Dironet for dogs: Indications for use and instructions + Video

Article verified by a practicing veterinarian

If your pet does not go outside, this does not mean that he is not afraid of helminthic infestation. Parasites can enter an animal’s body at home : through the owner’s outdoor shoes, the soil of indoor plants, and also when feeding raw meat products (meat, offal).
If your cat's stomach is swollen, diarrhea is replaced by constipation, appetite has disappeared and apathy has appeared, the color of the mucous membranes has changed, the cat may have a helminthic infestation. But most often the disease is asymptomatic, and the owner does not know about the presence of a problem until the parasites become visible in the stool.

If the above symptoms are present and helminths are detected in the feces or vomit, the animal must be taken to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis.

Many types of helminths can be transmitted from animals to humans. Therefore, it is extremely important for all family members to undergo preventive treatment against parasites.

In this article we will talk about the drug Dironet: how to give it to a cat, release forms, contraindications. The instructions for Dironet for cats will also be discussed: how to give tablets and suspension, dosages and dosage regimens.

The principle of action of the drug

Once ingested, the active substances are absorbed and reach maximum concentrations 2 to 4 hours after administration. They act on parasites as follows:

  • paralyze muscles;
  • paralyze the nervous system;
  • increase the permeability of cell membranes.

This impact leads to their rapid death.

When using drops, the active substances accumulate in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands . They actively fight external parasites for a long period of time. Entering the bloodstream through the dermis, they spread throughout the body and have a detrimental effect on helminths.

There is no need to follow a diet or cleanse the animal’s intestines before taking Dironet.

Composition and action

Each Dironet tablet contains:

  • 150 mg pyrantel pamoate;
  • 50 mg praziquantel;
  • 0.06 mg ivermectin.

Thanks to this combination, the drug begins to act very quickly - within half an hour the maximum concentration of praziquantel is reached in the animal’s blood plasma, and the medicine begins to act. Pyrantel pamoate is absorbed into the blood a little longer - after 2-4 hours, and ivermectin ensures the duration of action of Dironet.

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The selection of drug components is not accidental: praziquantel is active against cestodes - tapeworms that parasitize the intestines of animals. Pyrantel pamoate destroys roundworms at all stages of their development, and ivermectin is a substance that is effective against roundworms and heartworms.

Once in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract, the effective substances begin to act quickly: they block the parasite’s nerve impulses, causing paralysis and then the death of the worm. The medicine acts gently and safely, promotes the removal of dead helminths and their waste products without causing intoxication of the animal’s body.

Dironet: indications for use

Dironet in the form of tablets and suspensions is indicated for the treatment and prevention of nematodes, cestodes and mixed forms of invasion . It is also used for the prevention of dirofilariasis, however in this situation it should be understood that the drug is ineffective against adult helminths of this type, therefore it is not used for the treatment of dirofilariasis.

Dironet spot-on for cats is used for the prevention and treatment of:

  • diseases caused by external parasites, such as sarcoptic mange;
  • entomosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • notoedrosis;
  • diseases caused by tapeworms and roundworms.

The drug is not recommended for use in combination with other anthelmintic drugs to avoid overdose and negative consequences.


Dironet is a safe drug, but you should not exceed the dose, as this can cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • depressed state;
  • stomach upset;
  • refusal to eat;
  • increased salivation.

In case of overdose, antihistamines should be prescribed by a veterinarian; enterosorbents are also used to quickly alleviate the animal’s condition.

Important! Dironet is not prescribed for collie, sheltie, bobtail dogs, pregnant or lactating females.

Dironet for cats, suspension: how to give

Reception scheme

During treatment and as a prophylaxis, the drug is given once. According to the instructions, take it on an empty stomach . It is recommended to give the drug in the morning feeding hours, since in case of an allergic reaction to the components or a side effect, the animal will be transported to the veterinary clinic in a timely manner.

During treatment

When treating helminthiasis, after the first dose of the drug, it is necessary to undergo repeated tests to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

For prevention

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to give the drug 1 r / 3 months.


Adult cats

A single dose of the drug for adult animals is calculated according to the following scheme: 1 ml per 1 kg of weight.


The dosage for kittens is the same as for adult animals. However, if the baby’s weight is less than 0.5 kg, then 0.5 ml of the suspension should be combined with 0.3 ml of boiled water at room temperature, shake well and give the kitten a drink using a dispenser syringe.

Analogues, where and how much to buy



The medicine is designed for small breeds of dogs weighing up to 10 kg. The package contains 2 tablets. This is enough to complete the full course.

Dehinel Plus

The mode of action and composition are similar to Dironet, but it acts more mildly. Suitable for gentle dogs with weak digestion. The package contains 2 tablets.


It comes in the form of tablets and suspensions. It's cheaper than Dironet. The package contains 6 tablets.

Storage conditions

If stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight, it can last up to 2 years. An open suspension cannot be stored, much less used. During this time, harmful bacteria can enter it. Do not leave the drug near food, drink or household chemicals.


The price depends on the form of the drug purchased:

  • Suspension (10 ml) - from 190 rubles;
  • Tablets (6 pcs.) – from 145 rub.

You can buy Dironet in almost any region. pharmacy. Sometimes, tablets are sold individually at a price of about 35 rubles.

Dironet for cats spot-on drops: how to give

Drops are applied to the withers and in areas inaccessible to licking by animals.

Reception scheme


As a preventative measure, the drug is used 1 time per month.

External parasites

As a treatment and prevention against fleas and lice, the drug is applied once at an interval of 1 month.

Ear mite

Additional antibiotics may be required to treat diseases caused by ear mites. To treat the parasite itself, drops are applied 1 r/month with repetitions until the animal is completely cured.

Composition and release form of the drug Dironet for dogs

Dironet is an effective remedy whose action is aimed at destroying helminths. The main components are praziquantel, ivermectin and pyrantel pamoate.

There are two forms of release available for sale:

  • Pills . They have a shade from gray to yellowish. On one side they are separated by a strip (risk), on the other there is a pattern in the form of a shield and a cross. The medicine is packaged in blisters of 6 tablets, and then placed in a branded box along with instructions.
  • Suspension . A thick yellow liquid that precipitates, so be sure to shake the bottle before use. The product is poured into 10 ml of dark brown plastic bottles, and then they are packaged in branded boxes labeled spot-on, along with instructions and a dispenser syringe.

  • Dironet is available in the form of tablets and drops on the withers

Side effects and possible contraindications

Side effects occur rarely and only in cases of individual intolerance to certain components. It is not recommended to give the drug to dogs of bobtail, sheltie, collie and their mixed breeds.

The drug should not be given in the following situations:

  • dogs up to 3 weeks old;
  • animals during the period of bearing and feeding their offspring;
  • pets suffering from infection;
  • dogs during the recovery period after a serious illness.

Dronet should not be given to dogs during the period of recovery from illness.
Dironet should not be given together with drugs that are derivatives of piperazine, because this may weaken the effect of the drug.

Dironet 1000 tablets for large breed dogs (6 tablets)


Dironet - tablets for the treatment and prevention of nematodes and cestodes in large breed dogs. The tablets are yellow to gray in color, flat, with a score line on one side and a logo on the other (a cross in the center of the shield).


Dironet tablets contain pyrantel pamoate 450 mg, praziquantel 150 mg and ivermectin O 18 mg as active ingredients. The drug contains lactose and potato starch as excipients.


Dironet has a wide spectrum of anthelmintic action on all stages of development of round and tapeworms, including Toxocara canis, Toxocara mystax, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma spp., Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides lineatus, Diphyllobothrium latum, Dipylid ium caninum, Multiceps multiceps, Taenia spp., parasitic in dogs and cats. The drug ivermectin has a detrimental effect on the larvae (microfilariae) of the helminths Dirofilaria immitis and Dirofilaria repens in dogs by changing the magnitude of the current of chloride ions through the membranes of the neuromuscular cells of the parasite. The main targets are glutamate-sensitive chloride channels, as well as GABA receptors. A change in the current of chlorine ions disrupts the conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of the parasite. The maximum concentration of ivermectin in the blood plasma is observed 9 hours after oral administration of the drug. The mechanism of action of pyrantel pamoate is to block neuromuscular transmission, disrupt the permeability of cell membranes and inhibit cholinesterase, which also leads to paralysis and death of the helminth. The maximum concentration of pyrantel pamoate in blood plasma is observed after 2–4 hours. Praziquantel, which is part of the suspension, increases the permeability of the cell membranes of cestodes for calcium ions, causing a spastic contraction of the muscles of the parasite, which turns into paralysis. All active components of the drug are excreted from the body with waste products within 24 hours. In terms of the degree of impact on the body of warm-blooded animals, Dironet is classified as a low-hazard substance (hazard class IV according to GOST No. 511 dated June 15, 2001) and in recommended doses does not have a teratogenic, embryotoxic or locally irritating effect.


Prevention and treatment of intestinal nematodes and cestodes in dogs and cats. Prevention of dirofilariasis in dogs.

For nematodes and cestodes of the gastrointestinal tract, Dironet for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes is used individually orally once in the morning feeding in the following doses: pyrantel pamoate -15 mg/kg, praziquantel -5 mg/kg, ivermectin -0.006 mg/kg, at the rate of 1 tablet: Dironet 1000 per 30 kg of large breed dogs.

To reduce the number of microfilariae circulating in the blood of animals infected with D. immitis or D. repens, the drug is prescribed in a therapeutic dose once, once a month.

In order to prevent dirofilariasis in a region unfavorable for the disease, Dironet is used in the spring-summer-autumn period: once before the start of mosquito flight (March-April), then monthly from April to October, and the last time in the season 1 month after the end of mosquito flight (October November).


There are usually no side effects or complications when using the drug Dironet tablets in accordance with the instructions.

In case of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the active components of the drug and the appearance of allergic reactions, its use is stopped and the animal is prescribed antihistamines and symptomatic therapy.

In case of an overdose of the drug, the animal may experience a depressed state, refusal to feed, excessive salivation, and gastrointestinal upset. In these cases, enterosorbents and symptomatic therapy are used.


Individual hypersensitivity of the animal to the constituent components of the drug. The use of the drug is not allowed: for puppies and kittens under 3 weeks of age; pregnant and lactating animals.

For bobtail, collie and sheltie puppies, due to the increased sensitivity of dogs of these breeds to macrocyclic lactones, the drug should be used under the supervision of the attending veterinarian.


When using Dironet, personal hygiene and instructions for working with medicines for animals are strictly observed.


The drug should be stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, separate from food and feed, protected from light and moisture, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 0° to 25°C. Shelf life: 2 years.

Unused medicinal product is disposed of in accordance with legal requirements.


Available in tablets, packaged in blisters of 6 tablets.

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