Transporting dogs in a car - how to transport a large dog over long distances

The situation when you need to go somewhere with your pet is familiar to every breeder. In a car, a dog often feels uncomfortable; it is frightened by extraneous sounds and unfamiliar smells. The owner’s task is to help his four-legged friend cope with stress. It is possible that the dog will damage the interior of the car or distract the driver from the road. Inappropriate behavior of a pet can lead to an accident, so it is very important to prepare not only the dog, but also the vehicle itself for travel.

Problems with your pet’s well-being during transportation are caused by the influence of stress on its body.

How to train your dog to travel by car

Dogs do not like loneliness, and every pet is happy to accompany its owner anywhere. Unfortunately, not all four-legged animals easily adapt to new conditions. It is difficult to predict how a pet will tolerate transportation by car, so the trip must be organized in such a way that nothing causes discomfort to either the dog or its owner. The first meeting of a dog and a car should not be accompanied by negative emotions. Experts advise to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Open the car door.
  2. Call the dog to the car.
  3. If the pet wants to jump into the cabin, command “No!” and make sure the animal remains outside.
  4. Ask your assistant to start the engine and watch the dog’s reaction. If a pet is calm, it deserves praise.
  5. An agitated animal needs to be shown how easy it is to pacify the “steel horse.” To do this, you need to put your hand on the body, as if subjugating the car.
  6. The passenger should then be allowed to inspect the vehicle. You can walk around the car with him, touch the headlights and wheels. Let the dog satisfy its curiosity, sniff the “roaring beast”, and get used to the noise of the engine.
  7. Now the pet can get into the salon, and a treat should be waiting for him inside. Let your first acquaintance with the car evoke pleasant emotions.
  8. The dog should only jump into the cabin with the permission of the owner, as he may have dirty paws.
  9. The animal must also leave the vehicle upon hearing the appropriate command. This will allow you to gain confidence that your pet will not jump out of a moving car.

Preparing for the trip

There are dogs that easily adapt to car transportation, and there are those that are afraid of confined spaces and do not want to be in the cabin. Animal psychologists have developed a number of recommendations that will help mitigate the problem.

  1. Before the trip, place your pet nearby, keeping it on a leash with the car door open.
  2. If the animal tries to escape, the owner should not take any action.
  3. Allow your pet to sniff the car. If the dog tries to jump on the seat, give the command “No!” in a calm tone.
  4. The driver tries to start the car, observing the dog's reaction. If the animal behaves calmly, you can allow it to climb into the car on command.
  5. If the pet is scared, attract its attention, put your hand on the car and at the same time ask the driver to turn off the car. This manipulation will help the pet feel that its owner is able to “tame” a large iron creature. Repeat the event several times until your four-legged friend runs into the salon on command.

Animal psychologists say that it is a grave mistake to try to force a pet to ride in a car, ignoring its negative reaction. Then he will have bad associations with the car, and subsequent moves will become a problem.

Rules for transporting animals in a car

Carrying a pet in a car is not prohibited by law; you can travel either in your own or in a rented vehicle, but you must adhere to the rules for transporting dogs in a car:

  • The dog must not interfere with the operation of the machine.
  • You cannot leave your four-legged friend alone in the cabin.
  • The dog must be placed in a carrier or restrained using a restraint device.

This is interesting! There are organizations that provide services for transporting tailed passengers.

A dog should feel safe on the road

Across Russia

When you decide to travel around Russia with your dog, you need to pay due attention to collecting documents. To transport an animal you will need:

  • veterinary passport;
  • certificate in form F-1.

A veterinary passport is issued by a doctor at a private or public clinic after examining the four-legged animal. Veterinary certificate F-1 is issued at a regional veterinary clinic after a clinical examination by a doctor. These documents confirm the health of the pet and the absence of quarantine in the region where the animal leaves.

EU countries requirements

Traveling abroad with a dog must follow the rules established by the laws of the sending and receiving countries.

To travel abroad, a veterinary certificate and an international veterinary passport of an animal are not enough. Your pet must be microchipped and vaccinated against rabies. Some European countries have limited the possibility of importing animals into their territory. The measure is mainly aimed at fighting dogs.

On a note! When transporting a pet belonging to a rare breed, you should take care of obtaining permission from the Canine Association of the Russian Federation.

Breeders of four-legged animals with a pedigree need to obtain supporting documents from a canine or feline club. To do this, you will need to show your passport, inform the organization about the departure date and provide a plan for future travel.

You may also need a license, which confirms that the animal does not have breeding value.

Why do dogs love to ride in cars so much?

Happy dog ​​owners know that they don't even need treats to lure their pet into the car. Unfortunately, there is no research on this topic yet and science cannot yet reliably answer all the questions of interest. However, researchers can come up with theories. UC Davis veterinarian Dr. Melissa Bain has a long history of studying animal behavior.

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She claims that dogs' fascination with car rides stems from their natural curiosity. According to her assumptions, in this way pets realize their research potential, observing what is happening and exploring the new world outside the window. According to her, they are able to perceive and analyze information at a fairly high speed.

Devices for transporting dogs

Manufacturers have provided different options for devices for transporting animals.

Plastic conveyor

A plastic conveyor is a device designed for transporting pets. The design ensures the convenience and safety of the passenger while driving.

Today you can buy containers of different sizes. The device is fixed in the back seat of the car using seat belts or the Isofix system.

Seat belts

Pet stores offer a wide selection of dog harnesses. The use of the design is aimed at securing the pet and reducing the risk of severe injury when accelerating or decreasing speed. The products are used together with harnesses.

Seat belts can only be used in the rear seat

Covers, capes, car hammocks for dogs

To prevent damage to the upholstery when transporting the animal, you need to use covers, seat covers or special hammocks. The devices do not allow the interior to become dirty and do not restrict the animal’s movements. Moreover, they are made from quality materials.

Car hammocks for traveling in a car over long distances occupy the entire area or the space of one seat, which depends on the size of the dog. The side part, reinforced with a zipper, protects the door from contamination and allows the animal to jump into the car without damaging the trim.

On a note! If you plan to transport it in the luggage compartment combined with the passenger compartment, it is better to use a cover. The animal will be very comfortable with it due to the soft sides.

Cages and partitions for the trunk

A cage and partition for the luggage compartment are the most popular means of transporting four-legged animals in a car.


An animal weighing less than 12 kg will tolerate traveling in a cage well. This design is made of metal rods and a pallet. To make your pet more comfortable, it is recommended to cover the bottom with a soft cloth. The cage can be placed both in the trunk and on the seat.


A partition is used to protect the cabin from pets traveling in the luggage compartment. The most suitable devices for this are a nylon mesh with clips for fastening, as well as sliding grilles. A partition is necessary to limit the dog's movement around the car. Otherwise, it will interfere with the driver, distracting him from the road.

Note! You can warn others that there is a dog in the car by using the appropriate sticker.

The partition is necessary to prevent the dog from distracting the driver from the road


These are the safety precautions you need to follow if you are carrying your dog in a car:

  • While driving, the pet should not move freely around the cabin. While in “free swimming,” the dog can jump onto the driver’s lap, put its paws on his shoulder, or unexpectedly push him. By distracting the driver, the dog can cause a collision and also be injured. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to transport dogs in a carrier, crate, hammock, or in the back seat of a car or in the back of a hatchback.
  • The dog should not stick its head out of the window while walking. Many four-legged animals love to look out the window. They are attracted by the flickering landscape, changing smells, and the blowing wind. Driving with an open window can lead to the fact that the tailed one can jump out of the car at great speed if something interests him. He may be injured by a pebble accidentally flying out from under the wheels of a car in front or by any object thrown out by irresponsible passengers of the same car in front. If you don't want to deprive your furry pet of the pleasure of enjoying the scenery and new fresh smells, you can leave a small gap in the window so that the dog can sniff. You can also install a fine-mesh, dense protective mesh.
  • Do not forget to block the buttons for automatically opening windows and doors so that an animal accidentally stepping on such a button with its paw will not be able to lower the window or open the car doors.
  • Do not leave your pet in a locked car. This is especially dangerous in the summer. I describe in detail what consequences this can lead to on the page on how to protect your dog in the heat.
  • Moving a dog in a car should not cause discomfort to the animal. When traveling long distances, remember to stop every three hours to let your pet drink, exercise, and go to the toilet.
  • In an unfamiliar area, never let your four-legged dog off the leash. The dog may run away and get lost.

Dog's first car ride

The first trip is a significant event for a pet. The breeder's task is to help the animal cope with anxiety and excessive excitement. Dog handlers recommend driving very quietly on the first trip so that the dog gets used to unfamiliar sounds and motion sickness. During subsequent transports, the speed can be increased; an accustomed dog will behave calmly.

Practicing canine psychologists claim that pets’ dislike of cars is usually due to the fact that their first trip is a trip to the veterinarian. The animal associates the car with the subsequent pain and discomfort that it had to experience in the doctor's office.

Accustoming a dog to a car should take place in a friendly atmosphere

First trip

In order for the animal not to be afraid to ride in a car in the future, the first trip should be associated with positive emotions, and not with a visit to the veterinarian, for example.

Sit in the back seat with your four-legged dog so that he does not experience discomfort. Never scold your dog if it is afraid and starts whining or barking. Firmly command: “No!” Calm your pet.

If you are driving, then also firmly and calmly command: “No!” Talk to the dog. But under no circumstances stop to calm the animal. Otherwise, the dog will quickly prioritize: if it whines, the owner will stop the car.

How to train your dog to use a carrier or crate

Crate or carrier training for your dog requires patience. The following instructions will help with the habituation process:

  • The door of the carrier should remain open for some time. The animal should not feel that it is trapped. Let your pet come and go as he pleases.
  • At the bottom of the structure you need to place a comfortable bedding and toys.
  • At the stage of training your dog, you need to put a bowl of food and treats in the carrier.
  • Your pet should eat his favorite foods in a carrier.
  • It’s a good sign if the dog allows himself to fall asleep in “his new home” - this means that the dog has stopped feeling anxious. It's time to close the door for a while. It is important that the owner does not leave the room and releases the animal when it wakes up.
  • Over time, your four-legged friend will get used to being in a carrier with a locked door. After some time, you can leave the room for a while, but when you return, you must definitely praise the “little hero.”

Note! When you hear barking, you should not rush to your pet and release it. Otherwise, the dog will form a chain of “bark – pay attention – let go.”

When the dog learns to stay in the carrier for a long time, knowing that the owner is at home, you can begin to leave the apartment. The time away should be increased gradually.

Important! You cannot return to the apartment if your pet starts barking. The appearance of the owner should be preceded by calm behavior.

"Take me with you!"

Every walk, trip or journey with the owner is perceived by his dog with great excitement. Dog owners don't need to explain how happy their dog is every time he realizes that his owner will take him with him right now.

It is unknown what is going on in their heads at this moment, but it is clearly something incredibly joyful, long-awaited and exciting. For a person, all these long trips are a very tiring task. The same cannot be said about dogs. I can’t wrap my head around what exactly causes such frenzied delight in dogs.

How to deal with seasickness

To prevent your dog from getting motion sickness and to make the trip easier, transporting dogs in a car should be carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Stop feeding at least 2 hours before departure.
  • Before leaving, be outside and get some fresh air.
  • Do not close the window while the car is moving.
  • Don't turn on the music.
  • Avoid sudden acceleration and braking, and sharp turns.
  • The interior should not smell of fragrances.
  • Gradually accustom the animal to travel.
  • Make regular stops and let your dog stretch.

General recommendations for transportation

To avoid unpleasant situations on the road, it is advisable not to feed your pet before the trip. You can give him something to drink a couple of hours before leaving.

If we are talking about a long trip, on the road you need:

  • give the animal food and drink in small portions;
  • stop every 3 hours and walk the dog on a leash for 15 minutes;
  • before the trip, take a long walk with your pet, play active games so that he falls asleep in the car;
  • take dry food on the road, since self-prepared food can spoil and cause flatulence;
  • there should be toys and a bowl of water in the cabin;
  • Have a bandage, antiseptic and plaster in your first aid kit.

Dogs usually tolerate travel well, especially if their owners prepare them for it. In order not to spend money on accessories for transportation, it is better to gradually accustom the animal to the car. It is recommended to take your pet's documents with you. Then the trips will be successful.

Several life hacks will help make your trip successful:

  • Life hack No. 1. Shy pets can be lured into the salon with a toy or treat. This will make it easier to stay in the car.
  • Life hack No. 2. Monitor the temperature in the cabin. If it's hot outside, you should drive with the windows open. The dog needs to breathe fresh air. Then the risks of seasickness are reduced.
  • Life hack No. 3. Give your pet a drink in a timely manner if he sticks out his tongue and breathes quickly. This signals thirst. Pekingese, Spitz, French and English bulldogs suffer more than others from a frequent desire to drink.
  • Lifehack No. 4. Drive slowly, especially if it’s your first trip. Your pet may be afraid of driving fast. Unlike a person, he will not perceive the drive of racing on the track. High risk of fear and nausea.

Additionally, we recommend reading the following articles:

  • How to transport a dog on a plane
  • How to transport a dog on a train

Things to remember when traveling with a dog

When taking a long trip with your four-legged friend, it is necessary to make regular stops so that he can empty his bladder and bowels. You should not think that a healthy pet will walk under itself. Trying to endure it will adversely affect the functioning of the body. You need to go out into the fresh air at least once every three hours.

Important! During stops, the dog must be offered water. This will avoid dehydration and overheating.

The right transportation device is the basis for a successful trip.

The world is a sniff

There is a simple way to make your dog's perception of the world even more interesting. They are known to perceive their surroundings, including through their sense of smell. Therefore, if you open a window during a trip, the world for the dog will become a real kaleidoscope, perceived by all senses. True, not all cities smell equally good, so it’s best to let a good boy breathe in the world around him outside the city.

There are undoubtedly exceptions to the rules. There are dogs that perceive trips as something completely uninteresting and immediately fall asleep. There are those who are ready to dirty the entire cabin because they get motion sickness endlessly. Some dogs are afraid of speed. Everything is individual. But still, for the most part, dogs simply adore speed and cars, especially if their beloved owner is nearby.

Given how dogs are dedicated to exploring the world around them, it's no wonder why they love trips so much. Therefore, if you are going on a trip, take your dog with you. Make sure he's healthy and handles travel well, and this will be the coolest adventure you'll ever have.

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Features of transporting large breeds

If you follow the advice of dog handlers, traveling with a large four-legged passenger will not cause any trouble. To do this, it is important to follow the rules:

  • Using a hammock will create comfortable conditions for the dog to travel and will protect the seats (especially if they are leather) from possible contamination.
  • It is necessary to stop feeding your animal bones at least 72 hours before travel. This delicacy increases the likelihood of motion sickness and vomiting.
  • While on the move, it is extremely important to keep your dog hydrated.
  • The animal should not be allowed to lean out of the window. This behavior can not only lead to a number of health problems, but also threatens the safety of people passing by, whom the pet may bite while the car is stopped.
  • The dog should not be transported with a muzzle, as this may cause heat stroke.

The dog gets seasick

Dogs often get motion sickness while the car is moving. There is an opinion that people suffer from motion sickness less often than animals. And this is indeed a fact. Since childhood, we have gotten used to motion sickness: cradle, stroller, carousel. Therefore, our vestibular apparatus is more resistant to such influences. But the animal’s vestibular apparatus has not been accustomed to such changes since childhood. And, as a result, the dog begins to feel sick and sick in the car.

The first signs of motion sickness

Among them:

  • The animal begins to behave restlessly.
  • Breathing quickens.
  • The dog begins to intensively lick its lips and nose.
  • Salivation becomes more active.
  • The dog takes an unusual position for it, focusing on its front paws spread out and leaning forward.

What to do if your dog gets motion sickness

There are no remedies that can instantly prevent or cure your pet from seasickness. This is a phenomenon that cannot be treated. The problem is that dogs rarely get exercise. Many owners, faced with such a problem, prefer not to take their animal on a trip again. And that's wrong. If you want to prevent your pet from getting sick in the car, you need to accustom your four-legged dog to this method of transportation every day. Every day, adding a few minutes, you need to accustom the tailed body to riding in a car. This is the only way you will achieve the desired result.

If your four-legged dog is vomiting, then you should not feed it 6 hours before and after the upcoming trip. Half an hour before departure, you can give motion sickness remedy Beafar Reisfit or a similar drug.

Dog behavior in the car

Some dogs enjoy riding in cars, but for others it is a big challenge. It doesn't matter whether your dog is deliriously happy when he's riding in the car or terrified, it's in his best interest to behave in a safe manner. A car becomes a very dangerous place if the dog begins to jump, rush, or go into a rage at the sight of another dog or other animals.

In order for your dog to behave calmly in the car, you must convince him that you can control his behavior even when in fact you cannot. Before you try to control your dog's behavior in the car, you should practice all the basic commands with him. You had to demonstrate to her that you were demanding and consistent in controlling her behavior before she even thought about listening to you in such a dangerous place as a car. If you get into a car with a disobedient dog, then do not delude yourself that it will at least somehow obey you in the car.

Here are a few things you need to avoid when you take your dog on a trip: don't feed him about 2-3 hours before the trip, don't throw your dog and the whole family into the car without first preparing him, don't give him a lot to drink before the trip. The first trips with her should not be very long, and the car should not be very cold. Don't let your dog jump from the front seat to the back seat, don't put him in the front seat, don't hold him on your lap, don't let him lick your face when you're driving, don't let him put his paws on your hand when you're driving, don't Don't let your dog put its paw or muzzle on the back of your head when you're driving, don't let it hang around the brakes or pedals, don't let your dog eat in the car or chew the seat upholstery, and don't let it hang out of the window while the car is moving . This is dangerous and in addition, her eyes may become inflamed. So that you can control your dog's behavior in the car, it must be on a leash and with a collar.

A dog should not inhale carbon monoxide fumes in a closed car. Whatever the weather, leave the windows slightly open. Don't limit yourself to just trips to the veterinarian or to a temporary shelter for dogs, take her on trips to places that are pleasant for her. Take her to different places, and the trips should be both long and short.

Do not leave things in the car that could be damaged. Do not leave your dog alone in the car with a leash and collar to prevent it from becoming entangled and strangled. Do not leave your dog alone in the car in a place where you cannot keep an eye on him. Don't leave her where she could be stolen or where she would feel uneasy.

Don't scold your dog if he vomits in the car or if he has an upset stomach. Consider having homeopathic remedies with you to give your dog if he becomes nervous, anxious, or vomiting in the car.

Dog obedience training in the car. Put your dog on a suitable leash and collar and have him stand next to you near the car. Give her the "sit-sit" command when the car door is closed. Then open the door slowly, requiring it to still obey the sit-seat command. Close the door, turn around and walk, she should walk next to you; when you make another turn around, go to the car again. If she runs ahead to get into the car, make circles over and over again until you are approaching the car again. When your dog obeys the “sit-sit” command, open the door and allow your dog to climb into the back seat by saying “walk.” Sit in the front seat and, holding the leash in your hands, give her the "sit-sit" command. Praise her by saying “good.” If your dog is overly excited, use only words for reward.

Get out of the car, the dog must follow the command “near” and repeat the entire procedure again. When you open the door, let her in by saying “walk” and have her climb into the back seat, then give the “sit-seat” command. Now, holding your hand in front of the muzzle, get the dog to lie down, since you have already achieved control by giving him the commands “sit-stay” and “down”. Continue until the dog gets up with the word “walk”, and lies down with the word “lay down”. Work with your dog until you feel the dog is completely under control. Then you have to have someone sit in the driver's seat and put the dog in the back seat. First, make sure you have the dog under control while the engine is running but the car is not moving.

Next, establish control over the dog while the car is moving. Work with the dog until the dog demonstrates to you that he can handle himself normally in a moving car for short trips at moderate speed. Make these trips more challenging by going longer distances. You must be in the passenger's seat and be ready to correct the dog's behavior in case of any violation.

Eventually, you will end up switching places with your assistant and driving while he corrects your dog's behavior. The dog must see that control is effective regardless of who is driving and who is correcting its behavior. Then the desired moment will finally come when you are alone in the car with the dog sitting in the back seat. Drive back and forth in your driveway or with U-turns on your street. If your dog commits any violations, shout “ew, lie down.” If the dog does not obey, calmly but quickly stop the car and turn to the dog, applying correction by jerking the leash down and with the command “fu”. If the dog does not lie down, give him a new command, and if he does not listen to this command, make a correction for the “down” command and begin to alternate corrections with commands.

Once you have gained control, let your dog know that you can drive away again, in full control of the situation, even though you are alone in the car with him. Perseverance and consistency pay off in all situations. If you need to leave for a minute, do not grab the dog and do not run with it, it is better to give the command “stay down” and leave it in the car.

Katie Berman, Bill Landesman. Training your dog

Where to go with an animal at the airport

Arrive at the airport 3-4 hours before departure to have time to sort out all the formalities.

At the entrance to the airport, the container is passed through a scanner, and the owner and the animal walk through the frame. To prevent a frightened animal from running away, it must be on a leash.

First, go through veterinary control. There are often queues there, and the average visit takes 30–40 minutes, or even more. If you are flying abroad, for speed, you can fill out the necessary certificates yourself and only have them certified on the spot. It happens that veterinary control does not work around the clock - check in advance. What documents will be required to pass veterinary control, read the article about the official rules for flying with a pet.

Next is check-in for the flight. Your documents for the animal will be checked, it will be weighed along with the carrier and sent to the ticket office to pay for transportation (except in cases where, according to airline rules, animals are paid for in advance). You will then return to the check-in counter and receive your boarding pass.

If the animal flies in the luggage compartment, then most likely you will need to take it to the oversized baggage reception desk.

On international flights, go through customs control and declare your pet before boarding. Read how to do this in a separate article.

After arrival, pick up the animal at the oversized baggage claim point or next to the regular baggage carousel. If you arrived from another country, go through veterinary and customs control.

“We flew from Kharkov to Riga via Kyiv with two cats. During the transfer we learned that the second flight had been postponed by 8.5 hours and was leaving early in the morning.

The airline representative said that they would provide us with a hotel without any problems. But when it turned out that the cats also needed to be accommodated, the employee immediately refused. After some bickering, we managed to call a senior manager, who, again after persuasion and attempts to prove that the cats were also passengers of the airline, we convinced him to look for the option of checking in with cats. After 10–15 minutes, a hotel was found that was ready to accept guests with animals. A friend went to the supermarket to get a tray and filler, and everyone spent the night peacefully.

But the adventures didn't end there. In Riga, customs officials said that certificates for the transportation of animals to EU countries, issued for cats at the Ukrainian airport, do not meet the requirements. In the end, they took pity and let us through, but warned us that in the future there might be problems with the export and import of these cats. Now we live in Latvia and don’t know if we can move somewhere with our mustachioed friends.”

Transportation of animals - personal experience: our reader Stanislav managed to ensure that, when the flight was delayed, the cats were accommodated in a hotel with their owners

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