Manchester Terrier - rat catcher with English roots

Elegant, graceful, Manchester Terriers are reminiscent of Doberman Pinschers. This breed was bred two centuries ago, but has already managed to win the love and popularity of dog lovers. The Manchester Terrier has excellent sociability abilities and is ready to play with small children all day long. Also, representatives of this type of dog get along well with many other pets of their family. But Manchester Terriers were bred to hunt rats. Therefore, all rodents that meet on the dog’s path need to be careful - the risk of becoming prey for the terrier is high.


Manchester Terriers are natural rat catchers, which is what they were bred for. However, their capabilities are not limited to this. Despite their predatory nature, they become a true loyal friend for humans, affectionate towards children and other animals.

Due to their athletic and masculine body structure, they are used in greyhound racing, in which such dogs achieve significant success. This breed is also popular at various exhibitions, its graceful, proud features attract the attention of many people. In the police, Manchester Terriers serve as trackers, as they have an exceptionally sensitive sense of smell and accurately find a target.

Dog food

It is recommended to feed a Manchester Terrier puppy 3 to 5 times a day. An adult pet needs 2 meals, in rare cases 3. It is better to keep the same time intervals between them, adhering to the regime.

Dogs eat special food or natural food.

Your pet's diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • fish, preferably sea fish;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables that can be given raw, with the exception of potatoes;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products.

Important! Sweets and flour products are prohibited. Dogs are also not allowed smoked foods.

Cairn Terrier breed standard

The Cairn Terrier is a combination of funny appearance and lively temperament. The perky mustaches, dressed in shaggy fur coats, look like they just jumped off the shelf of a toy store. Add to this a modest weight (only 6-9 kg), a low rise typical of terriers and an overall compact build - and you have before you an exemplary representative of the breed, assertive, restless and terribly curious.


Small, proportional to the body of the animal, with a pronounced hollow between the eyes and a powerful muzzle. The stop is raised and clearly visible.


The eyes of a purebred Cairn Terrier are set wide apart and hidden under shaggy eyebrows, which gives the dog a comical and slightly angry appearance.


A purebred representative of the breed should have a straight, medium-length back and a flexible loin. The Cairn Terrier's chest is massive, with well-rounded ribs.

The Cairn Terrier has very strong and strong legs with sloping shoulders, impressive hips and low hocks. The front paws are much larger than the hind paws, and the paw pads are elastic and convex. The dog moves smoothly, with a strong push from the hind legs and a uniform extension of the front legs.


In a familiar environment, the Cairn Terrier carries its short tail cheerfully and energetically, without lowering it down or throwing it over its back.


A dog's coat is perhaps the defining characteristic of the breed. Double, with ultra-hard topcoat and short, adjacent undercoat, it performs a protective function - it prevents the animal from getting wet in bad weather and reduces the risk of mechanical injuries.


A purebred individual should have a coat of cream, red, wheaten, ash-black or gray color. Cairn Terriers with pronounced brindle colors are also not Plembraced and are allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Disqualifying faults

Aggression or unreasonable fearfulness of a dog is an unconditional disqualification. Animals with atypical colors such as solid black, white, or black and tan are also not allowed to participate in competitions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Among the advantages of the breed are:

  • cheerfulness and friendliness. Dogs can be stubborn, but proper training will avoid this character trait;
  • balance and restraint, lack of aggression;
  • intelligence and intelligence;
  • love for children and devotion to the owner;
  • lack of maintenance requirements.

The disadvantages of Manchester Terriers include:

  • dogs experience loneliness hard and require attention;
  • Terriers need active games and daily walking with a splash of emotions and energy;
  • The dog will not get along with guinea pigs, rats and other rodents. Obeying instincts, the dog attacks small animals;
  • Some owners note that dogs show aggression towards soft toys. They tear them to shreds, which is very upsetting for small children.

The Manchester Terrier is famous for its fighting past, but today it is a completely non-aggressive dog that gets along with children. It can be kept both in a city apartment and in a spacious house, not forgetting about daily games

The attention of the owner is important for the dog; usually he singles out one person and becomes a good friend to him, but remains friendly with other family members

*Prices in the article are for February 2022.

Character and behavior

Manchester Terriers are cheerful and good-natured dogs with a balanced psyche and energetic temperament.

Thanks to their cheerful, easy-going disposition, they easily find a common language with all household members, but they single out one owner for themselves.

Despite all their advantages, Manchester Terriers can be stubborn and self-willed. Therefore, they need a serious, strong-willed owner with a firm, decisive character.

In ordinary life, Manchester Terriers do not show aggression towards strangers, as if without noticing them. But as soon as the dogs feel that their owners are in danger, they attack the enemy without warning.

Breed and children

Cheerful, sociable Manchester Terriers get along well with children. Dogs enjoy playing with their owner’s children and walking with them in the parks.

Important! Manchester Terriers do not like to be cuddled too much. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to children that dogs are not toys.

Breed and other animals

Manchester Terriers get along well with dogs. But they do not get along with other animals, including cats, rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs due to their developed hunting instincts.

Manchester Terriers consider small animals prey and do not miss an opportunity to deal with them.


The Manchester Terrier is a small dog with an elegant but strong build. Sexual dimorphism is moderately expressed. Height at withers - 3-41 cm, weight - 5.5-10 kg. The Manchester Terrier is very similar to the English Toy Terrier and Miniature Pinscher, but is much larger. There are also some similarities with the German Jagdterrier, in the breeding of which he participated.

The skull is long, narrow and flat, wedge-shaped. The muzzle is elongated, tapers noticeably towards the nose, and is well filled under the eyes. The nose is black. The jaws are the same size. The teeth are strong and meet in a regular scissor bite. The lips fit tightly. The eyes are small, dark in color, shiny, almond-shaped. The ears are triangular, medium in size, set high, hanging down close to the head above the eyes.

On the Internet you can find photos of Manchester terriers with erect ears. The thing is that the American standard allows hanging, erect and cropped ears. The FCI and English Kennel Club standard allows only pendants.

The neck is quite long, widening towards the shoulders. The topline in the lumbar region is slightly arched. The ribs are well sprung. The tail is short, thick at the base, tapering well to the tip, and carried no higher than the level of the back. The front legs are straight, placed under the body. The hind legs, when viewed from behind, are straight, from the side, well bent at the knees. The paws are small, strong with arched toes, oval. Bottom line with good undermining.

The coat is smooth, thick, very short, shiny. Color: very rich black with bright mahogany tan. The tan is distributed as follows: on the cheekbones, above the eyes, on the lower jaw and throat, clear triangles on the legs from the carpal and hock joints down, not reaching the toes, which are shaded black; there is a small black spot above the paws, which is called the “thumb mark”; there are also marks on the inside of the hind legs, on the knee joint; under the tail in the area of ​​the anus should be as narrow as possible and covered by the tail. Marking on the outside of the hind legs is undesirable. Colors must be clearly separated.

Miniature Manchester Terrier (Toy Manchester Terrier)

The miniature variety of the Manchester Terrier is recognized only by the American Kennel Club, which means that small dogs are officially bred only in the States and Canada. In the UK, where the main association is the English Kenne Club, and in 84 other countries under the patronage of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), Miniature Manchesters have long been identified as a separate breed - the English Toy Terrier. It is worth noting that the English Toy Terrier is endangered. To increase the population and expand the gene pool, the Kennel Club of Great Britain allowed the registration of American Toy Manchesters and Manchester Terriers of the appropriate size under the name English Toy Terrier.

Nicknames for Manchester Terrier

What makes the task of choosing a nickname easier is that when you buy a purebred puppy with documents, it already has its own name. If it doesn’t suit you, then at home you can call your pet whatever you want

, but it is this name that is included in the metrics and will appear in all official documents. If you still have to choose a nickname, you can use one of the proposed options:

  • for a boy
    - Chapik, Maxwell, Keks, Badzhik, Vincent, Radik, Aizik, Ronnie;
  • for girls
    - Cora, Lori, Aisha, Tina, Bessie, Jackie and so on.

To care for your Manchester Terrier you do not need the services of a make-up artist,

all kinds of combs and other paraphernalia for dog hair. These dogs practically do not shed. All that will be necessary is to periodically wipe the wool with a damp piece of soft cloth or towel to clean and add shine.

You must remember to brush your dog once a week, as well as regularly take it out or use preventatives. Short hair certainly has its advantages, but it does not protect the dog from the cold. Therefore, when walking in such weather, you need to cut down and buy special overalls and hats.

The black color of the coat attracts the sun's rays and your pet can get heatstroke, so in hot weather you should avoid direct sunlight

and try to stay in the shadows more.

You need to walk such a dog every day and for as long as possible, so that it can throw out the energy that has accumulated during the day. Manchester Terriers are indoor dogs and are not adapted to life outside.

It is necessary to determine a place for the pet and teach it to relieve itself.

How to buy a puppy – price

To buy a purebred Manchester Terrier, you should consider the offers of nurseries (Black&Bright, Ruska-Ahon and others). Of course, many people want to save money and buy a puppy at a reduced price. But in this case, there is a possibility of purchasing a sick dog. Also, a purchased specimen may, as it grows, display not the best character traits - such situations occur when unscrupulous sellers pass off mestizos as purebreds.

Various nurseries offer English Terrier puppies for $300-$1000. But the price may be less (due to a minor defect in the breed) or more (due to the high title of the parents). If a puppy is purchased from a nursery, the breeder has no problems. In addition, the dog will already have a nickname, which is written down in the official birth certificate and other documents. But if the new owner doesn’t like the dog’s name, he can name it whatever he wants. Suitable nicknames for boys include: Arnie, Archie, Budgie, Rocky, Roni, Chappie. Suitable for girls: Laura, Cora, Betsy, Jackie, Dora, Tina and others.

Interesting facts about toy terriers

Despite the fact that the Toy Terrier breed is quite young, rumors about it are spreading all over the world.

The most interesting facts about the breed:

  1. Two types of toy terriers, smooth-haired and long-haired, were united by the breed standard under one name: Russian toy terrier;
  2. Today you can find Toys of the most unpredictable colors, such as purple. In the sun, the dog's fur plays with various shades;
  3. The toy terrier is one of the smallest dogs on the planet, but at the same time it is not the smallest dog. Some adult dogs of this breed weigh only 600 grams;
  4. This breed is often confused with the Chihuahua. The dogs are visually similar to each other, but upon a detailed examination you can immediately see the differences between the breeds: weight, height, skull structure;
  5. On average, a Toy Terrier gives birth to only 3 puppies at a time;
  6. You can take a dog of this breed with you on a trip, since representatives of this breed are allowed to fly on an airplane and ride in any type of transport. There are also no problems with check-in at the hotel. The main thing when traveling is to keep your pet in your arms, where he will feel completely safe;
  7. Toy terriers are calm and balanced animals, so trembling and fear of a dog may be the result of some mental disorder of the animal. A healthy animal never loses consciousness and feels confident;
  8. A dog of this breed does not need to be bathed. It is enough to wipe its fur with a damp cloth;
  9. The toy terrier does not need regular walks. It can be kept in an apartment all the time; it can be easily potty trained.

Diseases and health problems

First of all, the Toy Terrier breed has problems with the skeletal apparatus.
Also, ophthalmological problems with teeth and various allergic reactions are quite common. Other diseases are acquired by the animal as a result of improper care. Since the toy terrier is a rather small dog, it cannot be allowed outside without warm clothes during the cold season, otherwise hypothermia may occur, followed by kidney and respiratory tract disease

Allergies can be either acquired or hereditary. The reaction can be to absolutely everything: from food and drink to flowering plants and insect bites, or simply to the chemicals that are used to care for the animal.

Toy terriers' teeth are a rather problematic area. This breed has a predisposition to abnormalities when changing chewing organs. Toy terriers have the same number of teeth as dogs of the largest breeds, but due to physiological characteristics they have a small jaw and weak chewing muscles. This means that during the period of replacement of baby teeth, the cobs of the molars simply do not fit on the jaw and begin to form a second row of teeth.

The Toy Terrier is a cheerful and very active dog, because of this, injuries to the limbs often occur, since they are quite long compared to the body, especially when it comes to puppies. It is worth controlling their running and jumping. Also, some diseases of the skeletal system are hereditary

You should pay attention to this when choosing a puppy, because necrosis of the femoral head and dislocation of the patella can be passed on to it from its parents

One of the most serious diseases that can only be treated surgically is atlantoaxial instability. This is a disease of the spine in which the vertebrae are displaced and pinched the spinal cord, causing the animal severe pain and making it impossible to move and eat. Fortunately, the symptoms are quite obvious and there are many of them, which allows you to detect the disease at an early stage and prevent it.


As mentioned above, the Manchester Terrier breed has overcome several waves of selection in its development. In the veins of modern dogs flows the blood of the whippet, the English terrier, which is called black and tan, the chihuahua and some other varieties. Accordingly, the animal contains the external and internal characteristics of all these varieties of dogs. Moreover, this applies to both adults and puppies.

So, to begin with, it should be noted that the animal is quite small in size, but nevertheless its physique is quite strong and reliable. The height of the Manchester Terrier at the withers usually does not exceed 40 centimeters, and the maximum weight of an adult representative of the breed is 10 kilograms.

The animal's skull is characterized by an elongated structure, but is quite flat and has a peculiar wedge-shaped outline. The facial part of the Manchester Terrier tapers towards the nose, the lobe of which is painted black. The jaw of a four-legged domestic animal has a scissor bite.

On the front of the head there are small, dark and shiny eyes that are almond-shaped.

Regarding the anatomical structure of the body, it is important to note that the neck of the Manchester Terrier is quite long, and it becomes wider the closer it comes to the shoulder girdle. The tail is quite short and has different thicknesses along its entire length, thickening towards the base.

The animal's limbs are not the same: the front legs are relatively straight, but the hind legs have a pronounced curve in the area of ​​the knee joint.

Manchester Terriers are dogs whose characteristic feature is a short, but thick and shiny coat. The color can be different, but the most common is the combination of black and red. Moreover, red spots are distributed throughout the body - they can be seen on the head and paws.

Coat and acceptable colors

The small, sculpted body of the Manchester Terrier, a photo of which can be seen in today’s article, is covered with thick short fur. The dog's shiny coat is jet black with clearly defined red tan.

The spots are located on the inner surface of the front and hind legs, under the throat, above the eyes, under the tail and on the cheeks. The standard allows black stripes on the fingers. But the presence of white spots whose area exceeds one and a half centimeters is considered a defect. Such dogs are removed from the show ring and are not allowed for breeding.

Features of maintenance, care

The small and cheerful Manchester Terrier is ideal for living in a city apartment. They do not require specific care and practically do not shed. Therefore, it is enough to wipe them a couple of times a week with a piece of damp cloth or sponge. During the molting period, it is advisable to comb this dog using a special brush.

The eyes and ears of the animal require no less attention. They should be inspected regularly for any changes. The eyes and mucous membranes of a healthy dog ​​should be clean, and there should be no unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. It is recommended to bathe the dog approximately once every six months using special shampoos. Also, experts do not advise forgetting about routine vaccination and neglecting systematic treatment against fleas, ticks and helminths.

As for nutrition, Manchester Terriers can be fed with both industrial and natural food. In the first case, it is advisable to give preference to super-premium products from trusted global manufacturers. In the second, the basis of the dog’s diet should be fresh meat with the addition of a small amount of vegetables and cereals. In addition, fermented milk products must be included in the dog’s menu.

Terriers are easy to keep in the house; they are unpretentious and small in size. The Manchester Terrier is considered a moderately capricious dog; when trained, it is recommended to be firm. Learning is grasped on the fly, the training process is not difficult. Dogs have developed a wonderful quality: an innate tendency to discipline.

The dog is clearly not a pocket dog, he wants to run, otherwise he will begin to waste away. Walk in places where you can frolic without a leash. If the dog rarely walks, there is no opportunity to spend a huge reserve of energy, you need to monitor the dog’s diet and not overfeed.

The terrier's coat is short, daily brushing with a damp sponge or a special brush will avoid problems with the coat.

The breed requires virtually no grooming; the dog is distinguished by its extraordinary cleanliness. It is recommended to select an appropriate brush so as not to damage the skin. Regular and long-term combing will get rid of dead hair and massage the skin, which promotes quick and high-quality recovery.

Frequent bathing should not be carried out - the skin can be easily damaged and the cover will begin to peel off. It is better to use a damp towel, which is convenient for wiping dogs first in the direction of the fur, then against it. You will need to monitor the condition of your ears and, if necessary, clean the holes with a cotton swab.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

It’s worth noting right away that Manchester Terriers are prone to overeating , and, accordingly, to obesity, so it is necessary to control the volume of portions. Naturally, it is easier to feed your dog ready-made food.

Moreover, it already has all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and is also correctly balanced according to the needs of the animal. But natural nutrition from self-prepared products will be more natural. It includes:

  • lean beef, veal, chicken, turkey or their by-products;
  • sea ​​fish (boneless) and seafood;
  • various cereals;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs;
  • dairy products.

River fish is not recommended due to the high likelihood of worms. All vegetables can be given raw except potatoes. Sweets, yeast products and smoked foods are completely excluded from the diet.

A puppy up to eight months old should be fed three to five times a day at regular intervals, excluding the night. For an adult dog, two, sometimes three times are enough, try to feed at the same time and preferably after a walk.

Characteristics and breed standard

  • Coat: Short, thick, harsh, shiny, close-lying
  • Color: Charcoal black with rich tan
  • Minimum height: 38
  • Maximum height: 41
  • Minimum weight: 6
  • Maximum weight: 10
  • Minimum age: 14
  • Maximum age: 16

The description of the breed of this elegant miniature dog is a must-read. This way you will make the right choice when you want to buy a puppy of this breed. There are many key characteristics related to the breed standard. First of all, this dog is smooth-haired, has a black coat color with slight tan marks. This breed is often classified as the Miniature Manchester Toy Terrier.

Among the main characteristics of the breed called Manchester Terrier, it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the weight of a mature pet is 10–16 kg, and the height at the withers is 38–42 cm;
  • the body is very compact, the chest is narrow. The back is straight, may have a slight hump;
  • The dog's limbs are straight;
  • the head is wedge-shaped;
  • the coat is short. Interestingly, this animal has no undercoat;
  • color black and tan. A mandatory requirement is the absence of white inclusions;
  • ears erect. The first Manchester Terriers were docked, but now the breed standards do not provide for this.


Malice towards small animals, such as rats, lives in him almost at the genetic level. This quality makes him fearless in his work and persistent in his pursuit. But in ordinary life, the Manchester is a cheerful, capricious, very smart and emotional pet. Therefore, it needs early socialization and systematic education.

But, in spite of everything, the Manchester is very attached to his owners and family, even to the cat if he grew up with her. It will be an excellent companion for active people, and will be happy to support even the endless games of children. But these small terriers also have weaknesses.

The character of the dog has a trait of feline independence. When he’s in a bad mood, it’s better to stay away, otherwise he might actually snap back at you. Therefore, it is better not to take such a dog into a family with small children. In addition, the terrier does not tolerate loneliness well, so you should not get one if you have time restrictions.

A pleasant trait: he is wary of strangers, but does not show aggression; he will not rush or bark for no reason. An excellent watchman thanks to his attentiveness, insight and vigilance. In the yard with other dogs, it can behave differently, depending on its mood and sympathy: either ignore it and stay away, or play with pleasure. He does not start fights or provoke them, but if this happens and he is challenged, then hold him tightly by the leash.

Training should be taken seriously. On the one hand, the dog is smart and easy to train, on the other hand, it is very cunning and you can fall for its tricks.

Although rat baiting has been abolished in working with the breed, the Manchester remains a sporting dog, and therefore needs to realize its potential. Involve the terrier in sports disciplines or provide stress in another way.

Wool, or rather shedding, will not cause you any trouble, but weather conditions will stress you out

In hot weather, it is important to ensure that your pet does not get sunstroke, and in cold weather - hypothermia.

Content Features

The small and cheerful Manchester Terrier is ideal for living in a city apartment. They do not require specific care and practically do not shed. Therefore, it is enough to wipe them a couple of times a week with a piece of damp cloth or sponge. During the molting period, it is advisable to comb this dog using a special brush.

The eyes and ears of the animal require no less attention. They should be inspected regularly for any changes. The eyes and mucous membranes of a healthy dog ​​should be clean, and there should be no unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. It is recommended to bathe the dog approximately once every six months using special shampoos. Also, experts do not advise forgetting about routine vaccination and neglecting systematic treatment against fleas, ticks and helminths.

As for nutrition, Manchester Terriers can be fed with both industrial and natural food. In the first case, it is advisable to give preference to super-premium products from trusted global manufacturers. In the second, the basis of the dog’s diet should be fresh meat with the addition of a small amount of vegetables and cereals. In addition, fermented milk products must be included in the dog’s menu.

If you decide to buy a Manchester Terrier dog, you must first decide whether you want a future champion or just a pet. In the first case, before purchasing a puppy, it is advisable to carefully study the standard and remember that individuals with docked tails and short rounded ears are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

You also need to pay attention to the weight of your future puppy's parents. Their body weight must be no less than 6 and no more than 10 kilograms

There should be no light marks on the body of the baby you choose.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the behavior of parents. If during a visit to the Manchester Terrier kennel you were met by dogs that are too aggressive, cowardly or unfriendly, it is better to refuse the purchase and look for another breeder

Puppies should be playful, moderately well-fed, but not fat. Their fur should be smooth and shiny. You should not buy a dog with sour eyes or a bloated belly. These signs may indicate health problems.

Dog health

The Manchester Terrier is characterized by fairly good health; genetic diseases appear quite rarely. Possible diseases are identified:

  • blood diseases,
  • problems with the visual system,
  • epilepsy,
  • joint and spine injuries.

It is important to carry out all necessary vaccinations and treatments against parasites on time.

Terriers need to be given long walks and exercise.

Small terriers

Terriers of this group are united by such qualities as playfulness, sociability, intelligence and good trainability. As a rule, such dogs are kept as companions, and they cope with this task with honor. The sweet appearance and enthusiasm of these four-legged friends can lift your spirits and maintain optimism in any situation.

Australian Terrier

The tawny, sandy or red dog, measuring up to 25 centimeters at the withers, originates from Australia. This terrier, despite its small size, has a very solid build.

By nature, the dog is serious, vigilant and courageous. His cheerful disposition, sharp mind and devotion to his owner help him become a family favorite. The dog is playful, gets along well with children, is calm and balanced. Thanks to all the listed qualities, training the Australian Terrier is not difficult.

Jack Russell Terrier

This breed is divided into three categories based on the type of animal's coat: short, long and hard. The Jack Russell comes in white color with dark or tan markings.

The dog is distinguished by enormous energy combined with assertiveness. This breed is capable of chasing game, likes to move a lot, and has burrow hunting skills. Such terriers are friendly and cheerful friends of humans; at the same time, they can safely be entrusted with the protection of the territory, since terriers are at their best.

A strong, short body, agility and the ability to withstand loads well allow representatives of this breed to successfully engage in sports, hunting, and protection.

Scottish Terrier

On average, the height at the withers of this dog is a quarter of a meter, the color is golden and black. The breed was born in England. The Scottish Terrier has a calm demeanor and a serious attitude towards performing duties.

This terrier has difficulty getting along with strangers; he is completely devoted to one owner and his family. At the same time, the dog shows independence and vigilance. A flexible mind made it possible to adapt to living conditions in the city, although in the past dogs were kept mainly in suburban villages. Regardless of the environment, a dog requires responsible and methodical training to develop useful communication skills.

Historical reference

The first representatives of this breed appeared in Great Britain at the turn of the 19th century. In those early days they were known as rat terriers. They descended from the old-type black and tan dogs and were intended for hunting rabbits and small rodents.

The creator of these animals is considered to be a Manchester amateur dog breeder named John Hulme. It was in his head that the idea came to breed strong, agile dogs capable of destroying rats and other pests. At the beginning of his breeding activities, he crossed Whippets and Black and Tan Terriers. The resulting offspring were used for further breeding. According to experts, among the ancestors of little rat catchers were dachshunds, greyhounds and dexhounds. This is how the modern Manchester Terrier appeared. In 1887, these animals were officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Manchester Terrier training

Representatives of the breed are, after all, terriers. They have a strong, stubborn line of behavior and require firm, friendly and consistent training.

They will occasionally ignore behavior limits set for them, making consistency and repetition of commands in their training very important. Positive reinforcement and motivational training methods give the best results not only with this breed, but with many others.

To keep your Manchester Terrier's attention, keep training sessions short, fun and interesting. Accept that these dogs will probably outsmart you

Luckily, they do it in such an entertaining manner that you won't be able to stop laughing.

Manchesters should be socialized from puppyhood to ensure they are as adaptable as possible. Training and socialization must continue throughout their lives.

How to care for it?

Manchester wool requires plenty of time to clean regularly. Constantly brushing his coat keeps his coat clean and healthy, stimulates circulation, removes dead hair and distributes natural lubricant evenly. This breed has short hair and is therefore easy to groom. However, dogs need brushing several times a week. This will remove dead hair and prevent dullness of the coat. You can use a thick brush with natural bristles or a rubber comb. A light spray of moisturizing spray after manipulation will create a bright shine to the coat. Regular brushing of your pet's coat will help finish the shedding process faster. With gradual preparation, persistence and a positive attitude, bathing can become a fun and integral part of regular care. This will help your dog avoid many diseases and infections. Short-haired breeds follow the general bathing rules: approximately once every three months. The pet's coat should be fresh, smelling, shiny, and free of loose hair. First, give your dog a good comb to remove dead hair and dirt. Place a rubber mat in the bathtub to provide firm support and fill the bathtub one-third full with warm water

Use a shower, pitcher, or other container to wet your dog, being careful to avoid getting water in the eyes, ears, or nose. Apply the foam of a typical shampoo using massage movements, carefully handling the dog's head

Rinse your Manchester Terrier starting from the head to prevent soapy water from getting into the eyes. Wipe your four-legged pet well with a dry towel made of soft fabric. Teeth require regular brushing with a toothpaste and brush specifically designed for dogs. Gum diseases are a consequence of the accumulation of tartar. Daily cleaning is ideal. This will help you avoid having to take your dog to the vet for a tartar removal, which usually must be done under a numbing injection. Check your ears weekly for redness or foul odor. Such symptoms are alarming. When cleaning the ears, do not use ear sticks, the dog may shake its head, and in doing so you will injure its ear canal. In addition, the structure of the ear canal is such that you will only push the wax deeper, which will create a wax plug. It is important to constantly examine the eyes for potential infections. Minor redness and dirt can be removed by wiping the dog’s eyes with a sponge soaked in a bactericidal agent. Manchester Terriers' nails are strong and fast-growing. They should be trimmed regularly using nail clippers or a nail file to prevent splitting and cracking. Feeding should be monitored for this breed to prevent obesity. Manchesters have a good appetite and tend to gain weight easily. Their diet should be selected depending on size, body condition and age. You can choose high-quality dry food, but it is still better to discuss their diet with a veterinarian or breeder. The walks are moderately long. Manchester Terriers are active, athletic dogs, but unlike some small breeds, they are not as neurotic. Exercise should include enough moderate exercise to keep pets happy and healthy. Manchesters love to accompany their family on all sorts of activities, from a simple walk around the neighborhood to a trip to the grocery store. They really love to play.

Since dogs are unpretentious and easy to keep, Manchester dogs are ideal companions for people living in the city. These are wonderful tenants

The breed enjoys the attention of children and will make a good family pet if it is well socialized from an early age. If left for long periods of time, Manchester Terriers can become noisy and potentially destructive.

This breed retains its rat-catching instincts and will chase any living creature, pouncing on almost any animal on the street.

Always drive your Manchester on a leash to avoid trouble. After all, at any second he could chase the cat, or rush to sort things out with other dogs unfamiliar to him. This breed, with a short coat, little undercoat and body fat, is vulnerable to cold. Dogs must live indoors and have insulated, comfortable clothing for walking in the cold season.

Training and education

The dog has a good and developed mind, so it easily remembers commands.

It is necessary to raise a dog from an early age to avoid problems in the future. Sometimes a pet can show stubbornness, willfulness and independence - this must be stopped immediately. The Manchester has one authority - its owner, so you need to immediately show firmness and show him who is the boss in the house.

Attention! This breed has an extremely negative attitude towards any manifestation of aggression and physical punishment. It is better to educate with patience and encouragement.

If possible, it is recommended to contact professional dog handlers. However, you can raise a dog yourself if it is easy to train.

Distinctive features

Since the breed was bred as a hunter of small rodents, the size of its representatives is small: 20-26 cm

height at the withers. The standard is not divided into female and male, but females are usually smaller. Dogs weigh from 5 to 7 kg. They are easy to care for and get along well in an apartment. There are standards by which the thoroughbred and purebred of a puppy are determined:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, medium in size, proportional to the body. The skull is strong with a flattened forehead and a rounded occipital region. The muzzle is of medium length, tapering towards the nose. The transition from the forehead is moderately expressed. The jaws are strong, have a scissor bite, and the teeth are straight.
  • The lips are thin and do not sag.
  • The eyes are small, not set wide, and not bulging. The shape is round, the iris is in dark shades of brown. The eyelids are pigmented black. The look is attentive and intelligent.
  • The nose is medium with open nostrils. Only black is considered the correct color.
  • The ears are erect and it is not customary to crop them. V-shaped: the base is wide, the tip is narrowed (sharp or rounded). Cartilage tissue is thin and mobile.
  • The body is low, elongated, but proportional to the height. The back is straight and does not transform during movements. The loin is narrow but strong; the thoracic region is expanded. The neck is short, wide, flowing into the back with a smooth curve, there is no dewlap.
  • The tail is set high and vertical. It is customary to cut to medium length. The hair on the tail is short, without a tassel. If the tail is not docked, the shape is crescent-shaped without a loop.
  • The limbs are shortened and strong. The hind ones are slightly longer than the front ones. The feet are round and small with hard dark claws.
  • The coat is dense, harsh, and of medium length. It forms a mane on the neck and around the head. As a rule, dogs are not trimmed.
  • The color can be of several types: steel, blue, red, sand. Puppies are born with black fur.

Origin story

Generally speaking, the history of the origin of this breed of four-legged pets is quite unusual. Despite the fact that the animal belongs to the category of terriers, it did not appear from a farm environment, but from an urban environment, unlike its counterparts. The Manchester dog breed is good at catching rats and other rodents, as well as some lagomorphs.

If we talk about the breed that became the ancestor of the Manchester Terrier, it is worth noting that today it is considered extinct. Thus, the ancestor of the breed is the English Black Tan Terrier. During its existence, this dog was highly valued for its ability to work.

The Manchester Terrier was developed in the 19th century. The need to select such a dog arose due to an increase in the rat population in England. Due to the fact that pests needed to be destroyed, scientist-enthusiast John Hulme decided to select an animal that would cope with this task perfectly. To obtain a new breed, the breeder crossed an Old English Terrier and a Whipet. The result was a Manchester Terrier.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Manchester Terrier became one of the most popular, widespread and valuable breeds. In this regard, a second wave of experiments and selection began, which was aimed at improving the appearance of the animal, since its physiological and mental qualities at that time met all the necessary requirements.

As a result, after selection work, the Manchester Terrier was born in the form we know it today. The breed was recognized and officially registered in 1886. After this, independent kennel clubs and their branches began to be created, which were engaged in the study and breeding of the Manchester breed. The final step in the development of this type of dog was the adoption of clearly defined standards of appearance and anatomical structure for the Manchester Terrier.

Owner reviews


Friends from London brought me this unusual creature as a gift. At that time, James was already three months old. The cat was instantly driven onto the closet. Of course, later they still found a common language, but they never fully became friends. The dog is smart, but stubborn. The big plus is that it does not require any special care. At home, he stays with his cat without any problems and has never done anything wrong.


Nice dog. I love. Sort of like a little Doberman. He loves to always be around. She also loves melons and apples. He will do anything for a piece of this delicacy. Thanks to apples, it was possible to train my Masya without any problems. Now we are doing agility. The coach says that we are smart and will soon go to the competition.


It always amazed me how a dog can catch mice and rats. But when Tokha and I arrived at my parents’ dacha, I saw with my own eyes how this was happening. It's cooler than a cat. It's more like a cat dog. I respected him even more. The dog is cool, despite the fact that he is small. But just right for an apartment.

Do you or someone you know live with a rare Manchester Terrier and you have a story to tell? Then write comments and share with us tips and experiences in raising and maintaining such cute and brave pets.

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Pros and cons of Biewer Yorkshire Terriers

The choice of a pet should be taken responsibly, having studied all the pros and cons of the breed. No matter how attractive Biewer Terriers are in appearance, these dogs have certain disadvantages, some of them significant. The main disadvantage of the breed is the need for careful grooming. These babies need to be cut, washed, combed. Care takes not only time from the owners, but also money.

The second disadvantage of the breed is its complex character. The Biewer is very capricious and needs long-term and proper training. Otherwise, the dog will grow up to be a terrible egoist and bully. In the family he will feel like the main one. Another disadvantage is the animal’s poor resistance to cold. The dog will need to be dressed in special dog clothes. And these are additional costs and considerable ones!

The Biewer Terrier breed has many more advantages than disadvantages. The main advantage is the original appearance. This miniature dog leaves no one indifferent. It has long, smooth and shiny fur. These dogs are very smart and quick-witted. They are easy to train, love to play and follow various commands. However, training a Biewer Terrier requires some effort due to its wayward nature.

Biewer Yorkshire Terriers love to go for walks, but they do not have a strong need for it. If necessary, the dog can live for some time without walking. Rare and short walks will also suit him. The breed is absolutely unpretentious in this regard. The advantage of the breed is its miniature size. These pets are ideal for apartment living. They do not emit an unpleasant odor and can relieve themselves in the tray.


Smooth, short, shiny and reminiscent of a fur seal - this is how the coat of a healthy Manchester Terrier should look.

These are smooth-haired dogs whose coat does not require special care, since they have practically no shedding. To maintain a good appearance, it is enough to periodically brush the animal with a bristle brush or a special rubber mitten. An indicator of a dog's health is dense, mirror-shiny, but not soft fur.

A special feature of this breed is its persistent dislike of water and various types of bathing. Therefore, you should not often subject your pet to such procedures, only if he gets very dirty. After bathing, the dog's fur should be thoroughly dried with a natural fabric towel. Don’t forget to dry your Manchester Terrier even if it gets caught in the rain while walking.

Manchester Terrier: description of the breed

These are small, lean, graceful dogs with light, strong bones and well-developed sculpted muscles. On the elongated wedge-shaped head are small, dark, slanted eyes and widely set, pointed, triangular-shaped ears. The dry, muscular neck smoothly flows into well-defined withers and a fairly strong back. The thin, not too long tail is a continuation of the croup and reaches the middle of the hock. It is slightly raised up, but does not bend above the line of the back.

These narrow-chested dogs have prominent, flattened ribs and a tucked belly. Under the compact, harmoniously built body are straight, parallel limbs with almost vertical pasterns and arched paws. The dog's movements are quite light and free. The hind limbs should follow the trail of the forelimbs. The height of an adult varies between 37-40 centimeters and weighs no more than 8 kg.

Manchester Terrier puppies kennel


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Manchester Terrier

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And where do you live? Distinctive features of the Manchester are bud-type ears, a slightly arched back, a slightly sloping croup, a tail up to the hocks, thick at the base and gradually tapering towards the end without creases, straight, does not bend over the back, the dog carries it no higher than the line of the back.

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