Care and maintenance of Maltese as a decorative dog breed

History of the Maltese breed

Maltese history of the breed
Maltese is such an ancient breed that one can only guess about its true origin. There is an assumption that it originated more than two thousand years ago. It was hypothesized based on images of similar dogs made by the ancient Egyptians.

The Maltese got its name due to a geographical error. At first, the dogs were called Melites - in honor of the Greek island of Meleda, located in the Adriatic Sea. But he had a “twin brother” - present-day Malta, also called Meleda.

Since in those days no one could fix the difference between these two pieces of land, they decided to forget about it. Later, the Melites began to be called Maltese dogs, without remembering that their homeland was not Malta.

Experts are still arguing about exactly how the ancestors of the Maltese ended up on the Adriatic coast. Some believe that the ancestors of these dogs are Tibetan terriers that came to Europe from Asia along the Silk Road. True, they forget that in those days the indicated route was not so popular.

Others believe that the ancestors of the Maltese were Spitz-type dogs that lived in the Swiss Alps. Another part of the researchers attributes the Maltese to kinship with the poodles that inhabited the islands in the Adriatic Sea.

Maltese dogs became truly popular during the Middle Ages. The Italians and French were especially supportive of them. The Maltese came to Great Britain only in the 16th century, and they were brought to America even later.

Walking outside

An adult pet requires a walk of 20 minutes twice a day.
But the Chihuahua does not disdain the home toilet either. The main thing is to accustom the puppy to the tray and take care of it in a timely manner. The Chihuahua is a very energetic breed of dog and therefore requires moderate active physical activity. Short walks are a good form of exercise and a time for exercise and training.

The animal will happily run, jump and play in the fresh air, especially if the owner takes part in the games. You can play ball with Chihuahuas, go through obstacle courses, but most of all they like to catch frisbees (flying discs).

Daily walks help keep the animal's muscles in good shape and have a beneficial effect on health. It is enough to spend 40-60 minutes outside every day to meet the need for physical activity.

Visiting dog parks is useful for socializing the animal. Communication with other dogs and strangers is an integral part of accustoming an animal to the world around it. At first, the dog may show aggression towards other animals and people, but over time the aggressive mood will change to a friendly one.

We should not forget about such a basic safety device as a harness. Due to the Chihuahua's genetic predisposition to tracheal collapse, where the tracheal rings lose their elasticity, traditional collars are contraindicated. The harness does not create pressure on the neck, and therefore does not provoke the development of respiratory tract diseases. And don’t believe the myth that wearing a harness contributes to poor posture and deformation of the elbow joints!

If you feel that your pet is tired, then it is better to pick him up, lift him by the chest with one hand, hold his tailbone with the other, and go home

It is important to remember that without vaccination against deadly diseases it is unsafe to be on the street. Walking with an animal in your arms reduces the risk of infection to a minimum, so it is better to walk with the puppy in this format until all the necessary vaccinations have been completed

Appearance of Maltese

Maltese history of the breed
According to the international classification, the Maltese is classified in group 9 “Toys and companion dogs”, section 1 “Bichons and related breeds” without testing working qualities.

Requirements for the exterior of the standard representatives of the breed are enshrined in the FCI standard No. 65.

HeadQuite wide, elongated in the skull with a slightly pronounced occiput and well-developed eyebrows. The stop is clearly defined, forming an angle of 900. The muzzle is straight, well filled under the eyes. The nose is round, voluminous, completely black with open nostrils. The jaws are developed, covered with dense, well-pigmented lips. The teeth are healthy, white, fully equipped. Scissor bite.
EyesRound, straight-set, slightly convex with close-fitting black eyelids and a rich, dark ocher iris. The look is lively and attentive.
EarsAlmost triangular in shape, set above the zygomatic arches, hanging, pressing tightly against the lateral surfaces of the skull. The outside is covered with long, thick hair.
NeckModerate length, set almost vertically with a pronounced scruff. Slightly curved, carried high.
FrameLengthy with slightly prominent withers, straight back and wide, long croup, slightly sloping at the base of the tail. The chest is deep with a very long chest bone and not too rounded ribs.
LimbsSmooth, parallel, vertically placed. The feet are round with arched, well-knit toes and black pads. Movements are free, uniform, with short and fast steps followed by a trot.
TailThick at the base, gracefully curved so that the thin tip touches the back or bends slightly to the side.
WoolLong, single-layered, thick, silky, straight, flowing with a pronounced glossy sheen. The hair growing on the body falls to the ground and forms a tight-fitting mantle. Feathers and trousers are acceptable on the back of the limbs. The hair on the tail is laid on one side and falls onto the hip, reaching the metatarsus.
ColorCompletely white. Ivory or pale orange shades are acceptable.
Possible defectsStrabismus, Roman nose, obvious undershot, height deviation of more than 2 cm in one direction or another.
Disqualifying faultsA drooping or retracted muzzle, depigmented eyelids or nose, undershot, short tail, spots of any color and size, curly hair, cataract, any color other than white, cryptorchidism (in males).

Interesting! Among the Maltese there are miniature individuals weighing only 1.5-2.5 kg and dogs with extremely short muzzles. Such representatives of the breed do not meet the FCI standard and are not used for breeding.

Proper massage

One type of massage that helps get rid of swelling and bruising around the eyes is called lymphatic drainage. It stimulates the lymphatic system and improves skin condition.

Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizer to prevent stretching. For these purposes, cosmetic oil for the skin around the eyes is best suited. The procedure is performed using the fingertips of both hands as follows:

  1. With your index and middle fingers, make 10 clockwise circular movements at the outer corners of the eye;
  2. apply light pressure movements with your fingers from the temple to the nose for the lower eyelid and in the opposite direction for the upper eyelid - repeat 3 times;
  3. for a few seconds, lightly press the skin of the lower eyelid with the pads of four fingers, then do the same with the upper eyelid;
  4. using tapping movements, walk from temple to nose for the lower eyelid and from nose to temple for the upper eyelid;
  5. Use the edge of your middle finger to make rolling movements, while turning the finger with the other edge, along the bone under the eye from the temple to the bridge of the nose - repeat 5 times;
  6. do the previous exercise for the upper eyelid in the opposite direction;
  7. apply ten light pressures under the outer corner of the eye, then use the edge of your finger to apply rolling movements to the inner corner and repeat 10 pressures - do the whole procedure 10 times;
  8. repeat the previous movements for the area under the eyebrow in the opposite direction;
  9. perform pressing movements on the muscle around the eye, while capturing the superciliary part and the upper area of ​​the cheekbones;
  10. Finish the procedure by tapping your fingers around the eyes.

This massage takes no more than 20 minutes. Afterwards you should wash your face, alternating cold and warm water.

Personality of the Maltese

Maltese have a mischievous, cheerful disposition and retain puppy enthusiasm for a long time. They quickly become attached to people and single out one owner, treating the rest of the household as equals. Maltese dogs love to attract attention and do not tolerate loneliness well. Dogs that do not receive enough love from their owners become nervous and mischievous.

Maltese dogs have a highly developed sense of self-esteem, which is why they consider themselves better than other pets. They get along well with other pets, but only until they begin to claim the attention of their owners. Noticing that the owner has caressed another pet, Maltese immediately turn into jealous furies capable of meanness.

Tiny dogs get along well with teenagers and regard them as potential play and walking partners. But Maltese may not get along with kids. Preschool children are often annoying and unwittingly provoke dogs into aggression. In addition, not all kids know how to properly handle tiny pets and can accidentally injure them.

Despite their miniature size, Maltese dogs do not burn with love for strangers. They remain vigilant in the presence of strangers and perceive them as a source of potential danger. Of course, tiny lap dogs will not cause serious harm to intruders, but they will scare them off with their loud barking.

Diseases accompanied by tearing

There are a large number of ailments that cause lacrimation. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to understand what caused this pathology. The production of tears is caused not only by the disease, but also by the characteristics of a particular breed.


Inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs for a number of reasons. If treatment is not started immediately, serious consequences cannot be avoided. Some of the characteristic symptoms are the flow of tears, which after a certain period of time turns into mucus, the dog does not tolerate bright lighting, and squinting is observed. Treatment directly depends on the form of the disease and can only be determined by a veterinarian. Usually the doctor prescribes zinc sulfate or silver nitrate in the form of drops.

Advice! Consult a doctor immediately, the disease is accompanied by injuries, and sometimes stitches are required.

Blepharitis inflammation of the eyelids

This type of disease appears due to herbs, systemic pathologies of the pet’s body, allergies, and demodicosis. A sign of blepharitis is visible redness of the conjunctiva. However, there are also other symptoms - swelling, active loss of hair and eyelashes, itching in the eye area, and the appearance of scales.


Keratoconjunctivitis is a pathology that occurs during a deficiency in the synthesis of tear fluid. In some breeds of animals, this type of disease is inherited from their producers. Characteristic signs of the disease are discharge in the form of pus, the appearance of edema, constant blinking, dryness, and hyperemia.

Eversion of the eyelids

When the eyelids are everted, the lacrimal punctum is located above the lacrimal lake, tears begin to overflow and therefore lacrimation is observed. As a result, the skin under the eyes is constantly moist, which causes the appearance of eczema. To eliminate the problem, complex therapy and surgical intervention are required.

Inversion of the eyelids is also observed - the free edge of the eyelid is completely or partially turned inward. Then increased lacrimation occurs, because eyelashes and hairs from the skin come into contact with the cornea, causing irritation and unpleasant consequences. Immediate intervention is done.

Attention! If a dog begins to squint constantly, this is a spasm of the eyelids.


Glaucoma is another type of pathology. The disease manifests itself as redness of the pupils and high internal pressure. The appearance of tear discharge occurs, but in small quantities. If timely help and treatment are not provided, the dog loses its vision. With glaucoma, the dog begins to be afraid of bright lighting, lethargy appears, appetite completely or partially disappears, and the eyeballs increase in size.


Dogs, and this is the case with curious breeds, suffer eye injuries partly due to their excessive interest. During injury, inflammation begins to actively develop. The severity of the disease directly depends on how quickly first aid is provided and treatment is prescribed.

Training and education

Maltese have an innate stubbornness and quickly acquire unwanted habits. Although tiny decorations do not require special training, they need to be taught basic commands.

It is better to raise a Maltese using the method of positive reinforcement, without applying excessive pressure and without appealing to conscience. These dogs regard the absence of a tidbit for a correctly performed action as deception and will simply ignore the command next time.

Instead of serious training with a Maltese, you can do circus training. Mischievous and smart dogs are quite capable of mastering dance routines and acrobatic tricks. But it may take more than one week to learn them.

Use decoctions of medicinal herbs to bathe a newborn

To prevent irritation after a bath, it is very useful to wipe your baby’s skin with special baby oil, which is now sold in pharmacies.

If a child's skin is prone to high humidity, then baby powders that dry it out are more useful.

You can wash babies with regular running water in the shower, but for very sensitive skin it is also better to finish rinsing with water with herbs.

How to properly bathe a newborn baby

Bathing is carried out daily. At this point, parents should be prepared:

  • baby bath;
  • water thermometer;
  • baby towel;
  • baby cream, powder and Vaseline oil;
  • means for treating the umbilical wound;
  • cotton buds;
  • light hat and socks;
  • diapers.

When washing the girl, hold her so that the perineum is at the top and the water flows from front to back - then the flora from the intestines will not get into the urinary tract.

The herbal decoction must be fresh. We recommend that mothers prepare it in the morning and pour it into a large thermos, then you will always have this healing remedy at hand.

Boys can be held on your arm in any position convenient for you, but most often - tummy down.

Maintenance and care

Maltese: maintenance and care
Maltese is intended exclusively for home keeping and does not require regular walking. It is better to walk with it in dry and warm weather; the rest of the time the dog can be trained to relieve itself in the tray. In general, caring for a Maltese comes down to proper feeding and simple hygiene procedures.

To make the dog look well-groomed, it is sorted out by hand every day and untangled from tangles, and then sprinkled with talcum powder and combed out with a metal comb with fine teeth. The long “bangs” of the Maltese dog are gathered into a ponytail and secured with an elastic band.

On a note! To make the Maltese's coat silky, it is recommended to apply special leave-in oils to it immediately after bathing, which can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy.

If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, it is beautifully cut. Show Maltese wool is washed weekly with professional shampoo and conditioner, and then dried and curled into curling irons. And to prevent the dog from tearing off the curlers, it is better to put special socks on its hind legs.

Important! The Maltese's sensitive eyes often water, causing unsightly dark tracks to appear on the dog's face. To prevent problems, your pet’s eyes are wiped daily with cotton pads soaked in special lotions. Doing this using tea leaves or herbal infusions is not recommended due to the risk of hair loss around the eyes.

You can feed your Maltese with both ready-made dry diets and natural products. In the first case, it is advisable to give preference to imported products of at least premium class, intended for decorative breeds prone to allergies.

When feeding with natural products, half of the Maltese's daily diet should be fresh lean meat, sea fish fillet or offal. The remaining 50% of the daily portion should come from vegetables and grains. It is advisable to introduce eggs and fermented milk products into the Maltese diet a couple of times a week.

It is prohibited to feed the dog fatty meat, river or bony fish, fried or smoked foods, legumes and exotic fruits, confectionery and sausages, spicy and salty foods.

Whitening shampoos for dogs

Most dog coat bleaching shampoos contain a bluing agent , which gives white fur a blue tint that is perceived as white by the human eye. The optical illusion is achieved due to the fact that the blue or purple color coloring the ends of the hair reflects light, and the coat appears lighter, whiter. But the white effect is achieved only in the presence of faint yellow spots. After using a bluing agent, it is necessary to wash it again with regular shampoo so that the coat does not acquire a concentrated blue color. You cannot use several whitening shampoos at the same time. For example, using a bluing shampoo after a bleaching shampoo can cause your hair to turn blue.

Enzyme-based lightening shampoos remove yellow stains from saliva and tears, allowing you to achieve the desired result. But the product acts harshly, removing the outer layer of each hair. Therefore, it is not recommended to use enzymatic shampoos frequently. It is usually used with a good conditioner that has a restorative effect.

Whitening shampoos for dogs contain aggressive chemicals that help achieve whiteness, but if used incorrectly can cause dry, irritated skin. Such aggressive substances include hydrogen peroxide, which increases the pH level, thereby bleaching hair.

The effect of all shampoos is enhanced by using warm water, which promotes deeper cleansing of impurities from the hair. But it is better to rinse off the shampoo with cool water, which helps close the hair scales. The active ingredients are fixed inside the hair, after drying, maximum reflection of light occurs, achieving the effect of whiteness and radiance. Beaphar, 8in1, Mr. cosmetics work well. Bruno, Espree, All Systems, Chris Christensen.

Maltese Health and Diseases

Maltese dogs are quite strong dogs, formed with minimal participation of breeders. They have good heredity and live on average 12-15 years.

Maltese get sick infrequently, and among the most common pathologies diagnosed in representatives of this breed are:

  • deafness;
  • dermatitis;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • heart disease;
  • congenital subluxation of the patella;
  • ophthalmological diseases (distichiasis, retinal atrophy, blocked tear ducts and glaucoma).

Maltese dogs are also susceptible to standard viral and infectious diseases that are common to all dogs, regardless of breed. But they can be easily prevented with annual preventive vaccination.

We recommend reading:

  • Reasons why a dog sheds a lot
  • How long should a dog sleep?
  • Is it possible to walk your dog immediately after eating?

Watch your diet

Diet also has a certain effect on dry skin. Therefore, it is necessary to include in your food greens and fruits containing vitamins A, C, E, D. Food should be varied and at the same time nutritious, but not heavy.

Modern beauty salons offer unique procedures for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes using gold thread implantation and biopolymer gel injections. These procedures help remove not only fine wrinkles around the eyes, but also deep wrinkles located on the cheeks, forehead, and bridge of the nose. This unique method was developed in France by doctors, scientists, stylists, biologists, and chemists. Implantation of gold threads as a method of rejuvenation has had great success all over the world. Of course, this procedure is not available to everyone, as it is performed by highly qualified specialists and is very expensive.

How to choose a puppy

Maltese: how to choose a puppy
Maltese is a fairly popular breed, which is bred by many breeders. To become the owner of a purebred and healthy puppy, it is better to buy it from an officially registered nursery.

At the time of sale, the baby must already have documents confirming its origin and availability of scheduled vaccinations.

When choosing a Maltese puppy, it is recommended to pay attention to:

  1. Conditions for keeping mother and puppies. The room where little Maltese live should be clean, warm, light and dry.
  2. Appearance. A Maltese puppy must fully comply with the breed standard and be similar to its parents. It is important that they have dark shiny eyes, smooth paws, a black wet nose and snow-white, absolutely straight fur. You should not choose the fluffiest puppy from the litter, since an excessively voluminous coat is considered a disadvantage. But a slightly wavy coat may straighten out as the dog gets older.
  3. Characteristics of puppies. Kids should be friendly, inquisitive, playful and active. It is important that they do not sit, scared, huddled in a corner, but easily make contact and show a healthy interest in everything that is happening.

What is the price

You can buy a puppy “for yourself” with documents from a professional nursery for 20,000-25,000 rubles. If you are thinking about exhibitions, then in Moscow such a puppy will cost from 50,000 rubles. Some breeders bring their studs from South Korea. There prices start from 300,000 rubles. Korean dogs are distinguished by a shortened muzzle, wide-set large eyes, and a more compact body. With such costs, of course, breeders will keep high prices for Korean-type Maltese.

Video about the characteristics of the Maltese breed:

Unexplained cough

If your pet is coughing, there may be several reasons. The unusually short structure of the head of Chihuahua dogs does not allow them to breathe deeply, especially during a sharp transition from a calm state to an excited one.

This is a common occurrence for such dogs; there is no need to worry at such moments. Distract the baby, calm him down - gently pick him up and stroke him. If it doesn’t help, close its spout with your hand for a few seconds to equalize the air pressure.

But if coughing attacks become more frequent, consult a doctor. Your dog may be having an allergic reaction to an external irritant or contracting a viral infection.

Drugs prohibited for use in newborns

Some medications are strictly prohibited for use in the treatment of infants. Some of them negatively affect the mucous membrane, others can cause intoxication of the body. Medicines on the “black list”:

  • Alcohol and solutions made from it can cause tissue burns;
  • Hydrogen peroxide. When used, it forms a large amount of foam, which has a negative effect on the baby’s developing eye;
  • “Old friends” - iodine and brilliant green, can cause a burn to the cornea;
  • Hormonal drugs;
  • Vasoconstrictor medications;
  • Oil solutions are a strong allergen and can cause clouding of the cornea.

If you are not sure whether a particular drug can be used to treat a child, carefully read the instructions included with it and consult with your pediatrician.

Clean the spout

The mucous secretion in the nasopharynx is secreted differently in each baby, and if one child needs to clean his nose two or three times a day, then another needs it less often.

This is done with a regular cotton swab. It is best, of course, to buy special sticks at the pharmacy with such tampons on both ends.

How to properly clean a newborn's nose

The stick should not be sharp at the end, and there should be enough cotton wool to eliminate any risk of injury from the stick to the surface being cleaned. The cotton wool should be secured so that it does not come off the stick and remain in the baby’s nasal passages.

If the crusts have already dried out and stuck to the mucous membrane, then never try to pick them off.

Sunflower or, say, olive oil must be sterilized before the procedure. It is best if you boil a certain amount of vegetable oil in advance and keep it in a sterile bottle for such purposes. Under the influence of the oil, the crusts in the nose will soften, and removing them will not be difficult for you.

Use of decorative cosmetics

There is a huge selection of cosmetics for eye makeup, which must be used very carefully. This is especially true for girls under 25 years of age. They always strive to look older with the help of cosmetics. Women of more mature age, on the contrary, try to appear younger with its help.

Unless absolutely necessary, you should not abuse various concealers. To create natural makeup and give your skin a healthy look, it is better to use a special tinting cream for the skin around the eyes. It has a light texture and does not clog pores. For young skin, the rule is: the less, the better.

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