Duck hunting dog: review and characteristics of the best breeds

  • August 28, 2018
  • Dogs and hunting with them
  • Roman Karpets

Duck and goose hunting is an exciting activity for real men, starting in early spring and ending in late autumn. Very often, specially trained dogs are brought in to help, capable of lifting game onto the wing and serving it to its owner, pulling it out of the water so as not to damage the integrity of the hunted bird. Today's post will provide brief descriptions of the best dog breeds that can cope with this task.

Features of hunting game birds with a dog

Hunters often use dogs to hunt ducks. The main task of the dog is to give the owner the shot prey, to look for it in the thickets and on the water, where the owner himself cannot reach. Also, a trained dog should be able to drive birds out of cover right under the hunter’s shot. The dog must search the area for the duck while remaining within shooting range. Having smelled prey, the dog must alarm the bird so that it takes off. The dog must find the killed bird and bring it to the owner, handing it over or placing it at his feet. She must pursue wounded prey and carefully bring it back.

Dogs that frequently participate in duck hunting are able to visually detect changes in the behavior of their prey. They track the landing site of the downed bird. For duck hunting, you should not use pointers with a stance on a wounded bird. In the bushes the dog is often not visible, so there is no need for this. In addition, ducks often cannot stand their ground and try to escape, while the dog gives chase. Thus, the dog's skills are lost. Therefore, for duck hunting they use either dogs that are no longer very good at standing, or experienced adult dogs that are obedient and reliable.

Important qualities of hunting dogs for duck hunting are love of swimming, ability to retrieve game and good obedience. Experience is also important: dogs that are too young or old, sensing the excitement of the hunt, can drown.


All dogs of hunting breeds have the necessary abilities and instincts, but still different breeds have their own characteristics and specifics.

There are versatile dog breeds that can be used for more than just duck hunting. Among them are the following:

  • German Drathaar;
  • husky;
  • Terrier and Jagdterrier.

But there are dogs that are best suited for bird hunting. The following breeds of dogs for duck hunting can be distinguished:

  • pointer;
  • English Setter;
  • Irish Setter;
  • Russian hunting spaniel;
  • English cocker spaniel;
  • Russian-European Laika.


Nowadays the dachshund is used as a decorative dog. But the breed was bred to hunt foxes in holes. The dog can also be used to catch badgers, raccoons, and small waterfowl.

The dachshund is distinguished by its mobility and activity. The breed has a ringing voice. It is unpretentious to living conditions and tolerates cold and dirt well.

German Drahthaar - a universal helper

Drathaars are suitable for both hunting game birds and hunting wild boar. When they spot game, they stand up and wait for a command. They are able to track game, purposefully pursue it, get it and hand it over to the hunter without damaging it. This is a classic hunting breed, bred in Germany. They have a highly developed instinct of tracking and pursuit, but therefore these dogs can react to street cats and birds as prey.

German Drahthaars are very friendly dogs and get along well with other pets. They are disciplined and amenable to training. However, due to their high energy, they need constant exercise. These dogs are not suitable for apartment living.

Hungarian Vizsla

The breed is characterized by intelligence and intelligence. The Hungarian Vizsla is easy to train and quickly learns new commands. The dog has a good sense of smell, loyalty, obedience, and friendliness.

The breed is used for hunting all types of game. But it is best to use the Hungarian Vizsla to catch waterfowl. The dog is an excellent swimmer and copes well with tasks on rough terrain.

Laika is hardy and vocal

The Russian-European Laika is most often used for duck hunting. This is a medium sized dog. She is very resilient and smart. Can hunt in frosty snow. It can be used for hunting game birds, martens, hare, wild boar, squirrels, and stoats. During the hunt, the Russian-European Laika is well versed in the terrain, agile and fearless.

This dog is not suitable for keeping in an apartment: it has long hair and a rather specific smell. She is very energetic and therefore needs long walks. The dog is quite capricious and prone to running away. Aggressive towards other domestic animals and suitable only for hunting. Laika is quite vocal, which can be a problem when keeping it. Loyal to the owner and his family, but distrustful of strangers.

Estonian hound

The peculiarity of the breed is its unpretentiousness. The Estonian hound is characterized by endurance and hard work, so it is capable of combing the area for several hours in search of prey. At the same time, the dog is not afraid of dense thickets, dense bushes and large snowdrifts.

The breed is intended for hunting hares. The Estonian hound is actively used to catch quails, pheasants, foxes, wild boars, and roe deer. But if you accustom a dog to ungulates, then it will begin to ignore other game, because roe deer and wild boar are easier to take. The main disadvantages of the breed are a weak voice, excessive courage and ignoring the owner’s commands.

Terrier or Jagdterrier - brave and fearless

Another universal breed for hunting is the German Terrier or Agdterrier. This dog can be used to hunt game birds, wild boar, and fox. She is good at hunting burrowing animals. The Jagdterrier has an instant reaction. It has strong jaws and strong teeth, which contribute to a firm grip.

Jagdterriers have a rather complex character. They have difficulty getting along with other pets. They are stubborn, fearless, brave, vigilant. They are very energetic and need long walks. It is best to get a dog in a private home, where it will have enough space to roam freely, otherwise you will have to spend several hours a day walking your pet outside. These dogs are loyal and playful.

Pointer - hardy and smart

The Pointer hunting dog is very smart and friendly. This is a strong, beautiful, agile dog, with an instant reaction. She is very energetic, hunting skills are genetically based, therefore she needs a special approach to training and education. It is active and hardy in hunting. Accurately carries out all the owner's commands.

It is distinguished by great devotion to its owner. This is an intelligent and affectionate dog. She is not aggressive towards other animals and gets along well with cats or other dogs. He gets along well with children and tolerates their attention. In relation to strangers, he can behave warily, but not aggressively. Needs lots of exercise and long walks.


Russian canine

The best hunting dogs of this subspecies. Tall (up to 85 cm at the withers), graceful and fragile in appearance, they are actually very strong and resilient.

Capable of reaching speeds of up to 100 km/h. They are always ready to fight a stronger animal; they hunt hares, foxes and even wolves with them. The Russian canine is capable of catching and capturing an animal with lightning speed and bringing it to the hunter. If the prey tries to hide, the owner gives a sound signal and the dog completely focuses on the fleeing animal, and until it disappears from sight, the greyhound reduces the distance to a minimum and makes a swift jump.

The greyhound can be called a double-minded dog; at home it is affectionate and quiet, but it changes radically at work, revealing aggression and irrepressible energy.

The training of hunting dogs should be carried out directly by the owners, and it must begin at puppyhood. You cannot pamper your pet and indulge all its whims, otherwise you may end up with an uncontrollable and wayward animal.

In conclusion, we can add that the best hunting dogs are graceful, intelligent and devoted animals that require special care and responsibility, special training and great physical activity.

The English Setter is efficient and obedient

The English Setter is a very calm hunting dog at home, but active on the hunt. She has good instincts, great endurance and intelligence. This is a very balanced and polite dog. The English Setter is the most trainable and efficient dog among all pointers. She literally catches every word of her owner. English Setters have an excellent sense of smell, they are agile, brave and fast. These are medium-sized dogs with a strong build.

The English Setter is suitable for keeping in an apartment, but needs long (at least two hours a day) walks. The dog is very sociable, needs constant contact with the owner and begins to feel very sad due to separation. Well socialized, not aggressive towards small children.

Protecting your dog from animals

During a hunt, four-legged helpers may be away from the hunter and be at risk of attack by wild animals. These could be wolves, foxes, raccoons, feral dogs. In addition to wounds, they can infect a hunting dog with rabies, being potential carriers.

The owner must constantly monitor the movement of his pet. In case of danger, take measures, including the destruction of the attackers. In many hunting grounds, the destruction of wolves, foxes and raccoons is a mandatory condition for participants in driven hunts. To do this, the shooter must have additional cartridges with shot or buckshot of the corresponding number in stock.

Directions Russia, Vladimir region, Alexandrovsky district, Alexandrov


Irish Setter - beautiful and elegant

The Irish Setter hunting dog is one of the most beautiful and active hunting dogs. Thanks to its dark red coat that shimmers in the sun and its elegant stance, this dog is quite popular. This dog is loyal, playful and sociable. This is an intelligent and active hunter.

The dog is not aggressive, it is smart and quick-witted. Due to its good character, it causes minimal inconvenience to the owner. According to some owners, this dog can easily live in an apartment, but do not forget about the need for long daily walks. The Irish Setter is quite friendly towards other pets. Loneliness is contraindicated for him. This dog is not aggressive towards children; it has an easy and predictable disposition. However, the Irish Setter will not make a watchdog: this dog is too friendly to everyone around. However, the popularity of this breed and its beautiful appearance played a cruel joke - many dogs have lost some hunting qualities, since they are used more for exhibitions than for hunting. Therefore, for duck hunting, it is worth choosing a dog from working parents who are hunters.

Russian Hunting Spaniel - ideal for duck hunting

The Russian Hunting Spaniel is an ideal dog for duck hunting. This is a hardy and persistent dog that swims well and can even dive after a wounded bird. She has a strong build and thick, long fur. The Russian spaniel has a keen sense of smell.

This dog is extremely obedient. It is suitable not only for hunting, but can become an ideal companion. This dog treats children well. She is playful and active. Gets along well with other pets. However, you should not leave small animals, such as hamsters, alone with her, because the hunting instinct can take over. The Russian Spaniel can live in an apartment, but will need long, active walks. In crowded and noisy places, the dog should be kept on a leash, as it may run after a bicycle or a running cat.

English Cocker Spaniel - loud and active

The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog. She is very active and energetic. Characterized by high intelligence, ability to concentrate and quick reactions. The Cocker Spaniel is playful, sociable and proactive. These dogs are obedient and follow all the owner’s commands. They have a good sense of smell and easily track prey. Sometimes they can be too noisy, but good upbringing plays an important role here. At times, females may try to dominate their owner.

Cocker spaniels are patient and not aggressive towards children. They are very demanding when it comes to communicating with their owner. These dogs can live in an apartment. They are not just wonderful hunters, but also good companions. Due to its attractive appearance and good disposition, this breed is very popular. However, it is worth noting that cocker spaniels are not very good guards.

Labrador is a friendly companion

Labrador is a good-natured and non-aggressive dog. Can hunt waterfowl. Easy to train. Its main advantage over other breeds is its natural instinct for searching and presenting prey. These dogs can work in the most disgusting weather conditions: they are not afraid of water and cold. This dog has an excellent temperament: it is obedient and patient. The Labrador is not shy and easily overcomes obstacles. Has good eyesight and sense of smell. Capable of bringing exactly the game indicated by the owner.

Labradors are poor guard dogs, as they are not aggressive at all. They get along well with children and other pets, although they can be dangerous to birds due to their hunting instincts. They are an almost ideal companion. Labradors adore their owner and do everything to please him. They are playful and easy to train. The Labrador is a fairly active and large dog, so you should think carefully before bringing it into your apartment.

There is quite a wide range of duck hunting dog breeds to choose from. They all have differences both in appearance and in characters. Before purchasing, you should decide whether you need a universal hunting breed, or a clearly specialized one. It is also worth considering the living conditions that you can offer your future pet: not all breeds can get along well in an apartment. Do not forget that all hunting dogs are quite active, which means they need either a large space for walking in a private house, or long walks with the owner on the street. In any case, any hunting dog needs training and constant practice.

Bavarian mountain hound

The breed has a calm and balanced character. The Bavarian mountain hound is designed to track wild boars, roe deer and other large animals. But during the hunt, the dog becomes aggressive, courageous and resilient. She is able to follow the trail of a victim for several hours, as she can smell the prey even after a rainstorm.

The breed is characterized by good reaction, strength, and high intelligence. The dog tolerates heat and cold well. The dog is large in size and has an athletic build, so it needs regular physical activity.

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