English Springer Spaniel

Breed traits

Breed traits (on a 5-point scale)

Welsh Springer Spaniel
Activityin the house3
on the street4
Dominationin family2
over dogs3.5
Defending your territoryfrom people2.5
from dogs3.5
Sociabilityin family5
with strangers3.5
with dogs3
Concentrationin family1.5
in front of strangers2
with dogs2
Aggressivenessin family2
to strangers2
to the dogs2.5
to cats2
Family behaviorcalmness4.5
demand for affection3.5
excessive barking2.5
behavioral breakdowns2.5
Tolerance for childrenup to 4 years3.5
over 4 years old4
Institutional usewatchman3

This breed is often compared to the following dog breeds: English Springer Spaniel, Gordon Setter (Scottish Setter), English Cocker Spaniel, Breton Spaniel, Miniature Schnauzer (Dwarf Schnauzer).

Photos of Welsh Springer Spaniels:

Characteristics of the Welsh Springer Spaniel breed

The Welsh Springer or Welsh Spaniel is a beautiful medium-sized dog. Belongs to hunting gun dogs, to the group of spaniels. It is similar to English springer spaniels, but is smaller in height and has one color option - white and red.

breed nameWelsh Springer Spaniel
a countryGreat Britain
group of breeds according to the ICF classificationretrievers, spaniels and water dogs
applicationhunter, companion
life expectancy12-15 years
heightmales 47-49 cm, females 45-46 cm
weight16-20 kg


Welsh Springer Spaniels are medium-sized dogs. They are unpretentious and do not require complex care. It is an ideal companion and family pet. These dogs have the following advantages:

  • friendly, not aggressive;
  • love children;
  • cheerful, playful, cheerful;
  • smart, obedient;
  • have an attractive appearance;
  • have good health.


The Springer Spaniel is not suitable for being a couch potato. This dog requires a lot of space, long walks and a lot of physical activity. It has a few more disadvantages:

  • noisy, barks a lot;
  • with a lack of activity, quickly gains weight;
  • can be stubborn and headstrong;
  • needs constant attention and cannot stand loneliness.

Our descendants

Champion of Russia, Champion of Lithuania, Champion of Latvia, WWII, Junior Champion of Russia, 5 CACIB, RCACIB, 3 Ch. RKF, EURASIAN champion, CC Viviene Whispers

(Mompesson Jester x GREAT VICTORY) female, 12/26/2009, ow. E. Dudorova (Moscow)

Junior Champion of Russia Windstorm

(Idol Jack iz Stupinskogo Potoku x Vivienne Whispers) male, 03/12/2015, head. Dudorova E., vl. V. Vorobeychik, Moscow

Junior Champion of Russia, CACIB, Champion of RKF Win-Chesta (Chesta)

(Idol Jack iz Stupinskogo Potoku x Vivienne Whispers) female, 03/12/2015, manager. ow. Dudorova E. (Moscow)

Origin story

This breed has been known in Great Britain for several centuries. It was bred in the county of Wales, which is reflected in the name - welsh translates as Welsh. There is little reliable information about the history of origin. Dogs similar in appearance to modern Welsh Springers were known back in the 16th-17th centuries.

Researchers believe that they are descendants of the first spaniels brought to the British Isles from Spain. Therefore they are related to the English Springer Spaniel and were first called Welsh Spaniels. According to another version, Welsh Springers appeared from crossing an English Springer and a Clumber Spaniel.

These dogs were first used for falconry. Then they became friends. They can track prey, lift the bird onto the wing, search for and bring home prey. Due to their intelligence and lack of aggression, representatives of the breed were also used to help herd livestock.

At first these dogs were called Welsh Cocker Spaniels, Welsh Starters, and Welsh Cockers. They were smaller in height than the English variety. In the 19th century, representatives of the breed began to participate in exhibitions and were noticed. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was officially recognized by the English Kennel Club, and then by the American Club. She was named a Welsh Springer Spaniel. In the 20-30s, a standard was developed. The International Canine Organization recognized it only in 2009. Until now, the breed remains small in number, widespread mainly in its homeland.

Dogs of the Viksville kennel on the hunt (Viksvill Dogs - hunting)

Owner of the nursery "Vicksville" A.B. Stepansky and VIXVILLE FAIRY DOLL

WIXVILLE FAIRY DOLL (II degree diploma in swamp game)

FONDANTE'S KISS ME QUICK (Diploma II degree and D III degree in database)

Weeksville Flair, ow. Frolov S.I. (III degree diploma in database)

Weeksville Great Pretender (Caesar), owner D. Zhidelev

Weeksville Great Pretender (Caesar), owner D. Zhidelev

Appearance of Welsh Springer Spaniels

The body type of Welsh Springers is harmonious and athletic. Height at withers up to 49 cm, weight up to 20 kg. They are strong, agile, resilient. These are working dogs adapted to different weather conditions.


The head is proportional to the body, moderately elongated. The forehead is convex, the stop is clearly visible. The muzzle is almost square in shape, of medium length. The bridge of the nose is smooth, the lobe is wide, black or dark brown. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The eyes are oval and medium in size. The color is dark brown. The look is smart, attentive and friendly. The ears are large and set low. They hang down, pressed to the head, and are covered with long hair.

Body type

The body is compact and elongated. The chest is deep, the stomach is slightly tucked. The back is straight, the lower back is slightly convex. The tail is set low, saber-shaped. Never rises above the line of the back. Dogs that are used for hunting have it docked.


Limbs straight, parallel. The paws are round, the toes are gathered into a ball, the pads are dense and thick. Dogs move quickly and can jump high.

Coat and color

The coat is medium length, silky and straight, lying close. The longer one forms feathering on the ears and tail, on the belly, chest and limbs. Only one color is allowed: white with red or red spots.

Photos complement the description of the appearance:


The most noticeable differences between American and English breeds appear in appearance. The difference is already evident in such a noticeable parameter as the dog’s height at the withers. For the British, this figure reaches 42 centimeters, while Americans rarely grow above 37 cm. Accordingly, the weight of the animals also differs - if dogs from the USA usually weigh up to 12 kg, then their counterparts from Foggy Albion reach 15 kg.

While inferior in size, the “Americans” are superior to their counterparts from another continent in such an important indicator for predominantly decorative dogs as coat length

The shape of the head also differs between the two breeds - while dogs of the American variety are more likely to have a round head of a small size relative to the body with a slightly upturned nose and a shortened “square” muzzle, then the British usually have a large head and a relatively elongated muzzle. Despite the fact that all cockers usually have a body shape close to square, the breed from the USA most often has a higher sternum, while the British usually have an almost flat back from the withers to the croup.

But, unfortunately, it will not be possible to immediately understand by color whether this is an “American” or an “English”, since the standards of both varieties allow for many variations in the color of a dog’s coat. The most common colors of both breeds are:

  • black;
  • redheads;
  • golden;
  • chocolate;
  • fawn;
  • mixed (most often black and white, red and white, brown and white).

The length of the ears does not differ between both cocker breeds - except that in dogs of the American variety they may be covered with a slightly thicker six.

Character of the breed

Welsh Springers are active, playful and hardy dogs. They need long walks and active games. If not used for hunting, they are suitable only for an active owner: an athlete, a tourist. These dogs are passionate and efficient. They easily track prey, can pursue it for a long time, find it in any thickets and bring it to the owner. These qualities are innate in them. They can participate in dog sports and achieve good results.

These dogs are loyal, strongly attached to the owner and all family members. They need constant attention and communication with humans. They love children and enjoy playing with them. They never show aggression. They treat strangers with caution and reserve. They may bark at them if they feel threatened.

Representatives of the breed have a balanced temperament. Their character can be described as follows:

  • friendly;
  • kind;
  • affectionate;
  • cheerful;
  • sociable;
  • persistent;
  • hardy;
  • smart;
  • devotees.

Features of education and training

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an active working dog. She is trainable and loves to learn new things. But you need to take into account her temperament - classes should be in the form of a game, sports exercises and running are required. These dogs love to swim, fetch a ball, and search for hidden objects.

Classes must begin at an early age. You need to be patient and persistent. Although these dogs are smart and highly trainable, they can be stubborn and easily distracted. It is recommended to reward them with treats and affection. Physical punishment and rudeness are unacceptable. If the dog does not follow the command or is naughty, you need to show him that he has upset the owner. Welsh Springers are people-oriented and try to please.

Early socialization is important for a puppy: he needs to be introduced to other people, animals, and street noise. If he grows up with other pets, he will treat them kindly. But on the street he perceives birds and small animals as prey. There is no way to rid your dog of this.

It is easy to teach a Welsh Springer puppy the following basic commands:

  • place;
  • sit;
  • it is forbidden;
  • near;
  • stand;
  • apport.

Photos illustrate the behavior of Welsh Springers:

Popular nicknames

Pet genderName
MaleSancho, Lorrie, Maurice, Tom, Archie, Luke, Micky, Oscar, Lucas, Tisha, Louis, Dani, Ricky, Patrick, Bruce, Bruno, Jerry, Leo, Hector, Derek, Watson, Lester, Lucky, Casper, Chaplin, Scooter, Elwood, Rimbaud, Pegasus, Scout, Forex, Wally, Ripley, Hiro (generous), Arata (new), Hoshiko (star child), Hayato (falcon), Katsu (victory)
BitchSarah, Doni, Chloe, Floris, Tina, Mimi, Irma, Lana, Christy, Tracy, Anise, Grace, Pixie, Jena, May, Ruby, Nancy, Sherry, Lily, Hannah, Molly, Cleo, Megan, Belle, Linda, Daisy, Juno, Plush, Wendy, Sophie, Snowball, Tenderness, Fifa, Michiko (child of beauty), Shinju (pearl), Kiku (chrysanthemum), Masuru (victory), Miyako (beautiful child of the night)

Maintenance and care

It is best to keep a Welsh Springer in a private house with a large yard. These dogs require space and a lot of physical activity. You can keep them outside, but you cannot tie them or lock them in an enclosure. The fence on the site should be high - representatives of the breed jump well.

They can only be kept in a city apartment if they are given long walks. It is advisable to walk on a leash; the dog can run after a bird or a cat. It is recommended to go to dog parks more often and take your pet out into nature. Spaniels love to swim, so in the summer it is advisable to go to a river or pond.

Caring for representatives of this breed is not difficult. Hygiene procedures will be required, which the dog accepts calmly:

  • comb 1-2 times a week, during shedding - every day;
  • It is recommended to bathe no more than once a month; be sure to use a neutral veterinary shampoo;
  • inspect and clean your ears once a week, preferably also after trips to nature - this will help you notice the presence of mites or inflammation in time;
  • rinse eyes as needed; if discharge accumulates frequently and eyes turn red, contact a veterinarian;
  • To prevent tartar, brush your teeth every week; you can give your pet chewing bones;
  • shorten the nails every month.


It is better to feed the Welsh Springer with premium or super-premium dry food. It contains all the essential nutrients. You need to choose options for active medium breed dogs.

With a natural diet, more than half of the daily diet should be lean meat: chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit. It is mixed with buckwheat or oatmeal and vegetables. It is useful to give your pet greens, fermented milk products, and egg yolk.


Representatives of this breed are in good health. With proper maintenance, they live up to 14-15 years, remaining active until old age. But they need sufficient physical activity and proper nutrition, as they are prone to obesity. It is also recommended to visit the veterinarian regularly and get all necessary vaccinations. Every 3-4 months you need to give your dog anthelmintic medications and be sure to treat the fur for parasites.

Sometimes representatives of this breed have the following diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • otitis;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • dermatitis;
  • epilepsy.

How to buy a Welsh Springer Spaniel puppy

Welsh Springers are few in number in our country, so to purchase a puppy you will have to wait in line. But it is not recommended to buy a dog second-hand - it may not be purebred. It is better to contact a nursery. In Moscow, the price of representatives of the breed starts at 60 thousand rubles.

The breeder must provide all documents: pedigrees, certificates, veterinary certificates. A healthy puppy is cheerful and active. He has a cool, moist nose, smooth, shiny coat, and no discharge from the eyes or ears.

The photo shows what the puppies look like:

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an ideal assistant for the hunter and a devoted companion for the active owner. It can become a family pet, as it loves children, is cheerful and good-natured. But active walks and a lot of attention are required. In return for love and respect, this dog will become a loyal and affectionate friend.

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