Devoted friends Golden Retriever and Labrador: 5 differences

The Rottweiler is an intelligent, loyal, non-aggressive dog. She learns quickly, so she is used in the service of law enforcement agencies.

Breeders tried to get new animals by mating the Rottweiler with other dog breeds. This article will tell you in detail what types of mestizos exist and why they are unique.

What popular types of Rottweiler mixes exist?

Doberman and Rottweiler mix

This mestizo has adopted the same features of both breeds; these dogs are generally similar to each other, especially in puppyhood.
You can see the comparison between Doberman and Rottweiler.

As they mature, they become stately dogs, with strong paws, stockier than purebred Rottweilers, with a characteristic color for both breeds - black and red tan.

Their head is more like the head of a Rottweiler - medium in size, with a clearly defined occipital protuberance, with wide-set ears. The muzzle is somewhat narrowed, the nostrils are widened and round.

Lobes, lips and eye rims are black. By nature, the mestizo will take the best from his parents and will be a brave dog.

Rottweiler and Shepherd mix

In Germany, this mestizo was called Malchover. In the middle of the last century, a group of German breeders set the goal of breeding a new breed of service dogs with strong physical characteristics and a balanced character and stable psyche.

The best representatives of Rottweilers and German Shepherds were used for selection.

The results were very worthy: they turned out to be hardy, well-trained dogs with good health.

Both breeds have similar physical parameters. They are large, muscular, proportionally built, strong.

Therefore, puppies born from a union between a shepherd dog and a Rottweiler are almost no different in body type from their parents.

Hybrids have a toned body with a straight back and broad chest. The paws are long, straight and thin. The shape of the muzzle and the structure of the ears of the mixed breed are more similar to Rottweilers.

The coat is short, stiff, usually rich dark in color with rusty or light yellow tan markings.

The positive qualities of a puppy mixed from these breeds include:

  • equilibrium;
  • intelligence;
  • sociability;
  • curiosity.

They are energetic, active, love to play with their owner and tolerate physical activity well.

Metis are very attached to the whole family and it is very important for them to feel like members of this family.

CAREFULLY! These dogs do not tolerate loneliness well; due to lack of attention, they can become aggressive and nervous.

Their training is best done by a person with a strong-willed character. The hybrid inherits stubbornness and willfulness from Rottweilers, so it can be difficult to get them to follow commands and obey.

They can also be cunning and pretend to be tired or sick, just so that they are not forced to practice following commands. During the training process, the dog must not give in and follow its lead, otherwise the pet may become uncontrollable.

These dogs require a special approach. With enough attention, care and proper training, they will become reliable guards and loving pets.

Rottweiler and pitbull mix

Since the Rottweiler and Pitbull cope excellently with guard duties, such a mixed breed will be an excellent guard. These are strong, hardy, energetic, fearless dogs.

But it should immediately be noted that this breed is not suitable for everyone. The owner should approach the upbringing and training of the pet with great responsibility and devote a large amount of both time and effort to it.

Otherwise, the dog will feel lonely, and unwanted changes may occur in its psyche.

When raising a hybrid, the dog's tendency to dominate must be suppressed, otherwise the animal may become uncontrollable.

It is very important not to keep your pet on a chain. Since pit bulls do not tolerate cold well, a long stay outside the home is not suitable for a mixed breed.

The mestizo is slightly smaller in size than a purebred Rottweiler, stockier, and weighs approximately 30-40 kg.

The color can be any - either solid black or black with brindle markings. The coat is smooth, short, without undercoat, and shiny.

The mestizo has a voluminous muzzle with powerful, strong jaws and developed muscles. The chest is wide and massive. Paws of medium length, strong, muscular.

Rottweiler-Husky mix

Puppies from the fusion of these two breeds have developed muscles and excellent endurance. From huskies they take goodwill and friendliness. They usually choose one person from the family as their owner, although they are very fond of the whole family.

The guarding qualities will not be at all as excellent as those of a purebred Rottweiler - after all, a husky is a breed not intended for protection.

Since huskies have been kept as team sled dogs for a long time, mixed breeds get along well with their relatives and are even able to share food with other dogs. And they consider other animals as prey; they can only get along with them if they grow up together.

These are large dogs, whose height at the withers reaches about 55-60 cm, with males usually having larger dimensions. The color can be, like that of a Rottweiler, pure black, or it can be mixed with colors characteristic of a husky color.

Raising these puppies requires rigor and consistency; they cannot be spoiled. They are able to obey if they feel a strong hand, otherwise the dog can take on the role of leader.

These are fearless dogs, there is little that can scare them. The owner of this hybrid must be an active person who loves long walks.

Stafford mix with Rottweiler

As a result of crossing these two breeds, the result is a large, strong dog, with well-developed muscles, an excellent guard, and at the same time an excellent companion (shown in the photo).

Whether he will be aggressive depends on many factors:

  • education;
  • heredity;
  • habitats.

For productive training, the owner needs to find a common language with the pet, be patient and remember consistency.

The approval of the owner is very important for such dogs, so they will try their best to please him. You cannot use rudeness and force if the dog does not succeed.

Rottweiler-Rottweiler mixes need regular physical activity; this is necessary not only for physical fitness, but also for a good emotional state.

It is useful to walk your pet in common areas with other dogs, this will help socialize the dog.

Mix of Rottweiler and Alabai

Representatives of both breeds have a dominant character and are sometimes capable of showing aggression.

Two cases are possible: either absolute calm (of course, if the owner and his family are safe), or a great desire to be a “chief”, a leader, and sudden outbursts of aggression towards strangers.

In any case, the mestizo requires constant training and a firm hand from the owner.

NOTE! A mixed breed of Rottweiler and Alabai can grow to the size of a Rottweiler and weigh around 50 kilograms, and can even reach about one hundred kilograms, since Alabai is one of the largest dogs in the world.

Hybrid Labrador and Rottweiler

Puppies obtained from Labrador and Rottweiler take the best traits of character from their parents - they are reliable, loyal, have a developed intelligence, thanks to which they become excellent companions and excellent service dogs.

They experience loneliness acutely; they cannot be left alone for a long time, otherwise their behavior may become inappropriate.

It should be remembered that Labradors are prone to obesity, so mixed breeds should also not be overfed.

Dogs are smart and quick-witted, which makes them much easier to train. Encouragement is very important for them. You should start training puppies as early as possible to avoid losing control of them.

Hybrids have a long, powerful body, with a wide sternum and a massive neck, and a wide head. The color can be either black or black and tan.

Mixed-breed puppies who took only the best from their parents

There is an opinion that the beauty of mixed blood is unparalleled. And it’s hard to argue with this, especially when you look at photos of people in whose veins flow a real cocktail of blood from representatives of many nationalities. With dogs, things are essentially exactly the same: a cross between a husky and a pit bull can make you melt, a cross between a Labrador and a Rottweiler can make you lose your head, and a cross between a dachshund and a corgi can make you completely lose sleep. We just couldn't pass by 20+ photos of mixed breed puppies that you can fall in love with at first sight, or even faster.

“New addition to our pack: half husky, half pit bull. Tomorrow he turns 8 weeks old."

“I heard that small spotted dachshunds are held in high esteem on the Internet. Meet Arthur, he's half corgi."

“Today is my birthday, so I would like to introduce you to Dottie. She is a Dalmatian-Dachshund mix and, apparently, also a house elf.”

What a miracle it will be if a golden retriever meets an Irish setter stim_ninja / Reddit And this is Bodhi, he is 9 weeks old, his parents are a golden retriever and an Australian shepherd

This 4 month old and incredibly sweet baby is a Shiba Inu/Mini Husky mix.

“This is Layla, half blue-eyed beagle, half Rottweiler.”

When you're a pit bull and a golden retriever at the same time

Despite his short legs, this Jack Russell terrier-corgi mix is ​​still a sprinter.

“Meet my son Tank. He is a cross between an American Bulldog and a Boxer."

Yoshi took over from his ancestors (Corgi and Malamute) all the best

A lover of tennis balls, a puppy named Nuggets is the fruit of love between a Labrador and a Rottweiler.

The griffin would say "thank you" to his boxer and beagle parents for his adorable appearance, but he hasn't learned to speak yet

When you're half Pomeranian but have the same personality as a miniature pinscher

A real miracle Yudo: a cross between a husky and a golden retriever

“Drived 10 hours round trip last week to meet this good boy, half black lab, half bloodhound. His big ears struck me to the heart."

“Meet the newest member of my family. His name is Tiberius and he is a Border Collie/Husky mix."

When your parents are a pug and a chihuahua, you just have to be so adorable sugarbakesheart / Reddit “This is my new puppy named Finn. He's half Corgi and half German Shepherd."

This little guy knows exactly how to win your heart. He was taught this by his parents - a Pyrenean mountain dog and a German shepherd.

Adorable mix of Alaskan Malamute and Golden Retriever

And this little guy may very well be one of a kind: he's half golden retriever, one-quarter husky and one-quarter boxer.

Who is better: German Shepherd or Rottweiler

When choosing between two breeds, you can never say for sure which is better. It all depends on the character and temperament of the person and the dog.

For active people who constantly like to be on the move, a shepherd dog is better suited. So, by nature, she is very active, impulsive, this energy should be directed in the right direction, otherwise this energy will develop into disobedience.

It is better for a calm and balanced person to adopt a Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler is a calm dog, does not like to rush, but there must be clear rules with him, otherwise there is a risk that the Rottweiler will not obey.

German Shepherds are an absolutely universal breed; they are considered service dogs, protective dogs, security dogs, and detective dogs.

The Rottweiler is considered a service breed. They are great for guarding the yard, but it is highly not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders to own a Rottweiler.

German Shepherds are very strong and resilient, famous for their intelligence, they require not only constant physical activity, but also mental stress. Shepherds are easier to train than Rottweilers, but if you don't constantly train them, they will also quickly forget what they have learned.

Both shepherds and Rottweilers are incredibly loyal creatures. Both of them love children and get along well with other pets. Rottweilers are often stubborn and have dominant tendencies.

Exercise needs.

The German Shepherd must exercise harder than any other dog. This is a very enthusiastic and very active dog. And as a result, they need more time to exercise. It is believed that the ideal time for training a German Shepherd is 2 hours. This helps the dog stay healthy and active longer. When talking about exercise for a Labrador Retriever, it completely depends on the owner of the dog and the environment in which the dog is kept. People should know that this dog requires walking not only for exercise but also for some of it. no exercise or less walking required on average per day.

Who to choose: Cane Corso or Rottweiler

Both of these breeds are generally similar, both are guard dogs, but the Cane Corso is more of a bodyguard, and the Rottweiler is more of a watchman. Cane Corsos are more active and need frequent long walks. Also, like Rottweilers, they are quite balanced. Training a Cane Corso is somewhat simpler than training a Rottweiler.

The disadvantages of the Cane Corso include:

  • long-term shedding;
  • excessive drooling, characteristic of this breed.

Thus, when choosing a dog, no matter whether it is a purebred Rottweiler, a mixed breed, or a dog of another breed, you should understand that this is a creature that has its own character and certain needs.

When getting a pet, you need to be aware of the full degree of responsibility, because how it will grow up depends, first of all, on the owner, on his attitude towards the dog, on proper training and upbringing.

Aggression on the part of dogs such as the Rottweiler is only the result of the wrong actions of their owners, insufficient attention and improper training.

Also read about how the choice of nickname affects the character of a Rottweiler.

Breed and crossbreed

It all started with the domestication (domestication) of wild dogs by man. Subsequently, people were able to realize organized groups of animals with similar parameters of appearance and behavior, passed on from generation to generation. A modern purebred animal is the product of a complex long-term activity (zootechnical selection), the final product of which is a livestock that is homogeneous in appearance and behavior.

Pedigree is approved and subsequently declared by international cynological federations. Today, the authoritative FCI identifies 15 genera and 45 species of the canine family (more than 400 unique names).

As soon as humanity “accumulated” a fair collection of purebred types, half-breeds appeared, crosses between representatives of different species. Outbreeding was practiced when it was necessary to strengthen certain personal characteristics, change the appearance, and improve health. Pedigree animals of elite blood are used in inbreeding:

  • to increase the viability of the offspring, activate the effect of heterosis (“hybrid vigor”);
  • to obtain a dog that combines the best features of the parent breeds;
  • to exclude unwanted recessive traits leading to genetic pathologies;
  • as a basis for developing a new breed.

At the end of the twentieth century, the craze for “generic cocktails” was called “designer selection”: large scientific centers, commercial nurseries, and eminent animal geneticists took up the delights and artifacts of canine design.

Controversial chronology

Most information sources talk about the birth of the “designer pet movement” in Australia, citing a successful project of cross-breeding a Labrador retriever with a poodle. This is not entirely true: crossing different breeds is a long-standing zootechnical practice. Most “young” dogs are the result of mixing blood, collecting talents, and chasing the desired phenotype.

For example, the best breed created in the Soviet Union, the black Russian terrier, was developed through planned outbreeding. In 1949, an excellent set of elite pairs of Giant Schnauzers, Newfoundlands, Rottweilers and Airedale Terriers of good blood arrived from Germany to the Moscow Zootechnical Institute in 1949. Soviet canine scientists, under the leadership of biologist professor Ilyin and Major General Medvedev, carried out a government order: the selection of a new service and guard dog for work in harsh climatic conditions. The result of the most complex and very long work: the “black pearl of the USSR”, a magnificent “designer hybrid”, frost-resistant, powerful and hardy, ferocious and vicious (with excellent control and manageability) “Russian blackie”.

Summing up

A mixed breed of Labrador Retriever and German Rottweiler is a very young project of the fashion trend of “designer selection”. It is difficult to predict the pros and cons of such a hybrid: it is difficult to determine the dominant gene during crossing. As geneticists joke: absolutely anything is possible - loving, cute Rottweilers and shy Labrador retrievers.

  • Labrador
  • Retriever

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Labrador/Rottweiler mix

Several attempts have been made around the world to use the excellent condition of Rottweilers.
The most successful breeding project is considered to be a mixture of a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd: Malchover dogs are actively cultivated in Germany. The mixed breed of Rottweiler and Labrador is not so popular: there are very few mentions of systematic work on this “designer craft”.

Let's consider the genetic “sources”, analyze the available information, and try to predict the “half-breed” future.

Labrador retriever

Labras are a very popular breed of retriever, a gun dog native to the island of Newfoundland. English selection carefully worked with the Canadian canine “archetype”: St. John's dogs went through a long series of improving interbreed matings. As a result of breeding work, the world received a powerful, stocky dog ​​with a hard coat that protects the animal well from unfriendly climatic conditions.

Labradors are large, but not heavy dogs: males weighing from 30 to 36 kg reach a height of 56-57 cm at the withers. They are charming, smart and hardworking. The main advantages of the retriever species are their friendly disposition and bright (active) temperament. As is very often the case in dog breeding: positive closely borders on negative, hyperactivity and over-friendliness of labs complicate upbringing, socialization, training and life support.


Rottweilers are working dogs of the Molosser group, bred in the mid-eighteenth century in the province of Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany. Farm dogs for driving livestock, transporting goods (animals were harnessed to carts) and protecting life and property were often called German butcher dogs.

Massive dogs of a balanced constitution do not look overloaded or raw: the entire appearance of the Rottweiler declares rapid power, agility and endurance. The height of males at the withers is 62-68 cm, females are smaller and more graceful: 55-63 cm. The weight of adult individuals varies in the range of 40-50 kg.

The coat consists of a coarse, tight-fitting awn and thick undercoat. The breed standard dictates only one color: black anthracite with a pronounced tan of a red-brown tone.

Rottweilers are serious, courageous and confident animals. This is a canonical release of classical German selection: the breed requires strict dominance of the owner, a clear vertical of power and professional training. Without thoughtful and systematic socialization and training, Rottweilers “fly off the rails”, display aggressive viciousness and combative impudence.

German Rottweilers are ideal service dogs, “toothed gendarmes”, hard workers, created for complex and responsible work: guarding property and protecting the life of the owner.

Labradorotweil - a mix of Labrador and Rottweiler

A mixed-breed puppy obtained from a mating of the Labrador and Rottweiler breeds is a complex canine artifact, the heir to good parameters of intelligence, conformation and temperament. The essence of the problem: distribution of inheritance. All the talk in the “design community” about genetic recessivity and the plasticity of German breeding releases does not stand up to criticism: German blood is strong and extremely dominant.

The baby Labrotweil is certainly powerful, stocky and charming (the constitution and type of Rottweilers and Labros are very similar), but the balance of temperament parameters and temperament in this situation turns into a real “Russian roulette”. No matter how strong the Labrador blood is, it cannot “break” the German drive and combativeness. And let's not forget that Rottweilers are among the twenty most vicious fighting breeds.

Experts in selective canine design say: mating in the first generation is of little effectiveness and means nothing. A real designer pet release is obtained after many years of work. To consolidate a type, obtain a guaranteed transfer of qualities from generation to generation, and create a truly new breed, years of painstaking work are needed. Only ruthless culling of litters, systematic monitoring of the condition of mestizos, consolidation of the archetype with improving blood - make the designer craft a curiosity - a real new breed.

Work on the Labrotweil project (a hybrid of the Rottweiler and Labrador breeds) is at the very beginning of its journey; we need to wait for several generations of dogs, and the horizons of the breed will become clearer.

Training allows testable combat

To consolidate various service qualities for working dogs, special test fights were invented. Also, combat tests allow you to find out which of the participants put up for battle is stronger, more savvy, more agile, and braver. During a fight, you can notice the advantages and disadvantages of a dog, which you may not know about in everyday life.

Test fights are events supervised by experienced keyologists, but in no case are officially prohibited bloody dog ​​fights.

For each test fight there are strict sporting rules, violation of which leads to fines or disqualification of participants. Those who violate Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals) can expect fines, compulsory or correctional labor, or restriction of freedom for up to one year, or arrest for up to six months.

Crossbreed options

Mating can happen by accident if the owner overlooks it. But purposeful mating is possible to obtain new colors, working qualities and character in puppies.

Mixed breed with a shepherd

German Shepherds are known for their loyalty and protective qualities. Labradors are obedient dogs, easy to train and good with children. Metis adopted protective qualities and friendliness from his parents.

The Labronemese is great for families with children; she will play and frolic with them for hours. The dog gets along with pets, even cats. The dog will guard the house sensitively, not letting any noise go unnoticed.


The Labronese looks like both parents. The color of the puppies is predominantly black. The ears hang down and the coat is of medium length. Height and weight depend on the proportions of the parents.

With a yard dog

Mating of a Labrador and a mongrel can happen by accident.

The exterior of future puppies will not be known until birth. The growth of puppies depends on the growth of the parents. As a rule, if the mother is short, then the babies are of average height.

The dog's psyche will be stable. Labrador retrievers will pass on their energy and love of love to their offspring. Mestizos from such a relationship will be good guards and companions.

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