Labrador Peninsula on the world map, where it is located, coordinates, discovery

Do you know what a peninsula is and how it may differ from the main part of any continent? From a geographical point of view, this is a piece of land that can be surrounded on three sides by seas or oceans. It is undoubtedly annexed to the mainland, therefore it is always part of a certain state. These are the characteristics that the Labrador Peninsula, which is located in the eastern part of Canada, is famous for. This is a fairly large piece of land on which three provinces were able to locate. Its natural world is also rich, so now we will take a closer look at all the features of this wonderful corner of the planet.


Area 400,000 km². The peninsula is located in the north of central Siberia, between the mouths of the Yenisei and Khatanga. Located beyond the Arctic Circle, Taimyr is characterized by a harsh climate. Winter lasts 8 months.

The landscape is represented by tundra and arctic deserts. Rocky lands with lichens and bushes give way to cedar forests. Taimyr is home to reindeer, musk ox, arctic fox, and sable. Walruses set up rookeries on the coasts.

Internal and external reservoirs are rich in fish. The territory of the peninsula belongs to Russia.

Balkan Peninsula

Area 505,000 km². The peninsula is located in southern Europe. The mountainous terrain dominates here, the climate is humid and cool. In the south there are pine and oak forests, the north is represented by broad-leaved forests.

The fauna is diverse, with many representatives of reptiles, amphibians and birds. Among the mammals you can find wild boar, roe deer, deer, and bear.

The peninsula is shared by 13 countries, including Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria.

The Iberian Peninsula

Area 582,000 km². The territory is located in southwestern Europe, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to the Pyrenees, the climate in different parts of the peninsula has its own characteristics. The north and west are dominated by peat bogs and broad-leaved forests. To the south the flora takes on a Mediterranean character.

There are groves of cork oak and dwarf palm trees here. In the interior, the landscape resembles a semi-desert. There are 25 species of birds. There are many reptiles and fish, but few predators have survived. You can meet deer, wild boars, mountain goats, and bears.

The lands of the peninsula belong to Spain, France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.


Area 750,000 km². The peninsula is located in northeast Africa. This area has an arid climate. Summer temperatures are +34˚C, which is why the flora is not very diverse.

Tropical forests grow along the banks of water bodies. The rest of the land is covered with grass and bushes. The animal world has many faces, but some species are on the verge of extinction. Crocodiles, hyenas, lions, and buffalos live here.

The peninsula belongs to the Federal Republic of Somalia and Ethiopia.

Asia Minor

Area 756,000 km². The land lies in western Asia. It is washed by the Black, Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean seas. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus.

The climate is subtropical, January temperatures average +10˚C. Evergreen and broad-leaved forests grow on the mountain slopes, which merge into the zone of alpine meadows.

The fauna is rich in mammals, reptiles, birds and fish. The peninsula belongs to Turkey.

Scandinavian Peninsula

The area is approximately 800,000 km². The territory is located in the northwestern part of Europe. The north and west of the peninsula are famous for their fjords, which form many islands and archipelagos. In the south and east there are dangerous underwater rocks. The climate is mostly temperate.

Almost half of the territory is occupied by forests. There are coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests. The fauna is represented by deer, elk, foxes and hares. There are bird colonies on the coasts. Sea waters are rich in fish. Norway, Sweden and Finland are located on the peninsula.


Area 1.4 million km². The lands are located in eastern Canada. On one side it is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the other by several bays. Mountain ranges rise in the east.

The climate is cool, average summer temperatures do not exceed +18˚C. Most of the territory lies in the forest-tundra zone. The flora is represented by firs, larches, and white spruces.

Labrador is home to martens, foxes and muskrats. The peninsula belongs to Canada.


The area is more than 2 million km². The territory is located in the southern part of Asia. Hindustan lies in the equatorial monsoon belt. 90% of the annual rain falls during the summer. The inland areas, covered by mountains, have a dry climate. The flora consists of alternating savannas with light forests.

Mangrove vegetation is observed along the river banks. Most of the tropical forests have been cut down, and the area is occupied by plantations. There are many representatives of the cat family in Hindustan: tigers, spotted leopards. Amphibians, birds and reptiles are common. The peninsula is shared by India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


The area is about 2.4 million km². The peninsula is located in southeast Asia, between the water basins of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The terrain of the territory is varied: mountainous areas give way to plateaus and lowlands.

Indochina is located in the equatorial and subequatorial climate zone. Tropical forests coexist with mangroves, but most of the natural vegetation has been replaced by cultivated plants. Animals include monkeys, tigers, rhinoceroses, and wild cats.

Indochina is home to Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Arabian Peninsula

The area is about 3.25 million km². The peninsula is located in southwest Asia. Influenced by continental tropical air, the peninsula has low rainfall all year round. The relief is represented by deserts, lowlands, plateaus and mountain ranges. There are no permanent bodies of water here.


Purchasing a dog is a very important point that must be approached responsibly, taking into account the opinions of all family members, the health status of household members (none of them should be allergic to wool), living conditions and financial situation. Breeders strongly do not recommend getting a Labrador puppy if there are children under three years old in the house. A child requires a lot of attention and strength, therefore, the owners will not have any left for another baby. In addition, this is dangerous, because children can unknowingly hurt an animal, and a dog, in turn, can bite a child. Older children should be explained that a dog needs to be looked after, it needs affection and communication.

The puppy should be adopted at 6-8 weeks of age. During this period, he has already developed communication skills and is able to adequately perceive others. You should not buy a baby Labrador from an advertisement - there is no guarantee that the puppy is purebred and does not have any defects.

If you are interested in Labrador puppies, then when purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is better to contact professional breeders who will provide you with all the necessary information about the puppy’s pedigree, its behavior and health. The coordinates of nurseries can be found on specialized websites or found out at a veterinary clinic.
  2. When purchasing a puppy, you must draw up a purchase and sale agreement, issue a puppy card and a veterinary passport.
  3. Carefully examine the puppy: it must be healthy, vaccinated, well-groomed, clean, non-aggressive, and branded.
  4. It is recommended to take a puppy from a homogeneous healthy litter. If among the puppies there are sick, aggressive or too quiet, it may well be that the rest of the offspring have hidden defects.

Determine for yourself the purpose for which you are purchasing a Labrador. If your goal is to raise a champion, then ask the puppy’s parents how they meet the breed standard.

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Newfoundland and Labrador are two peninsulas and one province in Canada, rich in history and natural beauty.
  • These lands were occupied many years ago by people who came there in search of experience and impressions, and stayed for life.
  • The first visitors to the islands were the Vikings (Scandinavians), and early settlers came from England, Ireland and Scotland.

Newfoundland and Labrador is the easternmost Canadian province, located in the northeastern corner of North America. It also includes thousands of small islands.

The symbols of the province are the caribou reindeer, the puffin bird and the black spruce tree.

The word “Newfoundland” means “new land”, and the Labrador Peninsula got its name thanks to the scientist of the same name who discovered it.


The Newfoundland Peninsula is separated from Labrador by the Strait of Belle Isle. Newfoundland has a rocky, deeply indented coastline.

Most of the peninsula is a plateau with many lakes and swamps, and a large part of the Labrador peninsula is covered with dense forests.


The climate in the province is subarctic. Strong winds and storms are often observed here. Researchers also call this place the foggiest on earth.

Summers in the province are cool and the growing season is short, so agriculture here develops slowly, only potatoes and a few types of vegetables are grown.


The majority of residents live on the Newfoundland peninsula and only 5% on the Labrador peninsula. They are mainly British, French, Indians, and in the north of Labrador you can see Eskimos.

People live in fishing villages along the coast, in small rural communities and in cities.

The capital of the province is St. John's. Approximately 100 thousand people live there, and the total number of people on the peninsulas is about 600 thousand people.

Fish processing is one of the main industries of the province. Fishermen catch cod, herring, salmon, flounder, tuna, as well as lobsters, shrimp and crabs. Main export products: oil, iron ore and electricity.

Churchill Falls, which is located on the Labrador Peninsula, is the second largest underground hydroelectric power station in the world.

Facts about Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador is the only province that has 4 flags, its own time zone, its own "encyclopedia", its own "dictionary" and even its own "dog".

Here they made the first transatlantic flight, invented wireless communications and an artificial ice arena. The active people who inhabit this province give it natural beauty, develop a culture and an extensive heritage that has existed for more than 5 thousand years.

The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has special places that feel like heaven, where people flock every summer. Tent cities offer picturesque views of the mountains. There you can enjoy the healthy northern air and discover truly wild places.

The diverse nature makes this mysterious province unforgettable. You can find turquoise, lime green, and raspberries on every corner. It's easy to forget that this place is as real as the sea that surrounds it.

  1. Video
  2. On the map
  3. Weather
  4. The island's climate is temperate maritime, but quite harsh; the northern tip of the island and all of Labrador belong to the Subarctic zone.
  5. Temperatures of the warmest month - August - range from +15 °C on the island to +10 °C on Labrador, temperatures in January - respectively from -4 °C to -20 °C.
  6. St. John's - average July temperature +15.3 °C, January -3.8 °C, absolute maximum +30.6 °C, minimum -23.3 °C.



Inu canoe jasau shamamen. 1920

Erte tarikh

Models Basque kit mayyn balqytu factories Kyzyl shyganagy
Labradordagy erte konstanu teniz korsetkendey tenizge baylangan Montanya (nemese Innu) zhane Inuitdegenmen, bul khalyktar sonymen qatar bukil interior ңyzdy өzgerіster zhasady.

Dep sanaidy Norsemen bezdіn dәuіrіmіzdіn 1000-shi zhildarynda Labradordy korgen algashky europalyktar bolds, bіrak Soltustik America matіndе Scandinavialyktardyң kaldyktary tabylg en jok. Audan retinde belgili boldy Markland

zhyly Greenlandic Scandinavia zhane turgyndary retіndе belgіlі boldy

1499 zhen 1500 zhyldary portugaldyk sayahatshylar Joano Fernandez Lavrador zhene Barcelos onyyn atauy shykkan dep esepteletin kazirgi Labradorga zhetti.[3]Maggiolo Alem kartasy, 1511, Scandinavia Salt Ustiq polestin aynalasynda, soni išinde Asian arctic zhagalauynda, Newfoundland-Labrador men Greenland deyingi katty Eurasia continent korsetedi . Soltustik American totenshe Soltustik shygysynda Majgiolo zher-su ataulary bar Terra de los Ingres

(Ағылшын тилі), инe
Portugaladagy Terra de Lavorador
(Portugal Corolіnің Lavrador gerі).
Odan arі ontustіkte bіz baikaymyz Terra de corte nakty elektrondy portals
(“Corte-Real” men Portugal Corinne zheri) zhane
terra de pescaria
(Balyk aulauga arnalgan zher).
1532 zhyly Wolfenbüttel kartasinda, dep esepteledi Diogo Ribeiro, Greenland zhagalauynda kelesi anyz kosyldy: Ony birinshi ret korgen adam Azor araldaryn farmers bolgandyktan, bul atau sol elge zhaky n more qaladas.
Bul Joa Fernandez dep esepteledi. ХVІ ғасырдиң алғашқы зеті онжылдыктарынDA немезе Labrador еімі каеди Greenland сеп зілінін зерімізже касты блади.[4] Labrador (Portuguese "Lavrador") zherdin егіншісі незе егіншісі degendi bildiredi (Latin "Enbekten") - zhumyshy zherі. Europalyk қonystanu kobіnese zhaғalaudagy қauymdastyқtarda, љіres St. Lewis Pen Cape Charleston ontustіgіndе соғырLANған зәне олар and many tabyladas.

1542 zhyly Bask tengіzshіleri Belle araly bұғазінѣ злүстік-шығыс zagaluyndagy tabig i lakka zhagka shykta. Olar bul "zhana zherge" Latvian atau berdi Terranova

Olar dep atagan shyganaktyn aynalasynda kit aulau stationy kuryldy Butus
zhane endi olar ozderimen birge akelgen kyzyl terakotalik shatyr tiles ushin kyzyl shyganak dep ataldy.
Kit aulaytyn keme San Juan
, 1565 zhyly suga batyp, 1978 zhyly Asken.[5]

The Moravialyk bauyrlar turals Errnhut, Saxony, Algash ret 1760 zhyly Labrador zhagalauyn qonys audarushy inuit taipalaryna qizmet etu ushin keldi. Olar Nein, Okak, Hebron, Hopedale zhane Makkoviktin negіzin kalady. Labrador zhagalauyndagy europalyk zhane birinshi ulttardyn eldi-mekenderi ote kedey, zhuk kolіgi men zhuk tasityn kemelerden paida kordi. Grenfell missions (Karanyz Wilfred Grenfell). 20-shi gasyrda teniz zhagalaularynda zhuk tasymaldaushylar men ferry bastapqyda zhumys istedi Newfoundland Temir zholy zhane keyinirek Canada ulttyk temіrzholy/CN Marine/Atlant tenizi sol gasyrdy A large amount of salt is needed for the American system.

Labrador boldy Zhana France negіzinen 1748 w. deyin Paris bitimy (1763) was ayaktaldy Frenchman Jeanne Indy sogysy Jeanne Franciakoshti (Labradors Cosa Alganda, Araldaryn Cospaganda) Saint-Pierre Jeanne Miquelon Newfoundland ontustik- Batysynda) Britandyktarga deyinggi aumakty baskardy Quebec provinces Labrador ornalaskan 1791 zhyly ony ekіge bolgenge deyin Tomengі Canada. Alayda, 1809 British emperors Ukimeti Labradors bolek, ozin-ozi baskaruga beru ushin Tomengi Canadadan bolіp tastady. Newfoundland colonies.


Keywords: Newfoundland Convention, 1948 Newfoundland Referendums, Canadian Confederation § Confederation

Bolіgі retіndе Newfoundland 1809 zhyldan bastap Labrador alі kunge deyin dauly bolyp keldi Quebec 1927 zhyly agylshyndar shekaralaryn sheshkenge dein. 1949 Newfoundland Confederation of Canada, Canada karamyna ena (tolyk akparat alu ushіn zhogarydagy makalalardy karanyz).

Zhok 1771 zhyly kuryldy Moravialyk missionary

Labrador ekeuinde de strategikalyk rolderdi oinady Ekіnshі dүniezhuzіlіk sogys zhane kyrgy kabak sogys. 1943 zhildyn kazanynd nemis kayyk crew Labradordyn saltustik shetinen Chidli muyisine zhakyn perch automatictandyrylgan weather station ornatkan Aua-rayi beketi Kurt; zhabdykty ornatu sogys kezinde Soltustik America matergindegi zhalgyz belgіlі nemis askeri operations boldy. Station nemis fleet in aua-raiyn baqylaumen birneshe kun gan ainalyskan, birak 1980 zhyldary tarikhshy, Canadany zhagalau kuzeti, onyyn ornyn anyktap, ony kalpyna keltir our expedition I'm jasadas. Kazir station kormede Kanadalyk sogys murazhayy.[6]

Canada Ukіmetі әуе күштерінінѣ ірі басын құрди қус шығағы, басінд Melville kolі екінші зүзілік сус казіNDе зері ўірі, зізже шғуы, кOR Galatyn orny zhane minimaldy tumanyn na baylanysty tandalgan site. Ekіnshі dүniezhүzіlіk soғys pen қырғи қабақ сғыс казінде was based in American, British, Keyinn Nemis, Dutch and Italian detachments and bolds. Bugin Serco company kelіsіmshartka otyrdy CFB Goose Bay іrі zhumys berushіlerdin bir bolí bolí tablády Bakýtty alkap-kaz šēgany.

Sonymen qatar, ekkeui de Canada king dіk әуе күшторі zhәne America Құрама Штуттарынѣ әуе күшTERі ққұRaмынDA Labrador jagalaуynda bіrқаtаr radar stationlar salyndy zhұmус іsteady Pinetree Lisi, Canada ortasy zhane DEW zhelіsi zhuyeler. Bugіngі kүnі kalgan stationar automatictandyrylgan Solstik eskertu zhuyesіdegenmen, kyrgy kabak sogystyn algashqy kezengіndegі askeri қonystar os stasalardy korshap t Urgan everywhere, negіzinen zhergіlіkti Innu zhane Inuit populations Ozderіnің porttars men airfields zhanynda zhinalgandyktan zhalgaskan.

20 Gasyrdyn birinshi zhartysynda kabyr iriri temir rudasy alemdegi ken oryndary Labradordyn batys boligi men Quebect irgeles aimaktarynda tabyldy. Deposittor Mont Wright, Schefferville20 ғасырдиң екінші zhartysynda Labrador qalasy men Wabush audanda өnerkаsіptіk damudy zаne аdamdаrdyң қουѕtаnuуn қamtаmasyz ettiі.

Kazakhstan Labrador Batys tolygymen aimaktagy temir orudasyn ondirudin natizhesti bolyp tabylada. Canadian temir rudasy kompaniyasy zhumys іstadі Québec Soltustik zhagalauy zhane Labrador temir zholy ken concentrate portka ontustikke karaj 578 shakyrym (359 mi) tasymaldau Sept-Elès, Quebec, Soltustik Americada not baska zherlerde bolat zauyttaryna zhoneltu ushin.

1960 zhildardyn ishіnde Churchill Ozeni (Labrador atauy: Grand Ozeni) Churchill sarkyramasynda buryldy, natizhesinde orasan zor aumakty su basyp kaldy - bugin Newfoundlandt algashky premieres Joy Smallwoodtyn esіmіmen Shamfudwood su koimasy ataldy. Su koimasyn su basu kaupi tongen Woodland Caribou ushіn tyrshilik etu ortasyn ulken aumagyn zhoydy. Labrador hydroelectric power station zhane korshiles Quebec province sons of electricity zhelisi salyndy.

Maskrat sarkyramasynda irі hydroelectric bogetinin zhobasyn 2012 zhyly Nalcor Energy in Newfoundland provinces of Salgan. Muskrat sarkyramasy - Grand Ozenіndegі (Newfoundland auty: Churchill Ozenі) Happi alkaby-kazynan batyska karai 45 km (30 miles). Elektkіzu zhelіsі 2014 zhyldyn kazan ayynda kurylysty bastady zhane 2016 zhyly ayaktaldy, ol kuatty Labradordin ontustik sheti men Belle aralynyn bugazy argyly su asty argyly 2022 lived in Newfoundland, the province of the sons of Zhetkized.[7]

1970 zhildardan 2000 zhyldardyn basyna deyin Trans-Labrador mainline әr үрлі ішкі қаумдистікћтары Solstіktіk Amerikadaғy magistraldyk zhelіge kosu ushіn kezeng-kezenѣmen salyndy Mont -Wright, Quebec Bul highway ontustik zhalgasy 2000 zhyldardyn basynda kezeng-kezenimen ashyldy zhane natizhesinde Belle Isle buzazy men Labradordyn ontustik-shygysynda zagalaudagy ferry үеінде айтарліқтай өжерістер boldy. Bul "magistraldar" aimak ushіn manyzdy bolgandyktan gana send atalady; olar tolygymen asphalttalmagan, zholdar dep sipattalsa zhaksy bolar edi.

Boyynsha zertteu bekitilgen siltem Newfoundlandke, 2004 zhyly astynan tunnel zhasauda usyndy Belle Isle bugazyzhenil avtoder, bustar men zhuk kolikterin tasymaldaytyn biryngay temirzhol bol otyryp, munday bailanystyn technology zhagynan en zhaksy nuskasy boldy. Alaida, zertteu sonymen bіrge bekіtіlgen baylanys ekonomikalyk túrgydan tiіmdi emes degen korytyndyga keldi. Eger federaldy komekpen salynsa, 1949 zhylgy odak sharttaryn ferry kyzmetin alyp tastaytyn tuzetuler engіzіluі mumkin Zhana Scotland dein Port aux Basques archyly Kabot bugazy.

Degenmen tas zhol Labrador boyynsha 2009 zhyldyn 16 zheltoksanyndagy zhagday boyynsha ayaktaldy, bu route usynylgannan biraz uzagyrak Quebec Soltustiq Shor tas zholy kazirgi uakytta zhok. "Magistraldyn" Bolіgі, 389 routeBai-Komodan Shamamen 212 kilometer den (132 miles) 482 Shakyrymga deyin (300 miles) tomen ornalaskan, al sol zherden 570 Shakyrymga deyin (350 miles) provincial shekarasy apatka How to use a large number of tables. now nashar beti zhane otkir kisyktary. Quebec 2009 zhildyn souirinde 389 routes on kurdeli zhanartular zhurgiziletindigin habarlady.

389 route pen Trans-Labrador highway of Canada қсылди Ұлттиқ 2005-year old car.

Labrador ber musheni saylaytyn federaldy saylau okrug kuraydy kanadyn kauymdar chambers. Labrador ozіnің kolemіne, erekshe tabigatyna zhane bayyrgy turgyndarynyn koptigіne baylanysty Canadadagi kez-kelgen saylau okrugіnің eng az halky Bolganyna karamastan bir oryn Yes. Buryn Labrador Newfoundland aralynyn bіr boligіn kamtityn seruendaudin boligі bogan. Labrador is a provincial town in the district of Newfoundland and Labrador assemblies.

Labrador Sea - map, location, waters, description of the Labrador sea

The Labrador Sea is the northernmost body of water in the Atlantic; its waters were formed 40,000,000 years ago after the separation of the island of Greenland from the mainland of North America.

General description of the Labrador Sea

The Labrador Sea has free access to the waters of the Atlantic and is also adjacent to the Baffin Sea through the Davis Strait. In addition, through the Hudson Strait there is access to the bay of the same name. The water area also includes several other bays that require special attention: Humberend, Hamilton, Ungavu, Chore and Saglek.

Labrador can confidently be called an oceanic interisland sea, which is part of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the aforementioned Greenland, the boundaries of the water area pass through islands such as Newfoundland and Baffin Island. The Labrador Peninsula is also of particular interest.

It is by the name of this peninsula that the sea is named Labrador.

The sea is also in close proximity to the Arctic Ocean.

Labrador Sea on the map

Bottom relief of the Labrador Sea

The bottom of the reservoir, as a rule, consists of rock of igneous nature. The reason for its appearance lies in the great activity of once active volcanoes. The relief has a highly dissected shape. As for the shelf, it extends in a fairly wide strip, reaching a length of up to 250 km.

Adebietter tizimi

  1. “Labrador Nunatsuak: Elken zher turaly әңгіmeler.” Archivtelgen tupnuska 2017-09-12. Alyngan 2017-07-04.
  2. Wadden, Marie (Zheltoksan 1991). Nitassinan: Innulardyn oz Otanyn kaytaryp alu ushіn kuresi
    . Douglas Jane McIntyre. b. 240. ISBN 978-1-55365-731-6. Archivtelgen tupnuska 2013-01-21. Alyngan 2012-11-19.
  3. Bailey W. Diffie and George D. Vinius (1977). Portugal empire son negizderi
    . Minnesota University Baspas. b. 464. ISBN 0-8166-0782-6. Alyngan 13 Tamyz, 2010.
  4. Karanyz Williamson, James A. (1962). Henry VII kezindegi Kabo sayahattara zhene Bristol ashyluy
    . London. 98, 120-1, 312-17. OCLC 808696.
  5. Richardson, Nigel (1 May 2015). “Canadada mangilik baskilik burysh.” Daily Telegraph
    . London. Alyngan 12 January 2022.
  6. “1943 years of Labrador Kurt weather stations Turgyzyldy.” Alyngan 2010-02-18.
  8. "Labrador Canada shekarasy." Marianopolis. 2007 Alyngan 2008-03-20. Labrador zany, 1809. - St. John Ozeninen Gadzon strittaryna deyingi Labrador zhagalauynyn asynday bolikterin Newfoundlandke kaita kosudy kozdegen imperialyk act (49 Geo. III, vol. 27), 1809. atalgan Antikosti arali zhane Newfoundland Ukimetine send kosylatyn barlyk kishigirim araldar, ituly kazanny kuninde bir we zheti zhuz alpys ush (atalgan Madeleine araldar ynan baska) atalgan үkіmetten bolіnedі. Tomengi Canadadan zhane kaytadan Newfoundland үkіmetіne kosylyңyz. '
  9. ^ a b
    Frank Jacobs (2012, 10th century).
    “Oh, (Zhok) Canada!” Pikir bildirushi: Shekara syzyktary
    . The New York Times. Alyngan 15th century, 2012.
  10. “Henri Dorion Labrador shekarasy turaly he keremet anyzdy zhokka shygardy.” Quebec Ulttyk Zhinalysy, birinshi session, 34th zan shygarush body
    . 17 Kazan 1991. Muragattalgan tupnuska 2009 zhilgy 26 Kazanda. Alyngan 18 Mamir, 2011.
  11. Brassard, Jac & Facal, Joseph (Kazan 31, 2001). “Le ministre des ressources naturelles du Québec et le ministre délégué aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes expriment la position du Québec salystyrmasy” la la désignation constitutions - Terre-Neuve.”
    (Communique) (French tilinde). Gouvernement du Québec. Archivtelgen tupnuska 2005 zhilgy 28 sәuіrde. Alyngan 18 Mamir, 2011.
  12. “Karar No. 11 - Innu Dasturli Territories.” Birnshi Ulttar Assembly 1999 zhylgy sheshimderi
    . Birnshi halyktar assemblies. 20-23 Shilde 1999 Muragattalgan tupnuska 2011 zhilgy 10 tamizda. Alyngan 18 Mamir, 2011.
  13. “Labrador Inuittin zher talaba songy kedergiden otti.” CBC Zhanalyktary. May 24, 2005 Alyngan 2018-01-29.
  14. “Newfoundland Ukimetinin consultations” (PDF). Alyngan 2019-04-06.
  15. “Canada statistics, sanak profiles, 2016 zhilgy sanak.” Canada statistics. 30 Mamir 2022 Alyngan 28 April 2022.
  16. ^ a b
    "Canada statistics, 2011 zhylgy khalyk sanagy". Canada statistics. 24 Kazan 2012 Alyngan 20 Nauryz 2014.
  17. “2014 zhylgy halyk sanagynyn takyryby.” Canada statistics. Alyngan 2014-09-06.
  18. American Naturalist
    (1898) Essex Institutes, American Naturalist Kogamy
  19. Michael Hogan (2008) Ak ayu: Ursus maritimus
    ,, ed. N. Stromberg

Coordinates of the Labrador Peninsula - Maps of all countries and cities of the world

Geographical location of the Labrador Peninsula

  1. LABRADOR, a peninsula in the northeast of the North. America, in Canada. St. 1.6 million km2. Height 200-800 m (maximum 1676 m). Forest-tundra, coniferous forests. Fishing. Deposits of iron ore and non-ferrous metals. Main settlements: Set-Ile, Shefferville.
  2. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay. The shores in the north and west are mostly low, in places skerry-like. The eastern coast is high, fjord, in the south the shores are straight. The climate is subarctic and temperate; is strongly influenced by the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay) and the cold Labrador Current.
  3. I'm from the future
  4. The Labrador Peninsula is located in eastern Canada and contains the provinces of Newfoundland, Labrador and Quebec. Labrador is located between Hudson Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic.
    The Labrador Peninsula has a temperate climate with cool summers and wet winters. There is Mount Torngat with a height of 1676 meters, the terrain is mainly hilly.

    The peninsula is home to the Churchill River and lakes Mistassini and Mishikamo. The fauna and flora are represented by species standard for the forest-tundra. Black and white spruces, balsam firs and larches grow here. The peninsula is inhabited by marten, fox, lynx and muskrat.

    The total area of ​​the Labrador Peninsula is more than 1.6 million square kilometers. In the center of the peninsula there is a large Lake Plateau, the average height of which is about 600 meters above sea level.

    The average January temperature fluctuates around -28 degrees Celsius in the northwest, to -12 degrees in the southeast.

    In summer, the temperature is about -7 degrees Celsius in the north of the peninsula, up to 18 degrees in the south. The annual precipitation ranges from 250 millimeters in the north to 1,200 millimeters in the south. On the Labrador Peninsula, many rivers are rapids and unnavigable.

  5. Labrador (French ninsule du Labrador, English Labrador Peninsula) is a peninsula in eastern Canada. Occupies the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec. Labrador (Labrador, from Portuguese lavrador farmer). It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay. The shores in the north and west are mostly low, in places skerry-like. The eastern coast is high, fjord, in the south the shores are straight. Area more than 1.6 million km#178;. It is composed of Precambrian rocks (granites, gneisses, gabbro). Geologically part of the Canadian Shield, orographically the eastern region of the Laurentian Rise. The surface is hilly with traces of anthropogenic glaciation. The eastern edge is elevated (Torngat Mountains, 1621 m), in the center is the vast Ozar Plateau with a height of 500,800 m. One of the largest ore-bearing zones in the world stretches from north to south (see Labrador iron ore belt). The climate is subarctic and temperate; is strongly influenced by the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay) and the cold Labrador Current. The average temperature in January is from -28C in the northwest to -12C in the southeast, in July from 7C in the north to 18C in the south. Precipitation ranges from 250 mm per year in the north to 1200 mm in the south. Most of Labrador's territory is covered by permafrost soils. The rivers have rapids and are not navigable (the largest is Churchill); many lakes (Mistassini, Smallwood, etc.), swamps. The predominant vegetation is forest-tundra and sparse forests of black and white spruce, balsam fir and larches. In the south there are taiga forests, in some places with an admixture of deciduous trees. Good moss pastures. Significant fur resources (marten, fox, lynx, muskrat). Populated mainly by the coast. Iron ore mining. Fur and fisheries. Significant towns: Schefferville and Sete-Isle, connected by railroad, Fort Chimo, Labrador City.

Who inhabits these northern lands?

Based on where the Labrador Peninsula is located and what its climate is like, we can assume that the population density here is extremely low. The northern provinces still remain deserted, unequipped with anything except highways and roadside motels and cafes. Closer to the south there are settlements and cities in which the population density is 1 person per 1 square kilometer. Cities that are located closer to the mainland itself have much greater density. There are already over 200 people per square kilometer. Due to the fact that people practically never set foot on these northern lands, many four-legged creatures live here. The north is famous for Canadian polar deer, snowshoe hares and tundra wolves. The central part is full of predators - foxes, lynxes, bears, wolves. Moose and deer, roe deer and beavers live in the forests next to them.

On what continent is Labrador located? - Map for tourists TRAVELEL.RU


(French péninsule du Labrador, English Labrador Peninsula) is a peninsula in eastern Canada.

  • 1 Geography
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 Nature
  • 4 Title
  • 5 Peninsula in culture
  • 6 Notes


Occupies the Labrador region of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador and the regions of Saguenay - Lake Saint-Jean, Cote-Nord, Northern Quebec of the province of Quebec.

The peninsula is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the south, Hudson Strait to the north, and Hudson Bay to the west. The shores in the north and west are mostly low, in places skerry-like. The eastern coast is high, fjord, in the south the shores are straight. Area more than 1.6 million km².

It is composed of Precambrian rocks (granites, gneisses, gabbro). Geologically, it is part of the Canadian Shield; orographically, it is the eastern region of the Laurentian Upland. The surface is hilly with traces of anthropogenic glaciation.

The eastern edge is elevated (the Torngat Mountains, the highest point of which, like all of Canada east of Alberta, is Mount D'Iberville (Kobvik) with a height of 1652 meters), in the center there is a vast Lake Plateau with a height of 500-800 meters. One of the world's largest ore-bearing zones stretches from north to south. The rivers have rapids and are not navigable.

The largest river is the Churchill, other significant rivers are the Koksoak, Arno, La Grande, Feuille, George, Grand Balen, Petite Balen, Balen, Povungkituk. There are many lakes (Mistassini, Smallwood and others) and swamps on the peninsula.


The climate is subarctic and temperate; is strongly influenced by the Arctic Ocean (Hudson Bay) and the cold Labrador Current.

The average temperature in January is from −28°C in the northwest to −12°C in the southeast, in July - from 7°C in the north to 18°C ​​in the south. Precipitation ranges from 250 mm per year in the north to 1200 mm in the south.

Most of Labrador's territory is covered by permafrost.

The predominant vegetation is forest-tundra and sparse forests of black and white spruce, balsam fir and larches. In the south there are taiga forests, in some places with an admixture of deciduous trees. Good moss pastures. Significant fur resources (marten, fox, lynx, muskrat). Torngat Mountains National Park is located in the northeast of the peninsula.

Populated mainly by the coast. Iron ore mining. Fur and fisheries. Significant cities: Schefferville and Sete-Isle, connected by railroad, Fort Chimo, Labrador City.


The peninsula is named after the Portuguese navigator and explorer João Fernandez Lavrador, who described the coast of Greenland and northeastern North America in 1498. His status as a landowner allowed him to add lavrador to his name.

Peninsula in culture

  • Vyacheslav Butusov has a song “Gibraltar-Labrador”, recorded for Boris Grebenshchikov’s project “Terrarium” with lyrics by George Gunitsky, which was included in the soundtrack to Alexey Balabanov’s film “Brother-2”
  • In the book Lion Lake by British writer Hammond Innes, the events take place in Labrador.
  • In John Wyndham's book "Aberrations" the events take place in Labrador, where humanity was reborn after a nuclear war.


  1. 12345
    Labrador (peninsula) - article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  2. Geography website. Labrador

  3. The Portuguese Explorers


Battle Harbor

Bulim boluy kerek zhanartyldy

The axles are not damaged unless you press the brace and the axles are not damaged. (Karasha 2020)

Labradors from the world

Baqytty alqap - kazdar shyganagy8,1097,7527,572
Labrador Kalasy7,2207,3677,240
Churchill sarkyramasy705634681
Soltustik Batys Ozen547553692
Port Hope Simpson412441529
Mary's Harbor341383417
Kyzyl shygangy169194357

Demographic factor (2014 zhilgy sanak)[17]

Erler/ayelder split50.7/49.3%49.0/51.0%
Ortaşa zhas38 CD10 / 28 CD1139.5
Zhergilikty pop.22%3.8%
Immigrant emes pop.95.8%78.3%
Otbasyny Ortasha Kirisi$171k CD10 / $47k CD11$61k
Zhumyssyzdyk money11.3%6.6%

(CD10, CD11 sana bolіmіne katysty)

2011 Zhylgy Sanak Boyynsha Labrador 55.1% Ak, 18.5% Inuit, 15.6% Métis Zhane 8.6% Birinshi Ult (Innu) Bolgan.


Depending on the spectrum of light glare, the following types of Labradorite are distinguished:

  • Spectrolite (“Rainbow Moonstone”) is a mineral that shines in all the colors of the rainbow. It is rare, found only in Finland.
  • “Black Moonstone” is a dark-colored labradorite with blue-blue iridescence. It is also called tausin (for its resemblance to a peacock feather) and “Madagascar moonstone” (since its homeland is the island of Madagascar).
  • Sunstone (“Oregon Sunstone”) is a mineral with an amazing golden iridescence. Mined in the USA (Oregon).
  • Lynx eye - it is characterized by bright green iridescence.
  • Andesine-labradorite. The stone was first mined in the Andes (South America), and was therefore called andesine (labradorite is the English name for labradorite). The hue is usually orange-reddish with traces of green and yellow. The color can also be red, honey red, amber, yellowish, green. In bright light, labradorescence appears in the form of a metallic sheen.


Before the arrival of Europeans, the peninsula was inhabited primarily by Cree people, particularly the Innu people in the southeastern part of the peninsula, who called their country Nitassinan

(ᓂᑕᔅᓯᓇᓐ), which means "our land" in the Innu language.
Other peoples on the peninsula include the Eastern Cree Eeyou Istchee (ᐄᔨᔨᐤ / ᐄᔨᔫ / ᐄᓅᐊᔅᒌ), the Naskapi, whose territories are called St'aschinuw
(ᒋᑦ ᐊᔅᒋᓄᐤ, also meaning "our land"), as well as the Inuit from Nunavik, Nu Natsiavut and NunatuKavut.
The area became known as Markland
in Greenlandic Norse and its inhabitants were known as

It is generally accepted that the peninsula is named after the Portuguese explorer João Fernández Lavrador. In 1499, King Manuel I of Portugal granted him a patent, which gave him the right to explore this part of the Atlantic Ocean under the Treaty of Tordesillas. With Pero de Barcelos, he first sighted Labrador in 1498, mapped the coasts of southwest Greenland and adjacent northeastern North America around 1498, and reported them to Portugal and Europe. His status as a landowner allowed him to use the title laurador

, which means "farmer" or "landowner" in Portuguese, but "Labrador" means "agricultural worker" in Spanish and Galician.
(Portuguese pronunciation: ). “He actually gave the name Terra do Lavrador to
Greenland, which was the first country he saw, but eventually the name spread to all areas until it was established for Labrador.


The Labrador Sea was formed by the separation of the North American Plate and the Greenland Plate, which began about 60 million years ago (Paleocene) and ended about 40 million years ago. The sedimentary basin that is currently buried beneath the continental shelf formed during the Cretaceous period. The beginning of the spreading of the magmatic seafloor was accompanied by volcanic eruptions of picrites and basalts in the Paleocene in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay.

Between about 500 B.C. and 1300 AD the southern coast of the sea contained Dorset, Beothuk and Inuit settlements; The Dorset tribes were later replaced by the Thule people.

Compatibility with other stones

Labradorite is a mineral of the Earth , so it gets along well with its “elemental” brothers: malachite, jasper, lapis lazuli, etc.

Water stones are also suitable for his company , for example, opal, emerald, pearls.

Air minerals : with topaz, amethyst, sapphire and other “air” stones.

It is strictly incompatible only with “fire” stones: garnet, coral, spinel, etc.


  1. 12345
    Labrador (peninsula) // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. — 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  2. [ Website Geography. Labrador]
  3. [ The Portuguese Explorers]
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Amulets, amulets, talismans

Pendant on a chain Labradorite

Amulets enhance magical visions and abilities, and activate hidden talents. Mediums use stone products to create channels with the other world. Talisman or amulet made of mineral:

  • protects against interference in the aura of alien entities;
  • protects the house from “black” magicians;
  • activates extrasensory perception;
  • helps make dreams come true;
  • reduces stress;
  • attracts harmony and luck;
  • smoothes out bad memories.

The talisman will calm an anxious person and eliminate negative influences. The stone takes power from the owner, giving the strength to act, sending prophetic dreams.

Amulets and charms made from gemstones look sophisticated and allow you to demonstrate the taste of the owner. They choose according to the horoscope, the advice of magicians or astrologers.

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