Who is stronger - pit bull or bull terrier: description and comparison of breeds

Continuing the series “Who wins”? Now let's look at who is stronger: the legendary pit bull fighter or the harsh Asian Alabay?

Let's start by comparing the brief history and external characteristics of these two breeds.

Pit bulls are dogs that were bred exclusively to fight their own kind. Later, it was from pit bulls that the decorative branch of the breed evolved, which began to be called the “American Staffordshire Terrier.” Pit bulls have not been registered by any major canine organization in the world and, in fact, do not have any clear standard.

The Pitbull is a muscular dog, very agile, with strong bones and a jaw strength of about 16-18 bar. Height varies greatly, 30-65 cm at the withers, as does weight - 15-50 kg. The Pit Bull's coat is very short and has no undercoat. Therefore, his skin is deprived of natural protection from the teeth of his opponent.

Modern “working” pit bulls are in the range of 15-25 kg, we will take the upper weight bar - 25 kg for our potential pit bull. By the way, pit bulls sometimes have their ears cropped. This is what a modern “working” pit bull looks like:

Now about the Alabaevs. Alabai - or Central Asian Shepherd Dog - is a guard dog breed. Contrary to popular belief, Alabai do not herd anyone, they are specifically engaged in protecting herds from wolves and, as a rule, work in a small pack for reliability. Taking into account this specificity of work, the breed, although large, is by no means slow. Alabais that could not cope with wolves were culled for centuries. Because no shepherd will feed a useless dog. Therefore, the selection path of the Alabai has been very tough. Alabais have their ears and tails docked immediately after birth.

The height at the withers of Alabai males (and in a potential fight we will meet males) starts from 70 cm. Weight - from 50 kg. Already at this stage it is clear that the upper limit for the height and weight of a pit bull is the lower limit for the Alabai. This, of course, gives an undeniable advantage in battle. But that is not all! The alabai has one more unconditional advantage - its wool. It has a thick coat with a thick undercoat. Its skin is also significantly thicker than that of a pit bull. The same applies to the backbone - it is much wider than the backbone of the pits. But the alabai’s main trump card is its jaw. If the average pressure of the jaw of a pita is 16-18 atmospheres, then the bite of an alabai, on average, is approximately 2 times stronger - 35-40 atmospheres.

For a potential fight, we will “take” an average working male - an Alabai weighing 70 kg.

Now let's look at the fighting style of an Alabai and a pit bull.

A pit bull (if we're talking about a real pit bull) is a dog that never stops until its enemy is dead or until the pit bull itself dies. The pit bull will not care about pain, fractures and other injuries, he will simply continue to fight. Pit bulls are very resilient and can fight for hours.

Alabai, as a rule, do not fight like that. If 2 Alabai are pitted against each other, then they fight for 15-20 minutes, then someone pins someone to the ground or someone simply runs away and then the fight ends. But this is “as a rule”. There are exceptions.

We agreed to consider a fight between pita weighing 25 kg and alabai weighing 70 kg. Essentially, one thing is required of the pita - not to give in to the throat. As practice shows, as soon as an alabai grabs a pita’s throat, the fight is immediately stopped. Because with its powerful jaw, an alabai can simply kill a pita in a matter of minutes. It is not enough for Pete to simply grab the Alabai by the throat, because the fur and skin will not allow him to strangle the Alabai. The only thing a pit bull can count on in a fight is to hold out for 15-20 minutes. After this, Alabai will refuse the fight and Pita will be declared the winner.

However, as statistics show, in such battles it is almost always the Alabai who win. Because all that needs to be taught to an alabai (if we are talking about a real working alabai) is to take the pita by the throat. Once this happens, the fight will either be stopped or the pit will die. The remaining few pit fights are won solely by their pressure and luck.

But if you come across a heavier pit—35 kilograms—then this greatly shifts the chance of winning in favor of the pit. But there are very few such “working” pits at the moment.

Therefore, answering the question from the title, we can say with confidence that, on average, a modern “working” Alabai is stronger than a modern “working” pit bull.

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What does it have to do with it? Checkers? No, but most dogs aren't very good at checkers.

Run? A lot, except for serious size, contested at both the low and high end. Many panties are heavy, low to the ground with short legs and don't run very fast. My Staffie, Miri, couldn't keep up with most medium sized dogs.

Eating? This is a throw. My lab, Dozer, eats so slowly that Miri could eat three times in the time it took him to eat 1 cup of food. However, Oreo eats so quickly that Miri has only just gotten to her dish when Oreo is ready.

I won't talk about the struggle that you were most likely thinking about. Dogs should not fight, are allowed to fight, or are forced to fight. Pit bulls are made to love, just like any other dog.

A lot depends on the size... pit bulls typically fall in the 55-70 pound range. They tend to dominate other dogs of approximately the same size. but when they encounter a larger dog, it sometimes doesn't end well. There was a pit dog weighing about 60 pounds who loved to show dominance by crowding out all the other male dogs at the local dog park. Most of the dogs seemed to ignore him. until he decided to try to hammer a 175-pound mastiff. The mastiff turned around, opened its jaws and entered the hole. He held it there for about 10 seconds, spat it back out, and walked away. Pit Bull sat there in a daze for the next minute, trying to make sense of what had just happened. I think he realized his own mortality when he got a close view of his tonsils.

Oddly enough, every time he met the mastiff after that, he followed him around the park, licking his face.

So pit bulls can be dominant dogs. until they encounter something far outside their size range.

Beat Pit Bull on what or with what?

There are countless breeds in the race that can have a pit bull in the sprint. Heck, my pitbull runs cocked to one side as if he's enjoying the smell of his own rear end and can't stop sniffing even in his version of a full sprint.

When it comes to bad gas, it's unbeatable. Hence the side sprint. He is the main champion of the meteor world. He will reign long and proudly. He has yet to reach his full potential after only 10 months.

I doubt any dog ​​can beat a Pit Bull with a stick. The lack of opposable thumbs prevents them from grasping said stick, making beating impossible.

Hope this helps! :)

When he says "beat" I can only assume you mean "dog fight" meaning you're a piece of crap... however, let's just say your choice of words is bad... and I'll share some knowledge with you, that the pit bull is not that abnormally aggressive, they are phenomenal family protectors and that is when they are the most aggressive. No matter how kind they may be, they walk out the door when they feel their family is threatened. It could be a mountain lion that a pitbull will fight to the death…. There's no better dog in a bad neighborhood (if the dog loves you)

This is a vague question. I've seen poodles that could beat a pit bull because the pit bull was afraid of it. I also saw a 50 pound pit bull attack and nearly kill a Rottweiler. I also saw a German Shepherd successfully beat up a neighbor's pit bull for coming onto his territory. Just because a dog has the name pitbull doesn't mean it's a killer that no other dog can win a fight against. It really just depends on the dog.

My pit can beat any other dog in a kissing contest.

This is a strange question, I hope no one is deliberately putting 2 breeds together to see them fight. And to answer the question, me and my dog ​​had a pitbull attack us by trying to attack, my dog, who is a chow chow/collie mix (very fluffy), protected me from the pitbull until the owners came outside, pitbull forced my dog's neck but couldn't break the skin due to all the fur we both removed without scratching

To be honest, I don't like answering questions like this! I'm an animal lover. I love Pitbulls too! I feel like Pitbulls is already in bad shape because of people and their selfish gratuitous selfish need to be famous(?)... Is Pitbull stealing their fame? (What would?) Pitbulls are a dog person, like you can win a fight if everything goes in your favor? Same thing with dogs, heck a chihuahua can scare a pitbull. "You never judge a book by its cover." Or “Never underestimate your opponent.” Anyone can win anything, anyone can lose anything too. Some call it luck? Are others taking chances? Some people judge by appearance. We live in a society that judges nonstop!! Everything is marked. In a strange way, I thought, can a person love and have compassion for each other? God must make us all blind. Then we wouldn't care which dog is more ferocious?? We would be more concerned about where we are or how to get home. It's my opinion. Sorry if you are not satisfied. Did I just have to say it?!

Any LGD (livestock guardian)

Anything over 27 kg

Most fighting dog breeds are much larger than a pit bull and need to entertain a crowd.

The Pit Bull is a medium-sized breed whose goal is to dominate an opponent of the same size, not to fight it off (LGD), kill it (Terrier), or bite creatures 3 times its size until they die (Bulldog)

A greyhound and a hound dog will easily defeat it in a short distance; A Labrador or Newfoundland will outperform it in icy water; the dachshund will go down into holes faster and faster; the Irish wolfhound and the great Dane will rise higher, and the hunting dog on the Cape will defeat him in battle.

A site about dogs!

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There are dogs that are especially popular in Russia today. The German Shepherd has long been considered a favorite dog in many families. She is distinguished by her special intelligence, is easy to train and has great endurance.

Pit bulls are also popular now. This breed was created for dog fighting, but in many homes today pit bulls live as guards. If such dogs are not specifically trained to be ferocious, they are very friendly and also smart and hardy.

Description of the German Shepherd breed


The creator of the breed is considered to be the German officer von Stefanitz, who in 2 years created an almost universal breed of dogs.

Previously, four-legged friends were used mainly for herding and hunting purposes.

Stefanitz set out to breed a shepherd dog that would combine many qualities at once. He succeeded - in 1882 she surprised the whole world at an exhibition. But the history of this breed does not end there; read the full article about the origins of the German Shepherd.


Standard height at withers:

  • for males – 62.5 cm;
  • for bitches – 57.5 cm.

A deviation in height of 2-2.5 cm is allowed. Weight for males is 30-40 kg, for females 22-25 kg.


Distinctive features :

  • stable nervous system;
  • protective instinct;
  • courage and determination;
  • obedience and responsiveness during training.

Description of the pit bull breed


Pit bull terriers were created in Great Britain and were intended for dog fighting. Later they were taken to America, where the breed was officially registered.

Over time, fighting was banned in many countries, and in many places it turned into simply a security guard.


Adult dog height:

  • male average 49 cm,
  • female – 44 cm.

Weight: adult specimens from 20 to 30 kg.


Distinctive features:

  • patience; high pain threshold;
  • friendliness with proper upbringing;
  • courage and determination;
  • good physical condition.

How are these breeds similar?

Both are very mobile and active. A pit bull terrier cannot be kept on a chain; he literally cannot stand it and becomes angry; the German shepherd also has a negative attitude towards chain keeping. Both have excellent protective qualities and have a touching attitude towards children.

It has long been known that “Germans” are widely used in investigative activities, and are used by the police and military. However, pit bulls have also recently been “in service” in some countries, and in Russia they are used to search for drugs at customs.

The friendliest fighting breeds

Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)

Height: 58-68 cm

Weight: 45-60 kg

Level of aggression: moderate-aggressive

Despite the average values, the size of some Great Danes can reach almost 100 kg. Such impressive parameters were successfully used by merchants wandering from city to city to protect their goods. The dogs entered the combat arena much later, demonstrating their strength and fearlessness there.

Dogues de Bordeaux, raised in a loving family, are the complete opposite of their formidable ancestors. They are reasonable, good-natured and quite lazy. Dogs become good nannies for children, and demonstrate their fighting qualities only to protect their owners.

Cane Corso

Height: 60-68 cm

Weight: 40-50 kg

Aggression level: moderate-aggressive, ideal guard

The ancestors of the Cane Corso, who lived in Ancient Rome, participated in gladiator fights. Italy is recognized as the country of origin of this fighting dog breed. Local shepherds and farmers used its representatives to herd cattle and guard their homes.

The balanced character and developed intuition of the Cane Corso are skillfully used by the police. Dogs easily recognize enemies and quickly eliminate danger without waiting for a command.

Cane Corsos get along well not only with children, but also with animals. With timely socialization, they recognize other pets as members of their family without trying to take a leadership position.

English Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staffbull)

Height: 35.5-40.5 cm

Weight: 11-17 kg

Aggression level: non-aggressive, ideal guard

From the photo of this fighting dog breed, whose name comes from a bulldog and a terrier, it is difficult to guess about its past. The charming and emotional face makes one seriously doubt the reality of the dog’s participation in closed fights. Despite the aggression smoothed out by the breeders, the staffbull’s bite force remained the same. The animal can hold any object with its teeth for a long time, hanging right in the air.

Fortunately for the owners, the Staff Bull is driven not by strength or muscles, but by developed intelligence. He allows himself to behave aggressively towards people only if his owner is threatened. This breed is people oriented. Staffbulls are loyal to their owners, love children, but often try to demonstrate their leadership and stubbornness.

Ca-de-bo (Majorcan Mastiff)

Height: 52-68 cm

Weight: 30-38 kg

Aggression level: moderate-aggressive, ideal guard

This dog was bred on the island of Majorca by mating Spanish mastiffs and fighting breeds brought by English sailors. Ca-de-bos successfully guarded ships from pirates, helped in hunting, and took part in bullfights and dog fights.

Mallorcan Mastiffs are excellent babysitters. They forgive their little owners any pranks and happily participate in their pranks.

Unlike most pets, Ca-de-Beaus are equally devoted to each of their owners and do not choose favorites. They treat strangers and animals with respect.

Their ferocious temperament only manifests itself during defense. Not even a mouse will be able to penetrate the territory entrusted to them. The dog smells intruders perfectly and never succumbs to their feigned affection.

Useful video

German Shepherd vs Pitbull

So, when comparing these breeds, you need to take into account their characteristics and advantages. But with proper training and care, both pit bulls and German shepherds can become your loyal friends for many years. The life expectancy of dogs of these species is almost the same. Pit bulls live on average 13 years, German shepherds - 14-15. Read more about raising a German.

When it comes to the most dangerous dogs on Earth, the first thing many people think of is the pit bull, and this is no coincidence.

American pit bull terriers are truly considered one of the most dangerous and creepy dogs on the planet, with whom hardly anyone would want to mess with.

Types of Bites

The nature of the bite is influenced by several main factors, according to which the main types of damage are distinguished:

  • a blow with the teeth - made from top to bottom with the fangs, while the mouth sometimes does not even close. Such an attack is sometimes compared to a final warning. Some animals retreat after an incomplete bite, but when excited, the development of aggression can continue;
  • jerk - done with closed teeth with wave-like movements to break the trapped tissue. The animal's body weight presses on the upper canines, exerting force by rocking the body. This is how the force of a dog’s bite is expressed in kg per cm² of affected area. This is how the ancestors of modern breeds killed their prey, achieving fortune until the victim ceased to resist;
  • constant grip - a dog hanging on the victim in order to hold the prey until it weakens. Thus, many dogs had a “death grip” on the movements of large predators such as bears, elk, and wild boars. The specificity of the grip is in the additional chewing of tissue without unclenching the teeth to improve the initial grip, getting closer to the victim’s neck.

A dog's bite force rating is somewhat related to its ability to maintain a consistent grip, especially found in baiting dogs.

Dog bite force

1) Pitbull

Massive bodies with defined muscles, stockiness and incredible bite force, which reaches 126 kilograms per square centimeter - these indicators alone are enough to understand why pit bulls are such tough guys, and why in their homeland in the USA they are considered the most dangerous dogs.

Pit bulls were widely used to bait bulls and bears, as well as to participate in dog fighting along with other dog breeds. This fact, coupled with genes and body characteristics, makes pit bulls a terrifying force. An untrained pit bull is practically uncontrollable, which, given its unbridled strength, makes it a real weapon that poses a threat to people. Pit bulls must be carefully raised and trained, as well as given maximum care and attention. Only in this case the dog will be adequate and will not rush at anyone.

2) Dobermans

The Doberman is considered one of the most famous dog breeds around the world, at the same time they are one of the most dangerous dogs on the planet. Developed in Germany in the late 19th century, these short-haired working dogs are distinguished by their endurance, speed, power, elegance, fearlessness and loyalty. The average height of males is 70 centimeters and weight is 45 kilograms. Such qualities and dimensions, coupled with their intimidating appearance, make Dobermans excellent guards.

In fact, Dobermans are not the most aggressive dogs on the planet, as many might think. They are truly aggressive only towards inadequate and hostile animals and people. However, manifestations of unexpected aggression in Dobermans still occur.

This breed of dog has a choleric temperament. Since they are quite active and strongly attached to their owner, at any hint of danger emanating from another animal or person, the Doberman may display instinctive aggression. Only with careful upbringing of a puppy in the first years of life can you achieve a well-trained, humble, excellent, loyal friend and reliable protector for the whole family, who will not rush at everyone.

Along with Dobermans and pit bulls, there is another dog breed that most people think of when it comes to the most dangerous dogs on the planet.

Physical capabilities

Alabais are considered one of the oldest breeds, which for 4000 years was bred almost under conditions of natural selection and a rather harsh climate..

Even in ancient times, they were used not only to protect homes, accompany owners and, sometimes, hunt, but also to protect livestock from wild predators.

The height of these dogs, even today, exceeds 70 cm at the withers, and there are also very tall Alabais, whose dimensions can be even 1 meter at the withers, and their weight can reach 80-90 kg. By the way, today the champion in height and weight among Alabais is a dog named Bulldozer.

3) Rottweiler

Despite the fact that some Rottweilers do not look as menacing as muscular pit bulls, they are superior to their American counterparts in a number of areas, including bite force. Rottweilers bite with a force of 146 kilograms per square centimeter. Add to this muscular and strong legs and torso, a decent weight that reaches 50 kilograms and a genetically inherent function of protecting the home and owner, and you will get a real monster straight from Germany.

German Rottweilers are territorial and therefore make excellent home protectors. This powerful dog will protect his owner and the house in which he lives until his last breath, and given the strength and vitality of the Rottweiler, not everyone can cope with him. But don’t think that all Rottweilers are such ideal protectors. This only works with rigorous training. If you don't take care of the Rottweiler, it will become a wild monster that will attack everyone, including its owner. It is the difficulty in training, complex behavior, as well as incredible physical characteristics that make these Germans extremely dangerous dogs.

How is jaw strength measured in dogs, why know this parameter

Bite force is measured in newtons (N), which can be converted to kilogram-force (1 kgf = 10 N). For fighting dogs, it is important to know this parameter, as it indicates the animal’s strong jaw, which meets the breed standards. Grip strength is also learned when training service dogs, which are then used to neutralize criminals.

Sometimes there are materials in which the bite force is measured in atmospheres. This is incorrect, since the atmosphere is a unit of pressure, i.e. force divided by area. A pressure of one atmosphere corresponds to one kgf applied to an area of ​​one square centimeter. You don’t measure the distance between cities in km/h, do you? Likewise, when studying the jaw strength of dogs, you should not rely on atmospheres.

V. Revenko. Kennel "Strong Style"


Jaw clenching force is measured in several ways. The simplest, but not very accurate - the dog is forced to grab onto a wooden pine block when attacking, and then the depth of the bites is measured. Now dog handlers are abandoning this method and using special sleeves with built-in sensors.

You cannot measure the force of a dog’s bite yourself at home, as this can only be done by specially trained people using special armbands with built-in sensors.

It is important to understand that when indicating grip strength, an average number is used, since the pressure on the bitten object will differ in different parts of the jaw. The deepest puncture is made, of course, by the fangs, but the victim is squeezed most forcefully by the dog’s molars; The incisors have less strength, since they are farthest from the muscles responsible for closing the jaw. Example: the molars of an adult Rottweiler compress with a force of 1600 N, the incisors - 1400 N. It turns out that the average bite rate for this breed is 1500 N. For comparison: the force of compression of the jaws of a leopard is 1070 N, a shark - 4500 N, a wolf - 1410 N , bear - 2000 N.

The danger of dog bites is measured not only by the force of clenching the teeth. It also plays a role how long the dog can hold its jaw in maximum tension, what attack tactics the dog uses, how much control it remains under its owner at the moment of aggression (whether it will let go of the object at the first command). For example, Staffords and pit bulls are inferior in bite force to many breeds, but their “killer” instincts are too developed - when they bite, dogs do not just defend themselves or scare, they seek to kill.

Video: how to measure a dog’s bite force using a special sleeve

4) Dogo Canario

You can’t even say about some dogs that they are very dangerous, because appearance can be deceiving. But looking at other dogs, you immediately understand that it’s better not to joke with them. The Dogo Canario falls into the latter category.

The Dogo Canario is a guard and herding dog developed in Spain. A very wide chest, arched ribs, strong paws, a short muzzle and a head in the shape of an elongated cube - all this seems to hint that the Dogo Canario is very dangerous. The characteristics of this Great Dane go back to the past, when Canarians were bred as fighting dogs. This developmental feature left its mark on the genetics of the Canarians, which is why they still have unbridled strength and aggression to this day.

Canary dogs are extremely distrustful of strangers, so they can attack any passerby, and in some cases this powerful Spaniard can even rush at his owner. Due to this unpredictable and dangerous behavior, breeding Dogo Canarios is prohibited in some countries, namely Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. However, as always, aggression in these Spaniards can be suppressed through training and education. If you treat Dogo Canarios with care, respect and love, they will undoubtedly become ideal protectors.

5) Brazilian Fila

Fast forward to South America, namely Brazil, where a large working dog breed called the Fila Brasileiro or Fila Brasileiro was developed. This is a molossoid breed with large bones and many folds of skin. The height of adult males at the withers reaches 75 centimeters, and these monsters weigh from 50 kilograms and more. These facts are enough to understand the danger that these Brazilians can pose to people and animals.

But that is not all. Fila Brasileiros are extremely distrustful dogs that will attack a stranger without much thought if they don’t like him. These Brazilians are very stubborn, willful and aggressive, and therefore only experienced dog walkers and dog handlers can cope with them.

This breed is so dangerous that in the UK, Israel and Norway it is illegal to own a Fila Brasileiro without special permission from the court. Also, ownership or breeding of Fila Brasileiro is restricted or prohibited in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Cyprus. Experts note that although the Brazilian Fila is aggressive and dangerous, with proper training it is an almost ideal guard, especially for a country house. This is a real guard dog, which, if properly raised, will show not only its protective functions, but also maximum devotion and love towards the owner, his family members and his friends.

Everyone has their own way of fighting

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

In a duel, everyone acts differently

Since the principle of the alabai is to crush the opponent, then in order to obtain a winning position, he needs to make sure that the wolf is under him. And then the dog can already grab the enemy’s throat. But even at such a moment, the alabai will not be able to inflict deep wounds on the wolf, this is how its oral cavity is structured. But the goal of this dog is not to bite its opponent to pieces - the Alabai is excellent at strangling. And this method of fighting just gives him the opportunity to do this for as long as possible, so that the enemy can no longer resist. A distinctive feature of the alabai is the ability not to loosen its grip, even if it has already received many wounds.

Wolf vs Alabai - who will win the fight

The wolf acts completely differently. It tries to inflict the most damage by sinking its teeth into the enemy. This is a more resilient animal than a dog, and besides, it knows where the victim’s weak points are. Most often, wolves move and hunt in packs, although there are also loners who turn out to be much larger than their “pack” relatives - after all, they get food only for themselves and do not need to share with anyone.

6) Tosa Inu

Tosa Inu, also called Japanese Mastiffs, are the only Molosser breed from Japan. This is a rare breed of dog that was bred in the late 19th century for dog fighting and also to serve as bodyguards. As is the case with other representatives of this selection, this breeding feature was reflected in the genetics of Japanese mastiffs, which became more and more dangerous over time.

Now Tosa Inu are large dogs whose weight can reach up to 90 kg. They are distinguished by a sense of territoriality, fearlessness, and also aggression towards strangers and their relatives. In addition to this, these Japanese boast excellent physical characteristics and abilities. Their bite force is not weak: even Japanese mastiff puppies can bite through some hard objects without much difficulty, so there is nothing to say about adult individuals.

Dog experts say that Tosa Inu are one of the most dangerous dogs on the planet, and even experienced breeders can experience serious problems and difficulties when raising them. So if you wanted to take this Japanese into your home as a pet, think a few more times.

Which dog will beat the Alabai?

Alabai is one of the strongest and most resilient dog breeds in the world.
These dogs are distinguished by their courage, bravery and viciousness towards the enemy, which makes them very dangerous in battle.

It is not surprising that many Alabai owners are interested in the question: can their pet, if necessary, defeat another large dog or even a wolf?

It would be difficult to give a definite answer to this question.

After all, in addition to height and weight, strength, courage and viciousness in such confrontations, other factors are of considerable importance.

7) Boerboel

The Boerboel is a working dog breed native to South Africa. Even though Boerboels are not recognized as a breed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, they are recognized by many experts as one of the most dangerous dogs on the entire planet. This is also evidenced by the fact that in some countries the Boerboel is prohibited for breeding.

Boerboels are very strong, dexterous, hardy and muscular dogs that are distinguished by incredible reactions. The weight of an adult dog can reach 90 kilograms. It is surprising that most dog handlers unanimously say that the owner of this African can only be an experienced dog breeder or breeder who has been raising and training dogs for many years.

Speaking of training. Boerboels need it like no other dog on the planet, because otherwise he will be a real killing machine. An untrained Boerboel can easily attack another animal while walking, which will end extremely sadly for the latter. If you train this African from childhood and spend a lot of time with him, then he will not only be manageable and obedient, but will also get along even with small children.

The largest representatives of fighting breeds

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Height: at least 64-68 cm

Weight: at least 45-50 kg

Aggression level: moderate-aggressive, ideal guard

Thanks to their developed security functions, Caucasians are successfully used to protect important objects. The largest representatives reach 100 kg. An impressive appearance stops an attacker before committing a crime. The most desperate and unreasonable ones get to personally experience the aggression, courage and endurance of these dogs.

Caucasian Shepherds have a complex character. Their rancor, touchiness and independence often lead to very non-standard reactions.

This breed is also very difficult to train. To carry out a command, the dog needs to seriously think about the appropriateness of such actions. Most often, thoughts end with the trainer ignoring him.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

Height: at least 65-75 cm

Weight: at least 40-50 kg

Level of aggression: moderate-aggressive

Alabais are aboriginal dogs. All their qualities are provided by nature, not by man. Representatives of this breed were used as fighting dogs, but most often their functions included guarding and driving herds. The organizers of dog fights were attracted by the strength and fearlessness of the animals, but were embarrassed by the lack of passion for killing.

The large dog, reminiscent of a bear, is easy-going and friendly, but really does not like strangers. The main feature of the Alabai is its late maturation. Until the age of 4, this huge pet remains an unreasonable puppy, which makes raising it very difficult.


Height: 67-77 cm

Weight: 45-75 kg

Aggression level: non-aggressive, ideal guard

An alternative name for the breed is the Armenian Wolfhound, which emphasizes the impressive dimensions of the animal. After domestication, Aboriginal dogs began to accompany their owners on hunts and help with guarding livestock and property.

Despite their terrifying appearance, gampras are docile and soft pets that love their owners. They are often used as nannies. The younger the family member, the more care the dog shows. Similar attention and affection is given to other pets.

The duration of maturation of Armenian wolfhounds coincides with Alabai. They remain puppies for a long time, which negatively affects their obedience. When communicating with a person, equality is important for an animal. Gampras do not tolerate dominance and build relationships based on friendship.

American Bandog

Height: 51-76 cm

Weight: 45-68 kg

Aggression level: aggressive

As many as 3 fighting dogs took part in the creation of the Bandog: a pit bull, an Amstaff and a Neapolitan mastiff. As a result of crossing, the breeders received a dog with a powerful physique, strong jaws, a menacing appearance and an aggressive disposition.

After a baptism of fire, it turned out that the bandog was not persistent and persistent enough. During the grab, he quickly loosened his grip, giving his opponent a head start. The fight with the pit bull ended in defeat in the first half of the round.

Due to its imbalance and uncontrolled behavior, the breed was not recognized by any cynological organization. The owners who decided to tame the first bandogs had to keep them in cages for their own safety. The dogs were released exclusively at night to protect the territory.

8) Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the largest and most dangerous breeds in the world. Dog experts strongly recommend training and socializing the Caucasian Shepherd when it is still very small. It is very important to immediately show a dog of this breed that the owner is the main person in its life. It is also necessary to promptly stop even the slightest manifestation of aggression. Only in this case will the dog grow up submissive and obedient. If you don’t do this, then after two years of life the dog’s character will be almost impossible to correct. If the shepherd dog was not trained in childhood, those around him, like the owner himself, will face the full power of these beautiful but formidable natives from the Caucasus.

Also, Caucasian Shepherd dogs should not be left unattended near children, since the dog can mistake active games and children's screams for an attack and show aggression that threatens life. But if we put all these horrors aside and look at the Caucasian Shepherd, which was carefully raised, then we will see an amazing, kind and affectionate dog that not only gets along well with its owners, but is also able to protect them from inappropriate strangers at any cost.

In this article we will talk about the three most popular breeds of fighting guard dogs, which are not only a person’s friends, but also his protectors, and are also used as service dogs. If you want to get a hardy and tireless friend, experts recommend that you read a brief overview of three popular fighting breeds and figure out who is stronger: a pit bull or a Rottweiler.

  • Is it possible to buy a friend with money?
  • Who is stronger?
  • Who got the victory?
  • conclusions

Who is stronger, Rottweiler, Pitbull, or Doberman?

Keeping and caring for a pit bull

The pit bull is an unpretentious animal that does not require special care. It is important to monitor the condition of the animal’s ears; they should always remain dry and clean. They are treated once a week and the pet's fur is combed out. There is no specific regime for bathing a dog; water procedures are carried out as needed. If your pit bull's nails do not wear down naturally, they must be trimmed promptly, otherwise the dog will experience discomfort while walking. Give your pet bones to cleanse the mouth or brush his teeth, wipe his eyes with a swab dipped in boiled water.

The dog needs physical activity, walks should be daily, at least twice a day with outdoor games and training. If all this is in abundance, the pet will not feel discomfort when living in an urban environment. And vice versa, if the owner’s attention and walking are insufficient, then you risk raising an angry pit bull.

Is it possible to buy a friend with money?

Any happy owner of a four-legged dog will answer this question in the affirmative. Let's remember the cartoon about Carlson from our childhood, where the little hero dreamed of getting a dog for his birthday. What goes around comes around

Raising a dog requires a lot of effort. The dog gets used to the owner, for her he is the king and god. When you take a puppy into your home, start training it from the very first day. The process is not easy, but in return you will receive a devoted comrade and a reliable defender. From his ancestors, wolves, the dog borrowed loyalty. The domestication of dogs by humans, as scientists suggest, took place several thousand years ago. Initially, these four-legged animals were used purely for hunting.

It is generally accepted that certain characteristics are inherent in a particular breed. However, without training from the first days of life, you will not get a well-trained dog. If raised incorrectly, this animal, like a person, can grow into an aggressive, disobedient individual. It is impossible to retrain an adult dog, so it is recommended to take a puppy, and for official purposes, purchase a well-trained, trained individual. A strong and intelligent dog in the future will become not just a member of the family, but also a support. In the company of a Rottweiler friend, it’s not scary to go at dusk for milk through dark alleys.

There is also a “fashion” for dog breeds. If we turn our attention to twenty years ago, we remember that then on the streets one could often meet collies (especially after the release of the famous film), boxers, dachshunds, spaniels, Pekingese, and chow-chows. Spotted Dalmatians, like those from a cartoon, were popular. When purchasing an animal, be clearly guided by the goal: who do you need? Friend, protector, or maybe decoration? Among glamorous ladies, so-called decorative breeds like Chihuahuas or Yorkies are in demand. You can often see owners with “elite” huskies and alabai dogs.

Which dogs are among the TOP most powerful dogs in the world?

Tibetan Mastiff
There are dog breeds that are recognized as the largest of their kind. Such pets help people protect their home from thieves, participate in exhibitions, sports competitions, and hunting. However, these dogs are not only strong and loyal, but also dangerous. Many of them should not be kept in homes with small children, as such dogs are not always friendly. Therefore, training such powerful animals is very important.


You can often hear that this is a very aggressive breed of dog, but this is not true. Rottweilers are quite friendly and sociable. If they are raised correctly, they will become devoted pets capable of protecting their family. But training needs to start as early as possible, while the dogs are still small and easier to handle. Externally, Rottweilers are muscular and weigh up to 60 kg. They love attention from people and cannot stand being alone. Therefore, owners need to play with the animal more often and stress it physically, otherwise the dog will begin to show aggression. This breed also does not get along well with other pets.

Rottweilers often participate in exhibitions and competitions, as they are considered very beautiful animals. They also serve in customs, in the Armed Forces and are excellent assistants for the disabled.

Cane Corso

These are noble dogs, fearless and large in size. Initially, they were bred as workers and hunters. They are very strong, which helps in protecting homes and people. The average cable weight is about 50 kg.

Cane Corso dog

Cane Corsos are loyal, intelligent, and trainable dogs.
But they should also be taught from childhood, to show who is the leader in the house, because the older they are, the more difficult it is to raise them. These animals are very friendly and calm, as well as attentive. This dog needs a lot of space, so a small apartment is not suitable. Additional Information. The Cane Corso is a very smart dog if you train it. She distinguishes game well from reality and can subsequently understand her owner without words.


This is the kindest breed of dog, bred to save people in the snowy mountains. This affectionate dog will love his owners, small children and other pets in the house. He is both a friend and a guard. Serbernar is not aggressive, a little lazy, but this will not stop him from protecting people from enemies.

These dogs are very large - reaching 80 cm at the withers and 70 kg in weight. Since the dog is sedentary, living in an apartment is suitable for her. But you definitely need to walk and play with her. The pet owner may not like his constant shedding and drooling. Also, despite their intelligence and kindness, Serbernars are difficult to train, as they like to do everything their own way.

American Staffordshire Terrier

A guard and fighting dog with courage, determination and intelligence. She protects her owners and their territory unquestioningly. He does not give warnings to the enemy (does not bark or growl), but immediately goes into battle. However, the Stafford has a cheerful disposition and can get along with other pets and children. But, if the dog is not raised and trained, it will behave aggressively. The height of the cables at the withers is about 48 cm, and the weight is 30 kg.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Alaskan Malamute

Dogs of this breed are very strong and resilient. They live in areas with cool climates and are capable of pulling sleds with heavy loads. Malamutes participate in sled racing and show good results. These animals love snow and mountains, an active lifestyle, and also love to dig. They are friendly and get along with all family members, except other pets. Malamutes have very thick hair, so they do not tolerate heat well. The weight of such a pet is approximately 35 kg.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This is one of the strongest dogs in the world. She is capable of killing a wolf or even a bear to protect her master. These pets are friendly to family members, but are suspicious of strangers. The shepherd has a quick reaction and instantly rushes to protect the owner.

The dog must be trained and educated, otherwise it may grow uncontrollable and aggressive. The pet can easily tolerate cool weather and loneliness. Brave and loyal in nature, the Shepherd works alongside police and rescue workers. The pet's weight is about 60 kg, and its height at the withers is up to 80 cm.

Important! Caucasian Shepherds get wound up easily, but it is very difficult to calm them down. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep them in a home with children. The best option is to place an enclosure for these dogs outside.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Siberian Husky

These fluffy beauties can captivate anyone with their blue eyes. They have average intelligence, but are quite amenable to training and education. Huskies are mischievous and friendly , getting along well with all family members, other pets and even strangers, if you do not show aggression towards them. Pets are prone to escape, so you need to carefully monitor them.

In general, huskies love an active lifestyle and running. They, together with Malamutes, participate in dog sled races and are able to drag heavy loads (they also participate in competitions in Russia). Having double coats, the animals prefer cool climates. They weigh up to 28 kg.


These are fluffy, patient and kind dogs who adore children. For large families, this is just a godsend - both a friend and a guard. A dog of this breed loves communication and games, so it does not tolerate loneliness well. She sheds and drools a lot, which may not please many owners. Due to its docile nature, the Newfoundland is easy to train. The pet loves to chase birds, so there should be a high fence on the site. This is a fairly large breed, with an average weight of 60 kg and a height of 70 cm.

Newfoundland dog

Tibetan Mastiff

Quite a large and fluffy dog, self-confident and balanced. She does not like it when there are many guests in the house; she prefers the company of her owners. Such a pet competes with new animals in the house and shows leadership. He does not tolerate boredom, and in this case he begins to chew on everything he comes across. Therefore, do not forget to play with your dog, take him for walks often and buy special toys. The Mastiff is a very strong dog, and can even stop a snow leopard. Since ancient times it has been used to search for missing people and protect homes and herds. The weight of the mastiff is approximately 70-80 kg, and its height is up to 80 cm.


Initially, this dog was used to guard livestock. She has a difficult character: capricious, vindictive, stubborn and prone to aggression. Alabai is difficult to train, does not follow commands for fun, but only when necessary. The owner of such a dog must have a strong character and leadership qualities. However, Alabai are calm and reliable guards. The pet's weight is about 80 kg.

Who is stronger?

In former times, in order to identify the strongest dog, competitions were held among sled dogs. The winner was the one that managed to deliver a voluminous cargo in the shortest period of time. The most resilient individuals were included in the team and participated in long-distance expeditions to deliver cargo. Remember the Disney cartoon "Balto", where a dog sled delivered medicine to the town necessary to save children's lives. All three breeds, the pit bull, the Doberman, and the Rottweiler, are excellent athletes, guards, and bloodhounds. Ideal as service dogs. They are quite capable of competing with their favorite “police dog” - the German Shepherd.

There are statistics on the dogs that are most prone to physical endurance. Indicators may vary, but the overall picture is approximately the same. On special websites you can watch videos of dog training for each breed.

The Doberman, which, by the way, “takes its origins” from the Great Dane (and a representative of this particular breed won the title of “strongest” in the world), despite its small size and compact elegance, has not only intelligence, but also incredible endurance. The Doberman has the following traits:

  • restraint;
  • intelligence;
  • power and flexibility (with external sophistication);
  • easy learning.
  • strong body;
  • agility (despite external bulk);
  • adaptability to the external environment;
  • belligerence, with the right approach, directed in the right direction.

Who got the victory?

Who is stronger? It is quite predictable that the pit bull wins today’s fight. This dog is famous for its aggressiveness and death grip. In the States, for example, bull terriers and pit bulls are generally prohibited from being kept in homes, and in many countries their walking is allowed only with muzzles only in the evening. Breed characteristics:

  • strong grip;
  • constant readiness for protection;
  • ability to adapt;
  • aggressiveness towards enemies, combined with immense devotion to the owners.
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