TV series “Plot”: On the set of Sergei Bezrukov met his double

Maintenance and care

Common sense advises that a bloodhound should live in a private house with a plot. There are too many fragile things in the limited space of the apartment, and the desire to move is always present in a massive dog.


Bloodhounds do not pay much attention to the contents of the bowl: what the owner gives is what he will eat. The diet is no different from breeds of similar size: lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, cereals

Premium dry food is also suitable for bloodhounds.

But, if everything is clear with the diet, then the portion size requires attention. Bloodhounds are prone to bloating, so it is better to divide the usual portion into two and feed the dog in two doses.


Bloodhounds do not require a specific bathing regime - these dogs need to be washed only as needed. After water procedures, it is recommended to dry the dog with a hard cloth to keep the coat shiny.

Bloodhound's eyes require frequent cleaning

During examinations, it is necessary to pay attention to redness, excessive discharge, tearing - these symptoms require a visit to the veterinarian

Ears are the weak point of Bloodhounds. Poor ventilation contributes to the occurrence of infectious diseases. Ear cleaning should become frequent and regular. Discharge, unpleasant odor, rash - require the attention of a veterinarian.


Long walks are a necessity for a hound representative. The dog can walk only as long as the owner can stand it.

The minimum that experts recommend is two walks of 45 minutes each. But this is the minimum

The dog does not want to hear about any bad weather conditions: rain, snow, wind, cold, heat - it doesn’t matter. Bloodhound wants to go for a walk


Caring for the Bloodhound's short, coarse coat is easy. No haircuts are required, and combing is carried out by the owner using a rubber glove. Bloodhound sincerely believes that she is being petted, so resistance can not be expected.

Features of keeping the Bloodhound breed

Bloodhound, who is forced to live in an apartment, is trying to have fun in a small area as best she can. These dogs often explore closets and storage areas for various things. Out of curiosity, they may well open the floor covering.

Bloodhounds are also quite clumsy, often unconsciously knocking over fragile objects with their powerful saber-shaped tail and crashing into furniture while running.

In addition, the bloodhound has a rather loud voice; its bark in the open air can be heard for kilometers, and in an enclosed space it can spread to the farthest corners of the house.

Breeders recommend creating comfortable conditions for the Bloodhound in a private home with the possibility of constant walking. The ideal home for this breed would be a house in the countryside or on a farm.

Famous representatives of the Beethoven dog breed

After looking through history, you can learn about many famous dogs of the breed from the film “Beethoven”. Most of them have achieved recognition due to their working qualities, but there are representatives who have gained popularity for their appearance.

Saint Bernards in the Guinness Book of Records

The huge dog Benedictine entered the book of records for his enormous weight, which reached 140 kg! The dog Hercules, who weighed 128 kg and had a neck girth of 96.5 cm, is slightly inferior to his giant relative.

It was the St. Bernards that were included in the book as one of the strongest dogs in the world. The male Raittes Brandy Bear and the female Barbara managed to drag more than 2 tons of weight.

Barry, known throughout the world, became a record-breaking rescuer, because during his life he managed to pull 40 people out of the clutches of death. He lived in the 1800s at the Saint Bernard Monastery. The most famous rescue story was how Barry pulled a little boy from an ice cave whose mother had died in an avalanche.

"Little Bear" on a Norwegian ship

In the middle of the last century, a small St. Bernard appeared in the family of a whaling ship captain, who was named Bamsi, which means “little bear.” During the Second World War, the already experienced tailed sailor serves on a patrol ship of the Norwegian army. He became famous for carefully guarding his comrades, rescuing them from various troubles, and reconciling them during quarrels. The government made Bamsi a symbol of the Norwegian resistance, and after his death a monument was erected to the faithful dog.

Film actors and heroes of works of fiction

  • Stephen King wrote a wonderful book about a St. Bernard, Cujo, who contracted a serious illness. A film was made based on this book.
  • Astrid Lingren in his work “On the Island of Saltkrok” mentioned the pet of one of the heroines, who also belongs to the St. Bernard breed.
  • A mixed breed of St. Bernard and collie became one of the heroes of Jack London's The Call of the Wild.
  • St. Bernard Lel was one of the key characters in the Strugatsky brothers’ story “Hotel “At the Dead Climber”.”
  • In 1997, the film “Felix is ​​the Family's Best Friend” was released, the main character of which was a representative of this strong breed.
  • The heroine of the Soviet film “Where are you, Bagheera?” became a spectacular St. Bernard.
  • In the story of Peter Pan, there was a four-legged St. Bernard dog, Nana.
  • In Czechoslovakia, the animated series “Maxipes Fic” was published, describing the adventures of a giant St. Bernard.

Training and education

Raising a Bloodhound is not easy. Despite the phlegmatic and friendly nature of the dog, they are stubborn and show independence. Several rules that must be strictly observed by hound owners:

  • The main part of the training process should be carried out during walks, and not at home.
  • When educating and teaching commands, avoid violence, punishment, and shouting. They have no effect on the dog, but will only make him angry and push him away from his owner.
  • Patience and perseverance will help the owner achieve the desired goal. The command must be practiced many times. Food motivation is welcome.
  • The duration of practicing the same command should last no more than 15 years, otherwise the bloodhound will begin to ignore it.
  • To prevent your dog from getting bored at home and damaging furniture and things, you need to “waste” all its energy on a walk: give it the opportunity to run and do physical exercise. The dog's favorite activities will be searching for hidden things, throwing frisbees, and overcoming obstacles in the form of logs and rings.

Who should start

This is a companion dog for a large family, because the Bloodhound loves children, he is happy to be part of the busy life and a participant in the fun. This is one of those breeds that not only get along with dogs and cats, but are even happy to have a new friend.

Some people get not one, but two bloodhounds, then they can cope with loneliness more easily. If there is often no one in the house, then this dog will not suit you. She can be extremely destructive when left alone for a long time, and given her size, this can end in disaster for the home.

The bloodhound's hunting instinct has become somewhat dulled, so you don't have to be a hunter to own this breed. It is often used as a service dog. But it’s difficult to make a watchman out of a Bloodhound: he loves people too much.

The Bloodhound is not suitable for a couch potato, as this breed needs a lot of exercise, walks and energetic activity.

Bloodhound Caesar in the TV series "Plot"

At first, a dog role was not planned in the series “Plot”, but in order to somehow ennoble the rural policeman Pavel Kravtsov (aka Sergei Bezrukov), they decided to find him a four-legged friend. They abandoned the shepherd immediately so as not to resemble “Mukhtar”, “K-9”, “Rex” and “Border Dog Scarlet”. Dogs of decorative breeds did not suit the status of law enforcement officers. As a result, they began to choose between the Dogue de Bordeaux (as in Turner and Hooch) and the Bloodhound, the American police dog.

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Bloodhound Caesar immediately attracted the attention of actor Sergei Bezrukov and trainer Viktor Zuikov for his thoughtfulness and philosophical outlook on life. While training at the studio, Caesar saw a huge mirror. He began to look at and sniff his reflection, then, to the surprise of those around him, he walked around the mirror on the other side. Having looked there for the dog that interested him and not finding it, he again began to look at the reflection and again look behind the mirror. This went on for quite some time until Caesar got tired of the search. But, despite the charm of the Bloodhound, the producer and director of the series did not abandon the idea of ​​the Dogue de Bordeaux. And if not for one piquant incident, then perhaps policeman Kravtsov would have investigated all the crimes involving the Great Dane. During training and rehearsals, the Great Dane accidentally swallowed a small soft ball. The owners were so scared for their pet that they immediately refused to participate in the film. The dog was injected with a huge amount of castor oil and several x-rays were taken, and the film crew regularly received reports on how the ball was moving through the esophagus. In general, everything ended well: the Dogue de Bordeaux recovered, and the bloodhound played brilliantly together with Sergei Bezrukov.

Caesar turned out to be an excellent police dog, although he himself did not suspect it. To film a scene where, for example, a bloodhound is on the trail of criminals, his favorite toy, a yellow ball, was hidden from him. True, we had to resort to tricks: we bought a whole batch of balls and stuffed them into the pockets of the entire film crew. When Caesar needed to make a more difficult sniffing route, everyone hid in the bushes, and the dog ran from one ball to another. The toy was useful for other occasions. According to the script, in some scenes Caesar needed to howl, and in order to somehow provoke him, first the trainer began to howl, then the cameraman, then everyone else joined in. Caesar enjoyed what he heard to his heart's content and responded with a deafening sound reminiscent of a trumpet. So that next time only the one who is supposed to howl would howl, a squeaker was pulled out of the yellow ball and, when his trumpet voice was required from the bloodhound, they began to squeak.

While working with the Bloodhound, the trainers encountered only two problems: the dog did not like to be left alone and drooled. The first task was completed easily. When Caesar's owner could not be on the set, the artist was entertained by Sergei Bezrukov or trainer Viktor Zuikov. Once, after filming, Caesar was locked alone in the room, and they went off to drink tea. After some time, Sergei said in a conversation: “Oh, Caesar has arrived. “At first no one paid attention to his words. But when their meaning dawned on everyone, they cried out in unison: “It can’t be!” The fact is that Caesar was locked in a room with bars on the windows. Everyone rushed down. It turned out that the dog simply broke through the glass and iron bars with its head and immediately joined the company. It was more difficult to deal with drool - well, the dog has such a breed, where can you get away from it. To make Caesar look decent in the frame, in front of the “Motor!” command. They carefully wiped his face with a cloth. But by the end of the shooting, the bloodhound developed characteristic “threads”, which he happily got rid of by shaking his head. As a result, two more teams appeared on the site: “Don’t stand under the spit!” and “Fragments scatter up to five meters!”

Sergei Bezrukov - star of Russian cinema

Sergei Bezrukov is a very talented and multifaceted person who has proven himself brilliantly as an actor, producer, director, rock musician and screenwriter. His calling card in the world of cinema was the character of Sasha Bely, whom he played in the TV series “Brigade”.

Sergei met his current wife Irina during the filming of the film “Crusader 2”

The actor's filmography includes more than 60 films. Among them there are sequels and remakes of well-known Soviet films. In 2007, the actor played in the film “Carnival Night 2, or 50 Years Later” and in “The Irony of Fate. Continuation". He was later awarded a role in the film “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” 2012.

In the TV series “Brigade” Bezrukov played the role of crime boss Sasha Bely

The most significant achievements and awards of the actor:

  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1997);
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2008);
  • Artistic director of the Moscow Provincial Drama Theater;
  • lead singer and founder of the rock band “Godfather”.

Personally, I like Sergei Bezrukov not only as a creative person, but also as a person. I first became acquainted with the star’s work in 2002, when the TV series “Brigade” was released. But most of all I remember his role as a policeman in the village series “The Station,” which I watched three times.

Description of the Nova Scotia Retriever breed

The Nova Scotia Retriever (aka Toller) is a medium-sized dog, its height at the withers is from 45 to 51 kg, and its weight is no more than 23 kg. Retrievers are powerfully built and have muscular chests. The triangular, drooping ears are set high.

The Nova Scotia Retriever or Toller is a medium-sized dog.

The Toller's coat is waterproof (thanks to this the dog is not afraid of even icy water), and wavy. Its color ranges from orange-red to reddish, which is why the toller is sometimes called a “fire” dog. The dog's tail, covered with rather long hair, is in continuous movement.

History of the breed

Toller breeding began two hundred years ago, and the breed was registered in 1945 in Nova Scotia (Canada). Such dog breeds as collie, Irish setter, golden retriever, and English spaniel took part in the selection. As a result, a dog appeared that was simply irreplaceable for hunting waterfowl.

Character of the breed

Dogs of this breed are hardy, energetic and active. They love to play and have a pronounced need for communication. Tollers are incredibly gambling and are passionate hunters. Not being able to hunt, they become lethargic and melancholy. This should be taken into account when choosing a pet breed.

It should also be noted that tollers are highly trainable. If you devote enough time and attention to raising your puppy in a timely and systematic manner (and not from time to time), then your pet will become a model of canine obedience by the time it is one year old.

Dogs of the Nova Scotia Retriever breed are hardy, energetic and active.

During training, you should offer the dog a wide variety of exercises, teach it to carry out a large number of commands, because the Nova Scotia Retriever does not accept monotony, monotony plunges it into depression.

The kindness and affection of these dogs can hardly leave anyone indifferent. Tollers surprise with their warm affection for their family, get along wonderfully with children, and do not show outbursts of aggression towards the owner and household members.

Purpose of the breed

No one can compare with dogs of this breed in the ability to lure waterfowl and bring game (both dead and wounded). In this case, the water temperature does not matter at all for the toller. He has an excellent sense of smell, which, combined with amazing stamina, makes him the best companion for a hunter.

The Toller or Nova Scotia Retriever is designed to attract waterfowl.

What else can you say about the Nova Scotia Retriever other than that he is a loyal friend and a hunting fanatic? Judging by the acting work of the performer of the role of Bubble in the TV series “Five Minutes of Silence”, there are also talented artists among the dogs of this breed.

Characteristic behavior of the Bloodhound breed

In the photo, the Bloodhound may look hostile, but they are kind, calm dogs, one might even say phlegmatic. They are comfortable being in the company of people, they get along well with children, and do not get into conflicts with other animals.

Bloodhounds are rarely chosen as guard dogs. In case of danger, these dogs will certainly defend their family, however, the process of search and pursuit is of greater interest to this breed.

It is believed that they are able to pick up a trail that is more than 300 hours old. They are not afraid of water, bloodhounds are excellent swimmers. In the process of searching for prey, they can calmly swim the required distance and even dive.

History and description of the breed

The British like to say that Bloodhounds were brought from Normandy by William the Conqueror during his invasion in 1066, although there is no written evidence of this.

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At the beginning of the 14th century, the first mention of the Bloodhound appeared, and from the context it becomes clear that the breed has been known to people for a long time (the poem “The Lad from Warwick”, 1330).

In the Middle Ages, a dog was very valuable because, thanks to its exceptional sense of smell, it could find prey, which the pack would then hunt down. They hunted red deer and wild boar with bloodhounds. From an early age, the dog also looked for people.

A great contribution was made by the physician John Caius, who lived in the 16th century. He described the appearance of the bloodhound, talked about its features and advantages. In his work, he even sketched a dog. The rope next to it indicates that this is a search dog that is kept on a leash during the drive. He mentioned that the animal is used in a park game, where a few drops of blood are used to find a person or prey.

Gradually, the number of deer and wild boars in England decreased, so fox hunting became popular. Now only those wealthy aristocratic families who could afford to maintain their own deer park kept bloodhounds.

But in America, on the contrary, bloodhounds were very popular, as they were used to search for runaway slaves. The famous bloodhound Nick helped catch and bring to justice 2,500 criminals in the early 20th century.

After 1945, only a few individuals remained in England, so bloodhounds were imported from America to prevent inbreeding. The appearance of American dogs in England had a positive effect on the breed, because several generations of bloodhounds had already worked in the police as bloodhounds overseas. These qualities were also passed on to the British.

History of the Bloodhound breed

Belgium is considered the birthplace of the Bloodhound, but the breed became most widespread and popular in England in the 11th century. It is believed that these dogs were brought to the territory of the kingdom by William the Conqueror.

Confirmation of this can be found in works of art - in portraits of Elizabeth I and other royals, as well as in Shakespeare's great comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The breed was brought to Russia by Peter I, but hounds were seriously bred only while he was alive. The breed returned to popularity in the country only in the second half of the 20th century.

The name is explained by the translation of the word “blood” (from English - blood) - the hound of this breed was excellent at searching for wounded prey by blood during the royal hunt, as well as fugitive criminals during the raid of guard services.

What breeds can be seen in the movie "A Dog's Life" parts 1 and 2

This film is about how people learn loyalty from dogs. The dogs that took part in the filming had their own history, each of them demonstrated all the best qualities - loyalty and sincere love for the owner. Bailey is a golden retriever, playful, restless, and smart. Ellie, a German shepherd named Shadow, is brave, strong, smart, and serves in the police. Toby is Milo's corgi, took part in all the children's pranks, loves children. According to the plot of the film, she falls in love with a dog that is several times larger than her - a wolfhound. Buddy - starring Bolt, a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a St. Bernard. A total of 3 dogs were involved. One played close-ups, the other performed stunts, the third - static scenes. In the film and in life, dogs of this breed are endlessly loyal to their owners. Molly is a Beagle/Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix. An active dog who loves children. In the film, CJ became the girl's first dog. Giant - African Boerboel. It is given little time in the film, but is memorable due to its impressive size. At the same time, the dog is kind and always ready to help. Max is a Yorkshire Terrier. He was played by the girl Bell. Thanks to her active character, she got into this film. The dog is expressive, emotional, and gets along with everyone on the site. They also hired a stunt double to help in the quieter scenes, the boy Brie.

Bloodhound dog colors

The Bloodhound has only two types of colors: one-color and two-color. A single-color color is, as a rule, one of the variations of a brown or sand shade without bright, eye-catching details.

A two-tone color can be presented in the form of a color with the addition of black massive details - a saddle cloth (covering from the base of the neck to the middle of the back, in the form of a blanket) and a cloak (covering from head to tail).

This breed does not often appear on TV screens, but you are probably familiar with the bloodhound Caesar, who played the role of the faithful friend of the main character of the television series “Plot” performed by Sergei Bezrukov. Caesar is a prime example of a two-tone saddle coat.

Another popular children's cartoon character, Pluto, is a bloodhound of a completely atypical color. The fact that the cartoon character is a bloodhound was immediately announced by its creators. However, lovers of this breed have been vehemently arguing with such visualization for decades.

How to choose a puppy and how much it costs

There are not many purebred representatives of the breed in Russia, therefore, when choosing a Bloodhound, you should be prepared for a high price and a long wait.

At 2 months of age you can already pick up the puppy. It is at this time that education and training must begin. The older the child, the more difficult it is to teach him.

Bloodhound puppies are hounds. They need space to develop

If a breeder keeps a mother and puppies in an apartment, you should cross off his number from your contact list.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with medical reports about the puppy’s parents, paying special attention to hereditary dysplasia. A breeder who has nothing to hide will definitely have the results of the examination and x-rays.

Bloodhound puppies, depending on their pedigree and their own characteristics, cost from 50 to 90 thousand rubles. The price is also influenced by the famous name of the nursery.

Hunting and detection activities with a bloodhound

Careful breeding and selection have made Bloodhounds ideal pursuers of animals, both on a fresh trail and on a trail left a few days ago.

A dog can follow a trail for several hundred kilometers, without stopping or resting. The bloodhound bloodhound takes over the entire process of pursuit: the hunter is only required to follow the dog. When the hound gets to the animal, it will emit a unique roar - in a dull, hoarse bass.

Bloodhounds can take part in hunting any animal - from badgers to moose. The best hunters are females.

Bloodhounds have no equal in pursuing game on the trail of blood. And in various competitions there will definitely be a place for finding game along the “bloody path”.

Bloodhounds are used mainly in the USA as detection dogs. The hounds search for missing people and help find victims of rubble and disasters.

A keen sense of smell is complemented by anatomical details that help in the search:

  • long hanging ears work like a fan, helping the dog to feel the right smell and cutting off everything unnecessary;
  • folds on the muzzle narrow the bloodhound's vision, helping to concentrate on the task.


There are not many breeders in Russia who are professionally involved in breeding bloodhounds. The main part is concentrated in the capital region. You can view photos of animals and purchase purebred Saint-Hubert dog puppies in the following kennels in Moscow:

  • “Ksenia’s Hope”;
  • “The Legend of Arden”

The Bloodhound is a breed with a keen sense of smell and a loving heart. This hound must be led by a strong but fair leader. Long walks and the opportunity to always be close to the owner are a simple recipe for happiness for Saint-Hubert dogs.

Character [edit | edit code ]

Bloodhounds are extremely balanced dogs; they almost never show aggression. They are very hardworking and can spend hours sniffing around unfamiliar territory, finding out who has been here and when. They are faithful companions and reliable friends, but they are practically not used as guards, since they are very good-natured. It is best to keep such dogs outside the city, in a large area where the pet can move freely. Despite all their outward gentleness, Bloodhounds have a stubborn disposition, so it is very difficult to force them to do anything against their will. They can be educated, as well as trained, but with great difficulty.

The Russian television series “Plot” was released in 2003 and quickly became incredibly popular. Many lovers of unusual breeds, having learned which dog starred and became famous in the film “The Plot,” got just such a pet.

Bloodhound Care Tips

  • Bloodhounds have short fur, but they are so active and energetic that they get dirty very quickly, so they need to be bathed often. This is especially true for ears, which constantly drag along the ground and end up in the food bowl. Wash dogs with PH-balanced shampoo. Before washing, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of one to three. Rinse it off the animal's skin well, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences: dandruff, irritation, allergies and even eczema. Products for humans are not suitable for dogs, as they are very harsh and concentrated. Dry your dog in a heated room with the windows closed. Only after complete drying can you go for a walk with your pet. It is enough to comb them twice a week using special rubber brushes and mittens that perfectly pull out dead hairs. During the shedding period and until it ends, it is better to comb them every day. This way you will help the Bloodhound renew its “coat” faster. It is better to carry out the procedure outside, as the eyelashes of the hairs stick into furniture, carpets and are difficult to remove.
  • The claws are trimmed regularly using nail clippers, or you can file them with a file.
  • Blandhounds have long ears. Dogs constantly walk with their heads down, exploring scents on the ground and in the bushes. Therefore, regularly inspect the ears for ticks, because the presence of such a parasite can greatly affect the health of your pet. They also need to be cleaned at least twice a week to avoid ear infections, using a lotion that softens the wax. The auricle is filled with the concentrate, gently massaged at the base, and unnecessary dirt is wiped off with a cotton pad.
  • Rub the eyes only when irritated, towards the inner corner.
  • From a young age, the dog must be taught to brush its teeth once or twice weekly. A special brush (fitted on your finger) and edible paste for dogs, which can be bought at zoological pharmacies, will help you. Brush your teeth in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. For prevention, toys made from environmentally friendly and hard rubber and edible bones from pressed cattle veins are on sale.
  • Bloodhound feeding should be strictly limited and in small portions. These canines are terrible gluttons and suffer from bloating. Therefore, never give your dog food before going for a walk. There should be no pieces from the table, especially human food. Individuals who are overweight suffer from problems with joints, heart and stomach. Such defects then become chronic. The main composition of natural food for mature dogs is meat (veal, chicken, turkey). Cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, some vegetables and fruits make up only twenty percent. When eating this way, be sure to give vitamins and minerals in addition to food. “Naturalka” can be an excellent replacement for ready-made premium and super-premium food. The composition of professional concentrates selected by specialists fully satisfies the needs of the dog’s body. Such food provides your pet with all the necessary substances for its excellent health and excellent appearance.
  • Walking on the street only on a leash, and free walking only in a fenced area. Walk your pet at least twice a day, from an hour to an hour and a half.

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Caring for the Bloodhound breed

The Bloodhound's coat is short and elastic, it does not require special care, only when it gets dirty. It is enough to comb the wool with a rubber mitten once a week and monitor eye and ear hygiene.

Bloodhoud's eyes are prone to souring, so once a week they need to be wiped with strong tea or a special solution.

Dogs of this breed explore all objects that come their way, so after each walk it is necessary to inspect the dog’s face, ears, folds in detail and clean them of dust, soil, cobwebs and other debris.

Care is complicated by the fact that Bloodhounds are a “drooling” dog breed and owners need to closely monitor the condition of the dog’s nose and mouth.

You only need to walk a Bloodhound on a leash, because if a representative of this breed picks up a trail that is interesting to him, the owner simply will not be able to keep up with him.

Which dog starred in the movie "The Plot"

In the multi-part series “Plot” the narration is told on behalf of a dog with sad eyes and a menacing nickname Caesar, who tells the viewer about the events in Anisovka.

Initially, it was not intended to introduce a dog into the series as one of the characters.

The creators of the series were faced with the question of choosing a breed for a long time, but as a result, a bloodhound named Caesar was involved in the filming.

Sergei Bezrukov quickly got used to the role of the owner of such a large, expressive-looking dog.

Read more about the largest dogs in the article:

The film crew was not delighted with such an actor, which was explained by the need to remove the saliva flowing from his muzzle before almost every take.

A dog of the Dogue de Bordeaux breed was considered as a companion to the main serial character. However, during preparation for filming, the animal fell ill.

Once in one scene, Bezrukov and Caesar were looking for a gun casing. Caesar sniffed, ran, and dug the ground with his paws. But Bezrukov was the first to discover the cartridge case. The dog, out of frustration, butted the actor from behind with his head so much that he could barely stand on his feet. This episode is in the series.

The bloodhound named Caesar liked the actor Sergei Bezrukov and the trainer working on the set due to his thoughtfulness, sedateness and philosophical outlook on life.

The article will tell you how to train dogs.

The American police dog was the perfect fit for the role of the four-legged friend of a rural policeman. After the series aired, Caesar quickly became a celebrity not only on the set, but also in real life.

All about the new season of the series “Dog”: during filming, the Count bit 15 people, but Mukhtar has bitten no one yet!

  • The project first started on NTV in May 2016. Since then, the channel has already aired three seasons of the project. Filming for the film lasted for five years: during this time, 108 episodes were filmed, which is 108 hours of airtime.
  • The leading role – operative Max Maksimov – invariably remains theater and film actor Nikita Panfilov. But his four-legged companions are played by different actors - in the first two seasons, the role of hero Nikita Panfilov’s faithful companion was played by a dog named Count. In the third and now fourth (or fifth?) seasons, the role of the Dog is played by a German shepherd named Mukhtar - the son of that same legendary Count.

Nikita Panfilov had to build a relationship with Mukhtar for a long time

  • Unlike his experienced father, who at the time of the start of filming already had a decent amount of acting experience - the dog starred in 200 episodes of the series "Mukhtar" - the new Dog appeared on the screen for the first time. Nikita Panfilov had to build a relationship with Mukhtar for a long time: at first the dog did not understand what it needed to do and why. But thanks to the work of dog handlers, the new Dog quickly learned to perform the assigned tasks.

The series takes place in a fictional place called Ganalupa.

  • But it is Mukhtar who is more distinguished by his friendliness - during the filming, the Count bit 15 people, and Mukhtar has bitten no one so far.
  • A dog's working day, like a child's, is four hours.
  • The series takes place in a fictional place called Ganalupa. The heroes have passports and car numbers that are not found anywhere in the world. The series also features non-existent addresses that are named after the film crew. Thus, attentive viewers can notice Saminin and Kaptan streets, the dead end of Denis Rodnyansky, Mikhail Zhonin Lane and others.

Maxim Maximov wears the same clothes

  • Maxim Maximov wears the same clothes, guided by Albert Einstein’s principle: “If I spend time choosing a suit, I will never do anything useful.” Max has seven identical suits.

Max can't stop loving his ex-wife Lena

  • The series is vertical, each new episode is a separate story, connected only by the love story of the main characters. Max just can’t stop loving his ex-wife Lena (Olga Oleksiy), who married his former best friend Leonidov (Andrey Saminin).

Gnezdilov is most famous for his phrases

  • The strangest character in the film is Igor Gnezdilov, performed by Mikhail Zhonin. Initially, the authors conceived the hero of Zhonin as an antagonist of the main character and a villain, but during the filming he acquired additional qualities in the form of comical stupidity. Gnezdilov is most famous for his phrases, which are mainly invented by Mikhail Zhonin for his character.
  • Gnezdilov’s phrases (spelling corresponds to pronunciation):

“Don’t worry, not a single mouse will fly through me.”

“Listen, I’m just okay with being a moron, and if you tease me about something, then those are your problems.”

“I’m crazy, I have a certificate”

“Gnezdilov at the smartphone”

“I have a black belt in hibiscus”” That’s it! The crime is covered!

“The best detective injured his left half-ass.” “These are new shoes, made from a crocodile face!”

“Maksimov, your boss has categorically forbidden you from doing this examination.” “We’ll play sponge, right!?”

“That’s it, I’m on abstinence” “While you’re doing endura here, I found the killer”

“Leonidov, you removed the fifth ass from the main table! Fast!"

"This is an Umbian button"

“Don’t worry, not a single mouse will fly through me.”

“Listen, I’m just okay with being a moron, and if you tease me about something, then those are your problems.”

“I’m crazy, I have a certificate”

“Gnezdilov at the smartphone”

“I have a black belt in hibiscus”” That’s it! The crime is covered!” “The best detective injured his left half-ass.” “These are new shoes, made from a crocodile face!”

“Maksimov, your boss has categorically forbidden you from doing this examination.” “We’ll play sponge, right!?”

“That’s it, I’m abstinent”

“While you’re doing endura here, I found the killer.”

“Leonidov, you removed the fifth ass from the main table! Fast!"

"This is a killer button"

Thanks to the work of the dog handlers, the new Dog quickly learned to perform the assigned tasks.

  • The story about freelancer Max and his faithful shaggy friend nicknamed Dog was very popular with viewers: thus, the maximum share of the project reached 20.5%, and the series collected more than 70 million views on the Internet. "Dog" earned a 9.0 rating on IMDb, the world's largest film database.
  • The project has taken root not only in Russia. In the spring of 2022, the NTV channel sold international broadcast and digital rights to the action-packed detective story “Dog” to the global distributor Dori Media Group.


Characteristic diseases

The following pathologies are typical for Bloodhound dogs:

  • Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia
  • Volvulus, bloating
  • Dermatitis (susceptibility to the disease is due to the presence of skin folds)
  • Ectropion
  • Entropion
  • Cherry eye

Dogs of this breed are very friendly, which does not make them excellent guards - a bloodhound may well make friends with a stranger who has entered the territory of your home illegally


The first vaccination for Bloodhound dogs is given at the age of 9 weeks (as a rule, the first vaccination is done in the kennel), repeated vaccination occurs after 3-4 weeks.

An adult dog is vaccinated annually. Ten days before the actual vaccination, an equally important procedure is carried out - the animal is dewormed or, more simply put, wormed.

Dogs of this breed need a burst of energy, but puppies should not be overtired, otherwise their body will not have enough strength to form bones, muscles and joints. The most optimal walking regime is 2 walks a day, 45 minutes each.

External features of the Bloodhound breed

Experts characterize the description of the Bloodhound breed and its standards with the following facts:

  • The average weight of a male can reach 50 kg, and a female - 45 kg
  • The height of a male individual reaches 72 cm, and that of a female individual reaches 66 cm.
  • the most massive part of the bloodhound’s body is the head with characteristic folds from the eyes to the neck: large nose, voluminous ears
  • muscular neck, long enough to hold the head in a comfortable position for searching for prey
  • strong saber-shaped tail

Education and training

Along with socialization, Bloodhound puppies must be taught the restrictive commands: “Nelya” and “Come.” They will come in very handy - stubbornness and hunting instincts can turn a young bloodhound into a real punishment. Training begins at the age of two months.

Even during the period of breeding of this breed in British monasteries, it was noticed that Bloodhounds do not like to study, they are only interested in persecution. Over the years, the stubbornness of dogs has been smoothed out a little, but training a bloodhound still adds headaches to dog handlers.

The bloodhound's slow execution of commands and reluctance to do anything require patience and perseverance from the trainer. And also - a large supply of treats, which serves as good motivation for bloodhounds, in contrast to affectionate words.

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