by felinological organizations, until 1995 it was in the status of “for amateur breeding” and all representatives (about 27 kittens) lived in their own Chifari nursery. But this year she wins the champion title in ACFA, receives recognition, and in 2009 the WCF standard and the TICA breed standard are approved. After this, nurseries in Canada, Europe and America began breeding the breed.

    How to choose?

    You need to choose a chocolate cat very carefully. It is necessary to purchase kittens exclusively from trusted nurseries, from breeders who have an excellent reputation.

    You need to be especially careful when choosing kittens whose color is not pure chocolate, but bicolor or spotted. Perhaps they do not have the “chocolate” gene, that is, the offspring will not have the appropriate color. It is imperative to look at the kitten’s parents: both of them must have a “chocolate” color, only then will it be clear that the kitten has this gene

    It is imperative to look at the kitten’s parents: both of them must have a “chocolate” color, only then will it be clear that the kitten has this gene.

    The American kitten registration system is characterized by complete trust in the breeder. Therefore, if it is the color of a cat, it will be registered.

    In addition, you need to take into account that the prices for chocolate-colored kittens do not depend on their breed. For example, a show-class British kitten costs from 400 to 1000 dollars. The cost of a Scottish fold kitten ranges from 3 to 25 thousand rubles. Abyssinians will cost you from 10 to 25 thousand rubles, depending on the class of the animal. A show-class Devon Rex costs about 30,000 rubles, a breed-class one is cheaper. Persian kittens are more affordable, their price varies from 3 to 10 thousand, but the Burmese breed is not so cheap - one kitten costs from 15 to 20 thousand rubles.

    How to care?

    Yorkie cats have long hair that tends to mat. Therefore, pets need to be combed periodically to remove dead hairs. It is advisable to do this every day, at least 3-4 times a week, so that the shiny and silky coat is always in excellent condition. Especially do not neglect the brush during shedding, when the fur falls out intensively.

    Once every 4-6 months the cat can be bathed, although this rule is not mandatory, since the “chocolate” is a clean creature and copes well with hygiene procedures.

    Otherwise, care does not differ from that of other cat breeds: periodic cleaning of the ears, trimming of the claws every 3-4 weeks, if the animal does not walk outside and does not wear them down naturally.

    Nutrition should be balanced. It is best to opt for those foods that are specially created for long-haired breeds. Once every 3 months, cats are given vitamins. It is desirable that they contain substances that help dissolve wool. The latter gets into the stomach when licked, falls there and can cause intestinal blockage.

    Description of the Yorkie Chocolate Cat

    The appearance of the chocolate breed is almost identical to the Persian cat. The coat is of medium length, soft, shiny and silky, quite thick. The eyes are of medium size, oval, slightly slanted, the color of the eyes of kittens is blue, with age they become brown with an amber tint.

    The fur of these cats is medium length, silky and thick.

    The chocolate cat is very friendly, affectionate, sociable, and loves attention and games. But there are also pets that don’t like increased attention: if a cat wants to communicate, it will come up to you and sit next to you

    He behaves friendly with other animals and gets along easily with cats and even dogs. The Yorkie breed loves to hunt, so if you have tame mice, hamsters or guinea pigs in your house, it is better to keep them away from the cat.

    Such cats endure loneliness very painfully: they very quickly get used to their owner and want to receive their portion of love and attention. They treat strangers with distrust, observing them from the outside. If the cat understands that there is no danger, then it will come closer to get to know each other and communicate. The breed adapts well to living in an apartment or private house.


    York chocolate cats are peaceful and kind animals. These pets love their owner's attention. However, when the pet does not show traction and jump into your arms, it is unlikely that you will be able to hold it. If the cat is not in the mood, he will not even allow himself to be stroked, although a person should always be nearby. These York chocolate cats are so selfish.

    Important! Yorkie cats cannot stand loneliness, so people who leave their apartment empty for a long time should not buy a pet of this breed.

    They get along easily with other animals, try to establish contact with them and will not rush at other cats or run away from dogs. But if they run around him, the cat will not sit still, but will begin to defend itself with all its might. The only animals that are best kept away from Yorkie cats are rodents. It is not known why this happened, but fluffy chocolates have a well-developed hunting instinct. The pet will not look at how much its owner loves the hamster, and at any opportunity he will try to eat it. Yorkie cats are wary of strangers. The pet will carefully study the behavior of the guest and if it turns out that there is no danger, then he will go to establish contact.

    Other cat breeds

    • Abyssinian
    • Australian smoke (Australian mist)
    • Asian (golden) smoke cat
    • Asian tabby
    • Alaskan snow cat
    • American Wirehair (Wirehair)
    • American Keuda
    • American Shorthair
    • American Bobtail
    • American Curl KSH
    • American curl
    • Anatolian cat (Turkish shorthair)
    • Balinese (Balinese)
    • Bengal cat (domestic)
    • Bohemian (Czech) Rex (Czech Curly Cat or Bohemia Rex)
    • Bombay
    • Brazilian Shorthair
    • British Longhair
    • British Shorthair
    • Burmanskaya
    • Burmilla
    • Viverrid fishing cat
    • Havana Brown (brown)
    • Herman rex
    • Himalayan (longhaired colorpoint)
    • Devon rex
    • Jungala
    • Don Sphynx
    • European Shorthair (Celtic)
    • Egyptian Mau
    • California radiant
    • Kanaani (Canaani)
    • Canadian Sphynx
    • Karelian Bobtail
    • Cymric (Cemric cat)
    • Korat (Si-souvat or Bringer of Happiness)
    • Cornish Rex
    • Kurilian bobtail
    • La Perm
    • Munchkin (dachshund cat)
    • Maine Coon
    • Mekong bobtail
    • Manx (Manx tailless cat)
    • Neva Masquerade
    • Nibelung
    • Norwegian forest
    • Oriental Shorthair
    • Oriental Semi-Longhair (Oriental Longhair)
    • Ojos Azules
    • Ocicat
    • Persian
    • Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx)
    • Pixie-bob
    • Russian blue
    • Ragdoll
    • Savannah
    • Safari
    • Sacred Burma
    • Selkirk Rex (Cat-Sheep)
    • Siamese
    • Siberian
    • Singaporean
    • Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold)
    • Snow-shoe
    • Somalia (Somali Cat)
    • Soukok (Kenyan forest cat)
    • Thai (Traditional Siamese)
    • Toyger
    • Tonkinese
    • Turkish Angora
    • Turkish van
    • Ukrainian Levkoy
    • Ural rex
    • Highland Fold
    • Ceylon
    • Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)
    • Shawzi (Housey)
    • Exotic Shorthair
    • Javanese (Javanese)
    • Japanese Bobtail

    Description of the breed

    Additional names for the breed are Snow White cat or simply Snow White. The cat has a unique appearance, as well as a kind and flexible character.

    Animals vary in size, Snow Shu cats are never small. Males on average reach a weight of 7 kg, females - slightly less.

    The Snow Shu cat breed is distinguished by a powerful muscular body and a wedge-shaped head. The forehead is slightly convex, the chin is strong, and the muzzle is elongated. Snow Shus have an elongated but small nose. The cat's eyes are slanted, large, oval in shape.

    A characteristic feature of Snow Shu is the color of the coat. Only two shades of wool are considered officially recognized:

    • blue;
    • blue.

    Other shades of Snow Shu's coat are defective and are not recognized.

    The breed's ears are set very wide and are small in size with rounded tips.

    The cat’s body, which is distinguished by its density and roundness, deserves special attention. Snow Shu is distinguished by its muscularity, which is not always characteristic of these animals. Especially noticeable is the powerful chest and short, strong neck. The tail of a cat of this breed is quite proportional to the body, but is not very long.

    The paws are muscular, they are not too wide, but rather long and lean.

    Another feature that distinguishes the Snow Shoe breed is the softness of the coat, which is distinguished by the average length of the coat. There are individuals with shorter hair, but this is not considered a defect. Regardless of the overall color of the Snow Shoe, the animal's paws and nose must be exclusively white, which is why this breed got its name.

    Snow Shu

    There are 3 recognized color types of the breed:

    1. Seal point. Against the background of the general color on the body, there are warm-colored markings, usually beige or brown.
    2. Blue Point. Against the background of the general color there are markings of a gray tint.
    3. Tortoiseshell. The color of the cat is diluted with spotty markings of warm tones, externally reminiscent of the color of a turtle.

    Purchasing a kitten

    The Anatolian cat is a rare and not very popular breed, so there are no specialized nurseries in our country yet. But purebred kittens can be found from private breeders and in some nurseries that breed other breeds (Turkish Van). They position such animals as exotic.

    Buying a purebred kitten is very difficult

    Criterias of choice

    You should only purchase a kitten from a nursery or from a reliable and honest breeder. Visually, it is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish Turkish cats from ordinary mongrel cats, so you need to carefully study all the reviews and try to contact the owners directly. Otherwise, for decent money, you can get a pet that does not have unique and characteristic characteristics for this breed (a unique voice, intelligence, etc.).

    The baby Anatoli will differ from the Turkish Van and Angora in having shorter fur, as well as in the absence of the characteristic fur collar on the neck and “pants” on the hind legs. The fur on the face and entire body of Anatolian kittens is much less fluffy and slightly stiffer than that of other Mediterranean cats. The hairs on the tail are slightly longer than the main coat. In Angora and Van this difference is more significant.

    It is imperative to look at the kitten’s parents; they must have all the breed characteristics of an Anatolian cat.

    The baby should look healthy

    When choosing a pet, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

    • The baby's ears and eyes are clean and do not have any discharge;
    • white teeth, light pink palate;
    • the tummy is soft, when you touch it the animal does not experience severe discomfort;
    • the fur is soft, without sticky or rolled areas;
    • the kitten must be active, not cough, sneeze, etc.;
    • The baby should not be too afraid, since this breed is not particularly timid.

    Breeding Javanese cats

    The Javanese are not yet very popular in Russia. They are most widespread in the USA and Canada. These cats are mainly bred in nurseries specializing in Balinese and Oriental breeds.

    Special nurseries are engaged in breeding Javanese cats.

    Criteria for choosing a partner

    When breeding Javanese cats, it is extremely important to take into account heredity. All animals with defects in appearance are excluded.

    All developmental pathologies and genetic diseases are also taken into account.

    When selecting a partner, pay attention to the following points:

    • compliance of the exterior with all breed standards;
    • absence of genetic pathologies;
    • healthy and active appearance;
    • vaccination (done at least 2–3 weeks before mating) and anthelmintic treatment;
    • presence of pedigree and breeding clearance.

    It is advisable that one of the animals is already untied, so there is a greater chance of a successful mating. Before this, both partners' claws are trimmed so that they do not injure each other. The cat is brought to the cat's territory and left for several days (3–5). If possible, then you need to look at the already born offspring. Sometimes purebred Javanese females are bred with Oriental and Balinese cats.

    At what age should you give your pet for the first mating?

    Javanese fish reach sexual maturity at approximately 12 months. It is not recommended to breed animals before this. The cat’s body may not be fully formed for pregnancy and childbirth, so veterinarians advise mating females after the second heat, or better later (after two years). Cats can be bred when they reach one and a half years old.

    How often can a cat give birth?

    There are two opposing points of view on the question of how often a cat can give birth. One side adheres to the principle of naturalness and believes that the female should bear offspring after each heat (from 3 to 5 times a year). The other side takes the position that the animal does not have time to fully recover, and this inevitably negatively affects both its health and the health of the kittens. They believe that it is optimal and safe for a cat to give birth once every 1.5–2 years.

    It is recommended that a cat give birth no more than 1–2 times a year.

    Features of tortoiseshell colors: shades and main characteristics

    The spotted coat color with the interweaving of 3 basic colors and the formation of an unusual pattern by them has its own subtypes depending on which shade is predominant:

    1. Black Tortoiseshell: The main colors are black and red. In places where areas of red pigment are present on the fur, lightened stripes appear. Eye color – copper with a dark tint or dark yellow.
    2. Chocolate: the main colors are red and chocolate. Pigments have uniform saturation. Eyes - copper or yellow with an orange tint.
    3. Cinnamon: The base is red and a hint of cinnamon. The specificity of this type of tortoiseshell color is that world standards do not recognize it. The eyes are yellow with varying degrees of shade saturation.

    Types according to the drawing. Depending on what pattern is formed on the wool, there are:

    1. “Torti” – this type of color is also called “scaly tortoise”. The color of the wool resembles the scales of fish. The basic colors are black and red, represented by small spots located in relation to each other in a checkerboard pattern. It is extremely difficult to find such precise geometry. In most cases, multi-colored spots have a chaotic arrangement. However, the “tortie” color has another distinctive feature - the ratio between red and black is the same. The pattern is motley, the fur is speckled with hairs of different colors.
    2. "Calico". This type of color has other names - “patchwork” or “calico”. There are no individually dyed hairs, and entire areas of the fur are painted in different colors, usually red or black. The spots can be located separately, overlap each other, merging, or form groups. The most striking representatives with the Calico color are the British, Sphynx and Cornish Rex.
    3. Turtle on white. The peculiarity of the color is that the fur on the tummy and head in the chin area is white. The entire upper part of the fur has a tortoiseshell pattern, resulting in the impression that a tortoise shell was put on top of the white cat.

    In a specific color, the base shades may be spotted or striped. It is extremely rare, but not excluded, that a combination of stripes and spots occurs.

    Location of the drawing. Tortoiseshell color is divided into subspecies and depending on the location of the pattern:

    1. There is a solid turtle - spots of different colors are evenly spaced, as such there is no pattern or pattern.
    2. Patterned turtle - multi-colored spots form a pattern. These can be various spirals, circles and stripes. The longer a cat's fur, the worse the pattern can be seen.

    Breed standards and description

    The main feature of the breed is its unusual coat color. Dark brown or purple is considered ideal. There should be no spots of a different color than the animal's fur. Kittens may have a tabby pattern or stripes that will disappear as the kitten gets older.

    Representatives of the breed have a strong, elongated body and a proportional, pubescent tail. The fur on the face and belly is short, while on the rest of the body it is longer. In terms of their physique, they are more similar to Persian cats, and only the muzzle has its own characteristics.

    • The head is shaped like a triangle, located on a long, mobile neck.
    • This breed is characterized by a convex forehead, erect large ears, pointed at the ends, located widely. The eyes are almond-shaped, and the eyes themselves are gold, green or hazel in color.
    • The body is elongated, graceful, toned, with good muscles and a powerful skeletal system. The paws and tail are thin and muscular, and between the claws there are small but long tufts of hair.
    • Coat color. Representatives of the breed have shiny, medium-long fur that lies close to the body. The coat itself is silky and soft, with a not very fluffy undercoat. The hair on the shoulders is shorter than on other parts of the body.

    Photo of a chocolate Yorkie cat
    The breed does not have one color, so the following variations are possible:

    • lilac with white;
    • chocolate with white;
    • pure lilac;
    • pure chocolate.

    The standard color of the breed also includes one spot on the chest or belly. If the kitten is two-colored, then there may also be white spots on the collar, chest, belly, paws, and muzzle. Adults are characterized by a more intense color color than small kittens.

    An adult can reach 8 kg (feline) and 10 kg (cat), the neck is small, fluffy, the body is slightly elongated. The tail, closer to the body, is thin, and at the end it is fluffy, similar to an ostrich feather.

    How much does it cost and where to buy

    Currently, chocolate Yorkie catteries exist only in the USA, Canada and the UK. If there are offers to buy a kitten in other countries, then you need to carefully check the pedigree. Most likely, this is a Persian with an unusual coloring, the cost of which is much lower.

    If we talk about a purebred Yorkie kitten, its cost, depending on the class, ranges from 500-1000 dollars. It is also necessary to take into account transportation costs and the preparation of all related documents.

    For your information! In Russia you can buy a kitten costing from 15 thousand rubles. But in this case, he will most likely have no pedigree, and it will not be possible to prove his purebredness.

    A chocolate cat is the dream of many pet lovers. But at the moment, chocolate-colored Yorkies are very rare. This is due to their high cost, rarity and inaccessibility. However, we should not forget about their unique positive qualities - loyalty and kindness.

    How to get a kitten

    In Russia and the CIS it is impossible to buy a purebred pet. If you see an advertisement for the sale of a chocolate cat, you should not respond: these are scammers offering a mongrel brown or faded black kitten.

    The Yorkie breed is not widespread, so you can come across scammers abroad. The buyer should ask the seller for birth certificates, pedigrees of the parents, and a veterinary passport with vaccination records.

    The Yorkie Chocolate kitten must meet the breed standard:

    • kittens do not have such a rich chocolate color as adults, but the color should be uniform;
    • the coat is dense, but soft and delicate, the undercoat is thick;
    • iris of the color allowed by the standard;
    • the distance between the ears is the width of the base of the auricle;
    • the distance between the eyes is the width of one eyeball;
    • the muzzle is wedge-shaped, slightly elongated;
    • the body is elongated.

    A healthy Yorkie kitten is active, inquisitive, and does not show fear or aggression. The tears do not flow, the ears and anus are free of discharge. The coat is clean, shiny, without traces of skin diseases and parasitic lesions.

    Price and nurseries

    You can buy a chocolate Yorkie in the USA, England, and Canada. The price is determined by the exhibition category: for a Yorkie Pet (companion) they ask for 400-500 dollars. A chocolate cat breed (for breeding) and show (for exhibitions) will cost up to $1,000.


    The California Spangled cat is considered a large breed. The body of the animals is long and thin, but at the same time muscular. Cats' limbs are as powerful as their body. The legs are long and straight, and the hind limbs are slightly larger than the forelimbs. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a special gait: the cat seems to be sneaking, lowering itself to the ground as if during a hunt.

    The tail of cats is long and even, and has the same thickness along its entire length. It is slightly rounded at the end and painted black. Body weight can range from five to eight kilograms. The head is shaped like a triangle. The forehead is slightly convex, the cheekbones are high and clearly visible. Cats have powerful jaws and chins.

    The ears are set wide apart, small in size and slightly rounded at the tips. The eyes of Californian sparkling cats are quite large, shaped more like an oval than a circle. The color of the iris can be different, but according to the breed standard it must be harmoniously combined with the color of the coat. Most often, the iris has a yellowish or golden tint. Green eye color is considered unacceptable.

    The coat of California Shining cats is short, except for the belly and tail areas. It is soft to the touch and has a bright shine, which is why the breed is called “shining”.

    As for color, the following types are distinguished:

    • royal shining - at birth, kittens with this color have black fur; Over time, the fur becomes lighter and spots appear on it.
    • snow leopard - representatives of this species are born with white, monochromatic fur; Over time, dark spots appear on the body.

    The coat color of Californian shining cats can be different: blue, red, silver. The shades of spots on the body may also vary depending on the main color of the coat.

    History of the Snowshoe breed

    Snowshoe is a young breed. It owes its existence to the observation skills demonstrated by the American breeder of Siamese cats, Dorothy Hinds-Doherty, in the late 1950s.

    The woman noticed the unusual color of the kittens born to a pair of ordinary Siamese. The original white spots and clearly defined “socks” on the paws looked so interesting that Dorothy decided to consolidate the unusual effect

    To do this, she bred a Siamese cat with an American Shorthair bicolor - the result was not very convincing, and it was improved only after representatives of the Siamese breed were again involved in breeding work.

    Snowshu's path to recognition was not strewn with rose petals. The first “snow slippers” were not recognized by felinologists, and disappointed Dougherty abandoned breeding these animals. The baton was picked up by another American, Vicki Olander. It was thanks to her efforts that the first breed standard was created, and in 1974 the American Feline Association and the Cat Fanciers Association granted the Snowshoe the status of an experimental breed. In 1982, animals were allowed to participate in exhibitions. The popularity of “shoes” has grown significantly. The adoption of the British cat breeding program in 1986 can be considered an obvious success.

    Unfortunately, this breed cannot boast of being very widespread today. It is very difficult to breed the ideal “snow shoe” that would fully comply with the accepted standard - there is too much randomness, so snow-shoe breeding is carried out by real enthusiasts, the number of whom is not so large.

    Popular breeds

    Let's consider relatively inexpensive cat breeds, which also happen to be “chocolate” in color.

    Abyssinian cats are fit, short-haired animals with a medium build. The color of Abyssinians is dark brown, approaching black. A stripe with a red-brown tint runs through the ridge line. The overall color ranges from coppery tan to reddish brown. Ticking can be double, even triple, which means that each hair of the coat has two or three shades. As for the brown range of Abyssinians, it includes wild, bay and beige colors.

    Havanese cats are named after the corresponding shade of Havanese cigars. And all because the color of the very first representatives of the breed was tobacco, dark brown. Havanese cats are short-haired and uniform in color. The breed was originally called the "bay brown" because there were doubts about its true British origin, but these have now disappeared. The breed is again called Havanese, which suits it much more.

    Chocolate Persian cats have an excellent build and a wide chest. Their bodies are stocky and strong. The head is proportional to the body. The nose is slightly flattened, like Persian cats of all colors, and the coat is long and soft. The brown color range includes all shades, but other tones are excluded in this situation. The undercoat can be colored gray or have iridescent tints. The beauty of a cat is enhanced by its eyes, which can be orange (amber) or emerald green.

    Chocolate exotics (professionally called “Seal Point”) are a breed of American origin. The chocolate color can be either uniform or marbled. Shades of brown range from coffee to tree bark tones. Exotics are short-haired, attractive due to their interesting, original muzzle and round large eyes. Their charm is enhanced by their bushy tail. They have an average build.

    Burmese cats are strong and muscular. The breed originated in Burma, created in 1934. For short, they are called “Burmese”. They have yellow eyes and brown fur, that is, dark brown.

    Devon Rexes are alien cats. Large-eared, narrow-muzzled, with almond-shaped eyes. Devon Rexes have a slender body build. The appearance of these cats is as unusual as possible. In addition to the original body proportions, they also have curly hair. Breeding the breed is not easy, since in this situation the principle of backcrossing applies, otherwise the curly trait will disappear.

    British cats of chocolate color with blue eyes are incredibly beautiful. They are plush in appearance and touch, and thanks to the color of their fur, they look like little bear cubs. The British are shorthaired, but their coat is unusually thick. Chocolate British cats have a medium build. The “chocolate” color on the British is very deep, rich, and evenly distributed. Sometimes it may have a brown tint. Uniformity of color is achieved over a long period of time – from a year to a year and a half. The chocolate British cat looks very “pedigreed”.

    Scottish Fold cats can be all shades of brown. Does not have to be uniform, it can be brindle, merle, ticked or spotted, and tabby is also acceptable. Scottish cats are allowed to have white spots. Such cats are called harlequins or bicolors. Harlequins are predominantly white in color, but have large chocolate-colored spots on the body and legs. In bicolors, on the contrary, brown predominates; small spots of white are present on the paws or chest.

    The breed is distinguished by the unusual shape of its ears - they hang above the head, directly adjacent to it. The character of the Scots is meek and kind. The fur is mostly short, but on the tail it is quite bushy.

    Purchasing a Cymri kitten

    It is quite difficult to find a purebred Cymric in Russia. Most owners of pet anurans bought their pets abroad. The price for a show kitten can reach a thousand dollars, and if it has some defect or deviation from the standard, then its price is reduced by 2 times. Such kittens can be born in the same litter with healthy and show animals.

    Criterias of choice

    There are several criteria based on which you can choose the ideal kitten:

    • behavior;
    • appearance;
    • health status;
    • availability of documents.

    A psychologically healthy kitten is calm about being touched by people and does not show aggression. The baby can be meek, agile, playful, playful and cheerful. If the kitten is distrustful, does not want to be held, or hisses, then there is a possibility that he is afraid of people. Perhaps, during the process of upbringing, communication with humans was limited, and such a cat will have to be “tamed.”

    You need to choose a cheerful and friendly kitten

    The little Cymric should hold his head well and walk smoothly (without limping). A healthy baby is devoid of external painful signs (cough, runny nose, etc.), his skin is clean, without irritation, wounds and signs of fleas. There is no discharge from the eyes, nose or ears, and your mouth should not smell bad.

    The health of the selected kitten should also be indicated by its documents: a veterinary passport with notes on all vaccinations performed and a pedigree (if the kitten is purebred), which includes all the mutations and defects that were in the animal’s family

    In the case of Cymrics, you need to pay special attention to such things

    Age of the kitten, when is the best time to adopt it?

    Veterinarians and breeders recommend adopting a kitten no earlier than 12 weeks after their birth. During the first month of their lives, kittens are absolutely dependent on their mother. The cat takes care of their appearance, drags them from place to place, and feeds them. Kittens receive primary immunity through mother's milk. If you deprive your baby of this protection, he may die after moving to a new home.

    A Welsh kitten should be adopted no earlier than 12 weeks of age.

    I have heard many stories when people brought home one-month-old kittens, and they died almost within the first day after moving. This happened in my family too. Dad brought a little kitten, who was barely a month old, and a few days later the baby died. I think it’s better to be patient and wait, especially since now you can book the kitten you like.

    Some breeders advise waiting until the Cymric is at least six months old. The fact is that all fluffy kittens at a young age are almost the same. But you can appreciate the exterior of a real Cymric only when he grows up a little. The baby should become stocky, cheeky and tailless. If a cat was born with a normal tail (and this is quite possible), then the breeder will dock it.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Yorkshire terriers are undoubtedly beautiful and charming, but it is not only their appearance that has brought popularity to this breed; Yorkies also have many positive characteristics:

    • their small size makes them ideal pets for people living in small apartments or houses;
    • These are ideal companions on any journey and trip, they tolerate the road well and quickly adapt to a new place;
    • they are friendly, energetic and active, they love outdoor games and long walks;
    • Yorkshire Terriers are loyal to their owner and love children;
    • these dogs are smart, quick-witted and can make their own decisions after assessing the environment;
    • they are easy to train.

    In addition, Yorkies do not have an undercoat, which means they do not shed.

    However, Yorkies are still not ideal and have the following disadvantages:

    • they absolutely cannot stand loneliness;
    • require labor-intensive and expensive care;
    • have an imperfect digestive system and need a carefully selected and balanced diet;
    • prone to allergic reactions.

    Yorkies are also sensitive to high and low air temperatures - in summer pets must be protected from overheating, and in winter they must be dressed in warm clothes.

    Read more about the pros and cons of Yorkshire Terriers here.

    Description of the Anatolian cat

    The WCF standard considers the Anatolian cat, recognized as an independent breed, to be a short-haired variety of the Turkish Van and Turkish Angora. Anatoles (as breeders usually call their animals) weigh less than their close relatives, Turkish Vans, and differ from them in the length/texture of their coat. In Turkey, snow-white and odd-eyed Anatolian cats are called “van kedisi” (a white variety of the Van cat). The similarity to Turkish Vans and Turkish Angoras is due to all 3 breeds belonging to a common genetic group known as the Mediterranean cat group.

    As a rule, when semi-longhaired Angoras and Vans participate in matings, the proportion of offspring culled increases, and the resulting kittens are registered as “Anatolian cats of experimental breeding.” Anatolian cats (due to the similarity in appearance) are often confused with European shorthair (Celtic) cats.

    Breed standards

    According to the breed standard from WCF, the Anatolian cat has a medium or large size (with a weight of 3–6 kg), moderately developed bones and well-defined muscles. The head resembles a truncated triangle with an almost straight profile of the muzzle, on which a strong chin is noticeable. The ears are large, wide at the base (with rounded tips) and set high, straight and vertical on the head.

    Oval large eyes can be called slanted, but to a small extent. The iris of the eye, as a rule, is in harmony with the color of the coat. The Anatolian cat has a massive chest and neck, elongated slender legs and round paws. The tail is moderately long and well-furred. The short coat is devoid of undercoat and has a slightly “crunchy” feel to the touch. The hair is silky, fine in texture, but somewhat thicker than that of the Turkish Van.

    Colorpoint (Siamese) colors caused by the “Siamese factor” or the presence of the cs gene are not acceptable. Cinnamon, chocolate and their lightened variations (lilac and fawn) in all combinations (tricolor, bicolor and tabby) are also prohibited.

    Cat character

    The ordinary external characteristics of the Anatolian cat are compensated by a pleasant, courteous disposition, coupled with intelligence and sociability. True, refined manners (promised by the breeder) are forgotten in a second when something tasty appears in the kitchen, requiring immediate tasting or at least sniffing.

    Anatolis are one of the rare “chirping” cats that cannot meow loudly, but produce delicate chirping sounds. By the way, this quality is fully appreciated by the owners when the pet enters puberty. Even the nightly groans of Anatolian cats are so quiet that household members do not always hear them.

    Some people claim that when addressing their owner, Anatolian cats say something similar to “ma-ma.” In addition, the breed is distinguished by its special musicality and sense of rhythm, which cats demonstrate when listening to melodies by tapping the beat with their tail. Anatoles love to play with rustling pieces of paper and carry small objects in their teeth, just like dogs do.

    The owner can throw a toy in a corner, and the cat will gladly bring it to the owner’s feet. Anatolian cats are lean and jumping: it costs them nothing to jump up to 2 meters. Anatolis are inquisitive and attentive, often reporting emergencies on a domestic scale, for example, about boiling milk or dangerous pranks of children

    The love of water is inherent in cats at the genetic level - a stream running from a tap can captivate a cat’s attention for many hours.


    Anatolian cats, thanks to a large percentage of wild blood, are endowed with strong immunity and live a long time, up to 15–20 years.

    Both parents usually take care of the offspring if they live in the same nursery.

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