What diseases are Shar-Peis susceptible to: main symptoms and treatment methods for dogs

Shar Peis are dogs that have a bright, original, memorable appearance and have gone through a difficult path of development and formation.

Each breed is characterized by some pathologies, Shar Pei are no exception - there are a number of diseases characteristic of representatives of this breed.

All owners of these dogs should be aware of the main signs of the development of the disease in their pets in order to be able to provide them with the necessary assistance and contact a veterinarian in time.

What diseases are they susceptible to?

Representatives of this breed are prone to developing the following diseases:

  • fever is a hereditary disease manifested in swelling of the hock joints, a sharp increase in temperature and a number of other symptoms;
  • hypothyroidism – a lack of thyroid hormones, leading to epilepsy, alopecia, obesity, hyperpigmentation, pyoderma and other pathologies;
  • Elbow or hip dysplasia is a disease that causes your dog to develop weak joints, which can cause arthritis and lameness;
  • demodicosis - infection with a skin parasite that causes redness, peeling of the skin, and baldness;
  • pyoderma is a bacterial infection leading to the accumulation of pus in the outer layers of the skin;
  • cutaneous mucinosis – production of too much mucin;
  • luxation of the kneecap - displacement of the kneecap relative to the normal position;
  • osteochondrosis – abnormal development of cartilage in the bursa;
  • Gastric volvulus is a condition in which air trapped in the stomach due to the rapid absorption of large amounts of food stretches it;
  • glaucoma – increased intraocular pressure.

A predisposition to a disease does not mean that a pet will necessarily have it..

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Any pathology without timely treatment will progress and can lead to serious consequences, including death. One of the most dangerous diseases in Shar-Peis is fever. Doctors still do not know the nature of this disease, and each stage is associated with significant risks. Considering the lack of possibility of a complete cure, the complexity of diagnosis and the manifestation of symptoms in later stages, most often the most humane treatment of the pet will be euthanasia.

Prevention measures

The main method of prevention is timely vaccination, regular treatment against parasites, frequent visits to the veterinarian, proper care and maintenance of the pet.

How to avoid diseases in Shar Pei - veterinarian recommendations:

  • Clean your ears regularly and correctly;
  • in the morning, wash your eyes, brush your teeth;
  • choose high-quality hypoallergenic food;
  • use vitamins and nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system;
  • to prevent eye diseases, puppies from 2 weeks old have their upper eyelid secured with paper clips - the procedure is painless and takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • in winter, walk the animal in overalls and shoes.

Shar Pei does not need increased physical activity, but to avoid obesity and maintain health, you need to take long walks every day. In summer, it is better to walk early in the morning or in the evening, since Shar-Peis do not tolerate heat well.

When bathing, Shar Peis should not get their hair wet. Place cotton pads in your ears before water procedures.

Shar Peis are in good health. Due to certain anatomical features, animals most often suffer from diseases of the eyes, ears, respiratory pathologies, and they are prone to allergies. Proper care, nutrition, adherence to the vaccination schedule, contacting a veterinarian at the slightest deterioration in health - all these simple measures will help avoid the development of serious diseases.

Main symptoms

Despite the differences in the clinical picture of various diseases, there are a number of signs that indicate that the Shar Pei has health problems:

  • inflammation and redness of mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of mucus and pus from the eyes, nose and ears;
  • apathy, lack of activity;
  • increased irritability, aggressive behavior;
  • refusal to eat;
  • shortness of breath, heavy breathing;
  • itching;
  • hair fragility and hair loss, local baldness;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • increase or decrease in temperature.

If one or more symptoms appear, you must immediately contact your veterinarian to make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment..

"Gifts of Nature" - to Man

There is nothing superfluous or ill-considered in nature. The human body is also a part of nature, so an increase in body temperature is not just an unpleasant sensation, which we often try to get rid of by taking medications, but a signal of a problem in the system and at the same time a defensive reaction. It is a nonspecific coordinated response to disease. When a “stranger” invades (be it bacteria, viruses, protozoa or non-microbial foreign substances - antigens), the blood cells responsible for our immunity - leukocytes - are activated. This "army" of defenders consists of "units", each of which performs its own task. Lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils enter into the fight and secrete a special substance - leukocyte or endogenous pyrogen. When this substance acts on the thermoregulation center located in the brain, namely, in the anterior hypothalamus, body temperature rises. Against this background, numerous body defense mechanisms are activated: the phagocytic activity of macrophages increases, the production of interferons and antibodies increases. This is the so-called “pyrogenic” mechanism for increasing body temperature. This is why doctors do not recommend lowering body temperature without good reason.

Fever in dogs

Fever is a hereditary autoinflammatory pathology that can cause the development of an incurable disease such as amyloidosis of internal organs.

It is believed that the disease develops as a result of a genetic mutation inherent in Shar Peis..

Because of it, protein molecules are polymerized and deposited in the tissues of internal organs. The kidneys are most at risk, but not all animals with fever are diagnosed with renal amyloidosis.

Symptoms and signs:

  • swollen, inflamed paw joints;
  • temperature increase to 39.4-41.6 °C;
  • the appearance of deep ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • dehydration;
  • the appearance of an ammonia smell from the mouth;
  • ascites;
  • tachypnea;
  • sudden paralysis of the hind legs;
  • jaundice;
  • polydipsia;
  • polyuria;
  • anorexia;
  • vomit.

Unfortunately, at the initial stage the disease is asymptomatic; in only 25-43% of sick animals a large amount of protein is immediately detected in the urine.


Symptoms appear at the age of 1-6 years, females get sick more often.

To diagnose fever, it is necessary to conduct a biopsy and cytological examination of the obtained material. If the clinical picture is very vague, a biopsy of the liver or other internal organs may be performed.

If the case is not advanced, replacement therapy is carried out: painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of fever is based on a drug that blocks excess synthesis of liver enzymes, which reduces the amount of amyloid and allows the Shar Pei to live longer and improve its quality.

The doctor also prescribes Clopidogrel to reduce red blood cell aggregation and eliminate the risk of thromboembolic disease and Amlodipine to combat arterial hypertension.

It is important to adhere to the correct diet prepared by a veterinary nutritionist.

Diagnosis with test tube and microscope

The problem of LNG affects many areas of medicine and requires the attention of doctors of various specialties. And since the mechanism for increasing body temperature in the vast majority of cases is the same (we will not discuss vague subfebrile conditions, when the body temperature rises no higher than 380C for a long time and in most cases is a consequence of autonomic dysfunction or organic brain damage), then significant difficulties arise in the differential diagnosis of diseases. Selective rather than total screening is recommended. And only an experienced doctor can determine the required scope of examination after analyzing complaints, medical history, and examination results. The specialist will pay attention to paraneoplastic signs, that is, symptoms that may accompany the tumor process - specific changes in the skin, joints, blood vessels (migratory thrombophlebitis). In modern practice, the possibilities of laboratory methods are used - blood testing for specific tumor markers. To clarify the diagnosis, if infectious diseases are suspected, in addition to routine methods, serological and bacteriological tests of blood, urine, feces, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, which has 100% specificity, are used. To confirm the diagnosis of systemic connective tissue disease, repeated additional laboratory examinations (rheumatoid factor, antibodies to DNA, etc.) may be required. And in order to confirm the syndrome of autonomic dysfunction, that is, functional changes with unclear low-grade fevers, it is also necessary to conduct an examination to exclude a more serious pathology. The issue of treatment for LNG is decided individually in each specific case. In the meantime, the diagnosis is unclear, you should refrain from treatment. Only in cases of poor tolerance and possible complications (in the elderly, children and with concomitant pathologies) are drugs used to reduce body temperature, preferably paracetamol in appropriate doses.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Shar Peis have a sensitive digestive system, so gastrointestinal problems are not uncommon for them.


Diarrhea can be triggered by a change in diet, food allergies, helminthic infestation, or ingestion of inedible objects.

Treatment is based on diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and enemas with chamomile infusion. Medicines prescribed include Catozal, sorbents, and probiotics. .

Congenital megaesophagus

It appears in puppies immediately after the end of the lactation period. This disease is characterized by dilation of the esophagus, as a result of which the digestion process slows down, belching occurs, and salivation increases.

Surgery is recommended.

Lymphocytic-plasmacytic enteritis

Inflammation of the intestine, in which the basis of the cellular infiltrate of its mucosa is composed mainly of lymphocytes and plasma cells.

Skin diseases and what they look like in the photo

A large number of skin folds causes constant friction and injury, which leads to diaper rash and increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

As a result, the dog develops intertrigo - a bacterial or fungal inflammatory disease.

Idiopathic mucinosis

The pathology can occur in 2 forms: in the subcutaneous form, there is an accumulation of mucin in the folds, swelling and hardening of damaged skin, and in the vesicular form, many small pimples filled with sticky liquid form on the lower lip, buttocks and between the fingers.

For young dogs with primary mucinosis, observation by a veterinarian without treatment is recommended - often the disease goes away on its own when the animal reaches the age of 2-5 years.

In the case of a severe form of the disease, Prednisolone is prescribed simultaneously with the treatment of atopy, pyoderma, and fungal dermatitis.


The development of the disease is provoked by intradermal mites and often occurs against a background of weakened immunity.

Demodectic mange is characterized by itching, the formation of bald spots, bald spots, and papules . Lack of timely treatment leads to the development of pyoderma, folliculitis, and tissue decay.

As a treatment, Advocate drops are prescribed externally to bald patches and ivermectin preparations in liquid form orally.


A hereditary disease characterized by flaking of the skin, the appearance of crusts, many greasy scales, an unusual specific odor, and deterioration of the condition of the claws.

For treatment it is necessary to use special shampoos, antifungal and antibacterial drugs, food supplements with Omega 3.6, vitamin A.

Entropion of the eyelids

Ophthalmic diseases in representatives of this breed are caused by excess skin on the face. The most common problem is entropion of the eyelid. In this case, the eyelashes scratch the cornea, which leads to injury and inflammation.


  • scratching the damaged eye;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • redness and inflammation;
  • rapid blinking.


Entropion of the eyelid can cause the development of conjunctivitis.

Previously, solving the problem required surgery, during which the doctor cut out part of the skin. Nowadays, they more often resort to lining the eyelids of puppies - a specialist stitches the excess skin on the eyelids with a thread, without using anesthesia.

The most humane method is fixing the skin with a medical stapler..

About the history of the emergence of the Shar Pei breed

Most zoologists include mastiffs and chow-chows as the ancestor breeds of Shar Pei dogs.
This is supported by very noticeable external similarities, as well as the blue-black tongue characteristic of only two breeds. It is believed that the breed was bred about three thousand years ago, and initially they were actively used for organizing and conducting dog fights. This was greatly facilitated by the advantageous physique and other features of the animal: powerful jaws, folds in thick skin, as well as short but spiky hair.

However, as other dogs with better characteristics that made them better suited for fighting began to be imported into China, there was no longer a need to use Shar Peis for this purpose.

Since then, Shar Peis have been used mainly for hunting and guarding houses belonging to peasants. However, in the mid-twentieth century, this breed was practically exterminated because its representatives were considered the privilege of the upper class, which was persecuted during the revolution.

The restoration of the breed began in the early 70s of the 20th century, when dogs of this breed began to be actively purchased and prepared for restoration. And today Shar Peis are in great demand and are in demand not only in China, but all over the world (including Russia).

The average lifespan of a Shar Pei is about ten years. But, in general, this indicator depends on the health of the animal, which, in turn, is determined by a number of factors.

Why is he shaking his head?

Shar Peis often shake their heads - this helps move wax outward..

However, if the pet does this more often than usual, scratches its ears, an unpleasant odor emanates from them, and liquid discharge replaces wax, then most likely these are signs of otitis media caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, ear mites, or even allergies.

This condition is common in Shar-Peis due to their small ears and rather narrow ear canals . Treatment involves the use of antibiotic drops.

In some cases, plastic surgery of the external auditory canal may be required to provide access to air and self-outflow of wax and accumulated exudate.

Infectious diseases

CoronavirusSevere, debilitating diarrhea in puppies, conjunctivitis
Staphylococcal inflammation of the skinScratches and abrasions are contaminated with a pathogen, redness, increased local temperature, pain, itching, discharge of pus
EhrlichiosisAnemia, fever, depression, lethargy, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, joint pain, weight loss, anemia, neurological seizures, spontaneous bleeding, eye inflammation, swelling of the hind limbs
Infectious enteritisProfuse diarrhea, intermittent fever
LeptospirosisFever, severe shaking, muscle tension and soreness, vomiting, dehydration
ParainfluenzaRhinitis, conjunctivitis, cough, mouth ulcers
Infectious hepatitisSore throat, cough, clouding of the cornea, jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting
Carnivore plagueEnlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes, diarrhea, vomiting, cough, conjunctivitis and uveitis, neurological seizures, possible paralysis, tetra and paraplegia

Allergic reactions

The body of healthy dogs distinguishes between substances that are necessary and dangerous for its normal functioning . Individuals prone to allergies do not have this ability, and almost any external irritant can provoke a negative reaction in their body.

Most often this:

  • food products, as well as individual components of industrial feed, for example, flavors or dyes;
  • flowering plants;
  • medicines;
  • care products – shampoos, balms, powders for washing dog clothes;
  • insect bites;
  • viruses, bacteria and parasites.

In some cases, the dog’s body begins to independently produce allergens and fight them. This pathology is called autoallergy.


Allergy symptoms in Shar-Peis appear quite quickly: the first signs can be noticeable within a few minutes, the maximum period is 10-14 days.

Allergies are expressed in:

  • redness of the skin and itching - often the pet scratches itself until it bleeds;
  • dry skin and the appearance of dandruff;
  • alopecia or baldness;
  • the appearance of a sickly-sweet odor from the skin, fur and mouth;
  • sputum in the armpits, chest and dewlap;
  • increased lacrimation, blurred eyes.

Also, food allergies can cause the development of allergic otitis, which is why the pet often scratches its ears and shakes them.

Often, the symptoms of allergies can be similar to other pathologies. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis based on an external examination of the dog, the collected medical history and the tests performed.

In case of acute symptoms, the Shar Pei must be given first aid.:

  • eliminate all possible allergens - remove food, stop taking medications;
  • give antihistamines;
  • put the dog on its side, provide access to fresh air;
  • in case of vomiting, monitor the oral cavity and eliminate the vomit;
  • if there is no improvement after 15-20 minutes. Re-give an antihistamine, as well as immunomodulators and vitamin C.

Allergies in dogs cannot be cured completely; therapy is aimed at treating symptoms (taking antihistamines, and in case of severe itching and scratching of the skin, also using wound-healing and anti-inflammatory ointments) and removing the allergen from the body (taking adsorbents).

It is also necessary to eliminate the allergen from the pet’s environment..

Quality + quantity = the key to successful treatment

Thus, a prolonged increase in temperature is a reason to consult a doctor. In order to complete the examination as quickly as possible with an extremely informative result, it makes sense to contact multidisciplinary medical institutions, which is what CELT is. The combination of an integrated approach to the problem and a high professional level of specialists in specific areas allows the attending physician to be flexible in the choice of remedies. If necessary, doctors of various specialties gather simultaneously, without any bureaucracy, to solve a complex “borderline” problem. But if necessary, literally in the next minute you can “switch” this task to a “narrow” specialist. In the diagnostic and treatment department, in 2-3 days, you can carry out both routine tests, such as clinical blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound and X-ray diagnostics of various organs, endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract (esophagogastroduadeno- and colonoscopy), and special studies according to indications (blood tests for various infections, hormones, specific tumor markers, immunological studies, rheumatic tests, blood and urine cultures, computed tomography, laparoscopic diagnostics, etc.). All consultations are conducted by competent, highly specialized specialists who are able to correctly interpret research results and either exclude one or another pathology or prescribe effective treatment. But the main advantage of this approach is the participation of a therapist, who combines and summarizes all the information that comes to him about the prescribed treatment and chooses the optimal tactics to combat the disease.

Pet obesity

Representatives of this breed are prone to gaining excess weight. As a rule, obesity is caused by improper feeding of a pet (too large portions, unbalanced diet, lack of routine) and insufficient level of physical activity.

Obesity causes shortness of breath, heart and liver problems, gastrointestinal upset and can cause death.

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the feeding regimen, do not feed the dog food from the common table, use food designed for overweight dogs in the proportions specified by the manufacturer, and in case of natural nutrition - dietary products, and also increase the number and duration of walks.

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