Faithful friend and excellent hunter “Parson Russell Terrier”: description of the breed and maintenance features

Active, playful, courageous and nimble - all this accurately characterizes the Parson Russell Terrier breed.

Bred for hunting, they are excellent at their task, but at the same time they can be loving friends and faithful companions, family favorites and the life of the party.

These dogs are unpretentious to their living conditions, they obey commands perfectly, but they require maximum physical exertion, otherwise their internal energy will “overflow.”

Origin story

Although Parson Russell Terriers were documented only two decades ago, the history of their breed goes back two centuries..

At the turn of the 19th century, clergyman and part-time breeder Jack Parson Russell began attempting to cross different types of terriers in order to produce a fast hunting dog that could easily overtake prey in holes.

As a result of his experiments, the Parson Jack Russell Terrier was bred, which fully satisfied his requirements.

When breeding, the breeder did not pay attention to the color of the resulting animals; he was mainly interested in the hunting qualities of the dogs and their size , which would allow them to run quickly and easily penetrate holes .

Representatives of this breed became especially popular after the Second World War among hunters and horse riding enthusiasts.

Also, a surge in popularity occurred after the release of the film “The Mask” with the popular actor Jim Carrey.

General characteristics of the Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a born hunter. This variety of terrier was bred for fox hunting. The Russells are very smart and capable. They were used as breadwinners, trackers, and can work in a team. They entered the holes and drove out the foxes. To achieve this, when breeding, attention was paid to small size, jaw strength, and fearlessness. The dog must be smooth-haired so that the earth does not get stuck in the fur.

Natural instincts and hunting qualities, inherent genetically, can lead to difficulties in home maintenance. This is an incredibly active pet, cunning and independent. But these dogs have many advantages, which is why they are among the top five most popular breeds.

country of originGreat Britain
life expectancy13-16 years old
weightfemale 4.5-6 kg, male 5-7 kg
sizefemale 23-25 ​​cm, male 25-30 cm
working qualitiesgood hunter, companion
activityvery high
intelligencesmart, quick-witted
traininggives in easily
noisebarks a lot, voice is loud

Pros of the breed

In the 20th century, small breeds became popular among urban dog breeders. Despite the fact that the Russell is a hunting dog, it has many lovers. There are several advantages in its character and content:

  • thanks to their small stature, Jack Russell Terriers can easily live in a small apartment;
  • These are smart dogs, well trained, inquisitive and resourceful;
  • unpretentious, quickly adapt to any situation;
  • this dog is a good guard, fearless and loyal;
  • sociable, becomes attached to all family members, loves children;
  • hardy, efficient, jumping.

Cons of the breed

But this breed is not suitable for everyone. An energetic, active pet needs long walks and serious training. He cannot stand loneliness, so it is better not to get this pet for those people who do not have time for a dog or energy for active games with it. There are also other disadvantages of the breed:

  • high physical activity required;
  • with lack of attention it can be uncontrollable;
  • requires serious training;
  • developed hunting qualities, can run after a bird;
  • jealous.

Video with an interesting description of the Jack Russell Terrier:

Video: Jack Russell Terrier. Pros and cons of the breed

Bad habits

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very smart dog, quick-witted and independent. It is important to gain authority and train it from the first time it appears in the house. Owners who failed to cope with the active temperament of the Jack Russell Terrier and raise him correctly are faced with bad habits as adults. These pets often exhibit the following behavior:

  • they bark loudly and loudly;
  • they are stubborn and cunning, they manipulate the owner;
  • run after birds, cats, bicycles;
  • they love to dig, they even dig up flower pots;
  • prone to chewing on various things.

Interesting Facts

This is the youngest variety of terrier, but these dogs quickly gained popularity. Interesting facts about them speak for themselves:

  • included in the top 10 smartest dogs;
  • suitable for canistherapy for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy and autism;
  • often act in films;
  • very jumping, can jump 1.5 m;
  • Jack Russell Terriers are long-lived, living up to 16 years;
  • One such terrier killed a ton of rats in a year in the middle of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

Almost all Parson Russell Terriers are predominantly white with occasional patches of yellow or black.

Yellow spots can be sandy, brown or lemon in color, located mainly on the head, paws, tail, less often on the back and stomach.

Yellow and black spots can be combined and should ideally be located on the head and at the base of the tail.

There are representatives of this breed with smooth or hard fur with kinks, but both have a good, dense undercoat that protects them from adverse weather conditions during hunting.

The ideal height for males is 34-36 centimeters, for females - 31-33 centimeters, weight 6 and 8 kilograms, respectively.:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, the skull is moderately wide, tapering towards the eyes. The nose is black and small in size. The eyes are almond-shaped, black, deep-set, with an intelligent, penetrating gaze. Protruding eyes are considered a serious deviation from the standards.
  • The ears are proportional to the head, triangular in shape, hanging freely forward, ideally the tips of the ears should be perpendicular to the eyes and at their level.
  • The jaws are massive, strong, capable of biting through even a very large bone. Teeth with a proper bite grow perpendicular to the jaws and overlap each other to form a perfect scissor bite.
  • The neck is muscular, moderately wide, tapering towards the head. The back is strong, flexible, straight, and has a slight elevation in the lumbar region. The chest is slightly convex and ideally should not be below elbow level. The ribs are laid back. Barrel and flat ribs are considered a deviation.
  • The tail is set high, raised up in an excited state, can fall lower in a calm state, straight with a slight bend. It is usually stopped at an early age. The tail is thick at the base and tapers towards the end, giving confidence to the dog's gait.
  • The forelimbs are almost even, located strictly under the body at a moderate distance from each other. The front feet are compact, neat, and lightly padded, while the hind feet are strong, muscular, and well angulated.
  • When walking, a healthy dog ​​has excellent coordination, the steps are confident, wide, and the hind legs give strong pushes to the movement.

Buying a puppy

The only difficulty that arises when choosing this cheerful and active dog is the price. From a good breeder with documents, it can start from $700. Moreover, the upper limit is limited only by the seller’s imagination. A puppy without distinguished ancestors can be bargained for $500, but for many dog ​​lovers even this amount is unaffordable. For 100-200 dollars you can buy a puppy second-hand, but there is a high risk of purchasing a sick animal. More money will be spent on treating the puppy.

It happens that puppies of this breed are found even in dog shelters. This is a rarity, which only means that the former owner could not get along with the original and cheerful animal. Such a “refusenik” can be obtained for free, but again there are risks. The shelter dog experienced betrayal and could enter a neurotic state. Then the new owner will have to show care and patience, and perhaps turn to a dog trainer to establish contact with the pet.

The conclusion is this - the Jack Russell Terrier is a dog for active and easy-going people who prefer sports, travel and long walks. Any child will be crazy about such a playmate, but elders will not stay away from raising a pet. Jack Russell Terriers help people with disabilities adapt to society. There is a special treatment with the help of four-legged animals - canistherapy. Within its framework, Russell helps treat depression. They become real hormones of joy for children with cerebral palsy, autism and other disorders of the central nervous system.

Pet character

Created for hunting, the Parson Russell Terrier is very active, energetic and courageous..

They love active games; lying on the couch for a long time is not their cup of tea.

Many people choose dogs of this breed in the hope that the hunting dog will be immensely devoted to the family and this is true, but one must also take into account the fact that if left without proper attention, Parson Russell Terriers begin to show their wild temperament, namely bark loudly without reasons and even intentionally damage things and furniture.


If your pet tore the sofa to shreds, then you shouldn’t punish him, you need to start paying him more attention.

Due to the fact that Russell Terriers are very active, agile and playful, they are great for families with small children.

But for retirees and simply lovers of a calm, measured life, these dogs are not suitable as pets, since during walks they like to get ahead and lead the owner in a completely different direction, deviating from the intended route.

This breed is also not suitable for busy people who are rarely at home.

Parson Russell Terriers are very friendly to their owners, their friends and children, they easily make contact with other people, but due to excessive courage they may have conflicts with other dogs, so you need to carefully monitor the pet and walk it on a leash.

Read more about the personality of Russell Terriers here.

Attitude towards children

The Parson Russell has an excellent attitude towards the master's children. They quickly recognize children as members of their pack, have fun with undisguised joy and run around with the kids. But if the children are small, then you should wait to purchase a Parson until they grow up. Dogs mature much faster than people, so your baby will mostly have contact with an already grown animal.

Parsons have no mutual understanding with small children. This dog will not sit next to your baby for hours to look after him. Rather, he will be disappointed in the child, since he is not yet able to actively spend time. Let's give it a 2 out of 5.

How to identify a dog?

The distinctive features of this breed are:

  • small height, 35.5 cm for males and 33 cm for females are considered ideal;
  • body length, which slightly exceeds their height;
  • the circumference of the body behind the front legs (in representatives of Parson Russell Terriers, you can clasp the body in this place with two medium-sized palms);
  • color - predominant white with spots of yellow or black shades;
  • V-shaped ears hanging on cartilage;
  • almond-shaped eyes of dark shades;
  • hard, elastic pads and lack of dewclaws;
  • black nose, fully pigmented;
  • straight white teeth with a regular scissor bite.

A pet of this breed is shown in the photo below.

Based on the above characteristics, you can easily recognize a Parson Russell Terrier in a dog.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

If you take a Parson Russell Terrier as a puppy, you may be surprised at how quickly he begins to recognize the habits and gestures of his owner, and, moreover, understand his emotional state. Many representatives of this breed know that a certain action by the owner is followed by some event (for example, after the owner puts on outerwear and takes the leash, a walk follows). They can recognize when a person is upset and will try to comfort him, making them excellent companions and loyal friends. But without proper attention and training, the dog can become uncontrollable, so only people who are fully aware of their responsibility should own Parson Russell Terriers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any dog ​​breed, Parson Terriers have their own characteristic pros and cons, which are worth paying special attention to.


  • Sociability. Most Russell Terriers easily make contact not only with people close to them, but also with others.
  • Fast learner. A dog can quickly remember what to do under certain circumstances, but being a fast learner is not the same as being trained quickly.
  • Excellent adaptive properties. Representatives of this breed are often used in medical rehabilitation procedures for the elderly and children. For example, they can help a physically and morally underdeveloped child open up and begin to communicate more.
  • Good hunting properties. This dog is ideal for hunting, especially burrowing animals (foxes, hares), so it is an excellent choice for hunters.
  • Outstanding mind. These dogs are really very smart and understanding, but on the other hand this is also a minus.
  • Good health and physical fitness. With proper care, representatives of the breed are practically not prone to disease.


  • Excessive gullibility. A dog can follow anyone on the street who will pet it even a little or give it a treat, not paying attention to the fact that the owners are no longer in sight.
  • Jealousy. Parson Russell Terriers are very jealous and all other animals that take away the owner’s precious attention can be maimed and even destroyed.
  • Excessive courage. Overly brave Russells can even rush at a huge pit bull and grapple with it in an unequal fight.
  • Stubbornness and insubordination. High intelligence also hides the fact that dogs have their own, very firm and impenetrable character.
  • Hard training. Due to their stubbornness, these dogs are quite difficult to train.

This breed has both pros and cons; before adopting a Parson Russell Terrier, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and only then make a serious decision.

Parson Terrier puppies – how to choose and where to buy

You can purchase a purebred puppy from private breeders or in a pedigree nursery. To evaluate the breed standard, it is better to take a teenage puppy at about four months of age . If this is not possible, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the parents. Be sure to ask the breeder for information about the dog's pedigree. Take a close look at the puppy itself. An ideal representative should have the following traits:

  • straight back line;
  • straight paws;
  • triangular drooping ears;
  • powerful jaws and smooth white teeth;
  • one of four possible colors;
  • thick bristly fur;
  • chip or stamp.

How much does a puppy cost?

In breeding nurseries, the price can reach up to 20,000 rubles. The most expensive are considered to be wire-haired individuals with uniform markings. The price for a dog with a smooth coat and tri-color markings may be slightly lower. If you want to save money, it will be profitable to take a puppy not from a kennel, but from private breeders. Nowadays it is very easy to find advertisements for sale on the Internet. The price will be lower, but there are no official guarantees of line purity. If you purchase a puppy from private hands at a reduced cost, pay special attention to all the signs of a Parson.

Rules for raising a pet

When communicating with any dog, rigor and uncompromisingness are important. You need to agree with family members on general rules for the puppy that will be followed by everyone. You need to raise a parson in the house as follows:

  • Never allow your puppy to eat anything from your table. Make sure that family members do not feed Parson Russell at their dinner, even as an exception. Firstly, food cooked with salt and spices in oil can be simply dangerous for the dog. Secondly, begging will become a habit for your dog, and you are unlikely to be happy with this state of affairs.
  • Determine a clear sleeping area for the puppy. Make sure he doesn't sleep on a cold floor or in a draft. Some owners do not see anything wrong when a puppy sleeps on the sofa, while others prohibit this. It all depends on your desire, but clarity in education is very important. If you forbid jumping on the sofa, let no family members allow it.
  • Don't let your young puppy bite you. This may seem like a fun game, but as the dog grows, the bites will become painful and traumatic. Better offer a toy in return.
  • Choose a single no-no word for the puppy that everyone in the family will use. If you say “fu” and someone else says “no”, the animal will simply get confused in these commands, and training will take more time and effort.

Health and life expectancy

This breed is distinguished by excellent health; they are not characterized by many canine diseases inherent in other purebred dogs.

Most Parson Terriers die not from disease, but from old age..

The only common disease to which they are susceptible is necrosis of the femoral head or Legg-Petters disease. A dog suffering from this disease gradually loses the ability to move independently. Most often, this disease is diagnosed at the age of 5-6 years.

Also, dogs with a completely white coat may be susceptible to congenital or early deafness, so it is worth choosing a pet with markings characteristic of the breed .

A healthy Parson Russell Terrier lives on average 13-15 years with proper care.

Training and education

Parson is an extremely intelligent dog. She has high intelligence and excellent memory. It would seem that training a terrier is a pleasure. In fact, the PRT, along with intelligence and intelligence, is stubborn and often shows waywardness and disobedience.

That is why the owner of a parson must first establish a trusting relationship with the pet, then must force it to respect itself. After this, you can start training.

The first lessons consist of training to a place, to a toilet, to a leash. Once the basic skills are mastered, move on to more complex training. All commands are pronounced confidently, loudly and clearly enough. It is important to ensure that every command is carried out, otherwise the dog will decide that it is okay to ignore the owner’s orders.

The basics of training, socialization and education are something that is quite possible to do independently. It will take up to 5-6 months to cope with the above tasks. It is recommended that a six-month-old parson be driven on OKD. You can also seek the help of a dog handler on an individual basis.

Russell terriers that you plan to use during hunting require special training.

Interesting Facts

  • The Parson Russell Terrier is deservedly included in the list of the healthiest dogs in the World.
  • By old age, almost all representatives of the breed show particular pickiness about food.
  • In ancient times, terriers were ideal farm guards. They selflessly defended the farms from badgers and foxes, not to mention mice and rats.
  • A purebred Parson puppy was once the most luxurious gift, which was often given to each other by representatives of high society and the aristocracy.
  • In France, parsons were integral participants in boar baiting.
  • In Ireland, representatives of the breed were mostly used for hunting wild ducks.
  • Reverend Russell selected exclusively white terriers for his kennel and breeding work, whose height did not exceed 35 cm. The dogs had to have a friendly and at the same time fearless disposition.

Content Features

Although some breeders claim that Parson Russell Terriers get along well both in a private home and in a city apartment, it is much easier for them to live in a house.


Since these dogs are very energetic, they need to spend a lot of time outdoors, and this is much easier to do in a private home rather than walking it for 4 hours every day.

When it comes to grooming, these dogs are very unpretentious . Since they have a hard, smooth coat, the owner does not need to spend money on numerous expensive grooming products.

They do not need to be constantly brushed, they rarely shed, which saves their owners from constantly cleaning the entire house. In addition, their hair practically does not cause allergies, so they are suitable as pets for allergy sufferers.

Particular attention should be paid to the dog's ears, since due to their anatomical structure, hair accumulates in them.

Periodically it is necessary to clean using special cotton swabs.

Parson Terriers' eyes are also not prone to disease and do not require daily examination. If the development of an infection is noticed, then it is necessary to treat the eyes using special agents prescribed by the veterinarian.

Claws and teeth do not require mandatory care.

The teeth of Parson Terriers are not prone to the development of tartar, and the claws are worn down during long walks and care procedures are carried out at the request of the owner.

You need to bathe your dog as soon as the hair gets dirty. You can use both specialized products and regular shampoos for gray or blonde hair.


For all his love for new tricks, the Parson is difficult to train. He wants to play with you whether you are in a good mood or not. She will demand, and very persistently. And if you don’t want to play with her, then she will simply run away from you, looking for a new owner.

The dog must be kept on a leash throughout its life. But Parsons need movement, and you can’t walk a dog on a leash, it just won’t run. Many Parson Terriers are not happy with being held, the dog is not interested in this.

The Parson Terrier is inclined to follow the path of maximum resistance, that is, if she is prohibited from doing something, she will do it with particular persistence.

Each dog has its own personality and personality. The characteristics of the breed may not coincide in many ways. After all, these are general phrases suitable for any dog ​​of the same breed.

Feeding the animal

It is desirable that the pet’s diet consist of natural food in the ratio: 50% meat products and 50% plant products .

It is necessary to completely exclude fish and its waste, sour and spicy foods. Once every two weeks, to maintain immunity, it is recommended to give the Parson Russell dairy products: cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, cheese, you can give boiled eggs.

Meat nutrition can consist of homemade lean pork, beef, chicken, rabbit . It is allowed to add meat by-products to the diet, but it is important to understand that they cannot completely replace meat.

Vegetables can be given either raw or cooked..

Russell Terriers happily gobble up carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, and beets. They can also eat onions, but it is better not to give it to them, as problems with the digestive tract may arise.


For such an energetic and active dog as the Parson Russell Terrier, proper and balanced nutrition is simply necessary; this is the most important thing in all the care of this breed. Since these dogs are very active, they need the most correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

About 40-50 percent of an animal’s diet needs meat, usually beef, turkey, rabbit, and less often horse meat. Fatty meat (pork and lamb) should be excluded from the Parson Russell Terrier's diet, since they need fat in minimal quantities.

Wirehaired Parson Russell Terrier

Once a week you can give white fish (be sure to make sure it is boneless) and one boiled chicken egg (you can give two or three quail eggs instead). It is recommended to include by-products such as liver, kidneys, and stomachs in your dog’s diet. To strengthen the bones, the dog is given cottage cheese, from which they also get a sufficient amount of fat.

In order for your dog to receive the necessary carbohydrates, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice should be included in its diet. Pearl barley is contraindicated; you can give semolina, but it will not be of much use, it does not contain the necessary nutrients. Among the vegetables, carrots, bell peppers, dill, pumpkin and zucchini are very useful.

Price range and choice of puppy

If a puppy is purchased to live in a family, and not to participate in exhibitions, then when choosing, you need to carefully observe its behavior in the company of other puppies. This will protect you from acquiring an aggressive or unbalanced animal.

If the purpose of the purchase is to visit an exhibition, then you need to carefully examine the dog for compliance with established standards..

The Parson Russell Terrier is a fairly rare breed, so their prices start at $300 and up.

You should not purchase puppies at a bird market or from other people, as unholy traders can sell a mongrel puppy, passing it off as a Parson Russell.

Taming of the Shrew

Since puppies are already endowed with unbridled energy from the breed, as well as the desire to “pump up their rights,” the first thing you should do is “exorcise the devil.”

Professional trainers note the fact that this animal requires a special approach. You shouldn’t follow the dog’s lead and forgive it for various pranks, which often lead to tyranny, but you shouldn’t overdo it, driving this animal “into a corner.”

If the Jack Russell is not pacified in a timely manner, then he may:

  • Growling, lunging at strangers and biting.
  • Hunt various animals and kids.
  • Do not execute any commands, even basic ones.
  • He can easily turn the living space into something like a toilet.
  • He is capable of rendering unusable any objects that come into his field of vision.
  • Whine and howl when begging for food or when left alone.
  • Show unrestrained disobedience, regardless of the conditions in which he finds himself.

The main task of the owner is to promptly stop all his attempts to become the boss in the house. This breed is quite intelligent and immediately begins to figure out when to start “twisting the ropes” out of its owner. In short, you should immediately make it clear to the dog that he is in submission, and not vice versa.

This breed has functions for constant movement, so when raising a dog, you need to remember this feature. To release his energy in the right direction, you should acquire a lot of different toys, otherwise the living space will resemble a cluster of trash torn to shreds. This dog needs to be spent a lot of time outside, and again, you need to play with it, forcing it to expend its energy.

The dog should not be allowed to chase animals, especially children. In dense bushes and near highways, it is better to keep your dog on a leash.

Training a Jack Russell Terrier is not particularly difficult, since he is quite intelligent and quick-witted and grasps everything on the fly, the main thing is to be persistent and consistent. Too much activity of an animal is significantly reduced if it is constantly loaded, including in various games like mini-agility, where this breed has no equal.

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