Description of the breed American Bulldog or Ambulus

American Bulldogs are strong, independent dogs. Their appearance cannot be called attractive, but loyalty, good nature and developed intelligence make these pets popular. They can become a good companion to an active person, a watchman and protector. But before getting an American Bulldog, you need to study the characteristics of the breed, pros and cons, behavioral characteristics and reviews of the owners.

  • History of the origin of the American Bulldog breed
  • American Bulldog Appearance Standards
  • Body type
  • Limbs
  • Coat and color
  • Disqualifying faults
  • Character of American Bulldogs
      Education and training
  • Features of keeping American Bulldogs
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • How to buy an American Bulldog puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • History of the origin of the American Bulldog breed

    For the first time, people started talking about bulldogs (“bull dogs”) in the 16th century, in the context of breeding dogs for fights with bulls. In America, bulldog breeds were generally very popular, and did not undergo such strong changes as in European countries.

    In the 1700s, bulldogs were also noticed by European breeders who were looking for new gladiators. Thus, dogs of the American Bulldog breed came to the mainland. At that time, the English Bulldog breed already existed, which differed from the American Bulldog in a number of characteristics, mainly physical.

    Now scientists and breeders are of the opinion that in the formation of the American Bulldog breed, admixtures of pit bull terrier or bullmastiff blood played a significant role, which helped avoid the extinction of the breed.

    With the ban on dog fighting in 1835, the breed gradually began to thin out and degenerate, and only in the 20th century they remembered it again and began to maintain it. At this time, nurseries began to be organized all over the world. In Russia, this breed only gained popularity in the 90s of the 20th century, but breeders realized how beautiful this dog breed is, and it began to gain popularity relatively quickly.


    The purebred ambul is a very beautiful animal. It combines power, strength and stability. These are large, athletic dogs with a large head and muscular paws.

    There are two types of American Bulldog standards - classic (Johnson type) and standard (Scott type). Those who are completely unfamiliar with this classification may mistake them for two different breeds. The classic ambul is the one that is most often seen in pictures: heavy, powerful and stocky. It has a short muzzle, a square body and large paws.

    The standard bulldog is completely different - it is lighter, slimmer and does not evoke a feeling of power and strength. This ambulette is more mobile, capable of long-term training and fast running. When choosing a puppy, it is important to immediately read the descriptions of the two types, so as not to be disappointed later by seeing the wrong pet that you wanted.

    So, the breed standard according to NKC:

    1. The general build is a harmonious, short-haired, moderately muscular and strong dog. Indicators of endurance, agility and strength are at their best. Males are more massive and stocky than females.
    2. Character – sociability, attentiveness and lack of unmotivated aggression. Balanced. Sometimes ambullies are more self-confident than other dogs, this is allowed.
    3. Height (classic type) – from 58 to 68 cm at the withers. Weight – from 36 to 56 kg. The height of a standard type dog remains the same, the weight is slightly reduced - from 33 to 52 kg.
    4. The head is voluminous, flat on top, the stop is clearly defined. The standard type requires a wedge-shaped or square head, while the classic type prefers a round head.
    5. The muzzle of the Ambulus is very wide, with large nostrils, tapering towards the nose. The lips and nose are painted with black pigment, but a little pink is allowed.
    6. Teeth should not be visible if the mouth is closed. Reverse scissor bite. A scissor bite is not allowed.
    7. The eyes are small, both round and almond-shaped. The color is dark.
    8. The ears are set high and can be dropped or half erect.
    9. Neck with pronounced muscles.
    10. The limbs are heavy, large, strong.
    11. The fur is only short. Any other types are considered a serious fault.

    American Bulldog Appearance Standards

    American Bulldogs have large stature, a powerful build and a fighting appearance. The main features are a large head with a powerful jaw, short smooth hair. According to the standard, a male can reach 68-70 cm, weight up to 60 kg. American Bulldog females are smaller - on average 52-65 cm, weight 35-45 kg.


    The head is large, but proportional to the body. The skull is wide and rounded. The forehead is high, the occipital protuberance is moderately pronounced. The structure of the muzzle depends on the type of dog. The Johnson bulldog has a short, square shape with a clearly defined stop. There are folds of skin on the cheeks and forehead. The standard variety has a more elongated muzzle and a smooth stop.

    The nose is large and black. The jaws are wide, the teeth are large, the chin is massive. The lower jaw protrudes slightly forward, the bite is undershot. But the teeth do not protrude, they are completely hidden by the lips. The cheeks are muscular, the lips fit tightly, the upper ones droop slightly.

    The eyes are small, round, wide and deep set. Color ranges from light to dark brown. The eyelids are dark and close-fitting. The look is attentive, wary. The ears are medium in size, set high. The shape can be triangular, standing, in the form of an “envelope” or “rose”.

    Body type

    The neck is powerful, muscular, and quite long. No hanging, but may have slight folds. The neck widens towards the body, the scruff is well defined. The body is elongated, rectangular. The chest is deep, reaching half the height at the withers. The belly is tucked in, the back is flat and wide. The loin is convex, the croup is sloping.

    The tail is set low. Straight, wide at the base, tapering towards the end. When at rest it hangs down to the hock joints. When moving, it rises no higher than the level of the back; the tip may bend slightly.


    The limbs are muscular, set parallel and wide. Scott's bulldogs have longer ones. The shoulders are broad, the elbows point back, and the thighs are muscular. The paws are rounded and gathered into a ball. The metatarsus are elongated, which makes the hind legs seem slightly longer than the front ones. The angles of the joints are well defined. The movements are powerful and springy. The bulldog runs at a free trot.

    Coat and color

    The coat is without undercoat and lies close to the body. The length of the hairs is up to 1.5 cm. The coat should be shiny and smooth.

    The most common color of these dogs is white. The following colors of American Bulldogs are also recognized:

    • brindle, the pattern should consist of stripes, not spots;
    • ginger;
    • black;
    • grey.

    With any color there must be large spots of white. They must occupy at least 30% of the body surface. There may be a pattern on the muzzle that resembles a mask and occupies one half. Speckled patterns, completely black or gray without white spots are not allowed.

    Photos complement the description of the appearance of these dogs:

    Disqualifying faults

    Despite the fact that the American Bulldog is not recognized by the FCI, exhibitions are held. A dog may not be allowed to breed with them if it has the following disadvantages:

    • tail with a bend or lying on the back;
    • gray or yellow eyes;
    • drooping eyelids;
    • gray or brown nose;
    • straight bite;
    • pointed muzzle.

    How to properly care and feed

    The American Bulldog, like any other dog, requires constant care. It is absolutely not complicated. First of all, you need to pay attention to the condition of the animal’s coat. To remove dandruff and dust, it is recommended to use a special brush. If ectoparasites (for example, fleas) are detected, you need to purchase a washing liquid, aerosol or collar.

    Frequent water procedures are undesirable for an ambulatory patient. A purebred dog is washed no more than 3-4 times a year. They do this in the warm season. Wash your pet in warm water. It is allowed to use special shampoo or baby soap. If a dog often gets dirty during walks, then upon returning home its paws are washed. The coat is brushed once a week (minimum).

    We must not forget that a pet needs regular walks. It doesn’t matter to him how long the owner stays on the street. It is important to him how many kilometers a person will walk with him. During walks, you need to carefully monitor your dog. The animal has reckless behavior. The pet can run headlong somewhere or pick up bones and scraps from the ground.

    And now about feeding. American bulldog puppies eat 6 times a day: 3 times they are given meat (the daily norm for this product is 150 g), 3 times milk. When pets are 2 weeks old, the owners switch them to 5 meals a day. As they grow, the number of feedings is reduced, and the amount of meat is gradually increased.

    An adult purebred dog is fed 2 times a day. If your pet has physical activity in his life, he can be fed three times a day. Feeding time depends on the rhythm of life. If the dog is taken out early for a walk, then food is usually given to it after returning home a couple of hours later.

    Owners are always concerned about how long American bulldogs live , how to care for them so that they delight them with their devotion longer, and what diseases they should be afraid of.

    Ambuli are strong and healthy animals. Most often they suffer from allergies and joint diseases. To avoid allergic reactions, you must adhere to a diet. Allergens can include household chemicals, food, insect bites, and reagents on city streets.

    Dysplasia of the hip or elbow joints is common in bulldogs. These ailments sometimes require long-term treatment and surgical intervention. The degree of dysplasia can only be determined by a veterinarian; if it is advanced, the dog will not be able to lead a full life.

    Bulldogs are also diagnosed with:

    • entropion of the eyelid;
    • deafness;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • pulmonary aortic stenosis;
    • tumor in the perianal area.

    Only regular visits to the veterinary clinic will help prevent health problems for your devoted pet.

    To care for an animal you need to purchase:

    • rubber glove for combing;
    • shampoo for dogs with short hair;
    • a toothbrush and toothpaste;
    • nail clipper

    Let's look at how to properly care for the coat, teeth, eyes, ears, and claws of bulldogs.

    1. Dogs' fur is short, but still requires regular brushing. The purpose of the procedure is to remove lost hair. The American Bulldog tolerates grooming very well and enjoys this kind of care. You need to brush your dog once a week, and during the shedding period increase it to 2 times a week.
    2. Checking the fur for parasites, examining the ears, palpating the abdomen are mandatory activities that need to be carried out once a week. Brushing your teeth - with the same frequency. Eye care should be carried out daily by wiping them with a damp cloth. Folds on the face are also an object of increased attention; wipe them with a damp cloth. American Bulldogs have increased salivation, which requires owners to pay attention to the animal's face.
    3. If the dog is unable to walk on hard surfaces, such as asphalt, when its claws wear down naturally, it is necessary to trim the claws. Too long claws can cause the animal's paws to be positioned incorrectly, especially in childhood. Nails should be trimmed once a month.
    4. Bathe your bulldog only as needed, the best option is once every 4 months.

    Reproductive health

    The first heat in a female dog occurs before the age of one year and passes with regularity for 6-8 months.
    The duration of the period is 24-30 days, the discharge can be profuse. The owner will have to purchase special panties and also wash the dog twice a day. Mating is prohibited during the first heat, and after it it is already possible to breed a female and a male. Take your dog to the vet several times during pregnancy. Be prepared for labor to take a long time. It is advisable to invite a veterinarian to your home: there are often cases when a surgical caesarean section is required.

    How to keep an American Bulldog?

    If you keep an ambulant in a city apartment, then there should be more training, and their intensity should be higher. In this case, the age of the dog is taken into account so as not to overdo it. Active walks of at least 1 hour are an important requirement.

    The owners of the dog may be touched or irritated by some of the dog’s features. Due to increased salivation, they leave their drool everywhere. Snoring at night is also common in dogs. If there are other dogs in the house or apartment, then there may be conflicts with them due to the dog’s desire to take a leadership position.

    Choosing an American Bulldog Puppy

    When purchasing an American Bulldog puppy, you first need to decide in what capacity you see your pet. Will he be just a companion, friend, family member, or a champion and star of the ring? The characteristics of the puppy and, accordingly, the price will depend on this. However, in any case, the dog must be purebred, so it is better to contact a nursery or a professional breeder.

    Sometimes, under the guise of puppies from “elite” parents, unscrupulous breeders sell a cross between a Boxer and a Pit Bull or a Stuff and an English Bulldog, which are often similar to the American Bulldog only in color. A good breeder will always provide you with documentary evidence of the pedigree and titles of the parents.

    In pursuit of profit, some breeders breed a bitch every time she is in heat. This negatively affects both the health of the bitch and the quality of the offspring. You can get reliable information about matings at the breed club.

    The optimal age to buy a puppy is at least 1.5 months. The weight of an American Bulldog puppy at this age is 5-6 kg. If there are strong deviations in this parameter, you should refuse to purchase such a puppy. Too little weight indicates that the puppy has not been raised properly; too much weight may lead to problems in the exterior in the future, since under the influence of excess weight deformation of the still immature bones occurs. A good puppy is bony, has a large head and a wide muzzle. The coat should be shiny, the eyes should be clear, the ears should be clean.

    A special feature of the American Bulldog breed is that some puppies may be inactive and inactive. This is not a defect and goes away with age.

    Today, any self-respecting club must brand all litters. When you purchase a puppy, you will receive a puppy card and a veterinary passport with vaccination records. The puppy's personal mark, usually located on the groin or ear, must match the mark on the documents received.

    Tips for choosing a puppy

    Buying a puppy is an exciting experience, especially if you have never owned a bulldog in your home. Before choosing a baby, you need to ask the breeder about the availability of all documents and certificates. You can adopt an American Bulldog puppy if:

    • there is a certificate from a veterinarian and a passport with vaccinations;
    • the bitch remains calm when examining the puppies, her health is not in doubt;
    • puppy age – from 1.5 to 3 months;
    • the puppy is active, has a wet nose, shiny coat, and does not show excessive aggression or cowardice when communicating with its future owner.

    It is worth spending some time at the kennel or breeder to observe all the puppies from the litter. You need to choose not only a healthy, but also a baby you like.

    Features of mating an American Bulldog

    When deciding to breed a pet, it is important to remember that the breeder's goal, first of all, is to improve and preserve the breeding line, and not to make money. It is necessary to take a serious approach to choosing a partner for your pet to prevent degeneration.

    The physical formation of the American Bulldog's body is completely completed only by 2-3 years, so early matings are not recommended. According to the regulations of the Russian Cynological Federation of American Bulldogs, mating of both females and males is allowed from the age of 18 months.

    Female American Bulldogs usually come into heat once every six months and last an average of 21 days.

    American Bulldog Health and Diseases

    ambulette in protective collar

    Despite excellent stamina and good health, ambuli are susceptible to certain diseases. Among them:

    • eye problems (strabismus, entropion, cataracts);
    • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
    • skin diseases and allergies;
    • heart failure;
    • congenital deafness;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • heart disease;
    • epilepsy.

    American Bulldog bitches often have difficulties during childbirth. However, you should not think that by purchasing an ambulette, you automatically become the owner of a sick dog. This breed remains active and thirsty for life until old age. The rest depends on your attention and timely treatment of your pet.

    American Bulldog training

    It is necessary to start training an American Bulldog from the very first day of his stay in the house. You should immediately outline for the puppy the rules of behavior in the house and the norms of communication with family members.

    Below is a list of the main prohibitions for a normal, well-mannered American Bulldog. At your discretion, this list can be expanded with a ban on lying on the sofa or some other ban.

    1. A dog is prohibited from biting its owner under any circumstances. You must be adamant whether the dog bit you in a game or expressing dissatisfaction with something. In any case, the bite must be followed by punishment. Take the insolent man by the scruff of the neck and lift him up. Your actions must be accompanied by a reprimand. It is not so important what you say, it is important in what tone. It is necessary not to shout, but to speak in a confident and dissatisfied tone. When you see humility in the puppy’s eyes, be sure to continue the game or, if a conflict occurred during any necessary procedures (wiping paws, cleaning ears, eyes), finish the job and praise the pet.

    2. The dog is not allowed to pull on the leash. The American Bulldog is a dog with enormous strength. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary for the puppy to understand this rule as a child. Reward your pet if it follows you quietly; teach your puppy to change the pace of movement and stop with you. Any manifestation of independence must be stopped with a command and a jerk of the leash.

    3. The dog is prohibited from resting its front paws on people. The American Bulldog is not only strong, but also a large dog. Standing on his hind legs, an adult male dog will be able to place his front legs on the shoulders of a fairly tall person. A man will resist, but a huge dog will simply knock down a child or woman. Therefore, do not let your puppy jump on you, even if he is expressing joy or greeting someone from people. Any such actions must be stopped with a command and pulling the leash or pulling the dog by the scruff of the neck. Once you have achieved understanding, pet your pet.

    4. The dog is prohibited from picking up food from the floor or ground. American Bulldogs are in excellent health, however, a bone from the trash is not the best food for your pet. The bulldog is allowed to eat from a bowl, from the owner’s hands, or in its place. The desire to pick up anything edible from the floor or ground must be suppressed by command and mechanical action, for example, by jerking a leash. If the dog is not on a leash, throw something at it (a slipper, a plastic bottle).

    5. The dog is prohibited from fighting with other dogs! American Bulldogs are non-aggressive and self-confident. They will not just rush at their brothers. However, in the absence of proper training, even a noble bulldog can begin to bully and initiate fights. Don't let your pet growl or snap at other dogs. It is better if his social circle includes friendly dogs or representatives of the opposite sex. Do not provoke your bulldog: you should not play with someone else’s dog in the presence of your pet, or play with two dogs at the same time with the same toy.

    Education and training

    Developed intelligence and independent character are good reasons to start raising an ambulant as early as possible. First of all, the puppy must realize the main truth: the owner’s word is a law that cannot be broken under any circumstances. Stop the slightest attempt by the bulldog to growl and grin at your family members, but under no circumstances raise your hand to the dog! American Bulldogs do not take kindly to cruelty and may become angry with you in the future. Firmness, perseverance and patience are the three pillars on which the proper upbringing of a pet rests.

    Waiting for the owner

    Don’t forget that self-discipline is the weak point of ambullies, so it can take more than one month to develop habits. First of all, start creating a daily routine. To do this, take your ambulant for a walk twice – in the morning and in the evening. Soon your pet will understand that it is necessary to relieve itself exclusively on the street. This way you will avoid unpleasant “incidents”.

    During a walk, do not allow the ambulant to pull on the leash, rushing forward. In the case of a puppy, this can look funny: the stocky baby sniffles from tension, wanting to speed up his pace despite the efforts of the owner. However, rest assured: when an obese dog weighing almost half a centner appears in his place, this will create certain inconveniences. The dog should walk next to you - and nothing else.

    Don't let your pet jump on people with its front paws. It is very difficult to maintain the impressive dimensions of an American Bulldog (especially for children). In general, it is not recommended to allow the ambulum to exert force. Keep him from fighting with other dogs or cats. Don't even bark or growl in their direction.

    Basic moments

    • American Bulldogs are excellent companions for those with a strong character.
    • The breed is divided into types - standard Scott and classic Johnson.
    • Dogs have boundless love and devotion towards their owner.
    • Ambuli do not get along well with other pets because they do not tolerate competition. A rare exception are pets with whom the dog grew up.
    • American Bulldogs have excellent guarding qualities, which, coupled with intelligence and observation, make them excellent watchdogs.
    • Representatives of the breed need daily physical activity. They need to throw out energy, otherwise destruction in your apartment is guaranteed.
    • The American Bulldog needs proper training from the first days of life in the house, otherwise the puppy will grow into an unceremonious and aggressive dog.
    • Not suitable for novice dog owners.

    History of the American Bulldog breed

    Ambul has rightfully earned his honorary “title” - the bulldog of bulldogs. The breed is unique in that its representatives managed to preserve their original characteristics and appearance from the 15th century to the present day. Bulldogs first appeared on the lands of England, where they were bred from Molossian dogs to organize bullfights. Back then, dogs cost their owners a pretty penny, since their courage and remarkable strength determined the outcome of a fight with cattle. The offspring of champion ambulae, who repeatedly won in fierce battles, were especially valued.

    The value of the breed was also explained by the ability of its representatives to endure any pain. Breeders often held demonstration “performances”, during which they brought dogs to a state of bestial rage and demonstrated their endurance. Such performances had a sad outcome: ambuli often died, but this in no way detracted from the popularity of the breed or the amount that buyers were willing to pay for the future champion.

    American Bulldogs were used as blood sport animals until the early 19th century. After the signing of a law that prohibited bull baiting and dog fighting, the price of ambuls dropped sharply. Bulldogs were forced to be kept in the yard, since their cruelty and indomitable temperament often posed a danger even to the owner. They forgot about the breed for some time, since it was not distinguished by anything other than endurance: neither its cute appearance, nor its docility, nor other characteristics.

    With the popularization of exhibitions, the ambul again attracted the attention of dog breeders. Wanting to make dogs more suitable for show, geneticists added pug blood. This experiment took thirty years and ended very successfully: the new specimens were smaller in size, more correct in proportions and calm in disposition. Soon bulldogs were divided into separate breeds. Kennel clubs were organized for them, which registered puppies and documented their pedigree. This is how the English bulldog arose, which earned the glory of the country’s national symbol.

    It is worth noting that the history of the breed was not limited to this. At the beginning of the 18th century, a tense economic situation reigned in England. The prison cells were overcrowded with debtors who did not have enough money to pay the required amount. The government made a cunning move by promising amnesty to those prisoners who would go to settle the new colony in Georgia. Few prisoners reached American shores, but this was amply compensated by the movement of working-class people who hoped to start a new life and escape their hardships. Together with them, people brought their most valuable “property” - real bulldogs, which at that time were still involved in bull baiting and retained their unbridled temper.

    At first, the colonists had a hard time: the wild lands needed clearing and constant protection from warlike Indian tribes, the Spaniards and the French. Ambul unexpectedly showed himself to be a reliable and devoted watchman who could be relied upon. Thus, thanks to their athletic build, endurance, hard work, courage, intelligence and excellent sense of smell, bulldogs turned out to be indispensable companions in the wild lands of America.

    Then farmers did not attach importance to the appearance of the ambul - a large dog with a massive muzzle and strong paws. The breed was valued not for its appearance, but for its working qualities. Attempts to include Southern bulldogs in the American Kennel Club (AKC) list remained unsuccessful for a long time. Preference was given to foreign breeds, and “natives” from the colonies were considered ordinary and unworthy of attention.

    In addition, the bulldog breed was already registered with the AKC, and southerners would have to think of a new name to avoid confusion when popularizing the bulldog in the United States. Georgian large, exhibition, working, southern white, old - all these names referred specifically to the ambul. Until the middle of the 20th century, he was not registered by any canine organization and could not boast of an official pedigree.

    Only by the 60s the name “American Pit Bulldog” was assigned to the breed. At the same time, the first standard was presented to everyone's attention. Soon, ambulies were registered by most cynological organizations. Dog breeders were captivated by her impressive appearance combined with her impeccable service skills. Increasingly, bulldogs were bred for military departments and police stations. In comparison with other dogs, ambuli were distinguished by endurance, prudence and incredible sense of smell, inherited from distant ancestors. Representatives of this breed were also used during the search for survivors of major disasters.

    Soon the American bulldog won the love of not only America, but also all of Europe. Even Russia during the “roaring nineties” responded to this canine trend: increasingly frightening-looking dogs appeared on city streets, ready to rush to the defense of their owner at any moment. The breed is still popular today. At the same time, its name - American Bulldog - does not scare away potential dog owners with unpleasant associations with bull baiting and dog fighting. On the contrary, the massive and terrifying dimensions of the animal give a person indestructible self-confidence.

    Description of American Bulldogs and features of the breed

    The American Bulldog or Bulldog is a dog with a powerful, muscular body. He is resilient, hardworking, brave. Capable of becoming an ideal companion for a strong, self-confident owner. The fighting past has left its mark on the appearance of this dog, but its character is not aggressive. This is a faithful, devoted pet, good-natured and calm.

    This is a unique breed; only American Bulldogs have retained the external qualities of the first Old English Bulldogs. Some character traits of fighting dogs also remain. All other varieties have undergone serious selection and are now very different from their ancestors. But the American Bulldog breed is still not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale.

    breed nameAmerican Bulldog
    time of origin19th century
    country of registrationUSA
    ICF classificationnot recognized
    applicationwatchman, security guard, companion
    life expectancy12-14 years old
    heightmales 58-68 cm, females 55-65 cm
    weightmales 45-60 kg, females 35-50 kg
    intelligencestandard, easy to train
    attitude towards peopleloyal, friendly, love children


    Despite their unattractive appearance, American Bulldogs are popular dogs. They have many advantages:

    • loyal, strongly attached to the owner;
    • energetic, hardy, dexterous;
    • good-natured, treat children well;
    • no undercoat, heavy shedding, therefore suitable for allergy sufferers;
    • have developed security qualities;
    • selflessly protect the owner from any threats, even at the cost of their lives;
    • easy care, unpretentiousness, good health;
    • smart, observant, easy to learn;
    • balanced, will not bark without reason.


    The American Bulldog is not a suitable option for novice dog owners or people with weak personalities. This dog requires serious training and timely socialization. She will only obey a strong owner who will gain authority over her. Without proper training, an aggressive and uncontrollable dog can grow up. It is also necessary to take into account the following disadvantages of bulldogs:

    • need high physical activity;
    • due to its large dimensions it is difficult to keep in a small apartment;
    • out of boredom they can cause destruction in the apartment;
    • stubborn, independent, willful;
    • look scary;
    • prone to dominance;
    • may show aggression towards other pets;
    • they often have increased salivation and snoring.

    The video complements the characteristics of American bulldogs:

    Video: American Bulldog. Pros and cons, Price, How to choose, Facts, Care, History

    Video: American Bulldog dog: pros and cons of the breed

    Video: American Bulldog: description of the breed, character


    Based on appearance and temperament, American Bulldogs are divided into three types.

    • The classic American or Johnson Bulldog is a large dog with a powerful build and a short muzzle. They were bred for protection, so strength and watchdog qualities were cultivated. In appearance they are close to English bulldogs. This dog is more suitable for the role of companion and bodyguard.
    • The standard American Bulldog of the Scott type is smaller in size and has an athletic build. These dogs have a more elongated muzzle, they are mobile, and have retained the instinct to pursue the beast. Outwardly they resemble pit bull terriers. Scott's bulldogs are used as working dogs on the farm. When breeding, the emphasis is on endurance and performance.
    • The hybrid or mixed type comes from crossing both types of dogs. The breeders sought to get a dog with a powerful build, but agile. This is a large dog with developed working and guarding qualities, strong and hardy.

    Ambule dog. Description, features, care and price for ambulum

    The strength and power that the Ambulus is undeniable. Their extraordinary intelligence, dedication and devotion to their owner are absolute. In unequal battles, protecting its owners, the ambul dog does not hesitate for a single moment to sacrifice itself if the situation demands it.

    Their mythical power is familiar to many. It is said that fighting this dog is compared to a fight with something between the body strength of a python and the jaws of an alligator, which is very impressive.

    These dogs are considered a gift that must be properly used, educated and cared for. They can only obey a strong and powerful master.

    For weak and undecided people, the dog simply sits on the neck. Therefore, before purchasing such a pet, you should self-critically examine yourself from the outside and understand whether a person can cope with a dog of such great willpower.

    The dogs were originally called White English, Alabama, Pit Bulldog or English Blonde. At the end of the 20th century, they began to be called American Beaddogs - Ambules.

    Breed Features

    The colorful appearance of this breed has brought it great popularity in many places. They have high intelligence. Many celebrities love the Ambul breed For example, Brad Pitt's favorite pet is an ambulant. And the singer Pink, in honor of her beloved pet, has a tattoo with his image on her forearm.

    The ancestor of this amazing breed is the already extinct Old English Bulldog. They have very similar character and appearance. Ambuli belong to the hunting breeds of dogs. They are distinguished by their endurance. Large, powerful and stocky, the dogs have a balanced character and exceptional protective traits.

    Very quick and easy to learn. He quickly gets close to people, but does not tolerate a familiar attitude towards himself. Proper upbringing of this dog can only be achieved by a strong-willed person with a strong character and some dog breeder skills.

    Description of the breed (standard requirement)

    Thoroughbred amboules have incredible beauty, with power, strength and stability. They have a large head and muscular legs. American Bulldogs come in standard and classic varieties.

    For people who are not well versed in dogs, the difference between them is invisible. Classic ambuli are the ones that are most common. They are heavy, powerful and stocky, with a short muzzle, square body and large paws.

    The standard ambulette has some differences. It differs from the classic one in its lightness and harmony. It doesn’t really feel that power and strength. It is easier for a standard ambulant to move and train; he can do this tirelessly for a long time.

    According to the American Bulldog standard:

    • Harmoniously built, with a muscular, agile and strong body. Males are usually larger than females.
    • They are attentive, sociable, without an aggressive attitude. Balance and self-confidence are what are in the character of every dog ​​of this breed.
    • Their average height is from 58 to 68 cm. They weigh from 36 to 56 kg.
    • The head of the standard breed is wedge-shaped or square. In classic ambulets it is more round. In both breeds it is flattened on top.
    • The wide muzzle shows large nostrils and black lips and nose. Their black pigment can be slightly diluted with pink.
    • When the mouth is closed, the dog's teeth should not be visible.
    • The ears are set high and droop or stand halfway up.
    • Dark, small eyes come in two shapes - round and almond-shaped.
    • The neck is muscular.
    • The paws are strong and heavy.
    • The coat must be strictly short. All other types of it are a clear defect of the animal and a deviation from the norm.

    Care and maintenance

    Ambule puppies require minimal care They do not need the services of a hairdresser. Regular brushing is enough for them. They need to be combed once every seven days. And during molting, twice.

    They can shed, many of them a lot. Their fur is visible everywhere they have been - on the sofa, on the rug. Therefore, this dog is extremely contraindicated for people suffering from allergies.

    In order to teach a dog to obey himself at least a little, its upbringing must be done from early childhood. Otherwise, a weak-willed and uncontrollable dog may grow up.

    While still a very small puppy, the ambulant must understand that it is forbidden to bite a person even during games. After a bite, you can shake it by the skin and make it clear that this should not be done.

    When walking on a leash, a person must teach the animal to walk nearby. It is unacceptable for an animal to forcefully pull its owner’s leash. If these whims of the ambulant are not stopped at an early age, then when he becomes an adult, this will become increasingly difficult.

    They constantly need to examine their ears and feel their belly, and brush their teeth regularly. The dog's eyes need to be wiped daily with a damp cloth. The folds on your pet’s face should also be treated.

    The dog's long nails need to be carefully trimmed, otherwise its gait may change. The pet is not accustomed to frequent bathing; it is enough to do it once every 4 months.

    Features of feeding and diet

    Bulldogs are big fans of begging for a tasty morsel from the table, and it is worth weaning your pet off this habit as early as possible. A healthy ambulant diet is 30% protein, carbohydrates and fiber. You cannot feed your dog meat alone - the menu must include:

    • boiled durum cereals;
    • steamed vegetables;
    • boiled eggs;
    • a small amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    If you find it difficult to cook for your dog every day, give preference to dry food. It must be of high quality, with a high content of minerals. Ideally, you need to buy food created specifically for this group of breeds.

    Even if your dog eats dry food, treat it with fermented milk and fresh meat (not minced meat) once or twice a week. Remember: goodies from the table are strictly prohibited! You should also not give:

    • legumes;
    • fresh bread or seasoned crackers, chips;
    • peppery, spicy food;
    • river fish;
    • sharp bones;
    • fatty meat - pork, lamb.

    If you have difficulty feeding your dog, be sure to consult a specialist. This could be the veterinarian or breeder from whom you purchased the puppy.

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