Mixed dachshund and toy terrier, chihuahua, shepherd dog, spaniel and others


Chapter 1

In the morning, the owner of the dog Kashtanka, carpenter Luka Alexandrovich, took her with him and went to the customer. On the way, the man visited the tavern and friends more than once. When the carpenter and the dog found themselves on the “unfamiliar sidewalk,” the man was already pretty drunk. A regiment of soldiers passed by them, playing as they went. Kashtanka, unable to bear the music, “thrashed about and howled” and “threw across the road onto another sidewalk.” When she came to her senses, the owner was no longer there - she could not find him even by following the trail. “When it became completely dark, Kashtanka was overcome by despair and horror.”

Chapter 2

Kashtanka “sank into a heavy slumber from exhaustion.” Suddenly, a man approached her and called the dog to follow him. “No more than half an hour later she was already sitting on the floor in a large, bright room.” The stranger ate and threw tidbits to Kashtanka.

Before going to bed, the stranger brought a small mattress, placed it by the sofa and told the dog to sleep on it. Kashtanka lay down on the mattress and sadly remembered Luka Alexandritch and Fedyushka. The boy “forced her to walk on her hind legs,” pulled her tail hard, “let her sniff tobacco.” It was especially painful when Fedyushka gave the dog a piece of meat tied to a string, and then “with a loud laugh he pulled it back out of its stomach.” Gradually Kashtanka fell asleep.

Chapter 3

“When Kashtanka woke up, it was already light.” She sniffed all the corners in the room, went into the stranger's bedroom, and then into the small room leading from there. There the dog “saw something unexpected and terrible” - a gray goose was walking towards her, hissing and spreading its wings. A white cat was lying on a mattress to the side. Seeing Kashtanka, he jumped up and also hissed. Kashtanka barked at the cat, and he hit her with his paw. Hearing the noise, the man woke up and scattered the animals.

The stranger called the cat Fedot Timofeich, and the goose Ivan Ivanovich. The man called Kashtanka Aunt.

Chapter 4

A little later, the stranger brought some “strange thing, similar to a gate and the letter P. On the crossbar of this wooden, roughly knocked together P, a bell hung and a pistol was tied.” At the man’s command, the goose performed all sorts of tricks: bowed, curtsied, jumped over a barrier and through a hoop, pretended to be dead by pulling special ropes, shot from a revolver and rang the bell.

Then the stranger asked the old woman to call Khavronya Ivanovna. The woman let in a “black, very ugly pig.” At the stranger’s command, the animals depicted an “Egyptian pyramid”: the goose climbed onto the pig, and the cat onto the goose. Then the man taught Ivan Ivanovich to ride a cat and teach him to smoke.

Chapter 5

Every day the stranger trained the animals for three to four hours. In the evenings, the man usually went somewhere with a cat and a goose.

When Kashtanka “has completely gotten used to her new life and has turned from a skinny, bony mongrel into a well-fed, well-groomed dog,” the owner said that he would make an “artist” out of her too. The man taught her to stand, walk and jump on her hind legs, and then dance, “run on the line”, howl to music, ring, shoot and even replace the cat in the “Egyptian pyramid”.

Chapter 6

The aunt woke up from the piercing scream of Ivan Ivanovich. The goose was dying - a horse stepped on it during the day. The upset owner tried to give the goose water to drink, but the bird’s head “remained in the saucer.” “When it was completely dawn, the janitor came, took the goose by the paws and carried it away somewhere.”

Chapter 7

“One fine evening” the owner took Aunt and Fyodor Timofeevich with him: the dog was supposed to replace the late Ivan Ivanovich. The man was very worried that the number had not been learned, there were few rehearsals and nothing would work out. They arrived at a “big strange house that looked like a tureen.” Entering the small gray room with the animals, the owner put on make-up, put on a wig and a clown costume.

It's time for the host to speak, or as he was announced, Mr. Georges. The man hid the animals in a suitcase and left. At the beginning of the performance, the man opened his suitcase. Kashtanka jumped out and “ran around her owner and burst into ringing barks.” Remembering previous lessons, the dog began to follow the man’s commands.

Suddenly, in the middle of the performance, somewhere upstairs, “someone gasped loudly” and called Kashtanka. The dog recognized the screaming ones as its former owners and quickly ran to the gallery. “Half an hour later, Kashtanka was already walking down the street behind people who smelled of glue and varnish.” Everything that had happened: the teaching, the circus “seemed to her now like a long, confused, heavy dream...”.

Keeping puppies at home

Spaniel mixes are always positive and playful, happy to have owners and small family members. They love communication and get along with almost everyone.

When it comes to caring, you need to follow a few simple rules, and then keeping such breeds will only bring you joy.

The peculiar structure of the body leads these puppies to frequent problems with the ears - otitis media and hearing loss are not uncommon phenomena here, and therefore careful care is required for the ears to avoid rubbing, scratching and swelling. You need to constantly clean your ears, wipe your ears with a cloth with a bactericidal solution or even just water, wiping them dry. The coat must be constantly washed and combed diligently - this also applies to the ears, since falling hair can get into the ears.

Dogs require frequent and long walks. Not all owners are ready for this. The musculature of these dogs requires sports, activity, constant movement and games.

Nutrition should be complete, vitamins and minerals taken into account

You need to purchase a bowl for both food and water, which should be available at all times, because both the puppy and the adult pet are always active.

It is important to visit the veterinarian promptly for routine examinations and vaccinations, as it is very important to monitor the animal’s hearing and vision.

The collar should not be chosen tight, but according to the size of the neck, since often the dog can tug on the leash out of emotion and cause inconvenience to itself: choking itself and rubbing its neck.

You can learn how to toilet train a dog by watching the video below.

Tell us about other popular Jack Russell crosses


This is a designer dog known for its playful and loving nature.

The Jack Chi is poorly adapted to cold climates and is considered exclusively a lap dog . At the same time, we must not forget about his ebullient energy and desire to dominate.

These qualities make training a Jack Chi difficult and require a lot of patience and perseverance from the owner. Otherwise, the pet’s character quickly deteriorates, nervousness and many unpleasant habits appear.

The Jack Chi is prone to dental disease and all sorts of skin and coat problems . However, with constant and proper care, these problems can be avoided.


A cute cross between a Corgi and a Jack Russell Terrier, amusingly combining the appearance of both parents. He is very loyal to all family members and animals, affectionate and tireless in communication.

Does not tolerate loneliness well, shows great anxiety when separated from the owner.

This dog is not prone to loud barking or whining, but is often stubborn.

This dog just loves to learn new tricks and travel.

Her incredible activity constantly requires movement, new experiences and games..


A charming designer dog up to 25 cm tall at the withers and weighing up to 12 kg. It has a long wavy coat that requires serious care.

Rules of maintenance and care

Caring for your pet should be regular. This will not only keep your dog’s coat clean, but will also keep your pet healthy.

The dog should be combed 2-3 times a week to prevent the formation of tangles. It should also be taken into account that such dogs love to dig and often get dirty, so bathing should be regular.

It is highly advisable to visit a grooming salon with your dog at least once every six months. Although such a dog is not a show dog, the salon will still provide him with proper care, and you will be given the necessary recommendations.

Your pet should have its ears and eyes cleaned regularly, and its nails trimmed. If you are a novice dog breeder and have no experience, then it is better to turn to specialists, this way you will avoid injury to the dog and problems with subsequent care.

You need to brush your dog's teeth at least once a week. Use a special brush and toothpaste designed for dogs for this purpose.

Dorgi dogs are not suitable for living on the street; an aviary or a chain is not suitable for them. Keep your dog at home and be sure to walk it twice a day to avoid problems with excess weight and joints.

IMPORTANT! You should not use shampoo every time you bathe your dog. If you have to bathe your dog frequently, do it without using detergents.

Use shampoo no more than once every 2-3 months.

Maltese mix

These mixed-breed dogs are very cute in appearance, and their character is the most compromising of all the declared mixed-breed dogs.

Adult dogs have long hair and are very similar in appearance to Yorkshire terriers. The color of Toy Terriers is dominant, but white spots on the coat still remain in most cases. Most often in the muzzle area, on the chest and paws.

The dogs are very friendly and affectionate in nature and are good with children. They inherited gullibility from lapdogs, so when walking you should be very careful and monitor what your pet is doing.

Despite their friendliness, the crossbreed can be very touchy. She will never tolerate it if you suddenly start yelling at her or even accidentally touch her and hurt her. You will have to beg for forgiveness with affection or treats for a very long time.

Among the features of care, only timely combing of the coat is distinguished. In this mestizo, it can be quite long, which is why unsightly tangles can form, and the fur can also become matted from dirt and dust.

They do not differ in size from other mestizos - height is about 30 cm and weight on average is 3-3.5 kg.

NOTE! The big disadvantage of this crossbreed is the early loss of teeth. This complicates the training process, because the dog becomes nervous and almost uncontrollable.

For this reason, your pet should be taught oral hygiene from a very early age.

Description of the Dorgi

This designer dog breed was created by Queen Elizabeth II by crossing Welsh Corgis and Dachshunds.

This peculiar mestizo is small in size: it is longer than it is tall.

From Welsh Corgs, Dorgis received the typical light colors and erect ears.

Due to their hunting blood (in addition to their protective instinct), they are very active and courageous.

They can handle the role of a security guard in an apartment (and even in a country house).

If the owner wants to achieve unquestioning obedience, it is worth teaching obedience and basic skills at a young age.

This designer dog breed has a stronger immune system compared to Welsh Corgis. This designer breed is quite popular not only in agility competitions, hunting, but also in reindeer herding.

Pros and cons of hybrids

Mixed breeds of purebred dogs have their advantages over individuals of the original species:

  • Hybrids have high immunity and fewer hereditary diseases. This characteristic has developed due to interspecific crossing, in which the defects of the breed overlap.
  • Wool from designer breeds does not cause allergies. Cynologists strived for this quality when they knitted different types.
  • The character of mestizos is more docile than that of purebred dogs. By combining two contrasting breeds, experts hope that the worst behavioral traits will be smoothed out.

When breeding hybrid dogs, breeders are faced with their disadvantages. The result of crossbreeding can be dogs that have acquired hereditary diseases from one of the generations of their ancestors. The temperament of an animal cannot be predicted. A litter may produce puppies prone to aggression and mistrust.

Cross between dachshund and mongrel

Unfortunately, not many breeders are interested in hybrids. In people's minds, designer breeds are the same as mutts.

Mixed dogs, including dachshunds, have been bred for many years. You should take a closer look at the crossbreed; perhaps a mixed-blood dog will become a good friend and win the hearts of the household no less than a purebred dog.


What kind of dogs are called mestizos?

Mixed breeds are dogs that have purebred parents in their genes. Crossbreeding is carried out by professional breeders; they use animals with good pedigree. Experts are constantly experimenting with genetics, trying to create a breed with improved qualities.

Mixed dachshund and toy terrier

Metis began to be actively bred in the 80s of the 20th century. The task was to get a friendly companion dog with hypoallergenic coat. Nowadays, breeds are mixed to get a dog with strong immunity, which is formed in puppies with different genes. A cross between breeds has a more flexible character and less rancor.

Despite the fact that gene mixing has been practiced for several decades, mixed breeds are not recognized by the International Canine Federation. To establish a designer breed, it is necessary to breed it for several generations in a row.

Interesting! The wool of mestizos does not cause allergies.

Mixed chihuahua and dachshund

Another popular hybrid is the Chiweenie. This is a friendly pet that does not require complex care or serious physical activity. Get ready that the baby will love to bark, but this is by no means a sign of aggression. The mixed breed will get along with children, cats, other dogs and small pets. However, the center of his Universe will always be his adored owner, to whom the Chiweenie will give all his love and tenderness.

These are very obedient and easy to train dogs, which even a novice owner will be able to train. In order for your Chiweenie to grow up loving, playful and calm, be sure to take care of his timely socialization.

Photo of a cross between a dachshund and a chihuahua:

Features of character and behavior

The breed is a hunting breed, so the dogs are temperamental, wayward, but very smart and active. They learn quickly, remember commands and become good helpers.


The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Goodwill, friendliness, lack of innate aggression, devotion to family;
  2. Positive thinking, activity until old age;
  3. Good relationship with children while maintaining distance;
  4. Good intellectual abilities, quick learner;
  5. Hunting instincts and developed qualities: sense of smell, vision, speed, endurance, agility;
  6. Security qualities;
  7. Variability (you can choose your pet by size, color and coat length).

How to keep

A cross between a dachshund and a mongrel or any other mestizo needs the same maintenance as all purebred purebred pets. A puppy needs to be taught commands from childhood. At the same time, you should be persistent. Genes take their toll and most puppies have a stubborn and independent character.

Every year, pets need to be vaccinated against rabies and a number of other diseases. It is better to check with your veterinarian which specific vaccinations are needed.

Important! You need to walk your dog 2-3 times a day. If the pet is still young, walks should be long and active.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. It is not advisable to overfeed your four-legged friend

Dachshunds are prone to obesity and joint problems due to excess weight. The same applies to mestizos. Nutrition should be balanced. If it is dry food, you need to feed it based on the weight of the animal. Typically the serving size is indicated on the package. You can also give fruits and vegetables. For example, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, apples, pears.

What not to give to dogs:

  • avocado;
  • grape;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • flour.

In addition, it is not advisable to feed adult dogs milk.

Dachshund mix is ​​a very sweet dog

Useful video

From the video you will learn what mixed-breed Jack Russell Terrier puppies look like:

Dachshunds are small dogs belonging to hunting breeds.

They are distinguished by their unusual appearance - elongated body, short legs - and cheerful character.

The weight of an adult is from 6 to 12 kg, while the maximum weight according to the breed standard should not exceed 9 kg. Height at the withers is 14 - 21 cm, life expectancy is 12-15 years.

The dog has a fairly high tendency to bark, dig, and also has a high need for communication.

Popular types of mestizos

Mixed breeds are dogs that are born by crossing two different breeds.

They do not differ at all in their characteristics from their purebred counterparts. But, at the same time, they can seriously differ in appearance and character.

When it comes to health and learning ability, mixed breeds are often superior to purebred dogs in these indicators.

The most common dachshund mixes:

  • Spaniel mix. The dog usually takes on the characteristics of both parents, but is more reminiscent of a spaniel, with the difference that such a pet has a longer body and a more explosive character.
  • The Jack Russell cross is not a large, very active dog, similar in color to the Jack Russell and similar in body structure to the Dachshund. The dog is active, devoted to its owner, and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • The Chihuahua hybrid has an elongated body structure, a miniature muzzle and widely spaced ears. This is a loving, active, sociable animal, easily trainable and does not tolerate loneliness well.
  • The Yorkshire Terrier mix is ​​playful, active, and quick to learn. Such animals are very friendly, get along well with children and others and pets, have the appearance of a dachshund and the character of a Yorkie.
  • Spitz mix. In size and body structure, it is more like a dachshund, and its coat is more like a spitz. This dog is very mobile, active and fearless. At the same time, he is proud and stubborn, and is also difficult to train.
  • The Smopsom cross has a strong body, many folds and an elongated body. The dog has a calm and good-natured character.
  • The Sbeagle cross looks very harmonious, it has a slightly elongated body, medium-height paws and smooth fur. These dogs are active and good-natured.
  • Welsh Corgi mix. These pets are very cute and have a cheerful character.

How to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mixed breed

Pedigree puppies have predominantly brown eyes. Blue and gray are less common and are considered defective. You can also distinguish them by their bite. In purebred dachshunds it is scissor-shaped. The gums and tongue are light pink. The legs should not look too thin and the body should not be squat.

Important! An incorrect bite may indicate that the puppy has health problems.

Mixed breeds of different breeds are not always worse than purebred dogs. Often puppies are born stronger and healthier. But in some cases, puppies may be predisposed to more diseases.

Review of the most famous and interesting mestizos

Mixed dog breeds are sometimes so unusual that they become more popular than their titled purebred ancestors.

This dog is very similar to a shepherd, but the eyes give away the husky ancestor

Baby chow chow and husky - affectionate pet bear

The mestizo inherited many features of its appearance from the chow-chow: a fluffy fur coat and an incredible resemblance to a bear. From the husky he received amazing blue eyes, height and location of spots. This is a very kind animal, but needs serious training.

Golden retriever and dachshund

This is the owner of silk wool of the original color. From a dachshund he inherited short legs and an elongated body. Also called zolax.

Descendant of Husky and Corgi

At first glance, it seems that this is a miniature copy of a husky, black and white coloring and blue eyes complete the similarity. But the pet has an elongated body and short legs, like a corgi.

German Chow Chow or Chow Dog

The charming red pet with a mask on its muzzle, characteristic of shepherd dogs, combines the best characteristics of both parents in its exterior.

Golden Husky

The descendants of Siberian Huskies and Golden Retrievers are called Rehaskies. They adopted their good-natured character, ability to obey, and soft, golden-colored fur from retrievers.

Note! This mixed breed does not require long walks

Golden Husky looks very beautiful

Golden fur and sky blue eyes will make this dog the most beautiful on the dog playground.

Akita Inu and German

A charming pet with lush fur, whose character combines independence and wonderful hunting qualities.

German and Shar Pei

Crossbreeds of dogs of different breeds often differ in their original appearance. The German Shar-Pei has short hair and a crescent tail, more closely resembling a Shar-Pei than a Shepherd.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke and Dalmatian

The appearance of this little dog resembles a classic Welshman; he inherited a unique spotted color from a Dalmatian.


This is a large mixed breed dog, the ancestor of three breeds: malamute, German shepherd and husky. In appearance it resembles a wolf.

The charming utonagan has every chance of becoming a separate breed

Labsky (labrador and husky)

This beautiful half-breed dog resembles a gray wolf, a predatory forest inhabitant. Peculiarities:

  • Leadership skills.
  • Needs a strict and experienced owner.
  • Long active walks are required.

Blue eyes.


This is a funny mixed-breed dog whose parents were a Shar Pei and a Basset Hound. From the latter he inherited long ears and a phlegmatic character.


A cute dog with a muzzle decorated with folds and round, erect ears is distinguished by good nature and devotion. This is a cross between a Pug and a French Bulldog.

Husky and pitbull

In appearance and “rat” muzzle it resembles a fighting ancestor, but the sky-colored eyes reveal the husky ancestor in the dog.

Pomsky baby

This breed variety has gained wide popularity due to its cuteness and good nature. Stunning appearance - a lush fur coat and piercing eyes - is the reason for the high cost of a mixed-breed dog.

Pomsky is a very popular mixed breed, puppies are so in demand that they are booked


This is a hybrid of two breeds - Labrador and Afghan. It is distinguished not only by its interesting appearance, but also by its excellent watchdog qualities.


This is the ancestor of two purebred parents - a husky and a German shepherd. She has excellent protective qualities, but has no sense of moderation and is very stubborn.

Note! The breed is strictly not recommended for beginners


It is the result of a mixture of a pug and a small Chihuahua. Distinguished by its energy and miniature size

Other Chihuahua mixes

There are several more dogs descended from the baby chi:

  • With a continental spaniel: the result is a long-haired hybrid with elongated ears and sad eyes.
  • With a dachshund: the mixed breed has short legs and a long body.
  • With a beagle: a funny and dynamic baby with a tiny face.

Pug mixes

There are several such unique “mixtures”:

  • Miguel (second parent - beagle).
  • With Petit Brabançon.
  • Bullpug (with bulldog).

A cross between a pug and a beagle – pure charm

Alaskan Malamute and Husky

This is not only a beautiful animal with lush fur, but also a very hardy pet that is not afraid of any cold weather. He loves his owner very much and becomes his faithful friend.

A cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai: distinctive character traits

Central Asian Shepherds are brave, reliable and loyal pets, but sometimes they are characterized by excessive hostility and aggressiveness. Freedom-loving and independent Alabai are able to make their own decisions and it is almost impossible to force an animal to do something against its will.

Dogs of the German breed are distinguished by their intelligence, loyalty and friendly disposition, which are always ready to fulfill any command of the owner. Germans are smart and observant, but sometimes they lack independence, because before acting, they patiently wait for a signal from the owner.

The German Shepherd and Alabai mix has the ability to make decisions, but is always owner-oriented

A cross between an Alabai and a German Shepherd combines the most positive qualities of both breeds. Dogs born from such a marriage have courage, determination and the ability to quickly navigate any situation, inherited from Central Asian Shepherd Dogs. At the same time, mestizos, like the Germans, have a playful, inquisitive and sociable character; they are not characterized by anger and aggression.

Such pets are excellent guards, since their protective functions are inherent in nature and such a vigilant watchman can be safely entrusted with the protection of the house and territory. But thanks to their friendliness and flexible, obedient disposition, mestizos can also become an affectionate friend for the whole family. The animals are easy to train and teach different commands; they are not distinguished by the stubborn and obstinate disposition of the Alabais, therefore they are happy to obey the owner, carrying out all his orders and instructions.

A cross between an Asian and a German Shepherd can be successful if you mix the blood of a leader and a balanced dog

Crossing these two breeds in some cases can have unpredictable results. Sometimes a puppy grows up to be too cowardly or, as it grows up, turns into an angry, uncontrollable pet. This is what happens when a German and an Alabai, who have strong leadership abilities, are crossed.

To ensure that puppies inherit only the best qualities from their parents, a strong and brave dog is paired with a balanced and calm partner.

Métis variants

The dachshund is one of the oldest and most popular hunting (burrowing) dogs for badgers and foxes, bred in Germany.

None of the dachshund mixes are recognized by the FCI or FCI. The main purpose is a companion, a family favorite. They live from 13 to 15 years. There are known hybrids of dachshunds with pugs, spaniels, toy terriers, chihuahuas, pit bulls, etc.


There is no clear standard for a crossbreed spaniel with a dachshund, like its other hybrids. But some general patterns can be traced. Dachshund-spaniel mixes have a somewhat elongated, strong, squat body. The ears are hanging, of medium length, covered with soft and longer hair than that of the dachshund. The eyes are dark. The color can be very diverse.

Both parents of this hybrid are working hunting dogs. The spaniel, unlike the dachshund, is a bird hunter. The liveliness of character, loud voice, and intelligence are transmitted to their mestizo. He is easy to train. When buying him, you need to remember about his hunting instinct and the need for walks in nature.

Dachshund and Spaniel mix

Toy Terrier

Mixed dachshunds with toy terriers are lively, active small dogs.

The behavior of their best individuals is determined by the inquisitive, hunting mind of the dachshund and the courage of the toy terrier, in the past – a brave English rat catcher

They get along well with children and other members of the owner's family.

The color is black, brown, light brown with fawn spots, but may be different. Ears are half or fully erect.

Dachshund-toy terrier mix


The Chiweenie, a cross between a dachshund and a chihuahua, has relatively large erect ears and an elongated body, like a dachshund. The color is brown, brown and white or black and white. The coat is hard, short, but can also be long (if a crossbreed from a long-haired dachshund), the undercoat is soft and dense. The eyes are mostly dark.

The dog is smart and calm, but is jealous of its owner towards other animals. On this basis, she is touchy and it is better not to provoke her jealousy. She is devoted to her owner and his family. In case of danger, he shows unprecedented fearlessness - he rushes at the offender of the owner, who is tens of times greater than him.

Dachshund and Chihuahua mix

The pug-dachshund hybrid has a small but muscular, strong body. The head is large, the ears are hanging. On the head there are noticeable folds of skin characteristic of a pug. The eyes are large, dark to black. The legs are short - this is typical for both of his parents. The tail is curled like a pug's.

Pug mix

The active, explosive nature of the dachshund is balanced by the calmer, docile nature of the pug. Long walks tire him. Due to an inactive lifestyle, he has an increased tendency to obesity.


The dachshund-pit bull hybrid is unusual. It has a large head relative to its body and an elongated muzzle, reminiscent of a pit bull. Ears are often cropped. Legs are short. Color may vary.

Socialization is especially important for this hybrid due to the fact that increased aggression towards other animals can be transmitted to it from a pit bull, a fighting breed.

Dachshund and pitbull mix

This mestizo can act as a guard. In the family he is calm and affectionate, loyal to his owner.

Mixed-breed dachshunds, like the dachshund itself, eat without measure. You cannot overfeed your dog. This threatens her with obesity.

Mixed breeds of small representatives need to be raised and trained, despite their small size and safety for others. During training, angry shouts and spanking are unacceptable! Sincerely approve of your pet's correct actions.

Pekingese mix

Akita Inu
This dog stands out among other Japanese Spitz dogs by its large stature. Their height at the withers is 58-70 cm, weight 35-50 kg. The dog is densely built, of good proportions.
English Bulldog
This is a real gentleman. This is the dog of living rooms, sofas, cars and comfort.
American Bulldog
The modern American Bulldog is a powerful, athletic dog that exudes confidence and strength.
American Cocker Spaniel
Due to its abundant silky coat, small stature and good-natured character, it is more popular as a decorative dog and is almost never used as a hunter.
American Staffordshire Terrier
He should be well built, muscular, but agile and elegant. This is a massive dog, not tall on its legs.
English Cocker Spaniel
A small long-eared miracle that combines the qualities of a passionate hunter, a devoted companion and a magnificent show dog.
English Setter
Setters are created by crossing a water spaniel, a Spanish pointer and a springer spaniel.
Artesian-Normandy Basset
is a strong, courageous dog, has great endurance, is active and independent. She is able to make her way through the densest thickets. One of the rare hounds that uses only her lower sense.
Dogo Argentino
The most elegant representative of the mastiff group. He forever fascinates with his power and grace, high intelligence and amazing intuition, unique charisma
The Afghan Hound
is characterized by excitement, readiness for battle, quick reaction and quick charge, high speed and persistence, toughness, viciousness and agility in racing.
The origin of this dog breed is closely connected with the history of the Ainu, a people who settled on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) about 3000 years ago.
English Pointer
This dog breed has two worlds: hunting and home. At work, the English Pointer is incredibly active, agile, energetic and hardworking.
Originating from the Congo, the Basenji is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
Basset Hound
The Basset Hound is a stocky, short-legged dog breed from the hound family. These are dogs that follow the scent and have an excellent sense of smell. The name Basset comes from the French word "bas" meaning "low" or "dwarf".
Bedlington Terrier
Hardy, fast and light, energetic and courageous, the Bedlington Terrier has an independent character.
Bernese Mountain Dogs
have a friendly nature that allows them to adapt to almost any environment.
Beagles are one of the smallest breeds of hound dogs. Strong, muscular, no less than 33 cm and no more than 40 cm in height.
These typical short-haired hounds are cheese and massive. Males reach 67 cm, females - 60 cm at the withers with an average weight of 40 to 38 kg.
The Bobtail is a large, strong, compactly built, muscular dog. The head, body, legs and especially the thighs are covered with thick, abundant, rather coarse, shaggy hair with a good undercoat.
The Greater Swiss Shepherd
The Greater Swiss Shepherd is the largest breed of the four Swiss Cattle Dogs, weighing up to 59 kg. The coat is tight-fitting and reliably protects the dog from wind and rain.
Dogue de Bordeaux
The Dogue de Bordeaux in the company of its owners is not just a domestic dog, it is in all respects a member of the family.
Boston Terrier
The Boston Terrier is an active, very intelligent, smooth-haired dog with a short head, compact format, short tail, and well balanced.
Head raised proudly, noble posture, smooth and harmonious movements, a very special gait, soft, like a panther...
Bull Terriers
Despite their reputation as aggressive dogs bred specifically for dog fighting, the dogs are gentle and kind towards people.
Weimar Pointer
A graceful, beautiful, swift dog with smooth, easy and coordinated movements.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Very cheerful, optimistic dogs, completely devoted to their family.
Welsh Springer Spaniel
Hardy and strong with a harmonious, compact build. The head is slightly domed, with a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
Welsh Terrier
A full-fledged working dog, an excellent companion and hunter, has a developed sense of self-esteem, is very intelligent, and easy to train.
West Highland White Terrier
Self-confident and adaptable to any living conditions, this energetic and sociable terrier has become everyone's favorite.
A breed of hunting hounds. Bred in Russia in the 18th century to hunt wolves, foxes and hare. This is one of the oldest breeds of Russian hunting dogs.
Aristocrat, created for high speeds, is flexible, good-natured with children and adults - rarely snaps, and loyal.
The stately and graceful Dalmatian is a truly unique breed both in beauty and character.
The Doberman
is a physically well-developed, strong and elegant dog with a deep chest and a harmonious and compact build.
West Siberian Laika
Breed of hunting dogs. Developed in Russia in the 19th century by crossing closely related Khanty and Mansi dogs for hunting large game, as well as bear, deer and wolves.
Irish Wolfhound
This dog, despite its large size and impressive appearance, has a friendly and peaceful disposition. She is very smart and infinitely devoted to her owner.
Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is taller than other setters. His head is narrow, with a smoother transition from the forehead to the muzzle
Irish Terrier
A strong, fast dog with great endurance and a strong character. She is independent and, if necessary, does not miss the opportunity to clarify relationships with other dogs.
Yorkshire Terrier
The weight of a Yorkshire Terrier should not exceed 3 kg. The head is flattened, with a short muzzle and a black nose. The hair on the head is long and bright golden in color.
Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs
Given the general proportionality of build, preference is given to larger dogs with massive bones, the desired height for males is not lower than 70 cm.
The expression of the muzzle is one of the most important criteria in determining the value of a dog, achieved by the correct ratio and combination of the proportions of the skull and muzzle, size, shape, color and placement of the eyes
The Maltese
is covered with silky, fine, long, straight hair that falls on both sides of the body, forming a parting along the entire top line from the head to the base of the tail.
Mastino Napoletano
The dog is very calm, balanced and obedient, but if necessary, shows courage and readiness to fight any opponent.
Miniature Pinscher
An ideal dog for a city dweller who dreams of a cheerful companion. Height of females and males is 25-30 cm, weight 4-6 kg.
This is a completely living toy, created for the joy of people, a charming dog. A smile settles in the house next to a pug - the best cure for adversity.
German Boxer
Boxer is a dog of medium height, square format. Height at the withers for males is 57-64 cm, for females - 53-59. The weight of males is approximately 30 kg, and that of females - 25.
Great Dane
The Great Dane is a very large dog that combines nobility and courage, strength and elegance. The minimum height at the withers for males is 76 cm, for females - 72 cm.
Pekingese dog (Pekingese)
Pekingese dogs have a peaceful and friendly character, are lenient towards people, and behave very bravely with other dogs.
A characteristic feature of the poodle is its coat, which practically does not shed. It should be brushed regularly and trimmed every two months.
The appearance of the modern Rottweiler indicates its strength, agility and endurance. This is a fairly tall dog, very strong, without the slightest hint of dampness
Russian hound
The dog is very tall, up to 16 inches. The head between the ears is wide, and the muzzle is long, somewhat hook-nosed, rather thick, but dry, without ruff; the eyes are small, yellow, and protruding.
Saint Bernard
is a reliable watchman, a devoted and faithful friend, a good-natured giant with a bright appearance, a dog that cannot leave anyone indifferent.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow has the distinctive features of the Spitz-like northern dogs - small erect ears, a tail carried over the back and thick fur.
Dogs of this breed are well built. The format is almost square. Height at the withers is 29-35.5 cm. The body is very compact, with a well-developed chest.
Japanese Chin
A small, compact, light, elegant and graceful dog. The lightness and grace of this dog is determined by the gentle-dry type of constitution and fine bones.


Mix of dachshund and toy terrier

Brief description of the toy terrier

The Toy Terrier belongs to the decorative companion dogs, which originates in Manchester. Read more about the history of the toy terrier.

Its height ranges from 25 to 35 centimeters, weight from 1.5 to 3 kilograms.

Long slender legs and a toned abdomen give the animal an elegant, dapper appearance. The head is small, with a convex forehead, and is decorated with triangular, erect, large ears.

The nose is sharp, the earlobe is usually black, the eyes are dark, round, and large. The coat is short and smooth.

Fact! The classic color is black and tan, but pure black or red individuals can be found.

The Russian Toy has the same dimensions, while among the Russian Toys there are both short-haired and long-haired animals with a variety of colors.

Brief description of the dachshund

The dachshund is a burrowing hunting dog from Germany.

The breed appeared in the 16th century and was improved as a burrow hunting breed.

Over time, animals of different sizes appeared: standard (up to 9 kilograms), miniature (4-5 kilograms), rabbit (up to 3.5 kilograms).

Based on their coat type, they are divided into smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired.

The color is surprising in its variety: cream, harlequin, brindle, black, red, red and tan, brown and tan, black and tan, and extremely rarely – pure white.

The dachshund is difficult to confuse with an animal of another breed because of its characteristic structure: short, crooked legs support a disproportionately long body.

Miniatures are active, playful and affectionate.

Standard ones have a more restrained and serious character.

On a note! Regardless of its size, the dachshund is distinguished by its intelligence, quick wit, and easily gets used to good manners, but sometimes, especially on walks, the tracker-hunter awakens in it.

Description of the dachshund and toy terrier mestizo

The Toy Terrier is a miniature dog, and mixed breeds are only possible with miniature and dwarf dachshunds.

The appearance of the Dachshund-Toy Terrier mix offspring is impossible to predict: the build, length and color of the coat, the shape of the ears and muzzle of dogs vary greatly. Puppies can inherit the traits of their parents in any, most unpredictable ways, although the length of their paws usually comes from the dachshund.

The small size and temperamental characteristics are also preserved - both breeds have hunting roots.

Interesting! These two breeds are distinguished by their inquisitive mind, quick wit, and are well trained not only in the basic rules of behavior, but also in simple tricks, and all these traits are inherited by their mestizos.

The exotic appearance of a mixed-breed pet, which does not fit into breed standards, is often in no way inferior to the appearance of its purebred counterparts

And it doesn’t matter at all whether your dog is purebred or mixed breed - what matters is how much you like it

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Dogs of breeds that stand out for their small size remain favorites among other animals that live together with a person in his home. Today, lovers of faithful four-legged pets will be able to choose an animal from a large number of different breeds, where dachshunds are especially popular. In light of its demand, one can now find mixed variations of the hunting dog, no less interesting from the point of view of exterior and behavior.

Beagle and Jack Russell mix

Jackaby is a small but very powerful dog. It usually resembles the body structure of its terrier parent, but its muzzle is similar to a beagle.

To understand better. what traits this crossbreed can inherit, read about beagle and jack russell.

Jackabies have large and flexible ears, and the color is most often creamy with brown and black spots.

Average dog weight: 6-16 kg; height – up to 33 cm at the withers. Life expectancy is from 13 to 16 years.

Jackaby has a friendly and loyal character, ideal for families with children. Gets along easily with any animals.

But he often experiences anxiety and shyness when meeting strangers. When very frightened, he may become aggressive.

To stay calm and comfortable, this dog needs active and long walks. In addition, Jackaby enthusiastically takes on any mental challenge in training.

This breed is prone to allergic reactions (itchy skin, red, watery eyes, nasal allergies).

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