Dog breed Airedale and mini Airedale - king of terriers

The Welsh Terrier is the dog that has taken part in films more often than others, but it also has a whole host of other talents, among which the talent to be a hunter and at the same time a devoted companion for humans prevails.

What other qualities should a four-legged friend have? They say: “you don’t choose friends,” but we will try...”

Keeping an Airedale Terrier

Representatives of the breed remain active and highly energetic until a very old age, which is why they are not particularly adapted to cramped city apartments. A country cottage with a spacious yard is more suitable for them, the absence of which can be compensated for by long walks (within the city) and trips to the forest, for example, hunting.

Care and hygiene

Caring for the Airedale Terrier's coat is not difficult: you need to periodically comb it with a stiff brush or a comb with rounded teeth, using a furminator to remove the undercoat. During seasonal shedding, hair is combed more often.

In addition, there are 2 additional ways to care for the coat:

  • trimming (approximately once every 2–3 weeks) for show dogs;
  • haircut (once every 2–5 months) for airedales that rarely or not participate in exhibitions at all.

Haircut and trimming services (if you do not have the necessary skills) can be obtained from a professional groomer. In addition, once a month it is necessary to trim the hair between the toes so that there are no tangles there. If a dog does not wear down its claws when running on asphalt, they should be trimmed regularly.

Start accustoming your puppy to all hygiene procedures as early as possible so as not to encounter resistance in the future. Check your pet's ears once a week for any foul odor, redness, or foreign bodies.

Diet, diet

Puppies up to 2 months are fed a varied and satisfying diet, serving dishes (meat, cottage cheese, cereals and vegetables) in the form of purees, not forgetting milk. After 2–3 months, the meat is cut into pieces without replacing it with offal.

Airedale Terrier diet (per day):

  • up to 4 months – 6 times;
  • from 4 to 6 months – 4 rubles;
  • from 6 to 8 months – three times;
  • after 8 months - twice.

The adult Airedale menu includes the following products:

  • raw lean meat (chicken, rabbit, beef and lamb);
  • bones (sugar beef haunches, shoulder or ribs);
  • offal (especially unpeeled tripe);
  • cereals (buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal);
  • fillet of ocean fish (per serving there should be 1.5 times more than meat);
  • soaked cheese, homemade cottage cheese and kefir;
  • raw yolk or boiled egg (every 3-4 days).

Many Airedale Terriers willingly nibble on fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, apples, rutabaga, turnips and beets, without giving up wild/garden berries.

Diseases and breed defects

Airedale Terriers stoically endure pain, which is why their owners need to be extremely attentive to the slightest signs of illness. True, Airedales have a strong immune system, which protects them from many canine infections even in the absence of vaccinations.

The most common acquired diseases in the breed are:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • helminthic infestation (usually puppies become infected);
  • chronic inflammation of the liver (manifests itself through otitis media);
  • dermatitis, raw eczema and allergies.

Skin diseases, as a rule, indicate malfunctions of the liver, stomach and intestines, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Hereditary diseases of the breed include:

  • corneal dystrophy, superficial chronic keratitis;
  • retinal atrophy and entropion of the eyelid;
  • dilated cardiomyopathy;
  • hip dysplasia,
  • hyperadrenocorticism;
  • cerebellar hypoplasia and hypothyroidism;
  • umbilical hernia, renal dysplasia, absence of 1 or 2 kidneys;
  • von Willebrand disease (rare).

Proper lifelong therapy, nutrition and maintenance will help extend the life of a dog, even if congenital ailments are detected.

Education and training

Airedale Terriers quickly learn new knowledge and skills, and almost as quickly lose interest in them. It is easy to train Airedales, but it is better to do it in the form of a game, using encouragement rather than punishment. An Erdel cannot be trained as harshly as a shepherd, so as not to get the opposite result.

We must remember that the Airedale (like all terriers) will run after small animals, bark a lot, notifying the owner, and constantly dig the ground, climbing into the center of the flowerbed. The Airedale enjoys being let off the leash, but should immediately follow your commands (especially in the city). Walking an adult dog takes a long time. The minimum your pet can expect is half an hour of exercise twice a day.

Care and maintenance of the Airedale Terrier

Dog kennel from the valley of triumph.
Kerry Blue Terrier, Airedale Terrier. Ukraine, Kharkov In principle, the Airedale Terrier feels good both in an apartment and in a private house. But every experienced dog breeder understands that a hunting dog will be much worse off in an apartment than on the street. And if, even despite this, you decide to keep the dog in the apartment, then be prepared to provide it with regular physical activity.

Physical exercise

You should have enough time to go on long walks with her every day. Owners living in a private home will be spared this need, since they can provide their pet with complete freedom. And then he can run around the yard at any time, chase the neighbor’s cats, or do other things that he likes.

Even though you decide to keep your dog in a private home, he will still spend most of his time inside rather than outside.

It is important to remember that Airedale Terriers are considered indoor dogs, so keeping them outside all the time, even if you build a warm kennel for them, is wrong. You need to allocate enough space for them in the house, since they are quite a large animal.

Therefore, think about this issue in advance. If you cannot find enough space for your Airedale Terrier, then give up the idea of ​​having this dog in your home.

A stick, ball or other toys will help you with this: you will have to throw them at a distance and ask the dog to bring them into your hands. In principle, this is known to everyone who has basic knowledge about keeping dogs.


Now it's time to pay attention to caring for your Airedale Terrier. In this regard, it will not cause you much trouble.

  • you won't have to worry about finding bits of fur in your house. The Airedale Terrier is one of those breeds that hardly sheds. They have a very unusual coat, which has a double structure and needs regular brushing. This procedure should be carried out at least twice a year if you have a dog at home that does not participate in exhibitions and competitions. Caring for a champion should be completely different, as you will have to brush it more often;
  • In addition, a haircut is mandatory. However, this is not so easy to do, so if you have never had to groom a dog, it is best to entrust this work to an experienced specialist. This will be correct if you are raising a champion. Otherwise, caring for Airedale Terriers is quite simple.


No less attention should be paid to the nutrition of the Airedale Terrier. Here you have complete freedom in terms of choosing food for your pet. And so that he does not have health problems, you need to follow some recommendations.

When choosing food for a dog of this breed, you must be sure of its quality. Otherwise, you risk his health, because a dog that eats spoiled food can not only get sick, but also die; you also need to choose the right place to buy high-quality dry food

You are unlikely to find it in regular stores, and it is quite expensive. A characteristic feature of high-quality dry food is the presence of a special “Premium” mark on the packaging. Also, when studying the information on the product, pay special attention to what age and breed of dogs it is intended for; in principle, you can give your dog natural products, however, it would not hurt to discuss this issue with a specialist first, so as not to harm his health.

History of the origin of the breed

Terriers get their name from the Latin word terra, meaning earth. Terriers were bred to "burrow" or burrow underground to get rid of prey, like badgers and rodents; as a result, many are short in stature.

By origin, the Airedale Terrier is truly British. This species is considered to be relatively young, because the breed received official recognition only in the second half of the 19th century.

From childhood, the puppies had a stubborn disposition and playfulness, which contributed to the development of their interest in catching prey.

Due to the variety of creatures plaguing the area, local farmers decided they needed a multi-purpose dog that could do the work of many, a breed of the right size to catch both a small rat and a large fox that could hunt on land or in water.

The Welsh Terrier was bred to have the traits that made it valuable to the farm: courage, tenacity, intelligence, hunting instinct, natural swimming skills and gentleness around the family. By the 1900s, the dog was considered an all-around sporting dog. Thus, the dog was able to satisfy the requirements of a pointer, spaniel and retriever in one person.

For the first time, an Airedale terrier puppy was shown to a wide audience during an exhibition in 1864, and only after 22 years, information about the genus began to be entered into the Kennel Club's card index, which led to the further spread of the breed, which quickly gained its value. Even if hunting did not attract a person, the Airedale was ready to help with everyday needs. This behavior quickly aroused the interest of representatives of the intelligentsia.

Airedale Terrier Care

Chihuahua dog breed

This beautiful breed is often called the most intelligent of all terriers. Their intelligence combined with independence proves character, which can be a challenge. Therefore, they may not be suitable for novice owners.

Airedale Terriers do best with a family that has the time and energy to exercise them and satisfy their athletic and energetic nature.

If they don't get enough stimulation, they will look for ways to have fun. Along with plenty of exercise, they benefit from running around the house and playing.

Having plenty of interactive and hard chew toys, time for short, fun training sessions and other brain training games will greatly reduce the likelihood of any destructive or wild behavior.

If you are looking for a lap dog, the Airedale is not for you.

They are extremely devoted to their family and can be very affectionate, but only on their terms. They are not natural suckers.

Their playful, sometimes clown-like nature allows them to get along well with children in the family. Because of their size and noisiness, they are better suited for families with older children and those who are taught to respect the dog's space.

While Airedales are very affectionate with their family, they are wary of strangers and their protective instincts can come into play if provoked. The tendency to bark must be kept under control, but they will always alert you to an approaching stranger.

With careful introductions, they can form strong bonds with other dogs in the home, but they do not always enjoy the company of other dogs, especially those of the same sex. Early and constant socialization can be helpful, but these are not the dogs that enjoy playing with other four-legged pals at the dog park

Early and constant socialization can be helpful, but these are not the dogs that enjoy playing with other four-legged pals at the dog park.

Their owners must have a good understanding of dog behavior and training, or be willing to learn. Airedale Terriers can be stubborn and very strong-willed and test their owner's patience with their antics.

You can't force an Airedale to do anything they don't want to do, and they may challenge you if you push them too hard. It is much better to encourage them to make good choices on their own using treat methods.

If you can channel your Airedale's strong intelligence, natural athleticism, and fighting spirit, they can excel in dog sports or canicross. This can also strengthen the bond between both of you.

Erdeli, like many terriers, love to dig. If you have a well-maintained garden, you may want to work on training and give your dog extra space to dig holes.

Like many terriers, Airedales have a high prey drive. You will have to work hard to achieve obedience and keep them on a leash in wild areas.

Airedies are low-maintenance and do not shed much, and weekly brushing of their coarse, wiry coat is usually sufficient to remove dead hair and keep the coat healthy.

Many Airedale owners remove the dog's fur several times a year to prevent it from becoming too thick and unkempt.

Character of the Aire Valley Dog

The dogs of this breed are very active and intelligent. They are easy to train. If the dog does not see its owner as a tough and fair partner, then it may become uncontrollable. Of course, he will protect and love his master, but obedience is out of the question. Erdeli have many talents. They have mobility, energy, and strength. They are loyal and obedient, friendly, and understanding.

Important! Airedales can sometimes be possessive when it comes to food or toys, so it is important to teach your child to respect the dog's habits.

Airedales have a well-developed sense of self-esteem, which is why some people find them stubborn. Airedale terriers are not conflict-prone and are not prone to offense, much less revenge. Airedale puppies and youngsters are very inquisitive. They love to be in the company of people, easily establish contact with children, and can coexist peacefully with other animals. The dogs are disciplined and friendly. Even with people they don’t really like, they will behave calmly and with restraint.

Historical reference

Breed of decorative dogs

The official history of the breed is relatively short, since it began only in 1886. Naturally, Airedale Terriers did not appear out of nowhere; their recognition was preceded by a stage of development that lasted several centuries. The breed was bred in Great Britain, in the county of Yorkshire.

England is the homeland of many terriers, which were united by one common ancestor - the black and tan hunting dog (terrier). The ubiquity of burrowing dogs was driven by necessity. Each county had its own problem, in Yorkshire it was otters. The huge population of agile animals simply forced people to defend themselves. The same can be said about rats, which destroyed food supplies and spread viruses.

The first hunting terriers were actively used for otter hunting. In dense reeds, and sometimes in marshy areas, hunting is quite difficult and requires certain skills from the dog. The old-type black and tan terrier was a universal breed and it coped with responsibilities mediocrely. However, the reputation of the already extinct dogs was unshakable, and this became the basis for breeding a more universal hunter on the “base” of the ancient breed. The second “DNA component” (at the first stage) was the famous otter hunter – the Otterhound.

It must be said that when breeding a working dog, no special attention was paid to its appearance. The drawings preserved in the records of those years show rough, powerful dogs, slightly out of proportion, but very muscular. After breeding the first mestizos, people were faced with the problem of dog rage. Erdel, who had fallen into a state of excitement, was uncontrollable, he literally tore and threw. This situation was corrected by mating with English herding breeds.

Almost a hundred years later, the British received a hardy, trouble-free, intelligent, small but strong dog. They called the new breed the Coast Terrier. Geographically, the county of Yorkshire is located very advantageously; trade routes ran through it. Together with the ships of merchants, first fame, and then the dogs themselves spread throughout the coastal territories of Eira.

Airedale Terriers, due to their size, were never used for hunting in holes, but they were irresistible when working on water. Representatives of the breed were used (and are still used today) as hounds, since they are excellent at picking up a scent and following it with concentration. For some period of time (albeit a short one), Airedale Terriers were “at the head” of working dogs in England. The four-legged animals accompanied police patrols at night and helped search for people and drugs.

The breed's population grew rapidly, with its first appearance in the 1860s. Relatively quickly, in 1886, the British Canine Federation entered 24 dogs of a new breed into the registers. In 1880, the first representative of the breed was exported to the USA. A stately male named Bruce performed at a show in New York and received the highest award among his den relatives (terriers).

Breed standard

The Welsh Terrier belongs to the order of hunting dogs; the breed was bred in the 18th century in England. In fact, representatives of this breed are similar to the Airedale Terrier, only smaller in stature, and the color and length of their coat is different.

photo: Welsh Terrier - only similar to Airedale, but they are different breeds

Welsh Terriers have compact but harmonious proportions. The coat is wiry, hard, wavy, and lies very tightly to the body. On the face, the fur forms a beard and mustache, the back of the thighs is covered with “pants.” The color can be tri-color or two-color; the most common variation is red with black saddle. All newborn puppies have a black and tan “fur coat”, only by the age of 2 the final color is formed.

photo: Welsh Terrier puppy

The muzzle is oval, elongated, with powerful jaws and a weakly defined stop. The eyes are dark, almond-shaped, and small. The ears are triangular and set high, the nose is pigmented black and small.

The neck is quite long and muscular, smoothly blending into the shoulder body. The chest is deep, but not barrel-shaped, the loin is strong, large, the limbs are muscular and strong, with oval paws. The height of the Welsh Terrier at the withers is up to 39 centimeters, weight is 8-9.5 kg.

photo: Welsh Terrier height at the withers reaches up to 39 cm.

Hero Airedale Terriers

Airedale Terriers participated in almost all wars and confirmed their reputation as excellent working dogs.

History has preserved the story of Airedale Jack, who saved an entire battalion from death

Under intense fire, he carried an important message in his collar for 3.5 kilometers. A wounded man came running to headquarters with a broken paw and a broken jaw.

Having delivered the package, he fell dead.

In the photo: Airedale terriers at war
Airedale terrier Kashtanka, despite being wounded in the head and a torn ear, bleeding, delivered important reports. There was no time for sentimentality or treatment, the dog was somehow bandaged and sent back - alas, this was the only opportunity to maintain contact. So the dog scurried back and forth near Narofominsk - bandaged. She was killed by a shell, but remained to live in the memory of many soldiers.

While defending the heights of the Cross, Freya's airedale covered 70 kilometers in a day - 33 flights. She delivered her last report while mortally wounded.

Education and training

The main problem that Airedale owners face is damage to their shoes. If your pet chews on abandoned shoes, then try to figure out the reason. Most often, unwanted actions are caused by a lack of attention or activity. Don’t rack your brains trying to figure out how to wean a dog from damaging property, but give it what it is deprived of.

Raising and training an Airedale Terrier is reminiscent of communicating with a teenager. Dogs are smart, but very lazy and resourceful. Lack of discipline, instilled from childhood, leads to a rapid loss of concentration. The pet begins to get bored and does its best to stop attempts at training. The main thing in education is calmness and confidence. You should not put pressure on your dog or try to persuade him to do the exercise with treats. Such attempts will have the opposite effect.

If home workouts reach a dead end, go outside. The more space for activity, the more initiative from the dog. Educational walks can be carried out at any time of the year. Airedale wool protects against temperature changes in both summer and winter. In spring and autumn, do not forget to wear a special anti-flea collar to prevent infestation by parasites.

In puppyhood, dogs are less cunning, so they are easier to raise and train. A well-mannered pet, trained in basic commands from early childhood, is easier to concentrate on new exercises. Start your first training at 3-6 months in a familiar environment, free of distractions.

Airedale terriers are not suitable for full-fledged protective guard service, so it is enough to teach the dog the information contained in the UGS and OKD courses.


Training must be approached with the utmost responsibility and started as early as possible. You shouldn’t fall for the funny look of cute puppies for a long time, since this restless hunter requires socialization already in the first months of life.

It is recommended to start training with standard commands: “fu”, “sit”, “place”, “come”, after which it is important to have reinforcement in the form of treats and praise. Since representatives of this breed are very cunning, during the first time of training the pet may show apathy and try to deviate towards the game, but once you succumb to his tricks, it will be much more difficult to get a serious attitude.

Raising his tone or punishing him with force is not allowed. This breed has a strong sense of self-esteem and will not tolerate unkind treatment. The owner must have confidence, discipline and show respect for the pet. Only taking into account such an attitude is a dog able to express a desire to listen to its owner.

Airdeli minis are successful in sports. If the owner is interested in cycling or running, then the dog will be happy to keep company.

Where can I buy

Airedale kennels

there is enough in our country, so if you decide to take up dog breeding seriously, then you only need to buy a purebred puppy with all the documents.
At the same time, join the club of lovers of these dogs and be sure to take part in competitions and exhibitions. Although before this you need to properly raise and train the dog, we will say a few words about this a little later. In addition to the kennel, buy an Airedale terrier puppy
second-hand through advertisements; they can easily be found on the Internet or in newspapers, but no one can vouch for the quality of a puppy purchased this way.

It may well be that the dog will have an unstable psyche, there may be chronic diseases or general health problems, and much more. Well, we won’t even talk about documents. In general, buying a dog secondhand is a dangerous and thankless task, although it will save you money. Airedale Terrier price

can reach 700 US dollars, on average such dogs cost 500-600 dollars, but you can buy them for 200-300. In general, the dog is not very expensive.

We would like to give one piece of advice to potential breeders. If you have never owned dogs like this or dogs in general, be sure to look at photos and videos of Airedale Terriers

, because you may simply not like the dog’s appearance. In addition, be sure to read reviews about Airedale terriers from breeders and from those people who have kept them for a long time; it may well be that this dog’s character will not suit you.

In general, before buying an Airedale terrier puppy, don’t be too lazy to look for information, if not from living people, then at least read what they write about Airedale terriers on Wikipedia

. Whether you follow our advice or not is up to you, but think about it anyway.

Health and illness

Representatives of this breed have good health, but their life expectancy is directly dependent on nutrition and care. A proud dog will never show his suffering. Therefore, every change in behavior should be monitored by the owner based on the dog’s already formed habits. The Welsh Terrier has the greatest predisposition to the following diseases:

  • Joint inflammation;
  • Skin cancer;
  • Lack of thyroid hormones;
  • Susceptible to various vision problems.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

The breed is well suited for living in an apartment or a comfortable house with a private plot. There won’t be much trouble if you raise and maintain your dog correctly. Airedale is relatively hypoallergenic, as it practically does not shed. However, a person may be allergic to dander or pet saliva.

Keeping an Airedale Terrier outside in winter is only possible if you have a well-organized kennel or a warm enclosure. Erdel is ready to protect the territory and property of the owner, especially if he has been trained for this since childhood. It should be remembered that representatives of the breed are very curious and exhibit hunter instincts. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of neighbors and other people’s pets: install an impenetrable fence, fence off a walking area on the property.

Physical exercise

The Airedale is an energetic animal bred for hunting and physical labor. The pet will be happy only if it is sufficiently busy. The large size of an adult, bored Airedale Terrier will make itself felt in the whole apartment. If there is no way to burn off energy outside, the dog will do it at home. Using excellent intelligence, the pet will find something to do while the owner is missing at work.

It is recommended to walk for at least two hours a day. Walking does not have to be exclusively on leash around the yard. Games, the opportunity to run around, dig through leaves, perform fetch, and take children on a sled ride will satisfy an active pet, at least until the next day.

Airedale Terriers only need clothing in extreme cold. In rainy weather, it is recommended to dress the animal in a raincoat or raincoat. In hot weather, you need to monitor your pet’s condition, give plenty of water and not overexert yourself in the sun.

Let your dog off the leash only if the pet follows all commands and obeys the owner. Otherwise, the hunter will be carried away by unfamiliar smells, running animals, and unknown places. You need to be on guard when walking in the vicinity of other bully dogs eager to compete for dominance. Erdeli are always ready to demonstrate their superiority in fights.


Energetic Airedales need a balanced calorie diet. Dogs are fed either dry or wet food of the highest quality. A veterinarian will help you choose a drying option. Wet meals include natural foods that are selected and prepared by the owner. For any type of feeding, food must contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. The table provides a list of what to feed your Airedale Terrier.

Table - Menu for Airedale

What to giveWhat to exclude
— Lean raw meat in pieces (chicken, beef, rabbit); — by-products; - sea fish; - boiled egg; - buckwheat; - oatmeal; - millet; - cottage cheese; - kefir; - pumpkin; - carrot; - beet; - apple — Fatty meat (pork, lard, lamb); - smoked meats; - sweets; - spicy food; - tubular bones; - cookies, crackers; — confectionery and butter products; - onion; - citrus fruit; - pasta; - spices

Puppies are fed exclusively natural food, gradually adding “crackers” to the diet when switching to “drying”. Growing Airedales eat little, but often - five to six times a day. All food should be pureed at room temperature. At six months of age, puppies are given four meals a day. Adults (from eight months) feed twice a day.


The Airedale sheds “calmly”, without abundant tufts of wool throughout the apartment. Due to the nature of the pet's coat, it is necessary to periodically trim it. This type of haircut (essentially plucking) is common to many wire-haired breeds. The procedure can be carried out at a hairdresser or independently using a trimmer. It is not advisable to cut an animal with a machine or by hand. This makes the hair soft, wavy and unpresentable for exhibitions. The basics of caring for a dog are presented in the table.

Table - Airedale Terrier Grooming Basics

ExteriorHow to care
Wool— Carry out trimming 2 times a year; - comb once a week; - trim the head, face; - trim and trim the overgrown “mustache” and “beard”; — bathe when dirty (after a walk in slushy weather); - wash and dry paws
Teeth— Clean with a special paste once a week; - give cleansing bones
ClawsIf they do not wear off naturally, trim once a month
Ears— Trim overgrown hairs; - wipe with a cotton swab soaked in lotion once a week
Eyes— Wipe with chamomile decoction 3 times a week; - take you for a medical examination once every six months

A dog should be accustomed to cosmetic care from childhood. Otherwise, the adult dog will actively resist, making the procedures difficult.

Performance evaluation and information

  • Country of origin: UK.
  • Height: males - 58-61 cm, females - 56-59 cm.
  • Weight: males - 23-29 kg, females - 18-20 kg.
  • Life expectancy: 10-15 years.
  • Litter: 6-9 puppies, average 7.
  • Group: terrier.
  • Recognized by: CKC, FCI, AKC, UKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, ACR.
  • Coat length: medium.
  • Coat color: black and white. The body, tail and top of the neck are black or gray. All other areas are brownish-yellow. The ears are mostly dark brown.
  • Shedding: trimming is required every 6 months.
  • Size: medium.
  • Contents in the apartment: suitable.

Popular Airedale Terrier Colors

The breed standard is the black saddle color. The background is red, with a saddle cloth on it - black or grizzly color. The dog's neck, temples and ears are a richer red, turning into reddish-brown.

It is acceptable for there to be white stripes on the chest and between the toes of the forelimbs, but if such spots are on the paws, they are considered a defect, just like a “star” on the animal’s chest.

That is, in some Airedales, red predominates, and even has splashes of red on the back; in others, on the contrary, black predominates, and there is noticeably less red than usual. Manifestations of color variability are varied: for example, the muzzle can be darkened to a greater or lesser extent, the same applies to the ears and temples.

There may or may not be a “collar” on the neck, and the tan marks on the body may be darker or lighter. Rarely are Airedales with a tan color and a coat that is softer and longer than normal. The most desirable is the classic, balanced color option.

All of the listed deviations from it are not welcome and are assessed depending on the degree of severity, but if you are purchasing a dog not for exhibitions, but as a pet, then the main thing is that its color is pleasant to you, and does not meet the strict criteria of breed standards.

Interesting facts about the Welsh Terrier

  • The historical ancestor of the Welsh Terrier is considered to be the Old English Black and Tan Terrier;
  • Purebred breeding began in the mid-19th century, the standard was approved in 1885;
  • Welsh terriers are active pets, but also big fighters: if you don’t train the baby, he will fearlessly rush even at shepherd dogs or Alabais, earning serious injuries;
  • Welsh Terriers practically do not shed; excess hair can only be combed out of the dog’s thick “fur coat”.

About this and other breeds of hunting dogs, watch this interesting video:

It’s easy to buy a Welsh Terrier; just go to a specialized kennel. The price of Welsh Terrier puppies can be found on the bulletin board.

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Character of the Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terriers are suitable for apartment living, but require frequent and varied walks. The bearded dog loves to play pranks and does not lose energy as he grows older. The life of a decorative dog is not to his liking, so the lack of activity leads to property damage. The pet will definitely destroy the wallpaper, destroy furniture that is not in the right position, and eliminate the owner’s shoes if left alone for a long time.

Dogs or cats are suitable as playmates. The dog will treat other animals with smaller dimensions, including birds and rodents, as game.

Friendship between such pets cannot be fostered, so select a new family member with caution.

Erdeli enjoy playing with children, but never take on the role of nanny. Any rash action on the part of the child will be strictly stopped. Do not allow too young children who like to pat animals near the dog, and be sure to explain to them the rules of communication.

The character of the Airedale Terrier is complex, requiring patience and understanding. The breed is not suitable for lovers of phlegmatic and silent pets. Airedale Terriers have developed protective and territorial instincts. If you have an English Terrier, be sure to take advantage of its special features. It is absolutely impossible to penetrate the territory entrusted to the Airedale unnoticed. From the very first days, the puppy protects its property from trespassers and makes no exceptions even for its owners.

Animals do not like provocative fights, so they get into altercations with other dogs on the street only to protect their owner. If you are often absent from work, then you are clearly not on the list of those who are suitable for an Airedale. Long periods of loneliness and being cooped up at home have a destructive effect on such a sociable animal.

Character and intelligence

The dog has intelligence, fearlessness, sociability, and in parallel with these qualities, stubbornness and independence coexist in its character. The dog cannot stand monotony; he prefers active walks and the learning process. He quickly gets used to one owner and is ready to obey only him.

Positive and negative aspects of the breed's character

FunnyLikes to dominate


Mini Airedale Terriers live on average 11 - 13, sometimes up to 15 years. They have fairly good health and, if properly maintained, serious pathologies and health problems do not occur. Diseases begin to appear during the aging process.


The average lifespan of an Airedale Terrier ranges from 10 to 12 years. Even if we take into account all the characteristics of the breed, it can be called healthy. Proper care and proper feeding literally minimizes the risks of developing pathologies. The diseases to which Airedales are prone appear either in old age or are obvious hereditary ailments.

Skin diseases are a common problem for many Airedale Terriers:

Hot spots (raw eczema) are infectious skin lesions that lead to severe itching and pain. The dog tries to crawl out or scratch the wounds, which leads to increased humidity and worsens the situation. If treatment is ignored, eczema may increase in size or appear in new places. Treatment is conservative and long.

Demodectic mange is a skin disease caused by a microscopic parasite. Demodex (a parasite) constantly lives on the dog’s skin and begins to attack the host upon the onset of “favorable” stimuli (immunodeficiency, chronic colds, dysbacteriosis, etc.).

Melanoma is skin cancer.

Ophthalmological problems are caused by heredity:

  • Entropion (turn of the eyelid).
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.
  • Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Pannus.

Hereditary diseases of Airedale Terriers also include:

Hip dysplasia is a common pathology in medium- and large-sized service dogs. With age and a slower metabolism, joint tissues renew themselves more slowly, which leads to wear and tear of the joint or head of the bone. With quality care, symptoms are limited to lameness after sleep or during hypothermia.

Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's disease) is a pathology affecting the adrenal glands due to atrophy of their cortex. Much less commonly, Addison's disease is diagnosed as a complication of amyloidosis.

Hypothyroidism is a disease that indicates suppression of the thyroid gland and, as a result, a lack of hormones in the dog’s body.

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a pathology affecting the heart. It is diagnosed by dilation of the ventricles of the heart and loss of tone of fragments of the heart muscle.

Von Willebrand disease is a disease often called pseudohemophilia. The dog suffers from spontaneous bleeding from the mucous membranes due to a deficiency of one of the blood components (vWD). In rare cases, the syndrome may be acquired, but this indicates the presence of an additional pathology, possibly autoimmune.

Lymphoma is an oncological disease of the lymphatic system.

Airedale terrier puppies must undergo a medical examination, since the doctor must rule out the presence of several pathologies:

An umbilical hernia is an incompletely closed ring in the peritoneum. The threat is strangulation when a fragment of the intestine falls into the umbilical bursa. In severe cases, the puppy may die from necrosis and sepsis.

Renal dysplasia appears already in puppyhood. Pathology most often leads to the death of a dog at a young age.

Agenesis is a developmental defect leading to the absence of one or both kidneys.

The future owner needs to be on guard, since the small Airedale Terrier is very vulnerable to the harmful effects of parasites and viruses. When carrying out a planned mating, the bitch is given worm prevention; if this moment is missed, the litter is likely to be affected by worms. The consequences depend on the intensity of the invasion. The most harmless symptom is stunting. With a serious infestation, the puppy experiences severe drooling, vomiting, and a bloated abdomen. If the condition is ignored, the dog may die.

Description of the breed with photos

Dogs of this breed have an elongated body shape, a non-standard head shape, the skull of which is slightly elongated and quite flat with a wide base between the ears.

The eyes are small in size and always black. The nose is large and black.

The ears are relatively small, triangular in shape, fitting tightly to the head with drooping tips. The jaw is quite powerful, the upper row of teeth fits tightly to the lower row in a scissor-type manner.

The neck is strong with obvious muscularity, flowing smoothly from the head to the body.

The dog's paws are round in shape, small, but strong and strong. The body and lower back are quite muscular, which is characterized by endurance. The tail is short and set high.

During movement, the front legs move freely, and the hind legs provide strength and energy.

Size and weight

From birth, Airedale puppies have a square-shaped body. The Dwarf Airedale Terrier can reach 40 cm , and gain up to 10 kg . For comparison, the Maltese is smaller than the Airedale, reaching only 25 cm.

Color and coat type

Airedale Terriers differ in their color and coat type. They have a thick and wavy coat that fits tightly to the body. The length of the pile is usually within 8 cm.

The undercoat always has a special softness and density. On an elongated muzzle, the fur most often becomes longer towards the bottom, thus forming a mustache and beard. In its color, the breed has transitions in shades from light red to black. Darker shades are located on the sides of the head, on the top of the neck, on the back and near the tail. The ears and lower neck are a lighter shade of brown.

Why did you choose Airedales? It's not a very popular breed...

And thank God it’s not popular!

I always really liked them, including their character.

I'm not a fan of highly human-oriented dogs. I had to work with German shepherds for more than 10 years, I loved them very much, but trampling under my feet and looking into my mouth was very tiring. When walking, they need to be constantly occupied, even in the forest. The shepherd dog will gallop around on its own for two minutes, and then become firmly glued to the leg. This is probably good for the sport, but not good for me at all.

I love terriers for their independence, independence and intelligence.

Airedale Terriers are sanguine, they are as easily inhibited as they are excited. Therefore, they are very comfortable for living together.

Airedales bark very little. For my dog ​​to bark, something extraordinary must happen. For example, when the neighbors dragged the purchased sofa into the apartment past our door, the door was taken out, of course. And it’s so simple - why create noise?

Airedels with a breed mentality are fearless, flexible, quite flexible, moderately independent, and are highly trainable. Sometimes, however, I would like less intelligence

I was never able to switch to another breed. This is the third Airedale living in our family.

Which owner is it suitable for?

It is better not to own the Airedale Terrier and Mini Airedale Terrier dog breeds to people who do not have experience working with hunting dogs. The owner must be an unquestioning leader for his pet. Therefore, such a dog is not suitable for a person with a soft character. Erdeles are too active, so older people are not recommended to have such a friend. The breed in question is not suitable for a busy or inactive person. The owner must devote a lot of time to the pet, be a leader for it and actively play with it, since these creatures need a lot of stress. The owner must have a steady hand and an unbending character. Only with such an owner will the dog become an ideal friend for the whole family.

How to choose a puppy

Mom with puppy

Assess the general condition of the baby's mother. If the bitch looks unkempt and tired, you can’t count on a healthy litter. Find out how many Airedale puppies were initially in the litter, what kind of births the bitch had, as well as the ages of both parents. It is not advisable to acquire a four-legged friend from a too young or elderly couple. The choice of a pet that will never enter the ring begins from the first days of birth. People begin to look closely at show Airedales already at a more serious age (5-6 months), when their exterior characteristics are expressed as clearly as possible. Having little experience in training hunting breeds, it is better to opt for “girls”, they learn faster

Airedale terrier males are more independent, although their temperament is much more restrained. Pay attention to the location of the white spots on the puppy's coat. If an Airedale Terrier has white toes, this is not a defect.

As they grow older and their coat changes, the markings will disappear, leaving only a few light hairs as a reminder of themselves. If the white “blots” are located above the toes, directly on the paws, they will only become more noticeable with age, as will the white “cloud” between the front legs, grabbing the puppy’s chest. Check with the breeder whether the puppies' parents have been tested for genetic diseases - degenerative myelopathy and hyperuricosuria. Check the weight of the Airedale terrier puppy before purchasing: a 2-month-old baby should weigh at least 6 kg, a 3-month-old – 10-11 kg.

Training and teaching a dog from the movie “Adventures of Electronics”

Puppies are best trained. Airedale dogs need to be trained in a gentle but persistent manner. Things that are not allowed should always be prohibited. For training, it is best to contact a dog trainer. After all, it is very difficult for people who have never trained to separate their feelings for their beloved pet and the requirements that must be strictly observed. If the owner has a gentle character and violates the strict rules of upbringing, the dog will stop obeying him.

Learn how to make a dog house and enclosure.

The Airedale should be handled in a playful way, gently but persistently. They don't like to learn by force. They need to be attracted and interested. And only then will it be possible to properly raise the dog. It is best to train a four-legged pet in a familiar environment, for example, at home. In an unfamiliar place, he will be distracted by foreign smells, sounds, objects. You should not start training your puppy if he is busy playing, tired or hungry.

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