Main symptoms of pneumonia in dogs and treatment methods

Pneumonia is a serious illness that requires hospitalization of the dog. It often develops rapidly and is severe, so that even professional veterinary medicine is sometimes unable to cope with the disease. Differential diagnosis is extremely important here, since the symptoms of the initial stage of pneumonia can be confused with signs of an acute respiratory disease, which occurs much more easily and without tragic consequences. That is why any owner should be informed about how this disease manifests itself and how to treat a sick pet, because being enlightened means being armed. Let's look at what pneumonia is and what the rules are for fighting it.

Mechanism of disease

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, involving all structures of the lung tissue, including the alveoli (cavities of the lungs involved in the respiratory process). It can have a different (but predominantly infectious) nature, and is also a complication of many diseases of the respiratory system.

The mechanism of the disease is quite simple: the pathogen, having penetrated the respiratory tract, causes inflammation in the alveoli. In the presence of a reduced bronchopulmonary barrier, transmission of infection occurs through the alveolar septa. The product of an extensive inflammatory process in pneumonia is usually exudate, the type of which corresponds to the type of disease.

As a result, the process of supplying blood vessels with oxygen, in which the alveoli participate, is disrupted, causing hypoxia. As the disease progresses, respiratory and then heart failure develops. If the course of treatment is ineffective, the patient's condition becomes severe, the disease progresses, causing further deterioration. In this case, death is possible.

Risk group

The risk group for the disease includes dogs with chronic infectious diseases, congenital disorders of the respiratory system, as well as animals with serious immunodeficiency conditions. Pneumonia often develops in weakened and emaciated dogs. Animals on duty and living on the street (hunting, guard, riding) are also at risk. Puppies and older dogs are especially susceptible.


Damage to nerve cells can occur due to exposure to various pathological factors.

  • previous trauma;
  • acute or chronic intoxication with salts of heavy metals, narcotic substances, alcohol;
  • blood supply disorders (atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, amyloidosis, etc.);
  • infectious diseases (diphtheria, botulism, tetanus and others);
  • disorders of the liver or kidneys, accompanied by the accumulation of toxins in the blood;
  • disorders of glucose metabolism;
  • lack of vitamins (especially group B);
  • water retention, lack of sodium in the blood and resulting swelling;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • hypoxia: insufficient oxygen supply to brain cells.

Etiology of the disease

Depending on the etiology, pneumonia can be infectious or non-infectious.

Infectious pneumonia

Infectious pneumonia is often bacterial or viral in nature. It can develop as a primary or secondary disease against the background of influenza, bronchitis, tracheitis or tonsillitis. Depending on this, the causative agents of infectious pneumonia are:

  • gram-positive microorganisms (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci);
  • gram-negative microorganisms (enterobacteria, Escherichia coli, Proteus);
  • mycoplasmas (causative agents of mycoplasmosis);
  • viruses (herpes, influenza, parainfluenza, viral distemper);
  • fungal infections;
  • parasites (larvae of Toxocara, hookworm, filaria).

Infection of animals occurs mainly by airborne droplets, contact or hematogenous routes:

  • through contact with sick animals;
  • through contaminated food, dirty dishes, feces of sick animals;
  • through infected blood and lymph.

Non-infectious pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs of a non-infectious etiology in a dog is caused by the entry into the lung cavity of foreign agents of a non-infectious nature, namely:

  1. Aspiration pneumonia in dogs occurs after inhalation of foreign particles, foreign bodies (dust suspension, small debris), as well as when contents of the oral cavity or stomach enter the respiratory tract.
  2. Post-traumatic pneumonia is the body’s reaction to a violation of the integrity of the chest.
  3. Postoperative pneumonia is caused by complications after surgical interventions.
  4. Exposure to toxic substances on the respiratory system can result in toxic pneumonia.
  5. Allergic pneumonia. One of the symptoms of a malfunction of the immune system is inflammation of the lung tissue.


Can you get pneumonia from a dog?

This question worries many owners. The answer is clearly NO. Pneumonia is an inflammation - it cannot in any way be contagious. Even if it is bacterial or viral, these bacteria do not pose any danger to humans, since they are species specific only for dogs.

Is pneumonia transmitted from dog to dog?

Not directly, because it’s inflammation. But a dog can pick up an infection or a parasite from one of its relatives, and if this is allowed to happen, pneumonia can develop.

Types of pneumonia according to the nature of the inflammatory process

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process, two types of pneumonia are distinguished: catarrhal and lobar.

  1. Catarrhal pneumonia (or bronchopneumonia). The most common type of disease. The inflammatory process spreads to the tissue of the bronchi and alveoli, and is focal in nature. May develop as a complication of respiratory diseases. Focal pneumonia has less threatening symptoms and its treatment can therefore be carried out at home (but under the supervision of a doctor).
  2. Lobar pneumonia is acute in most dogs. It is an independent disease. It affects the entire lung or a significant part of it. It is characterized by the formation of an infiltrate in the alveoli, which can lead to swelling of the bronchial tissue. This form of pneumonia leads to respiratory problems and therefore requires hospitalization. For the most part, it is not contagious.

During the course of the disease, alveolar exudate is formed in the lumen of the bronchi and alveoli. Its composition is determined by the type of inflammatory process in the lungs:

  • Purulent exudate is characteristic of complicated forms of pneumonia with the addition of pyogenic microorganisms.
  • Serous exudate is a clear liquid, has a protein composition containing leukocytes and is formed in the catarrhal form of pneumonia.
  • Fibrinous exudate is exuded during lobar inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. It contains fibrinogen (a special protein), which indicates increased vascular permeability.

What is pulmonary edema?

The main organ responsible for breathing is the lungs, consisting of two parts, which are divided into small “lobes” - segments. The segments, in turn, are formed from pulmonary vesicles or alveoli, surrounded on all sides by the finest vessels - capillaries.

Pulmonary edema in dogs occurs due to an excessive amount of blood and plasma in the capillaries and vessels; as a result, blood pressure “squeezes” exudate out of them, filling the alveoli and penetrating into the interstitial space. The process by which fluid accumulates in the lungs occurs gradually, from bottom to top, which makes it possible to detect the deterioration of the dog’s health and provide him with timely help.

Features of the course of the disease

There are several stages of development of the disease:

  • The primary stage (with lobar inflammation it is called the stage of flushing or active hyperemia) lasts up to 3 days. The pathogen penetrates the lung tissue, causing inflammation. The vessels of the organ become overfilled with blood, and exudate begins to be released into the alveolar spaces.
  • Secondary stage (stage of red and then gray hepatization). May last up to two weeks. The lung tissue becomes denser (taking on the consistency of the liver), as a result of which the supply of oxygen to the bloodstream is sharply disrupted. Red blood cells and then leukocytes sweat into the alveolar exudate. Clinical signs are most acute. Intoxication reaches its peak.
  • The final stage. With a favorable outcome, the normal structure of the lung tissue is restored and the exudate is liquefied.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the state of the dog’s defenses and other factors, the disease can progress in different ways. There are three degrees of severity:

  1. Easy. No intoxication. Slight increase in temperature. The presence of a small focus of inflammation.
  2. Average. Moderate intoxication. The temperature may be increased slightly, but quite active formation of exudate is observed.
  3. Heavy. Severe intoxication. Loss of consciousness may occur. Body temperature is critically high. Active infiltration is underway. The dog is very weak and is breathing frequently. Complications may develop.

General information

Encephalopathy occurs due to metabolic disorders in brain cells. Regardless of the cause, the pathology follows a single scenario. First, there is a decrease in the activity of neurons, then their gradual death. Foci of dystrophy are located throughout the brain, which causes a variety of symptoms.

The damage is irreversible, but with timely consultation with a specialist and quality treatment, the patient’s condition can improve. The remaining intact neurons partially take over the function of the dead cells, and brain function is significantly improved. If the disease was caught at an early stage, the patient retains complete clarity of mind.

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Provoking factors

Each type of pneumonia has its own risk factors that can trigger the onset of the disease.

Risk factors for infectious pneumonia

Risk factors for infectious forms of the disease are the following:

  • frequent hypothermia;
  • complications of primary infections: influenza, plague, tracheitis;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • weakened immunity due to insufficient production of immunoglobulin A by the body;
  • poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • failure to comply with hygienic conditions for keeping animals (using dirty dishes, keeping sick and animals in the same enclosure, and so on);
  • lack of timely deworming;
  • eating foods with fungal infections (mold).

Risk factors for non-infectious forms

  • Injuries and fractures of the chest provoke traumatic pneumonia.
  • The postoperative period is often complicated by an inflammatory process in the lungs due to forced immobility for a long time.
  • Aspiration of vomit into the respiratory tract during repeated vomiting can provoke aspiration pneumonia.
  • Living in areas with poor ecology (with chemical production facilities nearby) is fraught with a toxic form of the disease.
  • Long-term use of certain medications and chemotherapy can cause toxic pneumonia.


A neurologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of encephalopathy. Patient examination includes:

  • survey: collection of complaints and anamnesis; it is mandatory to clarify information about previous diseases, injuries, risk factors, the time of the first violations, the rate of development, etc.;
  • neurological examination: assessment of reflexes, sensitivity, muscle strength, motor function;
  • electroencephalography (EEG): assessment of electrical impulses arising during brain function; allows you to identify signs of epilepsy, inflammation, the presence of tumors, etc.;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the brain and neck: assesses the quality of blood flow in large vessels, identifies areas of narrowing, assesses the volume of incoming blood;
  • rheoencephalography: complements ultrasound, allows you to assess the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, detect blood clots;
  • angiography: X-ray examination of blood vessels by introducing a contrast agent into them;
  • CT and MRI: allow you to detect foci of sclerosis, tumors, inflammatory foci, consequences of stroke and other structural changes;
  • blood tests (general, biochemical): make it possible to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and identify toxins that can affect the condition of the brain.

If necessary, other tests and examinations may be prescribed, as well as specialist consultations to accurately determine the cause of encephalopathy.

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Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the initial stage of the disease are very similar to the signs of any respiratory disease, so many owners do not pay attention to them. It seems to them that the dog has nothing serious. But signs such as a slight increase in temperature, a warm, dry nose, chills and fever may appear later as dangerous symptoms of lobar pneumonia:

  • high fever;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough streaked with blood;
  • clear signs of oxygen starvation, bluish coloration of the lips;
  • lack of appetite, weight loss;
  • hypertension, increased heart rate;
  • severe intoxication;
  • depression of respiratory function.

Focal pneumonia develops more often as a complication of acute respiratory infections or influenza. It is accompanied by low-grade or febrile temperature, dry or wet cough, and severe weakness. When listening, hard breathing, wheezing, and crepitus (creaking) over the source of inflammation are detected.

Diagnosis of the disease

After listening and percussing (tapping) the lung area, the doctor orders a chest x-ray. This is the most informative method for diagnosing pneumonia. The darkening and enhanced pulmonary pattern in the image will make it possible to determine the presence of a process in the lungs, its type and the extent of damage to the organ.

A biochemical blood test is no less important. The state of the blood can determine the degree of inflammation, as well as the type and cause of pneumonia. Sputum analysis helps determine the type of pathogen.

Only a professional can interpret the test results, so competent medical care in the treatment of pneumonia is necessary. In addition, the disease must be differentiated from other diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • acute tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis and tracheobronchitis;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • lung abscess;
  • tumor diseases of the lungs and tissues surrounding them.

Stages and development of pneumonia. Diagnostics

First stage

At this stage, there are practically no symptoms, or they are mild. This period lasts up to 5 days, after which it passes into the next stage.

Second stage

The stage lasts no longer than 10 days, and there are all the symptoms that are characteristic of pneumonia. It is at this time that the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. This period allows you to completely eliminate the disease without disrupting the functioning of other organs of the animal.

Final stage

If the symptoms are quickly recognized at the final stage, a cure or significant improvement in the animal’s condition occurs. If treatment is not given, death is likely to occur. In addition, the disease can be mild, moderate, severe or super severe. Treatment and symptoms depend on this. Also, the pathological process can be divided into:

  • spicy;
  • subacute;
  • chronic.

In this case, chronic pneumonia can develop due to the ingress of foreign bodies or liquids. This is also called aspiration pneumonia.

Diagnosis of pneumonia begins with an x-ray. This allows you to see what part of the lungs is affected and the severity of the situation. It is also necessary to take a general blood test. This allows you to see the cause of the disease, the possible presence of roundworms and larvae in the animal’s body and directly in the lungs themselves. Since there are many causes of pneumonia, it is important to seek help from an experienced specialist who will take into account not only the results of a blood test and symptoms, but will also pay attention to the age of the animal and the presence of breed characteristics.

Patient's condition with pneumonia

The treatment method is selected taking into account the patient's condition. There are three types of conditions for pneumonia:

  1. A stable condition may be accompanied by quite strong pulmonary symptoms, but the dog’s general well-being at this moment is close to normal: its appetite is not impaired, it exhibits normal physical activity. In this case, after visiting a veterinarian and receiving treatment recommendations, the animal can be treated on an outpatient basis.
  2. Unstable. In addition to pulmonary manifestations, the temperature is significantly elevated, the dog is lethargic and refuses to eat. In this case, the animal must be constantly under medical supervision in a hospital.
  3. Critical. Other signs of pneumonia include symptoms of acute lack of oxygen and cardiac dysfunction. The animal needs resuscitation, which consists of artificial ventilation of the lungs and maintaining the vital functions of the body.

Manifestations of pulmonary edema

Pulmonary edema has different symptoms and can occur in a dog, either acutely or rather slowly. If you notice any of the following signs in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately, as the clock may count:

  1. An apathetic and depressed state in which the animal does not respond to affection or favorite food.
  2. The occurrence of shortness of breath, accompanied by atypical behavior of the dog - it stretches its head, spreads its front legs as far as possible and at the same time can breathe with its mouth open.
  3. Frequent, shallow breathing, in which the dog appears to be “belly breathing.”
  4. Dry, hacking cough.
  5. Pale or bluish coloration of the mucous membranes caused by lack of oxygen.
  6. Flowing liquid or foam from the nostrils and mouth, sometimes mixed with blood.
  7. Decreased body temperature.

As we see, the symptoms themselves are quite alarming and bring suffering to the dog, and help not provided in time can lead to a tragic outcome.

Treatment of the disease

It is preferable to treat pneumonia in dogs in a hospital, since only there it will be complete and comprehensive.

  • The main treatment for pneumonia is antibiotic therapy. They use broad-spectrum antibiotics that are effective against any type of pathogen or a complex that includes several types of drugs. These are penicillin antibiotics (Ampicillin, Gentamicin), tetracyclines (Doxycycline). They are prescribed in tablet or injection form.
  • Physiotherapy. It is prescribed when acute inflammation subsides. In most cases, this is UHF heating, electrophoresis, and also a special chest massage to avoid stagnation of sputum, accumulation of alveolar exudate and pulmonary edema.
  • Artificial ventilation and oxygen therapy are indispensable in severe cases.
  • Infusion therapy is also possible only in a hospital setting. It is used if the animal is severely exhausted and is unable to independently support the vital functions of the body: it is in a state of extreme exhaustion or dehydration.

How to distinguish pneumonia from a cold

Like the flu, pneumonia in dogs is accompanied by chills, nasal discharge, lethargy and loss of appetite. A sick pet has a fever. Due to temperature fluctuations, he loses strength, and due to increased sweating, he is constantly thirsty. To make a correct diagnosis, check for the following symptoms:


  • frequent wet, loud and painful cough with green sputum or streaks of blood;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath (nasal passages become clogged with dried crusts), wheezing and whistling when breathing;
  • blue discoloration of the mucous membranes of the mouth and lips, which occurs due to lack of oxygen;
  • yellowing of the whites of the eyes, which occurs with the croupous form;
  • increased heart rate.

The nature of the lesion can be recognized by the behavior of the pet. If it lies only on one side, then the inflamed organ is on the opposite side. In the case of bilateral damage, attacks of pain occur in any position.

Home care and recovery

At home, every effort should be made to strengthen the body weakened by the disease:

  • Continue to give antibiotics according to the regimen suggested by your doctor.
  • Stop walking for a while to avoid possible hypothermia and colds, the onset of which can lead to a relapse.
  • You cannot suppress the cough reflex with drugs that act on the cough center of the brain, so as not to provoke stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  • Do regular chest massage yourself to improve sputum production in your dog.
  • Bring your pet for follow-up examinations at the appointed time.
  • Create a complete diet that will help restore weakened strength in a short time.
  • Additionally, carry out vitamin therapy. Usually, the dog is prescribed vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins A, C and group B.

How to behave if symptoms of edema appear?

First, calm down yourself and try to calm the dog, as anxiety will only aggravate its already serious condition. After this, go to the veterinary clinic immediately.

In the car, the dog should be arranged in a way that is comfortable for him, holding him so that he does not get hurt when moving. At the same time, it is necessary to continue to calm the animal, wipe off mucus and foam if they are released, and constantly ventilate the car interior.

At the clinic, the dog will be given an x-ray, which will confirm or deny pulmonary edema, and will also examine the dog, listen to it, and perform a number of laboratory tests.

When the diagnosis is clear, your pet will be given first aid and will look for the cause that caused pulmonary edema. Perhaps the dog will spend several days in the veterinary clinic, where he will be given oxygen inhalations and will be under round-the-clock supervision.

Prevention methods

Basic preventive measures are aimed at maintaining good physical shape and immunity of the animal. It means:

  • Avoid hypothermia, protect from colds and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Vaccinate and deworm on time.
  • Avoid contact with sick animals.
  • Maintain a nutritious and balanced diet. The dog should receive all the vitamins and microelements necessary for its age.
  • Moderate physical activity is beneficial for dogs.

If the dog receives good care and proper treatment, the prognosis of the disease is often favorable. Modern experience in the treatment of pneumonia is quite rich and allows us to cope with even a severe form of the disease.

How to care for a sick dog

Avoid prolonged exposure to extremely cold or wet weather. Keep your sick pet indoors. It is also recommended to limit the dog’s mobility, with the exception of short walks for urgent matters. For home care, your doctor may recommend the following procedures:

  1. Increasing humidity to thin mucus in the upper respiratory tract and relieve coughing. To do this, turn on the water in the bathroom for 15 minutes and leave the dog to breathe moist air. The procedure is repeated up to 3 times a day.
  2. Coupage is a physical therapy technique in which the therapist gently taps the patient's chest. This loosens deeper secretions and helps them enter the airways. The procedure is carried out 4 times a day.

Do not over-stress your pet. He currently does not have normal lung capacity and has difficulty breathing when walking quickly or playing. Therefore, he himself will determine whether he is healthy enough to actively move.

Important! Treatment should not include diuretics, as these can dehydrate the patient, or cough suppressants. In addition, it is not recommended to prescribe medications that suppress the immune system, for example, Cyclosporine, Prednisolone.

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