Glands under a dog's tail: Care rules, problems and solutions

The vet talks about the problem!

In recent years, more and more owners have been turning to veterinary clinics with the problem of inflammation or blockage of the paraanal glands in their pets. This is what the glands under the dog's tail are called.

Improper nutrition, care and lifestyle of city dogs takes its toll. Small breeds are more susceptible to this - Yorkies most often suffer from inflammation of the glands (read about the treatment of dogs of this breed).

But large dogs sometimes suffer the same fate. We will talk about the causes and measures to prevent blockage and inflammation of the paraanal glands, as well as ways to solve these problems.

Paraanal glands: Where are they located and what are they needed for?

The paraanal glands are located under the dog's tail on either side of the anus. Normally, their ducts are always open. These glands secrete a very strong-smelling secretion, the smell of which is individual for each animal.

In the wild and on the street, animals mark their territory in this way (the wild ancestors of dogs can tell a lot about our pets).

That is why dogs, when meeting their relatives, carefully sniff under the tail of a new acquaintance - this is how they learn information about each other.

This is what a healthy and diseased anal gland looks like in a dog

What to wash so it doesn't stink

To get rid of the unpleasant odor, first of all, it is recommended to try Nizoral medicinal shampoo, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio (sold in a pharmacy for people). The pet's body must be moistened with water, the fur and skin thoroughly washed, and left for 10 minutes. The optimal frequency of the procedure is with an interval of 5-6 days.

If bald spots form on the body, then you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian. He will scrape off the sources of the lesion, after which he will develop a therapeutic course.

Inflammation of the glands in a dog under the tail: Causes

Inflammation of the glands develops due to stagnation and blockage of the glands with thick secretions. Why does stagnation occur? The fact is that dogs in a city apartment lose the physiological ability to empty the paraanal glands on their own.

The reasons may be the following:

  • Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Obesity.
  • Poor nutrition leading to digestive disorders: diarrhea or constipation (read about constipation).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breed predisposition (Yorkshire terriers, lapdogs, toy terriers more often suffer from this).

Watch the video: Veterinarian shows how to clean a dog's glands

Poor nutrition

How to get rid of dog smell in an apartment

If your puppy or adult pet smells rotten or fishy on a consistent basis, this may indicate that the food is not right for him. This issue is especially acute among dog owners who eat ready-made dry industrial food of dubious quality.

Low-quality dry dog ​​food is the cause of digestive disorders

Dogs cannot handle all foods that the human stomach can easily handle. For example, the owner decided to pamper his pet with a delicious bun that activates the sebaceous glands. The result is that the animal’s body produces a large amount of sebum, which causes the stench.

For your information! A specific smell may come from your pet if fish is often present in its diet. Of course, seafood is healthy, but it is important to adhere to moderation in everything.

Experts strongly recommend excluding homemade food from the dog’s diet, which activates the processes of decay of food residues in the intestines. We are talking about peas, beans, cabbage, pasta and potatoes. They often provoke the development of diseases of the digestive system.

Inflammation of the glands in a dog near the tail: Signs

When stagnation of secretion occurs in the paraanal glands, characteristic changes appear in the animal’s behavior:

  • The dog begins to frequently lick the area under the tail.
  • The animal “rides its butt” across the floor.
  • A sharp unpleasant odor appears from under the tail.

Due to stagnation in the glands, pathogenic microflora begins to develop and the following symptoms are added to the previous symptoms:

  • Swelling and redness of the paraanal area.
  • Painful lumps appear on both sides.
  • In advanced cases, abscesses with purulent contents form, and the general condition of the animal suffers.

Common non-pathological causes

There are actually many reasons why a dog smells like fish and, unfortunately, not all of them are harmless. However, you should not sound the alarm ahead of time; it is better to first become familiar with the main provoking factors of a non-pathological nature.

A caring owner notices deviations in the pet’s well-being in a timely manner

The main ones include:

  • Stressful situations, against the background of which in almost 100% of cases the pet begins to exude a rather rich and unpleasant aroma. As a rule, this is observed if, against a background of stress, the animal experiences pain for a long time.
  • Few people might think, but fear can also cause the appearance of a fetid, rotten odor. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body to potential danger. In apartments, the most common sources of fear are electrical appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines and other noisy household appliances.

Note! Stress and fear will never have a positive effect on your pet's body. It is better to start cleaning the house - provided that the animal is afraid - when the pet is on a walk.

A dog that is frightened by a loud vacuum cleaner may smell unpleasant.

Paraanal gland in a dog: How to clean

Many dogs never experience problems emptying the paraanal glands in their lives, which is why owners sometimes have no idea at all about their presence under the animal’s tail.

But such individuals more often belong to large breeds that live in the yard or have the opportunity to have an active lifestyle.

But in the case of small apartment dogs, the situation is sometimes quite the opposite. If you notice symptoms of clogged glands in your dog, they need to be cleaned.

How to clean a dog's anal glands? The procedure is certainly not the most pleasant, but it is technically simple and can be done by any owner.

How to properly trim a dog’s claws and ear hair: How to care for a dog’s fur at home:

There are two ways to clean the glands:

  1. You should insert your index finger into the animal’s anus and feel the glandular formations on its sides, which are shaped like dense balls. Using light massage movements, you should empty the contents of the bags outward, the manipulation is carried out on both sides.
  2. Press the napkin to the anus and gently squeeze (press) the rectal area. This method may seem simpler in comparison with the first, however, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result with its help.

After emptying the glands, the area around the anus should be washed with detergent.

The procedure must be carried out with gloves and a mask, preferably in the bathroom or in the yard - the secretion may splash, and washing it off the carpet or furniture will be very problematic.

If we talk about the frequency of cleaning, this is decided individually - for one dog it is enough to clean the paraanal glands once every six months, for another this is not enough, and the manipulation is carried out monthly, or even more often.

Treating your dog yourself

What does the vet recommend?

What to do if your dog has bad breath? If you realize that your furry friend needs the help of a doctor, then you should take him to an appointment. First, the specialist will examine the animal, ask you about its lifestyle, nutrition, diseases, and other important things.

If pathologies of internal organs are suspected, appropriate studies will be carried out: blood and urine tests, x-rays, ultrasound or tomography, checking for infection with viruses or bacteria. They will also conduct an initial examination of the jaw and the condition of the teeth and gums.

If you need to remove tartar, a specialist will do it. Next, you just need to maintain oral hygiene. This procedure is painlessly performed using ultrasound, although large or restless animals are given anesthesia. After all, the oral cavity will be treated with an antiseptic solution and special pastes that protect the enamel.

If an oral injury is detected, the doctor will remove the foreign object and stitch the wound, if necessary. After this, you should constantly perform antiseptic treatment on the recommendation of a doctor.

If you have a gastrointestinal tract disease, you need to not only eliminate the unwanted aroma, but also follow a diet after everything. The veterinarian will tell you how to correctly create a diet - most likely, at first you will have to switch to natural food. It will consist of viscous porridge and low-fat meat broth.

If you have diabetes, you need to constantly monitor your glucose levels within acceptable limits. The dog's quality of life will directly depend on the level of care of the owner. It is necessary to use not only medications prescribed by a doctor, but also follow a special diet.

In case of parasitic infection, the doctor will help remove the helminths. After this, you need to give sorbents to cleanse the body. In advanced situations, IVs are prescribed.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands: Treatment methods

If you notice signs of inflammation of the paraanal glands in your pet, then you need to consult a veterinarian.

In Moscow, you can contact the veterinary clinics of the network “Your Doctor” or “Bely Klyk”, as well as the Innovative Veterinary Center of the Moscow Veterinary Academy (IVC MBA).

In St. Petersburg, competent specialists will help you at the clinics “Dog and Cat”, “Lucky”, “Your Doctor”.

After a clinical examination, the doctor will prescribe the following for your pet, depending on the extent and severity of the lesion:

  • Cleaning and rinsing of the paraanal glands with antiseptic solutions.
  • Rectal administration of anti-inflammatory suppositories (Ichthyol, Proctosedyl).
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Surgical removal of glands.

Watch the video: Treatment of glands in small breed dogs - Yorkies, Chihuahuas, etc.

External factors influencing unpleasant odor from the mouth

Why does my dog's breath smell like rotten meat?

The most common external triggers for the formation of an unpleasant odor are:

  • The daily diet contains a high concentration of protein. When such foods are digested, a large amount of nitrogen is released, hence the putrid odor.
  • Deposition of food remains behind the jowls of brachycephalic animals. People with short muzzles often do not have time to swallow all the food while eating; its remains accumulate in the cheek space, where they rot and emit an unpleasant odor.
  • The animal is given only chlorinated water to drink. It is important to understand that the cause of the development of dysbiosis can be a refusal to use bottled or spring water. And dysbacteriosis is already a significant reason for the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Additionally, it is worth noting an unbalanced diet that is not suitable for the pet. If difficulties arise in developing a diet, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian or breeder.

NO low quality chlorinated water

Prevention of blockage and inflammation of the paraanal glands

  • Walk daily for at least 3-4 hours a day.
  • Proper balanced nutrition, including fiber.
  • Periodic examination of the paraanal area.
  • Cleaning the glands at the first signs of stagnation with the necessary regularity.

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