Blended whiskey Alliance 1892 Scotch Terrier - reviews

Those who are interested in the art of painting are probably familiar with the painting by the Italian artist Titian "Roberto Strozzi's Daughter", the key image of which was a girl with a miniature dog in her arms. Four centuries later, it was this white and red pet that would be accepted as a model of the Papillon breed that is popular today.

They received such an unusual name because of the shape of their ears, reminiscent of the wings of a butterfly (translated from French “papillon” means “butterfly”). This physiological feature allowed these animals to become devoted favorites of Marie Antoinette, Madame de Pompadour and other nobility of the royal courts of France and Spain.

Dog shows and other events - photo and video reports

62 photos + 10 videos Championship of Armenia and Germany at the international exhibition “Planet of Dogs” (CACIB, Fluffy Easter in Skonto) 04/16/2017, Riga

177 photos + 8 videos ZooEXPO 2016. International dog show “Baltic Winner 2016”, LKF/FCI CACIB 12/13.11.2016, Riga

126 photos + 8 videos Specialized exhibition of greyhounds 04/30/2016, Riga

How to care for a Papillon?

Despite the fact that these dogs have long hair, caring for the Papillon is not tiring. Only the Papillon's paw pads are clipped; the rest of the coat is only combed approximately once a week.

The Papillon's coat is self-cleaning, and even if the dog has walked in the mud, after it dries and shakes itself off, the coat remains clean.

Breeder's recommendation: To wash the Papillon, you should use a moisturizing shampoo, preferably with a balm, so that the fur does not split from the grass.

In winter, Papillons don’t freeze, and I don’t wear them down to -15 degrees – they are quite active when walking and can walk for a long time, especially on dry snow. In autumn they walk beautifully even in the rain. This is not a sissy who will avoid puddles.

New photos of dogs

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Blended whiskey Alliance 1892 Scotch Terrier - reviews

Emelyan Pugachev




Taste, manufacturer, price in Magnit.

I don’t like cunning producers, if the whiskey is Russian (produced) ... and you write - made in Kaliningrad (no matter what distillates!!! the taste is below average.


For a long time, advertising warned me: “Not all whiskey is equally healthy!” But no, sometimes an old woman gets screwed... I bought a fusel...

How can you not buy it if the bottle says: “Made of Blended Scotch Whiskey.” Did I study English poorly all my adult life, starting with an elective in the second grade of high school, at the institute, and now Google translator has appeared?.. On the back of the bottle it is printed in such small print, specifically so that no one can read , where the legs grow from: Chernyakhovsk. Truly live forever and learn forever, otherwise you will end up drinking fusel on holidays!

And the bottle is beautiful! And the strength is 40 degrees...

Mikhail Geostompov

I’ll say right away: you can drink it. That is why there is not one star, but two.

Now in details.


— You can drink it, it doesn’t throw up.

— The taste is still vaguely reminiscent of whiskey.

— Price 450 rubles.


— For this money you can find much more pleasant-tasting whiskey.

- It tastes like complete “homemade fresh water.”

— After 2-3 glasses it causes a persistent disgust and disappearance of the desire to drink (maybe this is a plus and not a minus?).

— Strongly reeks of “spirit” (perhaps even the strength exceeds the usual 40 degrees).

In other words, you can drink this terrible swill, but the pleasure from such consumption is zero. The taste is reminiscent of leftover whiskey, which was once popular among those who liked to buy alcohol cheaply “on the side,” and at a time when the quality of these “leftover” drinks began to rapidly decline.

I want to assure you that I am not picky in my choice of drinks, and I am not one of those who criticize everything in order to show my commitment to the “blue bloods”.

For those who can write to me in response, saying, “What do you want for such a price, guy!”, I want to say that there is another whiskey that is sold in the “Red and White” chain of stores and costs about 400 rubles (to Unfortunately, I have not yet written a review on it, but I will definitely write one in the future), which I consider, in my humble opinion, not just good, but excellent and deserving of a higher price tag (although I hope that the price tag will not change). There are other good whiskeys for a similar price, some of which I have already written reviews on.

In general, I don’t even recommend trying Scotch Terrier whiskey.

Elena R…….

So, meet the whiskey blended Scotch Terrier!

Let me start with the fact that scotch tape is not from Scotland, but from Russia... Here 2 cars come to mind - “Kio Rio” and “Lada Kilina”... I think you will understand my comparison...

The Alliance plant, which produces this product, called whiskey, is located in Russia in the Kaliningrad region. For some reason, I didn’t take this fact into account during the purchase.

The manufacturer states that the distillate used to prepare the drink is from Scotland...

The cost of the drink is 600 rubles, which is several times lower than other brands, even on promotion.

There are practically no peat notes, for which I will immediately take off a star.

I will say that drinking this whiskey in its pure form, like the same blended Jack, is simply not pleasant.

For a whiskey-cola cocktail... well... it will do, but not for me. I feel the drink with my receptors and cannot drink the swill.

I can’t even consider this drink for a holiday table. Also, I do not advise restaurateurs to introduce it into bar wine.

For the last negatives I'm taking off 2 more stars.

However, you can try this drink for preparing more complex cocktails, for example:

"Dry Manhattan"

whiskey, orange juice, apricot juice (all 20 ml) and... cocktail cherry.

It's super easy to prepare! Mix everything either in a shaker or in a glass and... add a cherry.

"Bogatyr health"

whiskey, rum, cherry liqueur (all 20 ml), Drambuie liqueur (you can use 30 ml)

Drambuie is made near Edinburgh from Scotch whiskey with the addition of nutmeg, honey, anise and saffron. It can also be purchased in Russia.

Well... everything is simple here too! Just mix everything into a glass filled with froppe (crushed ice) or with ice cubes.

Well... and remember about moderation!



The only one is PRICE!


All the rest. The taste is terrible fusel. In a cocktail, do not interrupt with cola, lemon, or ice. The next day I had a terrible headache. During consumption - stomach.

Not privately, but I admit that from time to time (mostly solely for financial and economic reasons) I go for experiments when buying a “drunk drink”.;) Sorry for the jargon, alcohol products. One of these experiments will be discussed below. I’ll make a reservation that in the case of the object from my review, the slang word ALKASHKA would be more appropriate Whiskey - I love you. A declaration of love has specific recipients. These are: - unsurpassed and soft Ballantines Fines - budget William Lounsens Well, and a couple more brands, with a price range from 800 to 1900 rubles per bottle. There are pleasant and cheap purchases in this alcohol withdrawal. For example, with a pleasant feeling, I had the honor of writing about one of these experiments HERE Therefore, while stocking up on the weekend in Lenta and feeling the need for relaxation mixed with a slight regret about the date of the upcoming salary, I met this happiness on the shelves with whiskey. It was called SCOTCH TERRIER The price for half a liter was more than budget + the price tag was even lower for the promotion. In general - 390 rubles. I twirled the “Scotsman” in my hands and, in the brightly lit doorway of the Rentovsky row with alcohol, I noted with pleasure the soft, light golden glow of the contents. Usually, in my deep conviction, coupled with real life experience, the lighter the color of the whiskey, the softer and more pleasant it is to drink. >>> COCKTAILS. TASTE. CONSEQUENCES <<< That same day, as required by the rules of etiquette (haha), that is, after 18.00, we decided to splash around with a cocktail. Here the first unpleasant discovery emerged. Upon closer visual inspection, the color of the viscarica was darker. Having put lemon and ice in the usual proportions into whiskey glasses, I took a sip... AND NEARLY choked. I don’t know if I can accurately select an example for the sensation and taste characteristics... The first cigarette smoked at the beginning of my smoker’s journey comes to mind. And that feeling when, after the word “pharmacy” and the first puff, my lungs were bursting from tobacco smoke... Well... I again diluted the Scotch Terrier in a ratio of 1:10. And only 3 slices of lemon, 7 ice cubes and another 100-200 ml of Pepsi helped not to choke on fusel aromas. I began to spin the bottle and study it almost under a magnifying glass. There was a feeling of a real counterfeit. However, straight, clearly factory labels and a tax stamp indicated the authenticity of this drink. “Scotsman” was bottled at a winery in the Kaliningrad region... Maybe they simply didn’t try whiskey there at all? Or they don’t have a technologist and went swimming... I don’t know... but I know that further purchases of neither this (God forgive me) are whiskey. I WILL NOT make any products coming from the already mentioned breeder. I don’t recommend that to the readers of my story either... PS Instead of a blissful and relaxed state, the second cocktail brought me a pain in the stomach... My wife poured out the contents of the first glass after taking a couple of sips... The next day my head not only hurt... it was splitting into pieces and I couldn’t think straight at all.

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