A cat shits on its owners’ bed - what to do and how to wean it off correctly

In this article we will understand why a cat shits on the bed and how to correct this behavior of your pet.
  • How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed?
      Check your pet's health
  • Remove the source of stress
  • Provide a comfortable toilet
  • Neuter your pet
  • Use strong odors and replace damaged surfaces
  • Limit your pet's movement
  • How to stop a kitten from peeing on the bed?
  • How to train to a tray?
  • How to get rid of urine smell on a bed or sofa?
  • They say about cats that they walk on their own, hinting at their special character. A cat is not as easy to win over as a dog. Representatives of cats are more independent. Because of this, they are often attributed character traits that do not exist. For example, if a pet begins to shit in the wrong place, the owners may attribute it to harm. But animals do not know how to make plans for revenge; such behavior is associated either with stress or with health problems. Pay special attention to your pet’s health if your cat starts peeing on the bed and sofa unexpectedly and has never done anything like this before. Our experts examined the reasons in detail and also made recommendations on how to stop a cat from peeing on the bed.

    TOP 6 reasons why a cat shits on the bed

    You need to choose control methods after analyzing your recent actions regarding the cat and the influence of general factors. Sometimes a cat shits on the sofa or bed as revenge on the owner for some kind of insult. If you continue to offend her, the situation will repeat again and again. But there are also situations when the pet owner did not show aggression towards him, but receives an unpleasant surprise.

    The main reasons why a cat shits on the bed:

    1. Inadequate care of the animal's toilet, unpleasant odor from the lot. Cats cannot stand the stench, so they start going to the toilet anywhere.
    2. There was a change of cat litter, the smell of which the pet did not like. He is looking for another suitable place for himself.
    3. There is no litter box in the house. The cat shit on the bed after it was not allowed outside in a timely manner.
    4. The pet experienced severe stress and its psychological state was disturbed. The animal instinctively goes to where the owner smells most - to the bed. The appearance of a small child in the family or moving to a new place of residence can cause a serious shock.
    5. The animal is sick. Problems usually arise with the development of urolithiasis, when urinary incontinence occurs. The pet experiences pain, discomfort, urine and feces appear in the wrong places.
    6. The cat is old, problems arise in the functioning of internal organs and systems. Sometimes the animal simply does not have time to get to the toilet, loses its previous skills, and craps on the bed or sofa.
    7. During the mating season, the behavior of male cats becomes inadequate. Changes occur in the body at the physiological and psychological level. The animal's urination becomes more frequent; in addition, the pet consciously begins to mark its territory.

    To quickly eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to understand the root cause and choose the right method of behavior.

    New pets or children

    If you're dating a new addition to the family—human or animal—it might not go over well with your roommate. After all, you didn't ask your cat if someone else could live with you. Your cat may have difficulty adjusting to this significant change.

    They may crap on your bed, especially if a new pet or person is staying in your room. It's more of a call for attention than an angry act—no matter how you feel about it. Remember to introduce people slowly and be patient during the process. In this case, he should calm down as they acclimatize.

    The group of animals that mess up most often

    Several groups of animals are potentially susceptible to behavioral changes:

    • Kittens . When a small pet is not yet toilet trained, he himself seeks to satisfy his needs in a place convenient for him. The baby prefers a soft surface, so most often bowel movements appear in the owner’s bed. In this case, you need to show maximum attention to the animal and teach it to go to the toilet. Moreover, you should not shout at babies or poke their faces into feces, as owners often do. With such actions, the kitten gets even more stressed, he does not understand where he can go to the toilet, and continues to shit in the wrong place.
    • Unsterilized cats, female cats . During sexual activity, physiological and psychological transformations occur in the body of animals against the background of hormonal fluctuations. The behavior of pets becomes inappropriate, you can expect any dirty trick from them. With urine, females and males try to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so they leave marks throughout the apartment. The situation is aggravated by physiological urinary incontinence and frequent urge.
    • Pregnant cats . The animal begins to shit on the bed due to hormonal changes. Particular activity occurs immediately before giving birth, when the animal selects a suitable place and marks the territory. Sometimes feces are left on the bed along with urine.
    • Elderly, sick animals . In the presence of chronic diseases, as well as due to old age, the animal simply does not have time to get to the toilet, does not remember its location, etc.

    To quickly solve the problem and make your life easier, your pet needs to choose the right model of behavior. It is necessary to treat with understanding, evaluate the objective factors of actions, and take appropriate measures.

    Tendency to leave puddles and marks

    Some particularly fussy breeds, kittens, unsterilized cats and older people tend to leave puddles and marks. Each of them has its own reasons, so the approach to solving the problem must be selected individually.

    Capricious breeds

    The most whimsical breeds include Siamese cats and their closest relatives from the Eastern Siamese group. These cats have a very subtle mental organization. They may become easily offended or tense. Because of this, the reason for their bad behavior is often attributed to psycho-emotional factors.

    Physiological features

    Age plays an important role. A kitten that is not toilet trained will make mistakes for a long time. Raising them will take a long time, so you just have to be patient.

    “Accidents” in older cats occur due to urinary incontinence or memory loss. As they age, they forget the location of the litter box, often get lost in the family apartment due to deteriorating vision, and do not always have time to get to the bathroom.

    Constant hormonal surges in unsterilized pets are suppressed only by sterilization. Without surgery, they will constantly mark the bed and other objects in an attempt to attract a mate.

    How to behave in this situation

    It’s very difficult to contain your emotions when there are stains on the bed and a terrible smell in the room. Even more anger arises when the situation is repeated repeatedly. However, you need to show restraint, analyze the situation, choose the right model of behavior and methods of influencing your pet.

    You can show your indignation to a cat by raising your voice. Animals are very emotional, sensitive, when they notice such behavior of the owner towards themselves, they will not want a repetition, and will no longer crap on the bed. It is very important not to just yell at the cat, but to do it while cleaning the room so that the animal understands why it is being scolded.

    It is absolutely not allowed to hit or poke the feces with its muzzle, since this is a huge stress for a cat, especially if we are talking about a small kitten. Such actions can traumatize the pet’s psyche, and other problems will arise. If the pet is sick or is in the stage of sexual activity, neither scolding nor beating, in general, will help, drastic action is needed.

    Environmental changes

    Cats are creatures of habit. If something in your family was fairly routine and then suddenly changed, it could lead to bad behavior.

    Sometimes your cat—like a baby—can't process new information without acting out a little.

    If you think back to when the problem first started, you may think of something that changed dramatically—even if it's not that big of a deal to you. This could be something as simple as reorganizing your bedroom. This can completely change your cat, causing her to do questionable things in response.

    Methods of influencing a cat

    Once the root cause of inappropriate behavior has been determined, immediate action must be taken.

    • You need to immediately remove the bedding and throw it in the wash. You need to make sure that there are no traces or odors left on them. If there is a characteristic aroma of cat litter in the room, the pet will come there again and shit. To remove an unpleasant odor, you need to carry out wet cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room, and also use repellents.
    • After cleaning the bedroom, you need to pay attention to the cat litter. If the cat begins to shit on the bed after changing the filler, return the previous one to which she is accustomed. In such an unpleasant way she expresses her protest or is simply confused. If the filler has not been changed, you need to clean the tray and remove the unpleasant odor that comes from it. The basic rule is to change the filler in a timely manner, preventing the growth of bacteria. Firstly, the house smells unpleasant, and secondly, the cat turns away from the litter box and stops going there.
    • Often a cat during heat goes to the sofa, and this is difficult to deal with. You can try using repellent odors and closing the door tightly, but the problem will not be thoroughly solved. The cat can go to the toilet anywhere until the strong sexual desire ends. The owner has several options for behavior - devote more time to the pet, endure the inconvenience, take it to the doctor for sterilization. If the operation is performed in a timely manner, the female's estrus stops and no inappropriate behavior is observed. The situation is similar with sterilization of a cat. After the operation, the violent macho is pacified.
    • If the cause of inappropriate behavior is stress, you need to pay more attention to your pet and not scream. It is allowed to reveal dissatisfaction with a raised tone. It is recommended to administer sedatives based on medicinal herbs. The drugs can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, but it is advisable to first consult a specialist. When the animal calms down, it will return to normal life and adapt to new conditions.
    • The situation is a little more complicated with sick animals. In this case, no measures aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the house or cat litter box will help. The cat shits not only on the bed, but also in other inappropriate places. If this behavior is noticed, and other alarming symptoms are also present - refusal to eat, continuous meowing, etc., you need to show your pet to a veterinarian. An examination, examination, and prescription of effective medications are required.

    Very often, mistakes happen in small kittens when they are just learning to go to the toilet in the right place. It is recommended to encourage your pet in every possible way when he relieves himself in the tray. Pet, praise, treat with a treat. With such an attitude from the owner, the baby will quickly understand what they want from him and stop doing shit.

    How to treat a place where a cat shits so that it doesn't shit anymore

    You can stop your cat from crapping wherever she is using home remedies and commercial repellent sprays.

    Folk remedies

    Simple but proven methods will help keep your cat from defecating in the wrong place:

    1. If your cat shits in the potty, you can train him to stop doing it with toothpicks. They are nailed tightly to the ground so that the pet has nowhere to step. This method will help your cat stop constantly pooping in the wrong place, but it is quite traumatic. It is much more humane to protect the pots with double-sided tape or homemade covers cut from cardboard or other materials.
    2. If your cat defecates on the carpet or bed, you can use water to stop it in the wrong place. Realizing that the pet is about to go to the bathroom, he douses himself with a spray bottle. Usually, to prevent a cat from shitting in the wrong place, 2-3 such sessions are enough.
    3. Every time you try to urinate, you can clap your hands loudly. A high-pitched sound will scare the animal and help it quickly get used to the command.
    4. It is not difficult to stop a kitten from pooping in the wrong place by scattering aluminum foil in the corners of its choice. The child is unlikely to like the whispered material and will stop defecating anywhere.
    5. To prevent your cat from pooping in the corner, you can put garlic, citrus peels, burnt paper, hot pepper or mustard in this place.
    6. You can remove cat smell from interior items and wardrobe by washing them with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or iodine. Expert advice. A bite and bleach will not prevent your cat from defecating no matter where she is. These substances are not only harmful to the health of pets, but also increase the smell of their urine. If the corner where your cat has a habit of pooping is washed with a solution of bleach or vinegar, this will attract her even more.


    • https://mebel-sovet.ru/krovati/drugie-modeli/885-koshka-gadit-na-krovat-chto-delat
    • https://naiti-ludei.ru/posts/chto-delat-esli-kot-postoyanno-pisaet-i-sret-na-divan/
    • https://gafki.ru/koshki/kak-otuchit-pisat-na-divan.html
    • https://InfoKotiki.ru/soderzhanie/deystvia/kot-gadit-na-divan.html
    • https://okotikah.ru/uhod/koshka-gadit-na-krovat.html
    • https://kinpet.ru/pochemu-koshka-gadit-na-krovat-i-kak-otuchit-ee-pakostit/
    • https://litbro.ru/poleznoe/kak-otuchit-koshku-gadit
    • https://catstoday.ru/chto-delat-esli-kot-postoyanno-pisaet-i-sret-na-divan-poryadok-otucheniya/
    • https://ProKoshku.ru/poleznoe/gadit-na-krovat.html
    • https://natalyland.ru/8-pricin-pocemu-koska-pisaet-na-divan-kak-otucit/
    • https://mblx.ru/kojka/drugie/1093-koshka-gadit-na-krovat-chto-delat.html

    Prevention of bad behavior

    To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to follow some rules:

    1. constant access to the tray;
    2. timely replacement of litter, cat litter hygiene;
    3. use of disinfectants during cleaning;
    4. be careful with innovations, cats are conservative, so they often do not accept new smells;
    5. the tray is changed periodically, but you should buy a similar model so as not to scare away the cat;
    6. pay more attention to your pet if he is stressed;
    7. if necessary, give herbal-based sedatives;
    8. To prevent urolithiasis, you need to provide your cat with proper nutrition and periodically conduct special tests to help identify pathology in the early stages;
    9. sterilize indoor pets if you do not plan to get offspring from them;
    10. It is recommended that cats wear diapers during estrus, then you can avoid unpleasant surprises in your bed;
    11. use repellent odors to prevent the animal from entering the bedroom;
    12. give the cat its own corner, place a house, a sleeping place so that it does not run to sleep on the owner’s bed.

    If you have health problems, you should immediately take your pet to a veterinarian. Cursing and beating animals does not solve the problem.

    Video: How to stop a cat from shitting Advice

    Plain old grudge

    We've all been the object of our cat's scorn. This is not a pleasant place. Cats can be downright ruthless when they're unhappy, giving you behind-the-scenes clues that they're just scared.

    If you have done something to upset your cat, you may want to rekindle the relationship. Your cat may be telling you that she doesn't approve of your new boyfriend. Or they might smell another animal when you get home - how dare you! You need to look into the triggers to fix the problem.

    How to get rid of cat smell

    If you find feces or urine on the bed, you need to immediately remove it and throw it in the wash. Since liquid secretions are well absorbed, an unpleasant odor will remain on the blanket, pillows, and mattress. It's quite difficult to get rid of it. The best option, but not suitable for everyone, is to take things to the dry cleaner. Since the service is paid, not every area has an establishment, you have to act independently.

    Substances with a strong aroma will help remove the smell of urine and feces.

    1. Table vinegar is most often used. An affordable product is available in every kitchen. It is necessary to prepare a solution by diluting vinegar with water. The ratios do not play a special role, but it should be borne in mind that a concentrated solution evaporates more slowly and can damage the fabric. The mattress and pillow are washed with soapy water or washing powder foam, and soaked in a vinegar solution. It is advisable to take bedding out into the fresh air to remove odors.
    2. The second option is essential oils . Used in different ways. After rubbing the stains with powder, laundry soap, soak in oil. Dissolve in water, alcohol, pour into a spray bottle, and treat bedding. The most effective are citrus essential oils - lemon, orange, grapefruit. And also lavender, peppermint, geranium, cloves.

    If a cat shits anywhere, the entire room has to be cleaned. At the same time, it is very important to remove the smell of feces and urine, since it will attract the animal and the situation will repeat itself.


    If the kitten was taken from the street, he had no restrictions on the choice of place to defecate. Then he may not understand the prohibition that you can’t pee in bed.

    To wean a kitten in a week, read the recommendations:

    1. Create an unpleasant sensation in the animal at the moment when he is about to pee on the bed. Repel him with aluminum foil placed on the bed. The kitten will step on it, get scared by the rustling sound and run away.
    2. Play with your pet on the bed, sleep together. In this way, he will develop the understanding that “a bed is not a toilet.”
    3. Place the kitten's tray in a special place in the house.
    4. To prevent the kitten from peeing, spank it with a wet rag, spray its face with water from a spray bottle, and then immediately transfer it to the tray. When he finishes his business there, pet him and praise him.
    5. Cats are repulsed by strong scents. Place a sachet of lavender or any other strong-smelling ingredient in your bed. Avoid experiments with oregano and mint, they attract animals.
    6. The kitten can see the mother cat in the owner. When they are together, the baby pees on the bedding. In the house it can be replaced with a soft bed.
    7. The tray should be comfortable, long and spacious enough so that he can unfold it without difficulty.
    8. If a small kitten has managed to do its job in bed, it still needs to be taken to the tray, but kindness and affection cannot be demonstrated. Express your dissatisfaction with his behavior, leaving him there to “think about your action.”
    9. Until the animal has firmly learned that it only needs to go to the litter box, forbid it from sleeping in bed with you. The house and bed are suitable as an alternative to a bed. The toilet should be placed next to them.
    10. The toilet should be made attractive; after cleaning, treat it with a smart spray, then the kitten will be ready to go to the litter box again.
    11. Cats are clean and will not go to the dirty toilet. A couple of stuck together lumps can scare them away, change the filler or immediately remove the dirty lumps.
    12. Choose a litter that your kitten will like: clumping, absorbent, wood, silica gel.
    13. Sometimes the reason is that a particular blanket or blanket is attractive to the kitten, its texture is pleasant for the paws, especially if the tray provided by the owners causes inconvenience.
    14. Stress may be the cause. It occurs due to moving, a change of environment, owners, or the appearance of other animals in the house. In this case, caress and soothing herbal remedies will help. The doctor will tell you which one to choose.
    15. If the kitten begins to walk past the bed and pees on chairs, sofas and armchairs, this indicates health problems: cystitis, infection, problems with the urinary tract. At the same time, he will often pee, and sometimes he will not have time to run to the tray. You can understand the reason by contacting your veterinarian.

    Preventive measures will not give the expected result if the kitten is sick or worried about changes that are incomprehensible to it. A patient, attentive attitude towards a pet in case of any failure gives better results than physical punishment, screaming and threats. Pets are family members just like the rest of the household. Comfortable living conditions, protection from diseases, a properly selected diet and a convenient, accessible potty will help to avoid problems and conflicts.

    How to stop a cat from shitting on the bed

    In the village they don’t really panic about cats, they don’t find out any root causes. They poked me with their muzzles in the feces, saying, “who did this,” and kicked me out into the street. A couple of times of such educational work, the situation does not repeat itself. Cats fly out of the house as soon as they want to go to the toilet. The only option when everything can happen again is if the doors are closed, the animal will not be able to get out. But here the owner himself is to blame. And there are situations when cats are beaten, poked, but they still continue to crap. It follows from this that it is possible to wean a cat from peeing on the bed and relieving itself there by using more loyal methods.

    Firstly, you need to show a place where the pet can go to the toilet, and secondly, scare it away from the bedroom. The reasons why a cat shits on the bed are different, but if the bed smells unpleasant for the pet, he will not climb there. Bedding is treated with essential oils and sprayed with sprays. Moreover, they fill the entire room with a certain aroma. What smell repels cats has been known for a long time; you can easily use folk recipes.

    • Grate the zest of lemon and orange, add hot water, leave for several hours. Use for spraying bedding, wiping furniture, washing floors.
    • In the corners of the rooms, under the bed, under the sofa, place fresh peels of tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, and lemon.
    • Add table or apple cider vinegar and bleach to the water for washing floors, and wash the bedroom.
    • In the bedroom, arrange bouquets of dried or fresh flowers - lavender, chamomile, peppermint, cloves, rosemary.
    • Place a houseplant in the bedroom - lemongrass, geranium, cloves, mint.
    • The most convenient, effective essential oils to use. You can experiment, combine several with each other, creating an original composition. Cats are repelled by any persistent deodorizing odors, but most of all they cannot tolerate lemon, orange, mint, rosemary, and lavender.
    • As soon as it turns out that the cat has entered the bedroom, take a bottle of water with a spray bottle, spray it lightly on the pet, driving it out of the room. Cats do not like this procedure, so they will quickly remember that they should not go into the room.

    What to do if your cat starts peeing on the bed depends on the root cause. If there are any pathologies or diseases, you should take her to a veterinarian for treatment. In the absence of diseases, a standard educational procedure can be carried out. When getting domestic cats, you need to think about what to do with them during sexual activity. If the pet will live for beauty, it is recommended to sterilize at the age of 6 months. In this way, unpleasant surprises can be avoided and the animal’s condition can be normalized.

    Stress without treatment

    If your kitten has anxiety or increased stress levels that you haven't noticed before, this may be a sign that you should pay attention. Cats can have atypical levels of anxiety and are very sensitive to everyday stimuli. If you have a cat that you would call "shy," nervousness may be to blame.

    If your cat has started using your bed to poop, this could be a sign that something around her litter box is causing her stress. Maybe you recently installed a litter box in the laundry room, and now they're afraid of that big, loud dryer—they associate the litter box with scary things.


    Dear readers, was this article helpful? Have you ever encountered a situation where a cat shits on the bed and what actions did you take? Leave feedback in the comments! Your opinion is important to us, and it will be useful to other users who do not know what to do in a similar situation!


    “My grandmother had cats, periodically they shit on the bed, in the corners of the bedroom. She combed them and ruffled them, but it made no sense. The only option was not to let him into the house or at least the bedroom. They adopted a cat, not a purebred, but a thoroughbred. Once he took a shit in the bedroom, they scolded him, but they didn’t. This never happened again. If he wants to go to the toilet, he asks to go outside. Hence the conclusion that everything depends not only on the actions of the owner, but also on the cat. Some people get it right away, others, for the life of me, it doesn’t help. It’s easier to get rid of it and get someone else.”


    “Cats lived with us all the time. They never shit on the bed, it happened several times in the corners of the rooms, but it was our own fault, we forgot to let them out into the street. We adopted one kitten, it’s a nightmare! He only went to the toilet in our bedroom, and always on the bed. I tried different sprays, essential oils, vinegar, to no avail. When my patience ran out, I tore it off with a comb, threw it out in the cold, and it didn’t happen again. Here's stress for the animal and a loyal attitude. Everyone needs their own approach.”

    Households with multiple cats

    Cats can be territorial or aggressive with other felines. If they feel they need to make a statement, they may poop outside the litter box. For cats, competition is real. If they feel that the natural order has been disrupted, this may cause the battle to take an alpha position.

    Even if it's not your fault, your cat may do this to other cats - and not to you at all.

    Image Credit: Paul Hanaoka, Unsplash

    Behavioral reasons

    If you are sure that the problem is not in health or in the litter box, you will have to think and observe. Before behavior correction. You need to identify as accurately as possible the reasons for your pet’s violence.

    This is interesting! There is such a sign - if a cat urinates on the bed or owner, this is a sign of money and happiness. No one knows how true this superstition is, but you must admit, a little positivity won’t hurt.

    The pressure of a leader cat is important in a house where several cats live, when the alpha cat makes those of lower status nervous. The explanation is true if there are dogs in the house that do not give rest to the purr. The cat pees on the bed because only from this place does it have a good view and is sure that it will not be attacked. Usually the puddle forms on the pillow, since it is calmer for the cat to sit as close to the wall as possible, with its back turned. From a pet's point of view, a bed makes a great litter box! It’s soft, you can bury your tracks, it absorbs moisture well, and for a pinched cat the bed is also a safe outpost.

    A cat may make puddles on the bed just because you are away from home for a long time. For example, the owner went on a business trip and all that was left for the pet was the smell of the bed. To solve this glaring problem, the cat pees on the pillow to:

    • calm down;
    • obtain pseudo-contact with an absent owner by mixing odors;
    • attract you home with a strong smell;
    • to please you upon your return, showing that you missed you.

    A very interesting reason may lie in jealousy, especially if you have been sleeping in bed yourself for a long time and this has changed. The other half not only invaded the house like a hurricane, she/he also occupied one of the most intimate places - the bed! In this case, the cat will pee on the half that is saturated with someone else's smell. Yes, this is true jealousy and a clear sign to the door of a stranger. However, aggression is contained in this gesture only 1-2 times; cats are very adaptive and quickly change anger to mercy. Subsequent puddles in the place of your companion are already a call to exchange smells and be friends... but this is unlikely to be interpreted correctly.

    A cat may be attracted to the bedding material, especially if its claws do not cling to it. It’s worth talking about a similar habit if a cat pees on a specific sheet or blanket. If you are convinced that the cat has chosen the bed due to the attractiveness of the material, the tray or filler is not suitable for it.

    Many cats stop going to the litter box after changing their place of residence, and this is due to several factors. Firstly, the pet is stressed and afraid of everything new, and secondly, in a new home, the tray is not in its usual place. The bed, as before, smells like the owner, seems very cozy and safe. Similar behavior can be observed after a change of litter box or a new feline family member. As you can see, there are a combination of reasons for comfort, anxiety, jealousy and security.

    Methods for teaching a kitten to shit in the right place

    In order for the kitten to get used to its new location and get used to it a little, it is necessary to place it in a small room that can be isolated with a door. It is necessary to place a litter tray in the selected room, prepare a sleeping place, a container for food and drink, and toys.

    Your pet will need about a week to master the territory and get used to the new environment. After this period, you can move on to getting acquainted with the remaining rooms.

    The main thing is not to do it too quickly and abruptly. This transition period is characterized by the fact that during the process of getting to know a cat, a habit may arise of shitting in any convenient place, therefore, at the first bowel movement, it is necessary to immediately remove excrement, no matter how much the smell attracts the animal.

    A very effective solution to this problem is containers with cat food, which must be placed in those places where the kitten is accustomed to shitting. On an instinctive level, he will not go to the toilet in the place where he eats.

    In a pre-purchased tray, it is recommended to put paper that needs to be soaked in cat urine, in the place where he is used to shitting, preferably placing paper with his favorite food.

    It is very important for cats to learn and remember the real smell of a new home, which is characteristic of it. For this reason, during the adaptation period of the animal, it is not recommended to use artificial means to freshen and purify the air.

    In addition, cats are very sensitive to the chemical composition of most household detergents and cleaners. In this case, you should not be surprised if the kitten begins to shit on the floor that has just been washed using a similar product.

    Very often, such a manifestation acts as a protective function when sharp and unfamiliar aromas predominate in the living room; the cat thus tries to drown out the irritating factor with its aroma.

    If the kitten has chosen a place under the sofa for relaxation, there is no need to drive him away from there, otherwise he will start shitting there in order to designate this place for himself.

    To eliminate psychological irritants, it is recommended to arrange a small, cozy house for the animal. For these purposes, it is not necessary to purchase special designs from a pet store; just take a cardboard box, put soft fabric in it and place it in a warm, cozy place.

    The main thing is to treat the problem with understanding and arrange a good place for the cat to live, then the cat will fulfill all the conditions and create additional problems.

    Problems with the tray

    Domestic cats and cats relieve themselves in a special tray with filler. Kittens are accustomed to it at an early age. Even if the training process goes quickly and smoothly, there is no guarantee that the animal will go to the litter box regularly throughout its life. Refusal from the usual “toilet” provokes:

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    • unsanitary condition of the tray, which is caused by improper and irregular care;
    • the presence of foreign odors - even if a cat catches a barely perceptible smell of its own feces, it will go to relieve itself in another place, this is inherent in it at the genetic level;
    • change of filler or its absence - unusual sensations can turn the animal away from the usual tray and force it to look for another place to discharge its natural needs;
    • a new tray or a change in the location of the old “toilet” causes confusion in the cat - the animal does not know how to behave in the current situation.

    If you are wondering why the cat peed on the bed , check whether her access to the litter tray was blocked; perhaps the door to the bathroom, where the cat litter is usually located, was accidentally tightly closed by someone in the household.

    What can you spray on the sofa?

    If you decide to clean your sofa of cat urine in order to get rid of the nasty smell forever, then after drying it, you need to spray it with one of the following products:

    • vinegar or potassium permanganate (weak solution);
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • weak iodine solution;
    • alcohol;
    • water with lemon.

    After cleaning the sofa on which the pet is peeing, citrus peels, pieces of onion or garlic placed in the corners are also used.
    Representatives of the cat family do not like the smell of essential oils (mint, rosemary, lavender), perfumes, construction chemicals, and detergents that have a strong odor. Attention! Products with strong odors should be used very carefully, as they often cause irritation and inflammation of the nasal canals in animals.
    If you managed to clean the sofa well at home, then to prevent your pet from using it as a toilet, you can use special veterinary products.

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