Sharplaninsky Shepherd Dog. Everything about the dog breed, photos and maintenance rules

The Sharplana Shepherd Dog is one of the rarest breeds in the world. A faithful friend, assistant, reliable protector - this large animal from the mountain pastures of Yugoslavia is able to cope even with a bear.

The dogs were recognized as a national treasure of Yugoslavia. A portrait of a shepherd dog was printed on a Macedonian one-dinar coin, and until 1970, dogs were prohibited from being exported outside the country. In January 2022, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic presented Vladimir Putin with a Sharplana Shepherd puppy (Pasha) as a symbol of friendship between the two nations.

History of the breed

There are several versions of how powerful shaggy dogs, Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs, appeared on the Balkan pastures. According to one legend, these dogs ended up on the peninsula having arrived together with the Macedonian troops from Asia. The dogs quickly took root in their new habitat, becoming excellent helpers for local shepherds. There is another legend, even more romantic: a local hunter took pity on two wolf cubs who were left without parents, tamed them and subsequently crossed them with domestic dogs - this is how the Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs turned out. In fact, it is not known whether wolves were among the ancestors of shepherd dogs, but the fact that these animals have lived in the Balkan highlands since ancient times has already been proven.

The breed was first registered with the Fédération Cynologique Internationale in 1939 as the “Illyrian Shepherd Dog”. By the end of World War II, there were few animals left, so nurseries were opened in Macedonia and Serbia, where shepherd dogs began to be bred. The breed received its new name in 1957 - from that time on, the dogs began to be called Yugoslav Shepherds or Sharplanins. In 1969, Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs were registered with the International Canine Association.

Gifts from Vladimir Putin

In 2013, Russian Ambassador Evgeny Afanasyev gave the Japanese governor of Akita Prefecture a gift from the President of the Russian Federation - a Siberian cat named Mir. Before this, Satake Norihisa gave Putin an Akita Inu dog, Yume, as a thank you for Russia’s help in eliminating the consequences of the tsunami and earthquake.

In September 2012, the Russian President presented a black Russian terrier puppy to Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. This breed is otherwise called “Stalin’s dog.” Im

During a trip to the Republic of Tyva in 2009, the Chairman of the Russian Government gave his watch to the son of a shepherd, having removed it from his wrist. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

To congratulate People's Artist of the USSR, actress Alisa Freindlich on her anniversary, Vladimir Putin personally visited the Tovstonogov Theater and presented her with a straw hat. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

On the day of the famous writer Sergei Mikhalkov’s 90th birthday, Putin paid him a visit and presented him with an album with photographs of the hero of the day in his youth. RIA Novosti / Sergey Velichkin

For his 85th birthday, the President of the Russian Federation presented the composer Rodion Shchedrin, who wrote the famous composition “March of the High-Rise Workers,” with the painting “High-Rise Installer” by the artist Denisov. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

When he arrived for informal negotiations at the residence of the head of the Russian state “Bocharov Ruchei” in Sochi, Putin presented Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with the book “The Berlusconi Effect” published in Russian. RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

During a meeting with Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace of the Vatican in 2013, Vladimir Putin presented the pontiff with an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

And in honor of his birthday, the President presented the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill with the painting “The Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin”, painted by the artist Vladimir Lapovok. RIA News

Vladimir Putin presented politician and diplomat Yevgeny Primakov with a Primus stove on his 85th birthday. RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

Another gift from the president is a Faberge piece known as the “Rothschild egg clock,” which Putin gave to the Hermitage for its 250th anniversary. The jewel, worth $18.5 million, was donated to the museum by businessman Alexander Ivanov, a collector and owner of one of the world's largest collections of Faberge works. RIA Novosti / Mikhail Fomichev

In Macedonia, there is a legend that this shepherd dog is a descendant of wolves raised and raised by a hunter. The dog has a calm and good-natured character. She loves to be with people, but at the same time she recognizes only one master, whom she is ready to obey unquestioningly.

The purposeful breeding of Sharplanins began in 1947 in the village of Gari. In the 1960s, the number of individuals decreased, and by 1976 the breed was on the verge of extinction. To preserve it, the KORAB kennel was founded, where all conditions were created for breeding these dogs. Until now, it is here that the most purebred Yugoslav Shepherd dogs are bred.

The animal of this breed is very hardy and can sleep in the snow. The head, ears and front sides of the limbs of these dogs are covered with short hair, while the croup, neck and back of the limbs and tail have long hair. All colors are allowed in the color of shepherd dogs, from white to dark brown. Preferred colors are greenish-gray and dark gray.

The furry elite. What pets live in the families of heads of different countries of the world

Black Labrador Connie Polgrave (a gift to Vladimir Putin from the “chief rescuer” Sergei Shoigu) is known throughout the world. She once slightly frightened Frau Merkel by suddenly appearing during her meeting with the Russian president. They say Connie died in 2014. /

But Vladimir Putin remains an avid dog lover. He has a Bulgarian Shepherd (Karakachan dog) Buffy, donated by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in 2010. The name Buffy was invented by a Moscow schoolboy: Vladimir Putin then asked the Russians to help him in this matter. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

Another of Putin’s pets is the Japanese Akita Inu dog, a gift from the authorities of the Japanese prefecture of Akito for the assistance provided to the region by Russia after the strong earthquake and tsunami. The name for the “gift” was chosen by the president himself – Yume (dream). Akita Inu is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan. This is the breed of the legendary dog ​​Hachiko, known to everyone from the film of the same name. After the owner’s death, he came every day to meet him at the station for several years. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's family has several dogs. The most famous is the golden retriever Aldo; he has been photographed more than once with his owner. RIA Novosti / Dmitry Astakhov

And a few years ago, Russia learned that Medvedev is not indifferent to cats: the Neva Masquerade cat Dorofey disappeared from his residence. RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

The mustachios and stripes, by the way, ran away not only from the Chairman of the Government, but also from the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. This spring, via Twitter, he searched for a runaway Toyger cat. Cats of this breed are called “toy tiger cubs.” Instagram screenshot

The first dog of the American White House is Bo, a Portuguese water dog. It was given to President Barack Obama after he expressed the family's desire to get a dog. We chose between anti-allergenic breeds so as not to harm the youngest daughter of the head of state, who suffers from allergies. The Portuguese Water Dog is a rare breed; there are almost no advertisements for its sale.

The main cat of Great Britain is Larry, who lives in the residence of the Prime Minister. Larry was the chief mouser, but due to neglect of his duties he was removed from this position. However, he remained to live in the residence. However, he can hardly be called David Cameron's pet. The ex-Prime Minister, leaving the mansion, decided not to take the cat, but to leave it to his successor.

Description of the breed

Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs have a strong body and well-developed muscles. The large round head, wedge-shaped muzzle, high-set ears hang in a triangle and fit tightly to the skull. Dogs' almond-shaped eyes are similar to olives and can range in color from yellowish to dark brown, almost black. The tail is thick at the base, tapering towards the end, the body is massive and proportional.

The fur of this breed is medium-length and thick. Especially lush hair on the middle of the belly, hind legs and tail. In terms of color, there are many options possible: from a pale gray uniform color to almost black, but in any case, the shepherd’s muzzle should be noticeably darker than the body.

Character of the breed

If you are looking for a devoted, faithful friend, then the Sharplanin Shepherd is your choice. In its country (and throughout the world), this breed is considered a symbol of fidelity. Such dogs love all family members, including small children, they even love the animals with whom they grow up, but shepherd dogs are immensely loyal to only one person - their owner.

Surprisingly, these formidable animals can be very gentle, especially with children, so you can leave your children with shepherds without fear, being sure that if necessary, the animals will give their lives for their family.

Another feature of the Sharplanin people is independence and love of freedom. In their homeland, in Serbia and Macedonia, these animals are not even wearing collars, knowing that the Sharplanin will consciously obey his owner, becoming his comrade-in-arms and assistant.

It must be remembered that Sharplanin Shepherds are dogs of late maturation. They become adults from a physical point of view by the age of 2.5 years, and mature psychologically only by the age of 4.

The furry elite. What pets live in the families of heads of different countries of the world

Black Labrador Connie Polgrave (a gift to Vladimir Putin from the “chief rescuer” Sergei Shoigu) is known throughout the world. She once slightly frightened Frau Merkel by suddenly appearing during her meeting with the Russian president. They say Connie died in 2014. /

But Vladimir Putin remains an avid dog lover. He has a Bulgarian Shepherd (Karakachan dog) Buffy, donated by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov in 2010. The name Buffy was invented by a Moscow schoolboy: Vladimir Putin then asked the Russians to help him in this matter. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

Another of Putin’s pets is the Japanese Akita Inu dog, a gift from the authorities of the Japanese prefecture of Akito for the assistance provided to the region by Russia after the strong earthquake and tsunami. The name for the “gift” was chosen by the president himself – Yume (dream). Akita Inu is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in Japan. This is the breed of the legendary dog ​​Hachiko, known to everyone from the film of the same name. After the owner’s death, he came every day to meet him at the station for several years. RIA Novosti / Alexey Druzhinin

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's family has several dogs. The most famous is the golden retriever Aldo; he has been photographed more than once with his owner. RIA Novosti / Dmitry Astakhov

And a few years ago, Russia learned that Medvedev is not indifferent to cats: the Neva Masquerade cat Dorofey disappeared from his residence. RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentyev

The mustachios and stripes, by the way, ran away not only from the Chairman of the Government, but also from the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov. This spring, via Twitter, he searched for a runaway Toyger cat. Cats of this breed are called “toy tiger cubs.” Instagram screenshot

The first dog of the American White House is Bo, a Portuguese water dog. It was given to President Barack Obama after he expressed the family's desire to get a dog. We chose between anti-allergenic breeds so as not to harm the youngest daughter of the head of state, who suffers from allergies. The Portuguese Water Dog is a rare breed; there are almost no advertisements for its sale.

The main cat of Great Britain is Larry, who lives in the residence of the Prime Minister. Larry was the chief mouser, but due to neglect of his duties he was removed from this position. However, he remained to live in the residence. However, he can hardly be called David Cameron's pet. The ex-Prime Minister, leaving the mansion, decided not to take the cat, but to leave it to his successor.

Dogs of this breed are used to protect sheep herds on mountain pastures from predators. They are also used for official purposes and security of premises.

Content Rules

Sharplaninsky Shepherd Dogs are excellent shepherds and excellent guards. The ideal place for dogs to live would be a large village or country house with a spacious enclosure or yard where the dog can move freely.

Ideally, you need to provide the shepherd with “work” - the dog will do an excellent job of guarding the territory, protecting the owners or their animals.

If the dog lives in the house, then you should take care to “load” it physically: you need to walk your pet at least twice a day, and each walk should be at least 1.5 hours.

Relationships with children and animals

Bulgarian Shepherds for children

may show aggression, although if they grew up together, then most likely you will not have problems, the dog and the child will become play partners and generally friends, but the dog will not tolerate a familiar attitude towards itself from the child and can easily fight back. Therefore, you cannot call a Bulgarian Shepherd a nanny, and in general you should not leave a small child alone with a dog. Bulgarian Shepherds may have problems with other animals in the house, because they consider themselves the indivisible rulers of the territory entrusted to them, so your cat “Vaska” may have a hard time with such a neighbor; from childhood he will be subject to attacks and other bullying from the little terrorist .

Rules of care

If you want your pet to look perfect, you have to try. The thick, beautiful coat of a shepherd requires special care: at least once a week (and preferably more often), the dog needs to be combed, otherwise the hair will become tangled. During periods of shedding, you will have to comb your pet every other day. But you don’t need to bathe shepherd dogs often - their fur can repel dirt, so one bath every few months will be enough.

Close attention should be paid to your pet's ears - excess wax can be removed with a damp cloth, this will have to be done once every two weeks.

Girl or boy

Girls of this color are easier to train; they are flexible and kind. And don’t forget about the troubles associated with the birth of her cubs.

Males are active, independent, always ready to work. They are often kept by hunters. Boys are valued as service dogs.

Feeding rules

Large Sharplana Shepherd Dogs require proper nutrition. The easiest way is to buy ready-made dry food for your pet - it is balanced, contains all the necessary minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Have you decided to feed your dog natural food? You should approach diet planning responsibly and seriously. Half of the daily diet should come from meat, a quarter from cereals and vegetables, and another quarter from fermented milk products. The menu should include foods high in calcium. Tendons and cartilage are beneficial for joints.

The pet should be fed twice a day, and one serving should not be less than 1.5-2 kg.


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Over the centuries spent on Balkan mountain pastures, Sharplana Shepherd Dogs have developed excellent immunity - they are able to survive in any weather and have become hardy. But they need more physical activity, otherwise the risk of obesity increases.

Among other diseases characteristic of Sharplanin Shepherd Dogs, eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma) and joint dysplasia can be noted. But in general, representatives of this breed are in excellent health.

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Where to buy a Sharplana Shepherd puppy, price

If you decide to get this brave, strong, active and demanding dog, you will have to face some difficulties, since the breed is not very popular in Russia and Ukraine. But still, you can buy a purebred Sharplanin Shepherd Dog from breeders, in nurseries, through advertisements in Avito, on OLH. How much does a Sharplanin Shepherd cost? The price of a puppy in Russia - on Avito on average is 15,000 - 30,000 rubles, in Ukraine on OLX - 8,000 - 15,000 hryvnia. But the cost, of course, depends on the pedigree, boy or girl, and other factors. There are also forums, groups on VK (VK, VKontakte), Facebook (FB), where puppies are given inexpensively, free of charge, into good hands, for free (if someone agrees to accept the gift). To begin with, we recommend watching a video with this animal, a photo (there are many cool photos with a person), reading reviews from satisfied owners, articles on Wikipedia, and making a choice.

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