Scottish Terrier or Scottie - hunter and affectionate

Modern young people have no longer seen the era of Karandash, the legendary Soviet clown. However, in the middle of the last century, the artist was very popular. The appearance of this man with his famous dog Blob in the circus arena caused great delight among all spectators.

Reference! Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev (1901-1983) - People's Artist of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor. He performed under the creative nickname Pencil. He devoted his entire life to a circus career and left a good, cheerful memory of himself. The artist made a huge contribution to the development of clownery, creating a new approach to circus art. His compatriots even called him the Russian Charlie Chaplin.

Pencil Dog

What kind of dog was the pencil?

Modern young people have no longer seen the era of Karandash, the legendary Soviet clown. However, in the middle of the last century, the artist was very popular. The appearance of this man with his famous dog Blob in the circus arena caused great delight among all spectators.

Reference! Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev (1901-1983) - People's Artist of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor. He performed under the creative nickname Pencil. He devoted his entire life to a circus career and left a good, cheerful memory of himself. The artist made a huge contribution to the development of clownery, creating a new approach to circus art. His compatriots even called him the Russian Charlie Chaplin.

Maintenance and care

Caught the ball

Scottish Terriers feel great in small apartments, provided they are given good exercise. As for the placement of the puppy, kennel owners recommend placing the Scottish Terrier in the same room with the owner, because this breed needs close emotional contact with a person. And this way it will be easier for the puppy to remember who his older friend and teacher is now. It is better to select a Scottie bed with low wooden sides (up to 10 cm) and install it so that it rises a couple of centimeters above the floor. This will protect your pet from treacherous drafts. Toys should also be present in the life of a Scottish Terrier, but if necessary, they can be replaced well by an ordinary apple or a cabbage stalk.

The floor in the room where the Scotch Terrier puppy lives will have to be covered with rugs or newspapers for the first time. On slippery surfaces, the baby’s paws move apart, and as a result, the dog develops an incorrect posture. Speaking of handling: until the Scottish terrier matures, take him out for walks on a leash, and not on a harness, which deforms the baby’s already weak forelimbs. And in general, it is better to refuse this accessory if neither you nor your pet plans to “rock” in the ring in the future.


The Scottish Terrier is not a breed for adepts of passive pastime, if only because up to six months you will have to walk the puppy every two to three hours. From six months to one and a half years, Scotties are taken outside up to four times a day. After the puppy turns one and a half to two years old, you can switch to regular walking twice a day, with the duration of each excursion being at least two hours. If you don’t want to hang out in parks and squares for so long, take your four-legged friend to the boardwalk three times a day, reducing the time of one walk to 60 minutes.

Scottish Terriers love long walks


There is no seasonal shedding in Scottish Terriers. Twice a year, the animals' undercoat is renewed, but the guard hair remains in its proper place and dies off gradually. In this regard, Scotch Terriers are not cut, but trimmed, removing tufts of loose hair. Typically, plucking is done twice a year in a grooming salon, where a specialist not only removes dead undercoat from the dog, but also gives its silhouette the necessary breed characteristics. However, some breeders recommend not limiting themselves to seasonal grooming, but periodically plucking the Scottish Terrier yourself (once a month), removing dead hair all over the body.

Important: the Scotch Terrier’s first acquaintance with the procedure of plucking hair should take place no earlier than the animal is six months old.

Bath procedures

The most common mistake when grooming a Scottish Terrier at home is leaving too much undercoat on its “pants” and “skirt.” Scotty is not a lapdog, and he has no use for flying hair on his thighs. Scottish Terriers need to be bathed once a month, washing the coarse hair with a nourishing pet shampoo and moisturizing it with conditioner or leave-in cream to make combing easier. But this is all in theory. In practice, you have to wash the restless “Scots” almost five times a day. Not only does the Scotch Terrier’s “skirt” collect liquid dirt during walks, but the pet itself strives to dig into the ground and generously sprinkle it on its own “fur coat.” Partially solving the problem of soiled fur is purchasing protective overalls, but only partially, so get used to the fact that this breed cannot be treated without daily water procedures.

A little about brushing Scottish Terriers. You can only tidy up clean fur: never try to comb a dirty dog ​​that has suddenly discovered tangles. First, wash the animal thoroughly, and you may not have to fight with matted fur at all. Scotch terriers are combed in two steps: first with a brush, then with a wide-tooth comb. Pieces of wool that cannot be untangled can be carefully removed with a tangle cutter. If the structure of your ward’s decorative hair leaves much to be desired, try rubbing an oil mixture with the addition of rosemary esters into the coat; it has not only a stimulating, but also a slight dirt-repellent effect, which is extremely important for Scotch terriers.

Be sure to keep your dog's beard clean. Wipe your pet's face after each feeding, or even better, buy him a special flat food bowl and a water bottle. Scottie's ears are healthy, so caring for them is not burdensome - just a simple weekly cleaning of the ear is enough. The dog's claws and eyes will require a little more attention. The first ones grow very quickly, so they need systematic cutting. The latter may react with inflammation to external irritants; therefore, periodically it may be necessary to wash the mucous membrane with chamomile or tea infusion.


Where's the food?

The main source of protein for an adult Scottish Terrier is lean, raw beef. Lamb, like pork, is a time bomb for the liver and guaranteed diarrhea, so we immediately discard them. Boiled offal can be a good alternative to beef, but not more than a couple of times a week. By the way, Scottish terriers usually do not suffer from allergies, so turkey and skinned chicken are not prohibited for them.

Three to four times a month, the Scotch Terrier is pampered with boiled sea fish without bones. In addition, the dog’s menu should always include low-fat fermented milk products. Buckwheat and oatmeal are useful cereals for Scotties, and carrots and cucumbers are useful for vegetables. Rice is also considered a nutritious grain, but the “Scots” have problems with stool from it. Natural dietary supplements like bone meal (just bones are prohibited) or vegetable oil will be a good support for the body, although mineral supplements from a pet store are also not the worst option.

If you plan to feed your Scottish Terrier dry food, give preference to the super-premium and holistic class. With this type of nutrition, taking additional vitamin and mineral complexes is not required.

And of course, you need to carefully monitor the dog’s condition. If your pet has lost a little weight but is quite healthy, put more food in his bowl. The lazy people occupying the sofa, on the contrary, should cut their rations.

The legendary duo of the Soviet circus

Rumyantsev worked in the circus arena for a little over 55 years. The presence of his name on the poster always meant a full house. At first he acted as a tramp, invented by Charlie Chaplin, but since 1935 he created a new unique comic image, named after the famous French cartoonist Caran D'ash.

The Soviet clown rarely went out in public without his funny little dog. Their joint performances created a real sensation. All spectators, especially children, rejoiced at the performance of the legendary clown’s trained dog. They waited impatiently for intermissions to get closer to the dog, touch it, look at it and stroke it. This inseparable duet remained forever in the memory of the audience, although the artist did not immediately have a four-legged partner.

The joint performances of Blobs and Pencil created a real sensation

Education and training

Scottish terriers are friendly to the members of the family in which they live, but you should not expect excessive politeness and flirting from them - such is their stern Scottish character .

Therefore, it is necessary to raise an independent child from infancy, otherwise you may end up with an unbearable and uncontrollable creature.

Considering the strength of his jaws and the impressive size of his fangs, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to competent training, achieving unquestioning obedience from the dog.

The Scottish Terrier is gifted with exceptional intelligence and ingenuity , which makes it much easier to train.

But during the training process, one should not forget that he is a terrier, that is, a born hunter, albeit a “mini” one. His character is not as harmless as his appearance and it is better not to test this in practice: physical strength and viciousness allow him to fight with a predator larger than himself.

During the training process, you should not put pressure on the animal using force. In the case of the Scottish Terrier, it is better to use a carrot policy rather than a stick policy, only then can a positive result be achieved.

How did the Blob appear?

At the beginning of his career, the clown performed alone, but wanted to make a shaggy friend for himself long before his appearance. Rumyantsev dreamed of complementing his stage appearance with a pet that would be as harmonious as possible with his own image. It’s not for nothing that they say that dogs usually look like their owners. Moreover, Karandash was initially sure that it must be a black mongrel.

The selection lasted a very long time: the dogs were either too small, or, on the contrary, huge. It is worth noting that the artist’s height was only 142 centimeters, so finding an animal of a suitable size was indeed not the easiest task.

Blob and Pencil matched the stage image as best as possible

Such a dog was found absolutely by accident - one of the neighbors in a communal apartment brought it in the late 30s. The black terrier named Nix immediately suited Karandash, as if they had worked together in the arena all their lives, and became a bright completion of his stage image.

Seeing this dog, Rumyantsev immediately decided to include him in his circus acts. Under the guidance of the artist, who at that time was not yet famous and honored, the pet began to earn its own food.

The nickname “Blob” was suggested by Rumyantsev’s wife. One day she saw the dog sitting on a bright red circus carpet and noted that it looked like a large inkblot. Pencil approved his partner's new stage name, and since then the dog has always entered the arena under the name Blob.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Wheaten and black Scotch Terrier puppies

Photo 2. Light wheaten terrier

Photo 3. Just born terrier puppy

How many dogs did Pencil have?

The dog's life is not so long, so Pencil performed with many Blots. When the dog left for another world, the clown picked up a new pet, which was indistinguishable from the previous one. The audience didn’t even realize that this was not the same Blob.

During his creative career, Rumyantsev replaced 13 different Blots

All the followers of the first dog bore the same sonorous and unusual nickname, even if they were written differently in the veterinary passport. In total, during his creative career, Rumyantsev replaced 13 different Blots.

Suitable nicknames

When choosing a name for Scotch, you need to make sure that it reflects not only the general characteristics of the breed, but also the personality of the dog.

Nicknames for girls

Eileen, Aisa, Bonnie, Britta, Christy, Gerta, Diana, Dora, Zara, Iola, Kerry, Kali, Lori, Lassie, Margot, Martha, Nora, Audrey, Rhonda, Rena, Sera, Uma, Cherry, Shocky, Utah, Yuna.

Nicknames for boys

Arnie, Ars, Barney, Boy, Vitus, Grand, Gray, Joy, Duncan, Dombey, Dance, Zeus, Klaus, King, Louis, Mike, Martin, Nord, Nikki, Oliver, Horace, Roy, Reggie, Roger, Steve, Song, Timothy, Fred, Fry.

Breed Blobs

Despite the fact that Rumyantsev wanted to choose a mongrel for himself, his stage partner was a purebred Scotch Terrier.

Scotch Terrier dog

The black Scottish terrier with a large head, funny protruding ears and a characteristic beard not only looked great on stage, but was also easy to train. The audience's delight at his incomparable performances was simply indescribable.

Behavior and temperament

Scottish terriers have the following positive qualities:

  • Calm;
  • Endurance;
  • Courage;
  • Independence;
  • Cheerfulness;
  • Insightful mind.

Negative features:

  • Intolerance, sometimes aggressiveness towards other animals;
  • Stubbornness;
  • At a young age - playfulness.

Scotties must be trained from childhood, otherwise they grow up to be aggressive and overly wayward.

Description, characteristics of the Scotch Terrier

Dogs of the Scottish Terrier breed, or Scotch Terrier, are distinguished by their docile nature, original appearance and intelligence. These are energetic, active, intelligent and inquisitive pets that are easy to train. Apparently, it was not without reason that Rumyantsev liked this breed, which he never changed during his long circus career.

Dogs of the Scotch Terrier breed are distinguished by their flexible character, original appearance and intelligence.

The origin of the breed is not initially associated with circus performances. The dog was bred specifically for hunting mink, badgers, foxes and other burrowing animals, as well as small game, for exterminating rats and mice. Powerful limbs and an elongated muzzle, proportional to the body, allowed the animal to easily penetrate narrow burrows.

Breed standard and description

Height at withers: 25–28 cm; Weight: male 8.5–10.5 kg, female 8.5–9.5 kg.

Color: black, brindle, wheaten.

Eye color: dark brown or almost black.

Nose color: black.

General appearance: Compact, but muscular and powerful dog. The silhouette is angular, the muzzle is proportional to the length of the skull. The ears are erect, the head and tail are raised.

Keeping a Scotch Terrier

The small size of this dog allows it to be kept in small spaces. The pet will feel comfortable even in a one-room apartment, but its irrepressible energy requires long walks.

The Scottish Terrier loves to run without a leash, explore all the bushes in the surrounding area, dig holes and play ball. The potential owner of such a dog should evaluate whether he can provide the animal with at least a two-hour daily walk to quench its thirst for adventure.

Representatives of this breed are generally unpretentious in everyday life, but require a special approach to hair care, as well as to the preparation of a diet.

Who is the dog suitable for?

The Scottish Terrier is a working, hunting breed . They are energetic, need regular walks and games, and need to be trained. Lovers of quiet leisure and elderly people should not get this breed. The dog is perfect for strict but fair owners who lead an active lifestyle.

It is worth considering that due to their short paws, Scotch dogs get tired from long walks and are not suitable for joint jogging.

Scottish Terriers are very loyal and obedient, but they are wary and distrustful of strangers. They are not prone to aggression, but they can show it if they sense danger.

They do not tolerate violations of personal boundaries , so it is not recommended to keep them in families with small children. The child will get along with the tape if he behaves calmly.

Scottish Terriers do not get along well with other pets if they are not accustomed to them. Therefore, it is advisable to accustom the puppy to them from childhood. Then, in adulthood, their relationship will be neutral (but it is important to ensure that the behavior of the other pet is unobtrusive). It is highly not recommended to keep a dog together with small animals or birds - it is better to keep them in cages.

What to feed your Scottish Terrier?

Chicken; beef; fish; kefir and low-fat cottage cheese; carrot; zucchini; rice; apples; buckwheat; cucumbers Bones; pork; mutton; marinades and pickles; flour products and sweets; oatmeal; pearl barley porridge; smoked products; potato; legumes

Humanity has admired Scottish terriers since ancient times. Clown Pencil was not the only fan of this breed. History knows many famous people who chose small Scotch dogs as a pet:

Video - Pencil and Blob

Over the year and a half of the channel’s existence, we haven’t written about anything. However, the other day, after skimming the headlines, we came to the conclusion that we had not mentioned many, many wonderful people who left an indelible mark both in our memory and in the history of the USSR. Among them is circus artist Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev. This is what we will talk about further...

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia he is known under the fictitious name Karandash. Few people knew that his real name was Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev.

He was born in 1901 in St. Petersburg. At the age of six, Misha lost his mother, who died from a long illness. After graduating from school, the boy continued his studies at the art and craft school of the Society for the Encouragement of the Arts. The guy's life became even more difficult after the arrival of the Soviet authorities. In 1922, Rumyantsev moved to Staritsa. There he began to earn his living by creating posters for the local theater. In 1925, Mikhail moved to Moscow.

The following year, the future clown became a student of stage performance courses, where he studied gymnastics, acrobatics, choreography and dancing. The teacher of the clownery course was theater actor M.S. Mestechkin, who later became the chief director of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Moscow.

Rumyantsev’s debut appearance was a performance in the image of Charlie Chaplin in the Gorky Park. The performance was a success. After this, the future famous clown worked in various circus shows in Russia. Rumyantsev came up with new ideas and tricks, as he sought to take off the Chaplin mask. He believed that he had already passed this stage of his creative activity.

Rumyantsev first appeared as the clown Karandash in the Leningrad Circus. The story of the creation of the image is as follows... Sitting in the circus museum, Mikhail drew attention to an album with cartoons, on which was the author’s signature Pencil. Then the idea came to him to use this word as a pseudonym.

Soon the name of a new rising star of circus art, Karan D'Ash, appeared on the country's posters. The clown spent the entire winter of 1935-36 performing at the Leningrad Circus. The Leningrad public fell in love with the character. At this time he was transferred to Moscow.

Spectators in the capital warmly welcomed the new artist - the clown Karandash. It even received positive reviews from critics.

Rumyantsev has long dreamed of a four-legged friend. He was looking for a shaggy dog ​​that would perfectly complement his image. One fine day he was shown a Scottish terrier - a sulfur dog with a large head and short legs. The dog's name was Nix, and Mikhail affectionately called him Nika. The owner fell in love with his new friend and began to think that it would be a good idea to hire an understudy.

Mikhail Rumyantsev with one of his dogs. Photo source:

His assistant and assistant was his wife, Tamara Semyonovna. When the woman first saw the little dog, she decided that it should be named Blob, since the black dog looked like a blot on a red rug.

Since then, not a single entry of Pencil into the circus arena was complete without his faithful companion - Blobs. All subsequent clown dogs were also called Blobs.

Rumyantsev worked at the Moscow Circus until 1954. Then he began to tour cities and perform at many performances. The first city where he performed was Odessa. On these tours he was accompanied by Yuri Nikulin, who noted the extraordinary triumph of the release of Pencil in Odessa.

1972 was a significant year for the talented circus performer. He received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. In 1979, when the Soviet circus celebrated its 60th birthday, Mikhail Rumyantsev was given the title of Hero of Labor of Socialism.

The famous artist died in March 1983.

In memory of the beloved circus figure, a bronze sculpture of Pencil and his dog Blobs was built. The monument is located next to the building of the Union of Circus Workers, where the artist worked and lived.

Thank you for your attention! If you were interested, here is a link to similar material about Yuri Nikulin.

Young clown Nikulin . (The first steps of a famous Soviet artist on the circus arena)

Health and life expectancy

Scottish Terriers have good health. They live on average 12–14 years .

There are no genetic diseases in the breed. Common diseases:

  • Cramps after heavy physical exertion, emotional stress;
  • Congenital deafness;
  • Cancer diseases;
  • Cataract;
  • Melanoma;
  • Hypothyroidism.


  • Keep up to date on vaccinations, including VWD (puppies) jaw joint vaccinations.
  • Carry out prevention against worms.
  • Limit consumption of foods that lead to obesity.

Nikolaev regional public canine organization (MOGKO) "TRON"

To write a message, log in

The clown Pencil, Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev, had thirteen dogs at different times. All of them are descendants of the very first, real Blob. A black Scotch terrier appeared in the Rumyantsevs' house by accident at the end of the terrible 30s after the arrest of the owner.

Pencil has long dreamed of having a four-legged partner. He believed that Pencil's dog should be a black and shaggy mongrel. For a long time he selected a dog that matched his own appearance. One was small, the other, on the contrary, was too big. A black and large-headed Scottish terrier with short legs immediately suited both the appearance of the great clown and the arena, as if they had been working together for many years. The dog, nicknamed Nix, became Blob after one day Mikhail Nikolaevich’s wife, seeing that Karandash’s dog was sitting on a red circus arena, suggested that the dog be named that way. This black baby really looked like a big ink blot on the red carpet. Since then, the dog Nick has entered the arena under the stage name “Blob”. All the descendants of the first Blob bore the same sonorous name, even if according to their veterinary passport they were called completely differently. Pencil's dog completed the clown's image. They are forever linked in the audience's memory.

Near the Union of Circus Workers of Russia, on Efremova Street, where the clown Karandash worked and lived, a bronze monument was erected. Clown Rumyantsev is wearing a funny hat, and at his feet is Karandash’s dog, a black Scotch terrier.

classes (obedience), handler courses,

FISHING LINES in the area of ​​the “Iskra” cinema.

Tuesday and Saturday from 16.00 ,

behind the cinema on an asphalt area (drive-in cinema)

classes (obedience), handler courses,


Park “61 Kommunara”

Tuesday and Saturday 18.00

classes (obedience), handler courses, breeding shows


at the “White Fang” dressing area

(Nikolaevskaya and Cosmonauts in the forest park, opposite the Leninsky Court, across the road)

Wednesday and Sunday from 16.00

classes (obedience), handler courses,


Metallurgov St. (behind the dispensary)

Thursday 16.00


Inquiries by phone. : (066)197-82-58, (097)270-12-48 Elena Mikhailovna

Interesting Facts

  1. On Efremova Street, next to the Union of Circus Workers of Russia, where the artist lived and worked, a bronze monument to the famous duet was erected in the 90s of the twentieth century. The sculptural composition depicts the clown Rumyantsev, dressed in a green suit with a comical hat, and next to him is a small Scotch terrier dog.

    Monument to Pencil and Blot

  2. In 1954, the creative association Soyuzmultfilm released the animated film “Jolly Hunters.” The main characters were the clown and his funny dog ​​Blob. Not only children, but also adults watched the cartoon with joy.

    Still from the cartoon “Jolly Hunters”

  3. When the artist died in March 1983 from complications of pneumonia, his next, thirteenth Blob found himself without an owner and a job. Pencil's relatives took responsibility for the pet and took care of his decent life in retirement.



My wife and I are dog lovers. After losing our faithful Rottweiler we decided to get some scotch tape. As in many cases, we did not choose Benya, but he chose us. He climbed into my arms and bit me on the nose. That's how we met. We've been living together for four years now. During this time, a lot of chewed shoes, furniture legs, accidentally left books and so on appeared. Still the same character. He's very willful. It was easier for me to raise a Rottweiler. Independence is also off the charts. In the summer we live at the dacha. So Benya managed to walk to the lake and back several times. There were attempts to steal it. But, firstly, it is not given into the wrong hands, and secondly, for those who managed to take it, everything ended with good bites. Despite this, we love him very much, and he sincerely reciprocates our feelings.


Before choosing a breed, I studied its character for a long time. I made up my mind and took Toska. We recently turned two years old. I can say that scotches need timely, firm education. Otherwise, their stubbornness will get the better of you, and it will no longer be you who will control you, but you. For up to ten months, all the shoes were removed, but it’s simply not realistic to keep track of the baseboards and stool legs, especially in your absence. In the apartment he behaves like a mouse. She is neither seen nor heard. By the way, he really rarely barks. A little picky about food. Serve only soft meat, but cheese and sausage will turn your nose up. Absolutely loves apples and cucumbers. He loves to walk. If she gets dirty on a walk and I don’t wipe her well, she will only lie on her rug or next to her chair. It won't fit until you clean it well. In a word, a neat girl. Playful, very active, funny and beautiful.

We look forward to hearing from you about these small, entertaining, but very brave and fearless pets. And also share with us how you get along with extraordinary Scottish Terriers and cope with their difficult character.


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Clown and his faithful dog

Clown Pencil “in the world” had a completely different name, his name was Mikhail Nikolaevich Rumyantsev (1901-1983). People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, and simply a beloved person, rarely appeared in public without his funny dog.

Nikolai Rumyantsev began working in the circus in 1935; the dog did not appear in his performances right away. One of his neighbors in a communal apartment gave him a Scotch terrier, which the clown decided to include in his circus acts. So, the dog began to earn its own food, under the guidance of a then not yet famous and undeserved artist.


There are no special features in feeding Scottish terriers. We can only separately emphasize their tendency to allergic reactions. Dry food for these dogs should be:

  • premium class;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • balanced and contain all essential microelements.

If the owner prefers natural food, then the weekly diet should contain:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products.

Premium dry dog ​​food


Holistic dog food


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