Neapolitan Mastiff dog. Description, features, care and price of the breed

  • Mastino Neapolitan

Mastino Neapolitan, as the name suggests, comes from Naples. This is one of the oldest dog breeds, which is a descendant of Mollos. The Mastino Neapolitan is a very large and strong dog that was used for fighting in Ancient Rome to protect people and property. Previously, the ears and tail were docked, as these were the most vulnerable places in dog fighting. Any corporal punishment is useless, since the dog is weakly sensitive to pain.

  1. Country of origin : Italy
  2. Height at withers : male: 65–75 cm, female: 60–68 cm
  3. Weight : male 60–70 kg, female: 50–60 kg
  4. Lifespan : 7-10 years
  5. Usage : Watchman
  6. Other names : Neapolitan Mastiff, Neapolitano, Neo

Purchasing a Neapolitan Mastino puppy is a responsible and important act that you need to think carefully about before doing. This is especially true for those people who are going to become truly responsible dog breeders. The question of choice should be approached carefully and without haste, comparing your own habits, daily routine and the nature of the chosen breed. When the future owner has decided on the breed, a new dilemma arises: how to find a bona fide breeder? Here you need to be extremely careful not to become a prematurely disappointed dog owner.

Buying a Neapolitan Mastino puppy is a very exciting event, because you can say that a new family member will appear. To ensure that the event does not overshadow anything, it is worth taking a responsible approach to choosing a breeder. There are no bad dog breeds; you can simply run into an unscrupulous breeder for whom money comes first. The future owner is at great risk of buying an animal that has a lot of health problems. It is for this reason that you need, first of all, to get to know the breeder well, read reviews about him and the like.

Buy Mastino Neapolitan

Neapolitan Mastiffs are quite serious dogs that are not suitable for novice dog owners.
To completely avoid all kinds of risks, you need to be very careful and responsible when purchasing such a pet. It is preferable to purchase a purebred Mastino puppy from a specialized nursery with good recommendations. Having a pedigree will minimize the risk of getting an uncontrollable or very aggressive predator. What to pay attention to

The presence of a very large number of wrinkles and folds on the skin of the Neapolitan Mastino greatly increases the risk of rashes, inflammation and wounds, so when examining the puppy it is very important to make sure that there is no skin infection

The puppy must be completely healthy, as evidenced by:

  • sufficient fatness, but not overfed;
  • shiny and well-groomed coat;
  • eyes, nose and ears without visible discharge;
  • a good appetite;
  • lack of scratching.

When choosing, be sure to look at the puppy’s behavior. A completely healthy pet is necessarily inquisitive and active, quite friendly and playful. Only purchasing a purebred puppy allows you to get a pet with a balanced nervous system, high protective qualities, good trainability and obedience.

It is equally important to make sure that the animal does not have “cherry eye” syndrome, which causes inflammation and redness in the third eyelid area. This pathology can be hereditary or occurs as a result of infection and development of an infection on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

No less dangerous is cardiomyopathy, which is accompanied by changes in the heart muscle, general weakness of the animal’s body, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite and a noticeable decrease in body weight.

Neapolitan Mastiff price

Even before choosing a Mastino Neapolitan puppy, it is necessary to carefully “get acquainted” with the producers, the parent couple, whose litter aroused interest, which will help ensure the health of the offspring at the genetic level and exclude the presence of serious defects.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in a small litter, puppies, as a rule, are larger and well developed. It is preferable to wean puppies from their mother no earlier than two months of age.

It is very important to get advice from the breeder about feeding the puppy you are purchasing.

It should be noted that the average cost of a pedigree Mastino Neapolitan puppy from a nursery, regardless of the gender of such a baby, is quite high, which is due to the small number of experienced breeders, both in our country and abroad. The price of a healthy pet can vary greatly depending on the class it belongs to, but most often it is 40-100 thousand rubles.

Possible diseases

The Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed has diseases that can be inherited. Therefore, before purchasing a puppy, it is best to look at the documents of its parents. If the mother and father are predisposed to genetic diseases, then, most likely, this fate will overtake their offspring.

Dysplasia is considered the most popular hereditary disease. It comes in different types - elbow and hip joints. Moreover, it is interesting that the disease can be not only congenital, but also acquired during life. The disease usually accompanies all large breeds. And the Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the brightest representatives.

Neapolitan Mastiff puppy

Some dogs are prone to skin diseases - infections, allergies. In this case, timely vaccination and a balanced diet will help. In addition, Neapolitan Mastino is susceptible to ophthalmological diseases such as retinal atrophy and entropion. Monitoring health is important not only for the owner, but also for the veterinarian. Let this be the dog’s personal doctor, who will see him at least once every six months.

The largest representative

Hercules is the largest and most famous representative of the breed.

In 2001, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog. By the age of 4, his weight reached 128 kg, and his neck circumference was almost a meter. This was twice the standard parameters of the breed.

His owner, the Englishman Mr. Flynn, says that the dog is like that by nature. He was not fed any special vitamins or supplements. He was the largest puppy of the litter and developed and grew quickly.

Mr. Flynn was given the idea for a record bid by a neighbor boy. After Hercules got into the book, journalists and reporters do not leave him and his owner alone.

Coat type and color

The skin of the Mastino Neapolitan is thick and quite abundantly expressed, free over the surface of the entire body. The short, fairly coarse and relatively harsh coat is the same in length everywhere, and is also characterized by uniform smoothness and shine. The maximum length of the coat is 15 mm, without traces of fraying. As a rule, females of this breed have a softer coat.

Gray, black and lead-gray colors are preferred, but animals with brown, red and dark colors are also very much in demand. Small white markings are allowed on the fingertips and chest area. All colors can be classified as brindle, and the presence of hazel, dove and isabella tones is tolerable.

Health and life expectancy

The Neapolitan Mastino is a large breed, so it lives relatively short. Average life expectancy is 8-10 years. Such a short period of time is explained by the heavy load on the Dogo Italiano’s organs. Please note that the mastiff was not affected by mass breeding work, which had a positive effect on the dogs’ health, because the faster the breed’s population increases in a short time, the greater the likelihood of hereditary diseases in animals.

Molossians are distinguished by good health; they rarely develop any diseases. Among the common ailments are periodontal disease - damage to the periodontal tissue, leptospirosis - an infectious disease, bursitis - inflammation appears in places where soft tissue rubs against bone protrusions, cavities in which fluid accumulates. Dogs suffer from cardiopulmonary filariasis - it occurs in areas with high humidity, with an abundance of mosquitoes (insects spread the infection through a bite). A sick animal will be lethargic, passive, and often refuses to eat.

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing a puppy, you need to decide for what purpose you are getting the dog. Will the dog be an exhibitor, a breeder, or just a friend to keep at home? With the first two options, it is better to contact trusted breeders or a nursery. It is impossible to run into low-quality breed there.

The puppy must be healthy, active, determined, but not aggressive. Must also conform to breed standards in appearance. You need to examine your ears and eyes for inflammation. There should be no combed areas on the animal's skin.


It is necessary to check the availability of all necessary documents and veterinary vaccination certificates.

The gender of the puppy is chosen according to your taste. But you need to know that girls will have to bear offspring in the future, and childbirth in this breed is difficult. Therefore, you should seriously think about what gender of puppy to buy.

The most famous nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg:

  • Rus Lago Maggiore.
  • Gwydion.
  • Anvira.
  • Notte Bianca.

Pros and cons of mastino

Dogs always have more advantages than disadvantages. Many bad sides appear due to improper or insufficient education or attention to the dog. There are several characteristics that can be classified as positive or negative characteristics of the breed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Boundless devotion to the owner

Love for children

Protective and security qualities


High cost of maintenance

Education and training

We can talk a lot about the friendliness and calmness of mastiffs, but this does not negate the need for socialization and training in manners.

Lack of proper education and discipline leads to the fact that a huge dog becomes uncontrollable and aggressive.

Socialization is necessary as early as possible . The guard breed must realize that not all strangers are enemies. During socialization, the dog gets acquainted with the world around him and learns to react correctly to events. The owner's calm and confidence are important in the process.

When training, it is important to remember that the Mastino Neapolitan is ready to do anything to please the owner. But his reaction to commands is slow. The animal thinks about the command before executing it.

Novash (Novas) Elena

Editor-in-Chief of the site, yoga instructor and big animal lover

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Initially, the little Mastino is taught to use a leash, and he remembers his name. During the classes we learn simple commands that help control the dog: “Come to me”, “Nearby”, “No”.

A favorite treat or praise will be an excellent positive motivation. But the use of physical force to punish or overcome a pet’s stubbornness is unacceptable . Mastino becomes embittered and remembers that the owner caused the unpleasant sensations. Considering the size of the dog, this is unsafe. The training process should take place in a calm manner; if you do not have enough patience or experience for this, it is better to contact a professional dog handler.

Prohibitions must be observed by all family members. If one scolds and the other praises the dog for the same action, it is difficult for the animal to figure out what to do.

A general training course (GTC) can begin at six months of age. When choosing a trainer, it is better to give preference to those who have already worked with this breed. And only after complete obedience has been achieved, can you undergo protective guard service (PSS). It will give the mastino an understanding in which cases it is necessary to show aggression and in which it is not, and will help him act more effectively.

Distinctive features

All dogs of this species, according to the requirements of the FCI standard, which came into force on January 1, 2016, must meet the following parameters:

The head is short and very massive. Its length is related to the height at the withers as 3.8 to 10.

  • The skull is of pronounced width, especially in the cheekbones, although the muscles in this area are weakly visible. When viewed from the front, the frontal area looks slightly convex, while the area between the ears is flat. The areas above the eyebrows, stop and frontal sulcus are clearly visible, the occipital protuberance is almost invisible. The width of the muzzle exactly corresponds to its length, it looks square, taking up a third of the length of the entire head.
  • Bite – tight scissors, let’s say straight. The jaws are powerful, the lower one is very wide. A small snack is allowed, but a pronounced one is a serious drawback.
  • The nose depends on the color. For all black dogs, the tone matches the color of the coat, for brown dogs it is chestnut, for the rest it is dark gray.
  • The eyes are round, widely spaced, not bulging, but not deep, free from folds. The color of the iris for all dogs is always darker than the color of the coat (except for the color of the coat).
  • The neck is cone-shaped, shortened, slightly curved in the upper zone.
  • The ears are small in shape, in the form of a triangle, tightly adjacent to the zygomatic arches, located above them, and flat. Only natural form is acceptable.
  • The tail reaches the hocks and is thick, slightly tapering towards the tip. It hangs, bending in the shape of a saber, and when moving it can rise barely above the level of the back. A tail carried high is a serious fault.
  • The body is elongated, the length of the body is 15% greater than the height at the withers. The back is muscular, straight, wide, making up a third of the height. The lower back is not narrow, the pelvic bones protrude to the sides, reaching the top of the lumbar region. The chest is large in circumference, reaching the edge of the humerus-scapular joint. The ribs are long and pronounced.
  • The legs are massive, muscular, vertical. Elbows are parallel to the middle of the body. The forearms are vertical, their length corresponding to the sum of the length of the shoulder blades and humerus bones. The pasterns have a moderate angle of inclination. The hips make up a third of the height at the withers, are located at an angle of 60° to the floor and 110-115° to the shins, the hip joint is 90° to the horizontal surface. The hocks are cylindrical, of moderate length, strictly straight. They articulate with the shins at an angle of 140-145°. The feet are round, tightly assembled, with well-developed and pigmented pads, dark curved claws, the front ones are larger than the rear ones.
  • The skin is very dense, hangs over the entire body, with pronounced folds in the head area and the area from the lower jaw to the middle of the neck, where a double dewlap is formed. However, it should not interfere with the health of the animal.
  • The coat is short, thick, of uniform length, and does not form fringes. The color is solid or brindle, small light markings on the chest and tips of the paws are acceptable. The desired coat tone is gray, lead, black, fawn, fawn, and brown are also possible. Isabella, grayish blue, and walnut shades are acceptable.

Disqualifying indicators are:

  1. Underbite;
  2. Too short muzzle or presence of a hump on the nose;
  3. Absence or short tail length (from birth or artificial);
  4. Eversion or inversion of the eyelids, strabismus, cataract, light or colorless iris, lack of pigmentation of the eye rim;
  5. Aggression and cowardice;
  6. The presence of light spots on the head or their large size in permitted places;
  7. No hanging or folds;
  8. Depigmentation of the lobe.


As soon as the puppy appears on the doorstep, it is necessary to socialize it: accustom it to people, passers-by, and various animals. Due to its pronounced dominant qualities, the animal can lay claim to the role of master of the house, so it immediately needs to be shown its place in the hierarchy. The owner needs to act non-aggressively, without a hint of violence, but clearly and firmly, so that the dog does not feel weak and does not begin to push people around in the future.

Although the Neapolitan Mastiff is calm, it requires an owner with a strong character and experience in keeping it, so it will be difficult for a beginner to cope with a representative of this breed.

Appearance and description of Neapolitan Mastiffs with photographs

In accordance with breed standards, Neapolitan Mastiff males have a height at the withers of 65 to 75 cm and a weight of 60 to 70 kilograms. Bitches are slightly smaller in size, reaching a height of 60-68 cm, and their body weight is 50-60 kg.

Large Neapolitan Mastiff

Mastino Neapolitan in the photo

The Neapolitan Mastiff dog has a number of external features that do not allow the individual to be confused with representatives of another large breed.

These include:

  • Head. In mastiffs it is large and massive, with a wide and voluminous skull. The dog's forehead and cheeks are covered with deep folds, and the lips are fleshy, long and drooping.
  • Muzzle. This part is almost square in shape, with a large nose, wide open nostrils and powerful jaws.
  • Teeth and jaws. The dog has a straight or scissor bite and medium-sized canines.
  • Eyes. The organs of vision are protected by heavy eyelids, have a round shape and large size. The color of the iris is most often dark, matching the shade of the animal's fur.
  • Ears. In dogs of the Mastino Neapolitan breed, they are small, triangular in shape with rounded tips, and fit tightly to the cheeks.
  • Neck. The transition from the head to the withers is smooth; this part of the animal’s body is of medium length and a well-developed muscular system. The skin here gathers in folds that run from the middle of the neck to the chin.
  • The Mastino Neapolitan is a large and very massive dog.
    Back. Like the entire body, it is covered with “steel” muscles, has an average length and an impressive width. The loin of mastiffs is slightly convex.
  • Breast. This section of the body is long and wide, the ribs and muscles are clearly visible. The dog's belly is moderately tucked.
  • Croup This part of the body is moderately sloping, wide and distinguished by well-developed muscles.
  • Tail. The process is wide at the base and narrows towards the end, giving it a saber-shaped shape. When the animal is excited, the tail moves and is able to be held at the level of the back, and sometimes a little higher.
  • Paws. The animal's limbs are large and straight, with strong bones and a developed muscle system. The toes are pressed tightly against each other and form a kind of “lump.”

The Neapolitan Mastiff dog looks large and massive, and its developed muscles indicate impressive physical strength and endurance.

Coat type and color

The animal's skin is protected from cold and external influences only by straight and stiff hairs that fit tightly to the body. Neapolitan Mastiffs have no undercoat. The coat hairs of males are much coarser than those of females.

There are a variety of colors, and individuals of this breed can be:

  • black;
  • gray;
  • gray-blue;
  • lead-silver;
  • brown;
  • nutty;
  • fawn;
  • “deer” colors (dark red);
  • Isabella shade (rare).

There are individuals whose color contains several colors that smoothly transition into each other. Animals may also have white spots on the chest and limbs, which is not a deviation from the standard.

Care and hygiene

Blue Mastiff coat care is necessary during the shedding period. During this time, the dog is brushed several times a week. Eyes, ears and teeth should be examined and cleaned regularly.


Most mastiffs respond well to water treatments. Bathing is necessary for body hygiene and wrinkled folds. There is no consensus on the regularity of bathing, so owners must choose the appropriate time on their own.

Swimming in the river is good for joints

Feeding frequency

Large dogs require specialized and nutritious nutrition. The diet of a puppy and an adult is different. Up to a year, B vitamins are added to the menu, which form a healthy nervous system.

50% of your daily food should be protein. Babies up to 3 months are fed at least 4 times a day. As dogs age, they are switched to 2 meals a day. It is best to feed your pet professional food that contains all the necessary substances.

Important! A professional should select a natural diet for a mastiff.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements

Additional vitamin complexes are necessary for your pet's health. The presence of vitamins of groups B, A, D, E, C, PP, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iodine, amino acids L, proteins is required. Vitamins and mineral components have a positive effect on metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Calcium has a positive effect on the condition of bones and joints.


take a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy home after he is at least 2 months old. Before this, he must feed on mother's milk every day. When the baby gets comfortable at home, it is important to correctly transfer him to a new diet. He should eat 5-6 times a day, at least. From 5 months of age, the puppy is transferred to 4 feedings a day. His meals:

  1. Cow's or goat's milk. It is advisable to boil it in advance.
  2. The meat is raw, or boiled. You should not choose fatty varieties, such as pork. It is better to buy chicken fillet or lean beef for your dog.
  3. Wheat/rice/buckwheat cereals. Butter is added to it - the main source of vegetable fats.
  4. Cottage cheese, hard cheese or homemade yogurt. Dairy products should not be fatty.

This feeding is provided until the dog is 1 year old. Next, it is better to switch her to dry food. Add food to your mastiff's bowl daily to get him used to his new diet. You can also additionally feed your pet with boiled chicken eggs, vegetables, berries and fruits. The main thing is not to overfeed him! Overweight dogs do not cope with the guard task to the fullest extent.

Character and behavior

The gloomy appearance of the dog causes fear and wariness in many people. Don't judge a character by appearance alone: ​​a mastiff is not a ferocious animal. He is sociable, a good guardian, bodyguard, protector, watchman, and shows affection, gentleness, calmness, restraint, and friendliness towards the owner. With proper upbringing, aggression manifests itself when it is absolutely necessary (if an uninvited guest, a stranger, appears in the house, for example). Since an emotional connection is established with the owner, the dog does not tolerate a change of owner well.

To get to know the breed better, study the basic qualities of individuals. Mastiffs are:

  • devoted;
  • clean;
  • balanced;
  • solid in character.

Strength and nobility

The grace and strength of the “giants” are fascinating, their character is noble: dogs are never the first to get into a fight. The pet attacks in a situation of increased danger. As a rule, before and during a fight with an opponent, a heavy mastiff does not bark: sometimes a dull growl is heard. Due to the dog's nobility and patience, the fight may be postponed for some time, but if the fight takes place, the dog will fight until the enemy completely capitulates or until the owner gives the appropriate command.

Relationships with people

The main difference between the breed is its complete dependence on its owners. When communicating, you will feel reciprocity. The dog is observant: it stays near the owner for a long time, watching what every member of the household is doing. Mastino strives to please his owners in everything. If you want to leave the house to the dog, do not doubt the safety of your property and children. Mastinos will show care, patience, and calmness towards babies. Aggression and bitterness are shown only towards ill-wishers: if family members are in danger, the dog will not hesitate to give its life to protect its owners.

Many owners claim that Mastinos are able to think and communicate with their owners: a person talks about his experiences, and there will be a feeling that the dog listens and understands everything. When communicating with a Mastino, keep your distance, because too close proximity can subsequently provoke jealousy in dogs: they react negatively to their owners’ communication with other animals and strangers.

High intellectual abilities

The ancestors of the mastiff were prone to intelligence, so modern individuals are distinguished by a strong mind and good memory. Mastino should not be beaten, treated with rudeness or harsh gestures, otherwise the dog will become nervous and uncontrollable. If you need to show your pet that he did something wrong, raise your voice and hit him lightly on the back with a rolled-up newspaper. This way the dog will understand that he behaved wrongly and will try to make amends. Many owners note that this behavior of the pet creates the impression that in front of you is not an animal, but a person.


Yes, such animals don’t look cute at all. They appear overly suspicious, distant and distrustful. But this is completely inconsistent with their character. The Neapolitan Mastiff is one of the friendliest dogs.

He becomes strongly attached to every living creature that interacts with him at home. Love is shown to them in a special way. The animal sits next to the person it sympathizes with and rests next to him. The presence of a dog at your feet is a sign of her great love.

Representatives of this breed cannot be called mobile and overly active. They like a measured lifestyle, relaxing in the fresh air, under the sun. But the fun of young children can awaken a storm of emotions in them. Being near babies, mastiffs become more active. They can bring the child a toy, lie down next to him, play tag, etc.

Loyalty is their key feature. Mastiffs will never betray their owners. And they will not attack people, especially in the presence of household members. Yes, they cope well with guard tasks, but anger towards living beings in a home environment is alien to them.

The “Neapolitan” can attack only if its owner is not nearby, but one of the strangers tries to cross his territory. In this case, the dog will chase the suspicious person and attack him.

At the same time, it will not cause injury to a potential attacker. Mastiffs are able to hold a person for a long time with their powerful jaws until he gives up. It is useless to count on victory in a fight with them. This is a strong and morally stable breed.

When children's laughter is not heard in the house, and suspicious people do not walk behind the fence, a well-fed and happy healthy dog ​​will sleep. He prefers to go outside and lie down to rest directly under the sun's rays.

Laziness is one of the main traits of his character. The dog will rise to its feet only as a last resort. By the way, she sleeps very soundly. But the presence of watchdog instincts encourages the mastiff to never let down his guard. Their peace can be disturbed by the singing of birds, the sound of a car, the call of a person, etc.

With people they don't trust, mastiffs are often headstrong and stubborn. To interact with them, it is important to adhere to clear role positions. Representatives of this breed are quite selective in social contacts. They need a strong and experienced dog owner who will teach them how to behave in the home.

The “Neapolitans” have one more feature - sloppiness. They may get dirty and not even notice it. Also, a large dog often destroys things without noticing it.

For example, a mastiff can swing its long tail and break a vase. The sloppiness of such animals is noticeable at the time of the meal. They like to throw food past the bowl and then collect it on the floor. This causes difficulties.

This dog will be healthy in all respects only if an emotional and psychological connection is established between it and its owners. She needs affection and care. It is important for a Mastiff to be loved and understood. He will definitely reciprocate his attentive owners.

Description of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed (standard requirements)

Throughout the last century, the requirements for the standards for these animals have changed in various small ways, without affecting the main key components of the mastiff's appearance.

This situation, of course, did not completely suit the breeders, and in 1991 a full expanded breed standard was approved, which is still in effect today. The basic, most important requirements for Neapolitans are as follows: - minimum height for a male - from 65-75 cm, for a female - from 60-70 cm; - minimum weight for a male - from 60-70 kg, for a female - from 55-60 kg; - the golden formula of proportionality for these mastiffs - the length of the head correlates with height as 3 to 10, the length of the forehead to the length of the muzzle - 2 to 1, and the length of the animal's body should exceed its height by 10%.

The lower threshold of height and weight varies in different countries, for example, the Mastino club in Naples allows the height of males to be 65 cm, but at the exhibition in London this is already a disadvantage, where a Neapolitan cannot be lower than 70 cm.

However, lack of height or weight is not a reason for disqualifying an animal if the dog's appearance meets all the basic requirements for proportions.

The color of the animals is another controversial issue, which has often changed in different versions of the standards for Italian Mastiffs. Today the following colors are desirable and, in general, acceptable: - classic gray; - gray lead; — gray steel; — black classic and with shades; - mahogany or mahogany; - yellow with a fade to brown, the so-called deer color; - brindle on any main background; - yellow with gray; - chocolate of any shade; - fawn; - mystic, a rare color of a rich black-violet tone.

Small white markings on the chest and ends of the fingers are not a disqualifying fault, but are perceived extremely negatively by judges at shows in all countries and by all connoisseurs and fans of these dogs.

The skin should be very thick and give the impression that there is a lot, a lot of it

For these mastiffs, the number of folds, dewlaps and wrinkles is extremely important. In their absence, even a perfectly proportioned Italian is discarded

The dog's coat feels like hard velor; it is short, thick, but consisting of thin hairs not exceeding 1-1.5 cm in length. Mastiffs have few defects. An animal can be disqualified only if there are such signs as:

- obvious prognathism, that is, an overbite in the bite; - tail curved at rest above the level of the back; - height is significantly, more than 2 cm less than the permissible lower limit; — enogmatism in any degree of severity, that is, underbite in the bite; - a pronounced angle of transition from the muzzle to the forehead, that is, the head of a St. Bernard; - snub-nosed muzzle; - drooping bony part of the muzzle; - concave, humpbacked or curved nasal dorsum; - complete depigmentation or pig-colored skin of the nose, lips and edges of the eyelids; - blue eyes are a controversial point; in Italy they are not considered a vice; - squint; - absence of wrinkles, pronounced folds, obvious dewlap on the skin; - short tail, both congenital and shortened - which is also a controversial point, since in many countries until 1991 tail docking was required; - extensive white spots on the legs or chest and white markings on the head of any size; - cryptorchidism in males.

Other defects are important in evaluating a dog, but are not a reason for its disqualification.

Origin story

The ancestors of mastiffs are the oldest Molossian dogs . The oldest mentions of them date back to the 5th century BC, when powerful dogs were part of the troops of the Persian king Xerxes. On the bas-reliefs of that time, Molossians are depicted in armor. Their size can be judged by the warriors standing next to the dogs. The size of the dogs is impressive. Of course, there was no talk of any breeding work in those days, and Molossians were crossed with different dogs. Mastiffs are the result of such crossing.

Image of ancient Molossians

Statues and bas-reliefs depicting mastiffs were found in India, Persia, Nineveh, and Etruria. Dogs took part in wars, dog fights, and gladiatorial fights with animals - usually bulls and bears.


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The name of the breed comes from the Latin word “massivius”, which means “large”, “massive”. A fitting name for giants. "Neapolitano" is a reference to Naples, the Italian city where many mastiffs ended up after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

The British tribes used mastiffs in battles with the Roman legions . And in the war against the Persians, Alexander the Great already sent about fifty mastiffs into battle.

Mastinos were also used in peaceful life: guarding livestock, property and hunting were well suited to impressive animals. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, most of the breed ended up in Naples, where they mixed with Iberian Mastino.

For many centuries, mastiffs lived alongside people. By the 20th century, lack of control and chaotic crossing brought the breed to the brink of extinction. The Second World War also contributed to the decrease in the number of mastino. Most likely, they faced the fate of the Molossians, who did not survive as a breed, but gave rise to several new types of dogs.

The few mastiffs that remained alive took part in exhibitions. But the exterior, character, and working qualities of the dogs were very different. More and more often, doubts arose that purebred representatives of the breed still existed. In 1946, a group of Italian breeders set out to restore the breed . Professor Solaro delved into the study of mastiffs.

In 1946, at an exhibition in Naples, writer, journalist and dog handler Piero Scanziani saw a group of eight mastiffs participating in a non-competition show. A blue male named Guaglione captivated the writer, and he joined the development of a new breed standard to replace the outdated one created by Dr. Durante.

Piero Scanziani

Brief biography of the breeder

Piero Scanziani

Years of life: 1908-2003. Swiss-Italian writer. Author of books translated into several languages. He has received numerous literary awards, including the Schiller Prize for all his work in 1997, and was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1986 and 1987. After the war he helped restore the Neapolitan Mastiff breed. When he first saw a mastiff at an exhibition in Naples in 1946, he wrote: “I recognized him at once, he was one of the hundred that the Macedonian Paolo Emilio brought to Rome in his triumph, he was the great dog of Epirus... from the height of his centuries he looked looks at me calmly, the eyes are not hostile and unkind, a look that does not give or ask, it looks (...) "

The document, released in 1949, did not take into account the physical and service characteristics of the breed, so it was supplemented for several years. Scanziani found several more purebred mastiffs for his kennel. The offspring of these dogs were distinguished by outstanding qualities and repeatedly won championship titles in the future. Also in 1946, the breed was recognized by the Italian Kennel Club.

The most accurately describing the Neapolitan Mastino standard was created in 1961 by a group of dog handlers: Soldati, Conti and Cagelli. To do this, they studied and measured many dogs.

In the New World, the first representative of the Neapolitan Mastino was officially registered in 1973, and the Neapolitan Mastiff Association in the United States was created in the 1990s.

The latest changes to the standard date back to 2015. The breed is considered Italian. Recognized by the International Canine Federation and other international organizations. Now Neapolitans perform the functions of watchmen, security guards, companions, and search dogs .

Reproduction and lifespan

Pregnancy and childbirth in mastiffs often occur without complications. It is recommended to do the first mating after 2-3 heats. At this point, the female’s body is fully formed and ready for procreation.

The lifespan of these large dogs is 9-10 years.

What can dogs of this breed get sick with?

The Neapolitan Bullmastiff most often gets sick in the first months of life.

For this reason, it is important to visit the veterinarian on time and get vaccinations.

Adults often suffer from allergies to dust, food or flowers. Hip dysplasia occurs, due to which the dog cannot lean on its paw. Malfunctions of the endocrine system lead to obesity, metabolic disorders and changes in hormonal levels. Sensitive eyes may suffer from cataracts.

Note! Poor hygiene can cause infections in skin folds

Character and temperament of mastiffs

Despite their terrifying appearance, these animals are quite friendly and balanced, and are loyal and devoted friends.

They need attention, affection and entertainment; alone they feel sad and suffer. Of all the family members, the animal chooses its owner independently and remains devoted to him until the end of its life.

Neapolitan Mastiffs are friendly and sociable towards their family members.

Breeders value mastiffs for their competent qualities:

  • calmness and balance;
  • restraint and patience;
  • devotion and fearlessness;
  • developed intelligence;
  • cleanliness;
  • low maintenance requirements.

Animals are quite supportive of strangers and house guests, but at the same time they are able to protect their owner and his property. Mastiffs spend most of their time in quiet contemplation, for which they received the nickname “philosophers.”

Breed characteristics and character

The Neapolitan Mastiff is directly related to the Tibetan Mastiffs. Tibetan representatives of the breed appeared in Greece during the time of Alexander the Great, and then came to Italy.

The first function of Neapolitans is security. The dogs were appreciated by traders and artisans. No one bred the animals specifically. The breed standard was approved only after the Second World War, and the functions of a watchman and a police assistant were added to the guard dog.

Ash-colored Neapolitan Mastiff

The mastiff breed is that rare case when the size is impressive and the character is gentle. This is a real darling in the body of a giant who is loyal to children and can forgive them almost any mischief. However, the presence of an adult when the baby and the dog are playing will not hurt. The dog finds a common language with other pets, treats all family members well, but is devoted to only one person.

The animal is not suitable for those who are just getting acquainted with the world of dogs. You will need an experienced breeder who can competently raise your four-legged friend. In addition, the Neapolitan is unlikely to suit a person who is constantly away from home.

In the photo there are Neapolitan mastiffs of different colors

A distinctive feature of the dog is sensitivity. He will not demand attention if he sees that his owner is upset. Some owners seriously assure their interlocutors that dogs can listen to their owner for hours and understand him. The emotional connection that animals establish is unique and few others have it so strongly.

A big, kind person is not at all aggressive, and even more so will not offend the weak, even if they are bullies and instigators. The Italian is distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence, has his own opinion, and can adapt to any situation.

Key points in training

From the moment a mastiff puppy reaches its new owners, it must be taught to have proper contact with people both at home and on the street.

The Mastiff is a loyal dog and always tries to guess the slightest desire or movement of the owner. Restraint, observation, excellent memory and the desire to please the owner are characteristic features of this breed.

Under no circumstances should a puppy be beaten for any offense or insubordination. The strongest measure of influence should be raising your voice. As a last resort, you can lightly slap the dog on the back with a rolled-up newspaper. This will serve as a signal to him that he did something wrong.

Before training an animal, you need to make sure that everything is in order in its pedigree and that its parents did not have any behavioral abnormalities. During training, you should give commands in an even, firm voice, achieving automatic obedience.

The dog must know well the basic and simplest commands: “come to me”, “sit”. The main thing is not to give any concessions and to ensure that the command is followed every time, so that the puppy does not understand that he may not obey.

All family members must participate in mastiff training. If one forbids something and the other allows it, the dog will never become smart and obedient. Don't scold an animal when it barks

This is a warning signal to the owner about danger or the approach of someone.

It is very important to teach the Neapolitan Mastiff to behave correctly when walking. To prevent your dog from pulling on the leash, you should purchase a special collar that will limit his movements.

When the puppy gets used to discipline, the collar can be changed to a more gentle one.

Education and training

This is a peaceful dog breed, but this does not mean that it does not need socialization. Such animals should be placed in a social environment from an early age. She must learn to interact with people of different ages, as well as with animals. Any negative emotions that she experiences when in contact with various living beings should be condemned.

Important! Remember, the Neapolitan Mastiff should not show aggression towards anyone while at home. But if this happens, the owner should raise his voice at him.

Never reward a pet's bad behavior with petting or kind words. Thus, it learns to perceive this or that action inadequately. Owners, often without suspecting it, instill anger and distrust of others in their dog's puppy.

For example, when stroking a pet on the head when it growls at someone. Do not forget that the mastiff is a watchman and bodyguard, but this does not give him the right to attack everyone who crosses his territory, man or beast.

A dog, not without protective potential, will guard the territory only in the absence of its owner. If he is nearby, the beast will completely shift responsibility to him. For a purebred Neapolitan Mastiff, this behavior is normal.

The animal's excellent memory allows it to easily remember commands of different levels of complexity. Greater efficiency in training can be achieved if he has one teacher, preferably the owner.

Some breeders who release adult large dogs do not have the opportunity to raise them themselves. Therefore, they turn to dog handlers for help. In the case of a mastiff, this is advisable. The dog will listen to a serious-minded person who will lead it.

The voice is the best tool in raising such a dog. Raising or lowering your voice can significantly affect your dog's behavior. She always listens to the intonation of the person speaking to her and adapts to it.

Advice! The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large pet. If he is spoiled, he risks becoming a big problem for the household. We recommend that from childhood we teach him to obey and respond adequately to what is happening. Otherwise, he can sweep dishes off the table, break vases standing on window sills, etc.

It is important that a large dog living with people knows:

  • Your nickname.
  • Where is his sleeping place?
  • What bowl can you eat from?
  • When not to disturb the owners.
  • Which one is his master?
  • Basic commands.

Description of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed

The Neapolitan Mastiff is rightfully considered one of the best and very massive guard dogs:

  1. This big dog is capable of scaring off ill-wishers only with its terrifying appearance and serious and concentrated expression on its face.
  2. The breed is also called Mastino.
  3. The dog is poorly able to get along with other animals, and in relationships with dogs he almost always strives for dominance.
  4. The hallmark of the breed is its impressive size and folded muzzle with a melancholy but concentrated expression in the eyes.

History of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed

It is believed that these dogs were bred in Ancient Rome. In those ancient times, they were used to fight gladiators and help Roman legionnaires in battles. It is known for certain that the Neapolitan mastiff dog invariably accompanied the army of A. the Great in his campaigns aimed at conquering new lands. Together with the military, these dogs also settled in new lands.

On European territory, dogs were used to guard property, perform in the circus and hunt. At the command of his master, such a big guy could easily overcome even a medium-sized bear. The modern appearance of the Neapolitan Mastiff appeared thanks to the efforts of the Italian breeder Pietro Scanziani. At an exhibition in 1947, he presented 8 individuals of this breed, which had uniform exterior and behavioral traits. A little later, the accepted breed standard was copied from one of these dogs.

Breed standard Neapolitan Mastiff

These dogs belong to the group of Great Dane Molossian dogs and have a remarkable appearance:

  1. The height at the withers for males is approximately 70 cm, for females it is slightly less - 65-68 cm. Depending on their gender, animals weigh from 55 to 70 kg.
  2. The dog has a large, powerful, stretched body with a massive chest, withers and back.
  3. The wide loaded neck has a double chin.
  4. The head is wide and short with massive skin folds. The transition from head to muzzle is clearly visible.
  5. Powerful jaws with sharp teeth are covered with thick, hanging cheeks.
  6. The nose is large and predominantly dark in color.
  7. Small round eyes of dark colors are set deep. This makes their owner look somewhat unfriendly.
  8. The thickened tail can be docked at 1/4 of its length.
  9. The limbs are muscular and massive.
  10. The dogs' coat is short, smooth and shiny without undercoat. The most popular colors: gray and black. Less common are the Neapolitan mastiff blue, red, red, fawn, beige. All shades are allowed to have a whitish spot on the chest.

Character of the Neapolitan Mastiff

The dog scares off any average person with its appearance, although these big guys have a good-natured character:

They are very loyal and dedicated

They appreciate the affection and attention of their owner. They are patient with other family members. They are reluctant to get along with other animals and are very jealous of the owner’s attention, which can lead to clashes with other four-legged animals. Mastiffs are very melancholy and prefer to sleep most of the time, which does not prevent them from being good guards. They are suspicious of strangers and very vigilant

They can quickly attack a stranger crossing his territory without the owner’s permission. The dog runs very fast and tightly clings to the intruder with its massive mouth. It practically does not cause injuries, waiting for the owner, without releasing the iron grip.

Description and features

The Neapolitan Mastiff dog was bred in Ancient Rome. She is considered one of the oldest. Previously, the dog was used as a fighter in dog competitions. He was taken to the arena, introduced to other “participants” and bets were placed on him.

The victory of such an animal in battle could bring the person who bet on it a large sum of money. The dog was respected for its courage, strength and fearlessness. But, even in the Ancient world there were people who could consider in it such virtues as affection, fidelity and tenderness.

It's hard to believe, but such a big guy can really be affectionate and kind with people. The blood of a ruthless hunter or aggressor does not flow in his body. But in order to gain the owner’s favor, the dog will certainly chase the prey. Yes, it can be used as a hunter, guard and companion.

This versatility makes a dog truly useful in everyday life. For hunting lovers, this breed is simply irreplaceable. The Neapolitan Mastiff can single-handedly defeat a small bear or jaguar. But in order to catch larger prey, he will need the help of a fellow fish.

Interesting fact! The Guinness Book of Records contains an entry for the largest domestic dog named Hercules. She is a Neapolitan Mastiff.

This dog feels comfortable in the house. He gets along well with cats, rats and other animals that dogs are often intolerant of. They are recommended to be used primarily as bodyguards and watchmen, but their affectionate attitude towards almost all living creatures suggests their friendly nature.

By itself, the dog is absolutely not angry, balanced and well controlled. But, if the process of its socialization is not controlled by a person, it can turn into an angry and suspicious beast. With proper training, mastiffs become obedient, cheerful and very gentle pets.

Their level of adaptation is amazing. Such dogs will quickly get used to any terrain, the main thing is that the owner is next to them. They become very attached to him. Mastiffs will never leave their loved ones in danger. They feel like real protectors of the family. They have a special attitude towards small children. When interacting with children, such dogs show their best qualities, namely care, affection, tenderness, and friendliness.

We can say with confidence that the Neapolitan Mastiff breed is not at all dangerous. She is friendly towards strangers if the owner is friendly with them, gets along well with other pets in the house, and adores children.

How to care for your pet

Neapolitan Mastiff dogs do not require excessive hassle. The big advantage is having short hair. To remove it, it is recommended to comb the animal with a special brush about 2 times a week. During the molting period, this procedure should be carried out more often.

You should take responsible care of your dog's skin - the presence of a large number of skin folds and lack of hygienic care cause irritation and infection. The eyes should always be clean and cleaned as necessary to remove dirt accumulated in the corners. If you do not follow this rule, then drooping eyelids may become inflamed.

You should not wash your dog often. This is especially true for children under one year of age. After eating and walking, it is enough to inspect the folds and clean them of dirt or food debris. When returning from a walk, you should wash your animal’s paws. Bathing with shampoo should be done no more than 4 times a year, or if the dog gets dirty.

These animals have a strong secretion of saliva. In addition, they snort often and loudly. This can cause some inconvenience when living in a cramped apartment. Excessive saliva should be removed with a tissue or damp, clean cloth. With proper care, dogs can live up to 12 years.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Mastiffs are tough dogs, but they have a number of genetic diseases. Let's list the main ones:

  1. Limb injuries. In winter, these large dogs often break their paws, especially if they walk on ice. In this case, they only require veterinary care. Before hospitalization, the owner can only splint the pet.
  2. Helminthic intestinal lesions. Every domestic dog should be given medications against ticks and worms at least once a year. An animal's body affected by parasites becomes weak.
  3. Allergic reaction. Mastiffs may be allergic to flowering plants, insects, or specific foods. It is important to immediately determine the source of the adverse reaction in their body in order to eliminate it forever.
  4. Heart pathologies.

In order for the dog to live as long as possible, the owner should include natural foods in its diet, give it monthly vitamins, and regularly take it to the veterinarian for preventive examinations.

Nutrition and health

The lifespan of Neapolitan Mastiffs is 8-10 years, some live up to 11 years. Overall this is a dog in good health. However, it requires proper nutrition so as not to provoke diseases to which it is predisposed.

It is very important to give your mastiff plenty of water as he likes to drink and not overfeed. Dry balanced food with the necessary set of microelements is preferable.

Puppies must be vaccinated against various diseases during childhood.

Typical diseases of this breed include:

  • Muscle and joint pain, as well as hip dysplasia, which can occur due to rapid weight growth in puppies and delayed development of muscles, joints and ligaments.
  • Diseases of the skin, especially near the folds of the mouth.
  • Obesity due to improper feeding.
  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Elbow dysplasia.
  • Adenoma of the third eyelid, which manifests itself as severe redness in the corner of the eye.

Distinctive features

Tibetan mastiffs have a bright, memorable appearance thanks to their strong bones, rough shape and luxurious coat. In addition, they are real giants: 61-66 cm at the withers, 60-80 kg in weight. Such big bears can really terrify an unknowing person.

  • The head is large, massive with a wide skull and a pronounced stop.
  • The muzzle is equal in length to the skull, filled under the eyes. The jaw is wide with a full set of teeth and a scissor bite (the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth).
  • The nose is large and black.
  • The eyes are oval, medium in size, set wide and slanting; the iris is dark.
  • The ears are small, triangular, dense, hang down and fit tightly to the head.
  • The body is heavy, with a straight line of the back, a horizontal croup and a deep chest (lowered to the elbows). The neck is massive with a slight dewlap.
  • The tail is short, curled into a ring and rises slightly above the lower back;
  • The limbs are parallel, set wide and straight, the hips are slightly drawn back. The paws are large and round. The movements are springy but powerful.
  • The coat is medium length, straight, fine, harsh, with a rich undercoat. Feathers form on the paws, tail and a collar on the neck.
  • Colors: blue, black, red, golden-red, markings on the face, paws and chest are acceptable.
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