Wire-haired, smooth-haired or Broken: how to care for different types of coat of the Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are a cute breed of short-haired hunting dogs, bred in the UK, which gained particular popularity after the release of the film “The Mask”.

They are active and cheerful companions, nicknamed the Flying Dog due to their unstoppable jumping ability.

Jack Russells are easy to care for. The owner’s main task is to monitor the condition of the ears, eyes and teeth, and also pay attention to the animal’s fur, because this is the first thing that attracts attention in a well-groomed dog. This short-haired breed, which sheds seasonally, is non-allergenic and odorless.

Interesting : The coat of terriers is amazing for its feature - self-cleaning. Even if your pet rolls around in the mud, let him dry off and shake himself off properly!

Jack Russells are:

  • smooth-haired;
  • wire-haired (“gestures”);
  • Broken and rough - intermediate between smooth and hard.

Caring for each hairline has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Let's take a closer look at them.

Essential Toys

Jack Russells are hunting dogs with strong jaws, so they need chew toys, especially during the teething period. Chew bones and Kongs are good options.

You will also need toys to keep you active, as these energetic dogs need exercise . Flying saucers or discs (Frisbees) are excellent for these purposes.

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In addition, Jack Russells love to compete, so they enjoy playing tug. To do this, you can purchase bright rope toys, or use a thick rope, tying knots at both ends.


You can start walking your puppy only after vaccinations and deworming. Accustom your dog to the street gradually, increasing walks from 10 minutes a day to the required 2 hours. Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the dog, make sure that he does not fall from the stairs. Don't limit yourself to a standard place for walking, but choose different roads and areas.

A special feature of this breed is the dogs' hunting instinct, which is why they can chase other animals and dig holes. Allow this entertainment as long as it does not harm your dog or other animals.

For an adult dog

As Jack Russells get older, they do not become less energetic, so they still require regular active walks and toys.

It is important to monitor your pet's health.

This includes timely vaccination and deworming, flea and tick treatment, routine veterinary examinations and adherence to nutritional rules.

It is necessary to comb the dog daily, wash its eyes, brush its teeth and inspect its ears for dirt and inflammation.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

The main needs of Jack Russells are active walks and proper nutrition. These are hunting dogs, distinguished by strength and endurance; without physical activity, their proper and healthy development is impossible. Food must match their lifestyle and replenish the animal’s energy reserves. Otherwise, caring for Jack Russells is no different from caring for dogs of other breeds and involves regular brushing, trimming of nails, examination of the ears and care of the eyes and teeth.


Caring for the coat of smooth-haired Jack Russells does not require serious effort from the owner - they do not need trimming or cutting, or frequent washing.

The only thing that complicates this process is heavy shedding, which lasts throughout the year for dogs living in apartments, in the house, and not on the street..

These dogs need to be combed daily with a rubber brush and once a week with a furminator - a metal comb with thick teeth that gently plucks and combs out dead hairs.

The choice of Furminator depends on the type of Jack Russell coat: for smooth-haired dogs Short Hair is required, for long-haired dogs Long Hair is .

Trimming and grooming

Long-haired or wire-haired Jack Russells, as well as representatives of the breed with an intermediate coat type, require trimming. This is due to the fact that they do not shed.

The hairs, dying, remain on the dog and interfere with the growth of a new coat.


The first trimming is carried out when the dog reaches the age of 4-6 months, during the period of puppy coat change. Then the procedure must be repeated at least 2 times a year.

7-10 days before trimming, the dog should be washed, and immediately before the procedure, thoroughly combed with a furminator..

Exhibition animals need pinching (rolling) 1-2 times a month.


The Jack Russell's coat is capable of self-cleaning, so these dogs should be bathed no more than once a month.

Washing your dog too often can dry out your Jack Russell's skin and lead to dandruff..

For washing, you need to use mild shampoos that have a neutral pH, and then use special balms and conditioners that give the coat a well-groomed appearance and shine.

Before bathing, cotton swabs should be placed in your pet's ears to prevent water from getting into them.

After washing, the wool should be thoroughly dried with a towel..

A hairdryer should be used as little as possible - dry hot air dries out your pet's skin.

Description of the breed

The very name of this type of wool means “broken” in English.

And, indeed, the coat of these dogs has kinks, but does not bristle like that of wire-haired dogs, but adheres to the animal’s body.

Brockens have virtually no beard or bushy eyebrows..

True, dogs that are closer to the wire-haired Jack Russell may have a slightly pronounced mustache and goatee.

The height of the Brocken is the same as that of other Jack Russells: for short-legged dogs it is 25-30 cm, and for long-legged dogs (Parson Russell Terriers) it is 34-38 cm for males and 31-35 cm for females.

The body format of high-legged dogs is rectangular, while that of short-legged dogs is elongated.:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, with a fairly wide forehead and a well-defined, but not sharp stop. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull and narrower.
  • The cheekbones are pronounced, but not too prominent. The lips fit quite tightly, their edging is black in all color variants.
  • The teeth are strong, a scissor bite is acceptable only.
  • The nose is small and black.
  • The eyes are brown, not protruding and not very large, slightly elongated. The edging of the eyelids should only be black and uninterrupted.
  • Ears raised at the base or drooping.
  • The withers are moderately expressed, the back is level, the croup is sloping or slightly raised.
  • The chest is deep enough: it should reach the elbows or fall below. The stomach is moderately tucked, not saggy.
  • The limbs are muscular, strong and strong with a fairly wide set of paws and straight, not twisted or collapsed joints. Paws collected in a ball.
  • The tail is slightly lowered at rest, but when excited it is held vertically and can be of natural length or docked.
  • The coat is not too long, quite hard, but at the same time adjacent to the dog’s body. Each hair has one or more kinks.

The most preferred color is spotted, white-black or white-red; it can also be tricolor: white-black-red. White color is also allowed if the dog has a black nose, eyelid rims and lips.

Hair treatment for Brocken and Wire-haired Terriers

Long-haired Jack Russell Terriers have a coarser coat, but they shed frequently. Therefore, the only way to treat hair is trimming. The dog needs to be accustomed to this procedure from 3-4 months, and experienced dog breeders recommend having the first haircut done by a professional groomer. The event is repeated every 3 months, but at the same time, the dog’s coat is regularly combed.

Trimming features:

You can improve the appearance of the Brocken, which also has coarse and hard guard hairs, using a similar procedure carried out every 3 months.

Express molt

Professional pet salons offer a special service called “Express shedding.” Its essence is as follows: the masters carefully comb the dog with various tools, and then bathe it using special shampoos and masks to open the pores and remove shedding hair. Further, during drying, the fallen hairs are blown with a powerful hairdryer, while simultaneously combing and styling the coat.

The procedure is suitable for all types of dogs, except hairless ones, and can significantly reduce the amount of hair deposited in the apartment.

Cost of salon grooming

Professional grooming of a Jack is an expensive proposition. Thus, the average price of trimming in Moscow is 2,100 rubles, in St. Petersburg – 2,000 rubles. And the cost of a haircut is 2,000 rubles. and 1,500 rub. respectively.

A number of salons charge a separate fee for bathing - 600-800 rubles, and trimming nails - 350-500 rubles.

Grooming a Jack Terrier is not difficult, with the exception of trimming. Dead hairs need to be plucked every 3 - 6 months, and for show dogs - once every 1.5 months. Plus, the procedure is expensive – it costs from 2 thousand rubles.

Jack Russell smooth

The smooth coat of the Jack Russell Terrier fits tightly to the dog's body. If you do not want to take up your time with additional animal care procedures (such as trimming and combing), then a Jack Russell Terrier with this type of coat is just for you.

There is a misconception that the smooth-haired terrier sheds less than the rough or brocken terrier. But this is not at all true. A smooth-haired dog sheds twice a year, for about a month. And this is a common natural phenomenon that cannot be adjusted in any way.

Origin story

Jack Russell Terriers were bred in England in the second half of the 19th century..

The first breeder of dogs of this breed, the village priest John Russell, was interested in hunting and kept a pack of wire-haired dogs similar to fox terriers.

By infusing the blood of various breeds of terriers, he tried to improve the working qualities of the dogs and make them more suitable for burrow hunting.

Since it was not customary to wash dogs after a hunt, Mr. Russell made a lot of efforts to ensure that the representatives of the breed, later named after him, could have self-cleaning wool.

Apparently, the first brockens appeared already then: after all, among hunters, the working qualities of dogs were primarily valued, and not their exterior.

Only later, both the wire-haired variety of Jack Russell and Broken began to be exhibited at exhibitions and received titles along with smooth-haired representatives of the breed.

Currently, the intermediate type of coat is very popular, since the brocken does not shed and always looks elegant..

Triming as the main part of grooming

Trimming your Jack Russell Terrier is a key aspect of grooming. It is not needed for the smooth-haired type, but is required for Brokens and Roofs.

Trimming refers to the grooming procedure of removing dead and matted fur - manually or with special tools. Essentially, this is plucking out old hairs. The procedure is necessary for all wire-haired dog breeds, because... they do not shed their coats themselves. Moulting for “jacks” is replaced by manipulation.

Without trimming, your pet's fur will grow long, become matted, yellow and dirty - in the photo, “Jacks” with unplucked hair look like mongrels. Hair renewal and blood circulation are also disrupted, and skin diseases are possible due to the accumulation of fat, dirt and impaired ventilation.

Trimming is carried out manually or with a special tool - a trimming knife or stripper. Because It is difficult to pull out hairs; rubber tips are placed on the fingers to prevent injury.

Trimming is painless, but uncomfortable for the dog. Therefore, she may whine and struggle.

The trimming technique is the same for both types of breed. However, the Brocken Jack Russell Terrier needs it once every six months, and the Roof needs it every 3 months. Show dogs have their fur trimmed every 1 – 1.5 months.

General rules

It is better to have it trimmed at a pet salon. But, if you get the hang of it, you can do it yourself. The procedure is carried out as follows:

Only a few hairs are captured at a time. Otherwise, they will be plucked unevenly and painfully.

The wirehaired Jack before and after trimming is radically different. The procedure lasts from 1 to 4 hours. This is a long time, but the manipulation must be completed at once, otherwise the fur coat will have time to grow before the next time and will look uneven.

Also adhere to the following recommendations:

For several days after grooming, your pet may itch or shake its head. If there are no rashes or irritations on the skin, and the ears are clean, this is simply a reaction to the procedure, which will soon pass.

First time

The first trimming for puppies is carried out on average at 4 months, when the baby fluff is replaced by an adult coat. But each Jack Russell Terrier dog grows and develops individually, so the dates are shifted by 4 weeks forward or back.

To determine that a puppy needs coat grooming, run your hand along the back; if you feel the guard hairs tingling, it’s time for your pet to go to a pet salon.

The first time is important. They trust the “jack” to a trusted specialist - he will calm the baby and perform the procedure painlessly. If you scare the dog or hurt him, in the future the pet will be afraid and resist with all four paws.

Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier

This type of coat is sometimes also called longhaired. If you have such a terrier, then you need to take a responsible approach to care issues. “Gestures” look attractive, they have clearly growing eyebrows and a beard, but they often shed. You can make it easier for your dog to shed, and for yourself to clean your apartment, if you trim the hair in a timely manner.

Interesting: Trimming - trimming the superficial, poorly falling out layer of hair by plucking - a kind of artificial molting. During this painstaking and time-consuming procedure, dead skin particles that tend to provoke allergies are removed.

Jack Russells are accustomed to trimming from 3-4 months. If you do not have experience, then it is better to entrust your pet to an experienced groomer who will perform trimming and also provide a whole list of coat care services:

  • the washing up,
  • combing,
  • haircut,
  • treatment with cosmetics for skin and wool.

The procedure should be carried out once every three months, the rest of the time it is enough to comb the dog regularly.

Ear cleaning

If your Jack Russell's ears are healthy, as evidenced by the absence of odor, discharge or dirt, and the inside of the ear is light pink, cleaning is not necessary.

If discharge or dirt is found during the examination, they must be removed by soaking a cotton pad or swab in a special lotion and wiping the ears.

Cleaning the ears too often disrupts their microflora, which prevents the entry and development of infections.

If there is heavy discharge, an unpleasant odor, or if the dog scratches its ears a lot, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment.

What to do if she sheds a lot?

Shedding is a natural process, but if it is too heavy, you should take your dog to the vet - in some cases, increased hair loss may indicate health problems.

If the examination reveals any disease in the pet, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment; if the Jack Russell is healthy, the problem is due to improper care.

It is necessary to review the dog’s diet, change shampoo and conditioner, comb and bathe the pet more often.

Personal place

The pet's place should be located in a quiet corner of a non-passable room, away from passages, drafts and heating appliances.

It must be equipped with a bedding (blanket, mattress or special bed), the size of which will allow the dog to feel comfortable and stretch out freely during sleep..

If the pet remains in a cage in the absence of its owners, then when purchasing it, you should be guided by the size of an adult dog.

Education and training

Training and education of a dog should begin from the first days of life. Introduce your Jack Russell to your environment and your family members. Don't leave your dog alone for a long time, play with him and communicate. The first habit that you need to instill in your pet is to go to the toilet in the designated place (on the diaper). When you can walk your dog, start teaching him to relieve himself outside. An equally important stage of training is to accustom the dog to its name, for which you constantly emphasize the name of the animal.

The character of the Jack Russell makes the dog a tireless seeker and hunter. If such a dog is not raised, endless pranks and bullying with other animals are inevitable. Be consistent in training, show right away who is the boss and who should be obeyed. Don't go easy on yourself, but don't be aggressive either.

Nutrition rules

You can feed Jack Russells with natural products or ready-made industrial food, the main thing is not to mix both types of feeding and monitor the nutritional value and balance of the diet.

Due to the tendency of these dogs to overeat, it is important to monitor the amount of food they consume and adhere to a feeding schedule.

With a natural diet, it is necessary to cook for your pet daily and ensure that the diet consists of 75% animal products. You also need to give your Jack Russell additional vitamins and minerals.

Feeding a Jack Russell with leftovers from a communal table is unacceptable..

In case of feeding with ready-made industrial feeds, additional intake of the vitamin-mineral complex is not required.

The food must be premium, super-premium and holistic and appropriate for the Jack Russell’s age, activity and health status.

Food brands Royal Canin, Acana, Orijen, Hills, Eukanuba, Purina have proven themselves well..

Why do a dog's ears go up?

The reasons are different:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excess calcium in the blood;
  • change of teeth;
  • vaccinations;
  • many other factors.

Important: it should be taken into account that erect ears in a Russell Terrier are considered a major drawback. Such a dog is disqualified from exhibitions and is not allowed for breeding. Therefore, you need to notice this flaw in time and take measures to correct it.

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